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To Whom it May Concern,

I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend Jesus Ortiz Samano for any opportunities he may
pursue, whether they be academic, professional, or otherwise. It is with great pleasure that I am
writing this letter in support of such an exceptional young man.

Throughout his time here at El Capitan High School, Jesus has continuously amazed both
students and teachers with his extraordinary intellect, unwavering focus, and character. As a
senior, he has displayed not only academic excellence but also outstanding leadership abilities
both inside and outside of the classroom.

Academically, Jesus’ eagerness to study is shown in his pursuit of knowledge across multiple
areas. He has a bright mind combined with a strong work ethic, which enables him to excel in
even the most difficult areas. Whether it's advanced mathematics, scientific inquiry, or literary
analysis, Jesus approaches each work with excitement and a desire to learn.

Furthermore, Jesus is an essential reference for our educational community. His natural
leadership talents, combined with his welcoming personality, make him an admired individual
among his peers. He enthusiastically participates in extracurricular activities, taking on
leadership roles in groups and projects aimed at improving the school environment. His ability to
work well with others while yet showing initiative and own thought is extremely admirable.

Beyond his academic and leadership accomplishments, Jesus has a rare trait of empathy and
integrity that separates him. He continually demonstrates kindness, respect, and understanding
for others, providing a pleasant and welcoming environment in our school community. His
integrity and values guide his peers, and he sets a good example by committing to the highest
standards of ethics.

In conclusion, I completely endorse Jesus as a remarkable person with enormous potential. His
intellectual abilities, leadership talents, and unwavering integrity make him an ideal candidate for
whatever organization he chooses. I do not doubt that he will continue to be successful and have
a wonderful impact on those around him, no matter where his path leads.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any additional information about Jesus or my


Gabriela Lopez Garcia

CalSOAP | College Success Coach
University of California, Merced

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