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Zombie Apocalypse!

A conversation/debate roleplaying game of survival horror!

How long can you make it through? Can you escape?

“Every human being we save, is one less to fight.” –

World War Z

You have seen there is a virus spreading all over the world. You
are lucky enough to be in this school, on the third floor, right
now when it all is happening. We have locked the doors, we
have water, some medicine and a little food but the food will
only last a day or so. The television broadcasts nothing but
static. Out the window you can see groups of people wandering
around…wait! They’re all zombies! The ones running you
guess are still human…but they might not be for long.
Good time for the question…What’s your zombie knowledge?
From books, movies and games, what do you actually think you
know about zombies?
Divide into groups. Each group will draw up a plan for the best
course of action. You will need to consider the following:
1. Choose a leader: How should you pick the leaders of your
group? Should you hold a quick election? Draw straws?
Why not talk amongst yourselves and just allow someone

to volunteer. Be aware though, for the rest of the game you
will take orders from that person until there is a revolt or
they get eaten by zombies.

2. Labour: Will there be a division of labour? Will each

person have a specific job to do or will you all share duties
equally? For example should someone carry supplies and
others fight? Who cooks?
3. Wealth: Should members of your group divide possessions
communally or do individuals get to keep their own things?
4. Shelter: If we barricade ourselves in should we allow other
survivors to join our group?
5. Responsibility: Is it even our duty to fight the zombies?
Surely the military must have set up a base somewhere,
6. Laws: Do we have any laws as a group? If so, what are
they? What are the punishments for breaking these laws?
7. Infection: What do we do if one of us becomes infected?
Once you have decided on this and written down some kind
of constitution for your group compare your constitution
with other ones from different groups. Re-negotiate and
debate specific points. Come to some kind of compromise.

At the end have everyone ratify the agreement by signing
All groups become one group under a single leader.

Zombie Apocalypse Treaty


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