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Specific Heat Measurement of Three Nanofluids and Development of New


Article in Journal of Heat Transfer · July 2009

DOI: 10.1115/1.3090813

304 4,187

2 authors:

Ravikanth S Vajjha Debendra K. Das

Daikin University of Alaska Fairbanks


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Specific Heat Measurement of
Three Nanofluids and
Development of New Correlations
Ravikanth S. Vajjha This paper presents the specific heat measurements of three nanofluids containing alumi-
num oxide, zinc oxide, and silicon dioxide nanoparticles. The first two are dispersed in a
Debendra K. Das1 base fluid of 60:40 by mass of ethylene glycol and water (60:40 EG/W) and the last one
e-mail: in deionized water. Measurements were conducted over a temperature range of 315–363
K, which is the normal range of operation of automobile coolants and building heating
Department of Mechanical Engineering, fluids in cold regions. The nanoparticle volumetric concentrations tested were up to 10%.
University of Alaska Fairbanks, The measured values were compared with existing equations for the specific heat of
Fairbanks, AK 99775 nanofluids. A close agreement with the experimental data was not observed. Therefore, a
new general correlation was developed for the specific heat as functions of particle
volumetric concentration, temperature, and the specific heat of both the particle and the
base fluid from the present set of measurements. The correlation predicts the specific heat
values of each nanofluid within an average error of about 2.7%.
关DOI: 10.1115/1.3090813兴

Keywords: nanofluids, specific heat, two-phase mixture, concentration dependence, tem-

perature dependence

1 Introduction The experiments were conducted for nanoparticles suspended

in two different base fluids. The aluminum oxide 共Al2O3兲 and zinc
Nanofluids are a new class of heat transfer fluids containing
dispersion of nanometer-sized particles 共less than 100 nm兲 in con- oxide 共ZnO兲 nanoparticles were suspended in a base fluid of 60:40
ventional fluids. They have gained significant importance in the EG/W mixture, and the silicon dioxide 共SiO2兲 nanoparticles were
past decade due to their enhanced heat transfer capabilities. East- suspended in water. Very few experimental studies are available in
man et al. 关1兴 proved from their experiments that a mere the literature on the measurements of specific heat of nanofluids.
0.3 vol % of copper nanoparticles, having a mean diameter of Zhou and Ni 关4兴 presented the measurements of the specific heat
less than 10 nm dispersed in ethylene glycol, can enhance the of water-based Al2O3 nanofluid as a function of concentration at
thermal conductivity by 40% over the base fluid. From the experi- one temperature, 33° C. However, their experiments are limited to
mental findings of Xuan and Li 关2兴, the Nusselt number increases only one nanofluid in one type of base fluid, and no correlation
by 40% over the base fluid for a 2% volumetric concentration of has been derived. Namburu et al. 关5兴 presented specific heat mea-
copper nanoparticles in water. This encouraging finding has moti- surements of SiO2 in the 60:40 EG/W base fluid. Their data are
vated the scientific communities to explore the thermophysical also limited to one nanofluid, showing a plot of specific heat as a
properties of nanofluids, which influences strongly the heat trans- function of volumetric concentration at a fixed temperature.
fer characteristics. Therefore, in order to analyze the specific heat data of nanofluids
In the cold regions of the world, like Alaska, Canada, and the more extensively, comprehensive measurements of three different
circumpolar countries, the heat transfer fluids used in automobiles, nanofluids were carried out.
heat exchangers in industrial plants, and in building heating sys- The samples of Al2O3, ZnO, and SiO2 nanofluids tested had
tems encounter subzero temperatures. Therefore, it is a common average particle sizes of 44 nm, 77 nm, and 20 nm, respectively.
practice to use ethylene glycol or propylene glycol mixed with These nanofluids were obtained from the manufacturer Alfa Aesar
water in different proportions as a heat transfer fluid whose prop- 关6兴 as high concentration 共up to 50% by mass兲 dispersion in water
erties are given in the handbook of American Society of Heating, and subsequently different proportions of 60:40 EG/W were
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers 共ASHRAE兲 关3兴. added to prepare nanofluid samples of different volumetric con-
Generally, ethylene glycol has a better heat transfer performance centrations of up to 10%. In making nanofluids, manufacturers use
than propylene glycol, except for its toxicity. A mixture of 60% the surfactants to stabilize the dispersion of nanoparticles, which
ethylene glycol and 40% water 共60:40 EG/W兲 by mass is com- will affect the specific heat of the nanofluid. A variety of surfac-
monly used. Replacing the conventional heat transfer fluids with tants are used by different manufacturers. The information on the
nanofluids will make systems more efficient. However, to evaluate surfactant was not available from Alfa Aesar. The experiments of
the thermal performance of nanofluids, their thermophysical prop- Hong and Marquis 关7兴 show that a surfactant of 1% by weight
erties must be determined. The objective of the present study is to yielded a good dispersion quality. Their nanofluid in ethylene gly-
experimentally determine the specific heat of nanofluids, which col and water solution gave a dispersion stability of more than 1
represents the heat carrying capacity, and then compare the results month with an ultrasonication time of only 20 min. For such small
with available theory. percentage of surfactant, the effect on the specific heat may not be
considerable. However, this is an important area to research by
conducting measurements with different surfactants with various
Corresponding author. weight percentages.
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division of ASME for publication in the JOUR-
NAL OF HEAT TRANSFER. Manuscript received May 31, 2008; final manuscript received
Measured data of specific heat were compared with available
December 23, 2008; published online May 6, 2009. Review conducted by Patrick E. theoretical equations, and close agreement was not observed.
Phelan. Therefore, new correlations were developed as a function of sev-

Journal of Heat Transfer Copyright © 2009 by ASME JULY 2009, Vol. 131 / 071601-1

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eral variables that are physically pertinent. These correlations will
be useful in computing accurately the specific heat of nanofluids.

2 Theory
Recent research on nanofluids by Pak and Cho 关8兴 and Maiga et
al. 关9兴 has shown that, for low volumetric particle concentrations,
the convective heat transfer coefficient of nanofluids can be ex-
pressed by modifying the constants of the conventional correla-
tions for laminar and turbulent flows developed for single-phase
fluids. However, the proper thermophysical properties of nano-
fluids must be employed. These properties should be for a two-
phase mixture of liquid and solid. A well-known correlation pro-
posed by Dittus and Boelter 关10兴 for convective heat transfer
under turbulent flow condition is
Nu = C Rea Prb 共1兲
In the above equation the Nusselt number 共Nu= hd / k兲 expresses Fig. 1 Development of a curve-fit equation for the specific
the heat transfer coefficient h in a tube of diameter d for a fluid of heat of the base fluid „60:40 EG/W… from ASHRAE †3‡ data
thermal conductivity k. The Reynolds number 共Re= Vd␳ / ␮兲 of a
fluid flow depends on the average velocity V, density ␳, and dy-
namic viscosity ␮. The Prandtl number 共Pr= C p␮ / k兲 is a function C pnf = ␾C ps + 共1 − ␾兲C pbf 共3兲
of specific heat C p. All thermophysical properties including C p where C pnf is the specific heat of the nanofluid, C ps is the specific
depend on the nanofluid temperature and the nanoparticle volu- heat of the solid nanoparticle, ␾ is the particle volumetric concen-
metric concentration. Due to this dependence of the Prandtl num- tration, and C pbf is the specific heat of the base fluid.
ber on the specific heat C p of the fluid, the specific heat must be Subsequently Xuan and Roetzel 关12兴 modified this correlation
known accurately for evaluating the heat transfer coefficient of by assuming thermal equilibrium between the nanoscale solid par-
nanofluids. ticles and the liquid phase by rewriting the above equation to
For a single-phase fluid, Dittus and Boelter 关10兴 specified C include the density.
= 0.023, a = 0.8, and b = 0.4 for a fluid being heated. For nano-
fluids, Pak and Cho 关8兴 empirically derived C = 0.021, a = 0.8, and ␾␳sC ps + 共1 − ␾兲␳bf C pbf
C pnf = 共4兲
b = 0.5 by performing experiments on ␥-Al2O3 and TiO2 nano- ␳nf
fluids. Maiga et al. 关9兴 proposed C = 0.086, a = 0.55, and b = 0.5 where ␳s is the density of the solid nanoparticle, ␳bf is the density
from their numerical simulations under constant heat flux bound- of the base fluid, and ␳nf is the density of the nanofluid. The
ary conditions. Therefore, it is evident that correlations for a product of density and specific heat is the volumetric heat capacity
single-phase fluid can be extended to nanofluids. Notice from Eq. of each constituent and that of the nanofluid.
共1兲 that for the same Reynolds number and Prandtl number of Both the Pak and Cho equation 共Eq. 共3兲兲 and the Xuan and
different fluids, the Nusselt number remains unchanged. However, Roetzel equation 共Eq. 共4兲兲 require the specific heat of a base fluid
because the thermal conductivity k of nanofluids is higher than the to calculate the specific heat of a nanofluid. In our experiments,
base fluid, the heat transfer coefficient h becomes higher, provid- one of the base fluids was 60:40 EG/W. The specific heat data of
ing the superior heat transfer performance of nanofluids. Equation the base fluid were obtained from ASHRAE 关3兴 and was plotted in
共1兲 is a simple form of the convective flow equation, and nano- Fig. 1 to develop a curve-fit relation over the temperature range at
fluids may involve dependence of other parameters such as the which the experiments were conducted. The data fit nicely with a
particle Peclet number, as presented by Xuan and Li 关2兴. coefficient of determination R2 = 1 by a linear curve-fit.
Furthermore, for evaluation of the total heat transfer rate q̇ from
one fluid to another in a heat exchanger, such as in automobile C pbf = 4.2483T + 1882.4 共5兲
radiators or building heating coils, the appropriate equation from where C pbf is in J / kg K and 293 K ⬍ T ⬍ 363 K.
Bejan 关11兴 is Additionally, Eq. 共4兲 requires an expression for the density of
q̇ = ṁC p共Ti − To兲 共2兲 base fluid to calculate the specific heat of nanofluids. In Fig. 2 the
curve-fit polynomial for the density of base fluid, 60:40 EG/W
In Eq. 共2兲 ṁ is the mass flow rate of the fluid inside the flow from ASHRAE 关3兴 data, has been developed.
passage, and Ti and To are the inlet and outlet temperatures of the
fluid when the fluid transfers q̇ amount of heat to the air surround- ␳bf = − 0.0024T2 + 0.963T + 1009.8, R2 = 1 共6兲
ing it. Because specific heat directly affects the heat transfer q̇, it where density is in kg/ m and 293 K ⬍ T ⬍ 363 K.

must be known precisely. Another important parameter in heat Table 1 gives the density and specific heat of the nanoparticles
transfer is thermal diffusivity ␣nf = knf / 共␳nf C pnf 兲, which is depen- used in the present research. The density values of all nanopar-
dent on the specific heat. This characteristic determines how fast ticles are provided by the manufacturer, Alfa Aesar 关6兴. The spe-
heat will diffuse through the nanofluid such as the flow of heat cific heats of Al2O3 and SiO2 nanoparticles are taken from Ref.
from automobile engine cylinders to the coolant. Therefore, it is 关13兴 and that of ZnO is taken from Ref. 关14兴.
crucial to have accurate correlation for evaluating the specific heat
of various nanofluids. Due to the aforementioned reasons, we 3 Experimental Setup and Procedure
have focused our attention on developing new correlations to de-
termine the specific heat of nanofluids accurately in this paper. The experimental setup for measuring the specific heat of any
liquid is shown in Fig. 3. The apparatus consists of a 7.6 cm 共3
2.1 Specific Heat Equations. With solid particles dispersed in.兲 inside diameter and 16.76 cm 共6.6 in.兲 long acrylonitrile buta-
in a liquid, the equation of the specific heat for the two-phase diene styrene 共ABS兲 container. This low thermal conductivity and
mixture will be a function of the particle concentration. Such a low diffusivity material is selected to minimize heat flow from the
correlation for nanofluids was presented by Pak and Cho 关8兴, tak- fluid into the container wall and to ensure that the major portion of
ing the idea from the liquid-particle mixture theory. heat goes into the fluid to increase its temperature. The apparatus

071601-2 / Vol. 131, JULY 2009 Transactions of the ASME

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Q̇⌬t − mCC PC⌬TC − mCOC PCO⌬TCO − mINC PIN⌬TIN − q̇L⌬t
C pnf =
mnf ⌬Tnf
where Q̇ is the heat applied to the electrical heater in watts deter-
mined from the power meter. The time interval ⌬t is measured by
the data logger 共s兲, ⌬T is the temperature rise 共K兲, m is the mass
共kg兲, C P is the specific heat 共J / kg K兲, and q̇L is the heat transfer to
the environment 共W兲. The subscripts C represents the container,
CO the heating coil, and IN the insulation. The masses of the
container, coil, and insulation are measured individually by an
electronic mass balance. The specific heat of container 共ABS plas-
tic兲 is taken from a handbook, and the specific heats of the coil
and insulations are taken from Ref. 关13兴. The temperature change
⌬T is recorded at every 15 s interval. The surface temperatures of
the insulations and their dimensions are measured at the same
Fig. 2 Development of curve-fit relation for the density of base
time interval. The thermal conductivities of insulations are taken
fluid „60:40 EG/W… from ASHRAE †3‡ data
from Ref. 关13兴. Using these data the heat transfer to the environ-
ment through the insulation is calculated from the heat conduction
is designed to hold about 0.66 l of liquid. The nanofluids are
heated from about 315 to 363 K by using an electrical immersion
heater, as shown in Fig. 3. Six copper-Constantan thermocouples 4 Results and Discussions
are placed in the apparatus. Four thermocouples are placed within
the liquid volume; one at the top, one at the bottom, and two in the 4.1 Uncertainty of Experimental Data. From Eq. 共7兲, the
middle 共one on the heating coil兲. The average of the four tempera- uncertainty in the specific heat measurement can be determined
tures in the liquid is taken as the mean temperature. One thermo- from the standard approach presented by Coleman and Steele
couple is placed on the outer surface of the container and one at 关15兴. The parameters we measured were the rate of heat input to
the midpoint of the insulation. These thermocouples are connected the nanofluid, the temperature, and the mass of several objects and
dimensions of insulations.

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊
to a data logger that records the temperature data at every 15 s
interval. The container is insulated by two layers of insulation. 2
␦C pnf ␦Q̇ ␦mc 2
␦⌬TC 2
␦mCO 2
The inner layer is 6.35 cm 共2.5 in.兲 thick fiber glass insulation = + + +
surrounding the container that fits the contour of the cylindrical C pnf Q̇ mc ⌬TC mCO

冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊
container. The outer layer consists of 10 cm 共4 in.兲 thick extruded
polystyrene board insulation. This arrangement minimizes the ␦⌬TCO 2
␦mIN 2
␦⌬TIN 2
␦q̇L 2
+ + + +
heat flow away from the fluid. A Variac is used to supply constant ⌬TCO mIN ⌬TIN q̇L

冉 冊 冉 冊册
wattage to the immersion heater, and the power input into the 1/2
nanofluid is monitored by a power meter. ␦mnf 2
␦⌬Tnf 2
+ + 共8兲
The thermal energy supplied to the electrical heater heats the mnf ⌬Tnf
nanofluid, heating coil, container, and the insulation. Each of these
components was weighed carefully in a mass balance. A small Specific heats of the container, heating element, and insulations
amount of heat is also transmitted to the environment through the were directly read from tabulated values in books and were not
insulation. The specific heat of a nanofluid was calculated from measured quantities in this experiment. The data acquisition sys-
the following equation: tem was capable of sampling temperatures at intervals of micro-
seconds. Therefore, the uncertainty in ⌬t of 15 s was considered
negligible. For the power meter, 共␦Q̇ / Q̇兲 is about 1%. For the
Table 1 Properties of nanoparticles electronic precision mass balance, 共␦m / m兲 is about 0.5%. The
uncertainty in measurements of temperature for copper-
Density of particle Specific heat of particle Constantan thermocouple used in this apparatus is ⫾0.5° C be-
Type of nanoparticle 共kg/ m3兲 共J / kg K兲 tween −100° C and 400° C. Therefore, at the mean temperature of
50° C within the range of measurements, 共␦T / T兲 = 1%. The uncer-
Al2O3 共44 nm兲 3600 765 tainty in calculating the heat loss through the insulation can be
SiO2 共20 nm兲 2220 745 expressed as

冋冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 册
ZnO 共77 nm兲 5600 514
␦q̇L ␦A 2
␦TC 2
␦TO 2
␦X1 2
␦X2 2 1/2
= + + + +
q̇L A TC TO X1 X2
where X1 and X2 are thicknesses of insulations, and TC and TO are
the surface temperatures of insulations. The thermal conductivities
of insulations were taken from Ref. 关13兴. The uncertainty in length
measurement ␦L / L by the modern metrological gauge is about
0.5%. The area A is proportional to the square of the length di-
mension L, so the uncertainty in area measurement is ␦A / A
= 关共2共␦L / L兲兲2兴1/2. Using the above numbers ␦q̇L / q̇L = 1.87%. Fi-
nally combining all the uncertainties together in Eq. 共8兲 the un-
Fig. 3 Experimental setup for specific heat measurement of certainty in measurement of the specific heat of nanofluid is
nanofluids 共␦C pnf / C pnf 兲 = 3.1%.

Journal of Heat Transfer JULY 2009, Vol. 131 / 071601-3

Downloaded 06 May 2009 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see
Fig. 4 Comparison of measured values of the specific heat of Fig. 5 Measured specific heat values for different concentra-
two base fluids, 60:40 EG/W and water, with the ASHRAE †3‡ tions of the Al2O3 nanofluid in a base fluid of 60:40 EG/W
and Bejan †11‡ data, respectively

A i = a 1␾ 4 + a 2␾ 3 + a 3␾ 2 + a 4␾ + a 5 共11兲
Similarly, three other fourth order polynomials are necessary for
Bi, Ci, and Di. Das 关17兴 presented a complete set of polynomials
4.2 Benchmark Test Cases. Before measuring the specific and the resulting correlation for the Al2O3 nanofluid in the form
heat of any nanofluid with this apparatus, benchmark tests were C pnf 共T , ␾兲. However, these polynomials are highly oscillatory
conducted with the two base fluids, 60:40 EG/W and deionized showing high and low peaks. Although the above approach math-
water whose specific heats are accurately known from the ematically includes the dependence of both temperature and con-
ASHRAE 关3兴 handbook and Bejan 关11兴, respectively. A mass of centration, calculating the specific heat at intermediate values of ␾
about 0.7 kg of base fluid was introduced into the container for the and T may yield highly off results. Moreover, this equation is
specific heat measurement. A constant heat rate of 40 W was applicable to only Al2O3 nanoparticles suspended in a base fluid
supplied to the heating element to increase the temperature of of 60:40 EG/W mixture, so similar tedious polynomials have to be
water to 363 K. The temperature change was recorded at every 15 developed for other nanofluids. Therefore, this approach was dis-
s interval. carded, and an attempt was made to develop a simpler and more
The results of these measurements and the data from ASHRAE general correlation. The development of this new correlation,
关3兴 and Bejan 关11兴 are presented in Fig. 4 over a temperature which includes the dependence of temperature, concentration, and
range of 315–363 K. Since we have measured data at every 15 s, specific heat of both the nanoparticles and the base fluid used in
the data points are numerous. Therefore, the experimental results the nanofluids, is described in Sec. 4.8.
appear as a continuous line in Fig. 4. A good agreement is ob-
served between the current measurements and the published data. 4.4 Volumetric Heat Capacity. The volumetric heat capacity
The maximum error between the measurement and ASHRAE data 共C pvnf = ␳nf C pnf 兲 of a nanofluid is the quantity of heat required to
for 60:40 EG/W is about 7.0%, and an average error of 4% is raise the temperature of a unit volume of nanofluid by 1 ° C. It is
observed. A maximum error of about 3.1% and an average error of of interest to determine how this heat capacity is affected by the
1.9% are observed between the measurement and the data of Be- presence of nanoparticles in a liquid. Figure 6 presents the volu-
jan for water. metric heat capacity of an Al2O3 nanofluid at three different tem-
peratures, 310 K, 340 K, and 360 K, as a function of particle
4.3 Al2O3 Nanofluid. After verifying the accuracy of the ap-
volumetric concentration. It is observed that the volumetric heat
paratus and the measurement procedure by comparing the mea-
capacity calculated from the experimental specific heat values and
sured specific heat values of the base fluid, comprehensive mea-
surements of specific heat were conducted for the Al2O3
nanofluid, with particle volumetric concentrations of 2%, 4%, 6%,
8%, and 10% dispersed in the base fluid of 60:40 EG/W. Figure 5
presents the data for Al2O3 nanofluid. It is observed that the spe-
cific heat of this nanofluid decreases with an increase in the vol-
ume concentration. Furthermore, like many single-phase liquids,
the specific heat of this nanofluid also increases with temperature.
From the data, subsequently empirical correlations were devel-
oped. Yaws 关16兴 presented the specific heat correlations of many
liquids in the cubic polynomial form, as shown in Eq. 共10兲.

C pnf = Ai + BiT + CiT2 + DiT3 共10兲

where i = 1 – 5 is the number of concentrations.
Following that approach we developed correlations for the
Al2O3 nanofluid in the same form. For each concentration in Fig.
5, a cubic polynomial in the form of Eq. 共10兲 was developed with
a coefficient of determination R2 = 0.99. Next, all these coeffi-
cients A, B, C, and D were curve fitted against the five concen-
trations. It was found that only a fourth order polynomial 共Eq. Fig. 6 Variation in volumetric heat capacity of the Al2O3 nano-
共11兲兲 could give a good coefficient of determination R2 ⱖ 0.99. fluid with concentration at three different temperatures

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Fig. 7 Variation in the specific heat of SiO2 nanofluid of differ-
ent volumetric concentrations with temperature Fig. 8 Variation in the specific heat with temperature for a ZnO
nanofluid at different particle volume concentrations

from the Xuan and Roetzel 关12兴 correlation remains nearly con- specific heat of a nanofluid properly. The conventional formula,
stant with a variation in concentration. The density of the nano- Eq. 共4兲, is based on the thermal equilibrium between the nanopar-
fluid increases, and the mass-based specific heat decreases with an ticles and the liquid phase. We believe that the solid phase par-
increase in concentration. The product of these two opposite ticles and the liquid phase are not in thermal equilibrium. Due to
changes nullifies the effect of concentration variation on the volu- their higher thermal diffusivity, the nanoparticles absorb heat
metric heat capacity, making it a constant. It is also observed from faster than the base fluid and attain a higher temperature than the
Fig. 6 that the volumetric heat capacity calculated from the Pak base fluid. The situation deviates more and more from the thermal
and Cho 关8兴 correlation increases with the increase in concentra- equilibrium when the temperature increases with the addition of
tion. This is because the Pak and Cho correlation overpredicts the more heat. Due to a higher temperature rise of particles, an energy
specific heat value when compared with the experimental data. balance yields a higher specific heat value for the nanofluid. This
The heat transfer rate in a heat exchanger is q̇ = V̇C pv⌬T. A conjecture is confirmed by comparing the present experimental
constant volumetric heat capacity indicates that no extra volumet- specific heat values with Eq. 共4兲, as observed in Fig. 9. The per-
ric flow rate V̇ will be necessary in a heat exchanger when replac- centage deviation increases with the increase in temperature. It is
ing the conventional fluid with nanofluid for the same amount of also clear that the deviation will increase with an increase in the
heat transfer rate q̇ under a similar temperature change ⌬T of the particle volumetric concentration. Furthermore, Eq. 共4兲 does not
fluid. The volumetric heat capacity increases with an increase in have the temperature as a variable exclusively. The temperature
temperature. From Fig. 6 we notice that, for a temperature in- effect is accounted for mildly via the base fluid, which is not
crease of 12%, the volumetric heat capacity of the experimental adequate. Therefore, it is imperative that a new correlation is de-
data increases by 8%. Therefore, the use of nanofluid is more veloped as function of particle and fluid specific heats, concentra-
beneficial at higher temperatures. tion, and temperature for accurate calculation of the specific heat
of nanofluids.
4.5 SiO2 Nanofluid. Figure 7 displays the measured specific
heat values of the SiO2 nanofluid varying in particle volumetric 4.8 General Correlation for Three Nanofluids. Finally,
concentration from 2% to 10%. In order to include the effect of a from the measured data of three nanofluids in two base fluids, a
different base fluid on the specific heat of a nanofluid, this experi- general correlation was developed for the specific heat. It is well
ment was conducted with water as the base fluid. The results in known that the specific heat should be dependent on temperature,
Fig. 7 show that the specific heat of this nanofluid increases mod- particle volumetric concentration, and specific heat of the nano-
erately with an increase in temperature. However, the specific heat
decreases substantially with an increase in particle volumetric
4.6 ZnO Nanofluid. Figure 8 presents the experimental val-
ues of the specific heat of the ZnO nanofluid. The base fluid in this
experiment was 60:40 EG/W. The specific heat results show simi-
lar trends, as shown by the prior two nanofluids, namely, an in-
crease in the specific heat with an increase in temperature and a
decrease in the specific heat with an increase in particle volumet-
ric concentration.
4.7 Comparison With Existing Correlations. A major ob-
jective of the present study was to verify if Eq. 共3兲, given by Pak
and Cho 关8兴, and Eq. 共4兲, given by Xuan and Roetzel 关12兴, match
the measured specific heat values accurately. Figure 9 shows the
comparison between the experimental and the theoretical specific
heat values for a 7% volumetric concentration of the ZnO nano-
fluid. An overprediction of about 17% by the Pak and Cho equa-
tion is observed. The error with the Xuan and Roetzel equation Fig. 9 Comparison of the experimental specific heat values
increases with the temperature, reaching a maximum value of with the Pak and Cho equation „Eq. „3…… and the Xuan and Ro-
9.5% at 363 K. It appears that these equations do not represent the etzel equation „Eq. „4…… for a 7% ZnO nanofluid

Journal of Heat Transfer JULY 2009, Vol. 131 / 071601-5

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Fig. 10 Variation in the specific heat ratio of the Al2O3 nano- Fig. 11 Comparison of the experimental specific heat values
fluid with temperature for two particle volumetric of 2% SiO2, 3% ZnO, and 8% Al2O3 with the present correlation
concentrations presented as Eq. „12…

particle and the base fluid. The correlation was developed as a Measurements show that the specific heat value decreases as the
specific heat ratio 共C pnf / C pbf 兲 of the nanofluid to the base fluid so volumetric concentration of nanoparticles increases. This decrease
that it can be used for different base fluids. First the specific heat is compatible with the lower specific heat of particles being added
ratio was plotted against temperature for two different particle to the base fluid. The specific heat increases with an increase in
volume concentrations to determine the nature of variation in the temperature. Existing equations do not predict the specific heat of
specific heat ratio with temperature and concentration. Figure 10 nanofluids accurately. Therefore, a general specific heat correla-
presents the variation in the Al2O3 nanofluid with temperature for tion, developed from the experimental data of Al2O3, SiO2, and
two particle volumetric concentrations. From this figure, one can ZnO nanofluids, takes into account particle volume concentration,
observe that the specific heat ratio of the nanofluid is a linear temperature, and specific heat of both the particles and that of the
function of temperature within the range of the experiment and is base fluid. These data include two different base fluids: 共i兲 water
inversely proportional to the concentration of the nanofluid. and 共ii兲 60:40 EG/W. This new correlation is applicable for con-
With these observations, a new correlation was derived using centrations up to 10% for Al2O3 and SiO2 nanofluids, and up to
the statistical software of Silva and Silva 关18兴. The equation that 7% for a ZnO nanofluid, within the temperature range of 315–363
best fits the experimental data of all three nanofluids prepared K. A fair estimate of specific heats of other nanofluids, for which
from two kinds of base fluids is given as Eq. 共12兲. no correlation exists, can be made from this general equation.

冉 冉 冊冊
Future measurements of other nanofluids should establish the uni-
C ps
共AⴱT兲 + Bⴱ versality of this correlation or any refinement.
C pnf C pbf
= 共12兲
C pbf 共C + ␾兲 Acknowledgment
The curve-fit coefficients for each nanofluid are tabulated in Table Financial assistance from the Department of Mechanical Engi-
2. This equation is applicable over the temperature range of neering at the University of Alaska Fairbanks is gratefully ac-
315 K ⬍ T ⬍ 363 K for volumetric concentrations ranging from knowledged. Additional support has been provided by Alaska EP-
0 ⬍ ␾ ⱕ 0.1 for Al2O3 and SiO2 nanofluids and 0 ⬍ ␾ ⱕ 0.07 for SCoR, with funding from the National Science Foundation Award
ZnO nanofluid. No. 0701898 and the state of Alaska.
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