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Jan Evertsenweg 2 T +31 10 487 19 11

3115 JA Schiedam F +31 10 487 17 02
P.O. Box 5054
3008 AB Rotterdam
The Netherlands


ECDIS 4500
User Manual

31 March 2020

Reference number: 4111A-ECDIS-GBD-R6.0.3 31 March 2020

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Project Name Project number

Bridge Portfolio Development P1004799
Main title Date
User Manual ECDIS 4500 31 March 2020
Subtitle Reference number
ECDIS 4500 4111A-ECDIS-GBD-R6.0.3
Special text
[Special text]
Total number of pages
Registration code
Leo Franke
Quality control Signature
Alex Baenffer

Reference number: 4111A-ECDIS-GBD-R6.0.3 Date: 31 March 2020

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Table of contents

Figures ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Tables ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20

References ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23

Abbreviations............................................................................................................................................................................................ 24

Updates ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26

Definitions .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27

Contact Information .............................................................................................................................................................................. 30

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................... 32
1.1 ECDIS 4500 .............................................................................................................................................32
1.2 ECDIS 4500 Options ............................................................................................................................32
1.3 Conformity ..............................................................................................................................................33
1.3.1 ECDIS 4500 ................................................................................................................................33
1.4 Security.....................................................................................................................................................34
1.4.1 ECDIS 4500 ................................................................................................................................34
1.5 Electronic Navigational Chart Formats ........................................................................................34
1.5.1 ECDIS 4500 ................................................................................................................................34
1.5.2 S-57 Standard Format ...........................................................................................................35
1.5.3 ARCS Hydrographic Chart Raster Format .....................................................................35
1.5.4 Ordering charts ........................................................................................................................36
1.6 Synchronisation ....................................................................................................................................37
1.7 ECDIS 4500 System Startup and Shutdown ..............................................................................37
1.7.1 System Initialisation ...............................................................................................................37
1.7.2 ECDIS 4500 Start up ...............................................................................................................37
1.7.3 ECDIS 4500 Recovery time ..................................................................................................38
1.7.4 Exit ECDIS 4500 ........................................................................................................................38
1.7.5 System Shutdown ...................................................................................................................38
1.8 ECDIS 4500 software ...........................................................................................................................39
1.8.1 Software version ......................................................................................................................39
1.8.2 Installation of software .........................................................................................................39
1.9 The Human Machine Interface .......................................................................................................39
1.9.1 Design..........................................................................................................................................39
1.9.2 Normal and Wide screen .....................................................................................................40
1.9.3 ECDIS 4500 Main Display .....................................................................................................40
1.9.4 The Mouse / Trackball...........................................................................................................41
1.9.5 Right Click Trackball functions ..........................................................................................41
1.9.6 Entry fields .................................................................................................................................42
1.9.7 Virtual keyboard ......................................................................................................................43
1.9.8 Dialog windows .......................................................................................................................43
1.10 Support .......................................................................................................................................43
1.11 Technical Tips and Tricks .....................................................................................................43
1.12 Displays and colour calibration .........................................................................................44
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1.12.1 Settling time of displays .......................................................................................................44

1.12.2 Viewing distances of the displays ....................................................................................45
1.13 Contrast, Brightness and Backlight controls ................................................................45
1.13.1 Hatteland Series 1 Displays calibration setting ...........................................................46
1.13.2 Hatteland Series X Display calibration setting ............................................................47
1.14 Contrast, Brightness and Backlight controls via Application Manager .............47
1.14.1 OSD Menu of Displays ..........................................................................................................48
1.14.2 Brilliance set at zero ...............................................................................................................48

2. Chart View ...................................................................................................................................................................... 49

2.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................49
2.2 General features ...................................................................................................................................50
2.3 Zoom and Range..................................................................................................................................51
2.4 Range and chart selection ARCS ....................................................................................................53
2.5 Chart Usages ..........................................................................................................................................55
2.6 Text Labels ..............................................................................................................................................56
2.7 Pop-up help and information window ........................................................................................56
2.8 Measure in chart ...................................................................................................................................57
2.9 Pick Report..............................................................................................................................................57
2.9.1 Attributes ENC charts ............................................................................................................59
2.9.2 Legend ENC charts .................................................................................................................61
2.9.3 Chart Update History ENC charts .....................................................................................62
2.9.4 Pick report ARCS charts ........................................................................................................63
2.9.5 Legend and History ARCS charts ......................................................................................64
2.9.6 Pick report ARPA target .......................................................................................................64
2.10 Centre chart on selected position ....................................................................................65

3. Information bar, Function bar and Menu area ................................................................................................ 66

3.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................66
3.2 Information Bar .....................................................................................................................................66
3.2.1 CCRP POSN ...............................................................................................................................67
3.2.2 Heading ......................................................................................................................................69
3.2.3 Course Over Ground ..............................................................................................................69
3.2.4 Speed ...........................................................................................................................................69
3.2.5 Speed Over Ground ...............................................................................................................70
3.2.6 CURS POSN ...............................................................................................................................70
3.2.7 Date and Time ..........................................................................................................................71
3.2.8 RESET ...........................................................................................................................................72
3.3 Function Bar ...........................................................................................................................................73
3.3.1 Electronic Bearing Line and Variable Range Marker (EBL/VRM) ..........................74
3.3.2 Reference Point .......................................................................................................................76
3.3.3 Man Over Board ......................................................................................................................77
3.3.4 Own Ship ....................................................................................................................................77
3.3.5 Range Rings ..............................................................................................................................79
3.3.6 Names and Text Labels .........................................................................................................79
3.3.7 Settings and Profile Manager ............................................................................................80 Introduction ..............................................................................................................................80 Overview Display Settings ...................................................................................................81 Overview Ship Settings .........................................................................................................82 Overview Viewing Group Settings ...................................................................................83 Overview Safety Value Settings ECDIS ...........................................................................84
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DESCRIPTION Overview Watchdog Settings ECDIS ...............................................................................84 Overview Alert Settings ........................................................................................................85 Overview Chart Settings ECDIS .........................................................................................85 Overview Pilot Settings .........................................................................................................86 Overview AIS Settings ...........................................................................................................86 Overview Trackers Settings .................................................................................................86 Overview Path Prediction Settings (option) .................................................................88 Overview Line of Position Settings ECDIS .....................................................................88 RADAR Grid Locking (option) ............................................................................................88 Overview Object Tracking Settings ..................................................................................88 Overview Route Settings ......................................................................................................88
3.3.8 Hide objects ..............................................................................................................................89
3.4 Menu area ...............................................................................................................................................90
3.4.1 Display modes ..........................................................................................................................90
3.4.2 Focus, Task and Function .....................................................................................................91
3.4.3 Version info ...............................................................................................................................91
3.4.4 Legend.........................................................................................................................................92
3.4.5 Route indicator and Active Waypoint information....................................................93

4. Settings............................................................................................................................................................................ 94
4.1 Main Window ........................................................................................................................................94
4.2 Display ......................................................................................................................................................94
4.2.1 Display / Display ......................................................................................................................95 Show shallow pattern ............................................................................................................96 Show quality info ....................................................................................................................96 Show user objects ...................................................................................................................97 Show overscale indication ...................................................................................................97 Show compass rose ...............................................................................................................97 Show names ..............................................................................................................................98 Show rings .................................................................................................................................98 Enable Special Area filtering ...............................................................................................98
4.2.2 Display / Dangerous Target BCR/BCT Overlay ............................................................99 Mark ARPA and AIS targets as permanently dangerous .........................................99
4.2.3 Display / Past Track ............................................................................................................. 100
4.2.4 Display / Visual limit of lights ......................................................................................... 101
4.2.5 Display / Date dependent objects ................................................................................ 102
4.2.6 Display / Units ....................................................................................................................... 103
4.2.7 Display / RADAR Selection ............................................................................................... 103
4.3 Ship ......................................................................................................................................................... 104
4.3.1 Ship / Ship Symbol .............................................................................................................. 104
4.3.2 Ship / Circular Error Probable ......................................................................................... 105
4.3.3 Position accuracy LOP ........................................................................................................ 106
4.3.4 Position accuracy position sensors ............................................................................... 108
4.3.5 Examples of E95 accuracy ellipses................................................................................. 109
4.4 Viewing Groups ................................................................................................................................. 110
4.4.1 Viewing Groups / Mode .................................................................................................... 110
4.4.2 Viewing Groups / Groups ................................................................................................. 112
4.5 Safety Values ....................................................................................................................................... 114
4.5.1 Safety Values / Chart and Watchdog ........................................................................... 114
4.5.2 Safety Values / AIS Targets .............................................................................................. 115
4.6 Watchdog ............................................................................................................................................. 116
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4.6.1 Watchdog / Watchdog area ............................................................................................ 116 Watchdog area ..................................................................................................................... 117
4.6.2 Watchdog / Detection Level ............................................................................................ 117
4.7 Alert ........................................................................................................................................................ 119
4.7.1 Alert / Notification Setting ............................................................................................... 119
4.7.2 Alert / Alert Priorities .......................................................................................................... 119 Special Area ............................................................................................................................ 120 Navigational Hazard ........................................................................................................... 120 Critical Point on Route ....................................................................................................... 121 Tender Tracking Connection (optional) ...................................................................... 121
4.8 Chart ....................................................................................................................................................... 121
4.8.1 Chart / Types.......................................................................................................................... 122 AIO ............................................................................................................................................. 122
4.8.2 Chart / Presentation ............................................................................................................ 123 Two Shades ............................................................................................................................ 123 Traditional ............................................................................................................................... 124
4.8.3 Chart / Orientation .............................................................................................................. 124 North Up ................................................................................................................................. 124 Course Up ............................................................................................................................... 125 Heading Up ............................................................................................................................ 125
4.8.4 Chart / Colors and Contrast check ................................................................................ 126 Return to daylight control ................................................................................................ 127 Contrast check ...................................................................................................................... 128
4.9 Pilot ......................................................................................................................................................... 129
4.9.1 Pilot / Limits ........................................................................................................................... 129
4.10 AIS .............................................................................................................................................. 130
4.10.1 Targets / Show AIS Targets .............................................................................................. 130 Target symbols and names .............................................................................................. 131
4.10.2 Targets / Show sleeping AIS targets ............................................................................ 132
4.10.3 Targets / AIS and RADAR Target Presentation ........................................................ 133
4.11 Trackers .................................................................................................................................... 134
4.11.1 Trackers / RADAR Trackers ............................................................................................... 134
4.11.2 Trackers / Tracked Target Priority ................................................................................. 135 Pick Report Associated Targets ...................................................................................... 137
4.11.3 Targets / Association Symbolization ............................................................................ 137
4.12 Path Prediction ...................................................................................................................... 138
4.12.1 Path Prediction / Path Prediction (optional) ............................................................. 138
4.13 Line of Position ..................................................................................................................... 140
4.13.1 Line of Position / Line of Position ................................................................................. 140
4.14 RADAR Grid Lock ................................................................................................................. 141
4.15 Object Tracking..................................................................................................................... 142
4.16 Route......................................................................................................................................... 143
4.16.1 Show all Legs ......................................................................................................................... 143
4.16.2 Show XTD Limits ................................................................................................................... 143

5. Profiles ...........................................................................................................................................................................144
5.1 Main Window ..................................................................................................................................... 144
5.2 Load default profile .......................................................................................................................... 145
5.2.1 Indication of loaded profile ............................................................................................. 146

6. Watchdog and danger Highlight ........................................................................................................................147

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6.1 Operational Area ............................................................................................................................... 147

6.2 Permanent Indications .................................................................................................................... 147
6.2.1 Permanent Icon Indications ............................................................................................. 147
6.2.2 Permanent Textual Indications ....................................................................................... 149
6.3 Watchdog ............................................................................................................................................. 150
6.3.1 Watchdog Danger Highlight during Route Monitoring ....................................... 151
6.3.2 Watchdog Danger Highlight during Route Planning ............................................ 153
6.4 Special Areas ....................................................................................................................................... 154

7. ECDIS Alert Handling ...............................................................................................................................................156

7.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 156
7.2 Alert priorities ..................................................................................................................................... 156
7.3 Alert categories .................................................................................................................................. 156
7.4 Alert escalation .................................................................................................................................. 156
7.5 Alert aggregation .............................................................................................................................. 157
7.6 Alert list ................................................................................................................................................. 157
7.7 Alert icons ............................................................................................................................................ 159
7.8 Silencing of the Alert sound ......................................................................................................... 159
7.9 Acceptance of the Alert .................................................................................................................. 159
7.10 ECDIS Display Alerts............................................................................................................ 160
7.10.1 Sensor Alerts .......................................................................................................................... 160
7.10.2 Route Monitoring Alerts ................................................................................................... 160
7.10.3 System Failure Alerts .......................................................................................................... 161
7.10.4 AIS Target Alerts ................................................................................................................... 162
7.10.5 RADAR Target Alerts........................................................................................................... 162
7.10.6 Tender Tracking Target Alerts......................................................................................... 162
7.10.7 Auxiliary Alerts ...................................................................................................................... 163
7.11 BAM in relation to the CAM ............................................................................................ 163

8. Aids to Navigation ....................................................................................................................................................165

8.1 AtoNs ..................................................................................................................................................... 165
8.2 AIS AtoNs – Physical ........................................................................................................................ 165
8.3 AIS AtoNs – Virtual ........................................................................................................................... 166
8.4 AIS AtoNs – SAR ................................................................................................................................ 166

9. ECDIS Display, Focus: Chart ..................................................................................................................................167

9.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 167
9.2 Chart Work........................................................................................................................................... 168
9.2.1 Highlight Danger ................................................................................................................. 169 Highlight Danger polygon edit ...................................................................................... 169
9.2.2 Dividers .................................................................................................................................... 170
9.2.3 Clearing Line .......................................................................................................................... 171
9.2.4 Tidal Stream ........................................................................................................................... 172
9.2.5 Point object ............................................................................................................................ 173
9.2.6 Erase object ............................................................................................................................ 174
9.2.7 Nav. Calculator ...................................................................................................................... 175
9.2.8 Convert local datum to WGS 84 .................................................................................... 176
9.2.9 Convert WGS 84 to local datum .................................................................................... 176
9.2.10 Calculate Distance and Bearing ...................................................................................... 176 Calculate end position ....................................................................................................... 177
9.2.11 View Updates ......................................................................................................................... 177
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DESCRIPTION ENC charts .............................................................................................................................. 177 ARCS charts ............................................................................................................................ 179
9.2.12 Quit ECDIS .............................................................................................................................. 180

10. Route Planning ...........................................................................................................................................................181

10.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 181
10.2 Plan a route in ECDIS 4500 .............................................................................................. 181
10.2.1 Radius check on planned turns ...................................................................................... 183
10.2.2 Route planning examples ................................................................................................. 183
10.3 Construction and Route .................................................................................................... 185
10.4 Route status indicator ........................................................................................................ 187
10.5 Route Storage ....................................................................................................................... 188
10.5.1 Load route .............................................................................................................................. 188
10.5.2 Save route as ......................................................................................................................... 189 Load / Save route and Route manager filter option .............................................. 189
10.6 Delete All ................................................................................................................................. 190
10.6.1 Load SAR Pattern ................................................................................................................. 190 Sector Search ......................................................................................................................... 192 Expanding Square Search ................................................................................................. 192 Track Line Search (Returning and Non Returning) ................................................. 193 Parallel Sweep Search (Starboard and Port).............................................................. 193
10.6.2 Search Options...................................................................................................................... 194 Locking Search Options .................................................................................................... 195
10.6.3 Search Origin ......................................................................................................................... 195
10.6.4 SAR Close, Apply and Activate ....................................................................................... 197
10.6.5 SAR route storage................................................................................................................ 198
10.7 Import / Export ..................................................................................................................... 199 Media selection .................................................................................................................... 201 Import and export via IEC 61162-450.......................................................................... 201 CSV Export option ............................................................................................................... 202 Excel Import / Export option ........................................................................................... 202 RTZ Export option ................................................................................................................ 203
10.8 Delete / Rename................................................................................................................... 204
10.9 Route Construction ............................................................................................................. 205
10.9.1 Construction Defaults ........................................................................................................ 206 Construction Defaults for Waypoints and Legs ....................................................... 206 Construction Defaults for Index lines........................................................................... 206
10.9.2 Selected route and active route ..................................................................................... 207
10.9.3 Create Route .......................................................................................................................... 208
10.9.4 Move Waypoint .................................................................................................................... 209
10.9.5 Insert Waypoint .................................................................................................................... 209
10.9.6 Delete Waypoint/Leg ......................................................................................................... 209
10.9.7 Delete Route .......................................................................................................................... 210
10.9.8 Route Settings ....................................................................................................................... 211 Edit Route settings window ............................................................................................. 212 Waypoint selection list....................................................................................................... 213 Leg-line properties .............................................................................................................. 213 Waypoint properties ........................................................................................................... 213 Set options ............................................................................................................................. 217 Finish Route editing ............................................................................................................ 217 Route properties display, example ............................................................................... 218
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10.9.9 Route Check ........................................................................................................................... 219

10.10 Advanced ................................................................................................................................ 223
10.10.1 Select Route and Deselect Route .................................................................................. 223
10.10.2 Deselect Leg ........................................................................................................................... 224
10.10.3 Waypoint List ......................................................................................................................... 225
10.10.4 ENC Update Report (charts along a route) ................................................................ 227 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 227 Update Report Terminology ............................................................................................ 227 Update Report Layout ........................................................................................................ 230 Report menu buttons ......................................................................................................... 230 Update Reports ..................................................................................................................... 231

11. Monitoring ...................................................................................................................................................................233

11.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 233
11.2 Voyage ..................................................................................................................................... 233
11.2.1 Activate Waypoint ............................................................................................................... 234
11.2.2 Waypoint information ........................................................................................................ 236 Active Waypoint information .......................................................................................... 236 Destination information .................................................................................................... 238 Waypoints ............................................................................................................................... 239
11.2.3 Past Track List ........................................................................................................................ 241 Export Past Track data ....................................................................................................... 242 Past track details .................................................................................................................. 243
11.2.4 Clear Past track ..................................................................................................................... 243
11.2.5 Alert History ........................................................................................................................... 244
11.3 Sensors ..................................................................................................................................... 247
11.3.1 SMC Server selection .......................................................................................................... 248
11.3.2 Position sensor selection .................................................................................................. 248
11.3.3 Dead Reckoning ................................................................................................................... 249
11.3.4 Position offset (stand-alone configuration) .............................................................. 250
11.3.5 Heading sensor selection ................................................................................................. 252
11.3.6 LOG sensor selection .......................................................................................................... 252
11.3.7 AIS control .............................................................................................................................. 253 AIS control, Targets tab ..................................................................................................... 254 AIS control, (received) Messages tab ........................................................................... 255 AIS Setup tab ......................................................................................................................... 256
11.3.8 AIS target symbols .............................................................................................................. 257
11.3.9 Navtex ...................................................................................................................................... 259
11.4 Frame ........................................................................................................................................ 261
11.4.1 Frame Size ............................................................................................................................... 262
11.4.2 Frame Move ........................................................................................................................... 262
11.4.3 Frame Auto ............................................................................................................................. 262
11.4.4 Frame Reset............................................................................................................................ 262
11.5 Control (optional) ................................................................................................................ 263

12. Right Trackball Click Functions ............................................................................................................................266

12.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 266
12.2 Go to Globe ............................................................................................................................ 268
12.3 Add planned position......................................................................................................... 269
12.4 Add distance to run ............................................................................................................ 269
12.5 Add Critical Point on Route ............................................................................................. 270
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12.6 Load default profile ............................................................................................................. 270

12.7 Drawings .................................................................................................................................. 271
12.7.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 271
12.7.2 Drawing basics ...................................................................................................................... 271
12.7.3 Supported drawing objects ............................................................................................. 273
12.7.4 Editing a drawing object ................................................................................................... 274 Loading drawings ................................................................................................................ 274 Drawing object synchronization between ECDIS workstations ......................... 274
12.7.5 Enable drawing mode ........................................................................................................ 275
12.7.6 Drawing Manager ................................................................................................................ 275 Menu options ........................................................................................................................ 275
12.7.7 New drawing .......................................................................................................................... 276
12.7.8 Object creation / edit ......................................................................................................... 276 General guidelines drawing objects ............................................................................. 277
12.7.9 Manipulation of drawing properties ............................................................................ 281 Object Details ........................................................................................................................ 282 Colour settings ...................................................................................................................... 284
12.7.10 Object colours during day, dusk and night mode .................................................. 286
12.7.11 Drawing Example ................................................................................................................. 287
12.8 Notes......................................................................................................................................... 288
12.9 Anchor Watch ........................................................................................................................ 289
12.10 Man Over Board ................................................................................................................... 290
12.11 Landmarks............................................................................................................................... 293
12.11.1 Create Landmarks ................................................................................................................ 294
12.12 Line of Position ..................................................................................................................... 295
12.12.1 Line of Position Editor ........................................................................................................ 295 Bearing position fix method ............................................................................................ 296 Distance position fix method .......................................................................................... 296 Transfer position fix method ........................................................................................... 297 ARPA position fix method ................................................................................................ 297 Optical Bearing Device fix method (option) .............................................................. 297
OBD type: ScanSys SR02-01 ......................................................................................................... 297
12.13 RADAR Grid Locking ........................................................................................................... 301
12.14 Special Areas .......................................................................................................................... 303
12.15 Object Tracking..................................................................................................................... 303
12.15.1 Object Tracker ....................................................................................................................... 304
12.15.2 Manage Trackers .................................................................................................................. 305
12.16 Past track related actions .................................................................................................. 306

13. Chart Handling ...........................................................................................................................................................307

13.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 307
13.2 ECDIS 4500 World Charts ................................................................................................. 308
13.3 Chart Handler ........................................................................................................................ 308
13.3.1 Chart loading procedure ................................................................................................... 308
13.3.2 General ..................................................................................................................................... 309
13.3.3 Permit Inspection ................................................................................................................. 309
13.3.4 The ChartHandler Interface .............................................................................................. 309
13.3.5 Definition of Source Media .............................................................................................. 311
13.3.6 Permit and Chart Installation .......................................................................................... 311 Error Messages...................................................................................................................... 313 Status Indications and User Interaction ...................................................................... 313
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13.3.7 Chart Inventory ..................................................................................................................... 314 Marking of Charts ................................................................................................................ 315 Deletion of Charts ................................................................................................................ 316 Filters......................................................................................................................................... 316 Overview .................................................................................................................................. 318 Format Subpage ................................................................................................................... 318
13.3.8 Reports (Not supported) ................................................................................................... 319
13.3.9 Manual Updates (via ChartHandler) ............................................................................. 321
13.3.10 Review Updates .................................................................................................................... 323
13.3.11 Chart1 ....................................................................................................................................... 325
13.4 Manual Update (via ECDIS) .............................................................................................. 326
13.4.1 Manual Update screen ....................................................................................................... 326
13.4.2 Insert object ........................................................................................................................... 329
13.4.3 Annotate object .................................................................................................................... 331
13.4.4 Move object ........................................................................................................................... 332
13.4.5 Move object under other chart ...................................................................................... 334
13.4.6 Delete object ......................................................................................................................... 335
13.4.7 Withdraw update(s) and Withdrawn updates list ................................................... 336
13.5 Synchronisation of the chart database........................................................................ 337
13.5.1 Synchronisation status ....................................................................................................... 337
13.5.2 Delay synchronisation ........................................................................................................ 339
13.5.3 Synchronize ............................................................................................................................ 339
13.6 Repair Catalog File .............................................................................................................. 340
13.7 ENC Update Report (full chart portfolio) .................................................................... 340
13.7.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 340
13.7.2 Update Report Terminology ............................................................................................ 340
13.7.3 Update Report Layout ........................................................................................................ 340
13.7.4 Report menu buttons ......................................................................................................... 341
13.7.5 Update Reports ..................................................................................................................... 341

Appendix A: Alarms and Alarm Groups .......................................................................................................................................343

Appendix B: Watchdog Warnings object classes .....................................................................................................................344

Appendix C: AIS related VDM messages .....................................................................................................................................347

Appendix D: BAM messages ............................................................................................................................................................348

Appendix E: Past track log file .........................................................................................................................................................349

Appendix F: Display  Focus  Task  Function .................................................................................................................355

Appendix G: Physical AIS AtoN symbols .....................................................................................................................................358

Appendix H: Virtual AIS AtoN symbols ........................................................................................................................................359

Appendix I: SAR AIS AtoN symbols ...............................................................................................................................................360

Appendix J: Wind speeds in knots .................................................................................................................................................361

Appendix K: Direction of Usage ......................................................................................................................................................362

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Appendix L: ChartHandler S-63 Error Messages ......................................................................................................................363

Appendix M: Default Settings ..........................................................................................................................................................368

Appendix M: Index ...............................................................................................................................................................................374

Figure 1 About box .................................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Figure 2 UI colour scheme: Hurricane Black ................................................................................................................................ 40
Figure 3 Right click trackball functions .......................................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 4 Data entry fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 5 Hatteland Series 1 controls ............................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 6 Hatteland Series 1 calibration indicator ...................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 7 Hatteland X-Series monitor controls and ECDIS mode indicator ..................................................................... 47
Figure 8 ECDIS 4500 screen layout, North up ............................................................................................................................. 49
Figure 9 Scale bar at range  6 NM ................................................................................................................................................ 50
Figure 10 Scale bar at range  8 NM .............................................................................................................................................. 50
Figure 11 Chart in Course Up mode ............................................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 12 Chart in Heading Up mode ............................................................................................................................................ 51
Figure 13 Range indicator and zoom arrows .............................................................................................................................. 52
Figure 14 Range indicator with Range Rings on ........................................................................................................................ 52
Figure 15 Selectable range scales .................................................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 16 ARCS chart selection window ........................................................................................................................................ 53
Figure 17 ARCS range selection, Optimal scale .......................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 18 Pop-up help and information window ...................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 19 Measure in chart ................................................................................................................................................................. 57
Figure 20 EBL/VRM in chart ................................................................................................................................................................ 57
Figure 21 Pick report (example) ........................................................................................................................................................ 58
Figure 22 Pick report attribute window ......................................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 23 Pick report, link to external file (example) ................................................................................................................ 60
Figure 24 Pick report, Legend ............................................................................................................................................................ 61
Figure 25 Pick report, Legend, chart update history ................................................................................................................ 61
Figure 26 Update information ENC chart, example .................................................................................................................. 62
Figure 27 Pick report ARCS chart, example .................................................................................................................................. 63
Figure 28 Attributes ARCS chart, examples .................................................................................................................................. 63
Figure 29 Legend, ARCS chart, example ........................................................................................................................................ 64
Figure 30 Pick report ARPA target (example) .............................................................................................................................. 64
Figure 31 Information line ................................................................................................................................................................... 66
Figure 32 Ship's time set up window .............................................................................................................................................. 71
Figure 33 System running indicator ................................................................................................................................................ 72
Figure 34 Function bar .......................................................................................................................................................................... 73
Figure 35 EBL/VRM function .............................................................................................................................................................. 74
Figure 36 EBL/VRM options menu ................................................................................................................................................... 74
Figure 37 Set EBL by moving cursor ............................................................................................................................................... 75
Figure 38 VRM display off ................................................................................................................................................................... 75
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Figure 39 Reference point options .................................................................................................................................................. 76

Figure 40 Reference point ................................................................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 41 MOB indication.................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 42 Ship Function ....................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 43 Own ship symbols .............................................................................................................................................................. 78
Figure 44 Range rings function ......................................................................................................................................................... 79
Figure 45 Names and Text labels ..................................................................................................................................................... 79
Figure 46 Settings and Profile Manager Menus ......................................................................................................................... 80
Figure 47 Hide button........................................................................................................................................................................... 89
Figure 48 Display Modes ..................................................................................................................................................................... 90
Figure 49 ECDIS 4500 version info................................................................................................................................................... 91
Figure 50 ECDIS Legend ....................................................................................................................................................................... 92
Figure 51 Settings Window ................................................................................................................................................................. 94
Figure 52 Display..................................................................................................................................................................................... 94
Figure 53 Display Setting ..................................................................................................................................................................... 95
Figure 54 Shallow Pattern ................................................................................................................................................................... 96
Figure 55 Quality info............................................................................................................................................................................ 96
Figure 56 Example of Quality Info.................................................................................................................................................... 96
Figure 57 Different quality symbols ................................................................................................................................................ 96
Figure 58 Example User Object: Highlight Danger ................................................................................................................... 97
Figure 59 Overscale pattern and factor ......................................................................................................................................... 97
Figure 60 Wind symbol in compass rose ...................................................................................................................................... 97
Figure 61 Dangerous Target BCR/BCT Overlay Setting .......................................................................................................... 99
Figure 62 Past Track Setting ............................................................................................................................................................. 100
Figure 63 Past track according to Main and Monitoring sensor ....................................................................................... 100
Figure 64 Go to past track position ............................................................................................................................................... 100
Figure 65 Past track options ............................................................................................................................................................. 101
Figure 66 Visual limit of lights Menu ............................................................................................................................................ 101
Figure 67 Visual Limit of Lights ....................................................................................................................................................... 102
Figure 68 Date dependent objects Setting ................................................................................................................................ 102
Figure 69 Display not real time ....................................................................................................................................................... 102
Figure 70 Units Setting ....................................................................................................................................................................... 103
Figure 71 RADAR Selection Setting ............................................................................................................................................... 103
Figure 72 Display................................................................................................................................................................................... 104
Figure 73 Ship symbol maximum size Setting .......................................................................................................................... 104
Figure 74 Ship symbol scaled .......................................................................................................................................................... 104
Figure 75 Ship symbol standard ..................................................................................................................................................... 104
Figure 76 CEP Activation .................................................................................................................................................................... 105
Figure 77 Differences between RADAR and ARPA targets .................................................................................................. 106
Figure 78 Position line and standard deviation ........................................................................................................................ 106
Figure 79 E95 ellipse on two position lines α en β ................................................................................................................. 107
Figure 80 E95 ellipse ............................................................................................................................................................................ 107
Figure 81 Example of an E95 error ellipse .................................................................................................................................. 107
Figure 82 R95 for position sensor .................................................................................................................................................. 108
Figure 83 Example of E95 based on RADAR targets .............................................................................................................. 109
Figure 84 LOP dialog with LOP based on RADAR targets.................................................................................................... 109
Figure 85 Viewing Group Settings ................................................................................................................................................. 110
Figure 86 Currently selected View mode (STD) ........................................................................................................................ 110
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Figure 87 Mode (STD) ........................................................................................................................................................................ 111

Figure 88 Groups I Setting ................................................................................................................................................................ 112
Figure 89 Groups II Setting ............................................................................................................................................................... 113
Figure 90 Safety Value Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 114
Figure 91 Chart and Watchdog Setting ....................................................................................................................................... 114
Figure 92 AIS Targets Setting .......................................................................................................................................................... 115
Figure 93 Watchdog Settings .......................................................................................................................................................... 116
Figure 94 Watchdog area Setting .................................................................................................................................................. 116
Figure 95 Overlay Setting .................................................................................................................................................................. 117
Figure 96 Detection Level Setting .................................................................................................................................................. 117
Figure 97 Alert Settings ...................................................................................................................................................................... 119
Figure 98 Notification Settings Setting ........................................................................................................................................ 119
Figure 99 Notification Settings Setting ........................................................................................................................................ 119
Figure 100 Example Restricted Area ............................................................................................................................................. 120
Figure 101 Highlighted Danger ...................................................................................................................................................... 120
Figure 102 Critical Point on Route ................................................................................................................................................. 121
Figure 103 Chart Settings .................................................................................................................................................................. 121
Figure 104 Chart Types Setting ....................................................................................................................................................... 122
Figure 105 Typical AIO ........................................................................................................................................................................ 122
Figure 106 AIO Pick Report............................................................................................................................................................... 123
Figure 107 Presentation Setting ..................................................................................................................................................... 123
Figure 108 Orientation Setting ........................................................................................................................................................ 124
Figure 109 Colors Setting .................................................................................................................................................................. 126
Figure 110 Return to daylight or dusk option .......................................................................................................................... 127
Figure 111 Contrast check................................................................................................................................................................. 128
Figure 112 Pilot Settings .................................................................................................................................................................... 129
Figure 113 Sensors and Route Setting ......................................................................................................................................... 129
Figure 114 Targets option Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 130
Figure 115 Targets Setting ................................................................................................................................................................ 130
Figure 116 AIS target symbols ........................................................................................................................................................ 131
Figure 117 ARPA target acquired on S-band ............................................................................................................................ 132
Figure 118 AIS Targets Setting ........................................................................................................................................................ 132
Figure 119 AIS and RADAR Target Presentation ...................................................................................................................... 133
Figure 120 Trackers option Settings ............................................................................................................................................. 134
Figure 121 RADAR Tracker menu ................................................................................................................................................... 134
Figure 122 Tracker and Target status ........................................................................................................................................... 135
Figure 123 Association priority ....................................................................................................................................................... 135
Figure 124 Relational settings ......................................................................................................................................................... 136
Figure 125 Pick Report Associated targets ................................................................................................................................. 137
Figure 126 Association........................................................................................................................................................................ 137
Figure 127 Path Prediction Settings .............................................................................................................................................. 138
Figure 128 Path Prediction Setting ................................................................................................................................................ 138
Figure 129 Watchdog area linked to Path Prediction ............................................................................................................ 138
Figure 130 Path Prediction ................................................................................................................................................................ 139
Figure 131 Line of Position Settings ............................................................................................................................................. 140
Figure 132 Line of Position Setting ............................................................................................................................................... 140
Figure 133 RADAR Grid Locking Settings ................................................................................................................................... 141
Figure 134 Object Tracking Settings ............................................................................................................................................. 142
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Figure 135 Object Tracking ............................................................................................................................................................... 142

Figure 136 Example of Object Tracking of a MOB .................................................................................................................. 142
Figure 137 Route Settings ................................................................................................................................................................. 143
Figure 138 XTD Limits on and XTD Limits off............................................................................................................................ 143
Figure 141 Profiles ................................................................................................................................................................................ 144
Figure 142 Two different setting flows ........................................................................................................................................ 144
Figure 143 Load default profile ....................................................................................................................................................... 145
Figure 144 Last loaded User Profile .............................................................................................................................................. 146
Figure 145 Operational Area ............................................................................................................................................................ 147
Figure 146 Permanent Icons ............................................................................................................................................................. 147
Figure 147 Watchdog area, example ............................................................................................................................................ 150
Figure 148 Watchdog area follows ship's COG ........................................................................................................................ 150
Figure 149 Watchdog Danger Highlight ..................................................................................................................................... 151
Figure 150 Presentation of Caution highlights ......................................................................................................................... 152
Figure 151 Dangers on Route .......................................................................................................................................................... 153
Figure 152 Typical Restricted Area “Wadden” .......................................................................................................................... 154
Figure 153 Restricted Area “Wadden” in Manage areas menu .......................................................................................... 155
Figure 154 Alert List ............................................................................................................................................................................. 158
Figure 155 Typical CAM GUI ............................................................................................................................................................ 163
Figure 156 Basic physical AtoN shape ......................................................................................................................................... 165
Figure 157 Typical physical AtoN symbols ................................................................................................................................. 165
Figure 158 Basic vitual AtoN shape ............................................................................................................................................... 166
Figure 159 Typical virtual AtoN symbols..................................................................................................................................... 166
Figure 160 ECDIS Chart, Chart Work functions ........................................................................................................................ 168
Figure 161 Highlight danger symbols .......................................................................................................................................... 169
Figure 162 Deletion of Highlight Danger points ..................................................................................................................... 169
Figure 163 Chart Work, Dividers Function .................................................................................................................................. 170
Figure 164 Select Clearing line type .............................................................................................................................................. 171
Figure 165 Clearing Line .................................................................................................................................................................... 171
Figure 166 Tidal stream dialog window ...................................................................................................................................... 172
Figure 167 Tidal stream display: Actual ....................................................................................................................................... 172
Figure 168 Tidal stream display, Predicted ................................................................................................................................ 172
Figure 169 Tidal stream display, Undefined............................................................................................................................... 172
Figure 170 Insert Point object ......................................................................................................................................................... 173
Figure 171 Point object, Position ................................................................................................................................................... 173
Figure 172 Point object, Duration time........................................................................................................................................ 173
Figure 173 Erase object: confirm .................................................................................................................................................... 174
Figure 174 Navigational Calculator: select Function .............................................................................................................. 175
Figure 175 Navigational Calculator: select Datum .................................................................................................................. 175
Figure 176 View Updates, select cell ............................................................................................................................................. 177
Figure 177 View Updates information window, ENC chart .................................................................................................. 178
Figure 178 Update log file, ENC chart .......................................................................................................................................... 178
Figure 179 View Updates ARCS, select chart ............................................................................................................................. 179
Figure 180 View Updates Information window ........................................................................................................................ 179
Figure 181 ARCS Update Information, Optimal scale ............................................................................................................ 180
Figure 182 ARCS Update Information, Compilation scale ................................................................................................... 180
Figure 183 ARCS Update Information, Fit to screen ............................................................................................................... 180
Figure 184 Selected route in construction framework .......................................................................................................... 186
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Figure 185 Activated route in construction framework ........................................................................................................ 186

Figure 186 Route status indicator .................................................................................................................................................. 187
Figure 187 ECDIS display, Planning, Load/Save functions ................................................................................................... 188
Figure 188 Load Route ....................................................................................................................................................................... 188
Figure 189 Save Route ........................................................................................................................................................................ 189
Figure 190 Warning: route saved with existing name ........................................................................................................... 189
Figure 191 Search And Rescue Pattern Menu ........................................................................................................................... 190
Figure 192 Search Pattern Menu .................................................................................................................................................... 191
Figure 193 Sector Search ................................................................................................................................................................... 192
Figure 194 Expanding Sector Search ............................................................................................................................................ 192
Figure 195 Track Line Search (Returning) ................................................................................................................................... 193
Figure 196 Track Line Search (Non Returning) ......................................................................................................................... 193
Figure 197 Parallel Sweep Search (Starboard) .......................................................................................................................... 193
Figure 198 Parallel Sweep Search (Port) ...................................................................................................................................... 193
Figure 199 Search radius ................................................................................................................................................................... 194
Figure 200 Number of sweeps .......................................................................................................................................................... 194
Figure 201 Search Options Menu .................................................................................................................................................. 194
Figure 202 Search options with parameter lock ...................................................................................................................... 195
Figure 203 Search Origin Menu ...................................................................................................................................................... 195
Figure 204 SAR Direction ................................................................................................................................................................... 196
Figure 205 Route Manager window .............................................................................................................................................. 199
Figure 206 Selection of media to import/export routes ....................................................................................................... 201
Figure 207 CSV export in .csv .......................................................................................................................................................... 202
Figure 208 Excel export in .xlsx........................................................................................................................................................ 202
Figure 209 Excel import error message ....................................................................................................................................... 203
Figure 210 RTZ export in .rtz ............................................................................................................................................................ 203
Figure 211 Route Manager window .............................................................................................................................................. 204
Figure 212 Planning Construction functions ............................................................................................................................. 205
Figure 213 Default construction properties ECDIS 4500 ...................................................................................................... 206
Figure 214 Example of Index Lines ................................................................................................................................................ 207
Figure 215 Index Lines shown when moving waypoint ........................................................................................................ 207
Figure 216 Move waypoint ............................................................................................................................................................... 209
Figure 217 Move waypoint confirmed ......................................................................................................................................... 209
Figure 218 Insert waypoint ............................................................................................................................................................... 209
Figure 219 Insert waypoint confirmed ......................................................................................................................................... 209
Figure 220 Confirm Remove All ...................................................................................................................................................... 210
Figure 221 Remove All options when selected route present ........................................................................................... 210
Figure 222 Edit route dialog window ECDIS 4500 ................................................................................................................... 212
Figure 223 Centre display on waypoint of route ..................................................................................................................... 213
Figure 224 Edit leg line properties ................................................................................................................................................. 213
Figure 225 Edit waypoint properties ............................................................................................................................................. 213
Figure 226 Waypoint definition ...................................................................................................................................................... 215
Figure 227 Advance / Transfer ........................................................................................................................................................ 216
Figure 228 Edit route, Set options ................................................................................................................................................. 217
Figure 229 Wheelover point, ECDIS 4500 configuration with autopilot ........................................................................ 218
Figure 230 Check Route parameters ............................................................................................................................................. 219
Figure 231 Route check message box, no dangers ................................................................................................................ 220
Figure 232 Route check message box .......................................................................................................................................... 220
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Figure 233 Route Validation window............................................................................................................................................ 220

Figure 234 Filtered Danger Groups ............................................................................................................................................... 222
Figure 235 Route Planning functions ........................................................................................................................................... 223
Figure 236 Waypoint List, ECDIS 4500 ......................................................................................................................................... 225
Figure 237 Print Waypoint list, ECDIS 4500 ............................................................................................................................... 226
Figure 238 Report header.................................................................................................................................................................. 227
Figure 239 Report listing ................................................................................................................................................................... 227
Figure 240 Report layout ................................................................................................................................................................... 230
Figure 241 Example of ENC Update Status Report: Summary ........................................................................................... 231
Figure 242 Example of ENC Update Status Report: Full ....................................................................................................... 231
Figure 243 Example of ENC Management Report: Full ......................................................................................................... 231
Figure 244 Example of ENC Management Report: Action Required ............................................................................... 232
Figure 245 Example of ENC Management Report: Not Up to Date ................................................................................. 232
Figure 246 Operation, Voyage functions .................................................................................................................................... 233
Figure 247 Activated waypoint in route present and loaded ............................................................................................. 235
Figure 248 Other route with activated waypoint present and loaded ............................................................................ 235
Figure 249 Enhanced Route information .................................................................................................................................... 236
Figure 250 Active waypoint information ..................................................................................................................................... 236
Figure 251 Active ETA information ................................................................................................................................................ 238
Figure 252 ETA calculations .............................................................................................................................................................. 238
Figure 253 Waypoint information active route, ECDIS 4500............................................................................................... 239
Figure 254 Past track list .................................................................................................................................................................... 241
Figure 255 Export past track data .................................................................................................................................................. 242
Figure 256 Past track Details ............................................................................................................................................................ 243
Figure 257 Alert History window .................................................................................................................................................... 244
Figure 258 Alert history, select type .............................................................................................................................................. 244
Figure 259 Monitor, Sensors functions ........................................................................................................................................ 247
Figure 260 Server selection window ............................................................................................................................................. 248
Figure 261 Position sensor control window ............................................................................................................................... 249
Figure 262 DR position ....................................................................................................................................................................... 250
Figure 263 Dead Reckoning position window .......................................................................................................................... 250
Figure 264 Position offset options (example) ........................................................................................................................... 251
Figure 265 Position offset entry fields.......................................................................................................................................... 251
Figure 266 Heading sensor selection window (example) ..................................................................................................... 252
Figure 267 Log sensor selection window .................................................................................................................................... 252
Figure 268 AIS control, Targets tab ............................................................................................................................................... 254
Figure 269 AIS target info ................................................................................................................................................................. 255
Figure 270 AIS send message window ......................................................................................................................................... 255
Figure 271 AIS control, Messages tab .......................................................................................................................................... 255
Figure 272 AIS control, Setup tab .................................................................................................................................................. 256
Figure 273 AIS number of passengers ......................................................................................................................................... 256
Figure 274 Navtex, Notification ...................................................................................................................................................... 259
Figure 275 Navtex Messages (grey skin) ..................................................................................................................................... 259
Figure 276 Navtex Full message (grey skin)............................................................................................................................... 259
Figure 277 Navtex Filter options .................................................................................................................................................... 260
Figure 278 Monitor, Frame functions ........................................................................................................................................... 261
Figure 279 Frame .................................................................................................................................................................................. 261
Figure 280 Monitoring Control menu HDG ............................................................................................................................... 263
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Figure 281 Monitoring Control menu Track .............................................................................................................................. 264

Figure 282 Monitoring Control menu DP ................................................................................................................................... 265
Figure 283 Right trackball click (all)............................................................................................................................................... 266
Figure 284 Goto Harbour list ........................................................................................................................................................... 268
Figure 285 Goto Globe option ........................................................................................................................................................ 268
Figure 286 Right mouse route options ........................................................................................................................................ 269
Figure 287 Planned position and Distance to run added..................................................................................................... 269
Figure 288 Add critical point ............................................................................................................................................................ 270
Figure 289 Default Profile .................................................................................................................................................................. 270
Figure 290 Example of Drawing Manager .................................................................................................................................. 271
Figure 291 Example drawings 1 ...................................................................................................................................................... 272
Figure 292 Example drawings 2 ...................................................................................................................................................... 272
Figure 293 Supported drawing objects ....................................................................................................................................... 273
Figure 294 Enabling drawing mode .............................................................................................................................................. 275
Figure 295 Drawing Manager .......................................................................................................................................................... 275
Figure 296 Right mouse click chart area ..................................................................................................................................... 276
Figure 297 Select drawing object ................................................................................................................................................... 276
Figure 298 Line or polyline creation.............................................................................................................................................. 278
Figure 299 Circle creation .................................................................................................................................................................. 279
Figure 300 Line creation ..................................................................................................................................................................... 279
Figure 301 Text creation .................................................................................................................................................................... 280
Figure 302 Pick report object manipulation .............................................................................................................................. 281
Figure 303 Points .................................................................................................................................................................................. 281
Figure 304 Details / Fill colour ......................................................................................................................................................... 283
Figure 305 Details / Outline colour ............................................................................................................................................... 283
Figure 306 Labels .................................................................................................................................................................................. 284
Figure 307 Standard Colours ........................................................................................................................................................... 284
Figure 308 More Colours ................................................................................................................................................................... 285
Figure 309 Overview of RGB values............................................................................................................................................... 285
Figure 310 Drawing objects in ECDIS ........................................................................................................................................... 286
Figure 312 Typical example of the drawing function ............................................................................................................. 287
Figure 313 Mariner's Notes function ............................................................................................................................................ 288
Figure 314 Insert Mariner's note: Remark ................................................................................................................................... 288
Figure 315 Anchor Watch swing circle ......................................................................................................................................... 289
Figure 316 Right trackball click ....................................................................................................................................................... 289
Figure 317 Right trackball click ....................................................................................................................................................... 290
Figure 318 MOB button at the bottom bar ................................................................................................................................ 290
Figure 319 MOB menu after right click ........................................................................................................................................ 290
Figure 320 MOB with Set and Drift ............................................................................................................................................... 291
Figure 321 Manage MOBs menu .................................................................................................................................................... 291
Figure 322 MOB positions ................................................................................................................................................................. 292
Figure 323 MOB EDIT menu ............................................................................................................................................................. 292
Figure 324 MOB tracking ................................................................................................................................................................... 293
Figure 325 Landmark dialog............................................................................................................................................................. 293
Figure 326 Add Landmark ................................................................................................................................................................. 294
Figure 327 List of Landmarks ........................................................................................................................................................... 294
Figure 328 LOP editor ......................................................................................................................................................................... 295
Figure 329 Typical position fix ......................................................................................................................................................... 296
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Figure 330 SR02-01 OBD ................................................................................................................................................................... 297

Figure 331 How to enable OBD bearing lines ........................................................................................................................... 300
Figure 332 RADAR Grid Licking....................................................................................................................................................... 301
Figure 333 Position Sensor Selection with RADAR Grid Lock sensor .............................................................................. 302
Figure 334 Conning sensor selection with RADAR Grid Locking sensor ....................................................................... 303
Figure 335 Object Tracking ............................................................................................................................................................... 304
Figure 336 Object Tracker ................................................................................................................................................................. 304
Figure 337 Object tracker relative to own ship ........................................................................................................................ 305
Figure 338 Manage trackers ............................................................................................................................................................. 305
Figure 339 Chart Handling display options ............................................................................................................................... 307
Figure 340 ChartHandler About Box ............................................................................................................................................. 309
Figure 341 ChartHandler main display......................................................................................................................................... 310
Figure 342 ChartHandler Toolbar................................................................................................................................................... 310
Figure 343 ChartHandler definition of source media ............................................................................................................ 311
Figure 344 ChartHandler update from FTP Server .................................................................................................................. 311
Figure 345 ChartHandler Permit and Chart installation ........................................................................................................ 312
Figure 346 ChartHandler detected permits and charts ......................................................................................................... 312
Figure 347 ChartHandler progress loading permits and charts ........................................................................................ 313
Figure 348 ChartHandler Synchronization ................................................................................................................................. 314
Figure 349 ChartHandler Inventory ............................................................................................................................................... 314
Figure 350 ChartHandler right click on chart entry ................................................................................................................ 315
Figure 351 ChartHandler delete entry .......................................................................................................................................... 315
Figure 352 ChartHandler filter options ........................................................................................................................................ 316
Figure 353 ChartHandler licensed and installed ENCs .......................................................................................................... 317
Figure 354 ChartHandler licensed but not yet installed ENCs ........................................................................................... 317
Figure 355 ChartHandler available ENCs .................................................................................................................................... 318
Figure 356 ChartHandler overview installed charts ................................................................................................................ 318
Figure 357 ChartHandler reports .................................................................................................................................................... 319
Figure 358 Example report ................................................................................................................................................................ 320
Figure 359 ChartHandler GUI Manual Updates ........................................................................................................................ 322
Figure 360 ChartHandler inserted manual update.................................................................................................................. 323
Figure 361 ChartHandler result of withdrawing an update ................................................................................................. 323
Figure 362 ChartHandler GUI of Review Updates ................................................................................................................... 324
Figure 363 ChartHandler show updates ...................................................................................................................................... 324
Figure 364 ChartHandler show update time span .................................................................................................................. 325
Figure 365 ChartHandler chart 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 325
Figure 366 Manual update, point ARCS chart ........................................................................................................................... 327
Figure 367 Manual Update screen ................................................................................................................................................. 328
Figure 368 Insert object, identify icon .......................................................................................................................................... 329
Figure 369 Insert object window .................................................................................................................................................... 330
Figure 370 Duration limit window ................................................................................................................................................. 330
Figure 371 Manually inserted object ............................................................................................................................................ 330
Figure 372 Pick report of manually inserted object ................................................................................................................ 330
Figure 373 Annotate object, Select feature ................................................................................................................................ 331
Figure 374 Annotate object window ............................................................................................................................................. 331
Figure 375 Annotation in pick report ........................................................................................................................................... 331
Figure 376 Move object, Select feature ....................................................................................................................................... 332
Figure 377 Move object window .................................................................................................................................................... 332
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Figure 378 Moved SENC object in Manual update screen (left)and ECDIS screen (right) ...................................... 333
Figure 379 Pick report moved object at 'old' position .......................................................................................................... 333
Figure 380 Moved object in Manual Update screen .............................................................................................................. 334
Figure 381 Moved object disappears in ECDIS screen .......................................................................................................... 335
Figure 382 Withdraw updates, select charts and update set .............................................................................................. 336
Figure 383 Withdrawn updates list ................................................................................................................................................ 337
Figure 384 Chart handling options ................................................................................................................................................ 337
Figure 385 Sync status, example .................................................................................................................................................... 338
Figure 386 Postpone chart data base synchronisation ......................................................................................................... 339
Figure 387 Report header.................................................................................................................................................................. 340
Figure 388 Report layout ................................................................................................................................................................... 340
Figure 389 Example of ENC Update Status Report: Summary ........................................................................................... 341
Figure 390 Example of ENC Update Status Report: Full ....................................................................................................... 341
Figure 391 Example of ENC Management Report: Full ......................................................................................................... 342
Figure 392 Example of ENC Management Report: Action Required ............................................................................... 342
Figure 393 Example of ENC Management Report: Not Up to Date ................................................................................. 342

Table 1 Central and local settings .................................................................................................................................................... 37
Table 2 Viewing distance displays ................................................................................................................................................... 45
Table 3 Chart usage and display range ......................................................................................................................................... 55
Table 4 Filter options Pick Report .................................................................................................................................................... 59
Table 5 Possible target combinations in Legend ....................................................................................................................... 93
Table 6 List of standard deviations in relation to fix methods ........................................................................................... 106
Table 7 Target selections ................................................................................................................................................................... 130
Table 8 Associated targets ................................................................................................................................................................ 135
Table 9 Target option view settings .............................................................................................................................................. 136
Table 10 Relation of Caution highlights and Alert Settings ................................................................................................ 152
Table 11 ECDIS Display Alerts - Sensor Alerts .......................................................................................................................... 160
Table 12 ECDIS Display Alerts – Route Monitoring Alerts ................................................................................................... 160
Table 13 ECDIS Display Alerts – System Failure Alerts .......................................................................................................... 161
Table 14 ECDIS Display Alerts – AIS Target Alerts ................................................................................................................... 162
Table 15 ECDIS Display Alerts – RADAR Target Alerts........................................................................................................... 162
Table 16 ECDIS Display Alerts – Tender Tracking Target Alerts ........................................................................................ 163
Table 17 ECDIS Display Alerts – Auxiliary Alerts ...................................................................................................................... 163
Table 18 Minimum and maximum values of search options .............................................................................................. 195
Table 19 Import / Export options 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 200
Table 20 Import / Export options 2 ............................................................................................................................................... 200
Table 21 Chart status ........................................................................................................................................................................... 227
Table 22 Report column 6 & 7 values .......................................................................................................................................... 228
Table 23 Chart status – Chart action ............................................................................................................................................. 228
Table 24 Overview report types ...................................................................................................................................................... 229
Table 25 Report field overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 230
Table 26 Object tracking .................................................................................................................................................................... 303
Table 27 Report field overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 341
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Table 28 Primary AIS Message Types ........................................................................................................................................... 347

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Reference number: 4111A-ECDIS-GBD-R6.0.3 Date: 31 March 2020

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1. Name: SevenCs Chart Handler v.3.3, User’s Guide
Version: 1.0
Date: August 2016

2. Name: Conning 4500 User Manual

Date: 21 April 2011

3. Name: Application Manager 4500 user manual

Ref: ACC-4111A-APM-GBD

4. Name: User Manual Series 1 Displays

Version: INB100036-1
Date: January 2014

5. Name: User Manual Series X Displays

Version: INB100519-1
Date: December 2013

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AIS Automatic identification system
AML Additional Military Layer
ANI Auxiliary Navigation Information
ARCS Admiralty Raster Chart System
ARPA Automatic Radar Plotting Aid
ATA Automatic tracking aid
AtoN Aids to navigation
BAM Bridge Alert Management
BCR Bow Crossing Range
BCT Bow Crossing Time
BNWAS Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm system
BT Bottom Track
CCRP Consistent Common Reference Point
CCRS Consistent common reference system
CHARTDB Chart Database
CNI Core Navigation Information
CON Conning
COG Course Over Ground
CPA Closest Point of Approach
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
DNC Digital Nautical Charts
DR Dead Reckoning
CSP Commence Search Point
DWOP Distance to Wheelover point
EBL Electronic Bearing Line
EPA Electronic Plotting Aid
ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information System
ENC Electronic Navigational Chart
EPFS Electronic Position Fixing System
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
GIS Geographic Information System
GPS Global Positioning System
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
HCS Heading Control System
HO Hydrographical Office
IMO International Maritime Organisation
IM&O Imtech Marine and Offshore
IC-ENC International Centre for ENCs
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
INS Integrated Navigation System
IO Input/Output
ISO International Organization for Standardization
LDL Limit Danger Line
MED Marine Equipment Directive
MFD Maritime Foundation Data
MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity
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NIMA National Imagery and Mapping Agency

NMEA National Marine Electronics Association
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NtM Notice to Mariners
OOW Officer in charge of the navigational watch (Officer on the Watch)
ORIENT Orientation
PORT Port/Portside
PT Point
PTA Planned Time of Arrival
PTD Planned Time of Departure
RAIM Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring
RNC Raster Navigational Chart
RP Radar plotting as implemented in ARPA, ATA or EPA
S52 IHO Special publication 52 dealing with the presentation of hydrographic data on
S57 IHO Special publication 57 dealing with the data exchange between hydrographic
office and ECDIS
SAR Search And Rescue
SCAMIN Minimum scale at which a object will be displayed
SDME Speed and Distance Measuring Equipment
SENC System Electronic Navigational Chart
SMC Ship Motion Control
SOG Speed Over Ground
SOLAS International convention for the Safety Of Life At Sea
SPD Speed from speed sensor
STBD Starboard
STD Standard Display
STW Speed Through Water
TCPA Time to Closest Point of Approach
TCS Track Control System
TOD Tactical Ocean Data
TWOP Time to Wheelover point
UTC Universal Time Co-ordinate
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
VDR Voyage data recorder
VDU Visual display unit
VMAP Vector Smart Map
VPF Vector Product Format
VRM Variable range marker
WO Wheel Over
WOL Wheel Over Line
WOP Wheel Over Point
WT Water Track

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In the table below the corrections are recorded of those parts that have changed since the previous version.

Version Date Change/Correction Reason

6.0.0 9 May 2018 New features and Windows 10 Changes required for Windows 10
compatibility OS release Rhodium Bridge Product
6.0.1 19 November 2019 GUI changes and new features New product release Rhodium
added Bridge Product Line
6.0.2 30 March 2020 Document checked and updated. New product release Rhodium
New menu structure implemented. Bridge Product Line or later
Added HOV features
6.0.3 31 March 2020 Minor issues resolved New product release Rhodium
Bridge Product Line or later

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The degree of conformance between the estimated or measured parameter value at a given time
and its true parameter value at that time.
Active track
The track that is currently used by the system for automatic heading or track
Confirmable command
A command readily prepared by the system for confirmation by the operator. Typically used for
systems that can automatically prepare for the change of a control mode, in which case operator
confirmation is required before execution.
Conning position
Position on the navigation bridge providing the applicable visibility according to SOLAS Ch. V, Reg.
Consistent common reference system (CCRS)
The CCRS is the means to ensure that all parts of the ECDIS use the same source and values for a
specific type of system data and essential information, e.g. own ship position, speed through
water, heading, time, etc.
Compilation scale
Scale at which the chart information meets the IHO requirements for chart accuracy. It is
established by the producing hydrographic office and encoded in the ENC

Corrupted data
ENC data produced according to the IHO S-57 ENC product specification, but altered or modified
during production transmission, or retrieval.
Cross track distance
Perpendicular distance of the ship to the track, including direction
Detected hazards
Objects identified, e.g. by means of radar, radar plotting, or AIS reported fixed targets, that may
endanger safe navigation.
ENC cell
Geographic division of ENC data for distributing purposes.
Entry field
an entry field is a location on a display for the input of data by the operator. The requested
information is usually alphanumeric
Ability to perform an intended function. The activity of performing a function normally employs a
system of displays, controls and instrumentation
The geographically defined line connecting two waypoints

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The actual setting of a group of parameters determining the behaviour (operational modes) or the
Human Machine Interface (HMI) (display modes) or the control functions (control modes) of the
equipment or its sensors
Navigation is the process of planning and executing the safe and expeditious voyage of a ship, and
of monitoring and recording its performance
Navigational aid
A ship-borne device that complies with its relevant International Standard(s), e.g. instrument or
chart, intended to assist in the navigation of a ship
History data of the own ship movement referenced to the primary sensor or the secondary sensor.
Presentation library (Preslib)
Implementation of the display specification in IHO S -52 by de-coding and symbolizing the SENC
Primary navigation data/information
Data of own ship's position, speed, heading, time and if available depth, provided by selected
sensors, to be used in the system for processing the navigational information
Small rectangle button with the status information of the activity of the functio n. Status is
displayed as a color inside the rectangle
The probability of performing a specified function without failure under given conditions for a
specified period of time
Representation of a voyage or passage geographically defined b y a point of departure, a point of
arrival and (usually) a number of intermediate waypoints. It may include time of departure and/or
ship's speed as well as parameters and limits for safe navigation such as off -track limit, turn radius,
time references etc.
Selected route or track:
The route or track that has been chosen for monitoring the performance of the actual navigation.
The term “track” is typically used here by systems that have automatic track control capability.
A navigational aid, with or without its own display and control as appropriate, automatically
providing information to the ECDIS
Button displayed on the monitor to activate a function
Geographical representation of the movement actually performed by the ship, or, in case of a track
control system, the path (over ground) to be (automatically) followed
Indication of the scale at which an electronic chart has been optimised.
The process of sailing a ship from one location to another
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A geographically defined position used as reference for navigation along a leg, track or route. In
general a position at which a course change occurs.

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Contact Information

For technical assistance, please use the following contact:

24/7 Service Contact details

Telephone: +31 10 487 1160


For additional ECDIS version information as required by the International Hydrographic Office, please refer
to the web site of RH Marine:

Or visit the Rhodium Bridge product line web site:

This website will get a customer access portal to a “My Bridge” environment providing support for our
navigation al products like:
 Latest version of our documentation
 Movies on how to operate the product
 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
 Customer Forum

The “My Bridge” customer portal is currently in development.

Additionally this document provides QR Codes to link items to articles on our future “My Bridge” customer
portal for further explanations or more in depth information. To view the information linked by the QR
codes, a portable devices like Apple® iPAD can be used. QR codes will be gradually added to this document
over time.

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QR Code readers can be downloaded from the following App Stores of Apple ®, Google® or Microsoft®.

Apple App Store

Google App Store

Windows App Store

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1. Introduction
1.1 ECDIS 4500

ECDIS 4500 is a highly flexible tool that forms the navigational heart on a ship´s bridge. It provides for
control of the ship sensors, for route planning, route monitoring and for a complete set of chart work

An ECDIS 4500 navigational environment consisting of more than one ECDIS 4500 installation is fully
synchronized during operation.

The ECDIS software supports all traditional chart work like:

 Route Monitoring
 Route Planning and Voyage calculations
 Navigational Calculations
 Chart Updating
 Pilotage

The chart display can be online adapted to the needs of the mariner. It can, for instance, adjust the chart
display to the safety values specified by the mariner, perform anti-grounding functions, apply route check
functions, and offer a clear and simple user interface which needs little interaction and lets the mariner focus
on his main task: navigating the vessel.

1.2 ECDIS 4500 Options

This document provides the User Manual for both the standard ECDIS functionality as well as its
incorporated options. Options are clearly marked in the text as optional. Functionality indicated as ‘optional’
can be purchased at

Heading Control (optional)

Heading Control in ECDIS 4500 can be handled in combination with RH Marine Rhodium Bridge DPT

Track Control (optional)

Track Control in ECDIS 4500 can be handled in combination with RH Marine Rhodium Bridge DPT system.

Dynamic Positioning Control (optional)

DP Control in ECDIS 4500 can be handled in combination with RH Marine Rhodium Bridge 4500 DPT system.

Path Prediction (optional)

Path Prediction in ECDIS 4500 can be handled in combination with RH Marine Rhodium Bridge DPT system.

Optical Bearing Device (optional)

ECDIS 4500 is able to use a Scandinavian Microsystems optical bearing device as an input method for Line
of Positioning fixes.

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1.3 Conformity

1.3.1 ECDIS 4500

ECDIS 4500 is made to comply with the following requirements:

 IMO Resolution MSC 232(82), (2006). Adoption of the revised performance standards for electronic
chart display and information systems (ECDIS)
 IMO Resolution A.694(17)
 SOLAS Regulation V/18.1, V/, V/
 IEC 60945, Edition 4.0, (2002). Environmental conditions
 IEC 61162-1, Edition 5.0, (2016). Serial Interface
 IEC 61162-2, Edition 1.0, (1998), Serial Interface high speed transmitter
 IEC 61162-450 Edition 1.0 (2011), including Amendment 1
 IEC 61174, Edition 4.0 (2015), ECDIS test standard
 MSC 302(87)
 IEC 62923 CD 2015
 IEC 62288 Edition 2.0 (2014)
 S-63 IHO Data Protection Scheme, v.1.1, March 2008
 S52 Presentation Library, v.3.4, January 2008

 Standard requirements may influence chart display. Make sure that newly obtained charts
comply with the versions of the relevant documents (notably the S-63 IHO Data Protection
Scheme and the S52 Presentation Library) as applied in the current ECDIS 4500 version. Check
the IHO website for the latest versions:  About ENCs  Current IHO Standards
section. If a later version than the one mentioned above is in existence, contact RH Marine. See
section 1.10.

 Please refer to the RH Marine website or the product line website to get the actual version
information on implemented IHO standards:

Rhodium Bridge Compliance

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1.4 Security

1.4.1 ECDIS 4500

The ECDIS 4500 configuration does not recognize any security settings. All functionality is accessible to all

1.5 Electronic Navigational Chart Formats

1.5.1 ECDIS 4500

ECDIS 4500 is able to work with different types of electronic navigational chart formats:

Vector charts
 Encrypted S-57 Standard format from official sources
 Encrypted S-57 Recreational data from non-official C-MAP and Navionics sources
 Not encrypted S-57 Standard format from official and non-official sources

Raster charts
 ARCS Hydrographic Chart Raster Format (HCRF)

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1.5.2 S-57 Standard Format

The S-57 digital chart is a vector format based on the S-57 object model. This model defines hydrographic
information as a combination of descriptive and spatial characteristics. Within the model these sets of
characteristics are defined in terms of objects separated into a feature and a spatial part. The feature part of
an object contains descriptive attributes and no geometry, whereas the spatial part mainly contains
geometry of type vector and may have additional descriptive attributes. These objects are independent of
the actual representation on the screen. This information is provided separately.

An S-57 electronic navigational chart is also called a cell, with a defined geographical coverage and
navigational purpose or usage. A cell is a rectangle, defined by two meridians and two parallels, and its data
does not exceed 5 Megabytes. Data of cells of the same usage do not overlap, making a continuous chart
display possible.
The chart data in S-57 format is usually digitised from a paper or raster chart, or may be created directly
from survey data and object databases.
S-57 charts that are generated conform the standards provide a digital replacement for the official paper
charts, and are allowed to be used for navigation as a paper chart replacement.

In order to obtain the charts and chart permits it is necessary to deliver an Admiralty or Primar User Key to
an authorized official ENC agent.

 Use Chart Handling to obtain the individual user key. If more than one ECDIS 4500 system is
installed on the ship, only one key is needed.

1.5.3 ARCS Hydrographic Chart Raster Format

Digital raster charts are published in Hydrographic Chart Raster Format (HCRF) by the United Kingdom
Hydrographic Office (UKHO). These raster charts are scanned from traditional paper charts and are realized
as a set of one or more panels. The chart itself is always the panel 0 and each inset plan represents an
additional panel. Some panels may even be split into sub-panels because of mathematical problems
encountered by the dateline or the coverage of a wide latitude range.
Following the notices to mariners for paper charts, the UKHO publishes weekly updates for the ARCS chart.

To avoid illegal use of ARCS charts the UKHO has devised an extensive security scheme. According to this
scheme, each ARCS-viewer has its own PIN and user permit. The PIN and user permit are different for each
ECDIS 4500 system.

To protect ARCS charts against illegal duplication the UKHO also encrypts parts of the chart data. To decrypt
a chart the user needs a specific chart permit for each chart used. The digital charts of the UKHO can be
purchased by license agreement. There are two types of ARCS licenses available, the Navigator Service and
the Skipper Service.
 Navigator Service
is intended for the commercial shipping and renders full access to a particular chart with all its
updates for a limited period of time (normally yearly subscriptions)

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 Skipper Service
is intended for the leisure or workboat sector and provides access to the most current version of a
chart. No further updates are included, making it similar to purchasing a paper chart.

1.5.4 Ordering charts

To order new charts from a chart supplier, a user permit is needed. Separate user permits for PRIMAR/IC-
ENC and ARCS charts are required. The user permits are part of RH Marine Rhodium ECDIS 4500 delivery,
and are found in the License form. The user permits are valid shipwide, but for a specific ship only. One
PRIMAR/IC-ENC and one ARCS user permit is needed for each ship. The user permits are linked to this ship’s
configuration and dongle.

Permits for the charts bought are, in general, delivered by mail; charts can be received on CD or be
downloaded. Chart updates are delivered regularly.

Official and non-official charts can be obtained from a worldwide network of resellers.

An example of such a reseller is Chartworld in Germany.

ChartWorld GmbH

Atlantic Haus
Zirkusweg 1
20359 Hamburg
T: +4940853586940

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1.6 Synchronisation

ECDIS 4500 contains a lot of user-defined settings and selections. Some of these are local, i.e. they only
apply to a specific workstation, others are central, i.e. they should always be identical on all workstations in
the configuration. Examples of are chart actions, alarm settings, time. Local settings are, for instance,
settings that deal with screen display options such as range selection, contours on/off, targets on/off.
If on one station a change is made to a central setting, this change is automatically distributed to all other
stations. This is called synchronisation. Synchronisation is carried out automatically.

For synchronisation of the chart data base, see section 13.5.

Central settings Local settings

automatic synchronisation no synchronisation
Chart handling actions (update, manual update) Screen display settings
Acceptance of central alarms in Alert window Chart settings
Sensor selection and (manual) settings Route activation. Automatic synchronisation when
route activation requested at other station.
Chart work actions, e.g. highlight danger, clearing
line, Mariner Notes, etc.
All parameters dealing with safety monitoring:
 Watchdog settings
 Safety Values
 ARPA/AIS target alarm settings
A synchronisation message may pop up, and
disappear automatically
Table 1 Central and local settings

1.7 ECDIS 4500 System Startup and Shutdown

1.7.1 System Initialisation

During the commissioning of ECDIS 4500 onboard a vessel, the particular parameters of the vessel, e.g.
length over all, breadth over all, maximum draught, air draught, sensor antenna position, turning radius,
ship’s manoeuvring parameters , planned voyage speed, etc. have to be defined in the configuration files of
the system. The configuration files are read during ECDIS 4500 system start up.

1.7.2 ECDIS 4500 Start up

ECDIS 4500 starts up in its last selected (saved settings) colour mode.

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1.7.3 ECDIS 4500 Recovery time

The recovery time of ECDIS 4500 is defined at 5 minutes. The recovery time is based on computer start-up
time and ECDIS system start-up time including all supporting sub systems and external communication

1.7.4 Exit ECDIS 4500

In case of a stand-alone ECDIS the ECDIS 4500 should be exited prior to a system shutdown. In case of an
integrated Rhodium Integrated Bridge Management System the Rhodium infrastructure will take care of
shutting down the ECDIS.
Use the ‘Quit ECDIS’ function button in the Chart  Chart Work menu to exit the application (section 9.2.12).
The option should only be used with ECDIS 4500 in a stand-alone configuration. If more than one ECDIS
4500 station exists in the ships configuration, the Application and System managers handle the shutdown
and start-up of the applications.

1.7.5 System Shutdown

To shut down the system prior to power off use the normal Windows shut down: <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <Del>.

Shutdown the bridge system:

Select Taskmanager/Processes and End task AppManager MFC Application (32 bit). All Rhodium applications
will be stopped.

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1.8 ECDIS 4500 software

1.8.1 Software version

Click on the manufacturer’s logo at the top of the right

hand side menu bar to view the ECDIS 4500 software
version. The ‘About’ window with the version number
opens. The box lists the IEC requirements that ECDIS 4500
complies with.

Press ‘OK’ to close the window.

Please refer to paragraph 3.4.3 for detailed information

on the About box.

Figure 1 About box

1.8.2 Installation of software

Only qualified service/commissioning engineers are allowed to install software, update software or replace

1.9 The Human Machine Interface

1.9.1 Design

The ECDIS 4500 display is divided into several parts to make the use as easy as possible and to provide as
much information as possible. The following areas are distinguished:

 The Info Line at the top of the screen

 The Function Bar at the bottom of the screen.
 The Chart Display area
The chart display can be customised with the special Settings menu on the Function Bar.
 The Menu area at right that contains all further functions to operate the navigational control and
the electronic chart actions.

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1.9.2 Normal and Wide screen

The ECDIS 4500 software supports visualisation on 4:3, 5:4, 16:9 and 16:10 monitors. The illustrations in this
manual are taken from a mix of 4:3, 5:4, 16:9 and 16:10 aspect ratio displays.

1.9.3 ECDIS 4500 Main Display

Figure 2 shows the main ECDIS 4500 Human Machine Interface. This HMI is configured in the standard
hurricane black colour scheme.

Figure 2 UI colour scheme: Hurricane Black

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1.9.4 The Mouse / Trackball

The typical input device for ECDIS 4500 is the cursor moved by a trackball.
The trackball is used for many actions. The button functions are:

Left button Info, Do If no function is selected a single click with the left button
pops up the information window ('Pick Report') with
information about the picked objects. If functions are active
the left button performs actions.
Center button Pan Sets new chart center (short click at new chart center
Right button Cancel Cancels any active function

Right click trackball Performs right click function

including Goto Opens a window to select new centre position.

ARCS chart selection Opens ARCS chart selection window when clicked in Range
text field (section 2.3).

Scroll wheel Zoom Zooms in and out to show another range

A regular computer keyboard must be available for login and for alphanumerical input.

1.9.5 Right Click Trackball functions

Apart from menus and buttons, the ECDIS can be

controlled via a right click sub menu.
To use the right mouse click option make sure to
click in the chart area of the ECDIS.

The following functions can be achieved:

 Go to Globe
 Load default profile
 Drawings
 Notes
 Anchor Watch
 Landmarks
 Line of Position
 RADAR Grid Locking
 Object tracking Figure 3 Right click trackball functions

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1.9.6 Entry fields

Various parameter settings can be edited by the

user in order to suit specific situations or user
requirements. In most cases a default value is given.
Figure 4 shows an example of standard entry fields.
Click in the entry field on the value and move the
cursor to the left to decrease or to the right to Figure 4 Data entry fields
increase the value. Click left again when the
required value is reached.

Other options:
Click the left/right pointing arrows to decrease/increase a value in single numerical steps.
Click the up/down pointing arrows to increase/decrease the value, and the step size, with a factor 10.

When multiple arrows are present, the outer arrows affect the largest unit, the middle value the middle unit,
and the smallest arrows the smallest unit of the required value. In the case of Figure 4 degrees, minutes and
seconds, respectively.

Using the scroll wheel of the trackball values can be set for e.g. ECDIS settings in the settings menu. Click on
the value to be changed, scrolling up and down will change the value.

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1.9.7 Virtual keyboard

When no keyboard is connected to the ECDIS station, a virtual keyboard is opened by double clicking in an
entry field.

1.9.8 Dialog windows

When a function is activated, a dialogue window may appear. Dialogue windows can be dragged to any
position in the chart area by with the left cursor.

Some dialog windows block all other activity in the screen. No other actions can be performed until the
window is closed. Such windows, when active, are identified by a blue top bar. Windows that do not block
other activity, i.e. other actions can be performed while the window is open, always have a (dark) grey top

1.10 Support

RH Marine can offer ECDIS 4500 support.

Call the service desk at +31 10 487 14 74
or send an email to

For additional ECDIS version information as required by the International Hydrographic Office, please refer
to the web site of RH Marine:

Or visit the Rhodium Bridge product line web sites.

Defence Safety & Security:


1.11 Technical Tips and Tricks

The Rhodium Framework will restart the ECDIS after a fault condition. In exceptional cases the watchdog
monitor function is not available after a restart. This fact is reported by a watchdog / monitoring failure
message in the alert window. In this case it is Advised to manually restart the ECDIS to fix this problem.

Manual Restart: Menu Chart -> Chart Work -> Quit ECDIS
Do you realy want to quit ? -> OK

After clicking OK the ECDIS will restart.

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1.12 Displays and colour calibration

1.12.1 Settling time of displays

After powering up the monitor it takes 1 hour for the monitor to stabilize.

 It is therefore required to switch the monitors on at least one hour before departure.

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1.12.2 Viewing distances of the displays

The minimum viewing distance for the displays is defined as follows:

Size Viewing distance

19 inch 1000 mm
20 inch 1000 mm
22 inch 1000 mm
23 inch 1000 mm
24 inch 1000 mm
26 inch 1000 mm
27 inch 1000 mm
Table 2 Viewing distance displays

1.13 Contrast, Brightness and Backlight controls

The ECDIS 4500 Workstation controls its display by means of a serial data connection. This connection
assures optimal ECDIS calibrated levels in case of Day, Dusk and Night colour sets.

The user has the ability to adjust the Brilliance (=Backlight) level of the monitor by means of controls on the
front of the display. Dependent on the type of display the Brilliance can be set either by means of a
potentiometer or a +/- (touch) button. Before shipping, the displays are factory calibrated to assure optimal
ECDIS chart presentation.

Brightness and Contrast are set to 50%.

For display handling please refer to the User Manuals of the appropriate displays:
 Hatteland Series 1, [Ref. 4];
 Hatteland series X, [Ref. 5].

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1.13.1 Hatteland Series 1 Displays calibration setting

The Brilliance of the Hatteland Series 1 monitors is controlled by means of a potentiometer.

Figure 5 Hatteland Series 1 controls

The Hatteland X-Series monitors have a green indicator located in the keypad on the front panel of the
monitor, indicating that the display is operating at its factory calibration point.

1 2 3

Figure 6 Hatteland Series 1 calibration indicator

1. Display is calibrated as in Figure 6

2. If the Brilliance level is manually adjusted too high, the indicator will be set as in Figure 6. After
lowering the display’s Brilliance level the calibration level can be re-adjusted.
3. If the Brilliance level is manually adjusted too low, the indicator will be set as in Figure 6. After
increasing the display’s Brilliance level the calibration level can be re-adjusted.

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1.13.2 Hatteland Series X Display calibration setting

The Hatteland X-Series monitors have a green ECDIS indicator on the front panel of the monitor, indicating
that the display is operating at its factory calibration point.
 If the Brilliance level is manually adjusted too high, the ECDIS indicator will be coloured red (Non
ECDIS mode) and a red + sign will be displayed. After lowering the display’s Brilliance level
(Brilliance – button) the calibration level can be re-adjusted.
 If the Brilliance level is manually adjusted too low, the ECDIS indicator will be coloured red (Non
ECDIS mode) and a red - sign will be displayed. After increasing the display’s Brilliance level
(Brilliance + button) the calibration level can be re-adjusted.

Figure 7 Hatteland X-Series monitor controls and ECDIS mode indicator

1.14 Contrast, Brightness and Backlight controls via Application Manager

In case ECDIS 4500 is part of a Rhodium Bridge System, the Application Manager controls for Contrast,
Brightness and Backlight (Display option) are limited to Brilliance (=Backlight) only.

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1.14.1 OSD Menu of Displays

To fulfil the ECDIS certification requirements the OSD Menu is presented in a so called “Locked” mode. It is
not possible to access the display’s Menu mode. This locked mode is set as factory default before shipping
the display.

 The use of a brightness or contrast control may inhibit visibility of information, particularly when
using the night colour tables.

1.14.2 Brilliance set at zero

If the Brilliance level is set to zero, the calibration set point indicator shows a low Brilliance level as depicted
in paragraphs 0 and 0. After turning up the Brilliance level, the display can be readjusted in its desired
calibrated mode.

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2. Chart View
2.1 Introduction

Within the chart area, digital chart data, the own ship's position, mariners' features, radar (ARPA) targets and
AIS targets, as well as chart features like scale bar, grid, and North arrow are displayed.

The projection usually is the Mercator projection. However, if the chart centre plus selected range reaches a
latitude exceeding 75° north or south, then the projection is changed automatically to the orthographic
projection. The currently applied projection can be verified in the ECDIS Legend window (Figure 8).

Figure 8 ECDIS 4500 screen layout, North up

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2.2 General features

The Zoom buttons and the Range indication are positioned in the upper left corner of the chart display. See
sections 2.3 and 0.

Own Ship
The current own ship`s position is indicated by the Own Ship symbol. If the range of the chart is less than or
equal to the setting in Ship Symbol (default 0.5 NM), the scaled own ship outline will be displayed. Prerequisite
for a scaled own ship representation is the availability of heading information.

Scale bar
A Scale-bar is shown on the left hand side of the chart
display. It indicates the distance according to the scale
in the central zone of the chart. Close to the poles in
the orthographic projection the actual length of the
scale-bar may differ up to 10% from its nominal length.

At ranges  6 NM (display scale > 1: 80000) the scale

bar is grey/orange and each coloured interval
represents 1 NM.

At ranges  8 NM (display scale < 1: 80000) the scale Figure 9 Scale bar at
bar is grey/black and each coloured interval represents range  6 NM
10 NM. Figure 10 Scale bar at
range  8 NM

The chart Grid is always visible in North Up mode (Figure 8). At all range scales at least two meridians and two
circles of latitudes are visible and labelled.

In Course Up and Heading Up mode, the grid is replaced by a compass rose (Figure 11 and Figure 12). See
also section The compass rose can be switched off with the ’Compass rose’ option in the Settings
window. See section and Figure 60.

 Some settings prohibit Course Up and Heading Up being selectable. Example: ARCS charts
selected, radar overlay on.

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Figure 11 Chart in Course Up mode Figure 12 Chart in Heading Up mode

The Cursor is shown as an orange crosshair while it is on the chart display. When it moves over a selectable
button or other function, it turns into an arrow. If a function is active, the cursor changes into an hourglass to
indicate that the system is not accessible for manual input.

North Arrow
The North Arrow in the upper left corner always, in all chart modes, points in the direction of the geographic
North pole in the orthographic projection.

2.3 Zoom and Range

The Zoom buttons are located above and below the Range indicator. The indicator is by default positioned
in the upper left corner of the chart display, but can be dragged to any other position on the chart area with
the left cursor button.

The zoom function increases or decreases the range of the displayed chart in fixed steps.

ECDIS 4500 uses the concept of range instead the chart scale. If for example the range is set to 12 nautical
miles (Figure 13), the display will cover a chart area of 24 NM from the lower to the upper edge of the chart
(depending on the selected projection).

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The currently selected range is

displayed in the Range text field in
the upper left corner of the chart
display area (Figure 13). Its unit is
Nautical Miles (NM). Click left in the
range text field: a list with all Figure 13 Range indicator and
possible ranges appears, and a new zoom arrows
range can be selected (Figure 15).
Ranges from 0.10 up to 2000 NM
are available.

Alternatively, press the up or down

zoom arrows (Figure 13) to select
the next range scale.

If the range rings are switched on, Figure 14 Range indicator with
the ring distance is displayed in the Range Rings on
Range text field in NM units, for
instance 8.0 | 2.0 (Figure 14).

Using Range instead of Scale has

two advantages:

1. The chart display can be made

similar to the radar image for
easy situation analysis.
2. The ‘content’ of the chart area
at a certain Range is constant
and does not depend on screen

Figure 15 Selectable range scales

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2.4 Range and chart selection ARCS

The Range settings apply to ARCS charts as to ENC charts. Zooming with ARCS charts means zooming in or
out on the same chart. If zooming leads to a display scale that exceeds the maximum scale for which the
chart is suited, another, better, ARCS chart will be loaded. If such a better ARCS chart is not available, no
chart is shown.

ARCS charts can be selected by right clicking in the Range text field. The ARCS chart selection window appears.
The ARCS chart selection window shows all ARCS charts, of all scales, that cover any part of the area currently
Click on the header of a column (chart no., title or scale) to sort the list according to that column.

right click
Figure 16 ARCS chart selection window

With the selection of another chart, the chart contents will change. Selecting a chart with a larger scale, i.e.
‘zooming in’, means that the accuracy of the display increases.

 When new or additional ARCS charts are loaded or ARCS charts are removed from the system in
the Chart Handler (section 13.3), the content of the ARCS chart catalogue on the system changes.
The first time that an ARCS chart is selected for display after such a change, the system needs to
rebuild its internal ARCS catalogue in order to perform the chart selection process. Depending
on the amount of charts loaded, this may take considerable time! Rebuilding needs to be done by
all individual ECDIS client stations. During rebuilding the Range indicator field turns black.

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ARCS Optimal scale

ARCS charts are scanned paper charts. Each paper chart is
made at a certain scale, the compilation scale. This scale
defines the chart’s accuracy and the amount of data that
can be presented. The scanning is performed in such a
way that each pixel of the scanned image represents 0.5
mm of the chart.

The display scale at which each screen pixel corresponds

with a pixel of the scanned ARCS chart is called the
Optimal scale. When an ARCS chart is selected for display,
the system by default shows the chart at its optimal scale.
Optimal scale is identified in the Range indicator with a
tilde in front of the range value.
The optimal scale is also present in the range selection list
(left click in the Range indicator field).

Figure 17 ARCS range selection, Optimal scale

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2.5 Chart Usages

The S-57 standard classifies digital charts according to their use in six usages :

 Overview
 General
 Coastal
 Approach
 Harbour
 Berthing

The usage of a chart depends on the scale of its equivalent paper chart source. It is the responsibility of the
data producer to set the proper usage.

In ECDIS 4500 the currently selected display range defines which charts can be shown. Table 3 shows the
different Chart Usages and their display ranges.

Usage Overview General Coastal Approach Harbour Berthing

2000 - 500
200 -100
48 - 32
Range NM
24 - 10
2 – 0.1
Table 3 Chart usage and display range

Changing the range of the chart display may affect the SENC data available for display. To provide the full
advantages of the seamless database, ECDIS 4500 automatically selects charts from the SENC. Depending on
the range, ECDIS 4500 loads all available charts of the relevant usage. Areas for which no chart of the desired
usage is available are filled with data of less detailed usage to avoid gaps. These areas may carry an overlay
pattern to indicate that the data is of ‘wrong usage’. Areas where data of a more detailed usage than the
selected one are available are outlined with a thin magenta line. The magenta lines can be switched on or off
with the ‘Boundaries’ option in Settings / Viewing Groups / Groups.

According to the S-52 standard some objects (such as intermediate depth contours or spot soundings) may
carry the attribute SCAMIN to specify the smallest display scale at which they should be drawn. At display
scales smaller than SCAMIN the object will not be drawn, to avoid clutter. Together with the loading of
charts of other usage this is a kind of generalization of the chart content. It is the responsibility of the data
producer to use this attribute properly for the best results.

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 Data from the private non-HO data producer Navionics may use its own usages that do not
necessarily coincide with the standard S-57 usages. ECDIS 4500 matches these proprietary
usages with the standard usages. Nevertheless, unexpected effects in the chart display may
occur. For instance, if two different proprietary usages are matched to one standard usage and if
SCAMIN was properly set in the data it may look as if the area with better usage shows less detail
than the area with less detailed usage.

2.6 Text Labels

If object names and text labels are displayed, the last text written on the screen occupies the space, overrides,
and suppresses all other texts that may intersect this space. Therefore, only in small ranges where all texts are
far away from each other all texts are displayed. In larger ranges usually not all texts are visible. If, in this case,
two texts are close together with no pixel space left, both texts may be visible while after panning the chart
one text may be hidden.

2.7 Pop-up help and information window

Various functions activate a pop-up help window,

which tells the operator what he should do. Watch
this window carefully, it can help you carry out the
selected actions in the correct order or correct way.
Figure 18 Pop-up help and information window

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2.8 Measure in chart

Distance and Bearing between two points on the chart can easily be measured with the right mouse button
 Position the cursor on the first point in the chart. Press the right mouse button and keep the button
pressed down. A range circle and bearing line appear.
 Move the bearing/range intersection to the second point. Range and bearing values appear,
updating continuously, at the mouse pointer. See Figure 19.
 Release the mouse button, a selection list appears with the options: Go to Globe and Set EBL/VRM
1 or 2 (Figure 20). The latter allow the operator to set an EBL/VRM graphically, directly in the screen.
For more information on EBL/VRM, see section 3.3.1.

Figure 20 EBL/VRM in chart

Figure 19 Measure in chart

2.9 Pick Report

If no other function is active a click with the trackball on the chart requests information about the objects at
the clicked position. A Pick Report is opened. It displays the important information in different categories.

The Pick Report is placed on the screen so that it does not hide the pick position or the ship’s position (if

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The Pick report information shows:

 General Information on Pick position, water depth at pick position (either derived from the depth
area, a sounding, or a depth contour), chart cell at pick position
 Objects found at pick position. If many objects occur at the pick position, a scroll bar appears.
 Attributes of objects at pick positions (see sections 2.9.1 and 2.9.4)

Figure 21 Pick report (example)

The pick position is graphically marked (arrow in Figure 21) and its co-ordinates are given in the pick report
window. For point objects the object position is given as well. At the top of the pick report the available depth
information is displayed.

When an area object is selected, and the ‘Highlight’ option is toggled On, the relevant area is indicated in the
screen with a red pattern overlay (Figure 21).

The Legend button opens a next window in which a number of additional chart data is displayed. See section
2.9.2. From this next window also the chart update history can be accessed. See section 2.9.3.

The Pick Report provides a filter option to filter the following information groups:

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Filter feature Description

ENC ENC chart database related object information
Seabed area
RNC RNC related information
AML AML chart database related object information
Targets AIS Preferred
Tracked Preferred
AIS and Tracked
ECDIS Details
Objects Delete
AIO Admiralty Information Overlay information
Table 4 Filter options Pick Report

Menu tabs to filter Pick Report information will only be available if they contain data. E.g. in case AMLs are
not loaded, the AML tab will not be visible.

 If Targets are available Targets is selected by default.

 Otherwise ENC is selected by default.

2.9.1 Attributes ENC charts

For each object in the pick report, additional attributes may be available. Select the object in the Objects
area of the pick report window, the Attributes area updates to show the relevant information. This
information may also contain access to an external text file or image.

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Figure 23 Pick report, link to external file (example)

Figure 22 Pick report attribute window

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2.9.2 Legend ENC charts

After pressing the ‘Legend’ button (Figure 22), the Chart Legend window appears. It shows the available chart
information. If specific information is not available, it is marked as ‘unknown’:

Figure 25 Pick report, Legend, chart update history

Figure 24 Pick report, Legend

 The Legend information is valid for the current pick position. Opening the chart legend at
another position may display different information.

 ENC is selected by default

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2.9.3 Chart Update History ENC charts

Press the ‘History’ button to display the chart update log. This log lists all updates that have been applied to
the chart file. See Figure 25.

Press ‘View Updates’ to access more detailed update information on specific updates. The Update
information window appears (Figure 26).

 This same window can also be opened with the Chart  Chart Work  View Updates function,
the difference being that in that case a possibility to select another chart is present. See section
9.2.11 and Figure 178.

Figure 26 Update information ENC chart, example

Use the arrows to display and inspect the various updates.

For a description of the ‘Update log’ and ‘Import log’ options, see section 9.2.11.

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2.9.4 Pick report ARCS charts

The pick report of an ARCS chart is shown in

Figure 27. The “Attributes’ of the object
‘Notes’ give access to additional information.
See Figure 28.

Figure 27 Pick report ARCS chart, example

Figure 28 Attributes ARCS chart, examples

 Examples in Figure 28 are taken from another pick report than the one shown in Figure 27.

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2.9.5 Legend and History ARCS charts

The Legend option opens the window with

the information of the currently shown chart.

Press ‘Show Magnetic variation note’ to open

the note (see Figure 28, bottom right).

Press ‘History’ to view the chart updates. The

Update information window appears. See
section and Figure 180.
Figure 29 Legend, ARCS chart, example

2.9.6 Pick report ARPA target

If there is an AIS target or a radar ARPA target at the

picked position, the target information is displayed
as default.

If applicable, the prefix of the ARPA target name

indicates the radar source on which the target was
acquired. In Figure 30: S-18, indicating that the target
18 is an S-band radar target.

Figure 30 Pick report ARPA target (example)

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 The CPA value in the ARPA target pick report is calculated by ECDIS 4500 based on the data in
the TTM message, and relative to the own ship’s CCRP.

 Adaptation of Radar settings, such as radar antenna offset, must be done in the radar

2.10 Centre chart on selected position

There are five methods to centre the chart on a new position:

1. Click left in the screen and keep the button pressed down. Drag the chart to a new location.

2. Click the ‘Pan’ (centre) button of the trackball at the new chart centre position. The chart is redrawn
and centred on the new location without the range being changed.

3. Click the right trackbalI button. A ‘Goto’ button appears. Click on the button to open the ‘Goto’
window. Select a port name (Figure 284), or switch to the Globe option (Figure 285), or enter the
required centre position in the Position entry field (at bottom in Figure 284 and Figure 285).
The Goto function is described in depth in paragraph 12.2.

4. Use the function ‘Ship’ (Function bar below chart area) to centre the chart on the own ship´s
position. The function activates the frame that defines the area in which the ship can sail without
the chart being updated (see section 3.3.4).

5. Use the function ‘Go to Reference Point’ to centre the chart on the position of a Reference Point
(see section 3.3.2).

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3. Information bar, Function bar and Menu area

3.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the ECDIS 4500 Display functionality. It discusses all available Tasks and Functions
that the system contains, and, where necessary, provides additional background on how functions should be

3.2 Information Bar

The Information Bar at the top of the screen provides a quick overview of the actual values of own ship
related information.

Figure 31 Information line

The information contains, from left to right:

 Position of CCRP in Latitude / Longitude
 Navigational sensor type and geodetic datum

 Heading value and source (sensor name)

 Course over ground and source (sensor name)

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 Speed through water value and source (sensor name)

 Speed over ground value and source (sensor name)

Ship to Cursor
 Ship to cursor distance and bearing

 Cursor position in Latitude / Longitude

 Ship to cursor distance

 BRG: ship to cursor bearing
 ETA: estimated time of arrival on cursor position calculated with ships speed

Clicking on BRG / ETA or its corresponding number field toggles between the BRG and ETA values.

Ship´s time and date

 (local time or UTC) with blue turning active time indicator

Valid sensor data will be displayed in blue, data available from a Dead Reckoning (DR) source will be
displayed yellow. Sensor data in error will be displayed in red stars.

 The RESET button, in the top right corner of the screen, allows the mariner to quickly return to the
default ECDIS 4500 display: Standard Display 12NM range, chart centred at own ship´s position
and colour table Dusk. See section 3.2.8.


Ship’s position is defined as the position of the so-called CCRP, the Consistent Common Reference Point. In
most case the CCRP will represent the conning position. Most navigational calculations related to the ship’s
position use this CCRP as reference point.
The CCRP position is displayed in Latitude/Longitude in geodetic datum WGS 84. ECDIS 4500 expects DGPS
but will also use GPS data if no better position information is available. The status information about
DGPS/GPS or another positioning device is placed to the right of the sensor position information. If no
electronic position device is available, ECDIS 4500 can work with a dead reckoning process (DR).

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The position displayed is calculated for the defined Conning Position (normally STB – working place on the
bridge) from the value of the currently selected position sensor.
If more than one navigation receiver is available, the mariner can select the main position source.
See section 11.3.2: Operation  Sensors  Position for more detailed information.

Lat/Lon values are given in the following format:

dd° mm.mmm N|S

ddd° mm.mmm E|W

If no sensor data is available the field is empty with a red background.

 The sensor position offsets needed to calculate the ship’s CCRP are defined in the configuration
files of the system. The geodetic datum is always WGS84. If the position sensor delivers the
position in another datum and sends this information to ECDIS 4500, the position will be
corrected to WGS84. In case the position receiver does not send the Mercator datum, the EPFS
must be set correctly to WGS84 output.

 In most cases the ship’s conning position is the Consistent Common Reference Point. The CCRP
position can be changed, but only by a commissioning engineer.

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3.2.2 Heading

The format of the heading information is:

ddd.d° T

If no sensor information is available at all, the heading field is empty with red background.

 If there is no heading information available, the DR – process cannot work properly.

3.2.3 Course Over Ground

The Course over Ground (COG) information as received from the currently selected main navigational sensor
(D/GPS) is displayed in the format:


The course over ground is the single resultant true direction from a point of departure to a point of arrival at
any given time.

If no navigational sensor information is available the text field is empty with red background.

3.2.4 Speed

The speed is displayed as received from the speed sensor. If there is an electromagnetic log installed, the
speed through the water is displayed (water referenced: WT). If a doppler log is installed, the value can be
water (WT) or bottom referenced (BT).
BT referenced speed information has a higher priority than WT referenced information.

Depending on the ship’s configuration, the operator may be able to enter a manual speed value. If this is
the case and the electronic speed information fails, manual speed input may be displayed. Manual speed
can be set with the menu option Monitor / Sensors / Log <name> (section 11.3.6) or on the conning.

Speed information is provided in the following format:

dd.d kn

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3.2.5 Speed Over Ground

The speed over ground (SOG) in knots as received from the currently selected main navigational sensor
(D/GPS) is displayed in the format:

dd.d kn

If no navigational sensor information is available the text field is empty with red background.


Ship to cursor
The actual distance and bearing of the cursor as seen from the own ship position is displayed in the format:

nnnn.nn nm, ddd.d°

The resolution of the distance format depends on the actual value. Small distances are formatted with more
decimals while large distance values are displayed without decimals.

If the cursor is not on the chart, the text field is empty.

If the ship’s sensor position is invalid and the cursor is on the chart, the distance and bearing to the last valid
ship’s position is indicated.

Cursor Position
The actual cursor position on the chart is displayed in Latitude / Longitude in the present chart datum. This
is WGS84 for all S-57 chart data as well as for ARCS charts.

 ARCS charts may have been prepared with a datum other than WGS84. If this is the case, the
chart is drawn in ECDIS 4500 with its own datum, and a warning appears: ‘ARCS WGS84 shift not
known’ to alert the operator that discrepancies may occur. Details can be found in the pick

The format is:

dd° mm.mmm N|S

ddd° mm.mmm E|W

If the cursor is not on the chart the text field is empty.

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3.2.7 Date and Time

The ship´s Date and Time is displayed continuously in the format:

UTC) only if time is in UTC

The user may adjust the date and time to display the actual ship´s date and time. Ship’s time is used for time
stamps at objects such as Position Fix.
With more than one ECDIS 4500 workstations in the system, the time is synchronized at all displays.
In an integrated bridge system environment time is in most cases set on the conning. The time entries are
passed on to a time server, and distributed through the entire integrated system.

Click on the ‘Time’ button to open the Ship’s time dialog window:

Each field value can be changed


outer arrows affect hour, inner arrows affect

Figure 32 Ship's time set up window
outer arrows affect year, middle arrows
affect month and inner arrows affect day.

The following values are accepted:

Time: hh: 0 to 23 (hour) Date: dd: 1 to 31 (day)

mm: 0 to 59 (minute) mm: 1 to 12 (month)
yyyy: 1970 to 2099 (year)

The indication ‘Time source’ informs the user where the time data was derived from. This will always be

Press ‘UTC’, to show the UTC time at ship’s position in the Date and Time window. The possibility to set UTC
time at the ECDIS application depends on the ship’s configuration. When time is provided by an integrated
time server changing ship’s time in ECDIS may not be allowed.

When all required values have been entered, click on the ‘OK’ button to confirm the entries.
Click ‘Cancel’ to close the time setup dialog without saving any changes.

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System running indicator

As indication for the operator that the system is active, a blue ‘hour glass
shape’ is turning over the Date / Time button. If turning, the system is alive and
working. Inspect this indicator when in doubt, for instance when waiting for an
action to be carried out.
Figure 33 System
running indicator

 Be aware that the indicator is always present and turning, it is not an hourglass that disappears
when a specific action is ready and done.

3.2.8 RESET

The ‘Reset’ button is located at the right end of the Information Line. It enables the mariner to quickly return
to a predefined ECDIS 4500 display mode. This function is not located in the Function Bar to avoid unintended
activation. Moreover, the location at the far end of the bar allows for ‘blind’ activation of the function in case
the screen has inadvertently turned black, for instance by selecting the wrong colour table.

If the RESET button is activated, the chart display is set back to the default values:

 ECDIS Display mode

 Frame: On (ship´s centre to the middle of the chart screen)
 Colour table: Dusk (if stand alone), central colour setting in integrated system
 Display: Standard (left click) or Base (right click)
 Range: 12 nautical miles
 EBL/VRM: hidden
 Radar image overlay: off
 Tracked target information: off
 AIS information: off
 Other added navigational information, user objects: hidden (Mariner’s Note, Line of Position,
highlight danger, construction leglines, etc.).
When one of these functions is selected again, the hidden display returns.

RESET can be activated with the left and with the right mouse/track ball button. If clicked left, Display is set
to Standard; if clicked right, Display is set to Base.

To bring the hidden objects (EBL/VRM, notes, route, etc.) back on screen, toggle the User Objects option in
the Setting menu on again.

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3.3 Function Bar

The Function Bar is located at the bottom of the screen. It provides access to a number of important

Figure 34 Function bar

The following functions are present. A more detailed description is given in the next sections.

 An Electronic Bearing Line (EBL) can be set via the ‘Set’ pop up menu; the ‘EBL/VRM#‘ button toggles
between EBL/VRM1 and EBL/VRM2. Pressing the ‘Go’ button centres the chart on the origin of the
 Also in the EBL/VRM function is the possibility to set a Reference Point (Ref.Pt.) for measuring
distances or bearings. Pressing the ‘Go’ button centres the chart on the Reference Point position.
 Pressing ‘MOB’ releases a Man Over Board symbol on the own ships position.
 Toggling the 'Ship' button centres the chart display on the position of the own ship.
 'Rings' displays distance rings around the own ship.
 'Names' displays object names in the chart.
 ‘Settings’ opens a dialog window in which the control settings for all ECDIS functions can be set.
Some examples of settings that can be set are settings for: display presentations, viewing groups,
safety values and watchdog.
 ‘Profile Manager’ opens a dialog window in which settings of the ‘Settings’ menu can be stored under
an identifying name. Profiles can be defined, activated, stored, loaded and deleted. A default profile
is available to load default settings in the ECDIS.
 To the right of the ‘Profile Manager’ button, the currently selected display type is given, ‘STD’ in Figure
 Hide: to temporarily hide user added objects.
 Alert button. The button is red when alarms (accepted or not-accepted) exist whose condition is not
(yet) rectified; the button is orange when only warnings are present; the button is green when no
alarm condition or warning exists.
 Reserved space for displaying icons to show the ECDIS permanent indications. Examples of
permanent indications are: ENC Out of Sequence / Overscale, RCDS mode / Overscale/ Underscale,
Better Chart Available.

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3.3.1 Electronic Bearing Line and Variable Range Marker (EBL/VRM)

Electronic Bearing Lines (EBLs) and Variable Range Markers (VRMs) are used to visualize true or relative
bearings and distance to the own ship or to a fixed position or to a relative position from the own ship.

Two Electronic Bearing Lines/Variable Range Markers can be set: EBL1/VRM1 and EBL2/VRM2.
EBL1/VRM1 are shown as solid lines; EBL2/VRM2 as dashed lines.
The bearing and range of the selected EBL/VRM is indicated in the data field to the right of the EBL/VRM Set

Press the ‘EBL/VRM’ button and select EBL/VRM1 or
EBL/VRM2. Figure 35 EBL/VRM function

Press the EBL/VRM ‘Set’ button (Figure 35) to open

the EBL/VRM options menu (Figure 36).

Select the origin of the EBL/VRM. (This automatically

switches the ‘Show EBL’ option on.)
The following options are available:
 The origin of the EBL/VRM is the own ship´s
conning position. This is normally the STBD
working place of the mariner.
If the Conning position is selected, an EBL
appears with bearing 0 starting from the
Figure 36 EBL/VRM options menu

 The EBL/VRM origin is a fixed position. The origin of the EBL can be at any point in the world.
If this option is selected, an EBL appears at the cursor position. Click in the screen at the position
where the EBL should start. Along the EBL, a text ‘FIX’ is shown.

 The origin of EBL/VRM is a position relative to the own ship.

If this option is selected, an EBL appears at the cursor position. Click in the screen at the position
(with respect to the current ship’s position) where the EBL should start. Along the EBL, a text ‘REL’ is

Click the ‘Set’ button again and select EBL type: True or Rel.
A True EBL retains its bearing direction; a relative EBL will move with the own ship’s COG and SOG.

Move the cursor, the EBL follows the cursor movement. Move the cursor to the correct bearing and click left
to set the EBL.

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Click the “Set’ button again and set a VRM
Move the cursor with the attached range marker and click left at the required
range. The VRM centres on the origin of the EBL. The cursor is released for a
next action.

If the EBL was not switched on before, this will be done automatically by using
one of the EBL/VRM mode keys. Toggle the EBL and/or VRM on/off with the
‘Show EBL’ and ‘Show VRM’ options.

Figure 37 Set EBL by moving


If the VRM is not show, its intersection with the EBL is visible as a small circle
on the EBL.

Figure 38 VRM display off

The different EBL/VRM settings are annotated in the VRM/EBL data field as follows (see Figure 35):

(F) 327.6°T 4.0 NM : Fixed pos. EBL bearing in true VRM at 4.0 NM
327.6°R 4.0 NM : Conning pos. EBL bearing in rel VRM at 4.0 NM
(R) 146.6°T 1.5 NM : Rel pos. EBL bearing in true VRM at 1.5 NM

The EBL/VRM function retains the last set EBL/VRM setting. If the Cancel button of the trackball is pressed,
the last set bearing will be reactivated.

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3.3.2 Reference Point

A Reference Point is used to mark chart objects and measure distance and bearing to that reference point
from any cursor position.

Figure 39 Reference point options

Figure 40 Reference point

 Click the EBL/VRM button and select REF PT mode (Figure 39).
 Press the ‘Set’ button and move the cursor to the required Reference position and click left. The
Reference Point can be placed anywhere on the chart and on the world. An open cross marks the
position of the Reference Point (Figure 40).

Click right to cancel the function before a reference point was set.

The bearing and distance from the current cursor position to the last defined Reference Point is displayed in
the Function bar to the right of the Reference point options in the following format:

nnnn.nn NM, ddd.d°

The number of digits depends on the actual distance value.

Centre chart on Reference point

Press the ‘Go’ button to centre the chart on the Reference Point. This feature can be useful during route
planning while sailing, when it is necessary to switch between the own ship´s position and the sea area where
the route is planned.

Remove Reference point

Use the function ‘Erase’ to remove the reference point from the chart (see section 9.2.6).

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3.3.3 Man Over Board

To set a Man Over Board event, toggle the Man Over Board button. A ‘MOB’
indication is placed next to the ship’s position. The MOB indication remains
always visible, independent of the ‘Names’ option being toggled on or off
(section 3.3.6).

For further reading please refer to paragraph 12.8.

Figure 41 MOB indication

3.3.4 Own Ship

The ‘Ship’ button activates the ‘Frame’ (section 11.4) and, if the ship
happens to be outside the frame, centres the chart on the own ship
position. The frame defines the area in which the ship can move before Figure 42 Ship Function
the chart is re-centred automatically. If the ship moves out of the
frame, the chart is re-centred on the own ship position. The Frame is
indicated in the screen by four orange corners.
For frame options (resizing, moving etc.), see section 11.4.

If the chart is centred manually, for example by using the middle button of the trackball, the frame is
automatically switched off and the Ship button is switched off.
If the cursor is moved, for instance to get information about chart objects, and the vessel leaves the frame,
the reset of the chart centre is delayed until the mariner has finished his work.

The own ship symbol changes shape if the display range is small enough to display the scaled ship´s outline
(0.5 NM range or less as default, user setting possible with the Monitoring/Voyage/Ship Symbol option, in
the Settings menu.

If the ship´s position is invalid, the last known position is indicated by a circle.

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Valid Sensor Information Valid Sensor Information No valid Sensor

Symbol Scaled outline

Figure 43 Own ship symbols

In the ship’s scaled outline, the intersection of the heading line and its perpendicular indicate the ship’s
CCRP position, which in most cases will be the conning position.

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3.3.5 Range Rings

The ‘Rings’ button toggles the Range Rings on/off.

Figure 44 Range rings

The spacing of the rings depends on the selected chart range. If the rings are
switched on, the distance between the rings is displayed in the range field
symbol separated from the range by a vertical bar, for example 8.0 I 2.0.See
Figure 14.

Please note that in higher latitudes the range rings may not appear as circles. Still the distances to the own
ship are constant!

3.3.6 Names and Text Labels

The toggle button ‘Names’ switches less important names and text labels On
or Off.
Figure 45 Names and Text
Important text like, for instance, the VHF channel of a radio-calling-in point
cannot be switched off.

 Waypoint labels and the leg information belong to the less important text!

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3.3.7 Settings and Profile Manager Introduction

Since the Settings and Profile Manager are complementary functionality they are discussed in a single

All system Settings can be stored in Profiles. Profiles can be arranged both as user dependent Settings or
operational dependent Settings and can be stored as example named like “Michiel de Ruyter” or “Coastal

The Settings and the Profile Manager functionality can be selected by means of the following buttons in the
middle of the bottom bar of ECDIS 4500:

Settings selection button

Profile Manager selection button

Figure 46 Settings and Profile Manager Menus

Settings and Profiles are organised around the following functional areas:

Functional area Description

Display Enables or disables the visualisation of functional
objects, e.g. compass rose
Ship Selection of Ship Symbol and enabling of Circular
Error Probable
Viewing Group Enables or disables the visualisation objects
present in the chart database, e.g. a buoy
Safety Value Sets the ship’s safety values like Safety Contour
Watchdog Sets detection level and watchdog area
Alert Sets the notification settings and the alert levels
Chart Sets the chart presentation type, presentation and

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Functional area Description

Pilot Sets Off course and GPS deviation limits of the RH
Marine Autopilot
AIS Switches on/off the AIS and AtoN layer and defines
sleeping status and target presentation
Trackers Provides target presentation and selection as
received from RADAR trackers
Path Prediction Enables path prediction in combination with
NavPilot 4500
Line of Position Enables the Line of Position functionality
Radar Grid Locking Switches real-time position calculations on RADAR
targets on/off
Object Tracking Enables the Object Tracker visualization layer
providing the range and bearing of an object
relative to the own ship or cursor position.
Route Provide settings on how routes are presented

The following paragraphs give an overview of the available settings. Overview Display Settings

Group Setting In Description Reference

Display Show shallow pattern Y Enables/disables the visualization of the
shallow pattern
Show quality info Y Enables/disables the visualization of the
quality information
Show user objects Y Enables/disables the visualization of user
objects like Danger Lines
Show overscale indication Y Enables/disables the presentation of the
overscale indication
Show compass rose Y Enables/disables the visualization of the
compass rose with incorporated wind
Show names Y Enables/disables the visualization of name
objects in the chart
Show rings Y Enables/disables the visualization of
distance rings
Enable special area filtering Y Enables/disables the filtering of special
areas. This filter works in close
cooperation with the right trackball click
to enable/disable special areas
Dangerous Enable for AIS Y For dangerous targets, BCR and values
Target BCR/BCT can be displayed in the screen. BCR is the
Overlay distance at which the target will cross the
own ship’s heading line
Enable for ARPA Y For dangerous targets, BCT values can be
displayed in the screen. BCT is the time
left before this will happen

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Group Setting In Description Reference

Past Track Enabled Y Enables/disables the visualization of the
ship’s past track
Time stamp interval [minutes] Y Sets the time stamp interval of the past
track function
Visual limit of Enabled Y Enables/disables the visualization of the
lights visual limits of lights
Observer’s height [meters] Y Sets the observer’s height for drawing the
light arcs on the chart
Date dependent Enabled Y Enables/disables the presentation of date
objects dependent objects
Day Range [days] Y Sets the day range as of “today” to
present the objects in the future
Date Range [date] Y Sets a day range for the presentation
All objects Y Shows all date dependent objects
Units Nautical Miles Y Sets distance presentations to Nautical
Yards + Nautical Miles Y Sets distance presentations to Yards +
Nautical Miles
Meters + Nautical Miles Y Sets distance presentations to Meters +
Nautical Miles
RADAR Selection None Y Disable the RADAR image overlay layer
X-Band Y Enables the RADAR X-Band image overlay
S-Band Y Enables the RADAR S-Band image overlay
Transparency Y Sets the transparency of the RADAR
overlay Overview Ship Settings

Group Setting In Description Reference

Ship Symbol Sets size of ship symbol: 6, 10, 20 Y Sets the ship symbol size for high zoom
[mm] or suppresses drawing of the ranges
Ship Symbol [Never]
Circular Error Enabled Y Shows E95 Error ellipse or R95 error circle

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DESCRIPTION Overview Viewing Group Settings

Mode Display Base Y Preselection of viewing groups defined as

display base
Standard Y Preselection of viewing groups defined as
All information Y Provides presentation of all viewing
User Defined Y User definable selection of viewing
groups for presentation
Groups Drying Line Y Viewing group
Buoys, beacons, and aids to Y Viewing group
Buoys and beacons Y Viewing group
Light sectors Y Viewing group
Light areas Y Viewing group
Boundaries and limits Y Viewing group
Prohibited and restricted areas Y Viewing group
Chart scale boundaries Y Viewing group
Cautionary notes Y Viewing group
Ship’s routing systems and ferry Y Viewing group
Archipelagic sea lanes Y Viewing group
Miscellaneous – Standard Y Viewing group
Spot soundings Y Viewing group
Submarine cables and pipelines Y Viewing group
All isolated dangers Y Viewing group
Magnetic variation Y Viewing group
Depth contours Y Viewing group
Seabed Y Viewing group
Tidal Y Viewing group
Miscellaneous – Other Y Viewing group

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DESCRIPTION Overview Safety Value Settings ECDIS

Group Setting In Description Reference

Chart and Draught [meters] Y Sets ship’s draught value for visualisation
Watchdog only
Air draught [meters] Y Sets ship’s air draught value for
visualisation only
Shallow contour Y Sets ship’s shallow contour for
visualisation only
Safety contour Y Sets ship’s safety contour for safety
Deep contour Y Sets ship’s deep contour for visualisation
Safety Depth Y Sets ship’s safety depth for visualisation
Dangerous Dangerous CPA [NM] Y The user can define the CPA and TCPA
target indication values for ARPA and AIS targets
Dangerous TCPA [minutes] Y If the Closest Point of Approach (CPA) is
reached within the TCPA time (Time to
Closest Point of Approach), the target is
indicted as dangerous
AIS targets Enable Automatic Activation Y Enables or disables the automatic
activation of AIS targets
AIS auto activation CPA [NM] Y Auto activation of AIS targets within CPA
AIS auto activation TCPA [minutes] Y Auto activation of AIS targets within TCPA
time Overview Watchdog Settings ECDIS

Group Setting In Description Reference

Watchdog area Always show area Y Enables or disables the presentation of
the watchdog area in which the anti-
grounding processor is operational
Distance Limit [meters] Y Defines the size of the watchdog area
Look Ahead Time [minutes] Y Defines the look ahead time of the
watchdog area
Detection Level All information Y Anti-grounding processor works on all
Information: all types of objects will be
Dangers only
Warnings and dangers Y Anti-grounding processor works on
Warnings and Dangers
Dangers only Y Anti-grounding processor works on
Dangers only

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DESCRIPTION Overview Alert Settings

Group Setting In Description Reference

Notification Enable Local Sound Y ECDIS 4500 uses the sound generation
Settings system of the Conning system for alert
sounds. This setting enables local sound
generation of each ECDIS individually.
Popup on new alert Y Enables or disables the popup behaviour
of the alert list. If enabled after a new
alert, the alert window will pop up
Alert Priorities Tender Tracking Connection Y Sets the alert level after tender tracking
[Alarm | Warning | Caution] connection lost
Special Area [Alarm |Warning | Y Sets Special Area alert level
Restricted area Y Sets the alert level on restricted areas in
Navigational Hazard Y Sets Navigational Hazard alert level
[Alarm | Warning | Caution]
Pipeline, submarine/on land Y Sets the alert level on Pipeline,
submarine/on land in particular
Critical Point on Route Y Sets Critical Point on Route alert level
[Alarm | Warning] Overview Chart Settings ECDIS

Group Setting In Description Reference

Chart Types ENC Y Enables the presentation of vector charts
AIO Y Enables Admiralty Information Overlay
RNC Y Enables the presentation of raster charts
C-MAP Y Recreational C-MAP format
Navionics Y Recreational Navionics chart format
Presentation Two Shades Y Chart depth areas can be presented in
four or two shades
Traditional Y Presentation of chart objects identical
with traditional paper charts
Orientation North Up Y North Up chart orientation
Course Up Y Course Up chart orientation
Heading Up Y Heading Up chart orientation
Colors Day N Enables day colour scheme for chart
Dusk N Enables dusk colour scheme for chart
Night N Enables night colour scheme for chart

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DESCRIPTION Overview Pilot Settings

Group Setting In Description Reference

Limits Off course limit N Off Course limit Autopilot
Gps deviation limit N GPS deviation Autopilot Overview AIS Settings

Group Setting In Description Reference

Show AIS AIS Y Enables / disables the AIS target overlay
Targets AIS Physical AtoN Y Enables / disables the visualization of
physical Aids to Navigation targets
AIS Base Station Y Enables / disables the visualization of
base station targets
AIS Virtual AtoN Y Enables / disables the visualization of
virtual Aids to Navigation targets
AIS SAR Aircraft Y Enables / disables the visualization of SAR
aircraft targets
AIS SART Y Enables / disables the visualization of
SART AIS targets
Show AIS Labels Y Enables / disables the visualization of AIS
Show sleeping All Y ‘All’ does not filter any target at all. All
AIS targets targets are visible
Distance [meters] Y ‘Target distance’ hides all targets that
occur at a distance greater than the value
set by the user. Only sleeping targets at
closer range are shown
AIS and RADARE All dangerous AIS and ARPA targets Y All targets are hidden unless they come
Target within the CPA/TCPA limit settings
Presentation Contour Y Toggles the ‘Allow contour’ option On to
show the actual shape of AIS targets. This
is of course only possible if the
information is available
Pasttrack Y Enables / disables the visualization of AIS
past tracks Overview Trackers Settings

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Group Setting In Description Reference

RADAR Trackers X-Band Y Enables / disables the visualization X-
Band targets
S-Band Y Enables / disables the visualization S-
Band targets
Additional trackers dependent on Y Enables / disables the visualization targets
the system’s configuration of additional trackers
None Y ECDIS target overlay is switched off
Association Enable Y Switches Association On/Off
Assosiation AIS Y The target displayed on the chart when
Priority S-Band Association is enabled. It sets the target
X-Band priority for in relation to association.
(additional trackers dependent on If available, the highest priority target will
the system’s configuration) be displayed in relation to target number
and geo position.

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DESCRIPTION Overview Path Prediction Settings (option)

Group Setting In Description Reference

Path Prediction Enabled Y Enables / disables the visualization of
path prediction Overview Line of Position Settings ECDIS

Group Setting In Description Reference

Line of Position Enabled Y Enables / disables the visualization of line
of position constructions RADAR Grid Locking (option)

Group Setting In Description Reference

RADAR Grid Enabled Y Enables the RADAR Grid Lock function.
Locking Using this function multiple RADAR
targets are used to provide a position
sensor. Overview Object Tracking Settings

Group Setting In Description Reference

Object Tracking Enabled Y Enables / disables the visualization of
object trackers Overview Route Settings

Group Setting In Description Reference

Route Show all legs N This setting shows or hides all legs and
waypoints in the construction that are not
part of the currently selected route
Show Cross Track Limits N This setting toggles the visualisation of
the ‘Off Track Limits’ on the leg lines

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3.3.8 Hide objects

The Hide button temporarily hides user objects like Mariner’s Note, Line of
Position, highlight danger, construction leglines, etc. The display switches to
Base display as long as the Hide button is pressed down. Figure 47 Hide button

The function is similar to the RESET button, be it that the Reset function (section 3.2.8) actively de-selects
the display, whereas the Hide button only hides the information for a short time. With the Hide function, the
operator can quickly ‘remove’ extra information and inspect a clear chart area.

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3.4 Menu area

3.4.1 Display modes

The Menu area at the right hand side of the ECDIS

4500 user interface contains all relevant functions
intended to make ECDIS 4500 a paper chart
The menu area can be set to different display
In the ECDIS 4500 configuration:
 ECDIS Display and
 Chart Handling

Figure 48 Display Modes

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3.4.2 Focus, Task and Function

The menu area is subdivided into a Focus, a Task and a Function area.
When Focus is changed, the Task options change accordingly. Similarly, when the Task is changed, the
Functions menu area is adapted.

In chapters 5 and following the various options are described in more detail.

3.4.3 Version info

Click on the Company logo to display the About box

with the ECDIS 4500 version info.

The primary information in this menu lists the

certificate version and serial number of the ECDIS. For
reference purposes the Rhodium product line, the
ECDIS is integrated in, is listed.

Additionally an overview of the applied standards

including Kernel components is presented.

The About box also lists on overview of features the

ECDIS is compiled of.

Figure 49 ECDIS 4500 version info

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3.4.4 Legend

The Legend button at the bottom of the right hand side

panel (Figure 50) opens the ECDIS 4500 Legend window. It
lists the main settings of the current display:
 Projection
 Chart orientation (North Up, Course Up, Heading Up)
 Selected Chart Type
 AIS (sleeping) target filter (see ‘Target options’ in the
Settings section)
 AIS AtoN, SAR and other targets filter
 Currently set Look Ahead time as set in the Settings
Figure 50 ECDIS Legend
The Legend window is a floating window, it can be moved
over the screen to any position.

Possible targets combinations in Legend

Legend Legend text Description

Show AIS AtoN targets Physical AtoN Only physical AtoN are being
Virtual AtoN Only virtual AtoN are being
All Both physical and virtual AtoN
are being shown
None No physical and virtual AtoN are
being shown
Show AIS SAR targets Neither SAR Aircraft nor SART Neither SAR Aircraft nor SAR
transmitter is being shown
No SART All SAR sources except SAR
transmitter is being shown
No SAR Aircraft All SAR sources except SAR
Aircraft is being shown
SAR Aircraft Only SAR Aircraft is being shown
Only SAR transmitter is being
SART shown
All SAR sources are being shown
All No SAR sources are being shown


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Legend Legend text Description

Show AIS other1 targets No Base Station No Base station is being shown
All All other targets are being shown
No other targets are being
None shown
Table 5 Possible target combinations in Legend

3.4.5 Route indicator and Active Waypoint information

At the bottom of the panel area a coloured bar indicates the status of the current route in yellow, green or

When an Active route is present, four data fields appear below the Route status indicator with information
of the next waypoint. See section 11.2.2.

All targets except AIS SART,AtoNs and Aircraft
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4. Settings
4.1 Main Window

The paragraphs hereafter will give a detailed

overview of the settings as assembled in

The paragraphs are coded:

Group / Setting
Group / Settings / Features

Display / Setting refers to the set of Show shallow
pattern, Show quality info, ………, settings.
Figure 51 Settings Window
Display / Settings / Show shallow pattern directly
relates to the shallow pattern setting.

4.2 Display

Display provides the settings for:

 Display of objects and features
 Dangerous Target BCR/BCT Overlay
 Past Track
 Visual Limits of lights
 Date dependent objects
 Units
 RADAR Selection

Figure 52 Display

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4.2.1 Display / Display

The display window toggles the following settings:

 Shallow pattern
 Quality info
 User objects
 Overscale indication
 Compass rose
 Names
 Rings Figure 53 Display Setting
 Special Area filtering

The paragraphs hereafter provide detailed

information on the specific settings.

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DESCRIPTION Show shallow pattern

In case an area of depth is less than the safety

contour depth the shallow pattern is drawn.

Figure 54 Shallow Pattern Show quality info

The ‘Quality Info’ button toggles extra S-52

symbols, which inform the user about the
quality/accuracy of the displayed ENC charts, on or
Quality of data information can also be found in the
pick report of a chart area.
Inspect Chart1 display for the symbol explanation
as presented in the ChartHandler section.

Figure 55 Quality info

In the example of Figure 56 the ‘PA’ symbol indicates that the

‘Position’ of the point object is ‘Approximate’.

Figure 56 Example of Quality Info

Figure 57 shows some examples of symbols that are displayed

over the chart as a measure for the quality of the relevant chart

Top left: pattern of symbols for a chart of 5m accuracy

with full seafloor coverage
Bottom left: pattern of symbols for a chart of 50m
accuracy from standard survey based on lines
of continuous soundings
Top left: pattern of symbols for an unreliable chart
Bottom right pattern of symbols for a chart with quality Figure 57 Different quality symbols
not assessed

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DESCRIPTION Show user objects

The user Objects toggle button shows or hides all

objects that the user has manually added to the
display in one go. It affects objects such as a
Mariner’s Note, danger area and such. It also hides
the construction network, including the selected
route. When an activated route is present, User
Objects cannot be toggled off!

Manual chart updates (section 0) become part of

the chart and are not affected by the User Objects
On/Off function. They remain visible.

Regulation requires that the RESET function

(section 3.2.8) hides certain types of added
navigational information. The User Objects
function brings the hidden information back on
Figure 58 Example User Object: Highlight Danger Show overscale indication

Areas for which no chart of the desired usage is available are filled with data
of less detailed usage to avoid gaps. To identify those areas in the screen,
they carry an overlay pattern of vertical lines to indicate that the data is of
‘wrong usage’. Toggle the ‘Overscale indication’ option on to show the
overscale pattern.

The overscale factor appears at the top of the screen. In Figure 59 the chart
Figure 59 Overscale pattern and factor
is displayed at a scale 2.3 times its compilation scale. Show compass rose

The Compass Rose option displays or hides a

compass rose in the graphical screen area.
The option applies to all display orientations:
North Up, Course Up and Heading Up. In
North Up mode, the compass rose is by
default Off, in Course Up and Heading Up
mode, the compass rose is by default On.

Figure 60 Wind symbol in compass rose

Additionally the compass rose presents true
wind. Appendix J: Wind speeds in knots
explains the wind factor symbols.
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The toggle button ‘Names’ switches less important names and text labels On or Off. Show rings

The ‘Rings’ button toggles the Range Rings on/off. Enable Special Area filtering

This toggle button works in cooperation with right trackball click function “Special areas”. To enable area
filtering, the following user actions need to be undertaken:
 Disable Special areas using the right trackball function;
 Enable special area filtering in Settings / Display / Display / Enable special area filtering.

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4.2.2 Display / Dangerous Target BCR/BCT Overlay

For dangerous targets, BCR and BCT values can be

displayed in the screen. BCR is the distance at
which the target will cross the own ship’s heading
line; BCT is the time left before this will happen.
Calculation assumes constant current speed over Figure 61 Dangerous Target BCR/BCT Overlay Setting
ground and course over ground of both own ship
and dangerous target. The information is
continuously updated and can be switched ON or
OFF in the Target options window.

 If the dangerous target crosses behind the stern of the ship, the BCR value is negative.

To avoid clutter in the screen, BCR and BCT can be switched On or Off with the ‘Dangerous Target BCR/BCT
Overlay’ options in the Target options window.

 The BCR/BCT overlay can only be switched ON for dangerous targets whose BCT is less than 60
minutes. Moreover, the ‘Names’ option must be on (section 3.3.6). Mark ARPA and AIS targets as permanently dangerous

When an ARPA or AIS target occurs around the edge of the CPA/TCPA limit area, this can repeatedly cause
‘dangerous target’ alarms, although the target is not heading in the ship’s direction. The user will want to be
kept aware of the target without having to accept the ‘dangerous target’ alarm again and again. This is
possible by marking a dangerous ARPA or AIS target as permanently dangerous.

To do so:
 Click right on the dangerous target and select the option ‘Mark permanent dangerous’.
 Now, when a dangerous target alarm for this target is accepted, the alarm message remains in the
Alert list, also when the target moves out of the ‘limit’ area and its actual dangerous condition is
 The target remains indicated in red in the screen.
 When the target comes again within the CPA/TCPA limit area, no new alarm is generated.
 With the message remaining in the list and the BC information in the screen, the operator is
continuously reminded of the fact that a potentially dangerous target is around.
 To undo ‘Mark permanent dangerous’, click on the target again and select ‘Unmark permanent

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4.2.3 Display / Past Track

The Past Track function toggles the display of the

past track of the own ship On or Off. The past track
uses the ship’s conning position as reference
Figure 62 Past Track Setting

The time stamp interval is set with the Past track

time label function in the Settings menu. If the
currently selected display range is too large, not all
time stamps may be shown. The time stamps use
UTC time.

If the past track position calculated from the monitoring position sensor
differs from the past track position calculated from main position sensor,
the two past tracks are easy to distinguish. Figure 63 shows an example.
The main sensor past track is indicated with a thick line, the monitoring
sensor past track with a thin line. At a certain length along the track, the
two position sources have differed and two past track lines are shown.

The past tracks are created automatically and continuously.

The past track is continuously updated until it is cleared with the
function ‘Clear past track’ (section 11.2.4). The past track has a
maximum length of 12 hours.
Apart from this regular past track, a 90 days past track of the primary
sensor is recorded and logged every 6 minutes. It is not possible to delete
this 90 days past track.

Figure 63 Past track according to

Main and Monitoring sensor

Go to past track position

To go to a specific past track position, right click on
the past track.
 Select the option ‘Goto Pasttrack position’
(Figure 65)
 Select past track type
 Select date and time
 Press OK
Figure 64 Go to past track position
The chart centres op the past track position.

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Set time stamp

To set an extra time stamp, for instance to
mark a specific position on the past track, click
right on the past track at the required position
and select the option ’Set Time stamp’.

Figure 65 Past track options

4.2.4 Display / Visual limit of lights

Visual Limit of Lights puts a mark on the legline of

a selected route at the position where the light of
a lighthouse or other important point rises above,
or dips below, the horizon. Figure 66 Visual limit of lights Menu

The mark consists of a small arc, centred on the light, and labelled with the light’s range and other information,
if present. In Figure 67, the Visual Limit of the light ‘Leugenaar’ (blue arrow at bottom right) is indicated on
the route (blue arrow at top left). The name of the light and its range, 7NM, appear next to the arc.
To the NW of the ‘Leugenaar’ arc another Visual Limit of Light arc is shown, not identified by name, but by its
Light characteristic (Oc), Signal Group (1) and Signal period (5 s)

Click on the light or lighthouse in the chart to see all available information in its pick report.

The actual position of the Visual limit of light mark depends on the height of the observer. A default value of
10 m for ‘Observer’s height’ is used. This value can be changed in the Settings menu.

 A Visual Limit of Lights can be put on the chart for important lights only. The relevant light
attribute must be present in the chart data.

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Figure 67 Visual Limit of Lights

4.2.5 Display / Date dependent objects

Objects with a date constraint on its presentation

properties can be made visible based on:
 Day Range [days]
 Date Range [start date / end date]
 All date dependent objects

Figure 68 Date dependent objects Setting

After this function is enabled, the permanent

indication “Display not real time” will be
Figure 69 Display not real time

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4.2.6 Display / Units

With the Units options the operator can select the

unit in which Distance is displayed: Nautical Mile,
Yards + Nautical Miles or Meters + Nautical Miles.

Figure 70 Units Setting

 Be aware that the Units selection also affects the display of calculation results. The system rounds
off in the selected unit. With NM selected, this may lead to less accurate figures being shown.

4.2.7 Display / RADAR Selection

With the Radar function (Figure 259) the user can

select to display or hide the overlay of a selected
radar image. The number of presented scanners
is dependent of the system configuration.
Figure 71 RADAR Selection Setting

Select the required radar source to enable the overlay. Select ‘None’ to switch the radar overlay off.

Depended of the RADAR image transport protocol, the transparency of the RADAR overlay can be set for
the following Rhodium RADAR products:

RADAR product Transparency slider

RADAR 4500 Not available
RADAR 4600 Available
RADAR 4700 Available

 ECDIS 4500 draws the radar image is over the chart display. If the radar image is very
complicated, this may affect performance. The radar image is simplified, and ultimately a warning

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4.3 Ship
Ship provides the settings for:
 Ship Symbol
 Circular Error Probable

Figure 72 Display

4.3.1 Ship / Ship Symbol

In the Ship’s Symbol window, the mariner can

define a minimum size for a scaled ship’s
representation on screen. It depends on the ship’s
actual size at which display range the selected
condition is met. At larger display range, the ship
is indicated by the standard ship sign. For ship
symbols, see section 3.3.4.

Figure 73 Ship symbol maximum size Setting

Select a minimum ship’s symbol size. The detailed ship outline is drawn when, at the current display range,
either the beam exceeds the selected minimum size, or the length exceeds twice the selected minimum size.

Figure 75 Ship symbol standard

Figure 74 Ship symbol scaled

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4.3.2 Ship / Circular Error Probable

To display the Circular Error

Probable (CEP) of position sensors
and after position fixes, the CEP
presentation layer can be activated Figure 76 CEP Activation
by clicking the Enabled check box

CEP provides a covariance error ellipse, in other words a confidence ellipse representing the contour of a
Gaussian distribution of position fix data or position sensor data based on a large number of random
samples in an experiment. This contour visualises a 2D confidence interval providing a 95% confidence
ellipse, represented as E95.

E95 data is used to draw an elliptical area on the ECDIS chart in which the vessel resides with a probability of
95%. This E95 error ellipse will be drawn for Line Of Position (LOP) position fixes and the accuracy of
position sensors as received from Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) and GPS systems.

The normal distribution below shows the standard deviation for 68% and 95% error probability. This means
for the actual standard deviation values: 1σ = 68% and 2σ = 95%.

Figuur 1 Normal distribution

The table hereafter provides an overview of standard deviation σ used for the calculations to draw the E95
ellipse. The σ values were determined after a set of statistical experiments and were derived from
“Hoofdstuk 4, Het Plaatsbepalingskwaliteitmodel, paragraph 4.1.1 positienauwkeurigheid en de
nauwkeurigheid van positielijnen”.

Fixing method Description
1 Visual fix: σ=
D = distance to the object used for the fix

2 𝐷 D = distance to the closest object in

Transfer (transit): σ=
500 transit
3 𝐷 D = distance to the RADAR targets used
RADAR fix and ARPA fix: σ=
100 for the fix
σ= B = adjusted standard RARAR range in
NM and B < 5 NM
RADAR distance:
B = adjusted standard RARAR range in
NM and B ≥ 5 NM

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Fixing method Description

Standard RADAR ranges: 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5,

3.0, 6.0, 12.0 NM

For the calculation selected range B is the

first higher standard range in relation to
the distance to the RADAR object.
Object range is 1.4 NM, B= 1.5 NM
Object range is 2 NM, B = 3.0 NM
5 ARPA distance: σ = 0.1 NM Distance independent
Table 6 List of standard deviations in relation to fix methods

The difference between RADAR and ARPA

distances are defined as follows:
 The RADAR distance is the exact distance RADAR Target
Own Ship /
between RADAR antenna and the target, Observer


 The ARPA distance is the distance between

the RADAR antenna and the spot the tracer
connects to track the target, DistanceA. Tracker
DistanceA ARPA Target

Practically speaking: DistanceR ≠ DistanceA.


Figure 77 Differences between RADAR and ARPA targets


 For this ECDIS 4500 software version only methods 1, 2 and 3 as defined in Table 6 are

4.3.3 Position accuracy LOP

After a bearing on a (charted) object (landmark), a 2σ

Position line
position line (α) can be defined towards this object 2σ

guarded by two lines on a distance of 2σ Figure 78 Position line and standard deviation
indicating the 98% probability that the bearing is
the actual position line.
In other words, the actual position line is somewhere between the bearing ± 2σ. The value for σ can be
derived from Table 6.
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In case of a second position line (β) an E95 ellipse can be drawn indicating a 95% probability that after a
position fix the position of the vessel is within this elliptical area.

E95 ellipse


Standard ellipse
W 2σ E
2σ 2σ


Figure 79 E95 ellipse on two position lines α en β Figure 80 E95 ellipse

Figure 81 Example of an E95 error ellipse

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4.3.4 Position accuracy position sensors

ECDIS 4500 is capable of presenting the accuracy

of a position sensor as a R95 circle.

The 𝜎𝑋 and 𝜎𝑌 standard deviation components R95

represent the accuracy of the position sensor in

𝜎𝑋 = Latitude standard deviation

𝜎𝑌 = Longitude standard deviation

Depended on the make of the position sensor,

either the sensor provides the standard deviation
data or the Rhodium Bridge software calculates
these components.

For presentation purposes the ECDIS uses the

double route mean square method: Figure 82 R95 for position sensor

2𝐷𝑅𝑀𝑆 = 2 √𝜎𝑋2 + 𝜎𝑌2 [meters].

DRMS determines the radius of the R95 circle.

The presentation of the accuracy of a position sensor is linked to the CEP parameter in Settings / Circular
Error Probable: [Enabled | Disabled].

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4.3.5 Examples of E95 accuracy ellipses

The E95 example hereafter is based on a fix on RADAR targets.

Figure 83 Example of E95 based on RADAR targets

The landmarks used for the E95 as drawn above are marked as ARPA in the dialog below.

Figure 84 LOP dialog with LOP based on RADAR targets

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4.4 Viewing Groups

Viewing Groups provides the settings for:

 Mode
 Groups

Figure 85 Viewing Group Settings

4.4.1 Viewing Groups / Mode

There are four View modes available:

 Display Base (Base)
displays the information that should be permanently visible.
 Standard (STD)
displays the information of the SENC that must be visible when the ECDIS 4500 display is first
switched on
 All information (All)
selects all SENC information present in one go
 User Defined (User)
allows the user to compose his own set of information for display.

The first two categories, Display Base and Standard, automatically select a pre-defined set of information.

Appendix F: Display  Focus  Task  Function describes the content of the various View modes and
categories and the other display options in more detail.

The currently selected display view mode is indicated in the Function Bar
next to the Display option button.
Figure 86 Currently selected
View mode (STD)
This Mode indicator/button serves to different control options:
 Either to display the current display mode e.g. STD;
 Or to reset the display mode to Standard (STD).

When in Display Base or Standard mode, the user can select extra display options in the list or, if in Standard
mode, switch automatically selected options off.
 If extra options are toggled on, the indication in the Functions bar reads Base+, or STD+.
 If, in STD mode, options are switched off, the indication will change to Base+.

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 If, in All information mode, options are switched off, the indication changes to STD+ or Base+,
depending on which options remain on.

(De)selections are not retained. The next time Display base or Standard view is toggled on again, the display
returns to the predefined selection.

 When the mode is Base+ or STD+ the operator must first select another display mode before he
can return to Base or STD mode.

Display Base (BASE)

In Display base mode, none of the options in the list of additional view categories is selected. The chart
shows the bare minimum of information, which should be permanently visible in an ECDIS display. The most
important items are:

 Information about the chart display, such as cursor, scale bar, scale/range, North Arrow, no
data/un-surveyed data/incompletely surveyed data
 Land features: land area, dangers above water, shoreline
 Safety contour
 Shallow and Deep contour (provided Two Shades option is Off, section
 Dangers under water
 Own ship, with heading line, beam bearing line, course and speed vector
 Selected/Monitored route

Display base view is automatically selected with the RESET button, when clicked right.

Standard (STD)
Standard display automatically includes additional items such as:
 Information about chart display (unknown objects, chart scale boundary, overscale data, etc.)
 Land features Standard (major coastal features, conspicuous landmarks)
 Water and Seabed features (seabed dangers, cables, tunnel, sandwaves, pattern for depth less than
safety contour)
 Traffic routes and tracks
 Restricted and Cautionary areas, Information areas (ferry route, fish grounds, pipeline area, etc.)
 Buoys and Beacons
 Lights and Fog signals
 Light sector areas
 Radar features (racon, radar reflector). (For Radar overlay On/Off see Settings section)
 Services standard (pilot boarding point, signal station, etc.)

The Standard display can be selected in two different ways:

 Automatically selected after clicking on the RESET button, clicked
left (display will be set to dusk mode + STD);
 By clicking on the mode reset button (display will be set to STD in Figure 87 Mode (STD)
the current colour set).
Mode reset
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All information
All information displays additional information about chart data, such as.
 Land features All (natural features such as contours/elevation, less conspicuous shore structures,
 Information about chart data (symbol identifying low accuracy data, information about attributes,
nautical publication, magnetics, etc.)
 Soundings
 Depth contours and currents (depth contours other than the safety contour, depth value of
contours, current and tidal information)
 Seabed and obstructions (nature of seabed, rocks, wrecks, obstructions that are not a danger to
 Special administrative areas
 Services and small craft (radar station, rescue station, coast guard station)
 Usage boundaries

User Defined
The ‘User Defined’ setting enables the user to compose its personal set of displayed information. To avoid
clutter, non-essential options can be switched off.
Click the selection boxes to show or hide the various options.
When another view mode is selected, the ECDIS system remembers the current user selection and returns to
it when ‘User Defined’ is selected again.

4.4.2 Viewing Groups / Groups

Group selection overview.

Figure 88 Groups I Setting

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Figure 89 Groups II Setting

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4.5 Safety Values

Safety Values provides the settings for:

 Chart and Watchdog
 Sensors and Route
 Dangerous target indication
 AIS Targets

Figure 90 Safety Value Settings

4.5.1 Safety Values / Chart and Watchdog

This menu provides the settings for:

 Draught:
Depth of the keel below the water line
 Air draught:
Height of the highest point on the ship
above the waterline. Is used to check for
dangerous overhead constructions.
 Shallow contour:
Boundary of (too) shallow water. Only for
visualization on screen
 Safety contour:
Boundary between safe and unsafe waters.
Crossing to unsafe waters raises and alarm.
Used for route monitoring
 Deep contour:
Boundary of deep water. Only for
visualization of the screen
 Safety depth:
Figure 91 Chart and Watchdog Setting
Soundings with a value equal or greater
than this value are drawn in a less
conspicuous color. Only FIR visualization
on screen

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4.5.2 Safety Values / AIS Targets

For AIS targets specific activations values can be

defined. AIS targets that come within the target
activation CPA/TCPA range will be automatically

Figure 92 AIS Targets Setting

To activate a sleeping AIS target manually: right click on the target and select ‘Activate AIS target #’.
To de-activate an AIS target manually, right click on the target and select ‘Deactivate AIS target #’.

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4.6 Watchdog

The Watchdog setup function opens a dialog

window in which the operator can specify the
Watchdog settings, i,e, the parameters that deal
with the generation of the navigational
monitoring alarms and warnings.

Figure 93 Watchdog Settings

 The Watchdog setup may require a password in both ECDIS and WECDIS Display mode. If the
user does not have the correct privileges, he can view the Watchdog setup (simply Cancel the
password window), but he cannot edit the settings.

4.6.1 Watchdog / Watchdog area

Watchdog area specifies the size of the area that

is monitored.

Figure 94 Watchdog area Setting

Appendix B: Watchdog Warnings object classes contains a list with the object classes that Watchdog warns
about. Attributes are checked against the ship's distance limit, ship´s height and draught as defined with the
menu Settings /Safety Values / Chart and Watchdog Values. A text or display may be given preceded by
INFORMATION, WARNING or DANGER. The list is also used in the Check Route function where the values are
checked against the safety parameters of the route check.

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 In an integrated bridge environment, Watchdog alarms and messages raise a general ECDIS
Monitoring alarm on the conning.

 Non-bridge ECDIS stations cannot access the ‘Watchdog setup’ options. The settings are visible,
but greyed out. Watchdog area

“Always show area” switches the visualization of

the Watchdog area On or Off.
Figure 95 Overlay Setting

 If the Watchdog area is switched on, all Watchdog objects will be visualised on the chart. The
Watchdog area around the ship will be visualised.

 If the Watchdog area is switched off, detection will still be performed, alerts will be displayed in
the Alert List and Watchdog objects will be visualised on the chart inside the Watchdog area. The
Watchdog area will pop up in case of detected dangers.

4.6.2 Watchdog / Detection Level

One of three levels of danger detection can be

selected for the Anti-grounding function.
 All Information: all types of objects will be
 Warnings and Dangers
 Dangers only Figure 96 Detection Level Setting

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Limit Danger Line, i.e. the clearing bearing line of a HM/SM construction. When the option is toggled on,
the system issues an alarm when the ship’s monitoring area touches the line.

Wheel Over Line, i.e. the small line drawn at the position of the wheelover point. When the option is toggled
on, the system issues an alarm when the ship’s monitoring area touches the line.

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4.7 Alert

Alert provides the settings for:

 Notification Settings
 Alert Priorities

Figure 97 Alert Settings

4.7.1 Alert / Notification Setting

Enable Local Sound

W)ECDIS 4500 uses the sound generation system
of the Conning system for alert sounds. This
setting enables local sound generation of each
ECDIS individually. Figure 98 Notification Settings Setting

Popup on new alert

Enables or disables the popup behaviour of the alert list. If enabled after a new alert, the alert window will
pop up

4.7.2 Alert / Alert Priorities

The Alert Priorities menu sets the Alert levels for:

 Tender Tracking Connection
(Caution, Warning, Alarm)
 Special Areas
(Caution, Warning, Alarm)
 Navigational Hazards Figure 99 Notification Settings Setting
(Caution, Warning, Alarm)
 Critical Point on Route
(Warning, Alarm

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The alerting level on Special Areas can be set in

Settings / Alert / Alert Priorities.

The default alert level is: Caution.

Handling of Special Areas is described in detail in

paragraph 6.4.

Figure 100 Example Restricted Area Navigational Hazard

The highlight Danger functionality will highlight

dangers in the Watchdog area, even if the viewing
group is disabled in Settings.

If the viewing group is disabled only a red box is

presented, in case the viewing group is enabled (in
this case Buoys, beacons and aids to navigation)
the buoy is shown.

The alerting level of the danger can be set in

Settings / Alert / Alert Priorities.

The default alert level is: Caution. Figure 101 Highlighted Danger

For more information on Navigational Hazards, please refer to the Watchdog section of paragraph 6.3.

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DESCRIPTION Critical Point on Route

For more information on Critical Point on Route,

please refer to the Watchdog section of paragraph

Figure 102 Critical Point on Route Tender Tracking Connection (optional)

Tender Tracking is a tracking system for tenders or dinghies belonging to a master vessel.

To display tender ships (also called tender targets) in the ECDIS chart area, toggle the Tender Tracking
option in the Settings menu On (Figure 52).
An active tender ship is shown as a black circle. Figure 139 shows an example.

For more information see section 4.17.

4.8 Chart

Chart provides the settings for:

 Chart Types
 Presentation
 Orientation
 Colors

Additionally a contrast check area is available

to check the contrast settings of the ECDIS.

Figure 103 Chart Settings

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4.8.1 Chart / Types

The user can select to display either ENC charts

or ARCS charts. A toggle function toggles
between ENC and RNC:

 ENC refers vector data

 AIO provides T&P NMs Figure 104 Chart Types Setting
 RNC refers to raster charts from BA
(British Admiralty);
 C-MAP (non official)
 Navionics (non official)

 It is not possible to de-select a chart type if it is the only chart type present. AIO

AIO data is presented in an overlay independently

from the ENC data. Use the Settings / Charts /
Chart Types menu to enable or disable this

It provides the following information:

 EPNMs (Electronic Preliminary Notice to
Mariner), to help the mariner resolve
problems (inconsistencies) they may face
using ENCs and ADMIRALTY paper charts Figure 105 Typical AIO
 T&P information, to show the mariner where
T&P notices apply to ENCs
 No Overlay, to show where the UKHO is
unable to provide either EPNMs or T&P

AIOs are based on an S-57 data set and its corresponding data is stored in cell GB00001 (for all AIOs).

AIO data is categorized as follows:

 Product: AIO
 Producer: GB
 Data Server GB(AIO)

AIOs can be obtained from your regular chart distributor and are loaded identical to other ENC data sets
using the ChartHandler.

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A Pick Report can be used to interrogate AIO data.

The AIO tab will provide detailed information on
the overlay. If appropriate text boxes or gif files
can be presented to provide supporting

Figure 106 AIO Pick Report

4.8.2 Chart / Presentation

This setting switches between four and two

coloured chart presentations and the traditional
paper like view.

Figure 107 Presentation Setting Two Shades

The Two Shades function changes the normal chart display that shows depth areas in four colour shades
(valid for Day colour mode) to a display with two shades only.

The four colour display includes:

 shallow water, dark blue
 unsafe water shallower than the safety contour, medium blue
 safe water, light blue
 deep water, white

The colours are inverted in the night time display.

The 'Two Shades' display includes:

 all depth areas shallower than the safety contour displayed in dark blue
 all depth areas deeper than the safety contour displayed in white

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The colours are inverted in the night time display.

The chart display is adapted to the individual ship and the safety values, which can be modified in the menu
item Settings / Safety Values / Chart and Watchdog.

With more than one ECDIS 4500 available, the display on the other ECDIS stations is synchronised


 The ‘Two Shades’ function only applies to ENC charts. Traditional

With the ‘Traditional’ function On, chart display is Traditional, i.e. the display presents the chart with symbols
as on the paper charts.
With the Traditional function Off, the display is Simplified, i.e. the display shows chart symbols designed for
ECDIS systems.
Both display modes follow the definition of the IHO S-52 Presentation Library.

 The ‘Traditional’ function only applies to ENC charts.

4.8.3 Chart / Orientation

The functions of this Setting is to allow the

operator to specify the chart type(s) used, to select
the chart display type and to select the chart

Figure 108 Orientation Setting North Up

‘North Up’ is the default mode for the chart display.

The North Up function allows for resetting the display to N up if it is in Course Up or Heading Up mode.
The function applies to ENC charts only.

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‘Course Up’ allows the operator to set the chart display in Course Up mode. See Figure 11. The function applies
to ENC charts only and is not available when the ARCS or the ENC + ARCS chart display option is toggled On.

In Course Up mode the chart is rotated in such a way that the actual course of the own ship is pointing upward.
A compass rose appears in the screen. The display updates automatically.

If no course is available from the sensor, a warning is issued:

No valid COG!
Course Up not possible!

The mariner has to confirm the warning. Heading Up

In ‘Heading Up’ mode, the chart is displayed with the ship’s heading direction pointing upwards. A compass
rose appears in the screen; the display updates automatically.
See Figure 12.

To hide the compass rose, toggle the ‘Compass Rose’ option in the Display window Off. See Figure 52.

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4.8.4 Chart / Colors and Contrast check

ECDIS 4500 provides colour tables to match the

different light conditions on the bridge during day,
dusk, and night. Three colour tables are defined in
the IHO Standard S-52:

This colour table displays the electronic chart on a
white background in bright colours. It is used
during bright daylight.

Dusk Figure 109 Colors Setting

This colour table displays the electronic chart on an
inverse background in dark inverted colours. It is
used during dawn and dusk.

This colour table displays the electronic chart on a black background in very dark colours. The colours are
designed to not destroy the darkness adaptation of the eye. It is used during dark night without a
mechanical filter in front of the screen.
This colour table is included in case an attenuation filter is not available, and as a precaution in case the
filter is damaged. Some Information may be lost when using this table on an old CRT

 (Any) brightness control may inhibit visibility of information, particularly when in Night colour

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DESCRIPTION Return to daylight control

A special “return to daylight” control is implemented to return the display to a Day or Dusk colour set in
case the display was set in night mode and the ambient light conditions (bright environmental light) make it
impossible to identify anything on the display.

The following user actions will call up a special Night mode display visible in daylight or dusk light
 After pressing the right trackball button for 4 seconds a screen as indicated in Figure 110 will
appear after which the appropriate colour set can be selected followed with a “Close” action.

Figure 110 Return to daylight or dusk option

 This feature will also work when the backlight slider of the display is set to a value of almost zero
(resulting in a black display). The colour calibration function of the ECDIS will reinitialise the
display’s backlight.

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DESCRIPTION Contrast check

Unless brightness and contrast are properly adjusted, there

is a danger that information may be lost from the chart
display, especially at night. The ECDIS display carries far
more detail than, for instance, the radar display, and thus Figure 111 Contrast check
requires correspondingly more attention to correct
selection of colour table and correct adjustment of the

The colour test should be applied on the Day and Dusk colour schemes.

Proceed as follows:
1. Go to Chart / Colours
2. Set Contrast to a maximum, and Brightness to a minimum. Access the controls in the Application
Manager (see [Ref. 3]) or, if the Application Manager is not present, use the regular hardware monitor
3. Do one of the following:
a. If the centre square is NOT visible, turn up the brightness until it just appears.
b. If the centre square is clearly visible (with contrast at maximum and brightness at minimum),
turn the contrast down until the inner square disappears, then turn contrast back up until the
inner square is just visible again.

The black level is then correctly set. If a brighter display is required, use the contrast control, but preferably
do not adjust the controls unless lighting conditions change.

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4.9 Pilot

This Setting controls the Autopilot Off Course

and GPS deviation limits.

Figure 112 Pilot Settings

4.9.1 Pilot / Limits

The Position error limit is the maximum allowed

difference between the reading of the main
position sensor and the reading of the monitoring
position source, the latter being a secondary
electronic position sensor or the dead reckoning Figure 113 Sensors and Route Setting

Enter a limit value and press Done.

 The ‘Off Course limit’ defines the maximum allowed difference between the ship’s actual Course
Over Ground and the course of the currently sailed track to the next waypoint. If the difference
exceeds the Off Course Limit, the Off Course alarm is activated.

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4.10 AIS

AIS provides the settings for:

 Show AIS Targets
 Show sleeping AIS targets
 AIS and RADAR Target Presentation

Figure 114 Targets option Settings

4.10.1 Targets / Show AIS Targets

The Targets selection options (Figure 115). enable

the user to show or hide targets from a specific
source. Only those targets whose selection box is
On are visible on screen. All targets are displayed
with the standard symbols.
Figure 115 Targets Setting

Target selections

Checkbox Description
AIS Presentation of traditional AIS symbols of surrounding vessels
including the SAR vessels(s).
AIS Physical AtoN & Base Station Presentation of physical Aids to Navigation provided AIS
transponders mounted on marks including base stations
AIS Virtual AtoN Presentation of virtual Aids to navigation as generated by the VTS
or Coast Guards
AIS SAR Aircraft Presentation of special SAR Aircraft(s)
AIS SART Presentation of AIS SAR transmitter(s)
Show AIS Labels Enables or disables the presentation of the name of the AIS target
Table 7 Target selections

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 To visualize the AIS labels take care that the following steps are taken:
o Switch the AIS target layer on: Settings / Targets / Targets / AIS targets
o Enable the visualization of the AIS labels in: Settings / Targets / Targets / Show AIS Labels
o Enable Names on ECDIS main screen, bottom row

Maximum number of ARPA targets

The maximum number of ARPA targets that ECDIS can display depends on the maximum number of targets
that ECDIS can receive from the radar system without loss of performance. Currently the maximum number
is 60.

Maximum number of AIS targets

The maximum number of AIS targets is 1024. If more AIS targets are present, the system filters on distance
and displays the 1024 targets that are closest to own ship. A message appears when the limit is reached and
the targets furthest away can no longer be displayed.

Furthermore in case of too many AIS targets the visualisation range is reduces to protect the ECDIS system.
A message “Target range has been reduced” is presented. Target symbols and names

AIS and/or ARPA targets are displayed with the following symbols. See also section 11.3.8.

Active AIS target Sleeping AIS target Lost AIS target

(small, no name)

Figure 116 AIS target symbols

 Broken line: velocity vector

 Solid line: heading
 Short solid line perpendicular to heading line: turn indicator

For more on target symbols, see section 11.3.8.


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To distinguish between targets from different radar sources, toggle

the Names button On (Figure 45).
The prefix ‘S’ of the target name in Figure 117 indicates that the
target was acquired on the S-band radar system.
This identification is also given in the ARPA target pick report. See Figure 117 ARPA target acquired
Figure 30. on S-band

4.10.2 Targets / Show sleeping AIS targets

Show sleeping AIS targets

The ‘Show sleeping AIS targets’ filter options
define which AIS sleeping targets are filtered out
from the display.
Figure 118 AIS Targets Setting
 ‘All’ does not filter any target at all. All
targets are visible.
 ‘Target distance’ hides all targets that occur
at a distance greater than the value set by
the user. Only sleeping targets at closer
range are shown.

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4.10.3 Targets / AIS and RADAR Target Presentation

All dangerous AIS and ARPA targets

If all options are switched off, no targets will be
shown at all. When only the ‘All dangerous AIS
and ARPA targets’ option is on, all targets are
hidden unless they come within the CPA/TCPA
Figure 119 AIS and RADAR Target Presentation
limit settings and are dangerous.

Allow contour
Toggles the ‘Allow contour’ option On to show
the actual shape of AIS targets. This is of course
only possible if the information is available.

AIS target Past Track

The past track of an AIS target is shown if the
target is activated. If it is sleeping or lost, the past
track is not visible. The past track data, however,
remains in memory. When the target becomes
active again, the past track is shown.

 Targets can be set as Permanently dangerous, see section
 The Past Track ON/Off button in the Settings menu (Figure 52) does not affect the AIS past track.

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4.11 Trackers

Trackers provides the settings for:

 RADAR Trackers
 Tracked Target Priority
 Association Symbolization

Figure 120 Trackers option Settings

4.11.1 Trackers / RADAR Trackers

The content of this menu depends on the RADAR

configuration of the Rhodium Bridge system (X-S,
X-X, X-X-S, etc.).

The indicator lights in this menu provides the

following statuses:
GREEN Tracker is working properly /
Targets are available
Figure 121 RADAR Tracker menu
RED Tracker is not working properly /
Targets are not available
ORANGE Tracker is degraded / Targets are
Selection between available trackers dependent on bridge configuration.

Provides the name of the tracker X, S, I etc., this is a preconfigured item.

Tracker Status
Provides the status of a specific tracker. If a tracker is failing and indicating RED, all related RADAR targets
will be lost and also be indicated RED.

Target Status
 S-Band
Presentation of RADAR targets generated by the vessel’s S-band RADAR tracker

 X-Band
Presentation of RADAR targets generated by the vessel’s X-band RADAR tracker

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In case of an operational tracker (Tracker status =

Tracker Status Target Status
GREEN), the Target Status can be lost, indicated
as S-Band = RED due to the fact that somewhere
else in the RADAR processing chain a component
is failing. Examples of this situation are e.g.:
scanner is off, RADAR image processing is failing.

Figure 122 Tracker and Target status

 A failing tracker (Tracker Status = RED) will always imply lost targets. A lost target status (Target
Status = RED) will not always imply a failing tracker!!

4.11.2 Trackers / Tracked Target Priority

AIS and Tracked Targets can be associated into

one target by means of the RADAR target
association functionality. The target priority
determines if the Targets are to be represented
by their AIS component or Tracked Target

In case Association Symbolization is disabled Figure 123 Association priority

(refer to next paragraph) both AIS as well as
Tracked Target components are being displayed.

AIS Priority:

Tracked Priority:

AIS and Tracked:

Table 8 Associated targets

Associated Target View Mode in combination with Target display settings

The AIS and ARPA target options in the Settings menu and the Associated Target View Mode settings in the
Target options menu are linked due to the fact that they are part of the target association process.
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Figure 124 Relational settings

The figure presented above provides the dependency of target selection, priority setting and association.

AIS target Tracked targets Display mode

No AIS and Tracked targets visible
√ -> AIS Preferred
√ -> Tracked Preferred
√ √ -> AIS and Tracked Associated based
on “Tracked Priority”
Table 9 Target option view settings

Talking about association the following Use Case is valid:

 RADAR tracker selected and operational
 AIS presentation selected
 Priority is set to AIS
 Association is switched on
 The ECDIS shows an associated RADAR and AIS target with the identification of the AIS target,
presented on the geo location of the AIS target

 The AIS presentation is switched off

 The associated target degrades to its RADAR component located on the geo position of this RADAR

After the AIS presentation is switched on again, association of the AIS target will be established.

This Use Case works identically for RADAR targets instead of AIS targets.

 Target options are local settings and not synchronised with other stations.

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DESCRIPTION Pick Report Associated Targets

As identified above AIS and Tracked targets can be


Left clicking on an associated target provides

information on the specific association sources as
identified in the Pick Report on the right.

In this case an AIS target and the ARPA targets of

the X-band and S-Band RADAR were associated.

Figure 125 Pick Report Associated targets

4.11.3 Targets / Association Symbolization

This menu item enables or disables Association

Figure 126 Association

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4.12 Path Prediction

This Setting enables Path Prediction.

Figure 127 Path Prediction Settings

4.12.1 Path Prediction / Path Prediction (optional)

The Path Prediction function will predict the ships path it will follow in time according to the adaptive ships
model of the RH Marine Autopilot, NavPilot 4500.

To enable this function please select the Path

Prediction function in the Settings menu of
section 3.3.7.
Figure 128 Path Prediction Setting

The length of the Path Prediction curve is linked

to the Look ahead time as presented in Figure

Figure 129 Watchdog area linked to Path Prediction

This function will only work in combination with the RH Marine NavPilot 4500 and DPT 4500 systems.

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Figure 130 Path Prediction

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4.13 Line of Position

This Setting enables Line of Position.

Figure 131 Line of Position Settings

4.13.1 Line of Position / Line of Position

The function of the Line of Position selection

button allows the operator to show or hide all
Lines of Position in one go. The option is by
default On, i.e. Lines of Position are visible. Figure 132 Line of Position Setting

Regulation requires that the RESET function (section 3.2.8) hides certain types of added navigational
information, including Lines of Position. The lines are not erased, but only hidden. Use the Settings / Line of
Position toggle button to bring the lines back on screen again.

If the Lines of Position option in the Settings menu (Figure 52) is toggled Off, all Lines of Position are
hidden. However, setting a new Line of Position with the Line of Position function (section 12.12)
automatically toggles the option in the Settings menu on again.

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4.14 RADAR Grid Lock

This Setting enables ECDIS 4500 RADAR Grid Lock


Figure 133 RADAR Grid Locking Settings

ECDIS 4500 has the ability to calculate the ships position from multiple RADAR targets. After “RADAR Grid
Locking” is enabled the calculated ships position is send to the Ship Motion Control Servers (SMC-001 and
SMC-002) responsible for the distribution of navigational sensor data throughout the bridge system. In this
case the ECDIS 4500 acts as a position sensor alongside others like GPS receivers.

RADAR Grid Locking Enabled ECDIS 4500 act as a position sensor

RADAR Grid Locking Disabled ECDIS 4500 RADAR Grid Lock sensor is disabled giving a sensor invalid
alert in the Conning Alert list.

If active, the RADAR Grid Lock position sensor can be used as a main position sensor of the Bridge system.
Additionally it can be used as Main or Monitoring sensor of the ECDIS. Please refer to the ECDIS Position
sensor selection section to activate the RADAR Grid Lock sensor.

Chapter 12.3 provides detailed information on how the setup and use the ECDIS RADAR Grid Lock sensor.

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4.15 Object Tracking

The object tracking function provides the range

and bearing to a moving or stationary object
relative to the own ships position or to the cursor

Figure 134 Object Tracking Settings

This setting switches the layer that visualizes the

object tracking boxes as described in paragraph:
Figure 135 Object Tracking

Figure 136 Example of Object Tracking of a MOB

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4.16 Route

Route provides the settings for:

 Show all legs;
 Show Cross Track Limits.

Figure 137 Route Settings

4.16.1 Show all Legs

This function shows or hides all legs and waypoints in the construction that are not part of the currently
selected route. The selected route remains visible.

 All functions of the Construction Task, apart from Defaults, are disabled when the Show all Legs
function is turned Off. So, to construct a route, the Show all Legs button must be On.

4.16.2 Show XTD Limits

The Show XTD Limits function toggles the visualisation of the ‘Off Track Limits’ on the leg lines on or off. The
Off Track Limits are visualised as a transparent orange area around the legs that do not belong to the selected
route and as a transparent red area around the legs of the selected route.

Figure 138 XTD Limits on and XTD Limits off

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5. Profiles
5.1 Main Window

The main profiles window provides the following

 Load and execute the default profile;
 Load and execute a user defined profile;
 Delete a profile;
 Copy actual settings from the Settings
menu to Profiles;
 Save the profile settings.

In case a setting is changed within the profile

menu, the changed group is indicated with a *.

Figure 141 Profiles

Settings can be set by two different sources: the operator or by loading a profile.

Figure 142 Two different setting flows

Load and execute the default profile

User actions:
 Select the default profile from the Profile Manager;
 Press the “Activate settings” button.

Load and execute a user defined profile

User actions:
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 Select a user defined profile from the Profile Manager;

 Press the “Activate settings” button.
Delete a profile
User actions:
 Select a user defined profile from the Profile Manager;
 Press the “Delete” button;
 Accept the “Are you sure” message by pressing the “Yes” button.

 The default profile cannot be deleted, this a factory setting defined in accordance to table 3 of
IEC 61174 Edition 4.0 paragraph 4.18.

Copy actual settings from the Settings menu to Profiles

User actions:
 Press the “Get settings” button.

The actual settings are copied from the Settings menu tot the Profile menu. This is a necessary action to
enable storage.

Save Profile
Profiles and profile changes can be saved by pressing the “Save” or “Save as…” button.

5.2 Load default profile

Apart from the Profiles menu the default profile

can also be loaded by a right trackball button click.

Figure 143 Load default profile

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5.2.1 Indication of loaded profile

The Profile Manager provides the name of the las

loaded profile.

Since profiles are workstation independent, they

individually show their last loaded profile.

Figure 144 Last loaded User Profile

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6. Watchdog and danger Highlight

6.1 Operational Area

The operational area of ECDIS 4500 is

defined between 85°N and 85°S latitude. A
Caution is generated when a route is
planned outside the operational area. Also
during route monitoring the same Caution is
generated. In case a route outside the
operational area is loaded and activated, a
Caution alert will be generated.

Figure 145 Operational Area

Generated Caution alert:

 Title Operational Area

 Description Current route outside of Operational Area
 Action Move waypoint inside operational area

The areas above 85°N and below 85°S will be indicated by a no data pattern and the hairline pattern
pointing towards official data.

6.2 Permanent Indications

(W)ECDIS 4500 consists of two different methods to provide permanent indications:

 Icons in the bottom bar

 Text in the chart area

6.2.1 Permanent Icon Indications

Permanent Icons are located at the bottom right side of the display.

Figure 146 Permanent Icons

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Indication Icon Description

Better Chart Available

AIS Target Filtered The following filter settings are applicable (refer
to Settings / Targets / Targets):
 All AIS
 AIS Physical AtoN
 AIS Base Station
 AIS Virtual AtoN
 AIS SAR Aircraft
 All dangerous AIS abd ARPA targets
ENC Out of Sequence An installed cell is older than available on the
installation medium.

When updates are out of sequence, they can be

restored by the folowing actions:
 Loading a reissued base cell and updates
up to and including the out of sequence
update number
 Loading new edition
 Loading a complete sequence of updates
up to and including the out of sequence
ENC Overscale The information is displayed at a larger scale
than that contained in the ENC
Invalid Chart

Non ENC data If SENC data from a non-HO source is in use, it

may use other colours or symbols than
specified by IHO S-52. In this case a permanent
indication “non-ENC data” is provided.
RCDS mode If in Settings / Chart Types RNC is selected the
“RCDS mode” icoin is shown.
RCDS Overscale The information is displayed at a larger scale
than that contained in the RNC.
RCDS Underscale The information is displayed at a smaller scale
than that contained in the RNC.
Standard Display If information categories included in the
Customized Standard Display are removed to customize the
display, this action is permanently indicated by
the icon “Standard Display Customized”
RTZ Route received The ECDIS received a route, send over the data
from another ECDIS network, from another ECDIS in conformity with
system in the network IEC the 61162-450 message protocol

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6.2.2 Permanent Textual Indications

Permanent Textual Indications are presented at the top of the chart area or close to objects like the North

Indication Description
Non-Ecdis Presentation, non If SENC data from HO source is in use and if the
SOLAS Mode representation uses colors or symbols different
from IHO S-52 a permanent indication “non-
ECDIS presentation, non SOLAS mode” is
At own ship If the displayed area together with the used
At centre projection is such that scale is not uniform over
the displayed area then the scale bar (more
than 5 % difference in uniformity for all
directions or the displayed area is over latitude
70º) or latitude scale (more than 5 % difference
in uniformity for latitude direction or displayed
area is over latitude 70º) indicates the scale
either at own ship location or at the centre of
the displayed area. In such a case a permanent
indication “At own ship” or “At centre” is
presented close to the scale bar.
Display not real time In case date dependent objects are enabled in
the Settings menu, Settings / Display / Date
dependent objects the message “Display not
real time” is displayed.

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6.3 Watchdog

Watchdog is the anti-grounding processor of the ECDIS 4500 system. The function checks whether any
dangers are encountered that could threaten the safe voyage of the ship.
If a dangerous situation is detected, the watchdog area appears around the ship symbol as an orange box
as soon as the edge of the box reaches the danger.

The size of the box depends on the following parameters:

 Distance limit, a safety distance that the operator wants to observe around the ship, and
 Look Ahead Time, which defines the length of the monitored area in front of the ship.

Look Ahead time lies between 3 and 10 minutes. The length of the watchdog area equals the distance that the
ship can sail in the set Look Ahead time at current speed plus the Distance limit.

The monitor area is calculated with respect to the ship’s Course Over Ground.

Figure 147 and Figure 148 show examples of the monitor area. Distance Limit, Look Ahead time and speed
are the same in both examples. In Figure 147 the ship’s heading equals ship’s COG; in Figure 148, ship’s
heading and course are different. The point where the box outline changes from ship-parallel to COG
(arrow) is defined by the Distance Limit.

Figure 147 Watchdog area, example Figure 148 Watchdog area follows ship's COG

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6.3.1 Watchdog Danger Highlight during Route Monitoring

The ECDIS indicates Navigational Hazards if they are evaluated within the Watchdog area. Please refer to the
picture below in which the ECDIS graphically highlights dangers (shallow water area and a landmass) in red.

The presentation of dangers on route is independent of the Viewing Group settings in the Settings menu
(Settings / Alert / Alert Priorities).

Figure 149 Watchdog Danger Highlight

As discussed in the settings chapter, the Alert priorities of different Alert Classes can be set individually. The
following Alert classed are identified:
 Special Area;
 Navigational Hazard;
 Critical Point on Route;
 Tender Tracking Connection.

The section hereafter provides an example on how Danger Highlights can be presented.

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Danger highlight presented as Caution:

Danger highlight presented as Warning:

Danger highlight presented as Alarm:

Figure 150 Presentation of Caution highlights

Using the Alert settings menu the default Alert level can be “upgraded” to:

Navigational Hazard set to: Object outline Alert list

Caution Object gets no specific outline Caution indicated on alert list
Warning Objects get a yellow outline Warning indicated on alert list
Alarm Objects get a red outline Alarm indicated on alert list
Table 10 Relation of Caution highlights and Alert Settings

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6.3.2 Watchdog Danger Highlight during Route Planning

Additionally during Route Validation the Alerts along the route are shown.

The presentation of the dangers on route is independent of the Viewing Group settings.

Figure 151 Dangers on Route

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6.4 Special Areas

This chapter explains the Special Area functionality in more detail. Due to the required automatic Danger
Highlight functionality sailing in Special Areas will always result in a red colored safety box around the own

This functionality enables the user to disable Special Areas permanently. In case of existence of Special
Areas, right mouse click on the location of the area, select the Special Area menu, if available a list of areas
will be shown. Moving the mouse pointer to a specific area will highlight the area on the chart. Please refer
to the example of “Wadden” displayed in the picture below.

Figure 152 Typical Restricted Area “Wadden”

After performing this filter setting, the Special Area “Wadden” will not result in an Alert and graphical Alert
indication in the ships safety box.

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Filtered Special Areas can be managed

using the right click “Manage areas”

The GoTo option traverses to the geo

location of the area and highlights the
Special Area.

Disabled areas will be invisible until they

are Enabled using the “Manage areas”
Enabled option.

Specific Special areas may be deleted using Figure 153 Restricted Area “Wadden” in Manage areas menu
the Delete option.

Special Areas are areas for which special conditions exist like:
 Traffic separation zone
 Inshore traffic zone
 Restricted area
 Caution area
 Offshore production area
 Areas to be avoided
 User defined areas to be avoided
 Military practice area
 Seaplane landing area
 Submarine transit lane
 Anchorage area
 Marine farm/aquaculture
 PSSA (Particularly Sensitive Sea Area)

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7. ECDIS Alert Handling

7.1 Introduction

The ECDIS 4500 Alert mechanism complies with the performance standards for Bridge Alert Management
(BAM) as adopted by IMO as defined in resolution MSC.302(87).

BAM harmonizes the priority, classification, handling and presentation of alerts.

7.2 Alert priorities

ECDIS 4500 BAM distinguishes between three different alert priorities:

 Alarms Conditions requiring immediate attention and action by the bridge team to avoid
any kind of hazardous situation and to maintain the safe operation of the ship.

 Warnings Conditions or situations which require immediate attention for precautionary

reasons, to make the bridge team aware of conditions which are not
immediately hazardous, but may become so.

 Cautions Awareness of a condition which still requires attention out of the ordinary
consideration of the situation or given information.

7.3 Alert categories

Apart from priorities, alerts are distinguished in three different categories:

 Category Alerts where information of an ECDIS4500 task station is needed to investigate the
A cause of the problem to acknowledge the alert.
Alert is directly related to the collision avoidance task.

Example: danger of collision

 Category Alerts where no additional information for decision support is necessary.

B Alert is not directly related to the collision avoidance task, it is more common or is
generated by supporting sub systems like navigational sensors.

Example: position sensor lost

 Category Alerts that cannot be acknowledged on the bridge. ECDIS4500 does not use
C category C alerts.

Example: alerts from the main engine

7.4 Alert escalation

In accordance to the BAM requirements, the following escalation scenarios are implemented:

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 All warnings are repeated as warnings after the escalation time expires;
 Warnings can be escalated to alarms;
 Alarms can be escalated to BNWAS.

Escalation times:

Alert escalation Escalation time

Warning -> Warning 30 seconds
Warning -> Alarm 30 seconds
Alarm -> BNWAS 30 seconds

ECDIS 4500 may be connected to a Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS). If a BNWAS is
available, connected and configured, the ECDIS will trigger a BNWAS alarm after the specified escalation

Please refer to paragraph 7.10 for an overview of alerts that can be escalated.

7.5 Alert aggregation

In accordance to the BAM requirements, alert aggregation is implemented.

Alert aggregation prevents cluttering of the alert list with alerts of the same kind. For example each
navigational hazard appears as an alert.
These alerts are automatically grouped in a treelike format. The top level alert (aggregated alert) can be
expanded to show the containing alerts.
Within the aggregated alert it is possible to acknowledge an individual alert or acknowledge the complete
group at once.

7.6 Alert list

The Alert List pop up box shows the active alert list. The scroll bar at the right appears when more than 20
alerts are in the list. The alert list can be scrolled page by page. In compliance with the BAM regulations the
order is based on the alert priority; Alarms on top, followed by Warnings and the Cautions on the bottom.
Unacknowledged alerts always are placed above acknowledged alerts.

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Each alert is listed in the following format:

 Status of the alert (icon);
 Time stamp indicating when the alert
was generated;
 Short description of the alert;
 Source of the ECDIS Alert.

New alerts appear as follows:

 A new Caution comes up as a line in
the alert list, without a sound.
 A new Warning comes up with a line in
the alert list and an orange blinking
icon, the alert button starts blinking
orange and the warning sound is
 A new alarm comes up with a line in
the alert list and a red blinking icon, Figure 154 Alert List
the alert button starts blinking red, and
the alarm sound is activated.

To acknowledge a warning or alarm click left on the short description in the alert list. All non-aggregated
alerts have to be accepted individually. Aggregated alerts can be acknowledged at once by acknowledging
the top level alert line.
An acknowledged alert whose alert condition is rectified is automatically removed from the list.
Warnings that are not accepted in time may escalate to alarm. Alarms that are not accepted in time may
initiate a BNWAS alarm.

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7.7 Alert icons

Each alert line starts with an icon that indicates the priority and the status of the alert. An optionally
preceding secondary icon provides additional information.

Alarm unacknowledged alarm

unacknowledged silenced alarm

acknowledged alarm
unacknowledged alarm, while the cause of the problem has disappeared
responsibility transferred alarm

Warning unacknowledged warning

unacknowledged silenced warning
acknowledged warning
unacknowledged warning while the cause of the problem has disappeared
responsibility transferred warning

Caution caution

Optional preceding icons:

or aggregated alert i.e. the presence of multiple alerts of the same kind

alarm to be acknowledged at the system that raises the alert

warning to be acknowledged at the system that raises the alert

7.8 Silencing of the Alert sound

When an alarm or warning is received, an alert sound is generated. When the alert is accepted, this sound
automatically stops. The Silence button in the footer area of the Alert List allows the operator to temporarily
turn off the alert sound without accepting the alert. The Silence button turns yellow as soon as there is an
alert that can be silenced. The Alert button remains blinking, since the alert has not been accepted; the
operator can inspect the alert message before accepting it, but without the noise. If a new alert is received,
the alert sound resumes.

7.9 Acceptance of the Alert

When an alarm or warning is received, the Alert can be accepted by clicking on the corresponding line in the
Alert List.

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7.10 ECDIS Display Alerts

The paragraphs hereafter provide an overview of the ECDIS Alerts.

7.10.1 Sensor Alerts

Alert title Detailed alert Cause Priority Escalation Category

CCRS Unavailable Interface with CCRS is Interface with CCRS is Caution - B
unavailable unavailable. Verify using
the Conning whether the
Server is running
Position Lost No Position input No Position input for Warning - B
Route Monitoring
Heading Lost No Heading input No Heading input for Warning - B
Route Monitoring
Speed Lost No Speed input No Speed input for Route Warning - B
Table 11 ECDIS Display Alerts - Sensor Alerts

7.10.2 Route Monitoring Alerts

Alert title Detailed alert Cause Priority Escalation Category

Route Monitoring Route Monitoring is Ability to alert user about Warning - A
unavailable navigational hazards is
Route Monitoring Approaching Safety Alarm BNWAS A
Route Monitoring Approaching Area with Caution - A
special conditions
Route Monitoring Approaching Caution - A
Navigational Hazard
Route Monitoring Approaching Critical Warning Alarm A
Point on route
Route Monitoring Deviation from planned Alarm BNWAS B
route too Large
Table 12 ECDIS Display Alerts – Route Monitoring Alerts

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7.10.3 System Failure Alerts

Alert title Detailed alert Cause Priority Escalation Category

System failure Critical malfunction Warning - B
Use alternative ECDIS
Not Calibrated Display Size not The actual scale of the Caution - B
calibrated chart display may deviate
Not Calibrated Display Colours not The colours of the chart Caution - B
calibrated may be represented
inaccurately on the
License Error ECDIS License Verification of the dongle Warning - B
verification failed or ECDIS license failed.
Functionality may be
severely limited
Chart Database ENC/SENC Chart Chart database Warning - B
database error inaccessible or corrupt,
unable to draw charts.
Chart Database ARCS Chart database Chart database Warning - B
error inaccessible or corrupt,
unable to use charts
Alert Comm Error Alert Communication Communication of Alert Caution - B
Error system malfunctions
Table 13 ECDIS Display Alerts – System Failure Alerts

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7.10.4 AIS Target Alerts

Alert title Detailed alert Cause Priority Escalation Category

AIS Unavailable AIS Targets are Warning - B
Tgt List Limit Reached 95% Caution - B
maximum AIS Targets
Tgt List Limit Reached Maximum AIS Warning - B
Table 14 ECDIS Display Alerts – AIS Target Alerts

7.10.5 RADAR Target Alerts

Alert title Detailed alert Cause Priority Escalation Category

RADAR Unavail XX-Band RADAR Warning - B
Targets are unavailable
Tgt List Limit Reached 95% Caution - B
maximum RADAR
Tgt List Limit Reached Maximum Warning - B
RADAR Targets
Radar Overlay XX-Band RADAR Warning - B
Overlay is unavailable
Radar Overlay XX-Band RADAR Warning - B
Overlay Resolution
Table 15 ECDIS Display Alerts – RADAR Target Alerts

7.10.6 Tender Tracking Target Alerts

Alert title Detailed alert Cause Priority Escalation Category

Tender Unavail Tender Tracking Caution - B
Targets are unavailable
Tgt List Limit Reached 95% Caution - B
maximum Tender
Tgt List Limit Reached Maximum Warning - B
Tender Targets
Tender Tracking Tender XXX Lost Warning Alarm B
Tender Tracking Tender XXX Out of Warning Alarm B
Tender Tracking Tender XXX Panic Alarm - B

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Alert title Detailed alert Cause Priority Escalation Category

Tender Tracking Tender XXX Man Over Alarm - B
Table 16 ECDIS Display Alerts – Tender Tracking Target Alerts

7.10.7 Auxiliary Alerts

Alert title Detailed alert Cause Priority Escalation Category

Navtex Unavail Navtex is unavailable Warning - B
Man Over Board Man Over Board Warning - B
indication triggered
Render Target Target range has been Warning - A
Table 17 ECDIS Display Alerts – Auxiliary Alerts

7.11 BAM in relation to the CAM

The Rhodium Bridge system provides a Central Alert Management (CAM) module. A CAM is connected to
the individual applications like RADAR, ECDIS, Autopilot and Conning to present Alerts.

Figure 155 Typical CAM GUI

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The table hereafter provides an overview on how to accept different types of Alerts.

Indication means only a graphical indication without the possibility to accept Alerts. In case of an Accept the
user is able to Accept Alerts.

CAM Rhodium CAT C

Application Application System
Alarm CAT A Indication Indication NA
Alarm CAT B Indication Indication NA
Accept Accept
Alarm CAT C Indication NA Indication
Warning CAT A Indication Indication NA
Warning CAT B Indication Indication NA
Accept Accept
Warning CAT C Indication NA Indication
Caution Indication Indication Indication

Rhodium Application are RADAR OR ECDIS OR Autopilot (Conning or SMC)

Corresponding Alert sounds are:

Rhodium Application Alert Sound

RADAR Alerts Marimba low pitch

ECDIS Alerts Xylophone low pitch
Autopilot, Conning and SMC Alerts Xylophone medium pitch
CAM Alerts Xylophone high pitch

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8. Aids to Navigation
8.1 AtoNs

Ecdis 4500 is capable of displaying physical and virtual AtoNs, including SAR symbols.

8.2 AIS AtoNs – Physical

Physical AtoNs are presented as an open diamond. This diamond pattern is used the basic shape for all
physical AtoN symbols as presented in Appendix G: Physical AIS AtoN symbols.

Figure 156 Basic physical AtoN shape

Physical AtoNs are characterised as AIS transponders mounted to the following marks:

 Racon;  Starboard hand mark;

 Emergency wreck mark;  Isolated danger;
 North cardinal mark;  Safe water;
 East cardinal mark;  Special mark;
 South cardinal mark;  Off position;
 West cardinal mark;  Lights failure;
 Port hand mark;  Racon failure.

Figure 157 Typical physical AtoN symbols

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8.3 AIS AtoNs – Virtual

Virtual AtoNs are presented as an open diamond with crosshair centred at reported position. This diamond
pattern is used the basic shape for all virtual AtoN symbols as presented in Appendix H: Virtual AIS AtoN

Figure 158 Basic vitual AtoN shape

Virtual AtoNs are characterised as AIS targets generated by the VTS or Coast Guard stations:

 Emergency wreck mark;  Starboard hand mark;

 North cardinal mark;  Isolated danger;
 East cardinal mark;  Safe water;
 South cardinal mark;  Special mark;
 West cardinal mark;  Intended location of missing AtoN.
 Port hand mark;

Figure 159 Typical virtual AtoN symbols

8.4 AIS AtoNs – SAR

SAR AtoNs are represented by a SAR aircraft, vessel and transmitter and other devices using AIS burst
transmission technology.

AIS SAR AtoN symbols are represented by Appendix I: SAR AIS AtoN symbols.

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9. ECDIS Display, Focus: Chart

9.1 Introduction

The Menu area at the right hand side of the ECDIS user interface contains all relevant functions intended to
make ECDIS 4500 a paper chart equivalent.
The menu is divided into three parts to provide the mariner with information about the current operations at
all times.

 The upper part allows for Focussing the work on one of the different function groups.
 The middle part shows the Tasks related to the currently focussed function group
 The lower part contains the Functions that are available to perform the selected task

When changing the main function group or the task, the menu for the subgroups and functions changes

The Chart focus menu contains the tasks: chart work, chart settings, chart colours. See Appendix F: Display 
Focus  Task  Function setup of ECDIS 4500.

All functions and actions related to chart permits or chart import, deletion and status of available charts, are
handled by the Chart Handler. For information on the ChartHandler please refer to chapter 13.

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9.2 Chart Work

The Chart  Chart Work Task contains the Functions to

perform traditional chart work:

 Highlight danger
 Dividers
 Clearing line
 Tidal stream
 Point Object
 Erase
 Navigational Calculator
 View Updates
 Quit ECDIS

Figure 160 ECDIS Chart, Chart Work functions

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9.2.1 Highlight Danger

This function allows the mariner to mark dangers with a red highlight in the chart.

Press the ‘Highlight Danger’ button and set the first point of the highlight.

A Highlight Danger object can be a point, a line or an area.

If the Highlight Danger function is cancelled with the Cancel
button of the trackball after the first point is set, the highlight
point symbol appears (Figure 161, top).
If a line is drawn and the function is closed with the Cancel
button after inputting the second point, a highlighted line
appears (Figure 161, centre).
If a closed polygon is drawn the area of the polygon is a
dangerous area (Figure 161, bottom).

Figure 161 Highlight danger symbols

Highlighted dangers are recognised by the ‘Watchdog’ anti-grounding function. Highlight Danger can
therefore be useful when working with raster charts (ARCS) in order to get a warning, for instance when the
ship´s movement threatens to enter a prohibited area. Highlight Danger polygon edit

During polygon construction line end points can

be removed by a left mouse click on the point to
be removed.

Removal of a point must be confirmed by

accepting the pop up conformation menu.

Figure 162 Deletion of Highlight Danger points

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9.2.2 Dividers

The divider allows the mariner to calculate the distance

form a starting point to any number of consecutive next
points/positions on a polygon line.
Click the function button and click in the screen to define Figure 163 Chart Work, Dividers Function
the first point. Click again at the next point, the distance
between the two points is shown in the top bar of the
small floating window (Figure 163). Click again to set a
third point; the floating window shows the cumulative
distance between point 1 and 3. Add as many distances
as required. Click the right mouse button to end the
function. The floating window is cleared and closed.

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9.2.3 Clearing Line

A Clearing Line is a line that separates safe from unsafe water. It can be used to identify an area that the
ship should steer clear off, for instance due to the presence of an unmarked navigational hazard. Ideally a
clearing line is drawn from a clearly recognisable reference object. The bearing of the clearing line towards
the object is noted alongside the line on the chart, together with an indicator NMT (Not More Than) or NLT
(Not Less Than). This tells the operator at which side of the line the danger is to be expected. On
approaching the object, the operator knows what compass course he should keep to avoid the danger.

To set a Clearing Line

 Select the Clearing Line function
 Click in the screen at the required start
 Click again at the required end position
 Select whether the Clearing Line
represents a minimum bearing: Not Less
Than (NLT), or a maximum bearing: Not
Figure 164 Select Clearing line type
More Than (NMT)
 Press ‘Done’

In the screen the line is shown with its indication

NMT or NLT, and its actual bearing.
An example is shown in Figure 165. In front of the
light house submerged rocks occur. The ship is
passing along the coast following a specific COG.
From the ship’s current position onwards (where the
clearing line meets the track), the ship is in safe
waters as long as the true bearing to the light house
is less than 55 (clearing line at 55). If the ship gets
off track, for instance towards the green line, true
bearing to the light house becomes less than 55,
and the ship is safe. However, if the ship gets off
track towards the red line, true bearing to the light
house becomes more than 55, and the ship is in the Figure 165 Clearing Line
unsafe water area. Bearing to the light house must
Not be More Than 55.
Similarly, in another situation, the operator can of
course specify a NLT bearing.

To remove the Clearing line, use the Erase function (section 9.2.6) and click on the arrow.

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9.2.4 Tidal Stream

Tidal Stream allows the operator to add tidal information to the chart as a warning for otherwise possibly
unexpected effects on the ship’s course.
The Tidal Stream symbol consists of a single line with three arrowheads. The line starts at the chart position
for which the tidal stream data is available. Alongside the line is a label with the stream’s effective strength.

Tidal data can be Actual data (drawn with solid line and letter ‘A’), Predicted data (drawn with a dashed line
and letter ‘P’) or Undefined (drawn with a dashed line and letter ‘U’)

To set a Tidal Stream symbol:

 Select the Tidal Stream function
 Click in the screen at the position where the symbol
must be added
 Specify the type
 Set Orientation and Speed, and, for type Predicted,
 Press ‘OK’

Figure 166 Tidal stream dialog window

See Figure 167 to Figure 169.
The arrow of the tidal stream display indicates the type:
 Straight line: Actual
 Straight dashed line: Predicted
 Curved dashed line: Undefined

Time is indicated as a four digit figure (‘1557’ in Figure 167).

Figure 168 Tidal stream Figure 169 Tidal stream display,

display, Predicted Undefined
Figure 167 Tidal stream display: Actual

To remove the tidal stream indications, select the Erase function (section 9.2.6) and click on the back end of
the arrow.

Tidal information can be shown or hidden with the ‘Depth contours and currents’ option in the Display
window (Figure 52).
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9.2.5 Point object

The Point Object function inserts a user object at a certain

position in the chart. This enables the operator to mark an
observation which is not covered by a Mariner’s Note and thus
does not qualify for an official Manual Update of the chart, but
which he nevertheless wants to put on record.
The Point object is a user object, i.e. it is switched on or off with
the ‘User objects’ option in the Settings menu.

 Click the function button, and select the required Point

object type in the list. When the cursor is held over an
icon, its type appears at the bottom of the window.
 Select the required type, and click in the chart at the
position where the object should be inserted.
 Fine tune the position, if necessary
 Enter Remark, if necessary
 If the Point object should be valid for a limited period of
time only, press ‘Set Duration limit’, toggle the ‘Duration
limit’ option On, and enter the required time interval.
If the Duration limit has expired, the object disappears
from the screen. Expired objects can be made visible
with the 'Expired Objects' option in the Settings menu.'

Figure 170 Insert Point object

Figure 171 Point object, Position Figure 172 Point object, Duration time

 Manual updates, which can be identical to point objects, are NOT user objects, but become part
of the chart. See section 0.

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9.2.6 Erase object

This function allows for the removal of user defined objects like chart drawing, mariner's notes, lines of
position, point objects, etc.

 Activate the function Erase, and

 Click on the object that must be
removed from the chart. The system
asks for confirmation. Figure 173 Erase object: confirm
If more than one user defined
object occurs at the point that was
clicked, point objects are removed
first, line objects second, and area
objects last.

With more than one ECDIS 4500 installed in an integrated environment, the other ECDIS stations are
synchronised in order to display the same objects.

The Erase function does not remove legs and waypoints of a construction or route. For this purpose the
‘Delete Waypoint/Leg’ function in the Route Planning  Route Construction menu must be used

SENC chart objects and Manual Chart Update objects cannot be removed with this function please
use the ‘Erase’ function in Chart  Chart Work.

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9.2.7 Nav. Calculator

The Navigational Calculator allows the mariner to perform nautical calculations (Figure 174), the options

 Convert a position in local datum to WGS 84

 Convert a WGS 84 position to local datum
 Calculate distance and bearing from one known position to another
 Calculate end position from a given position, distance and bearing

Figure 174 Navigational Calculator: select Function Figure 175 Navigational Calculator: select Datum

Depending on the selected calculation, some of the options in the dialog window, like the Leg Type options
or Distance and Bearing, may be either accessible or dimmed.

After input of the position(s), always click ‘Calculate’ to perform the required calculation.

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9.2.8 Convert local datum to WGS 84

The following local datums are supported (Figure 175):

 World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84)

 World Geodetic System 1972 (WGS 72)
 European Datum 1950 (ED 50)
 Ordnance Survey of Great Britain (OSGB36)
 Tokyo datum (Tokyo)
 Australian geodetic (Australia1984)
 North American Datum 1927 (NAD 27)

Please note that a local datum is not valid for all locations. If a position outside the ‘valid’ area of the local
datum is converted, the resulting values may be invalid.

To convert a local datum to WGS 84:

 Select the ‘Convert local datum to WGS84’ option
 Enter the (local datum) co-ordinates of the position that must be converted in the Start position entry
 Select the local datum from the Geodetic datum list
 Press ‘Calculate’

9.2.9 Convert WGS 84 to local datum

The function ‘WGS84 to local datum’ can be used to compare the ECDIS – position with that on a paper chart
that is not in WGS84.
 Select the ‘Convert WGS84’ to local datum’ option
 Enter the co-ordinates of the position that must be converted in the Start position entry fields.
 Select the local datum from the Geodetic datum list
 Press ‘Calculate’

9.2.10 Calculate Distance and Bearing

With the ‘Calculate Distance and Bearing’ option, the user can calculate the distance and bearing from any
position to any other position. The option can, for instance, be used to find distance and bearing from the
Own Ship to a point with known co-ordinates.
 select the ‘Calculate distance and bearing’ option
 select geodetic datum
 select leg type
 enter the start position, for instance Own Ship
 enter the end position, i.e. the position of the known point
 press ‘Calculate’

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DESCRIPTION Calculate end position

The ‘Calculate end position’ option enables the user to calculate the position of a point that lies at a user
defined distance, in a user defined direction, from a start position, for instance Own Ship.
 select the ‘Calculate end position’ option
 enter the start position, for instance Own Ship
 enter the Distance and Bearing
 press ‘Calculate’

9.2.11 View Updates

‘View updates’ gives access to the update information of the ENC or ARCS charts.

Note: The ‘View Updates’ function can also be accessed through the Pick Report/Legend/History option
of an individual chart. See sections 2.9.3 and 2.9.5. ENC charts

 Select the ‘View Updates’ function, a chart list appears.

 Select a chart from the list and press OK. The screen
refreshes to show the selected chart and the Update
information window appears (Figure 177).
N.B. If a cell does not contain updates, a message appears
underneath the list and the OK button is disabled.
 The Update information window (Figure 177) shows the
information of the first update. Scroll to the next updates
with the back and forth arrows next to the ‘Update page’.
The chart focuses on the relevant update which is also

Figure 176 View Updates, select cell

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Figure 177 View Updates information window, ENC chart

 Press ‘Other cell’ to view the updates of another cell.

 Press ‘Update log’ to access the complete update log file (Figure 178)
 Press ‘Import log’ to inspect import history of the chart file.

Figure 178 Update log file, ENC chart

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Press View Updates, and select the required chart from the list. The chart
update information window appears (Figure 180).

Scroll down in the left window area to see the update information.

To view the updates of another chart, press ‘Other chart’.

Figure 179 View Updates ARCS,

select chart

Figure 180 View Updates Information window

An ARCS chart can contain local inset areas (plans) that may contain more detailed information of a specific
area, or consist of a set of plans that together make up the chart. When the Update information window is
opened the chart area in the former case shows the chart in which the inset areas (if any) are visible; in the
latter case first the outlines of the plans that make up the chart are shown. Plans belonging to, or making
up, an ARCS chart are identified by the chart number with an ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ etc. added.

The presence of different ‘plans’ is indicated in the Update Information window by the ‘Previous plan’ and
‘Next plan’ buttons becoming active.

To make sure that all update information of all plans can be shown properly, the chart can be displayed on
its optimal scale, on its compilation scale, or on a scale that fits the screen. Select the required mode in the
‘Range Mode’ frame of the Update Information window. See Figure 181 to Figure 183

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Figure 181 ARCS Update Figure 182 ARCS Update Figure 183 ARCS Update
Information, Optimal scale Information, Compilation scale Information, Fit to screen

9.2.12 Quit ECDIS

The ‘Quit ECDIS’ function closes the ECDIS 4500 application. The user has to confirm that he really wants to
quit. The computer remains on, and, if so required, must be correctly shut down (section 1.7.5).

The option should only be used with ECDIS 4500 in a stand-alone configuration. If more than one ECDIS
4500 station exists in the ships configuration, the Application and System managers handle the shutdown
and start-up of the applications.

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10. Route Planning

10.1 Introduction

The Planning Focus of ECDIS 4500 contains the functions to create constructions and routes and check
routes against user defined constraints and possible dangerous or prohibitive ENC chart object information.
A route consists of a set of selected legs and waypoints in a construction network.

Three tasks belong to the Route Planning operation:
 Route Storage
with the functions to load, save, delete and export the saved routes;
 Route Construction
with the functions to create and edit the construction network;
 Advanced
with the functions to select, deselect, provide waypoint list and ENC update report.

10.2 Plan a route in ECDIS 4500

To plan a route in ECDIS 4500 the user must first make a construction, for instance containing a set of
possible alternative route legs, and then select one (or more) routes from this construction. Section 10.2
describes some examples of the construction and route planning process. The following steps are involved:

1. Leglines and waypoints of a construction have default properties. Inspect the Defaults and adapt if
2. Make a Construction
A construction consists of a number of leglines and waypoints. The leglines and waypoints must be
defined (position, bearing, length) in such a way that they can form legs and waypoints of a
possible route. Optimise the construction with the ‘Create’, ‘Insert’, ‘Move’, ‘Remove’ functions.
3. First leg-lines automatically selected as route.
If a construction does not contain a selected route, the first leg-lines that the user creates are
automatically selected as a route. The leg-lines appear on the screen in red. A leg-line connected to
the first or the last waypoint of the selected route also become selected.
There is no selected route when
a. the user starts route planning for the very first time.
b. when a selected route has been cleared leaving a construction with only un-selected leg-lines.
c. when a route/construction is un-loaded.
4. Create a route with the Route Planning  Route Construction Create Route function.
If the user wants to select another route than the currently selected one, first the selected route
must be cleared. Use the ‘Delete route’ option. Then use the ‘Create Route’ function.
The ‘Create Route’ function selects an interconnected set of leg-lines and waypoints from the
construction. This is an automatic process. The operator selects the waypoint at which the route
should start, and ECDIS 4500 automatically selects the next leg-lines and waypoints. This can of
course only be done when at a waypoint the choice for a next leg-line is clear, i.e. when there is
only one next leg-line to choose from. If more than one next leg-line is present, the user must
indicate along which leg-line the route should continue.

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5. The selected leg-lines appear on the screen in red. They form the currently selected route.
6. When route selection is finished, edit the route and/or route parameters if required.
7. Check the route against navigational hazards with the Route Planning  Route Construction 
Route Check function.
8. Edit the route and/or route parameters when necessary.
9. Save the route with the Route Storage  Load/Save  Save Function. The system asks the user to
specify a name for the route.

 Only saved routes can be sent to the ship’s pilot system for automatic route control (provided
this interface is available).

IMPORTANT: ‘Save Route’ also saves construction

When a route is saved, the currently existing construction network is saved as well. The route file contains
the network plus the leg-line/waypoint selection that makes up the route. The route and the network
belong together.
This implies that the system considers a change in the network of a saved route as a change to the current
route (file), even when the route itself has remained the same. As a result, the system requires the route (file)
to be saved again.
To understand and work with the route and construction concept it is of great help to notice the route
status indicator at bottom right of the ECDIS screen. Its colour shows the status of the route: new, saved,

A saved route file can contain the construction network and only one selected route. It is, however, also
possible to save an construction network without a selected route.

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10.2.1 Radius check on planned turns

In case a planned route contains a turn in which the radius of the planned turn starts before completion of a
previous turn the following message is generated

Invalid Turning Radius Detected:

This route cannot be saved or activated as one or more

turning radiuses in the route exceed its allowed maximum.
Please fix the turning radiuses of the following waypoints:
Waypoint A
Waypoint B

This pop-up message is generated during the following user actions:

 Activation;
 Route save;
 Route load.

A route affected by an invalid Turning Radius Detection cannot be activated.

10.2.2 Route planning examples

Step 1 Step 2
A construction is made with the function Route The operator has selected the waypoint in the lower
Planning  Route Construction  Create Route. left corner as the first waypoint of the route. The
The construction is cleared. It consists of a number system automatically added the next waypoint to
of un-selected leg lines with connecting the route, the red leg is the first segment of the
waypoints. route.

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Step 3
Automatic route generation has stopped. The
operator has to tell the system which way to
continue through the construction.
A message window asks the operator to select
the leg along which the process can continue.

Step 4
The operator has decided to continue the route
along the most northerly leg. He has selected
this leg, and the system has automatically
added the selected leg to the route.
The route has reached an endpoint of the
construction, the route generation process is
The route is indicated in red, it is the currently
selected route.
The operator now has to check the route and
when OK save it.

Create other route in the same construction (1)

Using the same construction, a second route can The operator has selected the leg towards the
now be defined. In the above example the harbour, and the second route is finished.
construction is cleared, and the operator has again
selected the lowermost waypoint as the start point
of the route. Now he has decided to plan a route
towards the harbour. The eastern heading leg is
selected and the two waypoints on that leg are
added to the route. At the fork in the construction
the automatic route generation process stops
again, the operator has to decide again which way
to continue.

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Create other route in the same construction (2)

If the operator selects a waypoint that is shared by A route can consist of any collection of connected
more than one leg as the first point of a route, leg lines of a construction.
automatic route generation cannot start. The If automatic route selection includes unwanted leg-
selected waypoint turns red, no further leg can be lines, use the ‘Delete Waypoint/Leg (to delete) or
selected. the ‘Delete Route (to de-select) function.
The operator has to indicate which way to

10.3 Construction and Route

In ECDIS 4500, routes are made on the basis of a predefined construction network. Within that network, which
can for instance connect various ports, multiple routes can be created. Before a route can be used for
navigation it must be saved.

Selected Route
The selected route is the route that the system is currently ‘focussing’ on. The selected route is either a route
that has just been created (selected), or a route that was loaded with the Route Storage  Load/Save 
Load function. It is identified on the screen with a bright red colour.

The Route Planning  Route Construction functions (and also some of the Operation  Voyage functions)
refer to the currently selected route.

Active Waypoint and Active Route

A waypoint of a selected and saved route can be made ‘active’ in the Operation  Voyage  Select next
Waypoint function. Activating a waypoint activates the route, i.e. it tells the system that the ship is going to
sail this Active route, and that it is heading for the activated waypoint. Underneath the Legend button in the
menu panel at right, the active route information is shown: Time and Distance to WheelOver Point, XTE and
Course to Steer to the wheelover point.

An activated waypoint is indicated with a yellow fill. See also section 11.2.1.
Activating a route also activates the alarms related to sailing a defined route.
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If ECDIS 4500 is installed in a fully integrated bridge environment with track pilot, the active route is sent
over to the pilot system for steering with pilot control. The steering pilot considers the activated waypoint as
the first waypoint of the route.

An active route becomes a system route. Pressing the button ‘Activate WP’ on other ECDIS workstations (if
present) will automatically call up the active route with the activated waypoint.

Most of the Planning functions are not accessible when a waypoint is activated!

In the figure below the clear red line indicates the currently selected route; the dim orange lines are the other
leg lines in the construction framework. In the figure next to it the selected route is activated, the active
waypoint, at left, is indicated with a yellow fill.

Figure 184 Selected route in construction framework Figure 185 Activated route in construction framework

 A construction leg line can be shared by more than one route.
 Selected routes may be cleared completely or partially, if necessary.
 If a route has been created and the operator starts sailing this route or starts working on this route,
the not-used legs and waypoints of the route network may clutter up the ECDIS display. Switch
these not-used leg lines and waypoints off with the radio button option ‘Show All Legs’ in the
Settings / Route / Visual menu.
 Only one selected route at a time is possible on a ECDIS 4500 workstation.
 A route can be exported to an external and mounted data carrier, such as a USB stick, with the Route
Planning  Route Storage  Import/Export function, for instance for use on another vessel.

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10.4 Route status indicator

At the bottom of the right hand side menu area, the name of the route is displayed on a coloured
background, which is an indication of the current route status.

The following annotation is used:

Yellow background: construction only; no selected route present
Red background: construction contains selected route; route not yet saved or
not yet saved again after editing
Green background: construction with selected route saved
Name in brackets: not saved
Name not in brackets: saved

Please inspect the Route Status indicator carefully and read the messages that the system issues!

<NEW> on yellow background: construction created, not saved, no

route selected at all yet.

Route: <NEW> on yellow background, construction created and saved,

no route selected.

Route: <NEW> on red background: construction with selected route,

not saved.

Route: name on green background: route created and saved (together

with construction framework) with name ‘here2there’.

Route <name> on red background: saved route, or construction

network belonging to saved route, edited and not saved again yet.

<name> on yellow background: route with <name> was cleared, i.e.

legline selection was undone. The route <name> does not contain a
legline selection (selected route) anymore, but only the bare construction,
and this situation has not been saved yet.

name on yellow background: bare construction, without

legline/waypoint selection, saved with name ‘here2therecleared’.

Figure 186 Route status indicator

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10.5 Route Storage

The ECDIS Route Planning  Route Storage Task allows the operator to
load a route, to save a route, to unload a route and to manage the route
administration, i.e. to rename, delete, import or export routes.

 Load
 Save as
 Delete All
 Load SAR Pattern
 Import/Export
 Delete/Rename

Figure 187 ECDIS display,

Planning, Load/Save functions

10.5.1 Load route

With the ‘Load’ function, the operator can load a saved


- Select the Route Planning  Route Storage  Load /

Save  Load function, the ‘Load route / construction’
window appears.
- Select a route name and press ‘OK’. The window is
closed, the route is loaded and shown in the chart.

Press ‘Cancel’ to close the window without loading a route.

Figure 188 Load Route

 The loaded route automatically becomes the selected route.

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10.5.2 Save route as

When a route is created, the user can save it

with the Save function.
 Make sure the required route is
 Press Save.
 Enter a name and
 Press OK. The route is saved.

 Select the Route Planning Route

Storage  Load / Save  Save
function. The ‘Save route /
construction’ window appears.
 Specify a route name and press ‘OK’.
The window is closed.
Figure 189 Save Route

Remember: Save Route saves the currently selected route and the currently existing construction

If a route is saved with an existing name, a warning is

issued that the existing route will be overwritten.

Figure 190 Warning: route saved with existing name Load / Save route and Route manager filter option

To increase the usability to find certain route sets in a long drop down list, it is possible to give routes a
specific prefix, e.g. MED. If this prefix is followed by a – (dash) or a . (dot) they will appear in the filter drop
down box. Consequently the filter option provides the shortcut MED to only show the MED-xxxxxxx or
MED.xxxxxxx routes in the list.

Examples of the following routes:

 MED-RDM-to-Barcelona 1
 MED.RDM-to-Barcelona 2

 Filter gives: MED and only MED-xxxxxxx routes will be shown in the list box.

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10.6 Delete All

‘Unload Route’ removes the currently loaded route file, containing a construction with or without a selected
route. Nothing is left on screen. The system is ‘emptied’ but the route file still exists and can, if necessary, be
loaded again.

If you want to unload a not-saved route, the system issues a warning that changes may get lost.

 A route file with an activated waypoint cannot be unloaded!!

10.6.1 Load SAR Pattern

ECDIS 4500 provides a Search And Rescue Pattern function to plan SAR operations. This function can be
found in the menu section: Planning / Construction / SAR Pattern.

The GUI provides the following functions:

 Search Pattern settings
 Search Options settings
 Search Origin settings

The planned SAR route can be loaded in the RH

Marine NavPilot or sailed manually.

Figure 191 Search And Rescue Pattern Menu

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The system provides the following search patterns:

 Sector Search
 Expanding Square Search
 Track Line Search (Returning)
 Track Line Search (Non Returning)
 Parallel Sweep Search (Starboard)
 Parallel Sweep Search (Port)

The paragraphs hereafter provide detailed

information on the actual patterns as constructed Figure 192 Search Pattern Menu
by the ECDIS.

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Figure 193 Sector Search Expanding Square Search

Figure 194 Expanding Sector Search

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DESCRIPTION Track Line Search (Returning and Non Returning)

Figure 195 Track Line Search (Returning) Figure 196 Track Line Search (Non Returning) Parallel Sweep Search (Starboard and Port)

Figure 197 Parallel Sweep Search (Starboard) Figure 198 Parallel Sweep Search (Port)

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10.6.2 Search Options

To plan a search operation the following

parameters settings can be set:
 Search speed:
The planned speed along the search track
 Track spacing:
The track corridor
 Search radius:
Please refer to the picture hereafter for
explanation of the search radius

Figure 201 Search Options Menu

Figure 199 Search radius

In this picture the sector search has a diameter

of 10 NM
 Number of search sweeps:

Figure 200 Number of sweeps

In this example the number of sweeps is set to


Given these parameters the ECDIS calculates

the track distance and ETA.

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The minimum and maximum search option parameters are set as follows:

Parameter Minimum value Maximum value

Search speed 0.1 kn 50 kn
Track spacing 0.1 NM 50 NM
Search radius 0.1 NM 50 NM
Number of sweeps 1 500
Table 18 Minimum and maximum values of search options Locking Search Options

For the expanding Square Search and Parallel

Sweep Search patterns, the following parameters
can be locked so that they become a constant in
case of related parameters:
 Track spacing Lock button
 Search radius
 Number of sweeps
Figure 202 Search options with parameter lock
Locking search options is mutual exclusive.

10.6.3 Search Origin

To plan a search operation the following origin

settings can be set:

The start position of the drowning or the CSP
dependent of the search pattern.
 Sector Search:
Datum is position drowning combined with
(if drowning belongs to the own ship) Figure 203 Search Origin Menu

 Expanding Square Search:

Datum is position drowning combined with
(if drowning belongs to the own ship)

 Track Line Search (Returning)

Datum is position drowning ship has to sail to CSP

 Track Line Search (Non Returning):

Datum is position drowning combined with CSP (if drowning belongs to the own ship)

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 Parallel Sweep Search:

Datum is position drowning combined with CSP (if drowning belongs to the own ship)

Changing the direction rotates the search pattern, in the picture hereafter the searcha pattern is rotated
over 45 degrees

Figure 204 SAR Direction

Leg Length:
Sets the length of the commenced search leg

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10.6.4 SAR Close, Apply and Activate

Using the Close, Apply and Activate the planned

SAR pattern can be closed activated.

SAR pattern planning using the “Search and rescue pattern” menu start as a construction. All route
segments are hereby presented in orange.

After keying “Apply”, the pattern becomes red indicating that the construction is translated into a route.

Pressing the Activate button, the route is activated and forwarded to the RH Marine NavPilot.

After pressing the Close button, the Search and pattern menu will be closed.

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10.6.5 SAR route storage

After pressing “Activate” the SAR route is stored in accordance with the following naming convention:


Stored files can be found in the “Route manager”.

 The following steps can be taken to check the SAR route by ECDIS 4500:
o De-activate the route in Monitor / Voyage
o Go to Planning / Route and select Check route

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10.7 Import / Export

With the Route Manager the operator can import or export route files.

Figure 205 Route Manager window

Import / Export route

 select the relevant drive with the top right drop down list
 select the route to be exported / imported in the System or external drive list
 use the arrow buttons to copy the routes from one medium to the other.
o The ► (single arrow) option exports the route to an external drive as a .rte file, an internal file
format that can be read by another ECDIS system.
o The .csv option exports the route to an external drive as a .csv (comma separated value) text file.
This file can be imported into the Microsoft Office Excel application.
o The .xlsx option exports the route to an external drive as a .xlsx Excel file. This file can be
imported into the Microsoft Office Excel application.
o The .rtz option exports the route to an external drive as a .rtz route file. The rtz file format is an
international standardized route format that can be read by other ECDIS systems.
 press ‘Done’ to close the window.

 Routes can only be imported from, or exported to, removable and mounted data carriers.

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Please refer to Route Planning  Route Storage  Import/ExportError! Reference source not found. to
etermine the four Import and Export options.

File format File extension Export Import

ECDIS Native .rte √ √
Comma Separated Values .csv √
Excel .xlsx √ √
RTZ .rtz √ √
Table 19 Import / Export options 1

Upon different file selections the Route manager will present different up and download menu options.

Route manager menu Export / Import

Export .rte
Export .csv
Export .xlsx
Export .rtz

Import .rte, .xlsx or


Import .csv is not


Table 20 Import / Export options 2

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DESCRIPTION Media selection

External drives or USB sticks can be

selected using the “select a location”
drop down menu.

This option lists the available drives

e.g. D:\ or F:\

In case the IEC 61162-450 LAN

interface is enabled, the ECDIS can
receive routes over the LAN of
another ECDIS. Received routes are
stored in the RTZ Inbox. IEC 61162- Figure 206 Selection of media to import/export routes
450 exchange will be discussed in
the next paragraph. Import and export via IEC 61162-450

ECDIS 4500 is also capable to send and receive routes in conformity with the RTZ LAN protocol in
conformity with IEC 61162-450.

In this case, after activation of a route, the route is automatically send over the LAN from ECDIS 4500 to
another connected ECDIS. In case a route is activated on another ECDIS, ECDIS 4500 receives a route and
stores it in the RTZ Inbox.

After reception of an RTZ route and as long as there are routes available in the RTZ Inbox, a permanent icon
is shown in the icon tray right bottom corner of the display.

Icon shown in the icon The ECDIS received a route, send over the data
tray network, from another ECDIS in conformity with
IEC the 61162-450 message protocol

RTZ can be imported and transferred to the internal .rte file format by using the

import button.

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After csv export the file can be opened on another machine using Notepad or Excel.

Figure 207 CSV export in .csv Excel Import / Export option

After csv export the file can be opened on another machine using Excel. The route values can be changed
and loaded in the ECDIS.

Figure 208 Excel export in .xlsx

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In case an erroneous value is entered in the Excel spreadsheet, an error message will be presented upon

Figure 209 Excel import error message

The error message presents the following information:

 The parameter out of range
 Its value
 Waypoint on which the problem occurs
 The cell in the excel spreadsheet

After an error message the file import will be stopped. This implies that the cause of the error message must
first be corrected to import the complete file. RTZ Export option

After rtz export the file can be opened on another machine using Notepad.

Figure 210 RTZ export in .rtz

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10.8 Delete / Rename

With the Route Manager the operator can delete route files.

Figure 211 Route Manager window

After the selection of a route file name, the functions become sensitive.
 ‘Delete’ removes the route selected in the list.
 ‘Rename’ opens a new window for the file name input.

 The system does not ask for confirmation to delete!

 The route that is currently selected on screen cannot be deleted. A pop-up window warns the

 If a route is deleted, it will be deleted from all ECDIS 4500 workstations!

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10.9 Route Construction

The ECDIS Route Planning  Route Construction Task allows the

following functions to easily construct a route:

 Construction Defaults
 Create Route
 Move Waypoint
 Insert Waypoint
 Delete Waypoint/Leg
 Delete Route
 Route Settings
 Route Check

All functions deal with the set-up of the construction: creating,

editing, adding, removing leg lines and waypoints, and parameter
specification (Defaults and Settings).

The functions ‘Route Check’ and ‘Route Settings’ are dimmed when
there is no route being drawn.

Figure 212 Planning Construction


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10.9.1 Construction Defaults

The Construction uses default values for a number of waypoint and leg line parameters. The system attributes
these values to all waypoints and leg lines that the user adds to the construction with the functions ‘Create
Leg’, ‘Create Waypoint’ or ‘Insert Waypoint’. The default values should reflect to the own ship characteristics
and the area the ship is sailing.

Once a construction is made, the parameters of individual leg lines and waypoints can be edited with the
Route Settings function Route Planning  Route Construction. If, however, a larger set of leg lines/waypoints
should be given parameter values different from the current defaults, it may be easier to change the default
values before that set of leg lines and waypoints is added to the construction.
For instance, if a construction covers two areas in which different XTD limit value (large and small) should be
applied, the user should first set one of the XTD limit value as default, create the leg lines and waypoints for
which this XTD value is applicable, and then change the default XTD limit to the other value and create the
rest of the construction with the new default.
By using the default values in this way, a lot of later editing may be avoided.

Changed default values are applied to all legs and waypoints that are created once the Edit function window
is closed with the ‘Done’ button. Construction Defaults for Waypoints and Legs

In the Defaults dialog window, the user can enter the

default waypoint values for:
 Turning Radius: radius of turning circle applied by
ship to change from one leg to the following. If
ECDIS is integrated with a pilot system, this
turning radius and the ship’s characteristics are
used to calculate the WOP on approaching the
 Warning time: time left, before turnover point is
reached, at which warning is issued.
 Warnings can be repeated every user definable

And the default leg line values for:

 Planned speed,
 Off Track Limit (XTD limit),
 Leg Type (Great Circle or Rhumb Line).

These values should be tuned to the own ship´s

capabilities and needs.

Figure 213 Default construction properties ECDIS

4500 Construction Defaults for Index lines

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Index Lines are lines parallel to the leg at fixed, user-

defined distance. Index lines can be used during the
construction and are a helpful tool, for instance if a
leg line is planned that must pass an object or area at
some miles distance. The operator can define an
index line at the distance to be observed, and when
the leg line is created, index lines are shown on both
sides, allowing careful planning of the track line.

Show Index Lines

To show the index lines, toggle the ‘Show Index Lines’
selector in the Defaults window to On.

Specify a distance.
The Index Lines are only visible for the leg line
currently being created or modified.

Figure 214 Example of Index Lines

It can also be useful to show the Index Lines when a waypoint that is a crossing point for multiple legs,
should be moved.

Figure 215 Index Lines shown when moving waypoint

 The distance is specified with respect to the leg line. In the examples, an index line is specified at
1 NM on each side of the leg line.

10.9.2 Selected route and active route

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In the following, the terms ‘selected route’ and ‘active route’ will be used.

The ‘selected’ route is the route that the system currently focuses on. The shape of the selected route
cannot be changed anymore. The only change possible is to release (remove) a leg-line from the selection.
The route properties of a selected route are editable.

The ‘active’ route is a saved route with an activated waypoint. It is the monitored route that the ship is
supposed to be sailing. An active route cannot be changed anymore.
In case an integrated pilot system is available, the route is sent over to the pilot system after a “Select
Waypoint” in the FOCUS / Operation menu.

10.9.3 Create Route

With the ‘Create Route’ function the user can set up a route by creating a number of waypoints and leg lines
Leg lines can cross other leg lines or can branch off from an existing leg line.

 Activate the Function and click in the screen at the start of the legline (first waypoint).
 Click again at the first position where the course of the legline should change (next waypint(s)).
 Repeat till all leglines have been defined (last waypoint).
 Click right to de-activate the Function.

A leg line is always connected to two waypoints. Therefore, when a leg line is created, this function creates
the related waypoints as well, provided they do not exist already. The latter is the case when the start or end
point of the leg is attached to an existing waypoint.

Leg line and waypoint parameters are set according to the default values as defined by the function ‘Defaults’.
They can be changed by changing the Default values during creation of the legs and waypoints, or later with
the ‘Edit’ function.

Moreover, the parameters of specific legs can be changed once they become part of a route.

 The first sequence of leg lines that is created in a construction that does not contain a selected
route automatically becomes ‘selected’ i.e. they are presented in red. A construction does not
contain a selected route when a selected route was cleared or when a route file was unloaded i.e.
it is presented in orange.

 If additional leg-lines are attached to the first or the last waypoint of a selected route, the leg-
line that is actually connected to the waypoint becomes included in the selection as well

 A branch connected to a another waypoint than the first or last waypoint will be presented in

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10.9.4 Move Waypoint

This function allows for moving a waypoint and the connected legs.
 Select the option and click on a waypoint.
 Move the cursor to the new position (arrow in figure belowError! Reference source not found.)
 Click left to confirm
 Click right to close the function

If a waypoint that belongs to multiple legs is moved, all attached legs are moved.

Figure 216 Move waypoint Figure 217 Move waypoint confirmed

10.9.5 Insert Waypoint

This function allows the user to insert a waypoint into an existing leg.

 click the function button

 click on the leg where the waypoint must be inserted
 drag the line with the cursor to the required waypoint position (arrow figure below)
 click left to confirm the new waypoint position
 click right to close the function.

Figure 218 Insert waypoint Figure 219 Insert waypoint confirmed

10.9.6 Delete Waypoint/Leg

With the Delete function the operator can remove leg lines and/or waypoints from the current construction.
Legs and waypoints that belong to a selected route can be deleted as well.
If a leg-line belonging to a selected route is removed, the leg-line disappears and the following leg-lines of
the route are de-selected.
If a waypoint belonging to a selected route is removed, the leg-lines that use the waypoint disappear, and the
following leg-lines of the route become de-selected.

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If a waypoint is removed, the leg lines connected to it are removed as well. No new leg lines are created to
join up waypoints that now may have become isolated from the rest of the construction.

Only legs and waypoints can be deleted with this function. To delete other mariner’s objects use the ‘Erase’
function in Chart  Chart Work (section 9.2.6).

10.9.7 Delete Route

The ‘Clear route’ function de-selects the currently selected route, i.e. it clears the waypoint and legline
selection that makes up the route. The construction remains on screen, but there is no selected route
anymore. This is a fast way to ‘empty’ the construction. The user can change the complete construction, edit
parameters and such.

Note that the name of a cleared route (provided the route was saved) remains shown in the route status
indicator at bottom right. Its background turns yellow, meaning that the currently loaded construction
network does not contain a selected route anymore.

If the construction framework is edited and/or a new route is selected, ECDIS will want to save the new route
under the ‘old’ name.

 Another way to de-select a route is to activate the Select Route option and select a new route.
This, however, does not ‘empty’ the construction.

Clearing a route cannot be undone. To retrieve a cleared route, it must be selected again. Or alternatively, if
the route was saved before clearing, it can be loaded again. Go to Route Planning  Route Storage 
Load/Save  Load and select the route name. If the construction after route clearing was changed and not
saved again, the system issues a warning that these changes will get lost.

See also ‘Delete All’ in Route Planning  Route Storage. This option unloads the current route file, which
consists of a construction together with the route selection, if any. No route information is left on screen.

‘Delete Route’ deletes all

waypoints and leg-lines in the
construction. The user is asked to
Figure 220 Confirm Remove All

However, when a selected route is

present, the user can select to
remove really all leg-lines or only
the un-selected leg-lines.
Figure 221 Remove All options when selected route present

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10.9.8 Route Settings

The Route Settings Function of the Route Planning  Route Construction Task allows the operator to
change waypoint and leg properties of a route. Moreover, ETA at the route waypoints can be calculated
based on the planned speed.

The following edit options are available:

for each leg line:

 planned speed
 leg Type

for each waypoint:

 name
 mode:
o turning radius
o WO Distance
o advance / transfer
 warning time for wheel over
 required ETA
 position
 datum in which position is specified

The Edit options apply to the currently selected route. When a route is activated, i.e. when the route
contains an activated waypoint, the Edit options are not accessible anymore.

 The Route Settings option does not deal with inserting and moving waypoints or removing legs
or waypoints.

 Be aware that editing waypoint or leg line properties in a route means editing waypoint or leg
line properties in the construction. The edited properties do not exclusively belong or apply to
the currently selected route, but have become the properties of the waypoints or leg lines in that
construction. Therefore: always check the properties of a selected route to make sure that no
unexpected, unwanted property of a former or other route is inherited.
Use the Waypoints List (section 10.10.3) to get a quick overview of the properties of the current

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DESCRIPTION Edit Route settings window

The Edit Route window contains:

 a waypoint selection list

 a total distance and calculated

sailing time text line

 a number of data and entry fields

that allow the user to change the
waypoint and leg line parameters
of the selected waypoint.

The options are discussed in the Waypoint

properties paragraph below.

As soon as a parameter is changed in the

‘Edit route’ window, the route status
indicator at bottom right changes to red to
indicate that the route has been changed
and should be saved again.

Figure 222 Edit route dialog window ECDIS 4500

Close the window with the ‘Done’ button and save the route again using the Route Planning  Route
Storage  Save as function.

 It may be wise to save an edited route under another name than the original route. This ensures
that it remains possible to load the original route at any later time.

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DESCRIPTION Waypoint selection list

In the top part of the window is the waypoint list with

the currently valid waypoint information. Distance and
type data refer to the foregoing leg line of each
 Select a waypoint in the list to display its
Figure 223 Centre display on waypoint of route
parameters in the data fields and entry fields of
the window. The chart focuses on the selected
waypoint. Leg-line properties

The planned speed and the XTD limit of the leg

preceding the currently selected can be modified. Use
the arrows, or click in the entry field and move the

Figure 224 Edit leg line properties

 Select the leg type from the drop down menu:
Rhumb line or Great circle. Waypoint properties

The waypoint area contains a number of entry fields

relating to the selected waypoint. The operator can
customise the following waypoint properties:

 Click in the Name entry field to change the

name of the selected waypoint.
 Define the turn Mode:
o turning radius
o WO Distance
o advance / transfer
 Turning radius. The turn radius defines the
curve that the ship should sail to change course
from one leg line to the next. It therewith
defines the Wheelover point. See below.
 WO Distance. The last part of the leg over
which the ships turn becomes effective by
turning from one leg to the next one

Figure 225 Edit waypoint properties

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 Advance. The distance the vessel moves along its original course from the time the rudder is put
over until the new course is reached
 Transfer. The distance the vessel moves perpendicular to the original course during the turn.
 Enter a Warning time: Time to go till course change should be initiated. An alarm is issued.Change
the ETA of the selected waypoint if required. This will calculate a new speed for the leg to the
waypoint. ETA calculations for the following waypoints are updated as well. The ETA will be
“locked”by setting the ETA tick box
 Set the desired ETA
 Edit the waypoint position by changing its co-ordinates.
 Select Datum to specify the projection of the waypoint co-ordinates as used.

This menu item sets the arrival (ETA) time on a specific waypoint. The system recalculates all ETA and speed
values along the route backward in time for all waypoint prior to the adapted waypoint and forward in time
for the waypoints after this waypoint. A waypoint list can contain multiple ETA settings. All ETA settings are
referenced to UTC.

The following modes can be selected:

Turning radius:
On changing the turning radius, 'Wheelover, 'Advance' and 'Transfer' distances 'will be
automatically calculated.

WO distance:
On changing the 'Turning radius' or 'Wheelover distance', the 'Advance' and 'Transfer' distances will
be automatically calculated.

Advance and Transfer:

On changing the 'Advance' or 'Transfer' distances, the 'Turning radius' or 'Wheelover distance' will
be automatically calculated.

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Wheelover point
When the ship is sailing a route and has to change course from one leg line to the next, the turn is initiated
at the wheelover point.

Figure 226 Waypoint definition

If ECDIS 4500 is integrated with a NavPilot 4500 auto pilot system, the wheelover point is automatically
calculated during sailing by the pilot system from the turn radius defined by the user in the waypoint dialog
window and the ship’s characteristics such as speed and manoeuvrability. The user can set the WO distance
to increase/decrease this value in case of known environmental impact on the vessel’s turning

 When a route is planned in a restricted area, for instance in a harbour, the user may want or need
to specify a very small turning radius to fit the route into the available space. Most likely the
operator is going to manoeuvre the ship manually.
ECDIS 4500 rounds the values off to one decimal, i.e. values < 0.05 will become 0. When the ship
is connected to an SMC pilot system, the value is sent over. SMC, however, needs a value > 0.
Therefore, values < 0.05 are rounded off to 0.01, and this value will appear in the waypoint
properties window.

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Advance and Transfer

The figure hereafter defines the Advance and Transfer distances.


WO pre turn distance

Wheel Over Line (WOL) WO distance

Wheel Over Point (WOP)

Turning Radius

Figure 227 Advance / Transfer

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The ‘Set’ button opens four additional route definition options.

Figure 228 Edit route, Set options

 Set speed to subsequent legs copies the (edited) speed currently defined for the selected leg to
all following legs.
 Set XTD Limit to subsequent legs copies the (edited)XTD limit currently defined for the selected
leg to all following legs.
 Set radius to subsequent waypoints copies the (edited) radius at the currently selected waypoint
to all following waypoints.
 Set warning time to subsequent waypoints copies the (edited) warning time at the currently
selected waypoint to all following waypoints.

With this function, the mariner can easily modify the route parameters and copy them to the remaining part
of the route. For instance, if the vessel must sail within narrow limits for part of the route, these settings can
be copied to all remaining legs/waypoints. By then selecting a waypoint past the dangerous part of the
route, the limits can be changed back and copied to all remaining legs/waypoints again. Finish Route editing

Press the Done button to accept the changes and close the Edit window.

If the route was a saved route, it has to be saved again. Use the Route Planning  Route Storage  Save as

When an existing name is used. A warning appears that that existing route will be overwritten.

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DESCRIPTION Route properties display, example

ECDIS 4500 configuration, autopilot connected

In the figure belowError! Reference source not found., the Route Settings window is focused on WP_001.
he curved track is defined by the Turning radius. The system has calculated that, with the planned speed, the
wheelover point should occur some distance before the start of the turning track (small line crossing track).
XTD limit is 90m.

Figure 229 Wheelover point, ECDIS 4500 configuration with autopilot

 Waypoint text labels and leg information is switched On and Off with the ‘Names’ option (section

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10.9.9 Route Check

After a route is planned, it is necessary to check whether the route complies with the given safety criteria,

1. The mariner responsible for navigation and route planning may have to follow external criteria given
by the master for safety navigation, the charterer and the owner.
2. Since the ECDIS 4500 filters the display presentation of the chart at smaller scales (generalisation)
and loads range-dependent chart data, the mariner may not see all dangers if he uses an incorrect
display range when planning the route. The route check always uses the optimal ENCs available.

It is not easy to define criteria for route optimisation but there is a set of minimum requirements that apply
to every route for every vessel in every trade:
 A planned route shall not cause the grounding of a vessel
 A planned route shall not cause the collision of the vessel with floating or fixed objects or
obstructions below and above sea level
 A planned route shall take into account that, depending on circumstances and navigational aids,
the vessel may to a certain extent deviate from the route
 The route must be safe with respect to the vessel’s manoeuvring parameters and characteristics.

Three parameters address the above mentioned safety requirements: Safety Contour, Air draught and
Distance limit. For these three parameters default values are set in Settings / Safety Values / Chart and

When the user selects the ‘Route Check’ function in

Route Planning  Route Construction, a window with the
default Safety contour, Air draught and Distance limit
values appears. The user can adapt the parameter values
to the vessel and route concerned.

Figure 230 Check Route parameters

Inspect the Route check values, change if necessary, and press OK.
The Check Route function checks whether the planned route meets these safety criteria. All tracks are checked,
including the turn over tracks.

 The route check always uses S-57 charts, even if the route is displayed on ARCS charts.

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 ‘Air Draught’ should be set to the ship´s height plus a required safety range in meters.
 ‘Distance limit’ is the minimum distance required between the ship and dangerous objects, in nautical
miles. It may be useful to set the Distance Limit to twice the minimum Off Track Limit along the route
as set in Settings / Watchdog / Watchdog area. When a Distance limit is smaller than the XTD value
is specified, the system uses the XTD value.

If no dangerous objects were found a message ‘No Dangers

found’ pops up.

Figure 231 Route check message box, no dangers

The route check has to be performed before the route is

used for navigation. If the route check encounters a
violation of the safety parameters, an information window
with the number of faults appears.

Figure 232 Route check message box

When the Route Check is performed, the Route Function ‘Validate’ becomes active. ‘Validate route’ is a
function to make sure that dangers and warnings along a planned route are properly recognised and
evaluated. If a route is activated for sailing whilst it is not validated, a warning appears.

Access the Route Validation window directly with the Messages or Validate button in the Route check message
box, or close the Route check message box and press Validate route button in the functions list at right (for
instance when validation will be done later).

The Route validation window as presented in the figure below appears.

Figure 233 Route Validation window

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All dangers and warnings recognised along the selected route are listed in the order in which they will be
Inspect all messages individually:
 Select a message and press ‘Go to’. The danger is highlighted in the screen. The position of the
highlight is calculated as accurately as possible taking distance to the relevant route leg and to the
waypoints at both ends into account.
 Double click of the left mouse button on a specific danger highlights the danger as described at the
Go-To button additionally it opens a Pick Report on the relevant position of the danger.
 Inspect the situation and press ‘Accept’ if the danger is acceptable. The cross in front of the
message changes into an accepted sign: V. The list automatically selects the next message.
 Inspect and accept all messages

If dangers are not acceptable, the route must be edited or the Safety values must be updated.
If this is the case, press ‘Done’, change the necessary parameters, and select the ‘Check Route again’ function
to inspect whether the editing has eliminated the dangers. If not, it may even be necessary to go back and
change the construction. This iterative procedure may have to be repeated several times.

Once the route is considered safe and all dangers have been accepted (or if there were no dangers found in
the first place) press ‘Approve’ to end the validation process. The status of the route changes from ‘Checked’
to ‘Validated’.

When Route Validation, after the route has been checked, is skipped, route status remains ‘Checked’ and a
warning is issued when the operator wants to activate the route.

 It is may be necessary to use different safety criteria for parts of the planned route. In that case,
the route must be checked against different safety values.

Route validation dialog options

 Go to: Focuses the chart on the selected message.
 + / -: zooms in / out of the chart display.
 Print: Prints the messages list. A connected printer is required.
 Approve: Approves of, and acknowledges the validation and ends the validation process.
The Approve’ option is not accessible until all messages have been accepted.
 Show Not Shows not accepted dangers only. This button toggles between Show Not
Accepted: Accepted and Show Accepted.
 Filter Group: Selecting this checkbox filters a specific danger group e.g. Depth Area. Please
refer to the filter section for detailed information.
 Accept: Accepts the selected message.
 Clear: Sets the status of the selected accepted message back to ‘not-accepted’.
 Accept Accepts the filtered group as a whole.
 Clear Group: Sets the status of group filtered dangers back to ‘not-accepted’ in one go.
 Accept all: Accepts all messages in one go.
 Clear all: Sets the status of all accepted message back to ‘not-accepted’ in one go.
 Save: Shortcut to Save route / construction in Rout Planning  Route Storage.

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Filtered groups
The group filter option works as follows:
 Select a specific danger from the danger
list with a specific danger group, e.g.
‘Restricted Area’;
 Activate Filter Group check box;
 A limited list of all ‘Restricted Areas’ is
now displayed.

Figure 234 Filtered Danger Groups

Route validation after route change

After a route change and after a re-check of the route, only changed legs and waypoints are to be
revalidated to minimise the route validation work. In case of an Approved route with all dangers Accepted
‘Show Not Accepted’ will only present the dangers in relation to the change(s).

Route Save after approval

After Approval a Route needs to be Saved before it can be made operational. Use the Save button of the
Route Validation dialog to save the approved route.

Alternatively the Route Planning  Route Storage  Save as Task can be used.

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10.10 Advanced

The ECDIS Route Planning  Route Storage Task

allows contains a set of functions to select, edit,
modify, check and clear a route:

 Select Route
 Deselect Route
 Deselect Leg
 Waypoint List
 ENC Update Report

If no route has been selected yet, all other

functions are greyed out. Once is route is selected,
they become available.

Figure 235 Route Planning functions

10.10.1 Select Route and Deselect Route

The operator can use a construction framework to create a route. This is done with the Auto Selection function
‘Select Route’.
 Use the ‘Deselect route’ function to de-select the currently selected route, if any.
 Select the ‘Select Route’ function and click on the waypoint in the construction framework that should
be the first waypoint of the route.
 When there is only one way to propagate the route through the construction network, the Select
Route function automatically selects the next leg(s) of the route.
If more than one leg branches out from a waypoint, the Auto Selection stops and the system asks
the user to indicate in which direction the route should continue.
 When all leg lines of a route have been selected, press the right button to cancel the ‘Select Route’
 Edit the route, if necessary using the Route Settings function in Route Planning  Route Construction.
Apart from enabling the user to edit a number of waypoint and leg-line properties, ‘Route Settings’
is also the function that allows the operator to change the position of a waypoint. The edited position
is from then onwards part of the construction.
 Check the route and edit if necessary.
 Save the route in Route Planning  Route Storage.

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Route status indicator

ALWAYS keep an eye on the Route status indicator at bottom right in the screen. It will help you realise
what the status of your current route is and what ECDIS 4500 expects from you.

 At the waypoints of a selected route a curved line is displayed visualising the wheel-over point and
turning radius (Default or edited parameters). If the turning line is not visible, this means that the
current turning radius for the waypoint is too large or too small.
 Route and waypoint information is shown or hidden with the ‘Names’ option in the bottom Function
bar (section 3.3.6). For legs that do not belong to the route, course and default speed are shown.

 It is recommended not to plan a route on the ARCS chart 4000, because the ARCS world chart
causes problems when route planning crosses the datum line.

10.10.2 Deselect Leg

The Release Leg option de-selects a leg-line belonging to a selected route. All following leg-lines of the
route are de-selected as well.

When the function is activated the user must point to a leg to release it. If a leg is released, this means that
the route is changed. If the route had been saved before, it must be saved again.

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10.10.3 Waypoint List

The WP List function displays the waypoint and leg line information of the currently selected route. It is for
viewing purposes only, and allows for a quick check of the properties of a route. If a connected printer is
present, the waypoint list can be printed.

Figure 236 Waypoint List, ECDIS 4500

The following information is given:

 Waypoint name or default number.
 Geographic position in latitude / longitude
 Distance from foregoing waypoint to waypoint in nautical miles (DWP).
 Bearing of leg line to waypoint.
 Time to go (TTG) to waypoint in days, hours, and minutes with the pre-planned speed
 Planned turning radius at the waypoint
 Warning time before reaching the wheel over point (WOP)
 Type of leg: Rhumbline (RL) or Great Circle (GC).
 Planned Speed Over Ground (SOG) along leg line to waypoint in knots.

Print waypoint list

 Press the Print button to print the waypoint list to a selected, connected printer.
 The print window appears. Not all information of the waypoint list is printed.
 Press Print, select a printer and press OK

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Figure 237 Print Waypoint list, ECDIS 4500

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10.10.4 ENC Update Report (charts along a route) Introduction

The menu Planning / Route / ENC Update Report

provides ENC Update and Management reports.
This function provides an overview of the ENC
update status along a planned route in five
different reports:
 ENC Update Report: Summary
 ENC Update Report: Full
 ENC Management Report: Full
 ENC Management Report: Action
Figure 238 Report header
 ENC Management Report: Not Up to Date Update Report Terminology

To understand the terminology used in the ENC reports, please take care of the following definitions:

Chart status Meaning

To be installed: Permit is installed and available on the ECDIS system, the permit can be either valid or
Chart cell is not installed on the ECDIS system. New chart repository need to be loaded.
To be ordered: Permit is available on the ECDIS system but is expired. Get new permits from the chart
distributer and install them.
Chart cell is installed on the ECDIS system.
To be updated: Permit is installed and available on the ECDIS system.
There is a newer chart cell available in the chart catalogue or the last chart update is
carried out more than 4 weeks ago. Chart updates need to be loaded.
Table 21 Chart status

Meaning of the values as presented in the Report


Figure 239 Report listing

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Values 6th Values 7th Meaning

column column
Status: Expired Cell is expired, get new Permit from the data supplier
No Permit No Permit obtained for a specific cell, get Permit from a data
supplier if required to visualise the cell
Up to Date Cell is up to date
Withdrawn Cell is withdrawn
Not Installed Cell is not installed
Action: To be Ordered Get new permit from a data supplier
No Action No action need to be undertaken, everything sis up to date
To be Removed In case a cell is withdrawn it needs to be removed
To be Installed If a cell is not installed it needs to be installed
Table 22 Report column 6 & 7 values

Possible Status and Action combinations:

Status Action
Expired To be Ordered
No Permit To be Ordered
Up to Date No Action
Withdrawn To be manually Removed by using
the ChartHandler
Not Installed To be manually Installed by using the
Table 23 Chart status – Chart action

 In case of multiple data providers the situation can arise that e.g. the GB provided permit is
expired and the PM provided permit is valid for the same cell. In this case please remove the GB
applicable permit using the ChartHandler.

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The route filtered ENC Update Report menu provides the following reports:

Report type Report data

ENC Update Report: Summary Summary of the cell status along a route:
 Number of installed charts
 Number of permits as purchased for this specific ECDIS
 Number of expired charts
 Number of charts to be expiring in 30 days
 Number of withdrawn cells
 Number of cells to be installed
 Number of cells to be ordered
 Number of cells to be updated
ENC Update Report: Full ENC Summary Update Report including a listed report of the
following data items:
 Cell name
 Edition
 Update
 Issue date
 Status
ENC Management Report: Full ENC Full Update Report data extended with an Action column in
the listed report of data items
ENC Management Report: Action Overview of all cells with one of the following actions:
Required  To be Ordered
 To be Removed
 To be Installed
ENC Management Report: Not Up Overview of all cells with one of the following actions:
to Date  To be Removed
 To be Installed
Table 24 Overview report types

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DESCRIPTION Update Report Layout

The ENC status report provides the following information fields:

Figure 240 Report layout

Report field Description

Vessel Name: Name of the vessel
ENC Update Date of the last ENC update
Reference Date
Report Date Creation date of the report
Content Name of the route plan
Start Waypoint Start waypoint name and Lat / Long position
End Waypoint End waypoint name and Lat / Long position
Table 25 Report field overview

For the “Chart Status Summary” field description please refer to text of paragraph Report menu buttons

Report actions Description

Report selection: Drop down menu providing five different report types:
 ENC Update Report: Summary
 ENC Update Report: Full
 ENC Management Report: Full
 ENC Management Report: Action Required
 ENC Management Report: Not Up to Date
Close: Close the Report listing
Print: Print the Report listing
Find: Left trackball click somewhere in the Report menu box to get the menu focus.
Press: CTRL F
The search bar will appear

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Report actions Description

Enter search string
Use Previous or Next to traverse through the Search results

Settings sets the search results: “Whole Words Only” or “Case Sensitive”

Close: closes the search bar Update Reports

Figure 241 Example of ENC Update Status Report: Summary

Figure 242 Example of ENC Update Status Report: Full

Figure 243 Example of ENC Management Report: Full

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Figure 244 Example of ENC Management Report: Action Required

Figure 245 Example of ENC Management Report: Not Up to Date

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11. Monitoring
11.1 Introduction

The Monitoring Focus contains all functions that are necessary to monitor the position of the vessel during
the voyage. These functions include: anti-grounding, track keeping / recording and safety data settings.
Monitoring also deals with sensors and sensor information, and with the definition of the Frame that defines
the update of the chart that follows the moving ship.

11.2 Voyage

The Operation  Voyage Task contains the functions that

are relevant for the actual sailing:

 Select next Waypoint

 Waypoints
 Past Track List
 Alert History

Figure 246 Operation, Voyage functions

 The ‘Activate WP’ option is not accessible if the route is not saved.

 The ‘Waypoints’ option is not accessible if the route is not activated.

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11.2.1 Activate Waypoint

The Activate Waypoint function allows the operator to define a waypoint of a selected and saved route as
the ‘active’ waypoint, i.e. the next waypoint to go. The route becomes the Active route, the route alarms are

To activate the function toggle the radio button in the Functions list On and click on the required waypoint in
the screen. The waypoint is drawn as a yellow filled red circle.
The route indicator changes and reads: Monitoring route: <name>.

 Remember: it is not possible to activate a waypoint if the route has not been saved!

 An Activated route cannot be changed anymore.

If the waypoint belongs to more than one leg, click on the waypoint first and then click on the next leg.
Watch the pop-up help window.

If the ship is sailing along the route, the active waypoint changes accordingly, always indicating the next
waypoint to go to. The data fields at the bottom of the menu area at right show the information that relates
to the currently active waypoint. See section 11.2.2.

When ECDIS 4500 is installed in a fully integrated system together with a navigation pilot, activating a
waypoint automatically exports the route to the connected navigation pilot system which handles the Route
sailing. For information on the navigation pilot’s functionality, see the relevant system and conning

De-activate waypoint
To de-activate the active waypoint, toggle the Active WP button Off again.
 In case a route is not saved or a route is not loaded below “Select next waypoint” the following
text is presented:
o No Route loaded
o Route not saved
In both situations it is not possible to activate a waypoint

In any ECDIS 4500 setup, there can be only one waypoint active at the time. If the ECDIS system consists of
more than one ECDIS 4500 workstation, activating a waypoint on, for instance, ECDIS1 does not
automatically activate that waypoint on another ECDIS station, for instance ECDIS2, as well. The ECDIS2
system may even be showing a completely different selected route. However, if the operator requests an
active waypoint on ECDIS2 by toggling the ‘Activate waypoint’ option on ECDIS2 on, the route from ECDIS1
with the activated waypoint is automatically loaded on ECDIS2 as well, provided the Sync. Status of ECDIS2
is Idle. A window appears to warn the operator. See Figure 247 and Figure 248
For Sync. Status see section 13.5.1.

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Example 1

An active waypoint exists on ECDIS1. If the operator wants to activate a waypoint on EDCIS2 and the
currently selected routes on ECDIS1 and ECDIS2 are the same, the message of Figure 247 appears.

Figure 247 Activated waypoint in route present and loaded

Example 2

An active waypoint exists on ECDIS1. If the operator wants to activate a waypoint on EDCIS2 and the currently
selected route on ECDIS2 is not the same as the one on ECDIS1, the message of Figure 248 appears.

Figure 248 Other route with activated waypoint present and loaded

When a waypoint is de-activated on one ECDIS station it is not automatically de-activated on other ECDIS

Synchronisation conflict
A synchronisation conflict can occur when, for instance, a workstation with an activated route is
disconnected. If the same route is changed and activated on another workstation, there is a conflict when
the first station (with the unchanged active route) comes back on line again. Theoretically there are now two
different active routes. This is not acceptable. The station that has come back on line will not be ‘recognised’
by the other station(s), its Sync Status is shown as ‘Unknown’, its background in the Sync Status list is red.
See section 13.5.1.
To solve the conflict: Unload the route on the ‘Unknown’ station, and, if required, load the other active

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11.2.2 Waypoint information

The figure hereafter presents a planned route to approach Rotterdam.

Figure 249 Enhanced Route information

The paragraphs hereafter provide detailed information on the active waypoint and route information. Active Waypoint information

If a waypoint in a selected AND SAVED route is activated (section 0),

it is defined as the active waypoint. Four data fields appear
underneath the Route Status Indicator with the following information.

upper left
Time to wheelover point (if active waypoint is the last waypoint: time
to waypoint) Figure 250 Active waypoint
Format: (dd:)hh:mm
dd = days displayed if time to active waypoint exceeds 24 hours.

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upper right
Cross Track distance (XTD)
Format: nnnn.nn m L/R (in m left or m right of the leg)
Not displayed if ship is sailing towards first waypoint.

lower left
Distance to wheel over point (if active waypoint is the last waypoint: distance to waypoint)
Format: nnnn.nn NM

lower right
True course to steer (Bearing) to next waypoint (lower right) next waypoint
Format: ddd.d°

 The Time and Distance to WOP are calculated from the ship’s CCRP position.

The course and distance to the active waypoint are calculated according to the leg characteristic (rhumbline
or great circle) of the leg that leads to the active waypoint. This allows a continuous route and course
monitoring on rhumblines and great circles. If the active waypoint is the first of the planned route the
loxodromic true course to steer is displayed.

If no sensor position is available, the time to active waypoint, distance and bearing from the last valid ship’s
position is indicated.

 XTD is calculated from the ship’s centre position. This means that with the ship’s outline shown in
the graphical display, there may seem to be a discrepancy between the CCRP position of the ship
with respect to the track line and the XTD information displayed in this WOP field. For instance, if
the ship’s orientation is slightly across the track line, the CCRP position may lie to the left, while
the centre position is to the right of the track. The XTD value in the upper right WOP field may
seem to be incorrect, but not when it is realised that the XTD value refers to the centre of the
ship and not to the CCRP.

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DESCRIPTION Destination information

The destination information can be set in two ways. It automatically

will show the DTG, SOA and ETA to the next waypoints in line with
an ETA value set during the route planning session.

Figure 251 Active ETA information

The destination waypoint can also be altered manually by left clicking on the destination waypoint box.

 SOA and ETA are only calculated in case the ETA values in the Route Edit menu are set and the
ETA tick box is activated!!

Figure 252 ETA calculations

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Toggle the ‘Waypoints’ option On to display the Waypoints window.

The Waypoints window contains the information of the last active waypoint, the currently active waypoint
and the next waypoint. The function quickly shows the most relevant information about the ship’s current
position along the route, and is for viewing only.

The information displayed in the Waypoints menu is based on the current or the planned speed, this depends
on the ‘Use Planned Speed’ tick box.

Figure 253 Waypoint information active route, ECDIS 4500

 Waypoint Name;
 Waypoint position in Latitude / Longitude;
 Type of legline, Rhumbline (RL) or Great Circle (GC);
 Track, course from waypoint to next waypoint;
 Planned Speed Over Ground;
 Distance to next Waypoint;
 Time to next Waypoint in hours based on current speed;
 Estimated Time of Arrival in UTC based on current speed.

If the current speed is zero, columns TWP and ETA are N/A because these values cannot be calculated. In
case there are no active waypoint, the Waypoints option is not accessible.

Set Destination
After ‘Set Destination’, the selected waypoint will be presented in the destination information section
bottom right of the display.

ETA/Speed selection
In case during a planned voyage a new arrival time on a specific waypoint is required, the ETA/Speed menu
can be used to calculate the new ETA.

The new ETA can be set by either changing the Speed On Advance or entering the desired ETA. Both data
fields are mathematically coupled and will change if one of them is manipulated.

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‘Set Destination’ sets the new ETA setpoint for a specific waypoint. In this case it ‘overrules’ the planning

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11.2.3 Past Track List

The ‘Past track List’ function opens a list with the past track information in plain text. The information
consists of recording date, time in ship’s time, position, heading, ship´s speed and position offset.

The Past track List contains information from the system start-up onwards or from the last use of the
function ‘Clear Past track’ onwards. The mariner can choose three different past tracks:
 the Main position sensor past track – 12 hours
 the Monitoring sensor past track – 12 hours
 the 90 days voyage past track of the primary sensor position.

The Main and Monitoring position sensor past track data is available for the last 12 hours. New entries are
made frequently and also when a course or speed change occurs. Time is recorded in hours/minutes/seconds.
See Figure 254.

The 90 days entries are made at 6 minute intervals.

 The Past track List is not updated while the window is being displayed.

 Time shown in the list is Ship/s time; time exported to file is UTC time.

 To show or hide the past track in the graphical screen, toggle the Past Track option in the
Settings menu on or off.

Figure 254 Past track list

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DESCRIPTION Export Past Track data

Past track data can be exported to external, removable, mounted data carriers. See Figure 255.

Figure 255 Export past track data

Own ship data

‘Own ship data’ exports the ship’s past track data to a .txt file: date/time, position, heading, speed, off distance,
off bearing and depth values.

 Exported date/time data are UTC data.

All recorded data

‘All recorded data’ exports additional information on targets, user interface actions, charts loaded etc.
The .txt file contains:
 the ship’s past track data
 active chart cells under each recorded ship’s position
 AIS target information
 ARPA target information
 User interface actions

Filter export data

To limit the data in the export file to a selected time period, toggle the ‘Filter entries’ option On, and set a
Start and End date and time.

For an example of a past track file, see Appendix E: Past track log file.

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DESCRIPTION Past track details

The Details option in the past track window gives

access to the Legend of the chart cell(s)
pertaining to a selected past track position.

 Select a past track position and press

 A window with the relevant chart cell(s)
 Select a chart cell and press OK. The
Legend of the chart cell appears. See
Figure 256 Past track Details
section 2.9.2.

11.2.4 Clear Past track

The Past track selection box (Figure 246) shows or hides the past track.
The ‘Clear Past Track’ option, however, removes the past track from the screen permanently. The past track
cannot be brought back on screen again. The past track information in the Past track list is removed as well.
The system asks the user for confirmation to clear the past track.

 ‘Clear Past Track’ is only accessible when the Past track selection box is toggled On, i.e. when the
past track is visible on screen.

 Be aware that, depending on drawing routines or other activities that the system is carrying out
in the background, it may take some moments before the past track list is emptied.

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11.2.5 Alert History

The ‘Alert History’ function opens a window that displays the ECDIS 4500 messages: alarms, warnings
messages etc.

Figure 257 Alert History window

Open the Filter list and select one of the available

categories for display:

 All messages (all messages are shown in

the window)
 General
 Sensors
 Targets
 Navigation
 Watchdog
 Route check
 Ecdis System Status

Figure 258 Alert history, select type

All messages All messages of all types are displayed in the window. They are sorted by the time tag.

General: all alarms not belonging to one of the following types. Example: Man Over Board alarm

Sensors: all sensor alarms.

Targets: all alarms related to ARPA or AIS targets.

Navigation: all alarms related to route sailing

Watchdog: all alarms from the Anti-Grounding Processor.

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Route Check: the warnings/messages generated with the Route Check function. The name of the route is
indicated in brackets

ECDIS System Status: alarms and warnings that have to do with system status settings or failures, for
instance watchdog failure of dongle disconnection.

Go to
If an entry is selected, the ‘Goto’ button becomes sensitive.
Press the ‘Goto’ button to centre the chart on the position of the entry. This is a useful tool to verify the
Route Check problems and to investigate alarms / warnings that occur during the voyage.

For more information on the categories, see also Appendix B: Watchdog Warnings object classes.

 Shallow Contour Boundary of (too) shallow water. Only used for visualisation on screen.
Depth areas shallower than the Shallow Contour are shown with the
shallow colour shading.
The Shallow Contour value must lie between 0 m and the Safety Contour

 Safety Contour Boundary between safe and unsafe waters. The Safety contour is armed
with an alarm. If the ship approaches the Safety Contour the watchdog
grounding alarm is given.
The Safety Contour must lie between 0m and 100m. The default value is

 Deep Contour Boundary of deep water. Only used for visualisation on screen. Depth
areas deeper than the Deep Contour are shown with the deep colour
The Deep Contour must be deeper than the Safety Contour and less than
100 m.

 Safety Depth Safety Depth defines the distinction between shallow and deep
soundings. Shallow soundings are displayed in black while deep
soundings are displayed in grey (in daylight display).
0 m < Safety Depth <100 m

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 If a specified contour is not available within the data, the next deeper depth contour is used.

 Waters with depth < Safety Contour can be shown with a diamond shaped overlay pattern. This
overlay is by default selected with the Standard display mode. Toggle the option ‘Water and
seabed features’ off to hide the pattern.

 To display the depth value of contours, toggle the ‘Depth contours and currents’ option in the
Settings menu on (Figure 52).

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11.3 Sensors

The Sensors Task allows the operator the select the main and secondary
(monitoring) position sensor, to update the Dead Reckoning position, to
select heading and LOG sensors and view their actual values, to switch the
display of the radar overlay On and Off and to inspect AIS and Navtex

The selection buttons display the name of the currently selected sensor.

In a fully redundant configuration, a function to select the Master server is

present as well.

The various sensor functions are described in sections 11.3.1 to 11.3.9.

Sensor selection is synchronised across the integrated bridge system. If a
different position/heading/LOG sensor (or different Master server) is selected
in either Conning or ECDIS 4500, the other application updates automatically.

Figure 259 Monitor, Sensors


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11.3.1 SMC Server selection

If the ship motion control (SMC) configuration contains two fully redundant servers, the Operation 
Sensors functions also include the option to select the Master server. The Master server is the server that
actually handles the sensor information and operator/pilot system commands. The second, Slave, server
carries out the same tasks, but in Standby mode. If the Master server fails, the Slave server takes over.

To select the Master server, press the SMC Server

selection button (Figure 260).
The SMC Server selection window shows the
currently selected Master server: its toggle button is
On and its indication is ‘Master’.
To switch to the other server, toggle its radio button
On. The Master/Slave indications update.

If one of the servers has failed, or for another reason Figure 260 Server selection window
is off-line, its indication is ‘Off’. It cannot be selected,
the remaining server is the Master server.

11.3.2 Position sensor selection

On the Position sensor selection button the name of the currently used main sensor is displayed (Figure
259). If the vessel is equipped with a DGPS receiver, and the DGPS is the currently selected position sensor,
this information is shown as <sensor name>/D.
If the Dead Reckoning process is the active main position source, the function is named ‘ Pos: DR’.

Press the ‘ Pos: <sensor name>’ button to open the Position control window.
The name of the currently selected sensor is toggled on, and the actual sensor readings are displayed.
The content of this window depends on the individual ship´s installation and may differ from the example in
Figure 261.

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Figure 261 Position sensor control window

The ‘Main sensor’ is the currently selected position sensor that is used for navigational tasks. This sensor can
be selected in this ECDIS sensor window or in the Conning application. The DR option is not accessible for
Main sensor selection as long as a regular position sensor is available.

Dead Reckoning
If all navigational sensors fail, the system automatically switches to Dead Reckoning. See section 11.3.3.

11.3.3 Dead Reckoning

DR as Main sensor
In most ship configurations, the main sensor is the GPS, which is controlled by a second device like GPS or
Lloranc. If a second electronic navigation source is not available, the DR – process must control the main
The DR – process is available as long as the gyro information is available.

If the electronic position sensors fail, the ship automatically switches to Dead Reckoning, the DR button in
the Position control window becomes selected. The maximum DR period is 60 minutes. If this period has
elapsed, an alarm is given. The user must at least update the DR Fixpoint position (Figure 263).
If a position sensor comes back on line, the system automatically switches back from DR to that sensor.

DR as Monitoring sensor
The user can also select Dead Reckoning as the Monitoring position sensor.

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DR Position
The position from which Dead Reckoning starts is by default the current ship’s position. If this position is not
trusted, the operator can specify another fixed position from which dead reckoning will start.

- Press the Dead Reckoning ‘Set’ button.

- An orange circle appears in the screen at the current DR position.

If necessary, the operator can now shift this position in the ‘Dead
Reckoning position’ window (Figure 263) to line it up with the actual
ship’s position. Figure 262 DR position

Figure 263 Dead Reckoning position window

 To shift the DP positions, change the position co-ordinates.

 Press the ‘Set’ button to effectuate the shifted DR position. From now on, Dead Reckoning
calculates starting from this new position.

Optionally, the operator can also specify Drift parameters. If Drift information is known, this can be used to
calculate the DR position more accurately.
Enter a Drift Course and Drift Speed value, and toggle the ‘Enabled’ button On to have the system use the
Drift values in its calculations. It is possible that Drift Course and Drift Speed can also be entered on the
conning. In that case, the entries are synchronised

The Dead reckoning position window functionality can also be used to keep the dead reckoning position
up-to-date while sailing, if its data is seen to deviate.

11.3.4 Position offset (stand-alone configuration)

In an ECDIS stand-alone configuration, the position sensor selection window (Figure 261) can contain a set
of options to specify a position offset. This may be necessary, for instance when the operator has noticed a
consistent deviation of one of the position sensors.
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Figure 265 Position offset entry fields

Figure 264 Position offset options


 Select the required sensor options

 Enter the offset in the entry fields, either as Bearing/Distance or as Lat/Lon values
 Press Done

When using this sensor as the position sensor, the ship’s position will be drawn with the specified offset
from the sensor value

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11.3.5 Heading sensor selection

Press the Heading sensor selection button to open the selection window (Figure 259).

The options in the Heading sensor selection window

depend on the configuration.

Select the required sensor and press Done.

T stands for True Heading

The heading sensor can also be selected in the Conning,

provided ECDIS 4500 is installed in a fully integrated
bridge environment. The selection is synchronised,
selection in one application updates the other
application. Figure 266 Heading sensor selection window

Depending on the configuration, an option to enter a manual heading value may be present. A manual
heading value can be used when the heading values are considered unreliable, or when the available
heading sensor(s) has/have failed. Toggle the option on and enter the required value in the entry field. In a
fully integrated environment, manual values entered in either the ECDIS or the SMC application are

11.3.6 LOG sensor selection

Press the LOG sensor selection button to open the selection window (Figure 259).

The options in the Log sensor selection window depend

on the configuration.

Select the required sensor and press Done.

A manual speed value can be used when the log speed

values are considered unreliable, or when the available
Log sensor(s) has/have failed. Toggle the option on and
enter the required STW speed value in the entry field.
In a fully integrated environment, manual values entered Figure 267 Log sensor selection window
in either the ECDIS or the SMC application are

If ECDIS 4500 is installed in a fully integrated environment, a manual value can also be set on the Conning
view application. The selection is synchronised, selection in one application updates the other application.

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11.3.7 AIS control

The Operation  Sensors  AIS control (Figure 259) allows the operator to inspect and handle the AIS
information that is received.
The various options are grouped in the tab pages: Targets, Messages, and Setup, each with its relevant
information and possibilities.

 If the AIS interface is not available, the ‘AIS’ option is not present.

ECDIS 4500 evaluates messages 1 and 5 of the ITU-R M.1371. Message 1 provides the Static data; message
5 provides the dynamic and voyage related data. See chapter 0 for more details.

Target information will be displayed in the Pick Report of ECDIS 4500 if the user clicks an AIS target symbol.

The maximum number of displayed targets is 1024. A message appears when the limit is reached and the
targets furthest away can no longer be displayed.

For AIS target display options, see Setting section

For AIS sleeping target display options see Settings section; for activation and alarm options see also the
Settings section.

The accuracy of the data provided by the AIS can be affected by following factors:

Degraded bearing and speed data from external sensor devices cause erratic vectors. If incorrect data from
external sensor devices is detected, the following AIS data will be incorrect as well:

 The CPA and TCPA value which influences the automatic activation
 The target ship’s course and speed
 The target ship’s bearing and distance.

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DESCRIPTION AIS control, Targets tab

The AIS Control Targets tab contains the target information:

Name, Call sign, MMSI, CPA and TCPA

Toggle the Refresh button on to update the list on a regular basis.

Press ‘Own ship info’ to display the Own ship AIS info (see section

Select a target in the list and press

 Target Info: to display more detailed information relating the target (Figure 269).
 Go to and Activate: to centre the chart on the target. If the selected target is a sleeping target it is
activated (and remains activated)
 Send to target: to send a message to the target (Figure 270)

Figure 268 AIS control, Targets tab

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Figure 270 AIS send message window

Figure 269 AIS target info AIS control, (received) Messages tab

The AIS control Messages tab lists the UTC time and
MMSI of AIS messages received.

Select a message and press

 Full Msg: to read the message
 Reply: to write a reply message
 Go to: to centre the chart on the ship that
sent the selected message
 Send: to send the reply message

Figure 271 AIS control, Messages tab

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Setup allows the operator to define the AIS

information of the Own Ship. A number of
parameters can be specified:

 Status: select an option from the drop-

down list
 Cargo: select an option from the drop-
down list
 Draught: enter the relevant draught
 Destination: type the own ship’s
 ETA: set the ETA as currently valid
Figure 272 AIS control, Setup tab
Press ‘Set’ to accept the entries.

This Own Ship info, together with more info, can

be inspected with the ‘Own ship info’ button in the
AIS Targets window.

Dependent on the capabilities of the AIS transponder and bridge configuration it is possible to send the
number of passengers to the AIS to be included in its broadcast message to surrounding ships.

Figure 273 AIS number of passengers

Since technically seen there are no IEC61162 messages foreseen to read the number of passengers from the
AIS transponder the following solution is implemented:
1. Number of passengers = 0:
The number of passengers need to be set on the AIS device
2. Number of passengers > 0:
The number of passengers as defined in the ECDIS are send to the AIS transponder

This means that in case 2 the number of passengers in the AIS device is constantly overwritten by the ECDIS.

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11.3.8 AIS target symbols

According to the AIS operational status, the following target symbols are used.

Sleeping target
A target, received by the AIS transponder, whose CPA / TCPA calculation is
above the defined limits, will be displayed with the direction of the triangle is
the ship´s true heading.

Activated target
Heading indicated by solid line (fixed length)
AIS vector indicate speed and course over ground (broken line).

 The length of the AIS COG/SOG vector depends on the setting for the Look Ahead time as set in
the menu Settings / Watchdog / Watchdog.

 If the setting is changed, the own ship anti-grounding view ahead will change as well.

If the cursor is located on an AIS target, the user can manually activate or deactivate the target with a
click on the right button of the trackball. A new menu opens which offers a number of functions. A
manually activated target must also be manually de-activated.
The automatic activation / deactivation depends on the user defined AIS limits.

 During arrival in port, it may be helpful to set the AIS limits as small as possible. This will prevent
automatic activation of targets from cluttering the display.

Activated target
With ROT indicator

Selected target
A target selected by the AIS user is termed “Selected Target”. Once selected,
a dashed square is drawn around the target and the opened Pick Report
window displays all the AIS information of the target.

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Dangerous target
If predicted CPA and TCPA values of a target are smaller than the limit
settings, the AIS target symbol will turn to a red flashing bold symbol.
The status of the target automatically turns into an activated target. With a
right click of the trackball, a new menu opens which offers the user the
possibility to acknowledge the dangerous target. After the
acknowledgement, the symbol stops flashing.

Lost target
A target that moves out of tracking is called a ‘ lost target’. The lost target
symbol flashes and is displayed with crossing lines. The timeout for lost
targets depends on the speed information of the AIS target.
Lost targets are automatically removed after 2 minutes.

AIS Transponder switched off

When the ship’s AIS transponder is switched off or does not function anymore, a warning message appears
after 4 minutes: ‘No AIS available’.
It may take 6 minutes for the crossing lines over the target(s) to appear, and another 2 to 3 minutes for the
target(s) to disappear altogether. Actual time depends on whether the target is moving or stationary.

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11.3.9 Navtex

Press the Navtex selection button (Figure 259) to open the Navtex function
windows. The Navtex Notification tab allows the operator to select the type
of notifications he wants to receive.

Toggle the required types On.

Figure 274 Navtex,


When a Navtex message is received, a message appears in the screen.

 Acknowledge the message, the Messages window pops up (Figure 275). The messages are listed
with their UTC time and Code.
 Select a message in the list, and press ‘Full Msg’ to see all related information.
 Scroll to another message with the forward/back arrows.

Figure 276 Navtex Full message (grey skin)

Figure 275 Navtex Messages (grey skin)

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The Message tab contains a number of options to filter the messages received according to Frequency,
Category and Stations.

Select a required filter from the drop-down lists (Figure 277) to display a specific set of messages.

Figure 277 Navtex Filter options

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11.4 Frame

Frame defines an area that forces re-centring of the chart if the own
ship crosses the area border The frame is automatically activated by
the Ship toggle button in the function bar (Figure 34). The own ship
symbol is placed inside the frame at a position with maximum
The frame can occupy 70% of the screen at maximum. The frame is
indicated with faint, dotted orange corners. See arrows in Figure 279.
The frame can be managed with the functions Frame Size, Frame
Move, Frame Auto and Frame Reset.

If the orthographic projection is On, the frame always has the default
size and always is in the default position because this projection
does not under all circumstances allow the free sizing and/or
positioning of the frame.

Figure 278 Monitor, Frame functions

Figure 279 Frame

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11.4.1 Frame Size

This function allows for resizing the frame manually. If the function is activated and the cursor moved over
the chart the frame will change its size.

Click left to end the function and fix the frame's size.

Please note that the frame can neither be sized to the full extent of the chart display nor to a single point.

 This function is not available if the orthographic projection is on.

11.4.2 Frame Move

This function allows for moving the frame manually. If the function is activated and the cursor is moved on
the chart the frame will follow.

Click left to end the function and fix the frame's size.

Please note that the frame cannot be moved to the border of the chart display.

 This function is not available if the orthographic projection is on.

11.4.3 Frame Auto

This function enables for automatic positioning of the frame on the screen. The frame is positioned in such a
way that the ship always has a maximum way ahead.

 This function is not available if the orthographic projection is on.

11.4.4 Frame Reset

This function resets the frame to its default size and location.

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11.5 Control (optional)

If ECDIS 4500 is installed in a fully integrated bridge

system environment, and the ship contains an autopilot
system, this autopilot can receive direct Heading and
Track commands from ECDIS. The command is ‘given’ in
the Operation  Control window.

Heading change
To send a direct Heading change command from ECDIS
to the auto pilot system, proceed as follows:
 Make sure that the autopilot system is in the
correct steering mode (Heading Auto) and can
accept settings from ECDIS.
 Go to Operation  Control (Figure 278)
 To visualise the heading setting, toggle the
‘Show overlay button On (not obligatory).
 Enter the required Heading setpoint (HDG) value.
If the Show overlay is selected, an orange dotted
heading line appears in the screen, starting at the
ship. The line follows the HDG setpoint value line
on the screen.
 Press the Set button. The dotted line changes
into a solid line.

Figure 280 Monitoring Control menu HDG

The new heading is communicated to the autopilot system. The heading setpoint in the Conning application

 If the autopilot system is not activated and steering mode is Manual, the Control dialog does not
accept any entries.

The autopilot system checks whether the required heading change can be executed given the ship’s
properties and settings. If not, the heading change is automatically adapted, and the solid line in the ECDIS
screen updates.
The ship starts the turn to the new heading.

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Set Heading graphically

Alternatively, the new heading can be defined graphically:
 Press the ‘CURS button next to the HDG setpoint entry field.
 The orange dotted line appears
 Move the cursor over the screen to select the required heading.
 Click left mouse button when the line is on the required heading direction
 Press the Set button . The dotted line changes into a solid line.

Track change
To send a direct Track change command from ECDIS to the
auto pilot system, proceed as follows:
 Make sure that the autopilot system is in the correct
steering mode (Course Auto) and can accept
settings from ECDIS.
 Go to Operation  Control
 To visualise the track change setting, toggle the
‘Show overlay button On (not obligatory).
 Enter the required Course setpoint (Track setpoint)
value. If ‘Show graphical is on, an orange dotted
heading line appears in the screen, starting at the
ship. The line follows the Track setpoint value.
 Press the Set button. The dotted line changes into a
solid line.

Figure 281 Monitoring Control menu Track

The new track is communicated to the autopilot system. The track setpoint in the Conning application

The autopilot system checks whether the required heading change can be executed given the ship’s
properties and settings. If not, the heading change is automatically adapted, and the solid line in the ECDIS
screen updates.
The ship starts the turn to the new heading.

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Track shift
The new track line can shifted to be defined graphically:
 Press the ‘CURS button next to the Track shift setpoint entry field.
 The orange dotted line appears
 Move the track line with the cursor over the screen to new required position.
 Click left when the line is on the required heading direction
 Press the Set button. The dotted line changes into a solid line.

Set Track graphically

Alternatively, the new heading can be defined graphically:
 Press the ‘CURS button next to the Track setpoint setpoint entry field.
 The orange dotted line appears
 Move the cursor over the screen to select the required heading.
 Click left when the line is on the required heading direction
 Press the Set button. The dotted line changes into a solid line.

DP change
To send a direct DP change command from ECDIS to the
auto pilot system, proceed as follows:
 Make sure that the autopilot system is in the
correct mode (DP Auto) and can accept settings
from ECDIS.
 Go to Operation  Control.
 To visualise the DP setting, toggle the ‘Show
overlay button on (not obligatory).
 Press on the first CURS(A) button below the DP
set point value and select with the mouse pointer
the new DP position on the chart area.
 Press the Set button.

Figure 282 Monitoring Control menu DP

Cancel autopilot control command

The autopilot control command can be cancelled as long as the Set button has not been pressed yet. Press
the Cancel button, the dotted line disappears.

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12. Right Trackball Click Functions

12.1 Introduction

Clicking the right trackball button, dependent on

the mode and functional status of ECDIS 4500 the
following maximized list of functions can appear:

 Go to Globe
 Add planned position
 Add distance to run
 Add critical point
 Load default profile
 Drawings
o Enable drawing mode
 Manage drawings
 Exit drawing mode
 Notes:
o Caution Figure 283 Right trackball click (all)
o Event
o Remark
 AnchorWatch:
o Port
 Drop
 Drop here
o Starboard
 Drop
 Drop here
 MOB:
o Set MOB at cursor
o Set MOB at ship
o Manage MOBs
 Landmarks
o Add Landmarks
 At Position (e.g. 52°04.159’N, 003°44.572’E
 Lighthouse
o Manage Landmark
 Line of Position
 RADAR Grid Locking
 Special areas
o Special ares
 Disable Restricted area (Voordelta)
o Manage areas

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 Object tracking:
o Select object
 At Position (e.g. 51°55.577’N, 00356.533’E
o Manage trackers

Linked to special modes:

The following features are either past track or route dependent.

Remark Past Track related functions:

 Goto Pasttrack position
 Set Time Stamp

Planning related functions:

 Add planned position
 Add distance to run
 Add critical point

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12.2 Go to Globe

Figure 284 Goto Harbour list Figure 285 Goto Globe option

 Select the first letter of the harbour name The globe is by default centred on the own ship
to scroll through the list. position.
 Select the required harbour name.  Press the zoom buttons to zoom in on, or
The active position is updated and out of, the globe.
displayed in the position field at the  Click the middle trackball button at the
bottom of the Harbour List window. required centre position.
 Press OK The active position is updated and
 The chart centres on the harbour. Chart displayed in the position field at the
scale is not changed. bottom of the Globe window.
 Click OK, the chart centres on the selected
cursor position.
Chart scale is not changed.

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12.3 Add planned position

A planned position is a position along the selected

route that indicates a point of significance to the
operator, for instance because a certain action such
as route check, send message, must be performed.

 Click right on the route at the required

position, and select ‘Add planned
 Specify the date and time that belongs to Figure 286 Right mouse route options
the planned position, for instance the time
the ship should be at the planned position,
or the time a message should be sent
once the planned position has been
reached. A small line is drawn across the
track at the clicked position, together with
the arrival time.

 To show the arrival time it may be necessary to zoom in to quite a small Range scale; the ‘Names’
option (section 3.3.6) must be On.

 A planned position can only be added to an activated route, and when the ship is on the route.

12.4 Add distance to run

To view and insert the distance to the next waypoint from

any point along the track line:

 right click on the track line at the required point,

 select the option ‘Add distance to run, right
mouse click on route. A small line is drawn across
the track at the clicked position, together with the
Figure 287 Planned position and Distance to
distance value.
run added

In the example figure the distance to run, 0.753 NM, is

calculated from the thin red line across the route, along
the track to the waypoint at left.

 To show the distance value it may be necessary to zoom in to quite a small Range scale; the
‘Names’ option (section 3.3.6) must be On.

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12.5 Add Critical Point on Route

A critical point is a position along the

selected route that indicates a point of
significance to the operator, for instance
because a certain action such as call pilot
station must be performed.

 Click right on the route at the

required position, and select ‘Add
critical point’.
 Specify the note to the navigator,
for instance, indicating the action. Figure 288 Add critical point
A small line is drawn across the
track at the clicked position. If the
names option is selected the note
is printed close to the line.

12.6 Load default profile

This functions loads the default profile as defined

in the Profile Manager.

This function provides a short cut performing the

following user interaction steps:
 Open Profile Manager
 Select default in the top row of the menu
 Activate settings to load the default
profile into settings

Figure 289 Default Profile

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12.7 Drawings

12.7.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the ECDIS build in drawing tool. This toolkit enables the user to draw lines, areas,
circles (point objects with a radius) and text objects.

In ECDIS mode all drawings will be constructed in an orange colour to fulfil the ECDIS requirements. In the
optional WECDIS mode true colours will be used in day and dusk situations, only in night mode orange fill
and outline colours will be used.

12.7.2 Drawing basics

A Drawing acts as a container to store one or

more drawing objects. Drawing objects are for
example Areas, Arcs, Sectors, Polylines, etc.
Drawings are stored in a repository. The ECDIS
drawing layer is able to load one or more
Drawings from the repository at the same time.

Repositories containing Drawings are

synchronised between the Bridge workstations
by means of the local area network.
Figure 290 Example of Drawing Manager
Drawings can be Loaded and Edited.

Loaded (Loading/Unloading)
As an example, the Drawing Manager contains three drawings:
 Operation N765;
 OpsArea A334;
 OpsArea B174.

These drawings are Loaded, this means visualizing its objects on the drawing layer. One drawing, OpsArea
B174 is being edited.

The example picture on the right shows the

following drawings:

 Drawing Operation N765 loaded containing

two objects, an area and a circle;
 Drawing OpsArea A334 loaded containing a
 Drawing OpsArea B174 loaded containing an

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Figure 291 Example drawings 1

The next example picture on the right shows the

same drawings with other settings of the Drawing

 Drawing Operation N765 is not visible

because it was unloaded;
 Drawing OpsArea A334 loaded containing a
 Drawing OpsArea B174 loaded containing an
Figure 292 Example drawings 2

This means that by Loading and Unloading drawings can be visualized or not.

Edit (Start Edit / Stop Edit)

Since drawings are shared over multiple machines, editing a drawing on one machine will lock the edit
mode for the same drawing on the other machines in the network. After a drawing is saved on the machine
it was edited on, the other machines are able to start an edit session. If a drawing is changed during an edit
session, after the save action the drawings will be visually updated (if loaded).

In case an interface with a connected Combat Management System (CMS) is configured (project dependent)
drawings will be exported to the CMS if Export is selected.

The CMS will receive the selected drawings and will display them dependent on CMS local settings.

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12.7.3 Supported drawing objects

ECDIS 4500 supports the following set of drawing objects:

Polyline Truncated Sector

Polygon Circle

Arc Ellipse

Sector Text


Figure 293 Supported drawing objects

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12.7.4 Editing a drawing object

The ECDIS drawing feature provides the following edit methods:

 Object creation;
 Object deletion;
 Object editing. Loading drawings

The ECDIS user is able to load multiple drawing objects in the drawing layer, this is workstation independent
e.g. workstations can load different objects simultaneously independent of each other. Implementing this
method, the User is able to select drawing objects for visualization form a shared repository workstation
independent. This repository is synchronised over the network between the workstations. Drawing object synchronization between ECDIS workstations

The ECDIS infrastructure software will synchronize drawing objects and changes after an edit session over
the data network. Resulting in the fact that object(s) created or edited on any workstation will be
synchronized between all available ECDIS workstations.

 The distinct differences between Edit and Load are the following:
o Edit: creates, changes or deletes drawings and/or its enclosed objects
o Load: loads a drawing and its enclosed objects for visualisation. Visualisation settings
can be determined per workstation

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12.7.5 Enable drawing mode

The drawing mode can be enabled by a right

mouse button click anywhere on the chart area.

Figure 294 Enabling drawing mode

A left mouse click on “Enable Drawing mode” will enable the Drawing mode after which the Drawing
Manager dialog will be opened.

12.7.6 Drawing Manager Menu options

The Drawing Manager is used to ‘manage’ the
drawings created by the user. It provides the
following options:

A new drawing object will be created with a
default file name Drawing. The user can change
the default Drawing file name by entering a new.

Figure 295 Drawing Manager

Loaded (Loading/Unloading)
Existing drawing objects will be loaded and be visualized on the ECDIS drawing layer.

Unload will remove the object from the layer.

Edit (Start Edit / Stop Edit)

Start or Stops the Editing mode of drawing objects.

This option saves modified objects. Select the line presenting the specific object in the File Manager (the line
gets orange), after which the object can be saved.

This option undo’s user drawing actions. Select the line presenting the specific object in the File Manager
(the line gets orange). After which edit actions can be rolled back.

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Deletes an object. Select the line presenting the specific object in the File Manager (the line gets orange).
After which object can be deleted.

Closes the Drawing Manager.

Exports the drawing to the CMS.

12.7.7 New drawing

Dependent on the load and edit status of the drawings a right mouse click on the chart area provides the
following choices:

Drawing mode enabled an no objects loaded:

 Manage Drawings;
 The Drawing Manager menu opens;
 Select New in the Drawing Manager;
 Set the new Drawing into Edit mode (if
not already selected)
 Change the name of the new drawing
 Start creating objects

Figure 296 Right mouse click chart area

12.7.8 Object creation / edit

Pre-condition: Drawing mode enabled an one or

more drawing objects are loaded:
 Select Edit mode (if not already selected)
 Create one or more drawing objects by a
right click on the ECDIS chart to fix
drawing position:
o Area
o Arc
o Sector
o Truncated Sector
o Circle
o Ellipse
o Polyline Figure 297 Select drawing object

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 Select Manage Drawings to Save the

 Selects Manage Drawings to create new
 Select Exit drawing mode General guidelines drawing objects

Object Creation, example Create Area

Right mouse click on the geo position of the first
area node
Select Create Area

Click on the subsequent nodes to define an area

Close the area by clicking on the starting point.

The properties of this area object can be

visualized by a right click on this specific area
 Details
 Edit Points
 Delete
 Export to Combat Management System
(WECDIS only)

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Create area
An area drawing component can be created by
graphically inserting the start and end points of
line segments on the chart.

The geographical location of the end-points can

be changed either by:
 Selecting the appropriate endpoint, the
end point is marked with a yellow
marker using the cursor.
 Moving the yellow endpoint marker
using the cursor.
 Adjusting the Lat / Long position using
the pop-up menu.

Connecting the start and end point creates an


Additionally new line segments can be inserted

using the blue + symbol.

Figure 298 Line or polyline creation

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Create Circle
Creates a circle as a single point object with a radius.

A circle drawing component can be created by

graphically inserting the circle middle point on the

The geographical location of the circle middle

point can be changed either by:
 Selecting the appropriate endpoint, the
end point is marked with a yellow marker
using the cursor.
 Moving the yellow marker using the
 Adjusting the Lat / Long position of the
circle middle point using the pop-up

Figure 299 Circle creation

Create Line
A polygon can be constructed by closing a polyline construction (connecting begin and end point of the

An line drawing component can be created by

graphically inserting the start and end points of
line segments on the chart.

The geographical location of the end-points can

be changed either by:
 Selecting the appropriate endpoint, the
end point is marked with a yellow marker
using the cursor.
 Moving the yellow endpoint marker
using the cursor.
 Adjusting the Lat / Long position using
the pop-up menu. Figure 300 Line creation

Additionally new line segments can be inserted

using the blue + symbol.

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Create Text
A text object consists of a point object with an attached text refer to section 0.

A text segment can be created by graphically

inserting a point object (a circle with radius = 0)
on the chart.

The geographical location of the point object can

be changed either by:
 Selecting the appropriate point object
using the cursor.
 Moving the yellow marker using the
 Adjusting the Lat / Long position of the
text object using the pop-up menu.

Figure 301 Text creation

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12.7.9 Manipulation of drawing properties

Object properties can be visualized by a right click on this specific area providing:
 Details
 Edit Points
 Delete
 Export to Combat Management System (WECDIS only)

Drawing objects can be manipulated by left

clicking on the object. The pick report presents
the following options:

Sets fill colours, outline colours and labels.

Deletes an object.

Figure 302 Pick report object manipulation

Select a point in the construction of a line, polyline or polygon. Points can be moved, inserted or deleted.

Point delete
Deletes a point within a line, polyline or polygon

Point insert
Selecting the blue + symbol adds a new point to
the polyline or polygon.

Point move
Moves a point of a line. delete point insert point move point

Figure 303 Points

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DESCRIPTION Object Details

Object Details

Area Details

Arc Details

Sector Details

Truncated Sector Details

Circle Details

Ellipse Details

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Polyline Details

Fill Colour
This option sets the filling gradient of the object.
By clicking the drop down button a colour control
menu will pop up to set the properties. Using the
More Colours option a full colour palette can be
selected including the transparency level of the
shading in Colour (R, G, B).

Outline style
This control sets the:
 Style (none, dotted, dashed, solid);

Figure 304 Details / Fill colour

Outline thickness
This control sets the:
 Thickness (Very small, Small, Normal, Big, Very Big);

Outline colour
This control sets the:
 Colour of the outline

Figure 305 Details / Outline colour

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Labels are linked to objects like:
 OpsArea A334;
 OpsCircle A336.

Hence it is also possible to use the “Create Text”

option as discussed in paragraph 12.7.7 by
creating a locatable point objet with a text label.
The advantage of this method that the text label
van be freely positioned in the drawing.

Figure 306 Labels Colour settings

Drawing colours can be set either by a standard “Theme colour” palette or the RGB colour components can
be “mixed” on user demand using “More Colours”.

Theme and Standard colour palette

Standard colours can be picked from the “Theme
Colours” or “Standard Colours” menu.

Figure 307 Standard Colours

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More Colours palette

The More Colours Palette sets the RGB value of the
individual colour components and the Alpha
channel (Transparency).
Alpha channel
Values can be set on a range of 0 – 255.

For an overview on RGB values please refer to the

table below. Figure 308 More Colours

Alpha channel 0 = transparent

Alpha channel 255 = opaque

Figure 309 Overview of RGB values

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12.7.10 Object colours during day, dusk and night mode

As referred in section 12.7.1 there are differences in presentation of the drawing objects.

Figure 310 Drawing objects in ECDIS

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12.7.11 Drawing Example

Please refer to the figure hereafter for a typical example of a construction of drawings.

Figure 311 Typical example of the drawing function

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12.8 Notes

The function ‘Notes’ allows the mariner to manually add

textual entries to the chart.

Figure 312 Mariner's Notes function

After clicking the right trackball button the following Note types can be made:

Always visible Visible when names is switched on

Caution Note √
Event √
Remark √ √

The Note will be positioned at the location of the right trackball click.

A special symbol appears in the screen, indicating the position of the Mariner’s Note.

The Pick report at that position will show the message the user has entered.

Edit the position if necessary and enter a text

message in the Mariner’s Note window that
appears (Figure 313).

Figure 313 Insert Mariner's note: Remark

Message visible/not visible in screen

The Messages that the operator has entered are considered as object names, and are therefore not always
visible in the screen. To show the messages, the option ‘Names’ (section 3.3.6) must be toggled On. The
‘Message’ text of the Mariner’s Note ‘Remark’ is not affected by the ‘Names’ function.

Regulation requires that the RESET function (section 3.2.8) hides all user objects, including Mariner’s Notes,
present in the screen. The Notes are not erased, but only hidden. Use the Settings / Display / User Objects
toggle button in the Settings menu to bring the objects back on screen again.

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Delete Mariner’s Notes

Mariner’s Notes can be deleted with the Chart / Chart Work / Erase Function (section 9.2.6).
If the configuration contains more than one ECDIS 4500, the Mariner’s Note input is synchronized with the
other system(s). When the position of the Note is inside the actual chart view of another system, an
information window pops up to warn the operator that something is being changed on another ECDIS

12.9 Anchor Watch

The ECDIS 4500 Anchor Watch functionality provides alerting on anchor operations.

Anchors can be dropped on a position offset from the common reference point. The function defines a
swing circle and if the vessel moves outside this circle a Warning alert is given.

Anchor identifiers and position offsets from CCRP

are set during commissioning. The following
information will be configured on request:
 Number of Anchors
 And per Anchor:
o Name of Anchor
o CCRP offset of Anchor from bow
o CCRP offset from starboard

Up to 6 anchors can be configured.

Figure 314 Anchor Watch swing circle

As an example a Port and Starboard anchor are

Both anchors can be dropped alongside the ship

(Drop) or on a specific location (Drop here).

Figure 315 Right trackball click

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After selecting “Drop” or “Drop here” the “Anchor

Radius” menu pops up to set the desired radius.

Figure 316 Right trackball click

Generated Warning alert:

 Title Anchor Watch

 Description Outside Anchor Watch Area
 Action Anchor should redropped

If no action is undertaken this Warning escalates into an Alarm after a predefined Alarm escalation time.
Please refer to paragraph 7.4 for information on alert escalation.

12.10 Man Over Board

The Man Over Board (MOB) function can be activated either by pressing then MOB button on the bottom
bar of the display or by using the right trackball click function.

Figure 317 MOB button at the bottom bar

The difference between the two types of MOB

activations is that the button at the bottom bar
immediately sets a MOB at the own ships
position. This button enhances the working speed
in case of personnel safety.

Using the right click menu bar, the MOB can be

set either at the ship’s own position as well as the
cursor position.

Figure 318 MOB menu after right click

A MOB will be presented at the selected position as a ‘static’ symbol or as a ‘drift’ symbol. A static MOB
symbol represents the initial position at the moment the MOB was created. A drift MOB represents the
position of the MOB due to Set and Drift.

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It is possible to give a static MOB a dynamic set

and drift factor.

The naming convention is as follows:

 Static MOV <MOB name>

 Dynamic MOB <MOB name> Drift

Figure 319 MOB with Set and Drift

MOBS are managed using the “Managed MOBs”

menu. This menu provides the following

EDIT: edits MOB parameters

DELETE: deletes a MOB
GoTo: jumps towards a specific MOB
on the chart

Figure 320 Manage MOBs menu

MOBS can be defined at several positions:

 At the ships position as detected by a ship bound observer
 At a range and bearing from the ships position as detected by a ship bound observer
 At a specific position as detected by an external observer
 At a range and bearing from a specific position as detected by an external observer

The figure hereafter provides some examples of the different types of MOB positioning.

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N Drift
N Drift
Range and N Range and N
MOB Bearing
MOB Drift Bearing


Own Ship Position

Other Position

Figure 321 MOB positions

MOBs can be parameterized using the MOB EDIT function.

The Man Overboard menu sets the following MOB


MOB Static:
Name: By default a new MOB gets the
name MOB [number].

MOB, MOB 1, MOB 2, …..

MOB default names can be

edited on demand

Time: Time MOB was detected, by

default the time the MOB
button was pressed

Time can be edited on demand Figure 322 MOB EDIT menu

Latitude Latitude of the static MOB

Longitude Longitude of the static MOB

Range Offset distance from observer

Bearing Offset bearing from observer

MOB Drift:
Latitude: Latitude of the drift MOB
Longitude Longitude of the drift MOB

Set Drift angle

Drift Drift speed

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To determine the range and bearing from the own ship or cursor position to a MOB, use the object tracker as
described in paragraph 12.12.

Figure 323 MOB tracking

 Care should be taken that the MOB drift vector just provides a rough estimation of the position
of the MOB. The actual position depends on current, wind and time.

12.11 Landmarks

The function “Add

Landmark” is part of the
“Line of Position”

Landmarks can be added

on a specific LAT / LONG
position or can be referred
to as a specific chart object
e.g. “Pile”. The Landmark
dialog will list all charted Figure 324 Landmark dialog
objects under the cursor.

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12.11.1 Create Landmarks

Performing a position fix following Line of Position fix follows a process steps:

1. Create a landmark by a right mouse click on

the landmark position and select Add to
a. The system responds with e.g.
“At Position (5205,9993N
b. And lists the objects under the
cursor: “Pile”
2. Label the landmark. In case of an existing
object, the Name of the Landmark is set to
the name of the charted object Figure 325 Add Landmark
3. If appropriate enter/edit the position of the

The list of landmarks

can be viewed using
the Manage
Landmarks function.

Landmarks can be
edited and deleted by
selecting the
approriate buttons. Sorting order

Figure 326 List of Landmarks

The dialog also provides a GoTo function to “jump” to the selected landmark position on the chart.

A Landmark entry can be deleted or edited by selecting a line. The selected line will be highlighted in
orange after which it can be deleted or edited.

The Landmarks dialog consists of the following columns:

 Name of the Landmark
 Distance to the own ship
 Bearing to the own ship
 Latitude of the Landmark
 Longitude of the Landmark
 Modification date

The list of Landmarks can be sorted in relation to the following criteria:

 Alphabetical order (clicking the Name column header)
 Distance to the own ship (clicking the Distance column header)
 Modification date (clicking the Last Modified column header)

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Additionally the Distance and Bearing values will be calculated in real time and will therefor change over
time due to vessel movement.

12.12 Line of Position

The Line of Position function can be used to calculate the actual vessel´s position by taking cross bearings
on (land) mark or RADAR targets of ground stationary objects. The Position Fix calculator can combine
inputs from different input methods to calculate a position fix:
1. Bearing inputs
2. Distance inputs
3. Transfer inputs
4. ARPA input
5. (Option) Optical Bearing Device input, provides a Bearing to an object like in #1

A Line of Position fix is for example based on a Bearing line or Distance ring defined with respect to a user
selected fixed point. For the Bearing line, the user specifies the bearing of a line towards the selected point.
For the Distance ring, the user specifies the distance of a circle (segment) around the selected point.

To enable the Line of Position functionality, please assure that in Settings / Line of Position the Line of
Position function is enabled.

12.12.1 Line of Position Editor

LOPs can be constructed following

the Line of Position editor; after
right mouse click, selection of Line
of Position.

The Line of Position toolkit provides

several position fixing methods:
 Bearing
 Distance
 Transfer
 ARPA target
 Optical Bearing Device Figure 327 LOP editor
(optional, Optical Bearing
Device needs to be mounted
and connected to the (W)ECIS)

The Mark button will synchronise the time component of the fix with the actual time, necessary to calculate
the position. To speed up the way to operate the LOPs, a Copy button is added to copy the line (including
method) to be ready for a next LOP.

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The tick box will add the selected position fix method to the position fix calculation. This tick box provides the
ability to discard a fix in case of low quality or when the time between the observation and entering the data
in the menu is too large.

The Fix Position button will calculate the position fix. This position will be send to Conning 4500 to adjust the
DR function.

Figure 328 Typical position fix

The Line of Position Editor provides the ability to combine all available position fix methods to calculate the
ship’s position.

1. Right Mouse Click
2. Select RADAR Grid Lock
3. Select a method Bearing, Distance, Transfer, ARPA or OBD
4. Add inputs Bearing position fix method

This method calculates a position fix from two or more bearings to stationary objects present in the ECDIS
chart database. Distance position fix method

This method calculates a position fix from two or more distances to stationary objects present in the ECDIS
chart database.

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DESCRIPTION Transfer position fix method

This method calculates a position fix from two or more in line marks and a distance. ARPA position fix method

This method calculates a position fix from one or more ARPA targets of stationary objects present in the
ECDIS chart database. Optical Bearing Device fix method (option)

Depended on the configuration of the bridge system, an Optical Bearing Device (OBD) can be connected to
the ECDIS system. The OBD function supports the following hardware components:
 SR02-01, manufactured by Scandinavian Micro Systems (

An OBD can be used to take very accurate bearings from Landmarks using an optical binoculars. Dependent
on the ship’s configuration one or more OBDs can be installed. A common arrangement is to mount one
OBD on the Port side and one OBD on the Starboard side of the bridge.

OBD type: ScanSys SR02-01

This OBD device is capable of providing two

different types of fix modes:
1. Fixes initiated on the OBD device by turning
the Port and/or Starboard device in the exact
direction of a Landmark. Bearing data is
transferred to the ECDIS after the trigger
button on the OBD device is pressed.
2. Fixes initiated on the ECDIS using the Line of
Position dialog to plan an OBD fix on the Port
or Starboard device. The navigator operating
the device receives the order visualized on the
local display in clear text and is able to select
the Landmark using the OBD device and make
Figure 329 SR02-01 OBD
the fix as described in mode 1.

Additionally the turning angle of the Port and/or Starboard OBD devices can be shown on the ECDIS chart
as bearing lines. The paragraphs hereafter provide a detailed description of the proposed methods
including flow charts explaining user actions.

The sections hereafter provide a description of the two different fix methods.

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OBD device initiated fixes Start OBD

initiated Fix
Use Case:

The Navigator requires a position fix on two

Create Landmarks
Landmarks initiated on the OBD device. for Position Fixes if
not available in
1. Using the Right Click / Landmarks dialog the Landmarks dialog
Navigator inspects / adds the required
2. The OBD device is pointed at the Landmarks OBD device Port or
Starboard on
one by one and triggered.
Landmark & Click

3. The Right Click / Line of Position dialog will

now show two new fixes.

4. If desired the fix can be “enriched” with fixes Last Landmark

compiled from other input methods.
5. Before performing the actual position fix, the
tick boxes in the LOP dialog are to be checked Set tick boxes LOP
to determine the sensors that will contribute dialog to allow for
to the position fix calculation. position fix

6. After clicking the “Fix Position” button the

ECDIS will calculate a Position Fix.

7. This Fix needs to be processed in the Conning Link Landmarks in (W)ECDIS

LOP dialog actions
4500 application to perform the actual DR

8. Old fix information can now be removed by

selecting the relevant line(s) showing fix OBD device
information and pressing the “Delete” button. Fix Position

Align DR in Conning Conning

with Position Fix actions


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ECDIS initiated fixes

Use Case:

The Navigator requires a position fix on two

Landmarks, initiated by the ECDIS.

1. Using the Right Click / Line of Position / OBD

dialog a list of fixes can be planned using the
ECDIS Line of Position Dialog.

2. Another Navigator, operating the OBD device

is now able to process the fixes one at the
time. To support this position fixing process,
the OBD device provides a text display,
displaying the requested fixes in blocks of
three Landmarks.

3. Doing so, the LOP dialog shows the following

o All planned fix requests have no
bearing Information
o The active Landmark being processed
at the OBD device is blinking.
o After the fix is done, the bearing field
gets a value
o The blinking line will advance to the
next planned Landmark in the row

4. This process can be interrupted by:

o Removing the requested fix by
pressing the “Delete” button in the
LOP dialog
o Pressing the EXIT button on the OBD

9. Before performing the actual position fix, the

tick boxes in the LOP dialog are to be checked
to determine the sensors that will contribute to
the position fix calculation.

10. After clicking the “Fix Position” button the

ECDIS will calculate a Position Fix.

11. This Fix needs to be processed in the Conning

4500 application to perform the actual DR

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12. Old fix information can now be removed by

selecting the relevant line(s) showing fix
information and pressing the “Delete” button.

Presentation of Bearing lines

Before the OBD bearing lines become visible they

need to be enabled.

In ECDIS mode bearing lines are presented in


Figure 330 How to enable OBD bearing lines

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12.13 RADAR Grid Locking

The RADAR Grid Locking function combines the combination of range and bearing of geo stationary RADAR
targets and ECDIS object information (Lat / Long position and object name) to calculate the position of the

By continuously calculating the own ships position we get a RADAR Grid Lock Sensor

Figure 331 RADAR Grid Licking

1. Acquire targets on the RADAR
2. Define Landmarks
3. Activate RADAR Grid Lock Function: Right click RADAR Grid Locking

The RADAR Grid Locking menu provides the following controls:

Add Target
Adds a target to the target list. A target is defined by the following parameters:
 RADAR type, e.g. X-Band, S-Band, I-Band, F-Band
 Targetnummer
 Landmark corresponding the the RADAR target

The calculated position.

Tick box
Tick box needs to be selected to add the entry to the ship’s position calculation.

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Enable / Disable Sensor

Since the RADAR Grid Locking function acts as a position sensor, the sensor needs to be enabled before the
position information can be used in the ECDIS Main / Monitoring sensor selection and/or the Conning as
main sensor.

Copies an entry for easy selection.

Deletes and entry

The RADAR Grid Lock sensor can be used a drift independent and spoofing free monitoring sensor of the

Figure 332 Position Sensor Selection with RADAR Grid Lock sensor

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Additionally the Conning can now use the RADAR Grid Lock sensor as a main sensor.

Figure 333 Conning sensor selection with RADAR Grid Locking sensor

12.14 Special Areas

For Special Area related functions please refer to paragraph 6.4. This paragraph describes the following
functions in more detail:
 Area Selection
 Area Management

12.15 Object Tracking

The object tracking function provides the range and bearing to a moving or stationary object relative to the
own ships position or to the cursor position.

The following values are real-time calculated:

Relative to the cursor Relative to the own ship

Range √ √
Bearing √ √
Table 26 Object tracking

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12.15.1 Object Tracker

To enable object tracking:

1. Right click on the object
2. Select the object to track, the ECDIS will
display a list of available objects
3. Select Object Tracking
4. Set range / bearing measurement relative
to Cursor or to the own Ship

Figure 334 Object Tracking

The Object Tracker provides three controls:

 A: Deletes the Object Tracker
 B: Hides the Object Tracker, the Object
Tracker can be Unhide using the Visible B A
toggle in the Object Tracker Management
menu Figure 335 Object Tracker
 C: Opens the Edit function to edit the
name of the Object Tracker

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In case the ‘relative to ship’ mode is selected apart form range and bearing CPA, TCPA and TTG are being

Figure 336 Object tracker relative to own ship

12.15.2 Manage Trackers

The function Manage Trackers provides the

ability to Edit, Delete, GoTo Object Trackers.

The Edit function offers the ability to change the

name of the tracked object.

The Visible toggle, enables or disables the

visibility of the Object Tracker.

Figure 337 Manage trackers

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12.16 Past track related actions

For past track related functions please refer to paragraph 4.2.2. This paragraph describes the following
functions in detail:
 Goto Pasttrack position
 Set Time Stamp

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13. Chart Handling

13.1 Introduction

The Chart Handling mode contains six options: Chart Handler,

Manual Update, Synchronise, Repair Catalog file and ENC Update

 Chart Handler is the tool that loads the electronic charts

into the ECDIS 4500 system
 Manual Update contains the options for the operator to
manually add or remove objects to or from the charts
 Synchronise is the option button that deals with Figure 338 Chart Handling display
synchronisation of chart actions across multiple ECDIS options
4500 client stations
 Repair Catalog File rebuilds the internal chart catalog in
case of problems.
 Update report displays information on the last chart
update session (chart handler or manual update)

Below the Chart Handling menu options, the chart data base synchronisation status of all ECDIS 4500
stations is shown. The list provides a quick and easy overview of the chart handling ‘activity’ of the various
Refer to section 13.5.1 for a more detailed description.

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13.2 ECDIS 4500 World Charts

ECDIS 4500 is pre-loaded with a set of unofficial World charts roughly giving the contours of the continents
and coastal areas. These maps are not suitable for navigation.
This set of World charts is characterized as follows:

Group name World Charts

Number of cells 145
Cell type S-57
Encryption No
Official data No
Cells involved 7CS111, 7CS33333 to 7CS8888

13.3 Chart Handler

The Chart Handler contains the functions to view and modify (load/unload) the ECDIS 4500 database with the
Electronic Navigational Chart (S-57 or ARCS), to manage the cells in S-57 (ENC) format, both official encrypted
S-57 (Primar interface) or Direct-ENC private data, to organise the ARCS raster chart data and to inspect the
chart update status. Moreover, it gives access to the Chart Browser that shows the charts that are available in
the chart catalogue.

 The Chart Handler must not be opened and used at more than one ECDIS client station at the
same time. Synchronisation problems could occur.

13.3.1 Chart loading procedure

 If you want load permits and/or charts: FIRST insert the relevant data carrier(s) into the computer.
The Chart Handler may otherwise not recognise the external device.
 Open Chart Handler
 Select Setting
 Check mark ‘Scan all available removable devices’
 Select Install
 Press button ‘Scan Drives’
 A pop-up window will appear with the available media detected
 Press ‘Ok’ to continue with installation
 Installation may take a while depending of the amount of permits and cells to be loaded
 This may take 2 – 3 hours if all existing cells are to be installed
 At the end of installation the green indicator below the Apply button will changed to yellow
 Press ‘Apply’ to confirm installation of permits or charts

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 It is important to press ‘Apply’ otherwise the permits or charts are not installed.

 Please note that the progress of the chart loading process is indicated by a percentage indicator.
As long the counter is counting towards 100%, the loading process is busy. After reaching 100%,
the loading indicator gets green and the 100% value is removed.

 In case permits are loaded, they are added to the existing set of permits.

13.3.2 General
Chart handling, especially in case of S-63, is a very complex process. To avoid undefined conditions of the
working and installation directory following principle apply:
Data with critical errors will not be installed. Other errors that do not affect the content and status of charts
are reported in logs, but data is accepted for use. Should such errors be reported by the system please
contact your data supplier. In case of non-critical errors it is up to the user to either revert or apply the

13.3.3 Permit Inspection

The About button (right top side of the screen), displays apart from the ChartHandler and Kernel version the
S63 and ARCS User Permits.

Figure 339 ChartHandler About Box

Both the S63 and ARCS User Permit information can be used to order charts from ENC and RNC distributors.

13.3.4 The ChartHandler Interface

The ChartHandler interface includes a chart display area in the upper part and a dedicated panel below.

With the arrows attached to the panel that panel can be enlarged or minimized by dragging the
arrows up or down.

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 The panel cannot be completely hidden. To enlarge it to the maximum, drag the arrows to the
top of the page.

Figure 340 ChartHandler main display

The ChartHandler window is subdivided into three operational and control areas:
 Chart Review Area, modifiable by moving the border, always in north up display (except Polar
 Functional Area, modifiable by moving the border. It includes the following tabs (selectable via the
respective entries in the header of the panel):
o Chart Loading
o Chart Inventory
o Reports
o Settings
o Review Updates
o Manual Updates
o Chart 1
 Toolbar, fixed not modifiable, not removable

The Toolbar contains a predefined number of icons associated with tools available for the chart review area.

Figure 341 ChartHandler Toolbar

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13.3.5 Definition of Source Media

Figure 342 ChartHandler definition of source media

To define the source of the data the Setting tab must be selected first. If removable devices are used to load
data into the ECDIS the option Scan all available removable devices is recommended. For a specific path
within a file structure (for example, if ChartBrowser was used to load updates into a defined folder) select
Scan local path and choose the correct path via the Browse button.

If there is a connection to the Internet you can check Update from ChartWorld Server (FTP) to directly load
the data into your system.

Figure 343 ChartHandler update from FTP Server

 Internet download is only possible if a secure download infrastructure is installed and that your
chart distributor is providing a download service. Please contact RH Marine for advice.

There is no need to define the type or format of chart. ChartHandler automatically recognizes and indicates
the detected type or format.

13.3.6 Permit and Chart Installation

For Permit and Chart Installation the Install tab must be selected.

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 Chart permits should always be installed prior to the charts. In case of ARCS this order is

After the source has been defined in the Settings tab, the chart installation is activated by scanning either
the drive or the ftp account.

Figure 344 ChartHandler Permit and Chart installation

Click on Scan Drives button to initiate scanning the connected media and/ or predefined path. The system
then scans the media for relevant data and upon completion presents the result.

Figure 345 ChartHandler detected permits and charts

Displayed are relevant items that were found on the media. If, for any reason, one of the found items shall
not be installed it is possible to deselect the respective item (e.g. DATA) within this dialogue. It is not
possible to deselect item products.

One of the following options can be selected:

 OK – the system will continue to install all items found on the media (recommended).
 Cancel – cancels the operation.

As soon as the installation is confirmed the system will display the progress bar plus related messages.

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The status indicator will show the interim results of the installation if the system detected
any errors. The indicator will change to yellow in case some errors were detected during data import. The
number of errors is displayed, too.
Should critical errors be detected the indicator will change to yellowish orange, and the affected data will
not be imported.

Figure 346 ChartHandler progress loading permits and charts

The message window will display relevant messages. All messages and actions are recorded in the report file
which is accessible via the button Last Report. A PDF version of the report is also saved in:


 After the loading process is completed, the charts need to be synchronised over all ECDIS
workstations. This is achieved by pressing the Apply button in the Synchronisation section of
Figure 344. Error Messages

For a list of possible error messages see Appendix L: ChartHandler S-63 Error Messages. Status Indications and User Interaction

The update status of the chart collection is displayed in the Synchronization table on the right hand side in
the Settings tab.

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Figure 347 ChartHandler Synchronization

Green (normal): Working and Installation chart repository are synchronized, i.e.
Yellowish orange: Working and Installation chart repository are not identical, i.e. the
installed charts still have to be applied.

After finishing the synchronization the status LED will turn green again. Please be aware that this may take a
few minutes, depending on the volume of installed charts.

Only if all charts were successfully installed the Apply Changes button will be enabled. This button has to be
clicked to start the synchronization process.

The user can reject the result of the latest chart installation by selecting Revert. Please note that Revert will
only be available provided the installation did not run without errors. If all charts were successfully installed
only the Apply Changes button will be enabled. This button has to be clicked to start the synchronization
process on the current station and all stations available via network. If the update ended with errors and the
Revert button was used all stations will turn green again, and recent changes to the chart collection will be
discarded. Any successful completion as well as rejection of the synchronization will be added to each chart
installation report.

If a problem/error has occurred while synchronizing the collection copying will be repeated automatically. In
that case the status indicator will remain yellowish orange.

13.3.7 Chart Inventory

The Chart Inventory displays the status of the chart collection with regard to applied updates and validity of

Figure 348 ChartHandler Inventory

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The table displays the list of items according to the filter selection. Filters can be set for Installation, Expiry
and License bottom left on the screen.

All items available in the service are displayed in the chart view in the upper part of the screen. They are
represented as chart frames/outlines. Installed charts are marked with solid lines while not installed charts
are marked with dotted lines.

Different colours represent the formats/products of the charts:

 S57/S63 – Magenta
 Non official S57/S63 - Black
 ARCS – Green
 Data with “Check” status – Reddish

The same filter settings apply to table and chart view. However, the latter includes graphical frames of all
formats regardless of the format subpage selected.
A right click in the chart list opens a context menu to further manage the charts.

Figure 349 ChartHandler right click on chart entry

Available options:
Select all expired charts selects all charts with expired permits
Clear selection clears the list
Show this Chart centres the screen at the centre of the chart and
changes the scale close to compilation scale of the
selected chart.). No other ENCs/charts will be displayed
Review updates
Manual updates

Once items have been selected, the system will display their number.

Figure 350 ChartHandler delete entry Marking of Charts

Using the hardware keyboard it is possible to mark one or several cells by using following mouse and
keyboard keys.

Left mouse click: Mark one cell

Shift + left mouse click: Mark first/last cell and all in between
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Ctrl + left mouse click: Mark several cells

Ctrl + Up/Down arrow: Mark several cells consecutive Deletion of Charts

Selected items can be deleted.
One or more charts can be deleted as follows:
1. From the table, select the chart(s) to be deleted.
2. Tap on the button .
A confirmation window opens.
3. Confirm the deletion.

 It is also possible to directly Select all expired charts from the context menu, and then to delete
all of them at once.

 It is not possible to delete charts which are available in the data supplier’s service but not
installed. Those charts can be recognized by means of their empty status. Filters
The current table view can be filtered according to the parameters depicted in the figure below.

Figure 351 ChartHandler filter options

 The filters only affect the current table relevant for the selected chart product (S-63, S-57 and

Example - Licensed and installed ENCs

This will list only those ENCs which are licensed and installed, i.e. the permits have been installed before the
respective ENCs were installed.

 Deselect the filter Not installed.

 Deselect the filter Not licensed.

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Figure 352 ChartHandler licensed and installed ENCs

The status of installed ENCs can be OK, NOT UP TO DATE, EXPIRED or EXPIRING.

Not up to date means that the edition number of the installed ENC is smaller than the edition number of
the latest available ENC or if the chart catalogue of the data supplier is older than 28 days.

Expired means that the permit of the ENC has been expired.

Expiring means that the permit of the ENC will expire within the next 30 days.

Example - Licensed but not yet installed ENCs

This will list only those charts which are licensed, i.e. the respective permits have been installed, but for
which the chart data are still missing. The status is indicated with NOT INSTALLED

 Deselect the filter Installed.

 Deselect the filter Not licensed.

Figure 353 ChartHandler licensed but not yet installed ENCs

Example - Available ENCs

This will list all ENCs which are available in the data supplier’s service, but which are not installed. For those
charts there is no status indicated and it is not possible to delete them.

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 Deselect the filter Installed.

 Deselect the filter Licensed.

Figure 354 ChartHandler available ENCs Overview
The charts displayed in the table can be effectively overviewed with respect to number and validity. This
enables to quickly check whether an action is required or not.

Figure 355 ChartHandler overview installed charts Format Subpage

Header of page / subpage is highlighted if there are items to pay attention to.

The subpage provides information on the inventory status for the selected format (S57, S63, ARCS/HRCF):

The table includes the following fields:

 Name (cell/chart name)
 Status (show status of each items with regards to actions required)
 Product (product type)
 Producer (publishing authority, HO)
 Installed Edition (number)
 Installed Update (number of last update)
 Update Date (date of issue of last update)
 Latest Edition Available
 Latest Update Available
 Date of Latest Update
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 Expiry Date
 Data Server
 Last Update Applied (i.e. date when last mentioned update / installation was applied to SENC)
 It is possible to sort data in the table by any field as selected.

The page includes summary section (Installed total, Expired, Expiring next 30 days, Not up to date).

13.3.8 Reports (Not supported)

This chapter describes how to generate reports as PDF files.

Figure 356 ChartHandler reports

The button Generate Report allows for creating a report on the currently loaded chart inventory. Once the
button has been pressed a confirmation window appears to indicate that the report has been successfully
stored in:


This function especially helps to track and later on prove the correct handling of chart work.

 The report only contains official ENCs, provided in S-63 format.

A screenshot of the generated report is depicted on the following page.

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Figure 357 Example report

ENC/Chart = Cell name

DS = Data Sever
Product/Producer = Chart Producer

Edition Installed = from SENC/Catalogue; shows installed edition number

Edition Available = from SENC/Catalogue; shows if a newer edition is available

Update Inst. = from SENC/Catalogue

Update Avail. = from SENC/Catalogue

Update Date = from SENC/Catalogue (to be cross-checked with update date from PRODUCT.TXT to be NOT
older than 2 weeks, otherwise highlight red)

Applied Date = from SENC/Catalogue, date of last update application

Manual Updates = Shows if manual updates were applied to the cell

Licensed until Date = permit validity, amber if less than 30 days left, red if expired

Status = indicates if the update status is not okay

File name and extension are generated automatically. The export is carried out in PDF format.
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 This function is currently not supported by Rhodium Bridge.

13.3.9 Manual Updates (via ChartHandler)

Manual updates may be necessary to avoid dangerous gaps until official updates have been received on
board. Hence these updates should be regarded as temporary corrections.

 Objects which are manually inserted into an official chart can be complemented with an ID;
typically this is the name of the user. This ID must be entered before the chart correction is

Start the manual update editor:

1. Switch to the Chart Inventory.

2. Open the context menu of the selected chart and select Manual Updates.

Now the selected cell is automatically loaded and centred in the chart view. The table provides all tools to
manually correct/supplement the chart with the required objects.

 If you want to view the logged history of applied updates for the specific chart, select the
subpage Review Updates. In Review Updates both automatic updates (official chart updates) and
manual corrections are logged.

View after taking these steps:

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Figure 358 ChartHandler GUI Manual Updates

Once the user has tapped on Manual Correction the respective content will be loaded into the table.

Verification part helps to track the updates applied. The User input ID has to be entered once per session
until the entered updates have been applied or rejected. After that the ID must be entered again.

Whenever an action was taken in this section it can be easily rejected and it will not affect the charts at all.
This is to ensure that no incorrect action will be applied accidentally.

The following editor options are available:

Insert Updates:

1. Start the manual update editor as described above.

2. Type Information about update, Type the Object Name (optional).
3. Select an object by left click (the object will be highlighted in the table as an indicator that the
activation was successful).
The object preview is scrollable.
4. Touch at the correct position on the chart display to create the object. A handle will appear
providing the opportunity to further move the object.
The object appears at the selected position with an orange user mark.

 The Edit button in the Toolbar is activated once the manual updating process has been started. If
it had been disabled (e.g. in case the updating process was interrupted and it was to ensure that
meanwhile no objects were added to the cell) it will not be possible to insert objects until Edit is
enabled again.
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Figure 359 ChartHandler inserted manual update

 Objects which are defined by more than one position, e.g. lines or areas (multi point objects),
have to be finished by creating the last point above the first, or by tapping the text on the chart
`Click here to finish`.

Delete Updates from the chart:

1. Start the manual update editor as described above.
2. On the chart, select an object to be deleted by right click. A context menu will open, providing the
option to delete an object. Once acknowledged, a window will appear listing all objects which are
available at this spot.

Please note that all actions can easily be recovered using Undo. For rejecting Undo actions use Redo.

Move Objects:
1. Start the manual update editor as described above.
2. Once the desired object is visible in the chart view and the Edit button is enabled every object has a
handle to facilitate moving the object.

Withdraw Updates:
1. Start the manual update editor as described above.
2. Open the context menu on the desired object and tap on Withdraw Updates (ensure that the Edit-
function is enabled, i.e. the lettering is blue).

The original chart object is re-established.

Figure 360 ChartHandler result of withdrawing an update

13.3.10 Review Updates

Use case:
New updates have been loaded into the ECDIS and the user wants to inquire which updates have been
applied to the charts.

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The Chart Inventory provides the option to sort the charts according to headline information such as Last
Update Applied. This functionality can assist the user to identify the currently updated charts (if, for example,
he wants to view the latest updates).

To view the changes applied by updates open the context menu of the marked cell in the Inventory and
select Review Updates.

To select a cell there are two possibilities:

1. Select the cell from the Inventory so that it is highlighted.
2. Select the desired chart from the chart view via context menu. The context menu will display all cells
located at the position where the context menu was opened.

After the context menu of the marked cell was opened and the Review Updates function was selected the
chart view will change accordingly and display only the selected chart.

 If a cell is delivered to the system as a new edition and no updates have been applied so far the
table will be empty.

The figure below depicts a table view listing the available updates.

Figure 361 ChartHandler GUI of Review Updates

To visually go through the updates in the chart it is possible to use the keyboard buttons Up and Down, or
tap on the respective items in case a touchscreen is used. The next update will be automatically highlighted.

The table view to review updates can be filtered for Manual, for Automatic Updates (delivered by
ChartWorld), or for both at once.

Figure 362 ChartHandler show updates

In addition a date range can be defined.

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Figure 363 ChartHandler show update time span

13.3.11 Chart1
ChartHandler offers a chart legend with an overview of all display symbols according to Chart 1 (INT 1).

Open Chart 1 as follows:

1. Click on Chart 1.
The field below will display the cells available for Chart1.
2. Click on one of the Index buttons, e.g. Port Features.
The chart view will load the chart including the related symbols according to S52 3.4 Standard. The
cell is automatically centred with an appropriate range to oversee the complete part of chart 1.
3. To get details of a specific symbol the pick report can be used. Once the pick report is active and
user selects a symbol by touching on it the legend of the object will be displayed.

Figure 364 ChartHandler chart 1

With the categories listed in the table you can check the brightness settings.

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13.4 Manual Update (via ECDIS)

Manual Update allows the operator manually update a chart, just as an official Chart Update would do. It
means that he can add navigational symbols, such as a beacon, mark, light, obstruction etc., to a selected
chart, or move, annotate or delete SENC objects from the chart.
The pick report of a manually updated object gives the update information: time of the update and type of
update, and shows any Remarks that may have been entered in the update window (see example Figure

 Manual Update can be applied to both ENC and ARCS charts.

 Manual Update must not be used at more than one ECDIS client station at the same time.
Synchronisation problems could occur.

Manual updates saved with chart

The manual updates are saved with the chart cell. This means that a manual update is only applied to and
visible in the updated chart cell. The updates are not saved in a separate ‘layer’ that can be viewed with
other charts that cover the same area! Updates in overlapping chart areas, or in areas for which charts with
different usages exist, must be made on all charts separately. See also section 13.4.5.

Notices to mariners
Manual updates are generally required by Notices to mariners, and with each manual update the operator
must enter a reference to the relevant Ntm. This makes it possible to track back any additional data related
to the update. The pick report of a manually updated object shows the Ntm reference.

If the ECDIS 4500 configuration contains more than one ECDIS station, manual updates are automatically
synchronised on other stations. Synchronisation can be delayed. See section 1.6.

13.4.1 Manual Update screen

When the Chart Handling  Manual Update function is activated, the system asks the user to select the
chart to be updated.

Click in the required chart, the screen changes to Manual Update mode with the selected chart in the chart
area and the update function selection buttons at right. See Figure 366.
At the bottom of the Update functions panel the Cursor position is shown, and the name of the chart cell
that is being updated.

 Remember that the manual updates will only apply to the selected chart. Make sure whether
other charts exist at the update location(s). If necessary repeat the update on these other charts
as well.

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Manual update functions

Manual update contains the following functions (see Figure 366):
 Insert object
 Annotate object
 Delete object
 Move object
 Withdraw update: cancels a selected (set of) manual update(s)
 Withdrawn updates: lists all cancelled manual updates

Manual update cannot really remove SENC objects that belong to the chart cell, but it can add an indication
on the chart that informs the user that the original chart data have been altered. See sections 13.4.3 to

Withdraw applies to both SENC objects and manually inserted objects alike.

Manually inserted objects are identified by the ‘manually updated’ symbol: a short orange line and circle.
See Figure 370.

Since ARCS charts are bitmap charts, actual objects are not recognised as such. If the update involves
selecting a specific object, the user is simply asked to point at the relevant location in the chart.

Figure 365 Manual update, point ARCS chart

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Figure 366 Manual Update screen

Scale Filter
If the amount of chart information is going to clutter up the screen, a Scale Filter is applied. A warning text
appears to inform the operator. See Figure 366.

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13.4.2 Insert object

To insert an object the user can choose from an extensive

object icon list. When the cursor is over an icon, the name
of the object appears in the bottom text field (Figure 367).

 Click the required icon
 Click in the chart at the position where the object
must be inserted
 Fine-tune the position in the Insert Object
window, if necessary (Figure 368)
 Set Duration limit if necessary (Figure 369).
Duration limit is the time that the object must be
visible in the chart.
Toggle the selection box On, and enter the
required start and end date (Figure 369). Press
 Enter a name or remark in the Remark field. This
remark becomes an attribute in the object’s pick
report. It also is recorded as ‘Information’ in the
Withdrawn Updates list. So enter a remark that
can help you to identify what you did, or any
other useful text.
 Enter the number or name of the Notice to
Mariners which announced the update (if any). If
the update is not related to a Ntm, enter another
identifying name or number. The withdrawal
function requires such identification. See section
 Press OK. The object is inserted.

Figure 367 Insert object, identify icon

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Figure 369 Duration limit window

Figure 368 Insert object window

The manually inserted object appears in the

chart (Figure 370). Manual updates are
identified with a short orange line extending
from the object and ending in a circle.

In the ‘Objects’ section of the pick report the

object is underlined to identify it as manually
updated. When selected in the ‘Objects’ field,
its ‘Attributes’ section shows the Remark, Ntm
reference (Figure 371) and (if applicable)
Duration limit as entered in the ‘Insert object’
and ‘Duration limit’ windows.

Figure 371 Pick report of manually inserted object

Figure 370 Manually inserted object

Max number of inserted objects

There is no limit to the number of objects that can be inserted.

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13.4.3 Annotate object

With the Annotate Object function the user can add a remark or observation to a chart object.

 The ‘Annotate object’ function is only available for chart objects of the SENC chart, and not for
manually inserted objects.

 Select the ‘Annotate object’ function
 Click on the object in the chart
 The ‘Select feature’ window appears,
listing all features present at the
clicked position.
Select the feature that must be
annotated and click OK
Figure 372 Annotate object, Select feature

Set Duration limit, if required

Enter an annotation Remark. This is recorded in
the pick report and as ‘Information’ in the
Withdrawn Updates list. So enter a remark that
can help you to identify what you did, or any
other useful text.
Enter the reference to the Ntm that announced
the annotation. Required for withdrawal
function (see section 13.4.7).
Figure 373 Annotate object window
Click OK

The object is annotated/updated, which is indicated by the short orange line and circle. The pick report
shows the annotation information.

In the ‘Objects’ section of the pick report the object is

underlined to identify it as manually updated.

In the ‘Attributes’ section the Remark and the Ntm reference

are shown.
Figure 374 Annotation in pick report

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13.4.4 Move object

The function ‘Move object’ moves a selected object, i.e. it places a copy of the selected object symbol at the
new position and indicates that the ‘old’ position is no longer valid.

 The function is only available for chart objects in the SENC chart, and not for manually inserted

 Select the ‘Move object’ function
 Click in the chart at the object
that must be moved
 The ‘Select feature’ window
appears (Figure 375). Select the
feature that must be moved. If
more than one feature is present
at the clicked position all are
listed in the ‘Select feature
object’ window. Press OK.
 Click in the chart at the new
position. The Move object Figure 375 Move object, Select feature
window appears.

 Fine-tune the new position, if

 Press Duration limit and set a
Duration time, if required. Click
 Enter a Remark. This is recorded
in the pick report and as
‘Information’ in the Withdrawn
Updates list. So enter a remark
Figure 376 Move object window
that can help you to identify
what you did, or any other useful

 Enter reference to Ntm that

announced the update.
Necessary for withdrawal
function (see section 13.4.7).
 Click OK

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 The object is moved. The object

symbol is placed at the new
position (right); the ‘old’ symbol
is stricken through (left). Figure
377 shows the moved object in
the Manual Update screen and
the ECDIS screen. Figure 377 Moved SENC object in Manual update screen (left)and
ECDIS screen (right)

The pick report at the old position is shown in

Figure 378.
At the old position the name of the object ‘buoy,
cardinal etc.’ is struck through.
At the new position the object identity in the
Objects list is underlined to indicate that the
object is a manually updated object.
The Attributes section shows the Remark and
Ntm reference entered (Figure 376).

Figure 378 Pick report moved object at 'old' position

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13.4.5 Move object under other chart

Manual updates apply to the selected chart only. In the Manual Update window the entire chart selected for
update is shown. Part of the chart, however, may in the ECDIS screen be ‘overruled’ by another, better chart.
If this is the case, the user should be careful not to move an object to part of the selected chart that will not
be visible in the ECDIS screen.
In Figure 379 and Figure 380 this has happened. Figure 379 shows the Manual Update screen, the buoy at
position 1 has been moved to position 2.
The area at left, where position 2 occurs, is, however, covered by a better chart, which consequently is the
chart shown in the ECDIS screen. The chart boundary is indicated in Figure 380 by the grey vertical line.
Since the update, in this case, has only been made on the chart that covers the right hand side of the ECDIS
screen, the updated position ‘disappears’ under the better chart at left. For the update to be visible, it must
also be made on this better chart.

Figure 379 Moved object in Manual Update screen

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Figure 380 Moved object disappears in ECDIS screen

13.4.6 Delete object

Delete object can be applied to both manually inserted objects and to SENC objects that belong to the
chart. In the first case, the manually inserted object is simply removed, in the latter case, the object remains
in the chart, but a line is drawn through the symbol to indicate that the object is not valid anymore.

Procedure: Delete manually inserted object

 Select the ‘Delete object’ function

 Click in the chart at the object that must be deleted
 The ‘Select feature’ window appears, listing all features present at the clicked position.
Select the feature that must be deleted and click OK
 The action is recorded in the Withdrawn updates list (see Figure 382) as ‘Removed previously
inserted …’)

 A manually inserted object can also be withdrawn. In that case, however, it is withdrawn together
with all other manual updates that belong to the same Ntm reference.

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Procedure: Delete SENC object

 Select the ‘Delete object’ function
 Click in the chart at the object that must be deleted
 The ‘Select feature’ window appears, listing all features present at the clicked position.
Select the feature that must be deleted and click OK.
 Set Duration limit, enter a Remark and the Ntm reference. Press OK.
N.B. The Remark is recorded in the pick report and as ‘Information’ in the Withdrawn Updates list.
So enter a remark that can help you to identify what you did, or any other useful text.
 The object is deleted, i.e. its symbol is stricken through (left)
 In the pick report of the object the object is stricken through.

13.4.7 Withdraw update(s) and Withdrawn updates list

The ‘Withdraw update’ function cancels all manual updates that belong to one or more Notices to mariners.
The function applies to both manually inserted objects and updates applied to SENC objects in the chart
(annotate, move, delete). The user can select whether Withdraw should be applied to all ENC and ARCS
charts, to all ARCS charts or to the current chart only.

 Press ‘Withdraw update’

 Select the chart set from which the
update(s) must be withdrawn.
Toggle the required option on.
 Select the update set that must be
withdrawn (Ntm reference) from the
drop-down list
 Press ‘Withdraw update’
 Press OK in the confirmation
 Repeat for the next set of updates
(Ntm reference) to be removed (if
 When all updates have been
removed, press Done’.

Figure 381 Withdraw updates, select charts and update set

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Click the ‘Withdrawn updates’ button to view

the list of all cancelled manual updates.

In Figure 382 the upper item: ‘Removed

previously annotated object’ refers to a
manually annotated object that was either
deleted or withdrawn.
The second item: ‘Removed object’ refers to
a SENC object that was deleted, but, with the
Withdrawn function, was restored again.

If an ‘Insert’ or ‘Move’ update is withdrawn,

the withdraw action is called: “Removed
previously inserted/moved object’.
Figure 382 Withdrawn updates list

13.5 Synchronisation of the chart database

Chart Handling actions can be either loading, updating, removing charts

as done in the Chart Handler, or manually updating a chart with the
Manual Update functionality.

These actions are done at a specific ECDIS 4500 workstation. If the

system configuration includes more than one ECDIS 4500 client, the
other workstations are warned that changes to the chart data base have
been made and that the chart database at the other workstations must
be synchronised. This synchronisation process is started automatically.

Figure 383 Chart handling


Synchronisation of the chart data base is automatically started as soon as chart handling (or manual chart
update) is finished and the Chart Handler (or the Manual update screen) is closed. On the screens of the
other stations a warning appears that synchronisation is about to start. The operator has 15 secs in which to
decide whether to accept synchronisation at this moment, or postpone it. Delay may be necessary, if, for
instance, at a certain station route planning is in progress. See section 13.5.2.

13.5.1 Synchronisation status

The synchronisation status with respect to chart data base is monitored and reported by the Sync Status
information. This information appears in Chart Handling display mode in the right hand side menu area. It
shows the ECDIS 4500 workstations and their status with respect to chart data base and route activation
synchronisation as ‘seen’ by the current ECDIS 4500 station.

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Seven different statuses are recognised: Idle, Waiting, Editing, Receiving, Installing, Unknown, and Error. The
background colour of the names in the list is grey, orange, yellow or red. If the background is red, this
means that there is no connection between that ECDIS station and the current station, or that there is a
conflict between the two stations.

 Idle
‘Idle’ is the normal status of an ECDIS station. Its
synchronisation is up-to-date; it is ‘accessible’ from
other station(s) and there is no conflict.
The background of the station’s name in the list is
grey. See Figure 384.

 Waiting
an ECDIS station with status ‘Waiting’’ has received a
message that synchronisation is required, but it
operator has for some reason requested the
synchronisation to be delayed, for instance because
he is busy with route planning. The background of the
name in the list is orange. Figure 384 Sync status, example

 Editing
‘Editing’ indicates that the station is involved in a chart data editing action, i.e. the Chart Handler of
Manual Update has been opened. The background of the name in the list is grey.

 Receiving
an ECDIS station with status ‘Receiving’ is busy with the synchronisation process, it is receiving data.
The background of the name in the list is yellow. See Figure 384. Progress is indicated with a small
green bar.
Be aware that ‘Receiving’ may cause a considerable network load and may (temporarily) impair
performance of the ECDIS 4500 system.

 Installing
The status ‘Installing’ indicates that the station is installing the received synchronisation data. The
background of the name in the list is yellow.
If synchronisation involves the update of a large chart data base, the installation may take some
time. A message in the screen will keep the operator informed of progress. Progress is indicated
with a small green bar.

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 Unknown
an ECDIS station with status ‘Unknown’ is NOT ‘accessible’ for synchronisation from the current
workstation. This may mean that the station is physically disconnected, or that there is a conflict
which prevents synchronisation. This latter situation may for instance occur when a station is
temporarily disconnected and comes back on line while in the meantime things have changed. See
section 11.2.1, synchronisation conflict.
The background of the name in the list is red. See Figure 384.

 Error
The status 'Error' (red) indicates that the data transport during the state 'Receiving' (yellow) didn't
progress for x seconds (variably 30-60 seconds).
Hovering over that Sync Status will display a tooltip listing the missing files.
This allows a user to remedy the issue.
In case of a missing route, the user could for example create a route with the same name and save
it. (After which he may need to restart the ecdis on which the route was created.)
In case of another missing file, (mostly charts), either doing something in Chart Handler or
Synchronize bypass might help.

13.5.2 Delay synchronisation

The operator can postpone the automatic synchronisation, for instance when he is engaged in route
planning and does not want to interrupt that work. In that case, the synchronisation must be carried out at a
later moment.

When synchronisation is started, the other ECDIS 4500 stations receive a warning that synchronisation is
about to start (Figure 385).

Figure 385 Postpone chart data base synchronisation

Press the Cancel button, within 15 secs, to delay installation of the updates.
Press ‘Apply now’ to accept the updates, or wait, after 15 secs the synchronisation starts automatically.

13.5.3 Synchronize

When synchronisation has been delayed, the Sync status of the station is “Waiting’, its background is yellow.
To carry out the synchronisation, press the function button ‘Synchronise’ in the Chart Handling menu, which
in this situation becomes accessible.

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13.6 Repair Catalog File

Press “Repair Catalog File’ if, for some reason, the system’s internal chart catalog has become corrupted and
no charts are shown anymore (Figure 383). The catalog is rebuilt, which may solve the problem.

13.7 ENC Update Report (full chart portfolio)

13.7.1 Introduction

The menu Chart Handling / ENC Update Report

provides ENC Update and Management reports.
This function provides an overview of the ENC
update status in relation to the full chart portfolio
in five different reports:
 ENC Update Report: Summary
 ENC Update Report: Full
 ENC Management Report: Full
 ENC Management Report: Action
Required Figure 386 Report header
 ENC Management Report: Not Up to Date

13.7.2 Update Report Terminology

To understand the terminology as used in the ENC reports, please refer to paragraph The
terminology used for ENC Update Reports for a full chart catalogue is identical to the in this chapter
described terminology for cells along a specific route.

13.7.3 Update Report Layout

The ENC status report provides the following information fields:

Figure 387 Report layout

Report field Description

Vessel Name: Name of the vessel

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Report field Description

ENC Update Date of the last ENC update
Reference Date
Report Date Creation date of the report
Content All Charts
Table 27 Report field overview

For the “Chart Status Summary” field description please refer to text of paragraph

13.7.4 Report menu buttons

For a description of the Report menu buttons please refer to text of paragraph

13.7.5 Update Reports

Figure 388 Example of ENC Update Status Report: Summary

Figure 389 Example of ENC Update Status Report: Full

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Figure 390 Example of ENC Management Report: Full

Figure 391 Example of ENC Management Report: Action Required

Figure 392 Example of ENC Management Report: Not Up to Date

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Appendix A: Alarms and Alarm Groups

In an integrated bridge environment, the ECDIS alarms are broadcasted to the pilot system. An alarm group
message appears on the Conning, and the operator should inspect the ECDIS screen to see the specific
message. The transmitted ECDIS alarm groups are: Navigation, Monitoring, IO and System.
The content of the alarm groups as sent to the pilot system are shortly described below.

Navigation (ship’s navigation)

Off course/track/route Adjust steering and/or propulsion settings
Ship moving away from waypoint Inspect situation, adjust steering
Course change Accept alarm
End of route Accept alarm
Dangerous target Inspect situation, change course
Tender tracking Go and assist tender (Panic and MOB).
If Out of Range alarm occurs too often, adapt range.

Monitoring alarm group (ship’s safe passage)

Watchdog alarms Inspect alarm and take appropriate measures

IO alarm group (external data)

Problems with sending or receiving Connection with sensor server lost?
sensor data. Check other PCs and other alarms to assess problem.
Maximum number of Arpa or AIS Inspect situation. If necessary, adapt settings: automatic
targets is reached. acquisition zone, land masks, AIS sleeping target range.

System alarm group (problems within ECDIS system)

Watchdog failure Watchdog cannot function for some reason. System will try to
solve problem. If successful, alarm disappears. If not successful,
quit ECDIS, restart PC.
DENC/ARCS db corruption The system cannot initialise the chart data base. Use the ‘Repair
Catalog’ function in the Chart Handler display menu. If not
successful, restart ECDIS.
Dongle disconnection Dongle connection lost or problem with the registration.
Re-insert the dongle, the system tries to solve the problem. If
not successful, quit ECDIS, restart PC.

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Appendix B: Watchdog Warnings object classes

This chapter lists the object classes that Watchdog warns about. Attributes may be preceded by DISTANCE,
HEIGHT or DEPTH, which are checked against the ship's safety distance, ship´s height and draught as defined
with the menu Monitoring/Voyage/Safety Values. A text or display may be given preceded by INFORMATION,
WARNING or DANGER. The list is also used in the Check Route function where the values are checked against
the safety parameters of the route check.

Anchor berth WARNING:Anchor

Anchor point WARNING:Anchor

Beacon, cardinal WARNING:Beacon

Beacon, isolated danger WARNING:Beacon
Beacon, lateral WARNING:Beacon
Beacon , safe water WARNING:Beacon
Beacon, special purpose/general WARNING:Beacon

Berth DANGER: Berthing

Buoy , cardinal WARNING:Buoy

Buoy , installation WARNING:Buoy
Buoy, isolated danger WARNING:Buoy
Buoy, lateral WARNING:Buoy
Buoy, safe water WARNING:Buoy
Buoy , special purpose/general WARNING:Buoy

Bridge DANGER:Bridge
Berthing , facility WARNING:Berthing

Causeway WARNING: Causeway

Cable, overhead DANGER: Cable
Chain , wire WARNING: Chain
Coastline WARNING: Coast
Caution , area WARNING: Caution
Cargo transhipment area WARNING: Cargo

Depth area DANGER: DepthArea

Depth contour DANGER: DepthContour

Diffusor DANGER: Diffusor

Dredged area DANGER: DredgeArea
Dry dock WARNING: Dock

Fairway WARNING: Fairway

Floating dock WARNING: Dock
Fishing facility WARNING: Fishing
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Fish Havn DANGER: Fishing

Gate DANGER: Gate

Hulk WARNING: Hulk

Incineration Area WARNING: Incineration

Intertidal area WARNING: Intertidal

Light WARNING: Light

Light float WARNING: Light
Light, moire effect WARNING: Light
Light vessel WARNING: Vessel
Land area WARNING: Land
Landing Place WARNING: Land
Landing Stairs WARNING: Land
Log pond WARNING: Pond

Mooring/Warping facility WARNING: Monument

Mast WARNING: Mast

Obstruction DANGER: Obstruction

Offshore platform WARNING:Platform
Oil barrier WARNING:Barrier

Pile WARNING: Pile

Pingo DANGER: Obstruction
Pipeline, overhead DANGER: Pipeline
Pipeline, submarine/on land DANGER: Pipeline
Pontoon WARNING: Ponton
Production Installation WARNING: Installation
Pylon/bridge Support WARNING: Pylon
Restrict Area WARNING: Restriction
Rescue station WARNING: Rescuestation

Radar transponder beacon WARNING: Beacon

Shoreline construction WARNING: Construction

Slipway WARNING: Slipway

Swept Area DANGER: Sweptarea

Telepheric DANGER: Height

Tower TWARNING: Tower
Traffic separation line WARNING: Trafficzone

Traffic separation zone WARNING:Trafficzone

Traffic separation scheme boundary WARNING:Trafficzone

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Underwater/awash rock DANGER: Obstruction

Wire WARNING: Wire

Wreck DANGER:Wreck

Zero Meter – Contour WARNING: Zerometer

Danger highlight DANGER: Dangerzone

Vessel l WARNING: Vessel

AIS – Target WARNING:Vessel

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Appendix C: AIS related VDM messages

The following VDM message structure is supported by ECDIS 4500:

Message Description Accepted by ECDIS

identifier 4500
1,2,3 Position Report – scheduled, assigned or response Yes
to polling
4 Base Station Report – UTC/data and current slot Yes
5 Static and Voyage Related Data – Class A SME Yes
6,7,8 Binary Messages – addressed, acknowledge or No
9 Standard SAR Aircraft Position Report Yes
10,11 UTC/Date – enquiry and response No
12 Safety Related Message – addressed Yes
13 Safety Related Message – acknowledge No
14 Safety Related Message – broadcast Yes
15 Interrogation Request for specific message type No
16 Assignment Mode Command – by competent No
17 DGNSS Broadcast Binary Message No
18,19 Class B SME Position Report – standard and Yes
extended reports
20 Data Link Management – reserve slot for Base No
21 Aids to Navigation Report – position and status Yes
22 Channel Management No
Table 28 Primary AIS Message Types

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Appendix D: BAM messages

The following BAM messages are supported by ECDIS 4500:

Message Description Comment

ALC Cyclic Alert List List of current outstanding alerts
ALF Alert Sentence Details of a new alert
ACN Alert Command Alert command e.g. acknowledge
HBT Heartbeat Provides a heartbeat to identify that all connected devices
and cam are alive and responsive
ALR Alert transfer to BNWAS Transfers Alert to BNWAS in case the navigator does not
react on the Alert

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Appendix E: Past track log file

This appendix gives an example of the Past Track List file that the user can export with the Export Past Track
data functionality (

 Please note that the file as shown below has been severely manipulated to shorten it to an
acceptable length. Where data was removed, the file states: ‘etcetera’.

The first section of the file lists the navigational information, such as date, time, ship’s position (Lon/Lat),
Heading, SOG and such. Each line is preceded by an index number, in this example 160 – 170.
These index numbers return in other sections, and so connect data that belong together. All data with the
same index number (navigational data, visible ENC charts info, ARCS chart info, AIS and ARPA target info)
relate to the same date and time.

The charts listed in the file are the charts that have been visible on screen. These are not necessarily the
charts that the ship has moved on. Charts that the operator has displayed for whatever other reason are
listed as well.

In the example below, no AIS and ARPA targets occur. An example of AIS entries from another past track file
is added at the end

The section with UI actions is a selection of the full list and spans half a minute only.

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Past track log file (example)

The following 4 pages show a past track log file. Please note that the pages slightly overlap.

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AIS target entries (example)

The list below shows an example of the AIS target entries in a past track log file.

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Appendix F: Display  Focus  Task  Function

Display mode Focus Task Function Remarks
ECDIS Display Chart Chart Work Highlight danger User defined dangers
Dividers Distance measurement
Clearing line
Tidal stream
Point object
Erase User objects
Recalculation grids
Position from distance and
Nav. Calculator bearing
Distance and bearing from
View Updates

Chart Printing Print Display

Print Chart Only
Print Paper Chart

Route Storage Load
Save as
Delete All
Load SAR Pattern
Import and export of route files.
Delete route.

Construction Defaults
Create Route
Move Waypoint
Insert Waypoint
Remove waypoint or legline
Delete Waypoint/Leg NOT from selected or active

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Display mode Focus Task Function Remarks

Removes all waypoints and
Delete Route leglines from construction
except selected or active route
Default waypoint and legline
Route Settings
parameters. Index lines
Route Check Checks a route on dangers

Advanced Select Route Create route

Deselect Route
Deselect Leg
Refers to selected route:
Edit Route Change waypoint position
Edit waypoint/legline parameters
Waypoint List
ENC Update Report

Make selected route active.

Operation Voyage Activate WP
Route must have been saved.
Info on current active and next
Past Track list
Alert History All danger/warning messages

Sensors SMC Server: x Only if two SMC servers present

Position sensor selection.
Pos: <name>
DR setting.
Heading: <name>
LOG: <name>

Frame Frame Size

Frame Move
Frame Auto
Frame Reset

Control HDG setpoint Heading control setpoint

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Display mode Focus Task Function Remarks

Track setpoint Track control setpoint
DP setpoint DP setpoint

Chart Handling Chart Handling

Manual Update
Repair Catalog
Update report
Chart1 Display

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Appendix G: Physical AIS AtoN symbols

Emergency North cardinal

wreck mark mark

East cardinal South cardinal West cardinal

mark mark mark

Port hand Starboard Isolated

mark hand mark danger

Safe water Special mark

Off Posn Unlit Racon err

Off position Lights failure Racon failure

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Appendix H: Virtual AIS AtoN symbols

Emergency North cardinal

wreck mark mark

East cardinal South cardinal West cardinal

mark mark mark

Port hand Starboard Isolated

mark hand mark danger

Safe water Special mark

(IALA dictionary, topmarks)

Intended location of missing AtoN

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Appendix I: SAR AIS AtoN symbols


Aircraft vessel and rescue

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Appendix J: Wind speeds in knots

Symbol Speed [kn] Range [kn]

0 0–2
5 3–7
10 8 – 12
15 13 – 17
20 18 – 22
25 23 – 27
30 28 – 32
35 33 – 37
40 38 – 42
45 43 – 47
50 48 – 52
55 53 – 57
60 58 – 62
65 63 – 67
70 68 – 72
75 73 – 77
80 78 – 82
85 83 – 87
90 88 – 92
95 93 – 97
100 98 – 102

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Appendix K: Direction of Usage

Durability and resistance to environmental conditions

ECDIS 4500 is designed to work under the following environmental condition category:

Category B: protected from the weather (formerly class B);

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Appendix L: ChartHandler S-63 Error Messages

Error Error/Warning Message Implementation Technical Description


SSE 01 Self-Signed Key is invalid Not relevant, should not be SSE 01 must be returned when a
displayed to customers. It affects the self- signed key (SSK) cannot be
initial process between SA and DS. validated against the public stored
as part of the SSK. The data server
must check that its own SSK is valid
before sending it to the SA. The SA
will confirm that the date server SSK
before returning the SA signed data
server certificate.

SSE 02 Format of Self-Signed Key file is Not relevant, should not be SSE 02 must be returned if the SSK is
incorrect displayed to customers. It affects the wrongly formatted. That is if
initial process between SA and DS. elements of the SSK or characters
are missing. The SA and data servers
must complete this check.

SSE 03 SA Signed Data Server Certificate is Not relevant, should not be SSE 03 must be returned if the SA
invalid displayed to customers. It affects the signed data server certificate does
initial process between SA and DS. not authenticate correctly against
SA public key. This validation process
must be carried out by the SA before
supplying it to the data server. The
data server must validate the SA
certificate received from the SA. The
data client must validate the SA
certificate contained in the ENC
signature file prior to decryption.

SSE 04 Format of SA Signed DS Certificate is Not relevant, should not be SSE 04 must be returned if the SA
incorrect displayed to customers. It affects the signed data server certificate is
initial process between SA and DS. wrongly formatted. This must be
carried out by the data server on
receipt from the SA.

SSE 05 SA Digital Certificate (X509) file is The scheme administrator’s SSE 05 must be returned if there is
not available. A valid certificate can certificate is not installed on the no certificate installed on the data
be obtained from the IHO website or ECDIS/ECS. It can be obtained client, or the path cannot be found.
your data supplier. from the IHO website (IHO.CRT).

SSE 06 The SA Signed Data Server The data cannot be validated. The SSE 06 must be returned if the SA
Certificate is invalid. The SA may certificate does not validate digital certificate (public key) does
have issued a new public key or the against the signature file. Either not validate against the following:
ENC may originate from another the certificate is corrupted or SA digital certificate will not validate
service. A new SA public key can be outdated, or the data signature is against the SA public key.

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Error Error/Warning Message Implementation Technical Description

obtained from the IHO website or corrupted. In either case the data The SA public key contained in the
from your data supplier. server needs to be contacted. digital certificate will not
authenticate against the signature
contained in the ENC signature file.
This could be a case of the certificate
being invalid, or an invalid or badly
formatted signature.

SSE 07 SA signed DS Certificate file is not Not relevant, should not be SSE 07 must be returned if the SA
available. A valid certificate can be displayed to customers. It affects the signed data server certificate is not
obtained from the IHO website or initial process between SA and DS. available to the data server for
your data supplier. checking or is not present in the ENC
signature file when the data client
attempts to authenticate it.

SSE 08 SA Digital Certificate (X509) file The scheme administrator’s SSE 08 must be returned if the SA
incorrect format. A valid certificate certificate is corrupted. A new one public key held in the SA digital
can be obtained from the IHO can be obtained from the IHO certificate is wrongly formatted or
website or your data supplier. website (IHO.CRT). the certificate file is unreadable.

SSE 09 ENC Signature is invalid The data signature is invalid. This SSE 09 must be returned if the ENC
may happen when copying data to signature element in the ENC
a USB stick, for instance. The data signature file does not authenticate
server needs to be contacted. against the data server public key
contained in the certificate element
of the ENC signature file.

SSE 10 Permits not available for this Data SSE 10 must be returned if there are
Server. Contact your data supplier to no cell permits available for a
obtain the correct permits. particular data server corresponding
to the exchange set that was loaded.

SSE 11 Cell Permit file not found. Load the SSE 11 must be returned if there are
permit file provided by the data no permits installed on the system.

SSE 12 Cell Permit format is incorrect. SSE 12 must be returned if the cell
Contact your data supplier and permits are formatted incorrectly.
obtain a new permit file.

SSE 13 Cell Permit is invalid (checksum is SSE 13 must be returned if the

incorrect). Contact your data supplier calculated CRC of the cell permit
and obtain a new permit file. does not validate against the CRC
held in that cell permit [Data
Clients]. This may be a HW_ID
problem, corruption during
transmission or the permits are for
a different system.

SSE 14 Incorrect system date, check that the SSE 14 must be returned if the
computer clock (if accessible) is set system date does not agree with the

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Error Error/Warning Message Implementation Technical Description

correctly or contact your system date obtained from any alternative,
supplier. reliable date source, e.g. GPS [Data

SSE 15 Subscription service has expired. This message is displayed in case the SSE 15 must be returned if the expiry
Please contact your data supplier to cell permit expiry date is earlier than date of the cell permit is earlier than
renew the subscription license. the date received from the system that obtained from the validated
clock. system date [Data Clients].

SSE 16 ENC CRC value is incorrect. Contact The extracted S-57 file is validated SSE 16 must be returned if the
your data supplier as ENC(s) may be with a checksum that is stored calculated CRC value of the ENC
corrupted, or data are missing. within the catalogue. If this check (after decryption and
fails this error message is issued. decompression) does not validate
against the corresponding CRC value
in the CATALOG.031 file. This also
applies to the unencrypted
signature, text and picture files [Data

SSE 17 User permit is invalid (checksum is SSE 17 must be returned if the CRC
incorrect). Check that the correct contained in the user permit does
hardware device (dongle) is not validate against the calculated
connected or contact your system CRC of the extracted HW_ID [Data
supplier to obtain a valid user Servers].

SSE 18 HW_ID is in incorrect format. SSE 18 must be returned if the if the

decrypted HW_ID extracted from the
user permit is incorrectly formatted
[Data Servers].

SSE 19 Permits are not valid for this system.

Contact your data supplier to obtain
the correct permits.

SSE 20 Subscription service will expire in SSE 20 must be returned if the

less than 30 days. Please contact subscription licence is due to
your data supplier to renew the expire within 30 days or less.
subscription licence.

SSE 21 Decryption failed, no valid cell No permit found for the permit file. SSE 21 must be returned if a valid
permit found. Permits may be for cell key (decryption key) cannot be
another system or new permits may obtained from the relevant cell
be required. Please contact your permit to enable the system to
supplier to obtain a new licence. decrypt the corresponding ENC cell.

SSE 22 SA Digital Certificate (X509) has The scheme administrator SSE 22 must be returned if the SA
expired. A new SA public key can be certificate (IHO.CRT) has expired. Digital Certificate (X509) has expired.
obtained from the IHO website or A new one can be obtained from That is if the “Valid to” date in the
from your data supplier. the IHO website (IHO.CRT).

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Error Error/Warning Message Implementation Technical Description

certificate is older than the validated
system date.

SSE 23 Non sequential update, previous SSE 23 must be returned if the

update(s) missing. Try reloading imported ENC update is not
from the base media. If the problem sequential with the latest update
persists contact your data supplier. already contained in the SENC for
any given cell. Under these
conditions the update process (for
the cell) must be terminated, and the
ECDIS is to display a warning when
the cell is displayed stating that the
cell is not up to date and should not
be used for navigation.

SSE 24 ENC Signature format incorrect, Equals SSE 09. SSE 24 must be returned if the ENC
contact your data supplier. signature format (first R & S pair) is
not compatible with the format
outlined in this document. Under
these conditions the import process
for the cell should be terminated but
the system should continue to
authenticate the integrity of any
remaining cells.

SSE 25 Viewer – “The permit for ENC<cell SSE 25 must be returned if the
name> has expired. This cell may be stored ENC permit for any given cell
out of date and MUST NOT be used has expired. It should be possible to
for Primary NAVIGATION”. view the cell but a permanent
warning message must be displayed
informing the user, e.g. “The permit
for ENC<cell name> has expired.
This cell may be out of date and
MUST NOT be used for Primary

SSE 26 This ENC is not authenticated by the If the data validates against another SSE 26 must be returned if the
IHO acting as the Scheme certificate than the one from the signed certificate (in the ENC
Administrator. scheme administrator it has to be signature file) authenticates against
considered as invalid. a certificate or public key file stored
on the Data Client other than the
one provided by the SA. This caters
for instances where more than one
certificate or public key is stored on
the Data Client.

SSE 27 Viewer – “ENC<cell name> is not up SSE 27 must be returned if the status
to date. A New Edition, Re-Issue or of the cell being viewed is not up-to-
Update for this cell is missing and date with respect to the latest

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Error Error/Warning Message Implementation Technical Description

therefore MUST NOT be used for PRODUCTS.TXT file loaded or
Primary NAVIGATION”. maintained on the system. A
permanent warning message must
be displayed on screen informing
the user, e.g. “ENC<cell name> is
not up to date. A New Edition, Re-
Issue or Update for this cell is
missing and therefore MUST NOT be
used for Primary NAVIGATION”.

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Appendix M: Default Settings

Overview Display Default Settings

Group Setting Default Setting

Display Show shallow pattern Disabled
Show quality info Disabled
Show user objects Disabled
Show overscale indication Disabled
Show compass rose Disabled
Show names Disabled
Show rings Disabled
Enable special area filtering Disabled
Past Track Enable / Disable Enabled
Time stamp interval [minutes] 30 minutes
Visual limit of Enable / Disable Disabled
lights Observer’s height [meters] N.A.
Date dependent Enable / Disable Disabled
objects Day Range [days] N.A.
Date Range [date] N.A.
All objects N.A.
Ship Symbol Sets size of ship symbol: 6, 10, 20 6 mm
[mm] or suppresses drawing of the
Ship Symbol [Never]
Units Nautical Miles Deselected
Yards + Nautical Miles Deselected
Meters + Nautical Miles Selected
RADAR Selection None Selected
X-Band Deselected
S-Band Deselected

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Overview Viewing Group Default Settings

Group Setting Default Setting

Mode Display Base Deselected
Standard Selected
All information Deselected
User Defined Deselected
Groups Drying Line Enabled
Bouys, beacons, and aids to Enabled
Boundaries and limits Enabled
Prohibited and restricted areas Enabled
Chart scale boundaries Enabled
Cautionary notes Enabled
Ship’s routing systems and ferry Enabled
Archipelagic sea lanes Enabled
Miscellaneous – Standard Enabled
Spot soundings Disabled
Submarine cables and pipelines Disabled
All isolated dangers Disabled
Magnetic variation Disabled
Depth contours Disabled
Seabed Disabled
Tidal Disabled
Miscellaneous – Other Disabled

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Overview Safety Value Settings

Group Setting Default Setting

Chart and Draught [meters] 10.0 m
Watchdog Air draught [meters] 20.0 m
Shallow contour 5.0 m
Safety contour 30.0 m
Deep contour 30.0 m
Safety Depth 10.0 m
Sensors and Position error limit [meters] 10.0 m
Route Off course limit [degrees] 20.0 degrees
Dangerous Dangerous CPA [NM] 4.0 NM
target indication Dangerous TCPA [minutes] 24 min
AIS targets Enable / Disable Disabled
AIS auto activation CPA [NM] 4.0 NM
AIS auto activation TCPA [minutes] 24 min

Overview Watchdog Default Settings

Group Setting Default Setting

Watchdog area Enable / disable Always show area Enabled
Distance Limit 200 m
Look Ahead Time 6 min
Detection Level All information Selected
Warnings and dangers Deselected
Dangers only Deselected

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Overview Alert Default Settings

Overview Alert Default Settings ECDIS

Group Setting Default Setting

Notification Enable Local Sound Disabled
Settings Popup on new alert Disabled
Alert Priorities Special Area [Alarm |Warning | Alarm
Navigational Hazard Caution
[Alarm | Warning | Caution]
Critical Point on Route Alarm
[Alarm | Warning]
Tender Tracking Connection Alarm
[Alarm | Warning | Caution]

Overview Chart Default Settings

Overview Chart Default Settings ECDIS

Group Setting Default Setting

Chart Types ENC Enabled
RNC Disabled
Presentation Two Shades Enabled
Traditional Disabled
Orientation North Up Selected
Course Up Deselected
Heading Up Deselected
Colors Day Selected
Dusk Deselected
Night Deselected

Overview Target Default Settings

Group Setting Default Setting

Targets AIS Disabled
AIS Physical AtoN Disabled
AIS Base Station Disabled
AIS Virtual AtoN Disabled
AIS SAR Aircraft Disabled
AIS SART Disabled
Show AIS Labels Enabled
X-Band Disabled
S-Band Disabled
All dangerous AIS and ARPA targets Disabled
Contour Disabled
Pasttrack Disabled
Show sleeping All Selected
AIS targets Distance [meters] Deselected
AIS Preferred Selected
Tracked Preferred Deselected
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Group Setting Default Setting

Associated AIS and Tracked Deselected
Target View
Dangerous Enable for AIS Disabled
Target BCR/BCT Enable for ARPA Disabled

Overview Path Prediction Default Settings

Group Setting Default Setting

Path Prediction Enabled / Disabled Disabled

Overview Line of Position Default Settings

Group Setting Default Setting

Line of Position Enabled / Disabled Disabled

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Object Tracking Default Settings

Group Setting Default Setting

Object Tracking Enabled / Disabled Disabled

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Appendix M: Index

AIS Alert Messages, 160 index lines, 207

activate sleeping target, Bridge Alert Management, lights
115 156 visual limit of, 101
all dangerous, 133 bearing limit danger line, 118
allow contour, 133 ship to cursor, 70 manual update
de-activate sleeping target, take cross bearing, 295 duration limit, 329
115 CCRP MOB, 77
mark target as continuously position data, 66, 67 names
dangerous, 99 chart display, 56, 79, 218
max number of targets, 131 centre, goto, 65 Ntm
messages, display list, 253 centre, pan, 65 reference manual update,
target past track, 133 centre, ref point, 65 326
Target range has been centre, ship, 65 object
reduced, 131 drag, 65 caution note, 288
target symbols, 130, 257 measure distance and chart object display, 110
transponder off, 258 bearing, 57 insert danger, 169
alarm move, 65 insert event note, 288
limit danger line, 118 update history ARCS, 64, insert line of position, 295
wheel over line, 118 179 insert remark, 288
Alert aggregation, 157 update history ENC, 62, 177 remove, erase, 174
Alert categories, 156 usage, 55 off track limit, 206
Alert escalation, 156 usage show/hide overscale indication, 97
Alert priorities, 156 boundaries, 55 overscale pattern, 55
anti-grounding view updates ARCS, 64, 179 parallel index lines, 207
area length, 116 view updates ENC, 62, 177 past track
area width, 116 clearing line, 171 export file, 242
depth, 245 construction export file example, 349
distance limit, 116 defaults, 206 reference position, 100
look ahead time, 116 contrast check, 128 show/hide, 100
ARCS chart danger bearing, 171 time stamp, 100
magnetic variation, 64 depth pick report, 57, 288
select, 53 display, 123 attribute, 59
ARPA distance legend, 61
mark target as continuously measure, 74, 170 quit ecdis 4500, 38, 180
dangerous, 99 ship to cursor, 70 radar
max number of targets, 131 distance limit overlay of radar image, 103
target CPA, 65 anti grounding, 116 targets, 130
target source identification, duration limit, 329 range
64, 132 DWOP measure, 74, 170
target symbols, 130 calculation, 237 regulation requirements
Alert icons, 159 software version, 91 Reset
Alert List, 157 heading control, 263 left click, 72
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right click, 72 active route, 234 watch dog

route charts, 337 area length, 116
Delete All, 190 target area width, 116
display, 218 AIS max number, 131 distance limit, 116
export, 186, 199 AIS symbols, 130 look ahead time, 116
import, 199 ARPA max number, 131 waypoint
save, 182, 189 ARPA symbols, 130 display name, 218
status indicator, 187 mark as continuously display text, 218
scale bar, 50 dangerous, 99 wheel over line
ship symbol test symbol colour check, 128 alarm, 118
min size, 104 text wheelover point
ship's position display, 56, 79, 218 display, 218
display, 67 time stamp XTD
find, 295 set, 101 calculation, 237
software version, 91 TWOP XTD limit, 206
symbols calculation, 237 zoom, 51
paper chart, 124 units
synchronisation, 37 display, 103

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