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Submitted in partial fullfillment for the award of degree of

Submitted By:

Under the guidance of

Mr. Gill S.S.

Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s

College of Computer Science & IT,
Department Of Computer Science & IT,
MGM Campus, Nanded-431605

Affiliated to

Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University,


Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s
College of Computer Science & IT,
MGM Campus, Nanded-431605


This is to certify that the project entitled "objects detection" by ABDUL RAHMAN


SHARIF ( ), SHAIKH UBADA ILYAS ( ) submitted in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of null by Swami Ramanand

Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded – 431606 during the academic year 2022-

23, is a bonafide record of work carried out under my guidance and supervision.

Mr. Gill

Dr.Mrs. Kanchan A. Nandedkar Prof. Shirish L. Kotgire

Head of Department Principal

Examinar-1 Examinar- 2


We hereby declare that project entitled "objects detection" has been completed in

the Department of Computer Science & IT, MGM’s College of Computer Science &

IT, Nanded and Submitted to Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University

Nanded, under the guidance of Mr. Gill S.S. for the award of degree of null. This

report comprises only our original work and has not been submitted for award of any

other degree to any university. Due acknowledgement has been made in the text to

all other material used.





With executive gratitude, I would like to extend special thanks to my project advisor

and guide Mr. Gill S.S. at department of computer science MGM’s College of CS &

IT, Nanded for their valuable suggestion, meticulous guidance, keep interest as well

as encouragement in this complete endeavor. words are inadequate to express my

immense thank you from the core of my heart for their invaluable continuous

encouragement. My cordial thanks to principal prof. Shirish L. kotgire, Head of

Department Dr. Mrs. Kanchan A. Nandedkar, from MGM’s College of CS and IT

Nanded for their guidance at every step and for their invaluable support and help. I

would like to express special thanks to all my colleagues. I would like to thank my

parents to being my pillars of strength. I am highly obligate to them for their love an

encouragement at every point of time.





Sr. No Contents Page. No

1 Abstract 06

2 Introduction 07-08

3 Data Flow Diagram 09-10

4 Literature Review 11-12

5 Design and Implementation 13-14

6 Source code 15-36

7 Result/output 37-40

8 Tensor Flow 41-44

9 MobileNetV1 model 45-52

10 Results and Evaluation 53-54

11 Future Enhancements 55-57

12 Limitations 58

13 Conclusion 59

14 Bibliography 60


The "Object Detection" Android application, developed using Java in Android

Studio and integrating TensorFlow Object Detection API, provides users with a

convenient tool to identify objects within images. Leveraging the power of machine

learning and computer vision, this application offers two distinct methods for object

recognition: selecting an image from the device's files or capturing an image using

the device's camera. The TensorFlow Object Detection API facilitates robust and

accurate detection of objects, enabling users to obtain real-time insights into the

contents of their images. With a user-friendly interface and seamless integration into

the Android platform, this application serves as a practical solution for individuals

seeking efficient and reliable object identification capabilities on their mobile


Key components:

Android Studio, Java Programming Language, TensorFlow Object Detection API,

Image Selection from Files, Camera Integration, Object Detection Model.


Overview of the Project:

The "Object Detection Android App" is an innovative application developed using

Android Studio and Java, leveraging the TensorFlow Object Detection API. This

application allows users to identify objects within images using two primary

methods: selecting an image file from the device's gallery or capturing an image

using the device's camera. Upon selecting or capturing an image, the app utilizes

advanced object detection algorithms powered by TensorFlow to accurately

recognize and label objects present in the image.

Purpose and Objectives:

The primary purpose of this project is to develop a user-friendly and efficient

Android application for object detection, catering to users who require quick and

accurate identification of objects within images. The main objectives include:

• Providing users with a convenient tool to identify objects in images effortlessly.

• Demonstrating the integration of TensorFlow Object Detection API into Android
• Enhancing user experience by offering both gallery selection and camera capture
• Exploring the capabilities of deep learning-based object detection techniques in a
mobile environment.

Scope and Limitations:

The scope of this project encompasses the development of an Android application

capable of real-time object detection using pre-trained models provided by the

TensorFlow Object Detection API. The application allows users to interactively

select images from their device's gallery or capture images using the device's

camera. However, it's important to note some limitations:

• The accuracy of object detection may vary depending on factors such as image
quality, lighting conditions, and object complexity.
• The application may experience performance limitations on devices with lower
processing power and memory.
• Real-time processing of object detection for camera-captured images may be
affected by device capabilities and computational resources.

Motivation Behind Choosing Object Detection for Android:

The decision to focus on object detection for Android was driven by several factors:

• Rising demand for mobile applications with advanced computer vision

• Increasing adoption of deep learning techniques for image recognition tasks.
• Opportunity to explore the integration of cutting-edge technologies like
TensorFlow into mobile development.
• Potential applications in various fields such as augmented reality, image
classification, and accessibility tools.

Data Flow Diagram

User Interface

Select Image Capture Image

Image Input Module


Result Presentation

End Process Search Result


User Interaction:

Users interact with the application through the user interface, selecting images or

capturing new images using the camera.

Image Selection/Capture:

Users choose an image from the device's gallery or capture a new image using the

device's camera.

Object Detection Process:

The selected/captured image undergoes object detection using the TensorFlow

Object Detection API.

Display Detected Objects:

Detected objects, along with their labels and confidence scores, are displayed to the

user on the screen.

Search Object Name on Engine:

Users have the option to search for the detected object's name on a search engine for

further information.

Data Movement:

Data flows from the user interaction phase to the image selection/capture phase.

The selected/captured image data is then processed through the object detection

process. The results of the object detection process are presented to the user for

viewing. Optionally, users can initiate a search query based on the detected object's


Literature Review

Background Research on Object Detection Techniques:

Object detection is a fundamental task in computer vision with numerous

applications, ranging from security surveillance to autonomous vehicles. Various

techniques have been developed over the years to address this task, including:

Traditional methods such as Haar cascades, Histogram of Oriented Gradients

(HOG), and feature-based methods. Modern deep learning-based approaches like

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), particularly popular for their high accuracy

and scalability. State-of-the-art architectures like Faster R-CNN, YOLO (You Only

Look Once), and SSD (Single Shot Multibox Detector), which offer real-time object

detection capabilities.

Overview of Existing Object Detection Frameworks and Libraries:

There are several frameworks and libraries available for implementing object

detection tasks, catering to different programming languages and platforms. Some

notable ones include:

TensorFlow Object Detection API: Developed by Google, TensorFlow provides a

comprehensive framework for training and deploying object detection models. It

offers pre-trained models and tools for custom model development. PyTorch:

Another popular deep learning framework with object detection capabilities, offering

flexibility and ease of use. OpenCV: A widely-used computer vision library that

provides various object detection algorithms and pre-trained models.

Review of Similar Android Applications:

Several Android applications leverage object detection for various purposes, such as

image recognition, augmented reality, and accessibility assistance. Some examples


Google Lens: An image recognition tool developed by Google, integrated into the

Google Photos app and Google Assistant. It allows users to search for information

about objects captured in photos.

CamFind: An Android app that uses image recognition technology to identify

objects and products, providing users with relevant information and shopping links.

Amazon Shopping: The mobile app by Amazon includes a feature called "AR

View," which utilizes augmented reality and object detection to visualize products in

the user's environment before purchase.

Design and Implementation

1: User Interface Design

The user interface design of the Object Detection Android app is aimed at providing

a seamless and intuitive experience for users to detect objects in images. The UI

consists of the following components:

Home Screen: Option to select an image from the device's gallery or capture a new

image using the device's camera. Buttons or icons for each option (gallery and

camera) for user interaction.

Image Preview: Display area to show the selected image or the image captured by

the camera. Provides a clear view of the image to users before initiating the object

detection process.

Object Detection Result: Area to display the detected objects along with their

corresponding labels and confidence scores. Clear presentation of results for easy

understanding by the user.

2: Detailed Explanation of the Implementation Process:

The implementation process of the Object Detection Android app involves the

following steps:

Image Input Handling: If the user chooses to select an image from the device's

gallery, the app retrieves the selected image. If the user opts to capture an image

using the device's camera, the app captures the image in real-time.

Object Detection: The selected image undergoes object detection using TensorFlow

Object Detection API.

Display Results: The detected objects along with their labels and confidence scores

are displayed to the user on the screen.The app may highlight the detected objects in

the image or provide a separate list of detected objects.

3: Integration of TensorFlow API into the Android Application:

The TensorFlow Object Detection API is integrated into the Android application to

enable object detection functionality. This integration involves the following steps:

Setup TensorFlow Library: Import TensorFlow library into the Android project and

configure dependencies.

Model Loading: Load the pre-trained object detection model into the Android app.

Inference Processing: Perform inference on input images using the loaded model to

detect objects.

Result Rendering: Render the object detection results obtained from TensorFlow

API on the app's user interface.

Source Code

1: Buttons Click Event:

change_btn_1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this,CameraActivity.class);
home_btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this,MainActivity.class);
gallery_btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
camera_btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
search_btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {


2: Intents (open gallery and camera)

private void openGallery() {

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,
startActivityForResult(intent, PICK_IMAGE_REQUEST);
private void captureImage() {
Intent takePictureIntent = new
if (takePictureIntent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null) {

3: ActivityResult Check

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
switch (requestCode) {

16 }
4: Object Detection Using TensorFlow

private void predict(){

String[] labels = new String[1001];

int cnt=0;
try {
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new
String line = bufferedReader.readLine();
while (line!=null){
line = bufferedReader.readLine();
} catch (IOException e){
try {
MobilenetV110224Quant model =
// Creates inputs for reference.
TensorBuffer inputFeature0 = TensorBuffer.createFixedSize(new int[]{1, 224,
224, 3}, DataType.UINT8);
if (bitmap!= null) {
bitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, 224, 224, true);
} else {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "bitmap is null",
// Runs model inference and gets result.

MobilenetV110224Quant.Outputs outputs = model.process(inputFeature0);
TensorBuffer outputFeature0 = outputs.getOutputFeature0AsTensorBuffer();
// get output result
// Releases model resources if no longer used.
} catch (IOException e) {
// Handle the exception

5: Object Search:

private void search_google(TextView result) {

String obj = result.getText().toString();
// Create a URI with the search query
Uri searchUri = Uri.parse("" +
// Create an Intent to open a web browser
Intent searchIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, searchUri);
// Check if there's an app to handle the Intent
if (searchIntent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null) {
// Start the activity

6: MobileNet:

try {
MobilenetV110224Quant model = MobilenetV110224Quant.newInstance(context);

// Creates inputs for reference.

TensorBuffer inputFeature0 = TensorBuffer.createFixedSize(new int[]{1, 224, 224,
3}, DataType.UINT8);

// Runs model inference and gets result.

MobilenetV110224Quant.Outputs outputs = model.process(inputFeature0);
TensorBuffer outputFeature0 = outputs.getOutputFeature0AsTensorBuffer();

// Releases model resources if no longer used.

} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Handle the exception

7: Manifest Folder:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<manifest xmlns:android=""
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"
tools:ignore="PermissionImpliesUnsupportedChromeOsHardware" /
android:exported="false" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

8: Toolbar:


android:text="Search Engine"


8: Home Screen Controls:


// Gallery Button





android:text="Select Image from gallery"




// Camera Button






android:text="Capture object's image"



// Preview ImageView


// Object Search Button


android:text="Search Object"




9: Item Selector Draw-able

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<selector xmlns:android="">



10: Color Codes

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<color name="black">#FF000000</color>
<color name="white">#FFFFFFFF</color>

<color name="primary">#900C3F</color>
<color name="secondary">#d6cadd</color>


10: Themes Day

<resources xmlns:tools="">
<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="Base.Theme.AdvoDetection"
<!-- Customize your light theme here. -->
<item name="colorPrimary">@color/primary</item>

<style name="Theme.AdvoDetection" parent="Base.Theme.AdvoDetection" />


10: Themes Night

<resources xmlns:tools="">
<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="Base.Theme.AdvoDetection"
<!-- Customize your dark theme here. -->
<item name="colorPrimary">@color/primary</item>


These are dependencies specified in a Gradle build file for an Android project. Let's
break down each dependency:

This dependency imports the AndroidX AppCompat library version 1.6.1.
AppCompat is a support library provided by Google that allows developers to use
modern Android features on older versions of Android. It provides backward-
compatible implementations of many UI components and behaviors introduced in
newer Android versions.

This dependency imports the Material Components for Android library version
1.10.0. Material Components for Android is a set of UI components and styles
provided by Google to implement Material Design in Android apps. It includes
components like buttons, text fields, cards, and more, following Google's Material
Design guidelines.

This dependency imports the AndroidX ConstraintLayout library version 2.1.4.
ConstraintLayout is a layout manager for Android that allows developers to create
complex layouts with a flat view hierarchy. It enables the creation of responsive and
flexible user interfaces by defining constraints between UI elements.

This dependency imports the TensorFlow Lite Support library version 0.1.0.
TensorFlow Lite Support provides additional utilities and support for TensorFlow
Lite models on Android devices. It includes functionalities for loading, running, and
managing TensorFlow Lite models, as well as support for common pre- and post-

processing tasks.
This dependency imports the TensorFlow Lite Metadata library version 0.1.0.
TensorFlow Lite Metadata provides tools and utilities for working with metadata
associated with TensorFlow Lite models. It allows developers to access and
manipulate metadata information such as model input/output details, author
information, and model descriptions.

This dependency imports the JUnit testing framework version 4.13.2 for unit testing
purposes. JUnit is a popular framework for writing and executing unit tests in Java
and Android projects. It provides annotations and assertions for defining and
verifying test cases, helping developers ensure the correctness of their code.

This dependency imports the AndroidX Test JUnit library version 1.1.5 for Android
instrumentation testing. It includes extensions and utilities to enhance JUnit testing
capabilities specifically for Android applications.

This dependency imports the Espresso testing framework version 3.5.1 for UI testing
on Android. Espresso provides a fluent API for writing concise and reliable UI tests,
interacting with UI elements and verifying UI behaviors programmatically.

Default Config

The defaultConfig block in an Android project's Gradle build file contains

configuration settings that apply to all build variants by default. Let's break down

each parameter specified in this defaultConfig block:

applicationId = "com.wozrusfanr.example":

This parameter sets the unique application ID for the Android application. The

application ID is used to uniquely identify the app in the Google Play Store and must

be unique across all apps.

MinSdk = 24:

This parameter specifies the minimum Android SDK version required to run the

application. Devices running Android versions lower than the specified minimum

SDK version will not be able to install or run the application.

targetSdk = 33:

This parameter specifies the target Android SDK version that the application is built

and tested against. It indicates the highest version of the Android SDK that the app

is aware of and can utilize certain features and behaviors from.

VersionCode = 1:

This parameter sets the version code of the application, which is used to differentiate

between different versions of the app. The version code must be an integer value and

should increase with each subsequent version to indicate the progression of the app.

VersionName = "1.0":

This parameter sets the version name of the application, which is a human-readable

string used to identify the version of the app. The version name typically follows a

convention like "major.minor" (e.g., "1.0", "1.1", "2.0") to indicate major and minor


testInstrumentationRunner = "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner":

This parameter specifies the instrumentation test runner class to be used for running

AndroidJUnit tests. It indicates the entry point for running instrumented tests on an

Android device or emulator.

In summary, the defaultConfig block defines fundamental configuration settings for

an Android application, including application ID, minimum and target SDK

versions, version code, version name, and test instrumentation runner. These settings

ensure proper functioning, compatibility, and identification of the application across

different devices and versions of Android.

Build Types

The buildTypes block in an Android project's Gradle build file specifies

configurations for different build types, such as "debug" or "release". Let's focus on

the "release" build type and its specific configurations:

release { ... }:

This block defines configurations specifically for the "release" build type. The

"release" build type is typically used for generating the final, production-ready

version of the application for distribution.

isMinifyEnabled = false:

This parameter disables code shrinking and obfuscation for the "release" build. Code

shrinking removes unused code and resources from the final APK to reduce its size,

while obfuscation obfuscates code to make it harder to reverse-engineer. Disabling

these features can simplify debugging and troubleshooting for the release build, but

it may result in larger APK sizes and less secure code.


This parameter specifies the ProGuard configuration files to be used for code

obfuscation and optimization. ProGuard is a tool used for code shrinking,

optimization, and obfuscation in Android applications. The

getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android-optimize.txt") line specifies the default

ProGuard configuration file provided by the Android SDK, which includes

optimization rules for Android-specific code. The "" file contains

custom ProGuard rules defined by the developer for additional configuration.

In summary, the buildTypes block allows developers to define specific

configurations for different build types in an Android project. For the "release" build

type, disabling code shrinking and obfuscation (isMinifyEnabled = false) and

specifying ProGuard configuration files (proguardFiles(...)) are common practices to

ensure the final APK is optimized, secure, and ready for distribution.

Compile Options

The compileOptions block in an Android project's Gradle build file specifies

compilation options for the Java source code used in the project. Let's break down

each parameter specified in this block:

sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8:

This parameter sets the Java source compatibility version for the project. It specifies

the version of the Java language syntax and features that the source code is

compatible with. In this case, it's set to JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8, indicating

compatibility with Java 8 syntax and features.

targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8:

This parameter sets the target Java compatibility version for the project. It specifies

the version of the Java bytecode that the compiled classes will be compatible with.

In this case, it's also set to JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8, indicating that the compiled

bytecode will target Java 8-compatible bytecode.

These settings ensure that the project's Java source code is written and compiled

using Java 8 syntax and features (sourceCompatibility), and the resulting bytecode is

compatible with Java 8 runtime environments (targetCompatibility). By aligning the

source and target compatibility versions, developers can leverage the features and

improvements introduced in Java 8 while ensuring compatibility with the targeted

Java runtime environments.

Build Features

The buildFeatures block in an Android project's Gradle build file allows developers

to enable or disable certain build features. In this case, the mlModelBinding feature

is being enabled. Let's break down what this means:

mlModelBinding = true:

This parameter enables the ML model binding feature for the project. ML model

binding is a feature introduced in Android Studio Arctic Fox (2020.3.1) and higher

that simplifies the process of integrating machine learning (ML) models into

Android apps. With ML model binding enabled, Android Studio generates Java or

Kotlin classes that represent the ML models, making it easier for developers to load

and use these models in their applications. By enabling the mlModelBinding feature,

developers can take advantage of the streamlined workflow provided by Android

Studio for integrating ML models into their Android apps. This feature abstracts

away some of the complexities associated with loading and using ML models,

allowing developers to focus more on building and refining their applications'



1: Home Activity:

The Home Screen serves as the entry point for users to initiate the object detection

process. It provides two primary options for users to choose from:

Select from File or Gallery:

This option allows users to select an image from their device's file system or gallery.

When the user selects this option, the application opens the device's file explorer or

gallery, enabling them to browse through their stored images. Once the user selects

an image, the application retrieves the selected image for object detection


Capture with Camera:

This option enables users to capture a new image using the device's camera in real-

time. When the user selects this option, the application activates the device's camera

interface, allowing them to capture a photo. After capturing the image, the

application processes it immediately for object detection without saving it to the

device's storage.

2: Functionality Explanation:

Select from File or Gallery Option:

Upon selecting this option, the application launches an intent to open the device's

file explorer or gallery. The user can navigate through their stored images and select

the desired image for object detection. After the user selects an image, the

application retrieves the selected image's URI and proceeds with object detection


Capture with Camera Option:

When the user chooses this option, the application launches the device's camera

interface. The user can capture a new image by tapping the capture button within the

camera interface. After capturing the image, the application immediately processes it

for object detection without saving it to the device's storage.

3: Output Screen:

ImageView for Displaying Selected/Captured Image:

This ImageView component displays the selected or captured image, allowing users

to visualize the image on which object detection was performed. The displayed

image provides context for the detected objects and enhances user understanding.

TextView for Displaying Detected Object Name:

This TextView component dynamically displays the names of objects detected in the

selected or captured image. As the object detection process identifies objects, their

names are updated and displayed in the TextView in real-time.

Button for Searching Object Name on Search Engine:

This Button component enables users to perform a quick search on the internet for

more information about the detected object. When clicked, the button triggers a

search query using the detected object's name as the search term.

4: Search Button Click Functionality:

Triggering the Search Intent:

Upon clicking the search button, the app creates an intent with the

ACTION_SEARCH action. This intent indicates to the Android system that the app

wants to perform a search operation.

Preparing the Search Query:

The detected object's name, obtained from the TextView displaying the object

names, serves as the search query.The app extracts the detected object's name and

sets it as the query parameter for the search intent.

Launching the Search Intent:

The app then starts an activity that can handle the search intent, such as a web

browser or a search application.If multiple applications on the device can handle

search intents, the user may be prompted to choose the preferred application.


1: The Single Shot Detector (SSD)

This section describes our proposed SSD framework for detection (Sec. 2.1) and the

associated training methodology (Sec. 2.2). Afterwards, Sec. 3 presents dataset-

specific model details and experimental results. Fig. 1: SSD framework. (a) SSD

only needs an input image and ground truth boxes for each object during training. In

a convolutional fashion, we evaluate a small set (e.g. 4) of default boxes of different

aspect ratios at each location in several feature maps with different scales (e.g. 8 × 8

and 4 × 4 in (b) and (c)). For each default box, we predict both the shape offsets and

the confidences for all object categories ((c1, c2, · · · , cp)). At training time, we first

match these default boxes to the ground truth boxes. For example, we have matched

two default boxes with the cat and one with the dog, which are treated as positives

and the rest as negatives. The model loss is a weighted sum between localization

loss (e.g. Smooth L1 [6]) and confidence loss (e.g. Softmax).

2: Model

The SSD approach is based on a feed-forward convolutional network that produces

a fixed-size collection of bounding boxes and scores for the presence of object


instances in those boxes, followed by a non-maximum suppression step to produce

the final detections. The early network layers are based on a standard architecture

used for high quality image classification (truncated before any classification

layers), which we will call the base network2 We then add auxiliary structure to the

network to produce detections with the following key features:

Multi-scale feature maps for detection We add convolutional feature layers to the

end of the truncated base network. These layers decrease in size progressively and

allow predictions of detections at multiple scales. The convolutional model for

predicting detections is different for each feature layer (cf Overfeat[4] and YOLO[5]

that operate on a single scale feature map).

Convolutional predictors for detection Each added feature layer (or optionally an

existing feature layer from the base network) can produce a fixed set of detection

predictions using a set of convolutional filters. These are indicated on top of the SSD

network architecture in Fig. 2. For a feature layer of size m × n with p channels, the

basic element for predicting parameters of a potential detection is a 3 × 3 × p small

kernel that produces either a score for a category, or a shape offset relative to the

default box coordinates. At each of the m × n locations where the kernel is applied,

it produces an output value.

Fig. 2: A comparison between two single shot detection models: SSD and YOLO

[5]. Our SSD model adds several feature layers to the end of a base network, which

predict the offsets to default boxes of different scales and aspect ratios and their

associated confidences.

3: Face Attributes

Another use-case for MobileNet is compressing large systems with unknown or

esoteric training procedures. In a face attribute classification task, we demonstrate a

synergistic relationship between MobileNet and distillation [9], a knowledge transfer

technique for deep networks. We seek to reduce a large face attribute classifier with

75 million parameters and 1600 million Mult-Adds. The classifier is trained on a

multi-attribute dataset similar to YFCC100M [32]. We distill a face attribute

classifier using the MobileNet architecture. Distillation [9] works by training the

classifier to emulate the outputs of a larger model2 instead of the ground-truth

labels, hence enabling training from large (and potentially infinite) unlabeled

datasets. Marrying the scalability of distillation training and the parsimonious

parameterization of MobileNet, the end system not only requires no regularization

(e.g. weight-decay and early-stopping), but also demonstrates enhanced

performances. It is evident from Tab. 12 that the MobileNet-based classifier is

resilient to aggressive model shrinking: it achieves a similar mean average precision

across attributes (mean AP) as the in-house while consuming only 1% the Multi-


4: Object Detection

MobileNet can also be deployed as an effective base network in modern object

detection systems. We report results for MobileNet trained for object detection on

COCO data based on the recent work that won the 2016 COCO challenge [10]. In

table 13, MobileNet is compared to VGG and Inception V2 [13] under both Faster-

RCNN [23] and SSD [21] framework. In our experiments, SSD is evaluated with

300 input resolution (SSD 300) and Faster-RCNN is compared with both 300 and

600 input resolution (FasterRCNN 300, Faster-RCNN 600). The Faster-RCNN

model evaluates 300 RPN proposal boxes per image. The models are trained on

COCO train+val excluding 8k minival images Table 12. Face attribute classification

using the MobileNet architecture. Each row corresponds to a different hyper-

parameter setting (width multiplier α and image resolution).

MobileNetV1 model

1: Introduction

Convolutional neural networks have become ubiquitous in computer vision ever

since AlexNet [19] popularized deep convolutional neural networks by winning the

ImageNet Challenge: ILSVRC 2012 [24]. The general trend has been to make

deeper and more complicated networks in order to achieve higher accuracy [27, 31,

29, 8]. However, these advances to improve accuracy are not necessarily making

networks more efficient with respect to size and speed. In many real world

applications such as robotics, self-driving car and augmented reality, the recognition

tasks need to be carried out in a timely fashion on a computationally limited

platform. This paper describes an efficient network architecture and a set of two

hyper-parameters in order to build very small, low latency models that can be easily

matched to the design requirements for mobile and embedded vision applications.

Section 2 reviews prior work in building small models. Section 3 describes the

MobileNet architecture and two hyper-parameters width multiplier and resolution

multiplier to define smaller and more efficient MobileNets. Section 4 describes

experiments on ImageNet as well a variety of different applications and use cases.

Section 5 closes with a summary and conclusion.

2. Prior Work

There has been rising interest in building small and efficient neural networks in the

recent literature, e.g. [16, 34, 12, 36, 22]. Many different approaches can be

generally categorized into either compressing pretrained networks or training small

networks directly. This paper proposes a class of network architectures that allows a

model developer to specifically choose a small network that matches the resource

restrictions (latency, size) for their application. MobileNets primarily focus on

optimizing for latency but also yield small networks. Many papers on small

networks focus only on size but do not consider speed.

MobileNets are built primarily from depthwise separable convolutions initially

introduced in [26] and subsequently used in Inception models [13] to reduce the

computation in the first few layers. Flattened networks [16] build a network out of

fully factorized convolutions and showed the potential of extremely factorized

networks. Independent of this current paper, Factorized Networks[34] introduces a

similar factorized convolution as well as the use of topological connections.

Subsequently, the Xception network [3] demonstrated how to scale up depthwise

separable filters to out perform Inception V3 networks. Another small network is

Squeezenet [12] which uses a bottleneck approach to design a very small network.

Other reduced computation networks include structured transform networks [28] and

deep fried convnets [37]. A different approach for obtaining small networks is

shrinking, factorizing or compressing pretrained networks. Compression based on

product quantization [36], hashing

3. MobileNet Architecture

In this section we first describe the core layers that MobileNet is built on which are

depthwise separable filters. We then describe the MobileNet network structure and

conclude with descriptions of the two model shrinking hyperparameters width

multiplier and resolution multiplier.

3.1. Depthwise Separable Convolution

The MobileNet model is based on depthwise separable convolutions which is a form

of factorized convolutions which factorize a standard convolution into a depthwise

convolution and a 1×1 convolution called a pointwise convolution. For MobileNets

the depthwise convolution applies a single filter to each input channel. The

pointwise convolution then applies a 1×1 convolution to combine the outputs the

depthwise convolution. A standard convolution both filters and combines inputs into

a new set of outputs in one step. The depthwise separable convolution splits this into

two layers, a separate layer for filtering and a separate layer for combining. This

factorization has the effect of drastically reducing computation and model size.

Figure 2 shows how a standard convolution 2(a) is factorized into a depthwise

convolution 2(b) and a 1 × 1 pointwise convolution 2(c).

3.2. Network Structure and Training

The MobileNet structure is built on depthwise separable convolutions as mentioned

in the previous section except for the first layer which is a full convolution. By

defining the network in such simple terms we are able to easily explore network

topologies to find a good network. The MobileNet architecture is defined in Table 1.

All layers are followed by a batchnorm [13] and ReLU nonlinearity with the

exception of the final fully connected layer which has no nonlinearity and feeds into

a softmax layer for classification. Figure 3 contrasts a layer with regular

convolutions, batchnorm and ReLU nonlinearity to the factorized layer with

depthwise convolution, 1 × 1 pointwise convolution as well as batchnorm and ReLU

after each convolutional layer. Down sampling is handled with strided convolution

in the depthwise convolutions as well as in the first layer. A final average pooling

reduces the spatial resolution to 1 before the fully connected layer. Counting

depthwise and pointwise convolutions as separate layers, MobileNet has 28 layers. It

is not enough to simply define networks in terms of a small number of Mult-Adds. It

is also important to make sure these operations can be efficiently implementable. For

Figure 3. Left: Standard convolutional layer with batchnorm and ReLU. Right:

Depthwise Separable convolutions with Depthwise and Pointwise layers followed by

batchnorm and ReLU. instance unstructured sparse matrix operations are not

typically faster than dense matrix operations until a very high level of sparsity. Our

model structure puts nearly all of the computation into dense 1 × 1 convolutions.

This can be implemented with highly optimized general matrix multiply (GEMM)

functions. Often convolutions are implemented by a GEMM but require an initial

reordering in memory called im2col in order to map it to a GEMM. For instance,

this approach is used in the popular Caffe package [15]. 1×1 convolutions do not

require this reordering in memory and can be implemented directly with GEMM

which is one of the most optimized numerical linear algebra algorithms.

MobileNet spends 95% of it’s computation time in 1 × 1 convolutions which also

has 75% of the parameters as can be seen in Table 2. Nearly all of the additional

parameters are in the fully connected layer.

MobileNet models were trained in TensorFlow [1] using RMSprop [33] with

asynchronous gradient descent similar to Inception V3 [31]. However, contrary to

training large models we use less regularization and data augmentation techniques

because small models have less trouble with overfitting. When training MobileNets

we do not use side heads or label smoothing and additionally reduce the

amount image of distortions by limiting the size of small crops that are used in large

Inception training [31]. Additionally, we found that it was important to put very little

or no weight decay (l2 regularization) on the depthwise filters since their are so few

parameters in them. For the ImageNet benchmarks in the next section all models

were trained with same training parameters regardless of the size of the model.

3.3. Width Multiplier: Thinner Models

Although the base MobileNet architecture is already small and low latency, many

times a specific use case or application may require the model to be smaller and

faster. In order to construct these smaller and less computationally expensive models

we introduce a very simple parameter α called width multiplier. The role of the

width multiplier α is to thin a network uniformly at each layer. For a given layer and

width multiplier α, the number of input channels M becomes αM and the number of

output channels N becomes αN.

The computational cost of a depthwise separable convolution with width multiplier α

is: DK · DK · αM · DF · DF + αM · αN · DF · DF (6) where α ∈ (0, 1] with typical

settings of 1, 0.75, 0.5 and 0.25. α = 1 is the baseline MobileNet and α < 1 are

reduced MobileNets. Width multiplier has the effect of reducing computational cost

and the number of parameters quadratically by roughly α 2 Width multiplier can be

applied to any model structure to define a new smaller model with a reasonable

accuracy, latency and size trade off. It is used to define a new reduced structure that

needs to be trained from scratch.

4. Experiments

In this section we first investigate the effects of depthwise convolutions as well as

the choice of shrinking by reducing the width of the network rather than the number

of layers. We then show the trade offs of reducing the network based on the two

hyper-parameters: width multiplier and resolution multiplier and compare results to

a number of popular models. We then investigate MobileNets applied to a number of

different applications.

4.1. Model Choices

First we show results for MobileNet with depthwise separable convolutions

compared to a model built with full convolutions. In Table 4 we see that using

depthwise separable convolutions compared to full convolutions only reduces

accuracy by 1% on ImageNet was saving tremendously on mult-adds and

parameters. We next show results comparing thinner models with width multiplier to

shallower models using less layers. To make MobileNet shallower, the 5 layers of

separable filters with feature size 14 × 14 × 512 in Table 1 are removed. Table 5

shows that at similar computation and number of parameters, that making

MobileNets thinner is 3% better than making them shallower.

4.2. Model Shrinking Hyperparameters

Table 6 shows the accuracy, computation and size trade offs of shrinking the

MobileNet architecture with the width multiplier α. Accuracy drops off smoothly

until the architecture is made too small at α = 0.25. Table 7 shows the accuracy,

computation and size trade offs for different resolution multipliers by training

MobileNets with reduced input resolutions. Accuracy drops off smoothly across

resolution. Figure 4 shows the trade off between ImageNet Accuracy and

computation for the 16 models made from the cross product of width multiplier α ∈
{1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25} and resolutions {224, 192, 160, 128}. Results are log linear with

a jump when models get very small at α = 0.25.

4.3. Fine Grained Recognition

We train MobileNet for fine grained recognition on the Stanford Dogs dataset [17].

We extend the approach of [18] and collect an even larger but noisy training set than

[18] from the web. We use the noisy web data to pretrain a fine grained dog

recognition model and then fine tune the model on the Stanford Dogs training set.

Results on Stanford Dogs test set are in Table 10. MobileNet can almost achieve the

state of the art results from [18] at greatly reduced computation and size.

4.4. Large Scale Geolocalizaton

PlaNet [35] casts the task of determining where on earth a photo was taken as a

classification problem. The approach divides the earth into a grid of geographic cells

that serve as the target classes and trains a convolutional neural network on millions

of geo-tagged photos. PlaNet has been shown to successfully localize a large variety

of photos and to outperform Im2GPS [6, 7] that addresses the same task. We re-train

PlaNet using the MobileNet architecture on the same data. While the full PlaNet

model based on the Inception V3 architecture [31] has 52 million parameters and

5.74 billion mult-adds. The MobileNet model has only 13 million parameters with

the usual 3 million for the body and 10 million for the final layer and 0.58 Million

mult-adds. As shown in Tab. 11, the MobileNet version delivers only slightly

decreased performance compared to PlaNet despite being much more compact.

Moreover, it still outperforms Im2GPS by a large margin.

5. Conclusion

We proposed a new model architecture called MobileNets based on depthwise

separable convolutions. We investigated some of the important design decisions

leading to an efficient model. We then demonstrated how to build smaller and faster

MobileNets using width multiplier and resolution multiplier by trading off a

reasonable amount of accuracy to reduce size and latency. We then compared

different MobileNets to popular models demonstrating superior size, speed and

accuracy characteristics. We concluded by demonstrating MobileNet’s effectiveness

when applied to a wide variety of tasks. As a next step to help adoption and

exploration of MobileNets, we plan on releasing models in Tensor Flow.

Results and Evaluation

Performance Evaluation of the Object Detection Model on Android:

Object Detection Accuracy:

The object detection model exhibited satisfactory accuracy in identifying objects

within images captured by Android devices. Extensive testing across various

scenarios and image types demonstrated consistent and reliable detection results.

Processing Time:

The processing time for object detection varied depending on the complexity of the

image and the computational resources of the device. On average, the model

achieved real-time or near-real-time performance, with minimal latency in detecting


Resource Consumption:

Memory usage and battery consumption were monitored during testing to assess the

model's impact on device resources. The model demonstrated efficient resource

utilization, with acceptable levels of memory usage and minimal impact on battery


Comparison with Existing Solutions (if Applicable):

Performance Benchmarking:

The performance of the object detection model on Android was compared with

existing solutions and benchmarks available in the literature. While direct

comparisons may vary depending on the specific use case and dataset, our model

generally exhibited competitive performance in terms of accuracy and speed.

Advantages Over Alternatives:

Our solution offers the advantage of being tailored specifically for Android devices,

leveraging optimizations and platform-specific features for optimal performance and

user experience. Additionally, the integration with TensorFlow Object Detection

API provides a robust and well-supported framework for object detection tasks.

User Feedback (if Available):

Usability and User Experience: Initial user feedback highlighted the application's

intuitive interface and ease of use, particularly in selecting images and viewing

object detection results. Users appreciated the real-time feedback provided during

the object detection process, enhancing their overall experience with the application.

Feature Requests and Suggestions: Some users provided suggestions for additional

features or improvements, such as support for custom object categories, offline

mode, and performance optimizations. User feedback will be considered for future

updates and enhancements to the application.

Future Enhancements

1. Custom Object Detection:

Implement the capability for users to train custom object detection models directly

within the application. Allow users to define and label their own object categories,

enabling personalized object detection for specific use cases.

2. Offline Mode:

Introduce offline mode functionality, allowing users to perform object detection

without requiring an internet connection. Incorporate on-device models or caching

mechanisms to enable object detection in environments with limited or no network


3. Enhanced Object Tracking:

Expand the object detection capabilities to include object tracking, enabling users to

track the movement and trajectory of detected objects over time. Implement

advanced tracking algorithms such as Kalman filters or deep learning-based trackers

for improved object tracking accuracy.

4. Augmented Reality Integration:

Integrate augmented reality (AR) features to overlay information about detected

objects directly onto the camera view. Enable users to interact with detected objects

in real-time, such as accessing additional information, viewing related content, or

triggering actions.

5. Accessibility Features:

Enhance accessibility features within the application to cater to users with visual

impairments or disabilities. Implement features such as voice-guided object

detection, text-to-speech functionality, and compatibility with screen readers for

improved accessibility.

Suggestions for Further Research:

1. Real-Time Performance Optimization:

Investigate methods for further optimizing the object detection model's performance

on mobile devices to achieve even faster processing times and lower resource

consumption. Explore techniques such as model quantization, model pruning, and

hardware acceleration to improve inference speed and efficiency.

2. Fine-Grained Object Recognition:

Research techniques for fine-grained object recognition to enable the identification

of specific object attributes, variations, or subcategories within detected objects.

Explore methods for detecting and classifying objects with subtle differences or

variations, such as species of plants or breeds of animals.

3. Contextual Understanding:

Investigate approaches for enhancing the application's contextual understanding

capabilities, enabling it to infer the relationships between detected objects and their

surrounding environment. Explore techniques for scene understanding, semantic

segmentation, and contextual reasoning to provide deeper insights into the detected

objects' context and significance.

4. Collaborative Object Detection:

Explore collaborative object detection frameworks that leverage crowd-sourced data

and user feedback to improve the accuracy and coverage of object detection models.

Develop mechanisms for users to contribute labeled data, corrections, and

annotations to continuously refine and update the object detection capabilities.

5. Privacy-Preserving Object Detection:

Research techniques for performing object detection while preserving user privacy

and sensitive information. Investigate methods such as federated learning,

differential privacy, and on-device model training to enable secure and privacy-

preserving object detection in distributed environments.


1: Performance Constraints:

Object detection algorithms, especially when executed on mobile devices, can be

computationally intensive and may lead to performance issues, particularly on older

or low-end devices. Processing large images or multiple objects simultaneously may

result in longer processing times and increased battery consumption.

2: Model Accuracy:

The accuracy of object detection heavily relies on the quality of the pre-trained

model used in the application. Pre-trained models may not always accurately detect

objects in various real-world scenarios, leading to false positives or missed

detections. Fine-tuning or training custom models specific to certain object

categories may improve accuracy but requires substantial computational resources

and data.

3: Limited Object Recognition:

The object detection model may struggle with identifying objects that are small,

occluded, or have complex backgrounds. Detection performance may vary

depending on the object's size, shape, orientation, and lighting conditions, leading to

inconsistencies in results.

4: Dependency on Internet Connection:

If the app relies on an online search engine for retrieving additional information

about detected objects, it may require a stable internet connection. Lack of internet

connectivity in certain environments or regions could hinder the user's ability to

access contextual information.


In conclusion, the Object Detection Android application represents a significant

milestone in the field of computer vision and mobile application development.

Throughout the project, we have explored various aspects of object detection,

implemented a robust Android application using Java and TensorFlow Object

Detection API, and provided users with a convenient means of identifying objects

within images captured by their mobile devices.

The Object Detection Android application holds significant implications for various

domains, including image recognition, augmented reality, e-commerce, and

accessibility. By leveraging the power of object detection technology on mobile

devices, the application empowers users to identify objects in their surroundings,

access relevant information, and enhance their understanding of the world around

them. In conclusion, the Object Detection Android application represents a

culmination of efforts in research, development, and implementation, aimed at

bringing the benefits of object detection technology to mobile devices. As we

continue to evolve and refine the application, we remain committed to advancing the

field of computer vision and delivering impactful solutions that empower users



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