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Jenis-jenis Pencarian Pencarian Boolean Logic

Using Boolean terms to refine your search

George Boole, an English Mathematician has produce algebra of logic

Booleans are simple terms that can be added to your search words to make the results more flexible or specific. Using boolean terms in your search will also greatly increase the accuracy of your queries, providing you with the best job matches. Familiarizing yourself with the logic of these boolean searches will help you get better results. i. Boolean Term: AND The boolean expression AND narrows your search. This is the default when you search for more than one word. A search for technical writer is the same as a search for technical AND writer. When you search for technical writer or technical AND writer you are saying find the word technical in the same document as the word writer. The search engine discards all results except those that have both terms. If just one word appears, it will not be displayed. Boolean Term: OR Booleans are a bit easier to understand when you know about both OR and AND. The boolean expression OR broadens your search. A search for manager OR supervisor requires that a document have either of these terms. This is useful where two different words have similar meanings and are used interchangeably. If just one word appears in a document, it will be displayed.



Boolean Term: NOT The expression NOT works very much as you would expect it to. The word following NOT must not appear in a document for the search engine to return it. If you were to search for research NOT sales, you would receive results that mention research without the word sales in them.


Boolean Term: ( ) (parentheses) Terms can be grouped together with parentheses. This is useful when you become proficient in

boolean searches and would like to ensure the results of multiple boolean terms are correct. A search for project AND (manager OR supervisor) will return any document mentioning project manager or project supervisor. Searching for (project AND manager) OR supervisor will bring results with project manager or the term supervisor alone.



Quotation Marks: " " Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks. This will direct the search engine to search the database for documents containing that exact phrase. A search for analytical chemist (without quotes) will return any document containing analytical and chemist with anything in between. If you place quotes around the phrase, searching for "analytical chemist", Medzilla will only return documents with the terms right next to each other. Boolean Term: * (the asterisk wildcard) As the name implies, * can be substituted for any amount of letters. This is particularly useful to include all words with a certain term and any suffix after it. Simply apply the asterisk to the end of a term and it will return all documents containing that term, followed by anything. For example: biostatistic* will find biostatistician or biostatistics or biostatistical

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Pencarian Truncation (Truncation Search) Truncation search enables to retrieve in one search all terms beginning with the same character string. For example, truncating a search term allows you to retrieve singular or plural forms of a word and different spellings of a word or name. There is no truncation symbol in the system.

I. To perform truncation search, i. ii. Click on Search Type to select the field to conduct a truncation search among title, author, publisher, subject and all. In Search Term type any keyword. Example: Search i. In the preceding example, you retrieve all records that contains words beginning with the character string s-e-a-r-c-h. For example, you retrieve records containg the words search, searches, searching, searcher, and searchers.

1) Set Search Limits i. ii. You may limit your search result by several qualifiers. Searches can be narrowed, for example, to an individual library by selecting a library from the available selections under options. In order to restrict a search, specify Search Limits before you search by type of material or medium and date (publication year).

2) Set Display Format Before conduct a search, display format may be defined. i. ii. iii. Click the Max. No. Items/Page to select the number of records to display per page. Click the Max. No. of Result Items to select the number of records to retrieve. Click the Search button to begin. I. Start Over i. Click the Reset button to clear the search and start over.

Anda boleh melayari laman web: http://ikubib.unesco


Pencarian dalam Pencarian (Search within search ) Want to add value to your current search? Allow your users to search from within search results. As databases grow the necessity for the user to continually narrow a search to the item that they truly want will grow also. The following example utilizes our db on Perlis State capitals.. Upon the first search two radio buttons will appear indicating a search (default) or a search within the current results. Searching within the current results will take the first search and add it to the new search and so on. Note the db only has 50 observations in it. For best results search on a letter and search for another letter within those results.

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