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Thank you for your time and attention.
This research is intended to explore and examine the factors that influences Cyber threats on autonomous or driverless vehicles.

I request you to spend some of your time in filling up this survey. Your feedback is important to me for coming up with an original and valuable
thesis. The information you provide will be kept strictly confidential.

All factors and questions have been created from existing literature available on this or related topics.


1) Socio-cultural
2) Regulations
3) Intelligent Transportation Systems
4) Predictive Measures
5) Cyber Attacks
6) Controller Area Network (In-vehicle Bus network)
7) Trust

Code Statements Level of Agreement
Strongly Disagree (SD);
Disagree (D); Neutral (N);
Agree (A);
Strongly Agree (SA)
Socio-cultural (SC) SD D N A SA
SC1 It is important to safely and efficiently re-engage
the driver from non-driving tasks to manual vehicle
SC2 It is necessary to program Autonomous Vehicles to
prioritise minimizing injuries to their occupants
over other parties on the road.
SC3 It is necessary to ensure that Autonomous Vehicles
interact with other road users such as car drivers,
pedestrians, cyclists etc under different use
SC4 Vehicle information system is to be designed to
reduce the workload of drivers.
Regulations (RE) SD D N A SA
RE1 Currently less attention is paid to criminal law and
enforcement issues with respect to Autonomous
RE2 AV technology should be designed to facilitate
forensic investigations to prosecute criminals.
RE3 Person or the system responsible for the accident is
to be dealt with in the law relating to Product
RE4 It is important for policymakers to educate the
passengers about the actual capabilities of
autonomous vehicles.

RE5 Standards and regulations to defend cyber security

attacks are be explored.
RE6 Autonomous vehicles are required to take
comprehensive insurance policies.
Intelligent Transportation Systems (IT) SD D N A SA
IT1 The highly connected nature of Intelligent
Transportation System (ITS) is to ensure the
passenger’s basic requirements for privacy.
IT2 The overall impact of the Autonomous Vehicles on
traffic congestion is yet to be investigated.
IT3 There is a need to develop a secured, trusted and
decentralized architecture for a healthier ITS
Benefits of Research (BE) SD D N A SA
BE1 Accidents due to human error is considerably
BE2 Trust, Comfort and Predictability are ensured in
using Autonomous vehicles Technology
BE3 Safe Transportation is ensured to people having
constraints in driving (Elderly, Disabled and
BE4 Intelligent Transportation Systems reduces Traffic
BE5 Optimum use of roads and other infrastructures is


1. Age in years o 18 – 30
o 30 – 40
o 40 – 60
o 60+
2. Gender o Male
o Female
3. Location o Asia Pacific
o Europe
o Africa
o America
4. Are you a…? o Car Driver
o Mechanic
o Automotive Engineer
o Land Transport Regulator
o Pedestrian

1. You are not convinced with any question, please list the question codes here:

2. This research is carried out with the following factors as mentioned in the top:
1) Socio-cultural
2) Regulations
3) Intelligent Transportation Systems
4) Predictive Measures
5) Cyber Attacks
6) Controller Area Network (In-vehicle Bus network)
7) Trust

If you think we have missed out any factor apart from above seven factors mentioned herewith, please indicate the new factor (s) below:

Thank you for taking your valuable time to participate in this survey. Your responses are vital in helping the research. I truly value the information
you have provided.


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