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(This article is published in Marathi fortnightly ‘’Parivartanacha Vatsaru’’

(परिवर्तनाचा वाटसरू) 16August-31Aug 2018)

Jat-Patel-Maratha Reservation:-
Problem and Solution
-Prof. Shrawan Deore
Mob : 8830127270

'Maratha reservation' agitation has spread considerably and total Maharashtra is

sensing its heat! It is not a new thing in the country. Before a few months Jats, Patels
and Gujjars agitated on very large scale that paralysed North India considerably.
This issue (of reservation), as it is considered is not that difficult to resolve! If at all
the national leaders are honest, they can bring the solution at ones; but alas! the
decision making loby working at highest level is interested in keeping not only this
but other issues burning.
The 'issue' is not that of 'reservation'. It lies in the caste-based conflict in getting the
'power'. Out saints and visionaries worked for annihilation of caste-race system.
They fought for the same cause. @Reservation# was considered to be the remedial
measure for upliftment of downtrodden mass. If still holds. But rightists are using this
issue as a weapon thereby keeping the caste-based system alive. 'Jat-Patel-Thakur-
Maratha' reservation is one of the weapons used. Therefore it will be always be
better to go to the rood causes behind the issue.
When India was to be declared as an independent nation, people belonging to
different caste, creed and religions were worried about their very existence, their
development and living with dignity and honour were rather worried for their future
and hence they raised important questions before the system. Islamic public thought
of dividation of this nation and they succeeded in getting their own land namely
'Pakistan. Deprived class and tribal-caste and creed preferred reservation and other
facilities for their socio-educational upliftment.
Brahmin, Kshatriya and Vaishya kept themselves at the centre of the power to
develop themselves. The only category that was not aware of its independent
existence on national level was OBC. Bihar & Tamilnadu were and are exceptions.
OBC always sooked their development into the development of the whole nation as
such. On the class level, farmers and peasents were contempted. Was this peace an
invitation to the cyclone?
Untill 1980 there was no significant change in class-caste stratas. Although conflicts
were there at minor scale, as a whole nationwide the peace and understanding was
there!. But in 1960s, OBCs got anguished because of rejection of Kalelkar
Commission recommendations. These were take into consideration by socialist

parties. Because of this factor, this dissatisfaction did not appeared on political
agenda, it became widespread on national level first time in 'Jandta Dal' that was
under the influence of OBC. Soon the 'Dankel Project' appeared on the global scale
and the national leaders got shaken by this sudden change in the policy that was
implemented on the global scale. Privatisaton, Liberalisation and Globalisation made
the sensitive society segments sleepless. How India could keep itself isolated while
entire world was getting changed entirely in almost all fields? PLG strategy clearly
meant global competition. There was no qestion ot those who were proved to be
defeated permanently in their nation itself to face the global competition. Situation
became so worst that the peasents got totally looted and Farmers were compelled to
commit suicide because of irregular monsoon and lack of fixed strategies for
agricultural produce! These two classes that were getting borned and shaped into
the womb of the two categories were the deprived class and of course OBCs. The
PLG strategy which was classist gave birth to the conflict that supported the castism!
Clas sensations were suppressed and the 'caste-sensation' became predominent!.
The issue was 'class' related but it was bound to seek its solution into the caste-
divide or say 'caste-conflicts'!
Prior to this Janta Dal, a political party that was under an influence of OBCs tried the
'caste-co-ordination' through 'Mandal Commission'. Unfortunately rightists
succeeded in toppling the government much before commissions report that could
have been put on the table of 'Lok-Sabha'. It resulted in surpassing this class-co-
ordinating Mandal Commission's report for in all 50 years. It was just thrown into the
dust-bin. In 1989 OBC dominent 'Janta Dal' formed the central cabinate. Late V.P.
Singh was the Prime Minister and the government formed was that of non-
brahamanians and at the same time it was under the influence of OBCs. Before the
Singh's government could have been toppled, the provisions of Mandal-
Commissions were brought into force Caste-Conflict that made its inclusion in
government agenda made the rightists to put 'Ram Mandir' agenda (religious) as its
priority. An execution of Mandal Commission's recommendations was diluted by
enforcing the criteria that of 'Creamy Layer' via Supreme Court.
Implementation of 'Mandal Commission' has not yielded profit even more than 5% for
OBCs to get government jobs. The conflicts and disputes brought major political ups
and downs nationwide prior to this implementation. Political options got raised in
number that from multicasted OBCs. Those who were very much hurted because of
demolition of Babri Masjid were invited for allies to form OBC based political parties
and even suceeded in obtaining power on state level. Because of this change the
casts belonging to 'Kshatriya' enjoying power for years together got strongly irritated
and annoyed. Jat, Patel, Thakur, Maratha are these castes which were and are in
power at the state level. They strongly opposed 'Mandal Commission' even from
1981. But the conflicts, struggles & disputes were taken to the peak when
'Panchayat Raj' law came into practice! In 1993, Congress tried to capture the vote
bank of OBCs and 'Dalits' by implementation of 'Panchaya Raj Law'. During that
period Kanshiram, Lalu, Mulayam, Bhujbal, Mundhe were having tremendous
political influence. They late wanted to capture 'Delhi' an this is what it made to feel
insecured the brahmanian power that was ruling the country. To get out of this funky

position they brought in picture the 'Kshatriya's' and provokded them to agitate. They
wanted to stop OBCs which were advancing toward central power and this being the
only solution, as they thought, was to include Jats, Patels, Marathas, Thakurs in
existing OBC quota. So also at the same time they wanted to divert 'OBC-Dalit
conflicts' and to orient it against 'Kshatriyas'. Both of these two objectives have been
accomplished be 'Delhi-Centred' Brahmin power!
The root of Maratha-Jat-Patel lies in the above said strategy of 'Brahmins'. So called
Kshatriya talent could not get this. What 'Kshatriyas' think that state political power
itself is our development and the very existance. Panchayat Raj made Patil-Patel
Sarpanchas to step down from the power and Teli, Mali, Nhavi, dhobis from minority
castes included in OBC and SC-STs could get that chair. This was a major blow to
the 'Saranjamshahi' that made Kshatriyas to feel to loose their dignity and got angry
over this transformation. They were enjoying the power in Grampanchayats,
Panchayat Samitees, Zillha Parishadas since 70 years without any obstruction.
These power centres now began to be occupied by OBCs and Dalits, because of
'Panchayat Raj'. Key power positions like 'Chief Minister', Deputy Cheif Minister'
Kshatriyas began to loose. Nationwide awareness among OBCs was as if a major.....
in 2014. To get rid of this, Brahmins gave a nod to 'OBC Prime Minister'. This was a
deliberate move made to avoid or surpass the situation. But Kshatriya's strategy
being 'Katenge Lekin Zukenge Nahi'(कटेंगे लेकिन झुकें गे नही), they are no ready for
caste-co-ordination that will allow OBC to be Chief Minister. Co-ordination,
discussions such democratic values, ways they have not understood and do not
want to follow! By this way or that way they want to include themselves in existing
OBC quota and thereby want to rule at state level.
It should be noted that when Jats, Patels, Marathas, Thakurs were occupying the
chair of Chief-Minister, they never launched any 'Morcha' for reservation! The
moment when 'Others' began to occupy this chair, from that moment they launched
'Mook-Morchas' & 'Thok-Morchas'. In Utter Pradesh, as soon as the state got the
'Jat' Chief Minister, the 'Jat-Morchas' have totally been stopped. At this very day, just
agree to have 'Maratha' Cheif Minister, 'Morchas' will be immediately stopped in
Let us try to search if at all there is any base to the 'Maratha-Arakshan'.
'Privatisation, Liberalisation and Globalisation' was to affect all castes & creed
nationwide and like was the effects are being observed. Those who were aware of
the situation getting created, began to make their rooms and some of them flew
away and settled abroad. Kshatriyas in power did not to preferred to change with
time. Although they were in power, the farming practice followed was traditional.
Even the mentality was such that the taboos and traditions were as if only important.
They kept themselves stuck to the concept of 'Royalness', followed by tremendous
expensive events. This lead majority of them to be in debt. Both the end could not
made to meet and a major class emerged out of this as a poor, economically weaker
class! As a 'Mukhiya' they kept borrowing the money for the marriages of their kids
and even to purchase costly vehicles as a mark of social status. The result? a
weaker class emerged as quoted above from the Jats, Marathas, Thakurs. they

could have posed threat to the 'power' hence were diverted to include themselves in
reservation quota. The farmers were told that they are poor because they are not
getting job as such. This is very much clear that 'Maratha-OBC' conflict will bring
benefits to the established Maratha & Brahmin power!
While implementing 'Mandal Commission', Supreme Court in its verdict has quoted a
guideline that centre and state governments should appoint 'Backward Class-
Commission' having judicial status. All kind of rights have been given to this
commission regarding inclusion or exclusion of any 'caste' in a reservation quota. On
this ground, any political party or any government cannot include any caste in
present quota, at its own will. At least 5 times, till this day, the issue of 'Maratha-
Reservation' has been taken to 'Backward Class Commission'. At each time, it was
rejected. in 2014, Manmohan Singh Government at its will keeping an eye on
Loksabha election. Forcibly included the Jats in OBCs quota. At the same time in
Maharashtra, Prithviraj Chavan Government framed Rane Committee
unconstitutionally and as per agenda of that committee, passed a statute to give
20% reservation independently (i.e. out of OBC quota). The issue was taken to the
court and statute was abolished. Thus, with a political will, to offer reservation to any
caste is not only violating the constitution; not only the defamation of court but is
unethical also!'
Bombay High Court & Supreme Court has rejected 'Maratha-Jat reservation' on the
basis of three reasons- (1) Reservation has crossed the limit of 50% (2) Central and
State OBC Commissions has rejected it and (3) Reservation is meant only for socio-
educational backwardness and not for eradication of poverty. Hence there is
'reservation' in Government Administration and Education for representation of
deprived class. Maratha-Jat reservation does not satisfy any criteria given above.
I have suggested a democratic way out for 'Maratha Reservation' by writing articles,
books, discussions and via OBC agitation itself! What is it? Central Government
appointed Nachiappan Committee in 2005 for inviting suggestive guidelines from all
the sections of the people. This committee clearly suggested to cut the limit of 50
through constitutional provisions. Also it has said that if all the constitution is to be
amended, change it following the constitutional procedure. This will enable the
government to give the 'reservation' to those who have been denied. One more
amendment will have to be made and will read as "While bringing new economic
transformations those who belong to Brahmin-Kshatriya-Vaishya and other
equivalent so called 'higher caste' that are very much economically backward are
being put in one category called 'Higher Caste Economically Backward Class'. They
will be provided reservation keeping intact the OBC existing quota and following
constitutional procedure and no state will deny it. Article 46 of the constitution
supports it strongly. Thus, by forming such HCEBC, the issue can be resolved.
As usual the Central Government is creating confusion among people by deliberate
delays in taking confirm & constitutional decision. Just few days before in Loksabha
the issue of implementing reservations on basis of 'economical weakness' was
discussed. But no one has talked on breaking the limit of 50. All non-brahmins are to
be put in the limit 50%, so that rest 50% quota will be made available for brahmins

only, this is what is being cooked. This will prove to be much dangerous for all
'bahujans' including 'Marahtas and Jats'. It is but clear that the mislead Maratha-Jat-
Patel agitation will result in irreparable damage to the 'Bahunajs'.
This is what is the nationwide effect after a prolonged period. But the effect on
Maharashtra 2019 legislative assembly & legislative council elections will be
immediate and drastic as well. Normally in Maharashtra legislative assembly
Maratha MLAs were 200 out of 288. When Marathas started to enter the pedal of
OBCs forcibly, their number used to decline and on the other hand the number of
original OBCs as MLAs started to rise. At this juncture the number of 'Maratha MLAs
is 145. In light of recent violent agitations after 2019 election their number may not
even cross 40. When Marathas & other categories that were and are kept deprived
deliberately for ages to come agitate and express themselves in a violent and
harmful way, OBCs observe and take notice of all major and even minute things and
then use to hit the nail when it is not! It is really a matter to be concerned that out of
Maratha-OBC conflict, BJP is getting benefitted. Bowing to the pressure of Maratha
agitation if Fadanwis Government includes 'Marathas' in present OBC quota horridly,
BJP will suffer a terrible loss in coming elections! Even 'Marathas' may, in assembly,
less than even 15. If Shivsena fights the 2019 election independently, it will get an
advantage of OBC support and even may get majority to come to the power! This is
what is sure to happen'.

(An author is thinker and a leader of 'OBC-Bahujan Movement')

Prof. Shrawan Deore
Whatsapp No. : 88 301 27 270
Blog :
E-mail :

Translated Date : 28 / 07 / 2018

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