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• The latitude of any place on the surface of the

earth shows the angular distance of that place
from the equatorial plane.
• There are a total of 181 standard latitude
degrees on Earth. Latitude lines are 179.
Because there is only one point at the poles.
• The latitude line forms a perfect circle.
Latitude lines are parallel, there is a distance
of about 111 km between any two latitudes.
• On going towards the poles, the length of the
latitude lines is less.
• The temperature decreases as we move from
the equator towards the poles. (due to the
slant of the sun's rays)

Latitude and longitude are useful in determining

the specific position of any place on the surface
of the earth.
Latitude and longitude together form a line
Important parallels of
➢ Tropic of Cancer 23½ ° North in the
northern hemisphere .
➢ Tropic of Capricorn 23½ ° South in the
southern hemisphere .
➢ Arctic circle 66 ½ ° north of the equator
➢ Antarctic circle 66 ½ ° south of the
equator .
• The mid - day sun is exactly overhead at least
once a year on all latitudes in between Tropic
of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn .
• This area , therefore , receives the maximum
heat and is called the torrid zone

Time Calculation
• UK- Greenwich 0°ׄ
• GMT- Greenwich mean Time
• In UK, the longitude passing through
Greenwich is considered as the Prime
Longitude Meridian, the local time here is declared as
International Time and it is called Greenwich
• The longitude of any place on the surface of Mean Time (GMT).
the earth shows the angular distance east or • The Prime Meridian passes through the
west of the prime meridian plane of that place. following countries:-
• All longitudes make up half a circle, there are
a total of 361 standard longitude degrees.
• Longitude lines are 360. Because the line of
longitude 180° east and 180° west is the same
• The maximum distance between longitude
lines is found in the equatorial region.
• Which is about 111 km). Is. All longitude lines
have the same length.
• Longitude is used for time calculation.
• For time calculation, countries choose a
standard longitude that is divided by 15 or 7.5
• There are 24 time periods of 15 degrees each
on the earth. Some countries follow more than
one time period.
• Most of the periods are in France (12).

International Date Line

• Time zone are measured by lines of langitude
• the earth rotates 360 degree every day.
• It is an imaginary line which runs parallel to
• Each day has 24 hours .
180° west and east longitude.
• 360°/24=15 °
• Date line deviates from its path for 3 places
I. Eastern Siberia
II. Aleutian Islands (USA)
III. pacific island
• The Western Hemisphere is located east of the
date line. And the Eastern Hemisphere is
located west of the date line. On crossing the
date line from east to west, one date increases.
Greater Circle
• A circle that divides the Earth into two equal
parts. It is called great circle.
• In latitudes, only the equator forms the great
• All longitudes are part of the great circle.
• The sum of two longitudes that make up a
circle is 180 degrees.

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