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Imagine machines and other inventions or discoveries could talk. Also imagine that you are all
travelling in a balloon that has a small hole in it and is falling. The only thing to do to save all the
inventions is to throw one overboard. But which one?

1) You are a computer. Try to think up convincing reasons why you should not be thrown
overboard. For example:
Without me,
• You couldn’t use cash point machines to get money when the banks are closed
• The transport system (railways, planes) would collapse

You will take it in turns to talk. Start by saying:

I am a computer. You can’t throw me overboard because….

When everyone has finished, you can talk again. This time, try to think up arguments why
another invention that has talked isn’t so useful. Remember: you want someone else to be
thrown overboard!

2) You are a car. Try to think up convincing reasons why you should not be thrown
overboard. For example:
Without me,
• People wouldn’t be able to travel as freely as they want
• Millions of jobs would be lost

You will take it in turns to talk. Start by saying:

I am a car. You can’t throw me overboard because….

When everyone has finished, you can talk again. This time, try to think up arguments why
another invention that has talked isn’t so useful. Remember: you want someone else to be
thrown overboard!

3) You are a plane. Try to think up convincing reasons why you should not be thrown
overboard. For example:
Without me,
• It would take days or weeks to go abroad
• There would be no cheap package holidays to places like Spain or Turkey

You will take it in turns to talk. Start by saying:

I am a plane. You can’t throw me overboard because….

4) You are penicillin. Try to think up convincing reasons why you should not be thrown
overboard. For example:
Without me,
• Many disease and illnesses would be incurable
• The average lifespan of most people would probably be only 40.

You will take it in turns to talk. Start by saying:

I am penicillin. You can’t throw me overboard because….

When everyone has finished, you can talk again. This time, try to think up arguments why
another invention that has talked isn’t so useful. Remember: you want someone else to be
thrown overboard!

5) You are a telephone. Try to think up convincing reasons why you should not be thrown
overboard. For example:
Without me,
• You wouldn’t be able to call the police or ambulances in an emergency
• You would find it hard to keep in touch with friends and relatives living a long way away
from you

You will take it in turns to talk. Start by saying:

I am a telephone. You can’t throw me overboard because….

When everyone has finished, you can talk again. This time, try to think up arguments why
another invention that has talked isn’t so useful. Remember: you want someone else to be
thrown overboard!

6) You are a satellite. Try to think up convincing reasons why you should not be thrown
overboard. For example:
Without me,
• You wouldn’t be able to watch all the TV programmes you can now
• You wouldn’t be able to use your mobile phone in many places

You will take it in turns to talk. Start by saying:

I am a satellite. You can’t throw me overboard because….

When everyone has finished, you can talk again. This time, try to think up arguments why
another invention that has talked isn’t so useful. Remember: you want someone else to be
thrown overboard!
7) You are a battery. Try to think up convincing reasons why you should not be thrown
overboard. For example:
Without me,
• You wouldn’t be able to use portable devices that need power to operate
• You would be totally lost in case of power cut

You will take it in turns to talk. Start by saying:

I am a battery. You can’t throw me overboard because….

When everyone has finished, you can talk again. This time, try to think up arguments why
another invention that has talked isn’t so useful. Remember: you want someone else to be
thrown overboard!

8) You are a robot. Try to think up convincing reasons why you should not be thrown
overboard. For example:
Without me,
• All the production processes would last for ages
• You wouldn’t be able to do a lot of precise activities

You will take it in turns to talk. Start by saying:

I am a robot. You can’t throw me overboard because….

When everyone has finished, you can talk again. This time, try to think up arguments why
another invention that has talked isn’t so useful. Remember: you want someone else to be
thrown overboard!

9) You are a light bulb. Try to think up convincing reasons why you should not be thrown
overboard. For example:
Without me,
• You wouldn’t be able to use light in the evening or in winter
• You would lose a lot of money on candles or kerosene

You will take it in turns to talk. Start by saying:

I am a light bulb. You can’t throw me overboard because….

When everyone has finished, you can talk again. This time, try to think up arguments why
another invention that has talked isn’t so useful. Remember: you want someone else to be
thrown overboard!
10) You are a detergent. Try to think up convincing reasons why you should not be thrown
overboard. For example:
Without me,
• Diseases would disperse all over the world and people would die from bacteria and
• You wouldn’t be able to control ilnesses

You will take it in turns to talk. Start by saying:

I am a detergent. You can’t throw me overboard because….

When everyone has finished, you can talk again. This time, try to think up arguments why
another invention that has talked isn’t so useful. Remember: you want someone else to be
thrown overboard!

11) You are fuel. Try to think up convincing reasons why you should not be thrown
overboard. For example:
Without me,
• You wouldn’t be able to operate a lot of machines
• You would be lost in case of power cut

You will take it in turns to talk. Start by saying:

I am fuel. You can’t throw me overboard because….

When everyone has finished, you can talk again. This time, try to think up arguments why
another invention that has talked isn’t so useful. Remember: you want someone else to be
thrown overboard!

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