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Verbos Modales: ‘‘May, Might,


‘‘May, might y could’’son tres verbos que se usan, entre otras

funciones, para hablar de probabilidad y es en este caso en el que
podemos confundirlo.


 Expresar probabilidad: We may go out this Saturday.
 Expresar deseos/esperanzas: May the force be with you.
 Pedir/conceder permiso: You may now kiss the bride.
 Ofrecerse: May I help you?
 Expresar concesión: He may be the landlord, but he has no right to visit us
whenever he wants.
 Expresar prohibición: You may not take photographs in the Museum.¿

 Expresar probabilidad: Be careful, the floor might be slippery.
 Hacer sugerencias: You might try parking in the street.
 Pedir algo: Might I borrow some money?
 Expresar reproches: You might at least have asked my opinion!
 Expresar concesión: He might not look very smart, but he is actually a

 Expresar una habilidad (pasado): I could do a handstand when I was a little
 Expresar probabilidad: They could fine you if you don’t leash the dog
 Pedir algo/ hacer sugerencias: Could you give me a hand?
 Pedir permiso: Could I leave a bit early today?
Might, May, y Could para hablar de probabilidad:

 Usamos might, may y could para hablar de la posibilidad de algo en el

presente o en el futuro o si no estamos seguros de que algo vaya a
ocurrir en el futuro.

o I might go to the cinema this afternoon

o He is travelling in Eastern Europe. He may be in Ukraine by now.
o We could have problems tomorrow if the traffic is too heavy.

En cuanto a la forma, se usa might/may/could + V -inf sin to para

todas las personas.
o The structure could be unstable after the earthquake
o There might be delays due to the accident
o I may be able to help you when I finish with this

 Se usa might not/mightn’t y may not para hablar de probabilidad

negativa, sin embargo could not/couldn’t no se usa en este sentido, sino
para indicar que algo es imposible. Tampoco es habitual usar la
contracción de may not.

o Many people may not be willing to commute for an hour

o It mightn’t be as bad as they say
o There couldn’t be any available seat today (imposible)

 Respecto a la interrogación, podemos usar los tres verbos con la

estructura might/May/Could + sujeto + V-inf sin to, pero puede
resultar un tanto forzado y se suele usar más a menudo do you think +
sujeto + might/may/could + V -inf sin to.

 Might/may/could she be interested?

 Do you think she might/may/could be interested

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