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Amirov Bekhruz

International Group

1) History of writing of Hamlet tragedy.

Hamlet was the most popular play during his lifetime and remains the most produced work of
his to date. Beyond historical influences, Shakespeare may have taken inspiration from his own
life. In 1596, Shakespeare’s only son, Hamnet, passed away at only 11 years old. Hamlet’s own
struggle with his grief mirrors Shakespeare’s, each traversing through the after effects of loss,
not to mention the similarity between the titular character and his son’s name. However, most
scholars argue that the origin story of Hamlet is too obviously derived from legend and that
Hamnet’s death was auxiliary in Shakespeare’s writing process.
7) There are only two female characters in the play: Gertrude and Ophelia. In most scenes both
characters are seem unimportant and merely play supporting roles in the tragedy.
Gertrude and Ophelia are illustrated as weak, passive and dependent.
As we can see that the author of the tragedy, Shakespeare, was a feminist in Hamlet tragedy.
But we can see other clarifications that Shakespeare is not a feminist, but he seems to be, due
to the role of heroines in his play Hamlet, how they are weak passive.
8) Major themes, symbols, and motifs.
Major themes in Hamlet:
Both, Hamlet and Ophelia suffer from mental illness, and their conditions are only exacerbated
by the trauma that they experience before and during the play.
Hamlet was traumatized by suddenly losing his father.
Ophelia was traumatized, fell a deep depression, by two events:
1. Hamlet’s rejection of her love.
2. The murder of her father by Hamlet’s careless hands

Motifs and Symbols:

Death(suicide) is a regular motif in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. We can see a murder even before the
beginning of the play, and many more follow as the play progress.
Dark outfits of Hamlet. Hamlet begins the play in mourning for his dead father and resentment
for his too-soon-married mother and uncle. His these dark outfits symbolize, hamlet’s
constant state of grief.

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