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End Semester Practical Examination – Nov / Dec – 2022

Code : 20CS1001L Duration : 2hrs

Sub. Name : Programming for Problem Solving Lab Max. Marks : 40

Question Set
Ques. No. 1
a. Write a C program to add the numbers between 1 to 100 which is divisible by 3.
b. Write a C program using function concept to find the sum and average marks of your

Ques. No. 2
a. Create the student database of your class using structure and display the records.
b. Write a C program to check whether the given number is positive or negative.

Ques. No. 3
a. Write a C program to find the area of circle using call by reference and call by value.
b. Write a C program to convert “MAGICWORLD” to “magicworld”.

Ques. No. 4
a. Write a program to find the highest mark in the third internal test using array.
b. Write C program to find sum of n numbers divisible by 5.

Ques. No. 5
a. Write a program to find the sum and average of 5 numbers using array.
b. Write a program to find the greatest among three numbers.

Ques. No. 6
a. Write a program to find your name is a palindrome or not?
b. Write a program to add the series of numbers 1+3+5+………………n.

Ques. No. 7
a. Write a C program to enter a word and to count the number of vowels in that word.
b. Write a C program to display the 10th multiplication table.
Ques. No. 8
a. Write a C program to display the Fibonacci series of the first 10 numbers.
b. Write a program to check whether the given year is leap year or not, using function.

Ques. No. 9

a. Write a program to find the negative numbers in an array.

b. Write a C program to display the result of 0+2+4+8+10……n.

Ques. No. 10
a. Write the program to find the sum of first n natural numbers.
b. Write a C program to print the following pattern up to the given range.
1 * 1 =1
2* 2 = 4
3* 3 = 9

Ques. No. 11
a. Write a C program to arrange the characters in your first name in ascending order
using an array.
b. Write a C program to display the space occupied (in bytes) in the memory for the
data 100, 234.54, ‘M’.

Ques. No. 12
a. Write a C program to subtract two matrices.
b. Write a program to find the product of first 10 numbers.

Ques. No. 13
a. Write a C program to check whether the given number is Armstrong or not..
b. Write a C program to display the result of 5+10+15+…………..n.

Ques. No. 14
a. Write a C program using function to print number of days in a given month.
b. Write a program to compare whether “Merry” and “merry” are same or not.
Ques. No. 15
1. Write a program for matrix addition.
2. Write a program to get the profit of the product by getting the selling cost and
buying cost.

Ques. No. 16
a. Write C program to find sum of odd numbers between 1 to n.
b. Write a program to sort the given number 54, 76,23,89,12,100 in descending order.

Ques. No. 17
a. Write a program to add the digits in the given 3 digit number.
b. Write a program to swap 2 numbers.

Ques. No. 18
a. Write a program to check whether the given number is even or not using pointers.
b. Write a program to display the grade of third semester subjects of a student.

Ques. No. 19
a. Write a program to swap two characters using function.
b. Write a program to print whether the person is Boy/Man/Girl/Women by getting
their age as an input.

Ques. No. 20
a. Write a program to print the days in the years.
b. Write a C program to print all odd numbers between 1 to N.

Ques. No. 21
a. Write a program to compare 2 strings.
b. Write a program to search the given element in an array

Ques. No. 22
a. Write a program to maintain patient details in the hospital using structure.
b. Find the bitwise OR and bitwise AND for the input values 6 and 3.
Ques. No. 23
a. Write a program to find the area and circumference of circle by passing the radius to
the function.
b. Write a C program to create Simple Calculator using switch case.

Ques. No. 24

a. Write a program to find the greatest among n numbers.

b. Write a C program to print all numbers divisible by 3 between 1 to N.

Ques. No. 25
a. Write a program to find the highest mark in the third internal test using array.
b. Write a C program to display the factorial of the given number.

Ques. No. 26
a. Write a program to find the given number is a palindrome or not?
b. Write a C program to print the following pattern up to the given range.
1 * 1 =1
1* 2 = 2
1* 3 = 9

Ques. No. 27

a. Write a C program to enter a word and to count the number of vowels in a word.
b. Write a program to print the days in the year.

Ques. No. 28
a. Write a program to check whether the given year is leap year or not using function.
b. Write a program to reverse your name.

Ques. No. 29
a. Write a program to display the 5th multiplication table.
b. Write a C program to display the Fibonacci series of the first 10 numbers.

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