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English - Reading Plan

Created by Sophie Bartlett

Text Wonder by RJ Palacio

Year group 5/6 Term Autumn 1 w/c Genre Fiction – narrative

Understand, Deduce, infer or Explain and comment on Identify and comment Show understanding Discuss books
summarise, retrieve predict the writers’ use of on writers’ purposes through intonation, read
and record information information, language, structure and and viewpoints, and tone, volume and independently
from texts, including events or ideas presentation and the the overall effect of action when and as a group,
non-fiction. from text, overall impact on the the text on the reader. performing poems and justifying their
justifying using reader. play-scripts. views.
the text.

Autumn 1 = 7 weeks
Guided reading sessions = 4 per week
This plan has 24 sessions (6 weeks’ worth) and so allows for an extra 4 sessions in case you need to run over –
this way it should hopefully fit completely into the first Autumn term.

The notes/pictures to aid understanding are from a blog called Mr W reads. They are so useful so please have the
web pages up as you read aloud to the children or as they read to themselves! (You will need to open them
through the staff proxy otherwise they are filtered)

Session 1
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.

Read and discuss (Start of Part 1: ‘August’) p3-14

Alternate T reading aloud, Ordinary; Why I Didn’t Go to School; How I Came to Life; Christopher’s House; Driving
chn reading aloud & chn Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
reading independently
august.html and

Whole-class input – how to answer a 3-mark question (PEE)

Does August mind that he’s “not an ordinary ten-year-old kid”? Explain your answer using
Questions Example answer (using PEE structure):
In some ways, August does seem to mind that he’s not ordinary. He says, “I would wish that I had a
normal face”, which shows his embarrassment for being disfigured. However, he also says, “I’m kind
of used to how I look by now”; this leads the reader to believe that he is becoming more comfortable in
his own skin.


Guided group

Session 2
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.
Read and discuss p15-26
Alternate T reading aloud,
chn reading aloud & chn Paging Mr. Tushman; Nice Mrs. Garcia; Jack Will, Julian, and Charlotte; The Grand Tour
reading independently Notes/pictures to aid understanding:

(I) p15 – Why does Palacio (the author) often mention details about the characters’ shoes? Is
it important? Why/why not? (August is always looking down to hide his face/so people can’t
see him. Because of this, he notices people shoes in great detail)
(C) p20 – How do you know August’s mood changes when he hears children’s voices? Use
Questions quotes to support your answer. (“all of a sudden… my heart literally started beating like I’d
just run the longest race… The laughter I had inside just poured out of me”)
(RT) p21 – Why did August grow his ‘bangs’ (fringe) long? Give two reasons. (1. To hide his
face 2. To block out things he didn’t want to see)
(RV) Why has August never gone to school? Do you think he should?

(3 mark question) Discuss how adults have treated August so far.

Example answer (using PEE structure):
Adults seem to be overly friendly towards August to hide their discomfort. When meeting Mrs G for the
first time, August spots that “her eyes dropped for a second”, but so quickly that nobody else could
notice. The adults must not be aware that August is extremely perceptive of their body language; it
probably makes him feel more awkward that they try so hard to disguise their initial reaction.

Guided group

Session 3
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.

Read and discuss p27-40

Alternate T reading aloud, The Performance Space; The Deal; Home; First-Day Jitters; Locks
chn reading aloud & chn Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
reading independently

(I) Which of the three students that August meets do you think will turn out to be a bully?
Questions Why? Use quotes to support your answer.
(I) How did the other students react to August? Use quotes to support your answer.

(3 mark question) On p40, August makes detailed observations about Ms Petosa and Henry.
What do these observations tell us about August’s character?
Example answer (using PEE structure):
August is extremely perceptive. He’s often quiet because he’s so insecure about his disfigurement –
Extension however, this allows him to notice lots around him. He makes comparisons to things he knows, such
as Ms Petosa to Mon Mothma from Star Wars, perhaps to comfort himself as he is in such different
surroundings. He also notices Henry fiddling with the lock on his bag – August makes a point of
mentioning that he would’ve helped Henry if the bag weren’t in his way. This could represent August’s
willingness to befriend other children and their reluctance to reciprocate.

Guided group

Session 4
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.

Read and discuss p41-53

Alternate T reading aloud, Around the Room; Lamb to the Slaughter; Choose Kind; Lunch; The Summer Table
chn reading aloud & chn Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
reading independently
50.html and

Questions (RT) What’s a precept?

(I) What does Mr. Browne’s September precept mean?
(RT) Who else are Summer and August going to let sit at their table? Why? (Maya, Julian,
Reid and Ms. Petosa, Jack Will – because their names somehow link to the summer, like
Summer and August)

(RV) Think of three of your own precepts and explain why you think they would be good

Guided group

Session 5
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.

Read and discuss p54-67

Alternate T reading aloud, One to Ten; Padawan; September; Jack Will; Mr. Browne’s October Precept; Apples
chn reading aloud & chn Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
reading independently

Whole-class input – how to answer a 3-mark question (PEE)

Read Padawan. Do you think going to mainstream school has changed August? How?

Give children input on how to start ‘explain’ sentences:

This shows that…
This leads the reader to believe…
This suggests that…
Questions This implies that…
This could represent…

Example answer (using PEE structure):

Going to mainstream school after years of home-schooling has begun to change August. He cuts off
the braid he’s had for years, which he tells his mum is “not a big deal”. The changing of his hair seems
to represent a change in his life as well – Via reacts badly to this change, and it surprises August’s
mum too. They have been protective of August for so long and now they must adapt to him growing


Guided group

Session 6
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.

Read and discuss p68-80 (end of Part 1)

Alternate T reading aloud, Halloween; School Pictures; The Cheese Touch; Costumes; The Bleeding Scream; Names
chn reading aloud & chn Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
reading independently

(I) Why is Halloween a positive thing for August?

Questions (RT) List all the hyphenated words/phrases you can find between p68-80. Pick one and
explain why it is hyphenated.

(3 mark question) (I) How, and why, does August’s attitude change from the start of The
Bleeding Scream to the end?

Guided group
Session 7
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.

Read and discuss (Start of part 2: ‘Via’) p82-92

Alternate T reading aloud, A Tour of the Galaxy; Before August; Seeing August; August: Through the Peephole; High School
chn reading aloud & chn Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
reading independently

(I) Why is the chapter on p82 called A Tour of the Galaxy?

(C) …the signs we used to gauge his moods are all gone (p90). Give the meaning of the
word gauge in this sentence.
(RT) On p92, why does Via that she, Miranda and Ella all became friends?

(3 mark question) (I) Do you think Via is jealous of all the attention August gets? Why? Use
evidence from the text to support your answer.

Guided group

Session 8
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.

Read and discuss Major Tom; After School; The Padawan Bites the Dust; An Apparition at the Door; Breakfast; Genetics
Alternate T reading aloud,
chn reading aloud & chn 101
reading independently Notes/pictures to aid understanding:

(RT) Did Via have a good first day of high school? Why/why not?
(RT) Who is Miranda and why did she call?
(I) …the doctors were able to identify one of the “single nucleotide deletion mutations” that
made war on his face (p104). Explain two things that the phrase made war tells you about
the effect of this disease. (1. Left devastation physically (on his face); 2. Left devastation
emotionally (everyone was upset by it))

(3 mark question) (RV) August’s parents favour August over Via. True or false? Discuss. Use
evidence from the text to support your answer.

Guided group

Session 9
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.

Read and discuss p105-117 (end of Part 2)

Alternate T reading aloud, The Punnett Square; Out with the Old; October 31; Trick or Treat; Time to Think
chn reading aloud & chn Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
reading independently

Questions Whole-class input – how to answer a 3-mark question (PEE)

Describe Via and August’s relationship focusing on their interactions in Trick or Treat.
Example answer (using PEE structure):
Via is extremely protective of August. When he acts differently, she says that it “surprises” her
because “usually August was such a trouper about his medical issues”. She comforts him and holds
his hand to reassure him. This shows an almost maternal side to Via, especially with her being older
than him.


Guided group

Session 10
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.

(Part 3: ‘Summer’) p119-132

Read and discuss Weird Kids; The Plague; The Halloween Party; November; Warning: This Kid Is Rated R; The
Alternate T reading aloud,
chn reading aloud & chn Egyptian Tomb
reading independently Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
summer.html and

(I) Why do you think the author chose those song lyrics to represent Summer’s character on
Questions (I) Do you think Summer thinks Jack is a good friend?
(C) It took a second for my question to even register (p127). Give the meaning of the word
register in this sentence.

Extension (3 mark question) (I) Would you describe Summer as a good person? Why/why not?

Guided group

Session 11
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.

Read and discuss (Start of Part 4: ‘Jack’) p134-143

Alternate T reading aloud, The Call; Carvel; Why I Changed My Mind; Four Things
chn reading aloud & chn Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
reading independently
jack.html and

(RT) Jack seems to struggle with how he feels about August. What are the positive and
negative reasons he gives about being ex- friends with him? (In the chapter ‘Four Things’.)
(I) Who says “Sometimes you don’t have to mean to hurt someone to hurt them,” and what
does he or she mean by that? (Veronica, p137)

(3 mark question) (I) Jack Will is a good friend to Auggie. Agree or disagree using the text to
support your answer.
Example answer (using PEE structure):
Extension Jack Will is a good friend to Auggie. He says, ‘if all the guys in the fifth grade were lined up against a
wall and I got to choose anyone I wanted to hang out with, I would choose August.’ This means that
Auggie is Jack’s number one choice of friend. There are lots of boys in the fifth grade and Auggie is
Jack’s favourite.

Guided group

Session 12
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.
Read and discuss p144-157
Alternate T reading aloud, Ex-Friends; Snow; Fortune Favors the Bold; Private School; In Science; Partners; Detention
chn reading aloud & chn Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
reading independently

For each of these words, list the definition, an antonym and a synonym.
duelling (page 8)
hindsight (page 11)
auditorium (page 28)
pursue (page 41)
precept (page 46)
Questions catastrophe (page 89)
momentarily (page 115)
inkling (page 161)
stringent (page 162)
Could you find an antonym and synonym for all of these words? Why do some words not
have antonyms? (Encourage pupils to create statements that can be investigated, e.g. Do
verbs have antonyms? Is there a synonym for every noun?)


Guided group

Session 13
Starter question Vocab warm-ups:
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.
Read and discuss p158-173
Alternate T reading aloud,
chn reading aloud & chn Season’s Greetings; Letters, Emails, Facebook, Texts; Back from Winter Break; The War
reading independently Notes/pictures to aid understanding:

Questions (I) Who does something to the class picture and what does character traits does it show
about that person?
(RT) What is the war that is beginning? What role does Julian play in it?

Read Letters, Emails, Facebook, Texts.

(RT) Who is copied into the emails? What does this tell us about the emails?
(I) Are there any hidden messages in these emails?
(I) Do any of the emails have a tone of sarcasm, sympathy or even comic value?
(C) Why did the author choose to present this chapter in this way? What impact does it have
on the reader?


Guided group

Session 14
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.
Read and discuss p174-185 (end of Part 4)
Alternate T reading aloud,
Switching Tables; Why I Didn’t Sit with August the First Day of School; Sides; August’s House; The
chn reading aloud & chn Boyfriend
reading independently Notes/pictures to aid understanding:

(C) Find and copy the phrase on p175 that means ‘a complete surprise’. (“a total shocker”)
(C) On p183, Jack says to August: “Dude, your sister’s hot”. What effect does this dialogue
have on the reader? (This illustrates the closeness between Jack and August, and
the reader witnesses a real friendship evolving.)
(C) …we both started laughing hysterically (p185). Give the meaning of the word hysterically
in this sentence.

(3 mark question) (I) Describe Jack and August’s relationship. Use evidence from the text to
support your answer.

Guided group

Session 15
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.

Read and discuss (Start of Part 5: ‘Justin’) p187-195

Alternate T reading aloud, Olivia’s Brother; Valentine’s Day; OUR TOWN; Ladybug
chn reading aloud & chn Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
reading independently
justin.html and

(I) Justin hints that he has some difficulties in life, referring to ‘his tics’. Do you think this is
the reason that his chapter is not punctuated accurately? Explain your answer.
(I) Explain how you know that Justin was shocked when he first saw Auggie.
(C) Look at page 188. Find and copy a phrase that shows that Justin liked Via immediately.

Extension (3 mark question) (C) How is friendship explored in this chapter?

Guided group

Session 16
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.

Read and discuss p196-204 (end of Part 5)

Alternate T reading aloud, The Bus Stop; Rehearsal; Bird; The Universe
chn reading aloud & chn Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
reading independently

(C) On p197, Justin describes Jack as “too small to be walking around by himself”. What
Questions does this suggest about Justin’s feelings towards Jack? (protective)
(C) Find and copy the phrase on p199 that means ‘simultaneously’. (“in unison”)

(3 mark question) (I) What does Justin think about August? Use evidence to support your

Guided group

Session 17
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.

Read and discuss (Start of Part 6: ‘August’) p206-219

Alternate T reading aloud, North Pole; The Auggie Doll; Lobot; Hearing Brightly; Via’s Secret; My Cave
chn reading aloud & chn Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
reading independently
august.html and

(C) On p209, August says, “Did you know the guy who created the Uglydolls based them on
me?” What effect does this dialogue have on the reader? (August’s sense of humour is now
witnessed by more people, showing the reader that his popularity is growing, again forcing
the reader to compare to earlier in the book.)
Questions (C) On p218, August says to Via, “You just don’t want your brand-new fancy high school
friends to know your brother’s a freak!” What effect does this dialogue have on the reader?
(The author reveals how an angry August reacts. He realises that perhaps even his family
don’t want to be seen with him. He insults Via and we hear his pain as he refers to himself as
a freak.)

(3 mark question) (I) August gets hearing aids in this section. How does he feel about them
in the beginning and towards the end of pages in this section?

Guided group

Session 18
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.

Read and discuss p220-234 (end of Part 6)

Alternate T reading aloud, Goodbye; Daisy’s Toys; Heaven; Understudy; The Ending
chn reading aloud & chn Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
reading independently

Whole-class input – how to answer a 3-mark question (PEE)

Don’t reveal the question until the children have read the chapter ‘Goodbye’ otherwise it will
be a spoiler!
(I) How is Daisy’s death significant in this point of the story?
Questions Example answer (using PEE structure):
Daisy’s death signifies a change in August’s life. He says, “I wondered how it would feel to be in
heaven someday and not have my face matter anymore: Just like it never, ever mattered to Daisy.”
This shows that he is reflecting on his life and his perception of himself. This is particularly important
at this stage of the story as so much is changing in his life: he has started going to school, he has got
hearing aids for the first time and he is growing up!


Guided group

Session 19
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.
Read and discuss (Part 7: ‘Miranda’) p236-248
Alternate T reading aloud,
chn reading aloud & chn Camp Lies; School; What I Miss Most; Extraordinary, but No One There to See; The Performance;
reading independently After the Show
Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
miranda.html and

(I) Miranda and Via used to be good friends. Why did their relationship change?
Questions (RT) What does Miranda miss about having Via as a friend?
(I) Miranda pretends to be sick on opening night. Why do you think she did that?

(RV) Miranda is one of the most important characters in this story so far. Discuss, using
evidence from the text to support your answer.

Guided group

Session 20
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.

Read and discuss (Start of Part 8: ‘August’) p250-260

Alternate T reading aloud, The Fifth-Grade Nature Retreat; Known For; Packing; Daybreak; Day One; The Fairgrounds
chn reading aloud & chn Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
reading independently
august.html and

(I) How does August feel about going on the 5th Grade Nature Retreat?
Questions (I) Why didn’t Julian come with everyone else to the retreat? (He thought it was “dorky”)
(C) Find and copy the phrase on p258 that means ‘messing around’. (“goofing off”)

Extension (I) Has August enjoyed his whole time so far? Use evidence to support your answer.

Guided group

Session 21
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.

Read and discuss p261-272

Alternate T reading aloud, Be Kind to Nature; The Woods Are Alive; Alien; Voices in the Dark; The Emperor’s Guard
chn reading aloud & chn Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
reading independently

Whole-class input – how to answer a 3-mark question (PEE)

(C) Before the ‘incident’, how does the author build up tension to suggest something ominous
might occur?
Example answer (using PEE structure):
Questions Palacio drops several hints that something might go wrong from p262. Firstly, the chapter “Be Kind to
Nature” ends with the song lyric, “The hills are alive…” The next chapter is then entitled “The Woods
are Alive”, suggesting that something might go wrong when the boys enter the woods. It is also very
dark and the boys had forgotten to bring their flashlights, which makes the reader feel uneasy. Finally,
at the end of “The Woods are Alive”, the boys smell smoke, which they think are firecrackers, but this
seems to be the final clue that something ominous might occur.


Guided group

Session 22
Starter question Vocab warm-ups:
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.

Read and discuss p273-283

Alternate T reading aloud, Sleep; Aftermath; Home; Bear; The Shift
chn reading aloud & chn Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
reading independently

(I) August lies to the teachers about not being able to remember the 7th graders’ faces. Why
do you think he did this?
(I) Why was August a bit sad when he first walked into his house?
(C) Find and copy the three adjectives on p282 that August uses to describe the “big shift”.

Extension (3 mark question) (I) How has August’s opinion of Julian changed throughout the story?

Guided group

Session 23
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.

Read and discuss p284-293

Alternate T reading aloud, Ducks; The Last Precept; The Drop-Off
chn reading aloud & chn Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
reading independently

(I) What animal does August use to represent himself? Do you think it is a good choice?
Why/why not?
(C) On p285, Mr Tushman says, “but teachers know more than kids think”. What effect does
this dialogue have on the reader? (This may make school-age readers wonder what
teachers do know. This is Mr Tushman’s way of telling August (and the reader) that he
Questions knows about Julian.)
(C) On p292, Auggie says to his dad, “I’ll be wanting the new Xbox when it comes out next
month. And I’ll definitely be wanting my own car in about six years, a red Porsche would be
nice, and…” What effect does this dialogue have on the reader? (To show the reader that
Auggie is growing up, teasing his Dad. He has forgiven Dad. The reader will compare the
‘lamb to the slaughter’ comment now with the more independent August.)

(RV) The author chooses a quotation to introduce each character’s part; these include, song
lyrics (‘Space Oddity’, David Bowie, page 81; ‘Beautiful’, Christina Aguilera, page 118) and
extracts from well-known books and plays (The Little Prince, page 133 and Hamlet, page
205). How well did the author R.J. Palacio chosen quotations to match her characters?

Guided group

Session 24
Vocab warm-ups:
Starter question
(RT) Summarise what has happened so far.

Read and discuss p294-310 (end of book)

Alternate T reading aloud, Take Your Seats, Everyone; A Simple Thing; Awards; Floating; Pictures; The Walk Home
chn reading aloud & chn Notes/pictures to aid understanding:
reading independently

Questions (I) There is a ceremony at school: what happens at the ceremony that shows a change from
the beginning to the end of the school year?
(RV) ‘Should everyone get a standing ovation once in their life?’ Reflect on your own life and
people you know. If you could give someone a standing ovation as a gift, who would you give
it to and why?

(3 mark question) (RV) Mr. Tushman says “Always try to be a little kinder than necessary.”
What does that mean to you? In your opinion what character shows this the best?

Guided group

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