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Course : Industrial Electrical System (3170920)

Year of Study : 2022 odd term

Question bank
1 List the different types of switches, explain any one in detail.
2 List the different types of wires, explain any one in detail.
3 Discuss the factors affecting the selection of cables
4 Discuss the fundamental requirements of protective relaying.
5 List the different types of Fuses, explain any one in detail.
6 List the desirable characteristics of fuse elements.
7 Define single line diagram, explain its importance.
8 Explain the fuse with advantages & disadvantages.

Define the terms related to fuse:1)Current rating of fuse element 2)Fusing current 3)Fusing
9 factor 4) Cut-off current 5) Pre-arcing time 6) Arcing time 7)Total operating time
8)Prospective Current 9)Breaking capacity
10 List the various factors affecting the fusing current.
Explain the construction and working of the miniature circuit breaker (MCB) with advantages
& disadvantages.
Explain the construction and working of the Earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB) with
advantages & disadvantages.
Explain the construction and working of the Residual current circuit breaker (RCCB) with
advantages & disadvantages.
Explain the construction and working of the Motor protection circuit breaker (MPCB) with
advantages & disadvantages.
Explain the construction and working of the Moulded case circuit breaker (MCCB) with
advantages & disadvantages.
16 Compare MCB & MCCB
17 Compare ELCB & RCCB
List the different types of Tarrif, explain any one in detail with advantages & disadvantages..
19 List the various factors affecting the Tarrif.
20 List the various objectives for Tarrif.
21 Define isolator, explain its operation.
22 Define contactor, explain its operation.
23 Define protective relay. Explain its function in an electrical system.
Describe Electric Shock? What are the factors determining the severity of electric shock?
What preventive measures to be taken to prevent electric shock
25 Explain different types of electrical wiring system.
A three occupant building has to be electrified independently from a common energy meter.
26 Design the distribution boards with accessories for each resident having 10nos of light
circuits, 6 nos of power circuits.
27 Give short notes on types of residential and commercial wiring systems with their limitations
28 Explain selection and sizing of of components.
29 Write short note on load calculation and sizing of wire.
30 Write short note on rating of main switch.
31 Write short note on Earthing of commercial installation.
32 Write short note on protection devices.
33 Write short note on Deciding lighting scheme and number of lamps.
34 Explain the distribution board with a simple example.
35 State the requirements of commercial installation? Explain in detail .
36 State any four general rules for residential installation.
37 List the various factors affecting the selection of wiring.
List the different types of wiring systems, explain any one in detail with advantages &
39 List the requirements of electrical installations, explain any one in detail.
40 State and explain laws of illumination.
41 Describe various lighting schemes.
42 Briefly explain the requirement of good lighting scheme.
43 Explain with sketch the principle and operation of fluorescent lamp .
44 Write short notes on flood lighting.
Explain with sketch the principle and operation of incandescent lamp and enumerates its
advantages and disadvantages.
Define following terms referred to illumination: light- lumen, intensity, candle power, lamp
46 efficiency, specific consumption, glare, space to height ratio, waste light factor, depreciation
47 Explain coefficient of utilization and depreciation factor in connection with lighting schemes.
48 Explain Construction and working of compact fluorescent light (CFL).
49 Explain Construction and working of LED light.
50 Discuss the design of a lighting scheme for a residential and commercial premises
51 Write short note on Energy saving in illumination systems.
52 Explain the DG system with advantages & disadvantages.
53 List the different types of UPS, explain any one in detail.
54 Explain the sizing of DG system .
55 Explain the sizing of UPS system .
56 Explain the sizing of battery banks .
57 Write a short note on Electrical Systems for the elevators
58 Write a short note on battery banks.
59 Discuss the functions of SCADA in power system operation.
Explain the hardware components and functional aspects of SCADA system using a
functional block diagram.
10. Draw a block diagram to show hardware configuration of SCADA system and explain the
application of SCADA in monitoring and control of power system.
62 Describe the four major parts of a PLC system.
Explain the difference between legal (proper) and illegal (improper) PLC ladder
programming layouts
64 List and describe the major steps in creating a PLC program for an industrial situation.
65 Build architecture of SCADA system with neat diagram.
66 Develop a block diagram of PLC with basic components and its functions.
67 Define: industrial automation. State its need and importance.
68 Explain Tariff Structure with its objectives
69 Explain the different types of tariffs
70 Define:1)MCB 2)ELCB 3)MPCB 4 ) Fuse
71 List out steps to be followed for safety precautions against an electric shock.

72 Explain different types of electrical wiring system.

73 State any four general rules for residential installation.
74 Draw the wiring diagram of sub-circuit consists of 2 lamp, 2fan and 2 five Amp. Plug.
Analyze with an example (a) load calculation and sizing of wire, (b) rating of main switch
75 residential wiring system.
76 Explain various illumination schemes.
Define following terms referred to illumination: (a) Space-height ratio (b) Utilization factor (c)
77 Waste light factor
78 Explain energy saving in illumination systems.
79 Explain Construction and working of compact fluorescent light (CFL).
80 Explain about waste light factor.
81 Differentiates Semi-direct & Semi-indirect.
Describe through illustrations the following types of lighting scheme: (i) Semi-direct (ii) Semi-
82 indirect

83 Define following terms referred to illumination: (a) lumen (b)Candle power (c) Glare
A three occupant building has to be electrified independently from a common energy meter. Design the
84 distribution boards with accessories for each resident having 10nos of light circuits, 6
nos of power circuits.
85 Explain requirements of commercial Installation.
86 Describe selection procedure of ELCB for industrial dwelling
87 Discuss the different methods for power factor correction.
88 Explain lightning protection.
89 Explain design of earthling.
90 Explain Industrial loads.
91 Develop a block diagram of PLC with basic components and its Functions.
92 Define: industrial automation. State its need and importance.
93 Build architecture of SCADA system with neat diagram.
94 Explain in brief role of automation
95 Explain load assessment and permissible voltage drop for electric installations.
96 Discuss briefly the different types of loads. Give examples.
Justify the requirement of number of sub circuits, rating of main switch and distribution
board with an example?

98 Define : control panel? State and explain the various components/devices used in the control
Explain the importance of permissible voltage drop while selecting the suitable size of wire
99 for domestic and industrial wiring system. How is it calculated for domestic and industrial
wiring system?
100 Compare domestic and industrial wiring system

Six lamps are used to illuminate a certain room. If the luminous efficiency of each lamp is 12
lumens/watt and the lamps have to emit a total flux of 10,000 lumens, calculate (i) The mean
spherical luminous intensity(ii) The cost of energy consumed in 3 hours if the charge for
electrical energy is 50 paise per unit.
A 250 CP lamp is hung 4m above the centre of a circular area of 6m diameter. Calculate the
illumination at the (i) Centre of area. (ii) Periphery of the area. (iii) Average illumination.
A room measuring 30m×15m is to be illuminated by 10 lamps and the average illumination is
3 to be 85 lux. Determine the MSCP of each lamp if the utilization and depreciation factors are
0.5 and 0.8 respectively.
A lamp having a uniform cp of 100 in all direction is provided with a reflector which directs
4 60% of the light uniformly on to a circular area of10m diameter. The lamp is hung 5m above
the area. Calculate the illumination at the centre.
A machine shop 40m×20m is to have an illumination of 160lux on working plane. The lamps
5 are mounted on 6m above the working plane. Give the layout of a suitable installation. a)
Using filament lamp. b)Using 50 watts fluorescent lamp. Assume necessary data
If a lamp of 200 cp is placed 1m below a plane mirror which reflects 90% of light falling on
6 it, determine illumination at a point 3 m away from the foot of the lamp which is hung 4 m
above ground.
A consumer has a maximum demand of 200kW at 40% load factor. If the tariff is
Rs.100perkW of maximum demand plus 10paise per kWh, Find the overall cost per kWh.
If the energy is charged at the rate of 20 paise per unit for 500 hours use of the
8 maximum demand per annum plus10 paise per unit for addition aunits, calculate:(i)annual bill
(ii)equivalent flat rate.
A generating station has a connected load of 100 MW and maximum demand of 55MW. The
9 number of units generated per annum is 14 x107. Determine (1) The demand factor (2) The
load factor.
The domestic load in residential building is used in the following manner. Fluorescent lamps
55 Watt each , 4 nos., 6 Hrs/day, Fans 70 Watt each , 4 nos., 8 Hrs/day, Refrigerator of 300
watt, 12 Hrs/day, Heater of 1000Watt, 2 Hrs/day, Television of 150 Watt, 8 Hrs/day,
Calculate (a) connected load and(b) Daily Load factor.
A drawing hall 18 m x 9 m with a ceiling height of 4 meters is to be provided with a general
11 illumination of 125 lux. Assuming a co-efficient of utilization 0.4 and depreciation factor of
1.3. determine the number of fluorescent tubes required, their spacing, mounting height and
total wattage. Take efficiency of fluorescent tube as 50 lumens/watt for 40 W tube.
A small room of size 4 m X 3 m is required to be provided with lamp, fan, tubelight and one
5A 3-pin socket outlet. Each of the points is controlled with their respective switches installed
in one switch board. Assumes in PVC wiring system. No main switch is to be provided as the
entry of the sub-circuit is from nearby room. Do the following:
(1) Mark the location of electrical points and draw the installation plan.(2) Draw the wiring
and schematic diagram.
(3) Calculate the length of PVC conduit.
Determine the size of cable required to carry the maximum current of 40 amperes. It is given
that the length of cable is 300 meter and the allowable voltage drop is5% of declared supply
voltage. Declared voltage is (i) 400 volt DC & (ii)3-phase 400 volt AC.
An illumination of 150 lumens/sqr meter is required in a seminar hall of 25 meter x 35 meter
size. Determine no. of lamps of 100 watts are required and their positions.
14 Depreciation factor = 0.75
Co efficient of utilization = 0.5
Waste light factor = 1.25
Efficiency of lamp = 17 lumens/watt
A building is being supplied with power at a 230 V. The load consists of 150 fluorescent
15 tubes of 40 W each, 50 lamps of 60 watts each and 60 fans of 70 W each. Determine the total
load and the current taken by the load assuming an average
power factor of 0.7(lag)
The lamp is 80 lumens/W and the coefficient of utilization is 0.65. Find the average

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