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Future with WILL or BE GOING TO

If we are not sure about the future, we use 'will' with expressions such as 'probably', 'I
think', ‘maybe’.

 I think you will like the movie.

 She will probably find another job soon.
 He probably won’t have time to go to the gym next week.
 Maybe they will travel next month.

If you are making a future prediction in general or just talking about general facts in
the future, use ‘will’.

 The weather will be hot in Rio in the summer.

 In the future, people won’t use desktops anymore.
 The Olympic games will start next month.

But if you are making a future prediction based on clear present evidence, use
'going to'.

 There isn’t a cloud in the sky. It's going to be another warm day.
 Look at the size of that line! We're not going to get in for hours.
 The traffic is terrible. We're going to miss our flight.
 Be careful! You're going to spill your coffee.

At the moment of making a decision – if you didn’t make plans before –, use 'will'.
But if you have made the decision before – you had a plan before the conversation
–, talk about it using 'going to'.

 A: I’m going to have a party tomorrow. Would you like to come?

 B: Sure! I'll call Jenny to tell her about the party, too. What do you think?
 A: Perfect!

 A: I’m going to go home in a few minutes. See you tomorrow.

 B: Ok, see you!
 A: (A few minutes later)… Oh no. My car is not working for some reason.
 B: Don’t worry. I’ll give you a ride.
 A: Thanks!

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