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Taking Common - 1

1 Distributive law can be applied to simplify calculations.

16 x 73 + 16 x 27 = 16 (73 + 27) = 16 x 100 = 1600
16 x 734 + 16 x 266 = 16 (734 + 266) = 16 x 1000 = 16000

2 Distributive law can be applied when products are added or subtracted if each product contains a number that can be taken common.

16 x 77 - 16 x 27 = 16 (77 - 27) = 16 x 50 = 800
16 x 77 + 17 x 27 cannot be simplified using this technique since the two products do not have a single common number.

3 Distributive law can be applied on more than one products as well.

16 x 77 - 16 x 27 + 16 x 35 + 16 x 15 = 16 (77 – 27 + 35 + 15) = 16 (50 + 50) = 16 x 100 = 1600

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