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For businesses:

1. What is your opinion on dynamic pricing?

2. Do you think dynamic pricing influences consumer behaviour?
3. From your experience, how do consumers typically react to dynamic pricing
strategies? (give ex)
4. What are some common factors that drive consumers to make purchases affected by
dynamic pricing?
5. In your opinion, what are the primary advantages of dynamic pricing for both
consumers and businesses?
6. In your opinion, what are the primary disadvantages of dynamic pricing for both
consumers and businesses?
7. Do you think dynamic pricing affects consumer trust in brands?
8. Can you provide examples of successful implementation of dynamic pricing
9. Have you observed any ethical concerns associated with dynamic pricing?
10. Do you think transparency should play a role in dynamic pricing strategies?
11. Do different demographic groups respond to dynamic pricing in different ways?
12. How do you see dynamic pricing evolving in the future?

For customers:

1. Have you ever noticed price changes for products or services while shopping online
or in stores? - AP
 Yes
 No
2. How often do you encounter price changes for products or services? -AP
 Frequently
 Occasionally
 Rarely
 Never
3. When you discover that the price of a product you're interested in has changed since
your last visit, how do you typically feel? - FT
 Indifferent
 Frustrated
 Surprised
 Other, please specify: ___________
4. Can you recall a specific instance where dynamic pricing influenced your decision to
make a purchase? NO
5. Dynamic pricing is fair to consumers -FT
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
6. How does dynamic pricing affect your overall shopping experience?
 Improves it
 Makes it more challenging
 No significant impact
 Other, please specify: ___________
7. What factors do you consider when deciding whether to proceed with a purchase
affected by dynamic pricing? (Select all that apply)
 Urgency
 Need
 Competitor prices
 Brand reputation
 Other, please specify: ___________
8. Time-sensitive pricing changes pressurizes you in to purchasing products?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
9. Do you believe that businesses are transparent enough about their dynamic pricing
 Yes
 No
 Not Sure
10. How do you think dynamic pricing could be improved to better serve consumers'
needs and expectations?

11. Overall, what is your opinion on dynamic pricing?

- Beneficial
- Frustrating
- Indifferent
- Other, please specify: ___________

1. *Understanding the Conceptual Framework:*

- Can you explain the significance of customer lifetime value in the context of business
success and sustainability?
- How do you define critical touch points within the customer journey, and why are they
essential for predicting customer lifetime value?
- What role does AI play in enhancing our understanding of these critical touch points?

2. *Identification of Independent Variables:*

- How do you define and measure customer satisfaction within the customer journey?
- What metrics or indicators are typically used to assess customer engagement?
- Can you elaborate on how purchase history data can be leveraged to understand
customer behavior?
- How do you collect and analyze customer feedback, and how does it contribute to
predicting customer lifetime value?
- In what ways does AI assist in evaluating marketing effectiveness?

3. *Data Collection and Integration:*

- What challenges exist in gathering and integrating data related to customer satisfaction,
engagement, purchase history, feedback, and marketing effectiveness?
- How do you ensure the quality and reliability of the data collected for AI analysis?
- Are there specific techniques or tools you use to clean and preprocess the data before
feeding it into AI algorithms?

4. *AI Algorithms and Models:*

- Could you explain how AI algorithms, such as machine learning and predictive analytics,
are employed to detect patterns and trends in customer data?
- What types of machine learning models are commonly used for forecasting customer
lifetime value based on the identified independent variables?
- How do you validate the accuracy and performance of these AI models in predicting
customer behavior and lifetime value?

5. *Practical Applications and Business Impact:*

- Can you provide examples of how AI-driven insights into critical touch points have led to
actionable strategies for improving customer lifetime value?
- How do businesses leverage these insights to personalize customer experiences and
enhance retention efforts?
- In your experience, what measurable impact have AI-driven approaches had on overall
business performance and profitability?

6. *Ethical Considerations and Data Privacy:*

- What measures are in place to ensure the ethical use of customer data in AI-driven
- How do you address concerns related to data privacy and customer consent when
collecting and utilizing sensitive information?
- Are there any regulatory compliance considerations that businesses need to be aware of
when implementing AI solutions for customer analytics?

These questions should provide a comprehensive understanding of how AI can be effectively

utilized to detect and forecast critical touch points within the customer journey, ultimately
impacting customer lifetime value.

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