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Tegez is a verb, which means "use the informal language with someone.


1. Tegeződjünk! - Let's use the informal address.

2. It is more polite to ask: Tegeződhetünk? - Can we use informal address?
3. Tegezz nyugodtan! - Feel free to use informal address. (This one is often used by the

When and to whom can informal address be offered?

 the older person offers it to the younger one,

 the person in a higher position offers it to the one of lower rank,
 a woman can offer informal address to a man.

It's not appropriate to initiate informal address when dealing with official matters, at the
post office, in shops, or at restaurants. The same applies to doctors; irrespective of the
doctor's age, choosing informal address is considered disrespectful.

Can informal address be rejected?

If the recipient of informal address doesn't appreciate it, instead of loudly protesting („Ne
tegezzen!” – Don’t use informal address.) or lecturing, it's more courteous to simply ignore
the informal address and consistently use formal address. This way, the other party will
(ideally) take notice and respond using formal address as well.

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