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Fixed star Algorab, Delta Corvi, is a pale yellow and purple wide double star in the right wing

of the
Crow, Corvus Constellations. Magnitude (V) +2.96, spectral type A0 IV(n) kB9. The magnitude 9.3
companion has the spectral type K2Ve.

The name traditional Algorab comes from the Arabic word ‫( الغراب‬al-ghuraab) which means the crow.

Fixed star Algorab is of the nature of Mars and Saturn. It gives destructiveness, malevolence,
fiendishness, repulsiveness and lying, and is connected with scavenging.

δ Corvi. A double star, yellow and purple, on the Crow’s right wing. “The Raven.” Spectral class AO.
This star gives the native high business preferment, government preferment. The native is self-
seeking, can be charming, clever; also repulsive, destructive, or tears down, and misrepresents.

It can indeed show up the more troublesome side of Libra, a variation on the truth when an excuse
looks to be safer but is not always found to be so – as the Crow discovered. Not a significant star
when well aspected, but it can be a nuisance if aspects or planets involved are hard ones.

Algorab, in The Crow, has a Saturn-Mars nature and is said to be a hindrance, especially when other
Saturnian influences are predominant. Delays and restraint are indicated to come about by fiascoes,
losses, wrong handling of matters and enmity in general. The cosmogram of Kaiser Franz Joseph I is a
good example. He has Algorab on his Ascendant, and his life was full of misfortune. A conjunction
with Sun or Moon is not good either, if the lights are afflicted… if Algorab is conjunction the Sun,
Moon, or one of the malefics, it has a reputation for accidents or injuries that are difficult to avoid.

Algorab rules the right kidney.

Agrippa1531 alaCorui.png Algorab is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars. Its image is a raven, snake
or negro dressed in black. It makes the wearer angry, bold, courageous and a backbiter, gives bad
dreams, the power of summoning or driving away evil spirits and protection from winds and the
malice of men and devils. Rules stones of the color of black onyx, burr, quadrangles, henbane,
comfrey, and the tongue of a frog.

Fixed Star Markab Conjunctions

Ascendant conjunct Markab: Rash, very obstinate, ruined by headstrong and precipitate conduct.

Midheaven conjunct Markab: Disgrace, ruin and often a violent death. Changeable in business.

Of grave disadvantage.
Vincent van Gogh 0°39′, Wilhelm II, German Emperor 0°58′ (and Neptune), Arnold Schwarzenegger
1°36′, Steven Spielberg 1°59′

Descendant conjunct Markab: Francisco Franco 0°54′ (and POF), Roy Orbison 1°01′, Josemaría Escrivá
1°01′, Tiger Woods 1°15′, Franklin D. Roosevelt 1°25′.

Imun Coeli conjunct Markab: Patch Adams 0°28′

Part of Fortune conjunct Markab: Ivan The Terrible 0°00′, Sid Vicious 1°05′, Warren Buffett 1°32′,
Francisco Franco 1°38′ (and DC), Jeff Bridges 1°57′

Sun conjunct Markab: Energetic, unlucky, impermanent martial honors, disappointed ambitions,
accidents, sickness.

Preferment in religion, science, artistic matters, writings, and all matters dealing with the public. The
native is mentally keen, energetic, but generally subject to setbacks and some disappointments. The
native generally engages in unusual, or controversial issues, careers. Complacency is the keynote of
most of these natives. Negatively, they are subject to accidents, disappointed ambitions.

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