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A: Hello B, how’s your work?

B: Hello, A. I am doing fine.

A: How was your Da Nang trip ?
B: Oh, I was great trip.
A: How is your Da Nang branch?
B: Great. The staff are friendly and enthusiastic; the building is nice and spacious; the
office equipment are new and modern
A: That’s good to hear. What did your work in Da Nang?
B: Good .I had a effective meeting with the branch manager. I also visited the factory and
met some key employees. I also joined the workshop and met some VIP clients. How
about your project?
A: Oh, everything’s going smoothly by so far, I completed 80% for work.
B: Congratulations!
A: I like your new shirt by the way.Where did you buy the shirt?
B: Thank you. I got it from a store in HCM city.
A: Nice talking to you. I should get back to work. Goodbye.
B: Bye. See you later.
A: Hello, this is A. Can I speak to Ms B- the secretary, please?
B: good morning. How can I help you?
A: Can you tell me more detail?
B: Could you send me the 2020 and the 2021 untill June sales report of Ho Chi Minh city
brand, for Phenikaa custormer, please?
A: I’m sorry.. I couldn’t quite catch that. Would you repeat it please?
B: The 2020 and the 2021 untill June sales report of Ho Chi Minh city brand, for
Phenikaa custormer
A: OK. I will send it to you by email immediately
B: I’m agree with you.
A:Is there anything else?
B: Yes, please remember to prepare for the 3 p.m video conference
A: I have already done that
B: Thank you so much
A: Thank you for your time
B: Goodbye see you soon
Greet Greet. Ask A to discuss advertising plan
Agree. Suggest: tv commercial Disagree. give your own reasons
Reason: attract/ wide range/ customers
Ask for B’s opinion Suggest: Billboards
Disagree. Reason: too costly Suggest: magazine
Reason: much cheaper/ other types of
Disagree Ask for A’s opinion
Reason: mostly for women
Suggest: pop-up on internet Agree
Reason: more eye-catching/economical
End the conversation End the conversation

A: Good morning.
B: Good morning. Today we are going to discuss advertsing plan. What is your opinion?
A: I think we should use tv commercial because it’s arttract wide range of customers
B: I don’t think that good ideas. Because it is too espensive.
A: do you have any idea?
B: I think we should billboards.
A: I don’t think so. Because it is too costly
B: what do you think about using magazine because it’s more cheaper than any other
types of advers.
A: I don’t agree with you. It is mostly for women.
B: Do you have any idea?
A: I think we should use pop-up on internet. Because it is more eye- catching than
B: Yes, let’s make our report of out idea now.
A: So, the plan ends here. Thank you for your idea. Goodbye.
B: Bye
A: hi my name is… can I speak to the secretary?
B: hello, my mane is thúy. How can I help you?
A: could you tell me when and where the next business meeting is going to take place?
B: it is going to take place on 28th july,2021 at comference room 6.
A: I got it. What is the objective of the meeting?
B: it is giong to discuss the results of the company benefit improment survey.
A: who is the meeting going to chairperson and the minute taler?
B:MR. Davit Brown is going to chairperson and MS Julia Robert is going to minute
A:who are delegates of the meeting ?
B: they are Mr william Thomson from HR department, Mr James Bond from marketing
department and Ms Susan Garner from customer service deparment.
A: how many items are there of the meeting ?
B : There are 4 item. There are stocking managerment system, marketing strategies, new
product features and last one is other relevant issues.
A: Do you need another help?
B: No, Thank. That’s all for now.
A: ok good bye.
B: Bye.
A: good morning. I think we should spend some mimute discussing dell swot.
B: good morning. I think so
A: Could you tell me what the strengths of Dell company are?
B:they can dell directly to customers and they has lower costs than their compestitors.
What about the weaknesses of Dell company?
A: they have weak relationship with retailers. In your opinion, What are the opportunities
of Dell copmany?
B: They can use internet as an effective marketing tool. They maintain and expand the
one-stop shoping which offerd to there customers.
A: there are still some threats.
B:what are they?
A: Dell copany’s competitor have stronger brand names and they have better relationship
with retailer.
B: I agree with you. Could you pleace send me the discussed information via email?
A: Sure.I have to back to work now. Bye.
B: OK. Bye
A: Good morning B. Can I help you?
B: Good morning A. I have complaint to make.
A: I apologize for your complaint. Could you tell me more detail?
B: I bought 3 bottles of champagne online but receive only one.
A: Would you mind scan and send original receipt?
B: OK, I will send document after the phone call.
A:After document are received, ,you have two solotions. First, we will send you the
remaining 2 bottles. The second, you want to return we will refund you as soon as
possible and we will give you a gift.
B: No, thank you. I agree with solution one . I also have anther complaint. My mother
emailed the company but no response yet.
A: I apologize for inconvenience. I will check email again. Would it be aceptable?
B: That sounds good.
A: I’m very sorry again. Do you need any further help?
B: NO, Thank you.
A: hello. Can I help you?
B: I want to buy …. Glass for my office.
A: what is the model number?
B: the model number is D240EY
A: How many … Glass you want to purchase?
B:I need 100
A: Yes, we have enough …. for you in the warehouse.
B: So can I ask you some questions about this product?
A: Sure. Go ahead.
B: Could you tell me what it is made of?
A: It is made of glass.
B: Yes, I see. Do you know how many colors it comes out?
A: It’s available in 2 colors: black and white.
B: Would you mind telling me what its special features are?
A: Yes, of course. The first, this product has cchane color when …………. The second, it
is very convenient because you can keep the heat inside for 1 hour
B: Wow! That’s great for…... I would like to know about the price.
A: The price is very reasonable. It costs $25.5.
B: Do you have any idea what its after-sales service is?
A: Sure. If you this item at our store, you will get 5 mouth guarantee for each product ,
you can post feelback and 10% discount for the next purchase.
B: Ok. That sounds amazing. So I will buy 100 …. …. with model number D240EY
A: Yes. I will take note that. Where can I deliver these items for you?
B: You can send them at the office in HCM city please.
A: When can you receive your order?
B: any time ……. 9 a.m and 5pm on Monday to Thursday.
A: Ok. Thank you so much for your order. Good bye. B: Bye

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