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My buddy’s name is Harvey, he is quiet and does not talk a lot but when he does, he likes to tell

me about what he has done or is doing that day. He is good at cutting and writing words. He

loves to jump rope and hop on one foot when we go play outside and he loves cars. On our

introduction activity we played a game with smarties where we got to know each other. He

told be about his sister who he likes to jump rope with during lunch, how he likes to play

basketball and skate, and how his favourite colour is yellow, but he also likes orange and blue

as well. After we finished the game, he brought me a book and I read it to him and tried to get

him to read some parts too.

For the spring chick craft, Harvey drew and cut out two circles for his chick’s heads. We both

then glued and put tissue paper on the plate we got that the heads were attached to. He did

not need help with the activity besides me telling him what to do, but other then that he could

have done it all on his own. I only helped him with the tissue paper to speed things along.

He was very good at following instruction; I would tell him what we were doing, and he would

do it. Sometimes I would need to demonstrate how to do some thing, and he would just follow.

For some of it I started it for him like the glueing of the tissue paper. I started and showed him

how to glue it and place it on then he would finish it, no problem.

Harvey seemed excited to do the craft, he explained to me how hes done something similar

before and was excited to do it again. He never complained or did not want to do it, As the

craft went on, he got more comfortable and more excited about it. He really liked glueing on

the tissue paper and using his favourite colour to cover most of the plate.
I have not had any issues or problems come up yet during any of the visits. The closest thing

might have been that we ran out of tissue paper and still needed to cover the rest of the plate.

To solve that we just spread out more of the tissue paper to cover as much of the plate as we

could, and in the end, it turned out well and Harvey seemed happy with it.

From what I have observed from my busy so far is that he likes to play alone or with his sister

during lunch time. So far, I have not seen him talk to many other kids or play with them. He

seems friendly but also likes to do his own thing alone, away from people. He likes to pick

objects and structures to play with that are usually things you do on your own. What he

chooses to do during his play time links back to my inquiry question on how what kids play with

demonstrates their emotional development. From what I have seen from Harvey, he might

continue to grow up being quiet and like to be on as he grows or drift toward his sister because

she is known to him and more of a safe and comfortable option, and it might take him a bit

more time to open up to friend and new things.

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