Itfm Record Merged

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1. Explain about text formatting tools in Ms – Word?

In MS Word there are multiple types of formatting we can apply to a given text such as Fonts,
Font Styles, Font Colors, Font Sizes, Text Highlight Colors, Clearing Formats, Change
Cases, etc. Let us apply these techniques to some texts in the Word Processor and see what result
it produces.
Fonts are used to change the display of the text or Word Document, look more appealing, and as
per the requirement of the situation. There are multiple types of fonts available in MS Word-like:
Calibri, Times New Roman, Algerian, Arial, Century, etc.
Steps to Apply:
Step 1: Select the text you want to change the font of.
Step 2: Now, select the font of your choice from the Home menu bar in MS Word.
Font Style
Font Styles are used to change the Look ability of the text or give more emphasis on some texts
in the Word Document. There are three types of font styles in MS Word: Bold, Italics, and
Steps to Apply Bold Font Style:
Step 1: Select the text you want to change the Font Style.
Step 2: Now, select the Font Style of your choice from the Font Style bar under the Home menu
Steps to Apply Italics Font Style:
Step 1: Select the text you want to change the Font Style.
Step 2: Now, select the Font Style of your choice from the Font Style bar under the Home menu
Steps to Apply Underline Font Style:
Step 1: Select the text you want to change the Font Style.
Step 2: Now, select the Font Style of your choice from the Font Style bar under the Home menu
You could also use the shortcuts like:
 CTRL+B for Bold
 CTRL+I for Italics
 CTRL+U for Underline
Font Color
Font Colors have wide use in real life when using the Word Document. Be it highlighting the
main points of the document or want to convey some important information. There are multiple
types of Font Colors available in MS Word-like: Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Light blue, etc.
Steps to Apply:
Step 1: Select the text you want to change the Font Color.
Step 2: Now, select the Font Color of your choice from the Font Color bar under the Home
menu bar.
Font Size
Font Sizes are used to display the text in the Word Document larger or smaller according to our
needs. We generally display a heading with a Font Size of 15, Subheadings with a Font Size of
14 or 13, and paragraphs with a Font Size of 12. Many Font Sizes are available in MS Word-like:
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, etc.
Steps to Apply:
Step 1: Select the text you want to change the Font Size.
Step 2: Now, select the Font Size of your choice from the Font Size bar under the Home menu
Text Highlight Color
As the name itself suggests, the Text Highlight Color is used to highlight text in the Word
Document. There are many Text Highlight Colors available in MS Word-like: Yellow, Bright
Green, Turquoise, Pink, Red, etc.
Steps to Apply:
Step 1: Select the text you want to change the Highlight Colors.
Step 2: Now, select the Color of your choice from the Text Highlight Color bar under the
Home menu bar.
Clear Formats
MS Word provides a feature to clear the pre-formatted text. When we copy some text or
information from somewhere it has some formatting applied already, so to remove it and use it
according to our need in our Word Document we have to clear the Formatting.
Steps to Apply:
Step 1: Select the text you want to clear the formatting.
Step 2: Now, select the Clear All Formatting bar under the Home menu bar.
Change Case
Change Case is used to display the text in the way we want in our Word Document. There are
five types of Change Cases available in MS Word-like: Sentence case, Lowercase, Uppercase,
Capitalize each word, and toggle case.
Steps to Apply:
Step 1: Select the text you want to change the Case.
Step 2: Now, select the case of your choice from the Change Case bar under the Home menu
2. Explain about Mail merge and explain its procedure in details.

Many day-to-day applications require similar documents containing similar text to be sent to a
number of persons. These documents also have a typical common layout. Invitation letters sent
to guests have a more-or-less common content and layout. Only the names of the recipients are
different in these letters. One obvious way to generate such letters is to type all of them
individually, putting the same amount of effort again and again. Another solution could be to
copy the same block of text again and again onto the new letters. The names and addresses etc.,
which are different from each letter, can be entered separately in the documents. Though this
method saves a lot of effort, it still requires proper caution. There should be a way where these
kinds of documents can be prepared automatically. This task can be easily automated if we use
the mail merge feature of a word processor. So, it is time we learnt the mail-merge feature of the

Components of mail merge:

The three main components of the merging process are the main document, the data source, and
the merged document.

1. The main document contains the main body of your letter, field names, and merges
instructions. The basic information within the main document remains equivalent.
2. The data source (or Recipients’ list) stores the knowledge that changes for every
document. This information is inserted in the main document one by one. An example of
the data source is a name and address list from which the program gets what you want to
include in the main document.
3. The merged document contains the main text from the main document and data from a
data source.

Steps for mail merger:

Step 1:

 Open MS Word and click on the command sequence: Mailings tab → Start mail merge
group → Select recipient’s button → Type new List.

 A dialog namely “New Address List” will pop up (as shown in the below image). Type
here the desired data under the given headings. To add a new record, click on the “New
Entry” button at the bottom of the dialog and click OK when you are done.

Step 2: Prepare Master Letter

The second step is to prepare our master letter for use in the mail merge. Before we enter all the
letter text we’d like to link this Word file to our list of names.

 Create a blank word document.

 Click Mailings tab → Start Mail Merge group → Start Mail Merge → Letters command.
 Then click the Mailings tab → Start Mail Merge group → Select Recipients button →
Use Existing List command.
 Now we can start typing the letter.
 Now we would like to add the name and address and other details for the people on the
 Mailings tab→ Write & Insert Field group → Insert Merge Field button.
 A pop-down will appear showing all the table headings, so choose Title and press the
spacebar to create a space.

Then do this again and choose FirstName, followed by a space (i.e., press only spacebar key and
no other key); then choose LastName but this time press the Enter key to create a new line. Then
repeat the steps to choose the Address field, and press enter key.

Step 3:

Before we actually carry out the merge, we must first preview what the merged letters will look

 Mailings tab→ Preview Results group → Preview Results button

 Once we are happy with the preview, you can carry out the actual mail merge.
 To do this you click the Mailings tab → Finish group → Finish & Merge button and
choose Edit Individual Documents.
 In the Merge to New Document panel, click all to create a separate letter for each person
on the Names list. Word then creates a fresh document with as many pages as there are
names on your list, and every page contains a wonderfully merged letter with all the
correct individuals’ details.
 We can save this with an appropriate name, such as ABC.docx

3. What is Ms Word? Explain its features?

An Introduction to MS Word
One of the most widely used programs of Microsoft Office suite, MS Word is a word processor
developed by Microsoft.

Since MS Word is one of the most used programs of the Office Suite, some basic information
regarding its creation and development has been given below:

 Charles Simonyi, a developer and Richard Brodie, a software engineer, were the two
creators of MS Word
 This program was initially named “Multi-Tool Word” but later, was renamed as MS
 It was introduced in 1983
 Word for Windows is available standalone or as a part of MS Office suite
 MS Word for Mac was introduced by Microsoft as Word 1.0 in 1985
 The extension for any word file is “.doc or .docx.”
Basics of MS Word

Let us first understand some basic aspects of Microsoft Word.

What is MS Word?
Used to make professional-quality documents, letters, reports, etc., MS Word is a word processor
developed by Microsoft. It has advanced features which allow you to format and edit your files
and documents in the best possible way.
Where to find MS Word on your personal computer?
Follow these simple steps to open MS Word on your personal computer:
Start → All Programs → MS Office → MS Word.
What are the uses of MS Word?
MS Word enables users to do write-ups, create documents, resumes, contracts, etc. This is one of
the most commonly used programs under the Office suite.
How to create an MS Word document?
To create an MS Word doc, follow the steps mentioned above to open Microsoft Word. Then
once the program is open, click on “File” followed by “New”. This opens a new doc where
something new can be created.
Since it is used by people of all age groups, in schools, in colleges and for official purposes,
having proper knowledge of Microsoft Word is a must. The preview of the MS Doc file once it is
opened is given below:
Features of MS Word
Now let us read more about the features and components of an MS Word doc file in detail.
 Home
This has options like font colour, font size, font style, alignment, bullets, line spacing, etc. All
the basic elements which one may need to edit their document is available under the Home
 Insert
Tables, shapes, images, charts, graphs, header, footer, page number, etc. can all be entered in the
document. They are included in the “Insert” category.
 Design
The template or the design in which you want your document to be created can be selected under
the Design tab. Choosing an appropriate tab will enhance the appearance of your document.
 Page Layout
Under the Page Layout tab comes options like margins, orientation, columns, lines, indentation,
spacing, etc.
 References
This tab is the most useful for those who are creating a thesis or writing books or lengthy
documents. Options like citation, footnote, table of contents, caption, bibliography, etc. can be
found under this tab.
 Review
Spell check, grammar, Thesaurus, word count, language, translation, comments, etc. can all be
tracked under the review tab. This acts as an advantage for those who get their documents
reviewed on MS Word.
Apart from all the above-mentioned features, the page can be set in different views and layouts,
which can be added and optimised using the View tab on the Word document. Margins and
scales are also available for the benefit of the users.
When compared with MS PowerPoint, MS Word is more of reading while PPT is more of visual
and graphical representation of data.
4. Prepare a student information table with imaginary figures and calculate
Sum, Average and Grades.
Step 1: Go to start button and click on it. It will open a window, click on all programs from it. It
will display all the softwares installed on the system. Then select Ms – Office and it will open
one more sub window slide from that select Ms – Excel application and click on it. It will open
Ms – Excel user interface which will have different options and menu items.

Step 2: Now provide the columns names of your table and make the columns for student name,
subjects allotted, total, average and grade and provide necessary information regarding your
student table.

Step 3: Now insert the data according to your table columns. Insert student names, marks
obtained etc.

Step 4: After inserting the data about the students’ information now let us start calculations.

Step 5: Now we need to calculate the total of marks obtained by the students in different

The formula for calculation of total is


Step 5: Now calculate average of marks obtained by the students by using the following formula.

=Average(Total cell/no of subjects)

Step 6: At last we can calculate the grades by using the following formula.


Step 7: After applying all the formulas we will have the students’ information table in the
following manner.
5. Prepare employee salary statements by using imaginary figures and
calculate DA, TA and HRA.
Step 1: Go to start button and click on it. It will open a window, click on all programs from it. It
will display all the softwares installed on the system. Then select Ms – Office and it will open
one more sub window slide from that select Ms – Excel application and click on it. It will open
Ms – Excel user interface which will have different options and menu items.

Step 2: Now provide the columns names of your table and make the columns for employee
name, basic salary, DA, TA,HRA, Gross pay, deductions and Net payand provide necessary
information regarding your employee table.

Step 3: Now insert the data according to your table columns. Insert Employee names and salary

Step 4: After inserting the data about the employee information now let us start calculations.

Step 5: First we will calculate the Dearness Allowance at 15% on basic pay by using the
following formula.

=Basic pay*15/100

Step 6: Next we can calculate the Travelling allowances at 10% on basic pay by using the
following formula.

= Basic pay*10/100

Step 7: Next we can calculate the House rent allowances at 20% on basic pay by using the
following formula.

= Basic pay*20/100

Step 8: Next we can calculate the Gross amount of salary of employees by adding all the
allowances provided to them by the organization by using the following formula.

= Basic Pay + DA + TA + HRA

Step 9: As some professions have some standard deductions so now we are deducting the
standard deduction of Rs.200 from the Gross Pay by using the following formula.

=Gross Pay – Deductions

Step 10: After applying all the formulas we will have the Employee Salary table in the following
6. Create a Macro by using Ms – Excel.
A macro is a small program or set of actions that you can run repeatedly. Excel macros are used
to automate repetitive tasks to save a lot of time and hassle.
For example, open and take a look at the practice Excel workbook.

Businesses would often have lists like this one. These are potential customers they might want to
reach out to and market their products.
Notice how Columns C to H are just pieces of information extracted from Columns A& B.
To streamline the worksheet, you can hide Columns A& B. You can also hide the rest of the
columns on the right starting from Column I.
Let’s do this using Excel macros!

How to record Excel macros

1. Click on the View tab in the Excel ribbon

2. Next, click on the Macros button on the right side of the View ribbon

3. This will open the Macros drop-down.

Click Record Macro.
4. Enter a name for your macro, something like Hide_Columns.

Excel macros can be stored in the Personal Macro Workbook. This is saved in the system files of
Microsoft Excel and macros saved here can be used in other workbooks.

For this Excel macro tutorial, you only need to save the macros in the current Excel file.
4. Select Store macro in: This Workbook then click the OK button.
Excel is now recording your actions to create a macro.
5. Select Columns A& B and then right-click on the highlighted Column Bar to Hide them.
6. Then select Column I and press Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow to include all remaining columns
on the right.

7. Right-click on the highlighted Column Bar then click on Hide.

Your worksheet should now look like this:

To end the macro recording:

8. On the View ribbon, click on Macros and select Stop Recording.

You have created your first macro in Excel!

7. Prepare a PPT for demonstration of functioning of Traffic signals?
Step 1: Go to start button and click on it. It will open a window, click on all programs from it. It

will display all the softwares installed on the system. Then select Ms – Office and it will open

one more sub window slide from that select Ms – Power point application and click on it. It will

open Ms – Power point user interface which will have different options and menu items.

Step 2: It will display an empty title slide by default. Provide the title and sub title for your

presentation as Traffic signals as title and demonstration of it as sub title.

Step 3: Next go to home menu option and click on new slide and insert a blank slide.
Step 4: Now go to insert menu option and select shapes and select a rectangular and draw it on

slide. Select that rectangular, power point will display drawing tools to us, click on it. From

drawing tools click on shape fill and select no fill option.

Step 5: Next from the same option select an Oval shape and add three ovals shapes and follow

the step 4 for formatting of ovals.

Step 6: Now fill the ovals with red, yellow and green colors and by using text box insert

description to the different color lights.

Step 7: Now insert some more slides and copy the rectangular and ovals in the three slides and

each slide should describe different orders of traffic signals. It will look like as following.

Step 8: Now in 2nd slide we will disable the two lights and only red light will be enabled. It will

describe that the drivers need to stop their vehicles and off their engines when they see Red

signal light.
Step 9: Now in 3rd slide we will disable the two lights and only yellow light will be enabled. It

will describe that the drivers need to start their vehicles engine when they see Yellow signal


Step 10: Now in 4th slide we will disable the two lights and only Green light will be enabled. It

will describe that the drivers can move their vehicles when they see Green signal light.

You have created your Traffic signal PPT.

8. Prepare a PPT for explaining about your college?
Step 1: Go to start button and click on it. It will open a window, click on all programs from it. It

will display all the softwares installed on the system. Then select Ms – Office and it will open

one more sub window slide from that select Ms – Power point application and click on it. It will

open Ms – Power point user interface which will have different options and menu items.

Step 2: It will display an empty title slide by default. Provide the title and sub title for your

presentation as College Introduction as title and a place to learn and grow as sub title.

Step 3: Next go to home menu option and click on new slide and insert a blank slide and write
the college name and address of the college.

Step 4: In next slide provide a brief description of your college with all features and facilities

such as playground, sports room, Labs and library etc.

Step 5: In next slide explain about the courses offered by the institute.

Step 6: Now insert one more slide and explain about the placements conducted by the college to

the final year students.

Step 6: Now insert one more slide and provide the contact details of the in charge of admissions

and enquires regarding admissions of the college.

Step 7: Last but not the least a slide which shows the gratitude towards the audience a thank you


You have created a PPT which describes your college.

9. Explain step by step procedure of creating an email?
Step 1. First things first, you need to head over to

Step 2. Click on the button that says “Create Account.”

Step 3. After that, the sign-up form will appear. You’ll need to fill in all the details it requests:

first name, last name, a new username, and a new password.

Step 4. Next, you’ll be asked to enter a phone number to verify your account. This is because

Google uses a two-step verification process to boost security. You can find out more about two-

step verification here.

Step 5. You should now receive a text message with a verification code from Google. If this

hasn’t been delivered within a few minutes, you can use the automated call system instead.

Step 6. Once you’ve verified your account, you will see a form that asks for some personal

information. This includes a recovery email, your birthday, and your gender. If you’re not

comfortable giving these or want to find out why Google is asking for this information, there is

plenty of information on offer during the sign up.

Step 7. You now need to accept Google’s Terms of Service and their Privacy Policy – it’s highly

recommended that you review both of these in detail before clicking “I Agree.”

Step 8. You should now have your new Gmail account.

Open Your New Gmail Account
Step 1. Return to the main Google screen and click the Gmail link.

Step 2. Once you sign in you’ll be brought through the Gmail introductory steps. After the last

introductory screen, a popup appears announcing that your new Gmail account is ready to use.
Step 3. Enjoy your new email account and look at ways to level up your Gmail account to get the
most from it.
10. Demonstrate how to write a mail and send it to a recipient?
Step 1:
Open Gmail. Go to in your computer's web browser. This will open
your Gmail inbox if you're logged in.
 If you aren't logged into your Gmail account, enter your email address and password
when prompted.
Step 2:
Click + Compose. It's in the upper-left side of your Gmail inbox. Doing so opens a "New
Message" window in the lower-right corner of the page.
 If you're using the old version of Gmail, you'll click COMPOSE here instead.
Step 3:
Enter the other person's email address. Click the "To" or "Recipients" text box at the top of
the New Message window, then type in the email address of the person to whom you want to
send your email.
 To add multiple email addresses, type in the first email address, press Tab ↹, and repeat
with the other email addresses.
 If you want to CC or BCC someone on the email, click either the Cc link or the Bcc link
in the far-right side of the "To" text field, then type the email address you want to CC or
BCC into the "Cc" or "Bcc" text field, respectively.
Step 4 :
Add a subject. Click the "Subject" text field, then type in whatever you want the subject of the
email to be.
 Typically speaking, an email subject describes the gist of the email's message in a few
Step 5:
Enter your email message. In the large text box below the "Subject" text box, type in whatever
you want for your email message.
Step 6:
Format your email's text if needed. If you want to apply formatting to your text (e.g., bolding,
italics, or bullet points), highlight the text to which you want to apply the formatting, then click
one of the formatting options at the bottom of the email window.
 For example, to bold a section of text, you would highlight the text and then click B at the
bottom of the email.
Step 7:
Attach a file if you like. To add a file from your computer, click the "Attachments" icon at the
bottom of the window, then select the file(s) you want to upload and click Open (or Choose on a
 You can add photos in this way, or you can upload photos directly to the email's body by
clicking the "Photos" icon
 You can add photos in this way, or you can upload photos directly to the email's body by
clicking the "Photos" icon

at the bottom of the window, clicking Upload, clicking Choose photos to upload, and selecting
photos as needed.
Step 8:
Click Send. It's a blue button in the bottom-left corner of the email window. Doing so will send
your email to the specified email address (es).
1. Create a Student Table in MS-Access with the following features:
1. Roll Number
2. Student Name
3. Class
4. Marks in Subject 1, Subject 2, Subject 3
5. Total
6. Average

Open MS – Access 2007. Click on new blank database icon. It will open a blank database. Give the file
name as “STUDENT TABLE” and then click on create button. It will open a database. By default it shows
the name of the database as “Table1”. To rename it right click on it and change the table name.


Right click on the table. A list will appear with some options, select “DESIGN VIEW” option from the list.
As you select it, it will open a dialogue box named as “SAVE AS”. Give the table name as “STUDENT” and
press ok button. It will open “DESIGN VIEW TAB”.

In this tab by default 3 columns are available having the titles as “Field name”, “Data Type” and
“Description”. In field name column provide the titles of student table such as Roll No, Student name,
Subjects, Total and Average. In Data type column define the nature of the data which is going to be
recorded like Number, Integer, Text, Memo and others.

After completing the entries in Field name and data type columns, right click on table name and click on
save option from the list of options and then click on close option after saving it.


Now the table is ready with the required fields names or column headings. Now enter the data based on
the requirement into the appropriate columns.


To calculate the total of marks got by the students, use access menu bar. Go to CREATE menu item from
menu bar. In that a tool is available named as QUERY DESIGN, click on it.

Query design will open “Show table Tab”. It shows student table, select that and click on ADD button.
Now in Query table select a field which is created already named as “TOTAL” then go to TOOLS BAR and
click on UPDATE, it will activated one new option to the Query table as “UPDATE TO”.

Go to that cell and right click on it. It will open one list menu, from that select “BUILD” option click on it.
It opens a dialogue box named as “EXPRESSION BUILDER”. IT has some Mathematical Operators like =,
+,- ,<, > and others.


Every function will starts by = operator. Click on “=” button after that click on table option which can
disclose student table, double click on it. It will show the all field names of the student table. Select
subject names one by one by giving “+” operator between one subject to another then press ok button.
After completing it click on “RUN” option from tools bar. It open one dialogue box asking about the
update, click on “YES” button to apply the changes.

Use the query as = [Student table]![English] + [Student table]![hindi] + [Student table]![MIS].


For average follow the same steps as used for total up to the BUILD option. Then go to the expression
builder and press = sign, select AVERAGE column and use “/” division sign and type number of subjects
then press ok button. Now same click on RUN tools and confirm the update by pressing YES button.

Use the query as = [Student table]![total] / 3.

At last right click on table it will open the student table with total columns.

2. Create a database named as College and table as Student. The following are the details of the

Number Fname Lname Address Home phone Joining

101 Ram Prasad 11-1-963/A, Banjara 040-23343256 02/06/2016
Hills, Hyderabad
102 Shyam Singh 12-1-254/B, 040-23345679 05/06/2016
103 Ankur Agrawal 11-2-667/A, 040-23358796 03/06/2016
104 Ramesh Sharma 10-2-340, Road 040-23389745 04/06/2016
No.12, Banjara
105 Harish Shekhawat 15-4-633/A, 040-23356486 02/06/2016

Open MS – Access 2007. Click on new blank database icon. It will open a blank database. Give the file
name as “COLLEGE” and then click on create button. It will open a database. By default it shows the
name of the database as “Table1”. To rename it right click on it and change the table name.


Right click on the table. A list will appear with some options, select “DESIGN VIEW” option from the list.
As you select it, it will open a dialogue box named as “SAVE AS”. Give the table name as “STUDENT” and
press ok button. It will open “DESIGN VIEW TAB”.

In this tab by default 3 columns are available having the titles as “Field name”, “Data Type” and
“Description”. In field name column provide the titles of personal information table such as Number,
Fname, Lname, Address, Home phone and Joining Date. In Data type column define the nature of the
data which is going to be recorded like Number, Integer, Text, Memo and others.

After completing the entries in Field name and data type columns, right click on table name and click on
save option from the list of options and then click on close option after saving it.


Now the table is ready with the required fields names or column headings. Now enter the data based on
the requirement into the appropriate columns. Now your STUDENT TABLE is created as per the
3. Create a database „Student. Also create table „studtable and execute the followingqueries

SRollno Sname English SL FA-I BE BOM IT

101 Rajendra 75 85 90 85 86 90
102 Arvind 88 75 95 80 82 85
103 Krishna 89 77 82 78 82 86
104 Harish 75 72 70 65 60 77
105 Rajesh 86 85 81 80 89 90

a) Filter the data by Sname.

b) Calculate Total Marks of Individual Students.
c) Calculate Percentage Marks of Individual Student.


Open MS – Access 2007. Click on new blank database icon. It will open a blank database. Give the file
name as “STUDENT TABLE” and then click on create button. It will open a database. By default it shows
the name of the database as “Table1”. To rename it right click on it and change the table name.


Right click on the table. A list will appear with some options, select “DESIGN VIEW” option from the list.
As you select it, it will open a dialogue box named as “SAVE AS”. Give the table name as “STUDENT” and
press ok button. It will open “DESIGN VIEW TAB”.

In this tab by default 3 columns are available having the titles as “Field name”, “Data Type” and
“Description”. In field name column provide the titles of student table such as Roll No, Student name,
Subjects, Total and Average. In Data type column define the nature of the data which is going to be
recorded like Number, Integer, Text, Memo and others.

After completing the entries in Field name and data type columns, right click on table name and click on
save option from the list of options and then click on close option after saving it.


Now the table is ready with the required fields names or column headings. Now enter the data based on
the requirement into the appropriate columns.

To calculate the total of marks got by the students, use access menu bar. Go to CREATE menu item from
menu bar. In that a tool is available named as QUERY DESIGN, click on it.

Query design will open “Show table Tab”. It shows student table, select that and click on ADD button.
Now in Query table select a field which is created already named as “TOTAL” then go to TOOLS BAR and
click on UPDATE, it will activated one new option to the Query table as “UPDATE TO”.

Go to that cell and right click on it. It will open one list menu, from that select “BUILD” option click on it.
It opens a dialogue box named as “EXPRESSION BUILDER”. IT has some Mathematical Operators like =,
+,- ,<, > and others.


Every function will starts by = operator. Click on “=” button after that click on table option which can
disclose student table, double click on it. It will show the all field names of the student table. Select
subject names one by one by giving “+” operator between one subject to another then press ok button.

After completing it click on “RUN” option from tools bar. It open one dialogue box asking about the
update, click on “YES” button to apply the changes.

Use the query as = [Studtab]![English] + [Studtab]![SL] + [Studtab]![FA - I] + [Studtab]![BE] +

[Studtab]![BOM] + [Studtab]![IT].


For average follow the same steps as used for total up to the BUILD option. Then go to the expression
builder and press = sign, select AVERAGE column and use “/” division sign and type number of subjects
then press ok button. Now same click on RUN tools and confirm the update by pressing YES button.

Use the query as = [Studtab]![Total] / 6.

At last right click on table it will open the student table with total columns.
4. Create „Employee database and table „Emp.

Emp no E name Designation Dept no DOJ Basic

101 Ajay Manager 10 12/12/2001 25000
102 Arvind Dy. Manager 40 20/02/2002 20000

103 Rahul Programmer 20 22/03/2001 18000

104 Hari Mktg. Officer 40 01/04/2001 15000
105 Sahil Accountant 10 20-09-2000 12000

a) Calculate DA as 40% of Basic Salary.

b) Calculate Hra as 15% of Basic Salary.
c) Calculate PF as 12.67% of Basic Salary
d) Calculate Gross Pay = Basic Salary + DA + HRA
e) Calculate Net Pay = Gross Pay – PF.


Open MS – Access 2007. Click on new blank database icon. It will open a blank database. Give the file
name as “EMPLOYEE TABLE” and then click on create button. It will open a database. By default it shows
the name of the database as “Table1”. To rename it right click on it and change the table name.


Right click on the table. A list will appear with some options, select “DESIGN VIEW” option from the list.
As you select it, it will open a dialogue box named as “SAVE AS”. Give the table name as “EMP” and
press ok button. It will open “DESIGN VIEW TAB”.

In this tab by default 3 columns are available having the titles as “Field name”, “Data Type” and
“Description”. In field name column provide the titles of student table such as Emp no, Ename,
Designation, Dept No, DOJ, Basic salary, DA, HRA, PF, Gross Pay and Net pay. In Data type column define
the nature of the data which is going to be recorded like Number, Integer, Text, Memo and others.

After completing the entries in Field name and data type columns, right click on table name and click on
save option from the list of options and then click on close option after saving it.


Now the table is ready with the required fields names or column headings. Now enter the data based on
the requirement into the appropriate columns.

To calculate the DA, HRA, PF, Gross pay and Net pay, use access menu bar. Go to CREATE menu item
from menu bar. In that a tool is available named as QUERY DESIGN, click on it.

Query design will open “Show table Tab”. It shows Employee table, select that and click on ADD button.
Now in Query table select a field which is created already named as “TOTAL” then go to TOOLS BAR and
click on UPDATE, it will activated one new option to the Query table as “UPDATE TO”.

Go to that cell and right click on it. It will open one list menu, from that select “BUILD” option click on it.
It opens a dialogue box named as “EXPRESSION BUILDER”. IT has some Mathematical Operators like =,
+,- ,<, > and others.


Every function will starts by = operator. Click on “=” button after that click on table option which can
disclose Employee table, double click on it. It will show the all field names of the Employee table. Select
the fields names one by one then press ok button.

To calculate DA Use the query as = [Emp]![Basic Salary] * 40 / 100.

To calculate HRA use the query as = [Emp]![Basic Salary] * 15 / 100

To calculate PF use the query as = [Emp]![Basic Salary] * 12.67 / 100

To calculate Gross pay use the query as = [Emp]![Basic Salary] + [Emp]![DA] + [Emp]![HRA]

To calculate Net Pay use the query as = [Emp]![Gross Pay] - [Emp]![PF]

After completing it click on “RUN” option from tools bar. It open one dialogue box asking about the
update, click on “YES” button to apply the changes. Now EMPLOYEE TABLE is created as per the
5. Create Employee2 database and table Emp2

Empno Ename Designation Deptno DOJ Basic

101 Ajay Manager 10 12/12/2001 25000
102 Arvind Dy. Manager 40 20/02/2002 20000

103 Rahul Programmer 20 22/03/2001 18000

104 Hari Mktg. Officer 40 01/04/2001 15000
105 Sahil Accountant 10 20-09-2000 12000

f) Update Salary by adding the increments as per the following:-

a. 10% Increment in Basic Salary who get < 20000
b. 5% Increment in Basic Salary who get >20000.


Open MS – Access 2007. Click on new blank database icon. It will open a blank database. Give the file
name as “EMPLOYEE TABLE” and then click on create button. It will open a database. By default it shows
the name of the database as “Table1”. To rename it right click on it and change the table name.


Right click on the table. A list will appear with some options, select “DESIGN VIEW” option from the list.
As you select it, it will open a dialogue box named as “SAVE AS”. Give the table name as “EMP” and
press ok button. It will open “DESIGN VIEW TAB”.
In this tab by default 3 columns are available having the titles as “Field name”, “Data Type” and
“Description”. In field name column provide the titles of student table such as Emp no, Ename,
Designation, Dept No, DOJ, Basic salary,5% increment and 10% increment. In Data type column define
the nature of the data which is going to be recorded like Number, Integer, Text, Memo and others.

After completing the entries in Field name and data type columns, right click on table name and click on
save option from the list of options and then click on close option after saving it.


Now the table is ready with the required fields names or column headings. Now enter the data based on
the requirement into the appropriate columns.


To calculate 5% increment to the employees who got basic salary >20000 Use the query as = iif(
[Emp]![Basic Salary] > 20000, [Emp]![Basic Salary] + [Emp]![Basic Salary] * 5 / 100)

To calculate 10% increment to the employees who got basic salary <20000 Use the query as =
IIf([Emp]![Basic Salary]<20000,[Emp]![Basic Salary]+[Emp]![Basic Salary]*10/100)

Now EMPLOYEE TABLE is created as per the requirements.

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