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Exercises. Simple Present tense.

I. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. I works at a bank.
work/ works /working
2. She lives with her parents.
live/ lives/ living
3. Cows feed on grass.
feed/ feeds /feeding
4. He earns a handsome salary.
earn /earns /earning
5. Janet wants to be a singer.
6. Emily makes delicious cookies.

II. Write the correct form of the verb.

1. I usually go (go) to school.
2. They visit (visit) us often.
3. You play (play) basketball once a week.
4. Tom works (work) every day.
5. He always tells (tell) us funny stories.
6. She never helps (help) me with that!
7. Martha and Kevin swim (swim) twice a week.
8. In this club people usually dance (dance) a lot.
9. Linda take care (take care) of her sister.
10. John rarely leave (leave) the country.

III. Change the verb into the correct form:

1. Daniel flies (fly) to Paris once a year.

2. She never does (do) her homework.
3. Lisa tries (try) to help her sister.
4. Mark goes (go) home at seven.
5. The baby cries (cry) every night.
6. He misses (miss) her a lot.
7. Joe studies (study) really hard.
8. A boy kisses (kiss) a girl.
9. Joana buys (buy) new stuff all the time.
10. Tim watches (watch) this show every night.

IV. Change the verb into the correct NEGATIVE form (do not/does not + verb).
do not ride
1. I (not ride) horses.
2. You do not sell (not sell) cars.
3. He does not bring (not bring) gifts.
4. She does not takes (not take) pictures.
5. It does not cost (not cost) so much.
6. We do not seem (not seem) so happy.
7. They do not buy (not buy) new products.
8. Michael does not dance(not dance).
9. Michel does nat run (not run) fast.
10. Tim and Kate do not work (not work) every day.

V. Change the verb into the correct QUESTIONS form (Do/Does + subject +verb).

Do I wake up
1. (I wake up) at five in the morning?
2. do you (you go) to work by train?
3. does she drink (she drink) coffee every morning?
4. does (he smoke)?
5. does (it hurt)?
6. do we (we dance)?
7. do they (they travel)?
8. does (Emma cook) well?
9. does (Alexander exercise) regularly?
10. do (I look) well?

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