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Digital Security
Professional Development Workshop

This document will detail the teaching and assessment materials that are necessary for the
completion of the workshop on digital security. Included will be the tasks, course activities, and
assignments as detailed in the syllabus and design document in this module.

1. Participants will join the Microsoft Teams meeting to join a synchronous session for a
workshop on digital security. Participants will be sent the link to the PowerPoint if they
choose to follow along.
2. Slides 1-8 will act as an introduction and opening
a. Slides 1-3: The instructor will introduce themselves and give a brief overview of
the whole workshop by providing and outline.
b. Slides 4-6: Standards, objectives and focus questions will be shared.
c. Slides 7-8: On slide 7, students will take a preassessment using Padlet. On slide 8,
the teacher will provide an overview of the tasks and course activities that will be
done during the workshop.
3. Slides 9-13 will focus on Activity 1 – Password Security
a. Slide 9 will give a brief overview of the tasks involved in activity 1.
b. Slide 10 will use video as a form of multimedia. A YouTube video will be shared
with participants to activate prior knowledge and give them a chance to make
connections to what they already know.
c. Slide 11: With instructions provided, students will create a word cloud.
d. Slide 12: Results of the workshop will be displayed.
e. Slide 13: Students will be given a chance use higher order thinking skills to create
their own strong password.
4. Slides 14-17 will focus on Activity 2 – Online Profiles
a. Slide 14 will give a brief overview of the tasks in activity 2.
b. Slide 15 will use video as a form of multimedia. A YouTube video will be shared
with participants to activate prior knowledge and give them a chance to make
connections to what they already know.
c. Slide 16: A fake profile (created by the instructor) will be displayed for students to
d. Slide 17: Using Jamboard, students will give an example of safe and unsafe
components of an online profile.
5. Slide 18-20 will focus on Activity 3 – Frayer Model
a. Slide 18 will give a brief overview of the tasks in activity 3.
b. Slide 19 will use a video as a form of multimedia to help define and explain the
Frayer Model. It will also show candidates how to use it for students.

c. Slide 20: Students will see the example or what the Frayer model for the
workshop looks like before completing it individually on Google Jamboard.
6. Slides 21-23 will focus on closing activities.
a. Slide 21 will give an overview of the closing activities.
b. Slide 22: The instructor will call on students to review any concepts that stuck out
to them during the workshop.
c. Slide 23: Students will complete the post assessment by referring back to the
padlet that we used on slide 7.
Links to Teaching Materials used during the PDLM PowerPoint
 Created by Instructor
o Padlet:
o Word Cloud:
o Jamboard:
 Multimedia from YouTube:
o Password:
o Online Security:
o Frayer Model:

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