Chapter 11

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Origins of the Indian National Congress

Foundation of the Indian National Congress:
➢ Established in December 1885 at Gokuldas Tejpal Sanskrit College in Bombay.
➢ Proposed by A.O. Hume, a retired English civil servant.
➢ Initial groundwork laid through Indian National Conference sessions in 1883 and 1885, led by
Surendranath Banerjea and Ananda Mohan Bose.
➢ First session attended by 72 delegates, presided over by Womesh Chandra Bonnerjee.
➢ Annual sessions held in December, rotating across different parts of India.
Prominent Leaders:
➢ Presidents during the early phase included Dadabhai Naoroji, Badruddin Tyabji, Pherozeshah Mehta,
Surendranath Banerjea, and others.
➢ Notable figures like Mahadev Govind Ranade, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, and Gopal Krishna Gokhale actively
➢ Kadambini Ganguly, the first woman graduate of Calcutta University, addressed the Congress session
in 1890, highlighting the commitment to women's participation.
Safety Valve Theory:
➢ Theory suggesting A.O. Hume founded Congress as a "safety valve" to mitigate Indian discontent.
➢ Extremist leaders like Lala Lajpat Rai supported this theory.
➢ Marxist historians proposed a "conspiracy theory," implying Congress was formed to suppress potential
➢ Modern historians dispute the "safety valve" notion, viewing Congress as an expression of Indian political
➢ Bipan Chandra suggests Hume acted as a catalyst to unite nationalist forces.
Aims and Objectives:
➢ Found a democratic nationalist movement.
➢ Politicize and educate people politically.
➢ Establish headquarters for the nationalist movement.
➢ Foster friendly relations among nationalist workers across India.
➢ Develop and propagate an anti-colonial nationalist ideology.
➢ Present popular demands to the government, unifying people over common economic and political
➢ Foster national unity regardless of religion, caste, or province.
➢ Promote and nurture Indian nationhood carefully.

Era of Moderates (1885-1905)

➢ Dadabhai Naoroji
➢ Pherozeshah Mehta
➢ D.E. Wacha
➢ W.C. Bonnerjea
➢ S.N. Banerjea
➢ Constitutional Agitation (1885-1905): Moderates believed in peaceful protests within legal boundaries.
➢ Creating Public Awareness (1885-1905): They aimed to educate and unite Indians on political issues.
➢ Persuading British Government (1885-1905): They used petitions, meetings, and public pressure to
influence British reforms.
➢ "Prayer and Petition" (1885-1905): Moderates preferred polite requests for change.
➢ British Committee of INC (1889): Established in London to advocate for India's interests.
➢ Dadabhai Naoroji's Advocacy (1889-): Campaigned extensively for India's cause abroad.
➢ London Congress (1892 - Cancelled): Planned but ultimately postponed due to British elections.
Overall Strategy:
➢ Moderates believed in gradual change through building relationships with Britain.
➢ Their goal was to transform British rule into a more representative system.

Contributions of Moderate Nationalists

Economic Critique of British Imperialism (1885-1905)
➢ Drain Theory: Led by Dadabhai Naoroji, Moderates exposed British exploitation through this theory.
➢ Economic Transformation Critique: They opposed the shift from a self-sufficient Indian economy to a
supplier of raw materials for Britain.
➢ Demands:
✓ End economic subservience to Britain.
✓ Develop an independent Indian economy.
✓ Reduce land revenue and salt tax.
✓ Improve working conditions for plantation laborers.
✓ Reduce military expenditure.
✓ Encourage modern industry through tariffs and government aid.

Constitutional Reforms and Propaganda in Legislature (1861-1906)

➢ Limited Power of Councils: Pre-1920 legislative councils had little real power.
➢ Nationalist Demands (1885-1892):
✓ Expansion of councils for greater Indian participation.
✓ Increased power for councils, especially financial control.
➢ Criticism of Indian Councils Act (1892): Moderates felt the reforms were inadequate.
➢ Later Demands:
✓ Majority of elected Indians in councils.
✓ Power to vote on and amend the budget ("No taxation without representation").
✓ Self-government like Canada and Australia (by 1906).
➢ Nationalist Achievements:
✓ Used councils to expose government flaws and raise public issues.
✓ Enhanced their political stature and built a national movement.
✓ Generated anti-imperialist sentiment.
➢ Shortcomings:
✓ Failed to widen the movement's base by including masses and women.
✓ Didn't demand universal voting rights.

Campaign for General Administrative Reforms (1885-1905)

➢ Indianisation of Government Service:
✓ Economic argument: Employing Indians would be cheaper.
✓ Political argument: Salaries of British officials drained Indian resources.
✓ Moral argument: Indians deserved positions of trust and responsibility.
➢ Other Demands:
✓ Separation of judiciary from executive functions.
✓ Less oppressive bureaucracy and a more efficient judicial system.
✓ Less aggressive foreign policy to reduce military spending.
✓ Increased spending on welfare, education, irrigation, and agriculture.
✓ Better treatment for Indian laborers abroad.

Protection of Civil Rights (1885-1905)

➢ Focus on Free Speech, Press, and Assembly: Moderates spread democratic ideas.
➢ Defense of Civil Rights: This became a key part of the freedom struggle.
➢ Public Outrage: Examples include arrests of Tilak, journalists, and the Natu brothers.

Indian Councils Act, 1892

Main Provisions:
➢ Increased council members:
✓ Imperial Legislative Council: 10-16 non-official members (up from 6-10).
✓ Provincial Legislative Councils: Increased numbers not specified.
➢ Nominations:
✓ Non-official members nominated by various bodies:
Bengal Chamber of Commerce
Provincial legislative councils
Zamindars (landowners)
✓ Introduced the principle of representation.
➢ Allowed discussions on budget and asking questions.
➢ Official majority remained, limiting non-official influence.
➢ Imperial Council met only 13 days/year on average (1892-1909).
➢ Few Indian members participated (5 out of 24 in Imperial Council).
➢ No voting or amendments on budget.
➢ No discussions on supplementary requests or answers to questions.

Evaluation of Early Nationalists (Moderates)

➢ Awakened national sentiment.
➢ Created a pan-Indian identity with common interests.
➢ Trained political workers and spread modern ideas.
➢ Exposed the exploitative nature of British rule.
➢ Established the idea of India being ruled for Indians' benefit.
➢ Built a foundation for future mass movements.
➢ Narrow social base with limited mass participation.
➢ Distrusted the masses due to perceived social divisions and lack of education.
➢ Failed to broaden democratic demands.
Role of Masses:
➢ Moderates viewed the masses as passive due to social divisions and conservatism.
➢ Believed national unity had to precede political participation (a flaw).
➢ Lack of mass support limited them to moderate tactics.
Government Attitude:
➢ Hostile towards the Congress despite their loyalty.
➢ Condemned nationalists as "seditious" and "disloyal."
➢ Employed "divide and rule" tactics:
✓ Supported rival organizations (e.g., Sir Syed Ahmed Khan's United Indian Patriotic Association).
✓ Tried to divide nationalists by religion and pit moderates against extremists.
➢ Ultimately failed to halt the rise of nationalism.
Important Leader
1. A.O. Hume: Civil Servant
➢ Arrival and Career in India:
✓ Joined Bengal Civil Service in 1849 (Etawah district).
✓ Witnessed 1857 Rebellion and focused on improving lives (Etawah became a model of progress).
✓ Rose through the ranks but criticized British policies (like his father, a radical MP).
✓ Became secretary of Revenue, Agriculture, and Commerce (1871).
✓ Dismissed from Secretariat in 1879 for criticizing Lord Lytton.
➢ Beyond Civil Service:
✓ Founded journal "Stray Feathers" for birdwatching records across India.
✓ Left India in 1894 (London).
✓ Supported Indian National Congress.
✓ Developed interest in botany and established South London Botanical Institute.

2. Mahadev Govind Ranade

➢ Born: Jan 18, 1842, Niphad, Nashik (Maharashtra)
➢ Education:
✓ Elphinstone College, Bombay (Mumbai)
✓ University of Bombay (BA 1862, LLB 1866)
➢ Presidency Magistrate, Bombay Small Causes Court (1871)
➢ Judge, Bombay High Court (1893)
➢ History instructor, Elphinstone College
Contributions to Indian National Congress (INC):
✓ Founding member (1885)
✓ Advocated for political empowerment and unity
➢ Influenced by Western culture and colonial state
➢ Key aspects:
✓ Criticized some Indian customs and traditions
✓ Emphasized spiritualism within Hinduism
✓ Supported Swadeshi movement (use of indigenous products)
Social Reforms
➢ Founding member of Prarthana Samaj (religious reform movement)
➢ Edited Induprakash (newspaper promoting social and religious reform)
➢ Advocated for women's education (wife Ramabai became a doctor)
➢ Co-founded Widow Marriage Association (1861)
➢ Founded Poona Sarvajanik Sabha (sociopolitical organization)
➢ Championed social reforms against:
✓ Child marriage
✓ Widow remarriage restrictions
✓ High wedding costs
✓ Caste restrictions on travel
Other Contributions
➢ Established schools
➢ Authored books on Indian economics and Maratha history
➢ "Father of Indian Economics": advocated for industrialization and welfare programs
➢ Influenced future leaders like Gopal Krishna Gokhale
➢ Significant figure in social reform movement and Indian nationalism
➢ Legacy includes:
✓ Societal change advocacy
✓ Economic development initiatives
✓ Inspiration for future reformers

3. Dadabhai Naoroji
➢ Born: September 4, 1825, Bombay (Mumbai)
➢ Education:
✓ Elphinstone College (scholarship recipient)
✓ First Indian professor at Elphinstone College
Career Highlights:
➢ Co-founded Cama & Co. (First Indian company in London)
➢ Professor of Gujarati at University College London
➢ Dewan of Baroda (1874)
Contributions & Achievements
➢ Founded East India Association in London (1867) to advocate for Indian rights.
➢ Three-time president of the Indian National Congress (1886, 1893, 1906).
➢ First Indian MP in British House of Commons (1902).
➢ Pioneered concept of calculating India's national income.
➢ Championed social reforms:
✓ Women's education
✓ Equality
✓ Anti-caste system
➢ Known as "The Grand Old Man of India"
➢ Voiced Indian grievances on international platforms
➢ Remembered for his contributions to Indian nationalism and social reform

4. Badruddin Tyabji
➢ Born: October 10, 1844, Bombay (Mumbai)
➢ Family:
✓ Son of Mullah Tyab Ali Bhai Mian (Sulaimani Bohra community)
✓ Youngest of seven sons
✓ Brother Camruddin was the first Indian solicitor in England
➢ Newbury High Park College, London (1860)
➢ University of London
➢ Middle Temple
Career Highlights
➢ First Indian Barrister in Bombay High Court (1867)
➢ Bombay Municipal Corporation member (1873)
➢ University of Bombay senate member (1875-1905)
➢ Bombay Legislative Council member (1882-1886)
➢ Co-founded Bombay Presidency Association (1885)
➢ Bombay High Court Judge (1895) - First Muslim judge
➢ Chief Justice of Bombay High Court (1902) - First Indian Chief Justice
Political Participation
➢ Founding member of Indian National Congress
➢ Third president of Indian National Congress (1887-1888)
➢ Co-founded Indian Parliamentary Committee (1893)
Socio-Political Contributions
➢ Advocated for social reforms:
✓ Opposed purdah system (his daughters were first to be educated abroad)
✓ Supported Age of Consent Bill (1891)
✓ Fought against zenana system
➢ Promoted Muslim participation in public life:
✓ Established Islam Club and Islam Gymkhana
➢ Known for his impartiality as a judge
➢ Pioneered secular political consciousness among Muslims
➢ Remembered for his legal and social reforms

5. Sir Pherozeshah Mehta

Early Life and Education
➢ Born: 1845 (middle-class trader family)
➢ Education: Elphinstone College (1864 graduate)
➢ Nicknames: "Lion of Bombay", "Uncrowned King of Bombay"
Legal Career
➢ Studied law at Lincoln's Inn, London (called to Bar in 1868)
➢ Established a successful legal practice in Bombay
➢ Advocated for reform of Bombay Municipal Government
➢ Drafted the Bombay Municipal Act of 1872 ("Father of Bombay Municipality")
Political Career
➢ Influenced by Gladstonian liberalism
➢ Founding member of the Indian National Congress (moderate faction)
➢ Championed Indian interests in legislative councils
➢ Opposed restrictive British policies (Arms Act, Vernacular Press Act)
➢ Supported Ilbert Bill, local self-governance
➢ Criticized Lord Curzon's control over universities
Nationalist Contributions
➢ Founded the Bombay Chronicle newspaper (1910)
➢ Highlighted plight of Indians in South Africa (inspired Gandhi)
➢ Publicly welcomed Gandhi to India (1915)
➢ Numerous institutions named after him (halls, roads, law colleges)
➢ Remembered for resisting government interference in universities
➢ Founding member of Indian National Congress and Bombay Presidency Association

6. Surendranath Banerjee
➢ Born: November 10, 1848, Kolkata, India
➢ Education: University of Calcutta
Civil Service Aspirations and Dismissal
➢ Attempted Indian Civil Service exams in England (1868)
➢ Became first Hindu to pass interview stage
➢ Appointed Assistant Magistrate in Sylhet (1871)
➢ Dismissed by British in 1874 (alleged jurisdictional impropriety)
Shift to Academia and Nationalism
➢ Became professor of English at Metropolitan College
➢ Founded Ripon College (later Surendranath College) in Kolkata
➢ Used teaching to inspire nationalism in students
7. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Born: July 23, 1856, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra
➢ Founded Deccan Education Society (1884)
➢ Co-founded Fergusson College (1885)
➢ Devout Hindu, used scriptures to inspire fight against oppression
➢ Emphasized self-rule (Swaraj) as key to progress
➢ Popularized:
✓ Ganesh Chaturthi festival
✓ Shiv Jayanti celebrations
Political Life
➢ Early advocate for complete independence (Swaraj)
➢ Part of Lal-Bal-Pal extremist trio
➢ Joined Indian National Congress (INC) in 1890
Surat Split (1907)
➢ Extremists (Tilak, Lal Lajpat Rai) vs. Moderates (Gopal Krishna Gokhale)
➢ Extremists walked out over INC president selection
Contributions to Freedom Movement
➢ Promoted Swadeshi movement (boycott of foreign goods)
➢ Founded All India Home Rule League (1916)
➢ Lucknow Pact (1916): Hindu-Muslim unity with Muslim League
➢ Jailed (1908-1914) for defending revolutionaries
Newspapers: Kesari (Marathi), Mahratta (English)
Death: August 1, 1920

8. Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Born: May 9, 1866, Kotluk village, Maharashtra
➢ Advocated social reform, education, and peaceful struggle for freedom
Role in Colonial Legislatures
➢ Bombay Legislative Council (1899-1902)
➢ Imperial Legislative Council (1902-1915)
➢ Played a key role in Morley-Minto reforms (1909)
Role in INC
➢ Joined Moderate faction in 1889
➢ President of INC (1905)
➢ Despite differences, campaigned for Lal Lajpat Rai's release (1907)
Other Works
➢ Founded Servants of India Society (1905) for education
➢ Associated with Sarvajanik Sabha journal
➢ Established Ranade Institute of Economics (1908)
➢ Started The Hitavada newspaper
Mentor to Gandhi
➢ Considered Gandhi's political guru
➢ Gandhi dedicated a book titled "Dharmatma Gokhale" to him

9. Kadambini Ganguly
➢ Born: 1861
➢ Died: 1923
Early Education and Achievements
➢ Studied at Banga Mahila Vidyalaya and Bethune School
➢ Became the first woman to pass the University of Calcutta entrance exam (1878)
➢ Along with Chandramukhi Basu, became the first female graduates of Bethune College (1883) - also the
first female graduates in India and the British Empire
Medical Career
➢ First woman admitted to Calcutta Medical College (1884)
➢ Trained in Scotland due to restrictions
➢ Established a successful medical practice in India
10. Lala Lajpat Rai
Born: January 28, 1865, Dhudike village, Punjab
Early Life and Influences
➢ Studied law at Government College, Lahore
➢ Joined Arya Samaj, influenced by Swami Dayananda Saraswati
Nationalist Leader
➢ Formed Lal-Bal-Pal trio with Bipin Chandra Pal and Bal Gangadhar Tilak
➢ Joined Indian National Congress, participated in agitations
➢ Opposed Bengal partition, founded Home Rule League of America (1917)
➢ Supported Non-Cooperation Movement, opposed Rowlatt Act and Jallianwala Bagh massacre
➢ Died in 1928 from injuries sustained during a protest against the Simon Commission
11. Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee
Early Life and Education (1844-1868)
➢ Born: December 29, 1844, Calcutta (Kolkata)
➢ Family: Brahmin family with a legal background
➢ Education: Oriental Seminary and Hindu School (Calcutta)
➢ Legal Training: Clerk at a law firm (1862), Middle Temple (London, 1864-1867)
Legal Career (1868-1906)
➢ Barrister in Calcutta (1868)
➢ First Indian Standing Counsel (1882, 1884, 1886, 1887)
➢ Practiced law in England (later years)
Indian National Congress (1885-1892)
➢ President of the INC (1885 Bombay session, 1892 Allahabad session)
➢ Advocated for better provincial coordination within the INC
➢ Criticized the British Salt Tax
Other Political Activities
➢ Helped establish the London Indian Society (later merged with East India Association)
➢ First Indian to contest a British Parliamentary seat (Barrow-in-Furness, 1892)
Later Life (1902-1906)
➢ Returned to England with family (1902)
➢ Died in Croydon, England (1906)
12. Surendranath Banerjea
➢ Born: November 10, 1848, Calcutta
➢ Education: Calcutta University (1868)
Teaching Career and Inspiration
➢ Professor of English (1875)
➢ Influenced students with nationalistic ideas
Indian Association (1876)
➢ Founded the Indian Association to unite Hindus and Muslims for political action
➢ Promoted the concept of India as a unified political entity
National Conference (1883-1885)
➢ Organized national conferences to discuss political issues
➢ Paved the way for the Indian National Congress
Indian National Congress (1885-1906)
➢ Played a key role in the INC's formation
➢ Served as President twice (1895, 1902)
➢ Advocated for moderate reforms within the British Raj
Later Life (1906-1925)
➢ Supported Montagu-Chelmsford reforms (1919)
➢ Disagreed with Gandhi's non-cooperation movement
➢ Left Congress and accepted a knighthood (1919)
Died: 1925
13. Dinshaw Wacha:
Industry and Politics:
➢ Associated with cotton industry, President of Indian Merchants' Chamber (1915)
➢ Held positions in Bombay Legislative Council, Imperial Legislative Council, Council of State
➢ Led Western India Liberal Association (1919-1927)
Indian National Congress:
➢ Criticized lack of dedicated leadership
➢ Praised Allan Hume's role but argued against his dominance
➢ Advocated for greater Indian involvement in Congress affairs
14. Syed Ahmed Khan
Born: Delhi (1817)
➢ Aristocratic family with ties to Mughal court
➢ Educated in Quran and science, awarded honorary law degree later
➢ Witnessed decline of Mughal Empire
Early Career
➢ Rejected job offer from Mughal court, joined East India Company (1838)
➢ Experienced loss of relatives in 1857 revolt
➢ Authored "Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind" criticizing British policies in the revolt
➢ Knighted by British government (1869)
➢ Advocated for reconciliation of Western science with Quranic teachings
➢ Believed in adaptability of religion and critical thinking
➢ Promoted English education and opposed blind adherence to tradition
➢ Advocated for interfaith understanding and authored "Commentary on the Holy Bible"
Educational Reforms:
➢ Founded Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College (MAOC, 1875), later Aligarh Muslim University
➢ Established Aligarh Scientific Society to promote science among Muslims
➢ Believed education was key to Muslim progress
Social Reforms:
➢ Supported democratic ideals, free speech, and social reform
➢ Advocated for women's education and challenged practices like purdah and polygamy
➢ Promoted religious tolerance and unity
Literary Works:
➢ Authored "The Causes of the Indian Revolt" analyzing the 1857 rebellion
➢ Published "Tahzebul Akhlaq" magazine to address social and religious issues
➢ Discouraged Muslims from joining the National Movement, prioritizing education over politics
➢ Views on separatism seen as contributing to the Two-Nation Theory
➢ Died: Aligarh (1898)
➢ Considered a pivotal figure in Muslim education and social reform in 19th century India

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