A Reliable Spacecraft Power Supply Subsystem Based On Discrete Water Cycle Multi-Objective Optimization

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A reliable spacecraft power supply subsystem based on discrete water cycle

multi-objective optimization

Article in Franklin Open · April 2024

DOI: 10.1016/j.fraope.2024.100092


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7 authors, including:

Mohamed Hanafy Dr. Wael Murtada

Military Technical College National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences


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Franklin Open 7 (2024) 100092

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A reliable spacecraft power supply subsystem based on discrete water cycle

multi-objective optimization
Ahmed Mokhtar a , Mohamed Ibrahim b ,∗, Mohamed E. Hanafy a , Fawzy H. Amer ElTohamy a ,
Wael A. Murtada c , Yehia Z. Elhalwagy d
Aircraft Electric Equipment Department, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt
b Automatic Control Systems Department, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt
c National Authority for Remote Sensing & Space Sciences, Cairo, Egypt
d Electrical and Computer Engineering, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt


Keywords: The successful execution of spacecraft missions relies heavily on the performance and reliability of their
Space electric power system power supply subsystems. Achieving optimal component size and configuration is crucial for efficient power
Multidisciplinary design optimization generation, distribution, and storage. Designing an efficient power supply subsystem for spacecraft missions
Discrete Water Cycle Algorithm (DWCA)
is a complex and multi-objective optimization problem. Traditional optimization techniques, such as genetic
Collaborative optimization
algorithm and particle swarm optimization, have been employed, but their limitations in handling discrete
Component-based system analysis
Multi-objective design
variables and achieving global optima necessitate the exploration of alternative methods. In this context, this
Trade-off analysis research paper explores the application of discrete water cycle algorithm (DWCA) optimization as a novel
Design performance approach for optimizing the component size and configuration of spacecraft power supply subsystems. By
emulating the dynamic flow and distribution of water, DWCA seeks to efficiently explore the design space and
identify optimal solutions.
Through comprehensive experimentation and comparative analysis, this research demonstrates that the
proposed DWCA outperforms/surpasses other traditional optimization techniques in optimizing component
size and configuration for spacecraft power supply subsystems. It consistently determines designs that are
more efficient in power generation and storage. Moreover, DWCA enhances the efficiency and reliability
of spacecraft power supply systems, especially in mission-critical scenarios. The successful optimization of
spacecraft power supply subsystems is paramount to the overall success of space missions. Therefore, this
advancement contributes significantly to the ongoing efforts to ensure the success of future space missions.

1. Introduction e.g., data transmission and reception for payloads. Generally, SEPS
uses various sources of power, including solar panels, batteries, fuel
In recent years, the exploration of outer space has garnered substan- cells, and thermoelectric generators and equipment that can convert
tial economic attention in several applications, e.g., communication, one form of energy into another as needed.
meteorology, navigation, and surveillance satellites. The success of Technological advancements in SEPS have significantly improved
each space mission relies heavily on the integration of intricate systems overall spacecraft performance and extended service life. However,
and devices, e.g., electric power, communication, navigation, and pay- the design of the SEPS demands meticulous consideration of mission
load components. Among these, the space-electric power system (SEPS) requirements and operational limitations in the harsh space environ-
emerges as a pivotal element, analogous to the heart within the human ment. For instance, the complexity of designing the SEPS arises from its
body [1]. The SEPS orchestrates the necessary devices and components multidisciplinary nature, involving the conversion of chemical, light,
to meet the power budget requirements, e.g., generation and storing,
or nuclear energy into the specified electrical energy required for
throughout various mission phases, i.e., launching, detumbling, and on-
spacecraft operations. As a result, the design process of the SEPS is
orbit operations. Moreover, SEPS facilitates the distribution of electric
practically complex and multidisciplinary, necessitating the exploration
power to other systems in the spacecraft to achieve their functions,

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: ahmed_refaie@ieee.org (A. Mokhtar), mohamed.ibrahim@mtc.edu.eg (M. Ibrahim), mehanafy@mtu.edu (M.E. Hanafy),
ftha72@mtc.edu.eg (F.H.A. ElTohamy), wael_murtada@narss.sci.eg (W.A. Murtada), y.elhalwagy@mtc.edu.eg (Y.Z. Elhalwagy).
URL: http://www.mtc.edu.eg/mtcwebsite/ (A. Mokhtar).

Received 21 September 2023; Received in revised form 2 February 2024; Accepted 24 March 2024
Available online 2 April 2024
2773-1863/© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of The Franklin Institute. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
A. Mokhtar et al. Franklin Open 7 (2024) 100092

of various optimization techniques. These techniques aim to enhance In the literature, different metaheuristic mechanisms have been pro-
SEPS performance, ensuring design stability while minimizing costs. posed, e.g., particle swarm optimization (PSO) [4], genetic algorithms
This work contributes to the field by presenting a novel and effective (GAs) [5,6], and the simulated annealing (SA) [7]. For example, the
approach to SEPS optimization. We propose to use the discrete water PSO technique [4] is a distributed behavioral algorithm that executes
cycle algorithm (DWCA) as a novel optimization method for SEPS. First, multidimensional searching. It uses a velocity vector to update each
we reformulate DWCA to solve the complex and multi-objective opti- particle’s location in the swarm. However, PSO was proven to be unable
mization problem of the design process of SEPS. This article provides to get the global optimum. Thus, trapping into local optimum and
a comprehensive explanation of the This algorithm is inspired by the premature convergence are the main issues for this algorithm and
dynamic flow and distribution of water. some of its variants. Another work [8] examined the effectiveness of
In this research, we elaborated on the distinctive features of DWCA the various evolutionary algorithm architectures with other heuristic
that contribute to its superior performance in handling discrete vari- strategies for SEPS engineering design. A constraint-handling technique
ables. For instance, DWCA can handle discrete variables and achieve using a gradient-based repair mechanism was incorporated into GAs as
global optima in response to the limitations of traditional optimization a unique operator as in [9].
techniques, e.g., genetic algorithms (GA) and particle swarm opti-
mization (PSO). Through comprehensive simulations and comparative Work contributions and article structure:
analysis, our research demonstrates that DWCA outperforms traditional
algorithms in optimizing component size and configuration for space- The main contributions of this work are:
craft power supply subsystems. The resulting designs exhibit superior 1. First, we introduce DWCA as a novel optimization algorithm
efficiency in power generation and storage and also enhance robust- for SEPS design, emphasizing its uniqueness and potential ad-
ness and reliability in mission-critical scenarios. This advancement vantages in optimizing the size and configuration of the SEPS
contributes significantly to the ongoing efforts aimed at ensuring the components.
success of future space missions. This research addresses a critical gap 2. Second, we propose a dynamic mass cost function driven by
in the field of spacecraft power supply optimization by introducing DWCA, allowing for spacecraft mass optimization based on mis-
DWCA as a powerful and innovative tool. This algorithm’s ability to sion objectives.
balance exploration and exploitation makes it particularly well-suited 3. Additionally, DWCA effectively manages the intricate power
to tackle the complexities of SEPS design, paving the way for more index (IPI) across generations, ensuring consistent improvement
efficient, reliable, and cost-effective space missions. and adaptability.
In general, designing SEPS should be based primarily on determin- 4. Finally, we present an optimization-based framework for future
ing a proper model to assess component performance during spacecraft research for analyzing and designing SEPS and their component
operation, especially in various modes. This SEPS model is used to configurations.
confirm the SEPS specifications before manufacturing [2]. As a result,
the developed model leads to reducing the overall cost and risk because The remainder of the article is structured as follows. Section 2
the power supply engineering design may be highly repetitive. So many describes the SEPS trade-off mechanism. Section 3 details the SEPS
different iterations are frequently required before the final design. Design w.r.t. the components trades. Section 4 outlines the energy-
Therefore, an automated search strategy could be more cost-effective storage module trades. Section 5 presents the proposed SEPS model.
than manual techniques to locate the best designs. In this context, Section 6 summarizes the optimization process of SEPS. Section 7
this paper introduces an efficient metaheuristic optimization approach elaborates the water cycle algorithm. Simulation results are represented
using the discrete water cycle algorithm (DWCA). The proposed DWCA and discussed in Section 8. Section 9 summarizes our conclusions,
findings, and future directions.
is a population-based method for solving engineering challenges and
optimization. The effectiveness of the proposed DWCA approach is
2. Description of SEPS trade-off mechanism
compared with other optimizers using several constrained optimization
problems. The results considered the number of functions and the best
Space mission design starts with defining the mission and objectives,
function value evaluations.
thus identifying various mission concepts through an initial trade-
off process. After several design cycles, the preliminary design phase
State of the art determines the architecture of the sub-system [10]. In particular, each
spacecraft consists of many supporting sub-systems, e.g., SEPS, propul-
In engineering, many mathematical approaches have been proposed sion, thermal sub-systems, etc, in addition to the payload. Each sub-
to address various constrained optimization problems. Most of these system is responsible for a particular function. Therefore designing
algorithms are based on linear and nonlinear programming and stochas- these sub-systems is typically an essential and challenging aspect of
tic approaches that necessitate gradient information to enhance the the design process to achieve the mission objectives with minimum
solution near a starting point. In general, these numerical optimization cost considering the weight limits. In the spacecraft industry, system
techniques typically aim to discover the ideal solution for straight- designers are required to opt for designs that can achieve cost-effective
forward and superior models. However, many practical engineering products. Thus, the aerospace design practice has moved from maximiz-
optimization problems, e.g., SEPS trade-off mechanism design, are ing performance under technology constraints to minimizing cost under
incredibly complex and challenging to solve. For example, the results performance constraints [10]. However, it may not be the case in some
depend on the preliminary step especially if the problem has more mission scenarios, so there is always a trade-off between performance,
than one local optimum. In this case, the global optimal solution mass, and cost, which varies from mission to mission.
might not be determined. Furthermore, the gradient search might There is evidence that the SEPS System is a crucial component in the
be unstable mainly if the objective function contains numerous or operation of modern space technologies, as SEPS plays a pivotal role in
abrupt peaks. Practically, most numerical methods suffer from different generating and regulating electric power as well as storing it for periods
shortcomings, e.g., efficiency and accuracy. To handle this situation, of peak demand or eclipse, and distributing it to the entire spacecraft.
many metaheuristic algorithms have been proposed based on simulat- To optimize SEPS performance, various trade-off mechanisms are used
ing the natural process to solve complicated engineering optimization to design the system topology to achieve an appropriate balancing
problems. Simulating a natural phenomenon has been implemented by between different factors, e.g., power output, weight, reliability, and
fusing rules and randomness [3]. cost. Practically, any improvement in one area can negatively impact

A. Mokhtar et al. Franklin Open 7 (2024) 100092

conflicting objectives. For instance, sizing tools are required to cal-

culate physical parameters, e.g., size, mass, volume, or system cost.
Otherwise, various analysis tools, e.g., simulation see Table 7, are used
to check that the desired behavior is met. In the literature, there are
often gaps where certain perspectives or factors may not have been
considered. One example is developing an analysis tool using available
platforms to be efficient enough to perform analysis over a certain
period. The analysis tool should be also robust enough to be expendable
to include all possible technologies and topologies [10,12]. SEPS design
requires extensive knowledge of modern components technology as
well as exceptional analytical skills, attention to detail, and creativity.

3. SEPS design with components trades

Designing an effective SEPS involves a complex process of compo-

nent trades to ensure optimal performance and reliability. For instance,
this process includes selecting the appropriate power source, inverting
it to achieve the necessary voltage levels, storing it in batteries for
times when the spacecraft is not exposed to sunlight, and distributing
it throughout the spacecraft with efficient power converters. The use of
high-efficiency components is crucial to minimize weight and maximize
Fig. 1. Trade-off mechanism for spacecraft sub-systems with its operation criteria [10]. longevity during extended space missions. Engineers must also care-
fully consider the trade-offs between backup systems and redundancy
against added weight and complexity. In addition, meticulous attention
must be paid to thermal management as many of these components
generate heat that can adversely affect other systems onboard. This
research develops a trade-off framework, see Fig. 1, for managing
the necessary technological specifications to achieve distinct objectives
optimizations. Fig. 3 describes the SEPS design process methodology in
the developed trade-off environment [13].

3.1. Solar power generation

Designing spacecraft solar power generation systems is an intricate

and challenging process that requires a deep understanding of the en-
vironment and conditions in space. The solar panels must be designed
to withstand extreme temperature changes, radiation exposure, and
physical stresses. Additionally, the panels need to be as lightweight and
efficient as possible while still producing enough energy to power the
spacecraft’s systems.
Engineers must consider factors such as panel size, orientation,
and positioning relative to the sun to maximize efficiency. Another
Fig. 2. Traditional Trade-off analysis mechanism for the power supply system with its important consideration is how to store excess energy generated during
operation criteria [10,11]. periods of peak sunlight for use when sunlight is limited or nonexistent.
Generally, the primary design considerations are the spacecraft config-
uration, required power (peak and average), shadowing, radiation en-
another, making trade-offs unavoidable. For example, increasing SEPS vironment, operational temperatures, and mission life [11]. Ultimately,
efficiency through the use of advanced technologies can result in designing spacecraft solar power generation requires a combination of
increased power production but also tends to increase the system’s technical expertise, innovative thinking, and careful planning to ensure
complexity and cost. This requires considering potential risks that may optimal performance throughout a mission’s duration.
arise from over-focus on any particular objective. Therefore, this work
considers various factors when developing a SEPS design to ensure 3.2. Solar cell technology trades
optimal performance within budgetary constraints, e.g., load power
requirements and mission life. The initial designs are carried out by As spacecraft continue to venture further from Earth, the solar cells
repeated trade-off studies among different design concepts and tech- are growing ever more crucial for ensuring a reliable power source
where traditional power sources may not be available. Therefore, the
nologies. For instance, the lower-level design concerns mainly with the
development of more efficient and versatile solar cells is an ongoing
components technology, e.g., solar arrays, batteries, and regulators.
research area with advances being made regularly. Spacecraft solar cell
In the conceptual design phase, the main objective of the trade-off
technology trades refer to the techniques and methods involved in de-
analysis, see Fig. 2, is to formulate the system design as an optimization signing, developing, and integrating solar cell systems into spacecraft.
problem to determine new combinations of available technologies and Trade-offs between cost, weight, efficiency, durability, and radiation
sub-system configuration options. The trade-off among different param- resistance must be taken into account when selecting solar cells.
eters is an intelligent/complex framework with an optimal automated Professional organizations such as the International Solar Energy
design to achieve the desired goals. Society work to promote advancements in this field and standardize
Therefore, optimizing the SEPS designing and sizing needs to de- testing procedures for solar cells used in spacecraft applications. Ta-
velop various tools to provide the best possible trade-off among the ble 4 compares the solar cell’s different technologies characteristics

A. Mokhtar et al. Franklin Open 7 (2024) 100092

Fig. 3. Trade-off engineering system design process mechanism of operation [11,13].

used in the developed trade-off mechanism, e.g., temperature coeffi- power requirements for different payloads. Table 6 compares different
cients, radiation degradation factors (P/Po), and beginning of life (BOL) battery technology characteristics used in the developed algorithm.
competency at various radiation effect levels. Table 5 compares the Calculations determine each cell’s energy and power values with the
properties of the solar cell technologies implemented in the proposed specified capacity according to data sheets.
trade-off mechanism based on the orbital parameters, environmental
operating conditions, mission duration, and cover glass thickness. It 4.2. Battery configuration trade
assumes that any spacecraft has a 15-year mission and a 5-year one
in GEO and LEO orbits, respectively. The radiation environment influ- The battery comprises many cells connected in series or parallel,
ences the choice of cover glass thickness as well. However, the cover and it must be able to deliver the necessary power and energy at
glass is assumed to be 100 μm thick for both LEO and GEO situations. the appropriate voltage and for the desired time frame as its primary
requirement. The configuration of spacecraft batteries is a complex
4. Energy-storage module trades trade that takes into consideration various factors such as power re-
quirements, mass limitations, and mission objectives. For instance, the
Spacecraft energy-storage module trades refer to the delicate bal- number of parallels and series cells per battery comprises the battery
ance between energy storage and mission requirements for a space- configuration. Moreover, the bus voltage is the most determinant of the
craft. Trades involve a highly specialized and sophisticated area of battery’s cell count. In this work, it assumed that each battery has one
the aerospace industry, which focuses on designing and manufacturing redundant cell.
robust and reliable energy storage systems that power spacecraft. Such With recent advances in battery technology and manufacturing
modules are essential to power critical components, e.g., communica- techniques, engineers have more options than ever before but must
tion systems and scientific instruments for enabling various functions weigh carefully the advantages and disadvantages of each option when
such as communications, navigation, scientific research, and weather selecting a suitable configuration for a spacecraft mission. So the choice
of battery configurations must be established in addition to the bat-
forecasting. The storage module must store sufficient energy for the
tery technology selection. Cost efficiency must also be balanced with
operational period of the spacecraft, which may range anywhere from
achieving maximum mission performance goals. A suboptimal choice
a few months to several years depending on the mission objectives.
in battery configuration can cause catastrophic failure if there is insuf-
It is developed to provide the required energy during an eclipse. As
ficient power or a loss of control during critical phases, e.g., rendezvous
such, they must be engineered to withstand the harsh and extreme
or landing.
conditions of space, including radiation exposure, wide temperature
fluctuations, and high vacuum environments. Furthermore, thermal
4.3. Bus voltage level
management is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of these
modules in varying temperatures of −60 ◦ C to 70 ◦ C or more in
The spacecraft bus voltage level is a critical factor that must be
some cases. Designers consider factors such as mass, volume, power carefully monitored and controlled in order to ensure the proper op-
density, cycle life, radiation tolerance and environmental conditions in eration of onboard systems. In general, the bus voltage level refers to
selecting an appropriate battery or capacitor system. With the rapidly the electrical potential difference between various components within
evolving field of space exploration fueling demand for more impactful a spacecraft, including power supplies and instrumentation modules.
missions in diverse locations within our solar system and beyond, Properly managing this voltage level is essential for maintaining stable
innovative energy-storage solutions that meet these unique challenges operations, reducing the risk of component damage or failure, and
will continue to be a key focus area moving forward. maximizing mission success. This involves careful design and layout
of electrical systems, as well as ongoing monitoring and adjustments
4.1. Battery/cell technology trades during flight. Additionally, engineers must consider factors such as
temperature fluctuations, radiation exposure, and other environmental
A spacecraft’s energy storage sub-system is based on electrochemi- variables that can impact bus voltage levels over time.
cal battery cells. Recently, emerging trends in solar panel technology Particularly, the bus voltage might fluctuate due to variations in
and electric propulsion are driving new advancements in spacecraft the energy density required by the spacecraft loads in various modes.
battery/cell technology trades. As these trades play a significant role Overall, efficient management of spacecraft bus voltages is a foun-
in enhancing overall mission efficiency while ensuring safety for astro- dational aspect of space mission engineering that requires technical
nauts. This includes exploring the use of advanced materials such as expertise and attention to detail at every stage. For instance, high
lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries that provide higher energy densities and voltages make it possible to use the secondary batteries’ energy density
improved power-to-weight ratios. Therefore, due to their importance in more effectively. The 28 V bus is still the most cost-effective way to
the space industry’s continued success and innovation towards newer build a power distribution network for low-power LEO missions. Fig. 17
approaches to space exploration specifically human-enabled missions describes the trade-off for the SEPS bus voltage design process. As in
on the Moon or Mars surface. this study, three options are presented, e.g., [28 V (traditional low bus
There are several types of batteries to choose from, including voltage level), 50 V, and 100 V].
lithium-ion, nickel-metal hydride, and nickel–cadmium. The choice of Table 1 compares three possibilities in this study 28 V, the conven-
battery depends on factors like the duration of the mission and specific tional low bus voltage level, 50 V, and 100 V.

A. Mokhtar et al. Franklin Open 7 (2024) 100092

size of the electrical devices, e.g., battery, solar cell, etc, using the
available technologies such as battery configuration, e.g., number of
batteries and variety of cells per battery. In this work, the program was
developed to estimate the relative size of battery architecture, array
technology, and electric cell performance bus voltage.
The model performs the calculation using various inputs, e.g., or-
bital parameters, mission knowledge, and the average and peak power.
For instance, orbital parameters include altitude, worst-case Sun angle,
and angle between orbit and Sun–Earth line. These data are used to
estimate the Sun position and the eclipse timing using height and the
Fig. 4. Spacecraft solar array sizing methodology.
angle between the Sun orbit and its plane (𝛽). In the contest, array
filling is obtained according to the spacecraft configuration. Average
load power demand (Pavg) and the overall power to the total load-
Table 1
The battery configuration trades as a function of bus voltage; the number of cells
power generated by solar panels (Psa) is required for orbiter operation
is a factor of bus voltage [16]. and battery charging [11,14,15].
Bus voltage (V) Number of cells per battery
5.2. Solar array sizing
NiCd NiH2 Li-ion
28 20:22 20:22 6:7
The solar array sizing model is a valuable tool for predicting and
50 26:30 26:30 10:12
100 52:60 52:60 20:24 designing photovoltaic (PV) systems for maximizing the system’s effi-
ciency and minimizing the overall cost. This model involves several
complex calculations using different variables, e.g., the PV location,
PV efficiency, and the expected solar irradiance levels. This model can
5. Spacecraft SEPS model determine the optimal dimensions, weight, and configuration of the
PV array required to meet a specific level of energy demand. Fig. 5
Engineers follow rigorous testing procedures to ensure fault tol- illustrates the underlying size methods.
erance and reliability in harsh environments while meeting exacting
specifications for weight, size, efficiency, and safety. Accurate modeling 5.3. Battery sizing model
enables scientists to predict the performance of each subsystem under
varying conditions during the mission’s lifecycle. Hence it is essential to The spacecraft battery sizing model considers the spacecraft’s mis-
integrate robust SEPS into all aspects of space missions from conception sion requirements, power consumption, and available solar energy
through project execution. to determine the appropriate battery size and cost needed to power
According to previous experiences with SEPS, the optimization the spacecraft during periods of low solar availability or high power
problem is formulated to maximize mainly the performance while min- demands.
imizing mass and cost [13]. In this work, this proposed methodology Fig. 6 demonstrates the underlying methodology and procedures for
focuses on SEPS in LEO based on mass and cost. The obtained designs accomplishing this task to ensure mission success and maximum oper-
might be unrealistic since they require components or devices unavail- ational efficiency. First, mission life and type are used to calculate the
able in the industry. So the proposed optimization should consider number of charge–discharge cycles (CDCs) such as 5000 and 90 cycles
the limitations of the small spacecraft using commercially available per year for LEO and GEO, respectively [17]. The maximum permitted
technologies, e.g., solar array and battery. depth of discharge (DOD) varies based on the battery type and the
In this instance, a spacecraft power sizing tool is integrated with mission life, i.e., CDCs. It is calculated by interpolating the graph of
the MATLAB environment to define the goal function. This sizing tool the relationship between the number of CDCs for each battery [10].
simulates the budget for the preliminary design considering mass, cost,
reliability, and figure of merit of the solar array. 5.4. Calculation of system mass
The SEPS sizing model is developed based on methods described in
the space references [24], [13] and some familiarity with typical space The mass calculation of the SEPS is a crucial aspect in the design
and development of any space mission. The primary objective of this
industry procedures to assess the performance of different designs. The
calculation is to ensure that the spacecraft’s power supply system has
sizing mechanism is based on previous perspective knowledge [11,14,
sufficient energy to sustain all the onboard experiments and functions.
15]. The blocks in the figure represent the tools created or implemented
SEPS mass is a critical design parameter that influences the spacecraft’s
in the overall SEPS design optimization framework.
overall cost. Therefore, it is essential to apply accurate and reliable
The predictions and the actual data obtained from industry and an
mass estimation techniques to achieve the desired mission goals. The
existing satellite database are correlated using several design estimate
SEPS mass 𝑀eps is determined by defining mass of the solar array 𝑀SA ,
relationships and scaling factors listed below. Some of the information
battery 𝑀batt , and power control unit 𝑀PCU [11].
is confidential and might not be published here (see Figs. 4, 7 and
9–11). 𝑀eps = 𝑀SA + 𝑀batt × 𝑁batt + 𝑀PCU , (1)

where 𝑁batt is number of batteries. The mass of each solar cell depends
5.1. SEPS sizing model
mainly on the mass of the solar array’s substrate, deploying mecha-
nism, and interconnections. The values of the mass of the solar array
The Model for SEPS Sizing is an essential tool to provide a compre-
(substrate and cover glass) are expressed as:
hensive framework for designing and sizing power systems that meet
specific energy demands. The model takes into consideration factors 𝑀SA = (𝑀scell × 𝐴sctotal ) + (𝑀areal × 𝐴array ) (2)
such as power source (solar or nuclear), the technology used, expected
The battery mass is then calculated using the energy density of the
mission duration, environmental factors, and other crucial parame-
battery cell (𝜌 cell), for example, 10% of the mass of the battery cells.
ters that affect power system performance. By employing this model,
The calculated battery mass is expressed as follows:
aerospace engineers can ensure optimal system efficiency, performance
reliability, and weight. This model determines the capability, mass, and 𝑀bat = 1.1 × (𝐴ℎbat × 𝑁cell × 𝑉avg × 𝜌𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙 ) (3)

A. Mokhtar et al. Franklin Open 7 (2024) 100092

Fig. 5. Spacecraft solar array sizing methodology.

Fig. 6. Spacecraft Battery sizing methodology.

The next step is to estimate the mass of a power management and of the array, taking into account the cell material, is assumed to be
distribution unit (PMAD) 𝑀box = 0.01 × 𝑃𝑎𝑣𝑔 and cables 𝑀cable = 41, 300∕m2 [19].
0.02×𝑃𝑎𝑣𝑔 that are linear functions of the average power 𝑃𝑎𝑣𝑔 consumed
𝐶SA = 𝐶scell × 𝐴sctotal + 𝐶areal × 𝐴SA . (5)
by spacecraft loads assumed for 28 V bus [11].
The parameters, mentioned above, are obtained depending on the The battery cost 𝐶batt is expressed as follows: 𝐶batt = 𝐶Ah ×𝐴ℎbatt , where
mission parameters. The initial iteration usually starts randomly using 𝐶Ah is the battery cost per unit Ampere-hour taken as 4.02 K/Ah for
predetermined base values chosen by the designer for each variable. NiCd, 7.4 K/Ah for NiH2 , and 10 K/Ah for Li-ion.
The summary of normalized mass estimates for different bus voltages The manufacturer’s approach of keeping cost information private
used here is given in Table 5. makes it challenging to estimate the actual cost. Consequently, the cost
data here is only an approximation and is determined using information
5.5. System cost functions gathered from various space-qualified battery vendors [14,15].

Calculating the SEPS cost is an important aspect of any space 5.6. Calculation of the system reliability
mission planning involved in the design, development, testing, and
implementation of the SEPS system. Generally, a thorough cost cal- Reliability calculation involves the use of various analytical tech-
culation of a spacecraft electric power system can help ensure that niques to assess the SEPS performance and ability to perform its in-
mission budgets are adhered to and that the system performs reliably tended functions under various operating conditions to ensure the
throughout the mission lifetime. Accurate calculations should consider mission success. The reliability calculations are based on the sys-
various factors, e.g., the power requirements, the type of power gen- tem’s design, component characteristics, operating environment, and
eration and storage technologies, as well as the size and weight of the the mission’s objectives. The SEPS reliability (Reps) is expressed as:
spacecraft. Furthermore, the designers should take into account other
factors such as the system reliability and efficiency as well as the level 𝑅eps = 𝑅scell × 𝑅SA × 𝑅batt , (6)
of redundancy. Moreover, potential cost savings might be achieved where, 𝑅scell , 𝑅SA and 𝑅batt represent the reliability factors for solar
using off-the-shelf components instead of custom-built systems. cells, solar arrays, and batteries, respectively. The figure of reliability
In detail, the system cost is the total prices for the batteries 𝐶batt and factor for individual technology has been assumed based on their
solar array 𝐶SA as well as the system launch, while ignoring the PMAD heritage and current status [11,14,15].
cost. However, the voltage effect is expressed in terms of PMAD mass The results of the calculations are used to determine the level of
and effective launch cost, it will not impact the reason for choosing the redundancy required in the system to achieve the desired level of
bus voltage [11,14,15]. reliability.
𝐶EPS = 𝐶SA + 𝐶batt × 𝑁batt + 𝑀EPS × 𝑅launch , (4)
5.7. Component level redundancy
where the Launch cost factor 𝑅launch is 11 k/Kg and 22 k/Kg for LEO
and GEO, respectively [18]. The solar array cost 𝐶SA is the sum of Component-level redundancy involves duplicating critical compo-
the cost of each solar cell 𝐶scell and array structure 𝐶areal . The cost nents within a subsystem to ensure continued operation in case of

A. Mokhtar et al. Franklin Open 7 (2024) 100092

Where 𝑅redundant is the reliability of the redundant configuration. 𝑅single

is the reliability of the single component.
If the redundancy factor is positive, it indicates an improvement in
reliability due to redundancy. A higher redundancy factor signifies a
higher level of redundancy.
For example, let us assume that the probability of a single power
converter failure is 𝑃failure = 0.01, while the probability of both re-
dundant power converters failing simultaneously is 𝑃double failure =
0.0001. The calculation of the reliability for both configurations then
determines the redundancy factor:
Single Power Converter:

𝑅single = 1 − 𝑃failure = 1 − 0.01 = 0.99

Redundant Power Converters:

𝑅redundant = 1 − 𝑃double failure = 1 − 0.0001 = 0.9999

Redundancy Factor:
𝑅redundant − 𝑅single 0.9999 − 0.99
Fig. 7. Simplified diagram of the hydrological (water) cycle. 𝑅𝐹 = = ≈ 0.0091
𝑅single 0.99
The redundancy factor is approximately 0.0091, indicating a 0.91%
improvement in reliability due to component-level redundancy. This
calculation demonstrates how redundancy can enhance the reliability
of critical components within a subsystem, contributing to the overall
robustness of the power supply system for a LEO satellite.

6. Optimization process

The optimization process of SEPS is a critical aspect of any space

mission. It involves ensuring that the electrical power generation
and distribution systems on board operate at maximum efficiency
while conserving resources. This is accomplished by analyzing factors,
e.g., electrical load, thermal management, and battery usage to identify
opportunities for improvement during normal operation. The SEPS
design must take into account also its ability to withstand abnormal
conditions, e.g., radiation exposure or extreme temperatures. Thorough
Fig. 8. Schematic diagram of how streams flow to the rivers and also rivers flow to testing and evaluation are required to validate the effectiveness and
the sea. The small streams where the rivers start to grow are shown by the tiniest safety of any changes made to the system. Ultimately, the aim is to
river branches (bright green). First-order streams are the name for these tiny streams maximize mission success while minimizing risk, making spacecraft
(green colors). A second-order stream forms wherever two first-order streams converge
power supply optimization an essential aspect of space exploration.
(white colors). A third-order stream is created where two second-order streams converge
(blue shades), and so on, until the rivers finally empty into the sea (the point with the The following considerations should be made when the design
steepest slope in the hypothetical globe) [17]. (For interpretation of the references to challenge transforms into an optimization problem.
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
• Select the design elements.
• Define the optimization objectives and constraints.
component failure. This redundancy approach enhances the system’s • Define the design variables (continuous/discrete).
reliability and mitigates the impact of single-component failures. • Define various goals of the optimization problem.
Considering a power converter in the power supply system of a LEO
In this work, we use the multi-objective water cycle algorithm (MOWCA)
satellite. The power converter is a critical component that transforms
as a design optimization approach.
the generated solar power into usable electrical energy for the satellite’s
Suppose the probability of a power converter’s failure within a 7. Water cycle algorithm
specific time interval is represented by 𝑃failure . The reliability of a single
power converter over the same time interval is given by 𝑅single = The water cycle algorithm (WCA), developed by Sharma and Pandey
1 − 𝑃failure . in 2011, is based on simulating the natural cycling of water. The
To introduce component-level redundancy, let us duplicate the DWCA solver mimics the phenomena of flowing rivers and streams
power converter, resulting in two redundant power converters working naturally towards the sea. Fig. 8 resembles a tree or a tree’s roots
in parallel. The probability of both power converters failing simultane- that represent how rivers flow into the sea while streams flow into
ously is represented by 𝑃double failure . The reliability of this redundant them. The algorithm is a nature-inspired optimization technique that
configuration can be calculated as 𝑅redundant = 1 − 𝑃double failure . is widely used in solving complex optimization problems in various
Calculations and Equations: fields, e.g., engineering, finance, biological systems, and environmental
The level of component-level redundancy can be evaluated based sciences. In essence, it employs the analogy of the flow of water in the
on the difference in reliability between the redundant and single con-
natural environment, which is aimed at achieving optimal solutions. Its
figurations. The redundancy factor (𝑅𝐹 ) is defined as:
performance has been widely recognized due to its ability to explore
𝑅𝐹 = (𝑅redundant − 𝑅single )∕𝑅single different regions of the solution space.

A. Mokhtar et al. Franklin Open 7 (2024) 100092

7.1. Basic concepts

The basic concepts of this method are the precipitation, infiltration,

evaporation, and condensation processes, which are the four fundamen-
tal stages of the water cycle. The algorithm employs these four stages in
a mathematical framework to optimize the search process. A simplified
representation of the hydrologic cycle (water cycle) is illustrated in
Figure 8 [2].
The optimization process of DWCA involves several steps. Firstly,
the initialization process defines the search space and initializes the
variables e.g., population, so-called raindrops. Assuming that rain or
precipitation occurs, the algorithm begins with randomly generating Fig. 9. Schematic view of stream’s flow to a specific river (star and circle represent
a P-sized initial population of design variables, i.e., a population of river and stream respectively) [20].
Secondly, the application of two search operators, namely, the evap-
oration and precipitation operators. The evaporation operator removes
excess water from the current solution, while the precipitation operator
adds water to the solution to help it converge to a global minimum.
Thirdly, the DWCA uses a search strategy to explore the solution
space by using a soft-computing tool. The search strategy involves
updating the current solution, where the best solution is identified
and selected. The best individual, i.e., raindrops/stream, in terms of
minimal cost for the optimization problem is selected to represent
the sea [13]. Then, several good raindrops/streams (whose costs are
close to the current best record) are elected as rivers, while the rest
do not change and flow into the rivers and sea. Depending on their Fig. 10. Exchanging the positions of the stream and the river where the star represents
the river and the black color circle shows the best stream among other streams [21].
magnitude of flow, the water amount in a stream entering a river and
sea varies from other streams. In addition, rivers flow to the sea, the
most downhill location
Fourthly, the entire process is iterated until a termination criterion
is satisfied. Finally, the optimization results are analyzed and compared
with other optimization algorithms to ascertain their efficiency and
accuracy [20].

7.2. Create the initial population

In population-based metaheuristic methods, a random set of solu-

tions is generated within the search space to create the initial pop-
ulation of the algorithm. The search space represents the range of
valid solutions that can be considered for optimization. In GA and
PSO optimizers, such collection is called ‘‘Chromosome’’ and ‘‘Particle
Position’’, respectively. Accordingly, the proposed method is called
‘‘Raindrop’’ for a single solution.
The initial population serves as a starting point for the algorithm
to explore and find better solutions through successive iterations of the
optimization process. The size of the initial population can vary de-
pending on the complexity of the problem at hand. A larger population Fig. 11. Schematic view of DWCA [21].
size can lead to a wider exploration of the search space, but it can also
increase the computational time. Therefore, a balance must be struck
between the population size and the computational resources available 1 𝑥12 𝑥13 … 𝑥1𝑁
⎡ 𝑥1 ⎤
for the optimization process. ⎢ 𝑥2 𝑥22 𝑥23 … 𝑥2𝑁 ⎥
In a 𝑁var dimensional optimization problem, a raindrop is an array =⎢ 1 ⎥
⎢ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⎥
of 1× The 𝑁var array is defined as Follows: ⎢ 𝑁pop 𝑁 𝑁 𝑁 ⎥
⎣𝑥1 𝑥2 pop 𝑥3 pop … 𝑥𝑁pop ⎦
Raindrop = [𝑥1 , 𝑥2 , 𝑥3 , … , 𝑥𝑁 ]. where 𝑁pop rows and 𝑁var columns are the number of population and
So the optimization algorithm begins with generating the raindrop the design variables, respectively.
matrix of size 𝑁pop × 𝑁var , which represents the raindrop population.
7.3. Standard DWCA algorithm
Matrix 𝑋 is generated randomly as:

⎡ Raindrops1 ⎤
⎢ Raindrops2 ⎥ where 𝑃 is the population size, 𝑃𝑠𝑟 is the number of rivers and sea,
⎢ ⎥
Population of Raindrops = ⎢ Raindrops3 ⎥ 𝑑𝑚𝑎𝑥 is the maximum distance for evaporation, 𝑅𝑒𝑣 is the minimum
⎢ ⋮ ⎥ rate for evaporation, 𝐶 is the amplitude for the position update, 𝑇
⎢ ⎥ is the maximum number of generations, 𝑓 (𝑥) is the fitness function,
⎣Raindrops𝑁pop ⎦

A. Mokhtar et al. Franklin Open 7 (2024) 100092

Algorithm 1: Standard DWCA algorithm. the optimization process, DWCA conducts a thorough system analy-
Data: 𝑃 , 𝑃sr , 𝑑max , 𝑅ev , 𝐶, 𝑇 , 𝑓 (𝑥), 𝑓 (𝐿𝐵𝑛 , 𝑈 𝐵𝑛 ) sis. As a result, the DWCA approach frequently uses various analysis
Result: 𝑋 ∗ , 𝑓 (𝑋 ∗ ) methodologies in design challenges involving linked systems.
Randomly initialize population considering 𝑓 (𝐿𝐵𝑛 ; 𝑈 𝐵𝑛 ) 𝑛 ← 1 Select
streams (subset 𝑃str ), rivers (corr. 𝑃𝑟 ) Calculate cost 𝐶𝑝 of each stream 7.5. Mechanics of evolution
𝑃 ∈ 𝑃str Determine streams flow into rivers and sea 𝑡 ← 1 ⊳
*[r]iteration number while 𝑡 ≤ 𝑇 or termination criterion met do
Update streams’ location for rivers. Update stream’s location for In the DWCA, the water molecules represent the candidate solutions
sea. if stream/river has a better fitness metric than its counterpart considering the four main phases of the water cycle (evaporation,
then condensation, precipitation and infiltration) that represent the different
exchange roles stages of the optimization process. For instance, the evaporation phase
end involves the generation of new solutions while the condensation phase
for 𝑝 ∈ 𝑃 𝑟𝑈 𝑃 𝑠𝑡𝑟 do represents the selection of the best solutions. The precipitation phase
if Distance(xp(t); xpsea(t)) < dmax(t) or Uniform(0; 1) < Rev represents the removal of weak solutions and the infiltration phase
then represents the communication between solutions in the search space.
Decrease 𝑑max Replace sea with a new stream/river Break
end 7.5.1. Algorithm implementation
using the updated streams/rivers Recompute costs Recompute The algorithm typically involves a series of interrelated processes,
subsets 𝑃 𝑠𝑡𝑟, 𝑃 𝑠𝑟 Recompute best individual (sea) 𝑡 ← 𝑡 + 1 including precipitation, evaporation, and surface runoff, which may be
end simulated using computational models. To ensure its proper function-
ing, the DWCA necessitates an appropriate coding strategy (languages
and tools) that can handle the pertinent calculations and simulations.
However, effective DWCA coding requires a sophisticated understand-
𝑓 (𝐿𝐵𝑛 , 𝑈 𝐵𝑛 ) are the lower and upper bounds for the optimization ing of both hydrological processes and software engineering principles.
variables. Therefore the first step in DWCA implementation is to represent the
problem regarding solution space in a better way. In general, coding
7.4. Proposed DWCA algorithm methods of binary level are used in the DWCA algorithm [20,21].

7.5.2. Roulette wheel selection

Algorithm 2: Proposed DWCA algorithm.
The roulette wheel selection (RWS) is one of the most popular
Data: 𝐺, 𝑃 , 𝑃sr , 𝑑max , 𝑅ev , 𝐶, 𝑇 , 𝑅
selection methods used in GA and recently in the DWCA to select the
Result: 𝑋 ∗ , 𝑓 (𝑋 ∗ )
best individuals for reproduction and create the next generation. In the
Randomly initialize population considering 𝑃sr Select streams (subset
RWS process, each member in the population (raindrops) is assigned
𝑃str ), rivers (corr. 𝑃𝑟 ) Calculate cost 𝐶𝑝 of each stream 𝑃 ∈ 𝑃str
with a probability of selection proportionate to its fitness value. Thus,
Determine streams flow into rivers and sea 𝑡 ← 1 ⊳ *[r]iteration
number while 𝑡 ≤ 𝑇 or termination criterion met do the individuals with higher fitness have a higher probability of being
Update streams location for river/sea 𝑥0 with probability 𝜂(., .) or in- selected for reproduction, producing better offspring for the next gen-
sertion if stream/river has a better fitness metric than its counterpart eration. However, a healthy individual is not guaranteed to be always
then transferred to the next generation; it merely happens.
exchange roles In the RWS process, a roulette wheel or a pie chart represents the
end overall fitness score of the population. Then each wheel slice is assigned
for 𝑝 ∈ 𝑃 𝑟𝑈 𝑃𝑠𝑡𝑟 do to every individual of the given population. Thus, the fitness scores of
if 𝐷𝐻(𝑥𝑝(𝑡); 𝑥𝑝𝑠𝑒𝑎 (𝑡)) < 𝑑𝑚𝑎𝑥 (𝑡) or Uniform(0; 1) < 𝑅𝑒𝑣 then those raindrops are directly proportional to the size of that given slice,
Decrease the value of 𝑑𝑚𝑎𝑥 Replace 𝑥𝑝𝑠𝑒𝑎 (𝑡) with a new
i.e., the fitter member will get the most significant pie slice. Next, it is
stream/river with the location given by incrementally
needed to spin a ball and hold the chromosome where it stops [20,21].
performing 𝑅 insertion movements onto 𝑥𝑝𝑠𝑒𝑎 (𝑡) Break
The mechanics of the evolution of DWCA can be further enhanced
by incorporating adaptive mechanisms such as mutation and crossover,
which facilitate the exploration and exploitation of the search space.
using the updated streams/rivers Recompute costs Recompute
subsets 𝑃 𝑠𝑡𝑟, 𝑃 𝑠𝑟 𝑡 ← 𝑡 + 1
end 7.5.3. Crossover rate
The best solution and its fitness are given by the best in 𝑓 𝑥𝑝𝑠𝑒𝑎(𝑡)𝑔𝑇 , 𝑡 = The crossover rate of DWCA refers to the probability at which two
1, i.e., the best sea. parent solutions exchange their genetic information during crossover
where R is the number of repetitions for the raining phase. operations. In optimization problems, the crossover rate determines the
Discipline analysis modules typically impact other sub-systems in balance between the exploration and exploitation phases in the DWCA.
large-scale design challenges. As a result, designers must deal with a Practically, a higher crossover probability enhances the diversity and
densely connected system. convergence speed while a lower rate reduces the computation com-
System analysis is part of the DWCA Framework, a single-level plexity and local convergence. Therefore, the optimal crossover rate of
architecture. The proposed trade-off mechanism is a fully integrated the DWCA depends on the nature of the problem, the population size,
optimization and ‘‘all-in-one’’ (AiO), which resolves the optimization and the termination criteria.
issues with several contemporary designs and analyses of the sub- In the literature, researchers have proposed various strategies to
system. In this architecture, the system-level optimizer manages the adaptively tune the crossover rate during the evolutionary process,
design process. At the same time, the system analyzer organizes all e.g., using fuzzy logic and GA, to improve the DWCA performance. In
subspace analyzers and also, in some way, guarantees that the goal this work, the crossover rate is swiping of two raindrops, where 0.7
is met while taking into account design limitations. At each stage of refers to a suitable value (50% over here).

A. Mokhtar et al. Franklin Open 7 (2024) 100092

7.5.4. Mutation rate 7.7. Exploration and exploitation study for power supply system optimiza-
One of the critical parameters that affect the performance of the tion
DWCA is the mutation rate. The mutation rate determines how much
of the population will undergo mutation at each iteration, leading to To establish a comprehensive understanding of the proposed DWCA,
the exploration of new search spaces. Therefore, an optimal mutation it is imperative to compare it with existing solutions, specifically GA
rate is required to maintain the balance between exploration and and PSO. This comparative analysis aims to highlight the distinct
exploitation based on the characteristics of the optimization problem advantages and potential limitations of the proposed method in the
to achieve optimal performance. Several studies have reported that the context of optimizing spacecraft power supply subsystems. This work
mutation rate of 0.1 to 0.3 is the optimal mutation rate for the DWCA. explains how each algorithm balances the exploration and exploitation
However, the identification of the ideal mutation rate varies depending of the solution space for the SEPS optimization problem. We will use
on the optimization problem being solved.
a mathematical model to illustrate the concepts of exploration and
At this point, the flipping of raindrops may happen (0 may become
exploitation for each algorithm.
1, and 1 may become 0). So after the selection of raindrops, it is first
Genetic Algorithm (GA):
checked for if the raindrop is applicable or not for the generations
GA achieves a balance between exploration and exploitation through
encoded in binary [20,21]. In this work, the DWCA is used so that
the encoding of a potential solution can be a string of real numbers its genetic operators: crossover and mutation. The crossover operator
or, more typically binary bit string. Here raindrops in this task will be combines the genetic information of two parent solutions to create new
100|1|01|01|001, where: offspring. This promotes exploitation by exploiting promising regions
of the solution space represented by the parents. Mutation introduces
• 100 — solar cell type small random changes to the solutions, promoting exploration by
• 1 — Array type exploring new regions of the solution space. GA achieves exploration by
• 01 — Battery type introducing randomness through mutation and maintains exploitation
• 01 — Bus voltage type, by using crossover to combine promising solutions.
• 001 — Number of batteries. Mathematical Model:
Exploitation (Crossover):
At the start of a run of a rule, the population of random raindrops
is formed (initial population). Each one, once decoded, can represent Offspring = Crossover(parent1, parent2)
a different resolution to the matter at hand. There were area unit = 𝛼 × parent1 + (1 − 𝛼) ∗ parent2
𝑁 raindrops within the initial population. Then, the subsequent steps
continue until the solution is found: Exploration (Mutation):
1. Test each raindrop to determine its ability to solve the problem Offspring = Mutate(parent) = parent
and assign a fitness score accordingly.
+ mutation rate × (upper-bound - lower bound) * rand(),
2. Select the best individual and delete the worst one.
3. Create a new population. where 𝛼 is a crossover parameter between [0, 1] while mutation rate
4. With some selection methods, some of the old population is controls the level of exploration.
migrated to the new population. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO): PSO maintains particle pop-
5. Choose two members from the present population. Again, the ulations representing a potential solution. Particles move in the search
possibility of selection is proportional to the raindrop’s fitness. space to find optimal solutions. The balance between exploration and
6. Depending on the crossover rate, the bits from every chosen exploitation is achieved by considering personal best (exploitation)
chromosome are randomly subjected to the crossover method. and global best (exploration) positions. Particles adjust their velocity
7. Going through the chosen raindrop bits and flipping is done based on these positions, guiding them towards promising regions while
systematically, depending on the mutation rate. exploring new areas. PSO achieves exploitation by adjusting particles
8. Repeat steps 5, 6, and 7 until a new population of 𝑁 members towards their personal best and exploration by incorporating global
is created. best information.
Mathematical Model:
7.6. DWCA optimizer for LEO SPSS - Exploitation (Personal Best):
Velocity = Cognitive Factor * rand() * (Personal Best - Current
This work proposes a DWCA optimizer for SPSS optimization of an Position)
LEO satellite because of its balance between exploration and exploita- - Exploration (Global Best):
tion. Moreover, DWCA can provide solutions meeting cost, mass, and
Velocity = Social Factor * rand() * (Global Best - Current Position)
performance objectives, while satisfying system constraints, supporting
Discrete Water Cycle Algorithm (DWCA):
its suitability for the problem.
DWCA simulates the natural water cycle, including precipitation
Mathematical Model:
and evaporation. It balances exploration and exploitation by mimicking
The optimization problem aims to minimize the cost (𝐶) and mass
(𝑀) of the power supply system, while maximizing its performance (𝑃 ) the flow of water. Precipitation corresponds to the exploitation phase,
during the session mode. The objective function can be represented as: where solutions gather around promising regions. Evaporation corre-
sponds to the exploration phase, allowing solutions to move away from
Minimize: 𝐽 (𝐶, 𝑀, 𝑃 ) = 𝑤1 ⋅ 𝐶 + 𝑤2 ⋅ 𝑀 − 𝑤3 ⋅ 𝑃 overcrowded areas. DWCA achieves exploration through controlled
Where 𝑤1 , 𝑤2 , and 𝑤3 are weight coefficients representing the impor- random walks and exploitation by emphasizing solutions that have best
tance of cost, mass, and performance. fitness.
Constrained Optimization: Mathematical Model:
The optimization problem is subject to constraints, such as power - Exploration (Evaporation):
requirements during session and eclipse modes: Solutions explore new areas by moving away from crowded regions.
New Solution = Current Solution + 𝛾 * rand(),
For session mode: 𝑃session ≥ 2000 W
where 𝛾 is a parameter controlling the step size based on random
For eclipse mode: 𝑃eclipse ≥ 500 W movement.
These constraints ensure that the power supply system meets power - Exploitation (Precipitation):
requirements during different satellite operational modes. Solutions are gathered around better solutions.

A. Mokhtar et al. Franklin Open 7 (2024) 100092

New Solution = Best Solution + 𝜂 * rand(), Table 2

where 𝜂 is a parameter controlling the step size towards the best Normalized mass of power control unit components for
different bus voltages [11].
Bus voltage (V) Normalized
These mathematical models illustrate how each algorithm balances
exploration and exploitation for the searching phase of the power Box Cabling

supply system optimization problem. The parameters (𝛼, mutationRate, 28 1 1

50 0.65 0.55
Cognitive Factor, Social Factor, 𝜂, 𝛾) influence the trade-off between
100 0.55 0.25
exploring new areas and exploiting the best solutions. These math-
ematical iterative equations illustrate how each algorithm balances
exploration and exploitation for the power supply system optimization Table 3
problem. We will use simplified equations to demonstrate the concepts. Optimal solution for the spacecraft SPSS.

In this work, each algorithm explores the solution space to find a Solar cell type Ultra-Triple Junction UTJ

diverse set of solutions (exploration) while exploiting known promising Solar array type Deployed wings
regions to improve solutions (exploitation). The mathematical models Battery type Li-ion
Bus voltage 100 V
illustrate how each algorithm achieves this balance and adapts its No of Batteries per string 4
behavior during the searching phase of the optimization process. The
mathematical explanation of how each algorithm balances exploration
and exploitation for the power supply system optimization problem.
Balance between Exploration and Exploitation: We compare and analyze the results obtained from different test
The DWCA optimizer is known for its ability to balance exploration functions to assess the DWCA performance against other state-of-the-
and exploitation. The algorithm employs a population of solutions art optimization algorithms, e.g., GA, and PSO. This section also in-
(raindrops) to explore the solution space while adaptively adjusting cludes the convergence behavior of the algorithm, which illustrates the
mutation and crossover rates for exploitation. This balance is essential algorithm’s stability in finding the global optimum solution.
for finding high-quality solutions efficiently.
Justification through Calculations: based on the importance of Benchmarking power supply system optimization for LEO satellite
each weighting coefficient towards the optimization problem, 𝑤1 = 0.8, The satellite operates in a sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of
𝑤2 = 0.6, 𝑤3 = 0.5, initial population size 50, mutation rate: 0.2, and 720 km. It requires 2000 W of power during the sunlit session mode and
the DWCA optimizer are used for 50 iterations with 10 independent 500 W during the eclipse mode. The power supply system consists of
runs. The mean and standard deviation of objective function values, solar panels, batteries, voltage regulators, and power distribution units.
as well as the feasibility of solutions based on constraints, can be A comprehensive and enhanced benchmarking for the power supply
calculated. system is represented in Table 7 We provide detailed calculations for
Comparing the mean and standard deviation of objective function algorithm performance, considering realistic values for the parameters
values assesses DWCA’s performance in minimizing cost and mass and objectives. Algorithm Settings:
while maximizing performance. Additionally, feasibility maintenance
• Population Size: 50
is analyzed based on the computation power and system constraints.
• Crossover Rate (GA): 0.8
• Mutation Rate (GA and DWCA): 0.1
8. Simulation results
• Swarm Size (PSO): 50
• Inertia Weight (PSO): 0.7
Experimental data are presented for the spacecraft design optimiza-
tion process employing a whole framework. The weights for all of the • Cognitive Factor (PSO): 1.5
objectives in this scenario have been applied. The array type, battery • Social Factor (PSO): 1.5
architecture, and maximum discharge rate are only a few of the design • Initial Population (DWCA): Random
aspects crucial for classifying or enhancing the optimal design decision.
Reliability calculation
8.1. Simulation setup In the reliability analysis and calculations, the exponential distri-
bution is proposed to model the time until failure or the time between
Mission specifications failures of the system components. The exponential distribution density
For our case study, input parameters: function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) are given
• Orbit altitude = 798 km
• Inclination angle = 51.6◦ 𝑓 (𝑥; 𝜆) = 𝜆 ⋅ 𝑒−𝜆𝑥 (7)
• Mission life = 5 years 𝐹 (𝑥; 𝜆) = 1 − 𝑒 −𝜆𝑥
• Daylight power requirements = 2 [kW]
• Eclipse power requirements = 2 [kW] Where 𝑥 is the time until failure, and 𝜆 is the failure rate, i.e., the
• Spacecraft Mission type = LEO reciprocal of the mean time between failures.
For each component’s time until failure (𝑥):
Only one solution is deemed optimal after dynamic and multi-objective
optimization for the cost, mass, and IPI, fulfilling all necessary ob- Solar Panel: 𝑥sol ∼ 𝑒𝜆sol
jectives. The solution for our case study with the specified orbital Battery: 𝑥bat ∼ 𝑒𝜆bat
parameters is shown in Table 3: The obtained solution is (8; 2; 3; 3; Voltage Regulator: 𝑥reg ∼ 𝑒𝜆reg
4) with 𝐹min = 1.3709 and computation time is 2.301 [s] (see Table 2).
Power Distribution: 𝑥dist ∼ 𝑒𝜆dist
This section presents comprehensive evaluations of the efficacy of
the proposed DWCA in solving multi-dimensional optimization prob- For each algorithm, calculate the reliability of each component is
lems, e.g., interdisciplinary design. DWCA is used to optimize the expressed at a specific time 𝑡 using the CDF:
SEPS architectural design problem as stated in the problem description.
The proposed optimization method considers the design configuration 𝑅ALG (𝑡) =𝐹 (𝑥sol , 𝜆sol , 𝑡) ⋅ 𝐹 (𝑥bat , 𝜆bat , 𝑡)
currently used in the industry, e.g., reliability concerns. ⋅ 𝐹 (𝑥reg , 𝜆reg , 𝑡) ⋅ 𝐹 (𝑥dist , 𝜆dist , 𝑡)

A. Mokhtar et al. Franklin Open 7 (2024) 100092

Table 4
Solar Cell Technology Trades Comparison of solar cell characteristics [16].
Solar cell BOL efficiency BOL power Cost Mass Power Radiation
technology (28𝑜 ) (W/m2 ) (K$∕kg) (Kg/m2 ) temperature degradation 𝑃 ∕𝑃𝑜
coefficient influence e/cm2
Mev electrons
1 × 1014 5 × 1014 1 × 1015
Si 13.7 185 20 0.55 −0.045 0.92 0.82 0.77
High- Si 16 216 50 0.28 −0.0415 0.92 0.83 0.79
GaAs/GeSJ 19 253 140 0.83 −0.022 0.90 0.83 0.79
Galnp2 25 337 150 0.85 −0.06 0.96 0.92 0.83
GaAs/Ge TJ
Ultra Triple 28 378 170 0.86 −0.06 0.93 0.89 0.86
Junction UTJ

Table 5
Comparison of the properties of the solar cell technologies implemented in the proposed trade-off mechanism.
Solar cell Solar array Radiation Operation Solar panel 1 MeV∕cm2
technology mass (kg/m2 ) influence temperature dry mass
MeV/cm2 (kg/m2 )
Si 2.52 9 × 1014 2 × 1014 50 60 1.72 1 × 1015 4 × 1014
High - Si 2.34 9.5 × 1014 2 × 1014 60 70 1.54 1.25 × 1015 5 × 1014
GaAs/GeSJ 3.2 7 × 1014 6.6 × 1014 65 75 2.24 7.7 × 1014 7.5 × 1013
Galnp 3.26 6 × 1014 3 × 1014 65 75 2.28 6.6 × 1014 4 × 1013
GaAs/Ge TJ
Ultra Triple 3.26 6 × 1014 3 × 1014 65 75 2.28 6.6 × 1014 4 × 1013

where 𝑅ALG is the reliability for each algorithm, i.e., GA, PSO, and

8.2. Results analysis

After implementing the three optimization algorithms (DWCA, GA,

and PSO) on the SEPS design problem using MATLAB, we analyzed the
results to determine which algorithm performed best.

Fitness values
Firstly, we compared the fitness values obtained by each algorithm
after running 50 iterations. The DWCA algorithm achieved a fitness
value of 13.78, while the GA and PSO algorithms achieved fitness Fig. 12. Fitness sum of the whole generation over-optimization.
values of 15.43 and 14.05, respectively. This indicates that DWCA was
able to find a better solution than the other two algorithms in terms of
fitness value. Fig. 12 compares average fitness values generated by each Cost
optimization algorithm. The DWCA Algorithm generates various good Fig. 13 captures the progress of minimum achieved for each ob-
designs across the span of the Pareto front in as low as 50 generations jective vs. the number of generations of the cost problem. Fig. 14
with a maximum of 4400 function evaluations. On the other hand compares the mass cost function produced by the DWCA algorithm
essential cost, generation has a maximum of 3000 function evaluations. and the theoretical techniques used to get the mass. Whereas the
We can see from the created graphs that as generations increase, gener- spacecraft’s elemental mass has the highest value, the generated mass
ated costs decrease while essential costs stay the same. The generated
is determined by the DWCA algorithm and depends on the number of
cost in this scenario is estimated to have 2440 function evaluations,
generations. It can be as low as 125 or as high as 170 according to
taking roughly 20 generations to converge when assuming a single
the design objectives. Therefore, DWCA allows for adaptable spacecraft
objective. Comparing the developed expenses shows that DWCA out-
mass, optimizing for specific mission requirements.
performs in terms of fitness value, indicating superior solution quality.
Therefore, DWCA excels in generating efficient designs, particularly
suited for multi-objective spacecraft optimization. Intricate power index
In comparing parameters of low IPI to generational weight, the
Computation time IPI could fall but not by a significant amount, when the generation
Secondly, we compared the computation time taken by each algo- weights are increasing. Fig. 15 presents the progress of IPI sum of
rithm to complete 50 iterations. The DWCA algorithm took the shortest the whole generation. As far as we know, a single optimization pro-
time at 5.35 s, while the PSO algorithm took 8.42 s, and the GA cedure simulated and executed the ideal solution. Therefore, we need
algorithm took 10.74 s. This indicates that DWCA was the fastest multi-objective optimization simulations with various sets of weight
algorithm, followed by PSO, and then GA. Therefore, this results ensure combinations to identify multiple implementations. Here, choose three
the DWCA efficiency in finding optimal solutions. different cases: low IPI, low mass, and low cost with a generation of

A. Mokhtar et al. Franklin Open 7 (2024) 100092

Fig. 13. Progress of minimum achieved for each objective vs. no. of generations for cost problem.

Fig. 14. Progress of minimum mass cost function achieved for each objective vs. no. of generations for the mass problem.

Fig. 15. Progress of IPI sum of the whole generation.

weights. Three regions of whole generations are seen in Fig. 15. The Region I, whereas those for an apparent trade-off between IPI, cost, and
solutions for very low IPI, very high cost, and low mass are shown in mass are shown in Region II. Finally, the options with the lowest prices,

A. Mokhtar et al. Franklin Open 7 (2024) 100092

Fig. 16. Approximate design for tri-objective optimization for the cost, mass, and IPI with the scatter function.

lowest IPI, and lowest mass are displayed in Region III. So DWCA algo- Tri-objective optimization
rithm effectively manages IPI across generations, showcasing consistent All three algorithms demonstrate convergence to reasonable so-
improvement. However, IPI fluctuations correlate with generational lutions as shown in Figs. 12–16. The most interesting point, DWCA
weights, indicating adaptability in achieving diverse design objectives. ensures high-quality solutions as well as a quicker convergence rate in
Therefore, DWCA supports the fine-tuning of power indices across optimizing the design process.
generations, enhancing design adaptability.
Comparison with existing solutions: (Advantages)
Convergence behavior To establish a comprehensive understanding of the proposed DWCA,
The convergence behavior of optimization algorithms is a crucial it is imperative to compare it with existing solutions, specifically GA
aspect in assessing their efficiency and reliability. In our study, we and PSO. This comparative analysis aims to highlight the distinct
provide a comprehensive demonstration of the convergence behavior advantages and potential limitations of the proposed method in the
of the optimization methods employed—DWCA, GA, and PSO. Thus, context of optimizing SEPS. For instance;
we analyzed the convergence behavior of each algorithm by plotting
the fitness values obtained in each iteration. Fig. 16 depicts the ap- • DWCA consistently outperforms GA and PSO in terms of fitness
proximate design for tri-objective optimization for the cost, mass, and values, indicating superior solution quality.
IPI with the scatter function. The convergence plots show that all • The algorithm’s ability to quickly converge to optimal solutions
three algorithms were able to converge to a reasonable solution. DWCA ensures high-quality designs for the SEPS.
exhibits the fastest rate of convergence to a reasonable solution. The • DWCA demonstrates the shortest computation time among the
convergence plot for DWCA demonstrates a steep decline in fitness three algorithms for 50 iterations. Thus, it is critical for practical
values, indicating its effectiveness in quickly refining the solution. On applications in space mission planning.
another hand, GA shows the slowest rate of convergence. Thus, the • DWCA showcases adaptability in handling multi-objective op-
convergence plot for GA displays a gradual decrease in fitness values, timization scenarios, i.e., addressing various design objectives
suggesting a slower convergence rate. However, the convergence plot simultaneously. So DWCA provides a range of efficient designs
for PSO demonstrates a moderate decline in fitness values, falling across the Pareto front.
between the rapid convergence of DWCA and the slower convergence • The proposed algorithm introduces a dynamic mass cost function,
of GA. allowing for adaptable spacecraft mass optimization based on
Therefore, DWCA offers solutions for trade-offs between IPI, cost, mission requirements. This feature enhances the flexibility of
and mass, providing a comprehensive view of design possibilities. spacecraft design, catering to diverse mission specifications.
Overall, based on the results obtained in this analysis, we conclude that • DWCA effectively manages the IPI across generations, showcasing
the DWCA algorithm is the most suitable for solving the SEPS design consistent adaptability to the algorithm’s ability to meet specific
problem. Although it takes longer to compute, DWCA found a better SEPS constraints.
solution than GA and PSO in terms of fitness value. Additionally, its
convergence rate was faster than GA, making it more efficient in finding Comparison with existing solutions: Limitations
a solution. Also, if speed is a critical factor, DWCA may be a better However, DWCA faces some limitations which should be taken in
option, as it was able to find a good solution in a shorter amount of the consideration, for instance:
This convergence demonstration provides a visual representation • The efficiency of the DWCA may require more computational
of the algorithm’s capability to efficiently navigate the design space resources compared to GA.
and converge to optimal solutions. In conclusion, the swift conver- • The discrete nature of DWCA may introduce increased complexity
gence of DWCA strengthens the credibility of the proposed DWCA as a in implementation compared to the more straightforward GA and
powerful algorithm for SEPS optimization by highlighting its superior PSO. This complexity might require careful parameter tuning and
convergence characteristics compared to GA and PSO. thorough understanding for optimal utilization.

A. Mokhtar et al. Franklin Open 7 (2024) 100092

We compared the DWCA performance with two other optimization

algorithms, e.g., GA and PSO according to the fitness values, the
computation time, and the convergence behavior. The use of DWCA
optimizer is justified for the power supply system optimization of a
LEO satellite. Its ability to balance exploration and exploitation, handle
constraints, and provide solutions meeting cost, mass, and performance
objectives, while satisfying system constraints, supports its suitability
for the problem.
After many iterations, our analysis revealed that DWCA outperforms
the other algorithms in terms of both solution quality and convergence
speed. Moreover, we demonstrated how DWCA approaches can be
integrated with the system sizing or assessment tools to generate mul-
tiobjective optimal design solutions that consider practical boundaries.
Furthermore, utilizing this model results in increased affordability as
Fig. 17. Three options are presented: [28 V (traditional low bus voltage level), 50 V, it reduces the cost required to generate and maintain power during
and 100 V] [11]. long-duration flights in remote locations.
We also highlight the effectiveness of the evolutionary algorithms,
e.g., DWCA to analyze and design SEPS and their component configu-
The proposed DWCA offers notable advantages, including superior rations, providing a framework for future research in this field. The
solution quality, computational efficiency, and adaptability to multi- results aid engineers in system design for production-educated deci-
objective scenarios. Its dynamic mass adaptation and effective IPI sions entirely based on quantitative and qualitative analysis. Overall,
management contribute to its versatility in spacecraft design. How- our research significantly advances the field of spacecraft power supply
ever, potential limitations include a trade-off in computation time and optimization by introducing and validating the effectiveness of DWCA.
increased algorithmic complexity.
This work offers a powerful solution to complex and multidisciplinary
design challenges.
Comparison with existing solutions: Wilcoxon test
Table 8 presents a benchmark of SEPS design optimization for LEO
satellite using multi-Objective optimization algorithms under Wilcoxon CRediT authorship contribution statement
test. The lower bound is [0, 0, 0], and the upper bound is [1, 1, 1]. The
number of runs is 10, and the number of iterations is 50. The output Ahmed Mokhtar: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Val-
of each algorithm is Pareto Front solutions. idation, Resources, Data curation, Writing – original draft. Mohamed
Ibrahim: Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing – original draft, Writ-
9. Conclusions ing – review & editing, Visualization. Mohamed E. Hanafy: Analysis,
Investigation, Data curation, Writing – review & editing, Supervision,
For successful spacecraft missions, the SEPS design requires meeting Project administration. Fawzy H. Amer ElTohamy: Formal analysis,
various design criteria while working within specific limitations. In this Investigation, Data curation, Visualization. Wael A. Murtada: For-
paper, we proposed an enhanced discrete version of the DWCA, used to mal analysis, Investigation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review
solve various constrained optimization and engineering design issues. & editing, Visualization. Yehia Z. Elhalwagy: Supervision, Project
The DWCA algorithm is used to effectively automate the design process administration, Funding acquisition.
of the SEPS, e.g., the selection of components technologies. Thus it
has led to improving the design performance with minimum costs and
ensuring design stability in the conceptual design process for space Declaration of competing interest
systems. The proposed research has evaluated performance with mass,
cost, operating constraints of the battery, and system reliability. Thus, The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
we represented the trade-off analysis of the LEO SPES by the DWCA cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
Algorithm. influence the work reported in this paper.

Table 6
Space batteries technology trades Comparison characteristics [11].
Battery Cell Cell Cell Cell Operating
technology nominal average specific specific temperature
voltage discharge energy power C𝑜
voltage (V) (W-hr/kg) (W/kg)
Nicd 1.45 1.25 40:50 150:200 −20:50
NiH2 1.55 1.25 45:65 150:200 −10:50
Li-ion 4.1 3.5 90:150 200:220 10:45

Table 7
SEPS Simulation Tools survey [10,12,19].
No Name/Tool Mission/USE Year Organization
1 Capel LEO spacecraft – –
2 EASY5 COB spacecraft 1989 NASA
3 MATLAB based satellite power simulation Colombo 2009 ESA
4 Virtual Test Bed (VTB) SEPS modeling and simulation – South Carolina
5 Multi-Mission Power Analysis Tool Mars Explorer Rovers and Deep Impact missions 2004 NASA
6 Power Cap, developed by SAE long-term simulation – Canada

A. Mokhtar et al. Franklin Open 7 (2024) 100092

Table 8
Benchmarking Power Supply System Optimization for LEO satellite using Multi-Objective optimization algorithms under Wilcoxon test. The lower bound is [0, 0, 0], and the upper
bound is [1, 1, 1]. The number of runs is 10, and the number of iterations is 50. The output of each algorithm is Pareto Front Solutions.
Algorithm Inputs for Explore/Exploit Cost $ Mass [kg] Performance
optimizer study Mean Std Dev Mean Std Dev Mean Std Dev
Population Size: 50, Explores
GA Crossover Rate: 0.8, & Exploits 6.2 × 106 1.8 × 105 780 20 0.85 0.025
Mutation Rate: 0.1 Trade-offs
Swarm Size: 50, Balances
Inertia Weight: 0.7, Exploration
PSO 6.5 × 106 1.6 × 105 775 18 0.88 0.020
Cognitive Factor: 1.5, & Exploitation
Social Factor: 1.5
Initial Population: Adapts to
6.3 × 106 1.7 × 105 778 19 0.86 0.022
DWCA Random, Exploration
Mutation Rate: 0.2 & Exploitation

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