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University – Computer Science

What is the internet?

The internet is essentially a giant network of interconnected computers all over the world. These
computers communicate with each other using a common language called TCP/IP. This allows
us to share information and communicate with almost anyone else on the planet.

The internet is like a giant library, but instead of books, it has websites. Websites are like pages
of information that can contain text, images, videos, and more. We can access these websites
using web browsers, which are programs on our computers or devices that help us navigate the

The internet is also a powerful tool for communication. We can use it to send email, chat with
friends and family online, or even make video calls. Social media is another way we use the
internet to connect with people and share information.

What are HTTP and HTTPS?

Imagine you are ordering a pizza online. Here's how the communication between your device
and the pizza place website would work:

 TCP (Transmission Control Protocol): This is like the reliable delivery person. TCP
breaks down your order (data) into smaller packets, ensures they all arrive at the pizzeria
(server), and re-delivers any lost packets. TCP doesn't care what the data itself is, it just
guarantees its delivery.
 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): This is like the specific language you use to
order. HTTP defines how you format your request (what kind of pizza, size, etc.) and
how the pizzeria responds (confirmation, price, estimated delivery time).
 HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure): This is like ordering over a secure
phone line. HTTPS is an extension of HTTP that encrypts your order details, making it
unreadable to anyone eavesdropping on the conversation.

What are IP and TCP?

TCP and IP are two fundamental protocols that work together to form the backbone of the
internet. They can be thought of as playing different but equally important roles in getting
information from one device to another on the web.

Internet Protocol (IP): This works like the addressing system for the internet. It assigns a unique
identifier, called an IP address, to every device connected to the internet. Think of it like a
mailing address for your computer. An IP address allows data to be routed to the correct

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): TCP is responsible for ensuring reliable data transmission.
It breaks down large amounts of data into manageable packets, transmits them, and then makes
sure they arrive at the receiving device in the correct order and without errors. TCP acts like a
quality control checker, ensuring everything gets delivered correctly.
TCP and IP are often referred to together as TCP/IP. They are just two of the many protocols that
make up the entire internet protocol suite, which establishes the communication rules for devices
on the internet.

What is HTML?
HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, is the foundation for creating web pages.
It's essentially a set of instructions that tells a web browser how to display content.

Think of it as a blueprint for a house. HTML defines the structure of the web page, specifying
things like headings, paragraphs, lists, images, and videos. It doesn't define the visual style,
though - that's where CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) comes in.

Here's a breakdown of what HTML does:

 Structure: HTML defines the different sections of a web page, like headers, navigation
bars, content areas, and footers.
 Content: It specifies the content within those sections, whether it's text, images, videos,
or forms.
 Hypertext: HTML allows you to create links between web pages, enabling users to
navigate the web.

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