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Rise & Shine!

(Isa. 60:1-3; 61:1-4)

Arise (Isa. 60:1, Eph. 5:8-14, Rom. 13:11-14)

Hebrew; Koom - to stand up, to be strengthened.

What do you arise from? Rest, Sleep, Death

The imperative to arise calls for faith and obedience (Gen. 13:17, Abraham, Gen. 19:15, Lot, Gen. 21:18,
Hagar, Gen. 31:13 & 35:1, Jacob, Deut. 9:12 & 10:11, Moses, Judges 7:9, Gideon, 1 Sam. 16:12, Samuel, 1
Sam. 23:4, David, Matt. 2:13 & 2:20, Joseph, Matt. 9:5-6, Mark 2:9-12 & Luke 5:24, Paralyzed Man, Luke
7:14, Son of the Widow of Nain, Luke 8:54, Daughter of Jairus, Luke 17:19, Leper , John 11:43-44, Lazarus,
Acts 8:26, Philip, Acts 9:6, 22:10 & 22:16, Saul, Acts 9:11, Ananias, Acts 9:34, Aeneas, Acts 9:40, Tabitha,
Acts 10:20, 11:7 & 12:7, Peter)

One of the greatest dangers to the life (light) of a Christian or a Christian body is complacency.

Two women who stood side by side on the sidewalk in the middle of the night watching the local
church burn to the ground. And as they stood there, one woman finally turned to the other and said,
“Humph! This is the first time I’ve seen YOU at church!” to which the second woman replied, without
missing a beat, “This is the first time I’ve seen the church on fire.”

Shine (Isa. 60:1, Matt. 5:14-16 & 13:43, 2 Cor. 4:3-6, Philip. 2:14-16, 1 John 2:8-11)

Hebrew; OWR, refers to the brightness of the sun or the joy of laughter.

Light (Epiphany) (Isa. 60:1 & 3, 9:2, 42:16, Ps. 18:28, John 1:4, 5 & 14, 2 Pe. 1:19)

God is the source of light and the darkness (Gen. 1:3, Isa. 45:7, Ps. 104:20)

Without light, plants can't grow, animals and humans can't see. Even if your eyes are a perfect 20/20, they
won't work in the darkness. There is a medical condition called SAD, which happens when you don't get
enough sunlight. When the days get short and the skies turn gray, people tend to become listless, lazy,
irritable, even depressed.

Epiphany, Greek word which means to show forth or bring into the light that which was once hidden or

The chief image of Epiphany is the star in the East whose light guided the Magi to the Child-King enthroned
on His mother's lap. (Isa. 60:3)

Darkness (Isa. 60:2)

When the Bible uses darkness or night it often uses to picture sin, gloom, hopelessness, despair or death. (Job

Sin and darkness are intimately related. The darkness provides cover for sin and through sin a person is drawn
deeper into the darkness.

Anointed to preach the Good News (Isa. 61:1)

"Christ" means "the Anointed One" (John 3:34)

Anointing with the Holy Spirit brings spiritual enlightenment/discernment (1 John 2:20, Gal. 4:6, Rom. 8:9,
Eph. 4:4)

We have been called to be a nation of priests following our Chief Priest, Jesus (Isa. 61:1, Ex. 19:5-6, 1 Pe.
2:9, Rev. 1:6)

• every Christian is created for ministry (Eph. 2:10),

• every Christian is saved for ministry (2 Tim. 1:9),
• every Christian is called into ministry (1 Pe. 2:9-10),
• every Christian is gifted for ministry (1 Pe. 4:10),
• every Christian is authorized for ministry (Matt. 28:18-20),
• every Christian is commanded to minister (Matt. 20:26-28),
• every Christian is needed for ministry (1 Cor. 12:27),
• every Christian is accountable for ministry (Eph. 2:10)
• every Christian will be rewarded according to his or her ministry (Col. 3:23-24).

Bind up the broken-hearted (Isa. 61:1)

We are called to minister to those who are broken hearted due to sorrow, disappointment, or loss following
the direction and example of Jesus (Matt. 20:26-28, Mark 10:43-45)

Proclaim freedom and release from the darkness (Isa. 61:1)

This world is filled with people under bondage to all sorts of evil who need to be set free (John 8:32-36, Gal.

Proclaim the Jubilee Year (Restoration) (Isa. 61:2 & 4. Lev. 25 & 27, Matt. 17:11)

Historically speaking, the earthly city of Jerusalem was never restored to her former glory. The prophet must
have been referring to the “new” Jerusalem. That Jerusalem would not begin to happen until her King, the
Messiah, was born.

Comfort those who mourn, exchange a crown of beauty for ashes, oil of gladness for mourning, a
garment of praise in place of spiritual despair (Isa. 61:2, Ps. 30:11, John 16:20)

Ashes symbolize mourning over a great loss (Esther 4:1-3)

Jesus is the Messiah

Luke 4:16-21 (Jesus recites Isa. 61:1-2a and proclaims it fulfilled in Him)

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