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J. Earth Syst. Sci.

(2023)132:51 Ó Indian Academy of Sciences (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789(

Prediction of significant wave height using machine

learning and its application to extreme wave analysis


Departmentof Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India.
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
*Corresponding author. e-mail:

MS received 6 October 2021; revised 1 July 2022; accepted 11 November 2022

Waves of large size can damage oAshore infrastructures and aAect marine facilities. In coastal engineering
studies, it is essential to have the probability estimates of the most extreme wave height expected during
the lifetime of the structure. This study predicts significant wave height using the machine learning (ML)
technique with generalized extreme value (GEV) theory and its application to extreme wave analysis.
The wind speed, wind direction, sea temperature, and swell height data consisting of wave characteristics
for 60 years has been obtained from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
(ECMWF). While analyzing extreme waves, the block maxima approach in GEV was used to incorporate
the seasonal variations present in the data. The estimated scale parameter, shape parameter, and location
parameter of GEV are used in the ML model to predict the significant wave heights along with their
return periods. The ML algorithms such as linear regression (LR), artiBcial neural networks (ANN), and
support vector machines (SVM) are evaluated in terms of R2 performance. The model comparison results
suggested that the SVM model outperforms the LR and ANN models with an accuracy of 99.80%. Finally,
the GEV analysis gives the extreme wave height results of 2.348, 3.470, and 4.713 m with a return period
of 5, 20, and 100 yrs, respectively. Hence, the model developed is capable of predicting both significant
wave height and extreme waves for the design of coastal structures.
Keywords. Significant wave height; generalized extreme value; artiBcial neural network; support vector
machine; machine learning.

1. Introduction requires an accurate estimation of these extreme

wave parameters. In engineering applications,
Water bodies cover 71% of the earth’s surface area, extreme wave height and wind speed are consid-
with the ocean contributing 96.5% of water. The ered important factors in the design of coastal and
ocean is a great storehouse of energy; the move- oAshore structures, ship routing and the operation
ment of waves across the surface of the water body of facilities. Therefore, the prediction of significant
is aAected by various parameters such as wind wave height can be used in many areas including
speed, wind direction, wave speed and gravita- Bnding ideal spots for tidal energy generation,
tional forces. The design of oAshore structures route planning for different ships, forecasting
51 Page 2 of 17 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2023)132:51

currents, Bnding Bshing holes, construction of oA- relatively better than traditional numerical-based
shore structures such as bridges, oil rigs and many models. As the number of hidden layers and neu-
other examples as well. rons directly inCuences the performance of neural
Extreme wave conditions inCuence the design of networks, Bnding the optimum number of hidden
oAshore structures and their expected design life. layers and neurons can be achieved through expe-
The knowledge of extreme waves with a return rience and trial and error. Mahjoobi et al. (2008)
period of 50 or 100 yrs is important for designing used the fuzzy inference system (FIS) and adap-
the oAshore structure. Therefore, extreme value tive-network-based fuzzy inference system
analysis becomes essential for the design of the (ANFIS) models to predict wave parameters,
oAshore structure. Generally, the extreme value which concluded a marginal accuracy over ANN.
analysis is carried out by generalized extreme value Dehghan et al. (2009) proposed a numerical simu-
(GEV) theory and generalized Pareto distribution lation of the Helmholtz equation by using modiBed
(GPD). Extreme value analysis has a number of HopBeld neural networks. James et al. (2018) used
applications in environmental forecasting. Palu- SVM for the classiBcation of the period of peak
tikof et al. (1999) conducted an extreme value wave. Mahjoobi and Mosabbeb (2009) applied the
analysis on wind speed. Similar work was con- SVM model to predict the significant wave height
ducted by Lin (2003) on wind gusts, and Emanuel for the Lake Michigan data. Fan et al. (2020) pre-
and Jagger (2010) on hurricane data, respectively. dicted the significant wave height using a novel
As mentioned earlier, for the construction of an long short-term memory (LSTM) network. In the
oAshore structure at any geographical location, it is ML technique, the radial basis function is used to
very important to study the extreme waves that improve or tune the prediction accuracy. Kalra
the structure needs to deal with during its design et al. (2005) show the estimation of significant
life. Therefore, accurate prediction of wave heights wave heights based on the concept of RBF and
is required to manage or safeguard the coastal ANN, while Nourani and Babakhani (2012) dis-
structures. cussed the combination of ANN with RBF inter-
Conventional numerical modelling tools such as polation for modelling earthBll dam seepage.
simulating waves nearshore (SWAN) (Booij et al. In recent times, conventional models are coupled
1996), MIKE 21 (Warren and Bach 1992) and with ML models to predict significant wave height.
DELFT-3D (Hydraulics 1999) are used to predict Londhe et al. (2016) developed a numerical model
the significant wave height. Recently, Afzal and coupled with an ANN to improve the wave forecast
Kumar (2021) used a third-generation numerical of a speciBc location. They used the dataset of
model to predict wave parameters in coastal numerical wave forecasts made by INCOIS and
regions, but the numerical model used is more further coupled it with the ANN model at four
complex and time-consuming. In recent times, stations along the Indian coastline. They observed
machine learning (ML) tools such as linear that the coupled numerical with ANN model gives
regression (LR), artiBcial neural network (ANN), better and more accurate prediction as compared
support vector machine (SVM) etc. have been to numerical models. Further, Deshmukh et al.
adopted to predict wave parameters, which gives (2016) proposed an approach to reduce the errors
better prediction result with less computation time from numerical model results as compared to the
with respect to the conventional model. The ML observational dataset. They coupled the numerical
models are mainly data-driven but the ability of model with a wavelet ANN to improve numerical
ML models to learn from experience means they ocean wave predictions of significant wave height
can also learn physics (Dutta et al. 2020; Kumar and peak wave period. Recently, Zhang et al.
et al. 2020). This indicates that if enough samples (2021) used SWAN model output to develop
of a physical system’s behaviour are presented, ML numerical long short-term memory (N-LSTM) to
models may learn it and make predictions based on predict ocean wave height.
it. A class of these models called ANN is inspired The conventional methods used to study
by the way the human brain processes information extreme wave conditions and significant wave
and learns from experience. height prediction were complex and time-consum-
In recent years, wave parameters are predicted ing. The introduction of ML algorithms in the Beld
frequently using the ANN technique by several of civil and coastal engineering made it possible to
researchers (Asma et al. 2012; Vimala et al. 2014; overcome these problems. Therefore, the objective
Tsai et al. 2017). These studies showed that ANN is of the present study is to analyze extreme wave
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2023)132:51 Page 3 of 17 51

conditions and predict the significant wave height direction. In Mehamn Harbour, the significant
by combining ML and concepts of GEV theory. To wave height varies from 2.4 to 3.2 m for the peak
the authors’ knowledge, there does not exist a wave period of 9–12 s. However, the swell height
study that dealt with both of these issues at the varies from 1.5 to 1.9 m. Further, the wind, wind
same time. This paper illustrates significant wave sea and swell parameters datasets are obtained
height prediction using the SVM technique, which from the WAM model developed by the WAM
is a relatively new approach as compared to ANN. Development and Implementation Group, led by
Klaus Hasselmann (Group 1988). The WAM
2. Numerical model model-generated data were used as input to ML
models. The global stand-alone wave model
2.1 Input data (WAM) of the European Centre for Medium Range
Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) reanalysis dataset
The study area of the present study is Mehamn is used in the present study. The WAM model
harbour located in Norway (the map location is shows excellent performance on global and regional
marked in Bgure 1). The latitude and longitude of scales with Beld observation (Luo and Flather
Mehamn harbour are 71.19° and 28.03°, respec- 1997). The WAM model runs on a spherical lati-
tively. The wave data belonging to Mehamn har- tude-longitude grid and can be used in any ocean
bour consists of the data for a period of 60 yrs region. Several studies used the WAM model data
starting from September 1st, 1957 (6 AM) to May and validated it with in-situ observation at differ-
31st, 2017 (6 PM) with an interval of 3 hrs each. ent locations (Janssen et al. 1989; Bauer et al. 1992;
Generally, the wind speed in the study region Music and Nickovi c 2008). To the best of the
varies from 5 to 14 m/s in the south-southwest authors’ knowledge, there is no Beld data available

Figure 1. Location map of Mehamn harbour.

51 Page 4 of 17 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2023)132:51

either in literature or with any agency that collects feature engineering. Therefore, ERA-40 and ERA-
wave buoy data of Mehamn harbour. Secondly, the Interim reanalysis datasets of ECMWF are used in
data that has been used in the present model, i.e., the WAM model to predict significant wave height.
WAM data from ECMWF is model-generated In addition to atmospheric variables, the ERA-
data. This model had been validated extensively 40 and ERA-Interim often provide wave parame-
and the generated data has acceptance by the sci- ters produced by a two-way atmosphere-wave
entiBc community worldwide, i.e., considered model system in which wind Belds and other
equivalent to measured/Beld data itself. Thirdly, atmospheric parameters that aAect wave growth
the huge WAM data is divided into two parts while are transmitted to the wave model. WAM wave
preparing the machine learning model. The Brst set model is used to combine these control frameworks
(50% of the data, i.e., 1957–1986 data) had been by incorporating the so-called wave energy balance
used to prepare/train the machine learning model. equation, the wave model WAM emits 2D wave
After that, the second half of the data (i.e., energy spectra at each grid point, and multiple
1987–2017) had been used as validation data combined wave parameters can be derived from the
against the predictions done by the developed spectra. The wind speed and swell parameters can
machine learning model for the same period, i.e., be obtained in the wave model WAM by combining
1987–2017. This is a standard practice in machine the high and low-frequency portions of the wave
learning, i.e., testing which is considered the same spectra, respectively.
as the validation of the numerical model.
ERA-40 and ERA-Interim are the reanalysis 2.2 Linear regression
dataset of the global atmosphere and surface con-
ditions for 45 yrs, over the period from September Linear regression is a linear model in which the
1957 through August 2002 by ECMWF. ERA-40 input variables and the single output variable are
follows the ERA-15 and ERA-40 reanalysis data- assumed to have a linear relationship (Mont-
set. ERA-Interim uses a 12-h, 4-dimensional vari- gomery et al. 2021). It is based on a statistical
ance analysis (4D Var) focused on the ECMWF approach, which is easier to implement, and
with an eDcient estimate of differences in satellite interpret, and performs exceptionally well for lin-
radiance results (Var BC). ERA-40 (Uppala et al. early separable data. However, it is vulnerable to
2005) was a 2nd generation reanalysis dataset, noise and overBtting. A linear regression (LR)
model evaluates the best-Btting linear curve, for
which was produced by ECMWF. The 3D-varia-
training data points, known as a hypothesis. A
tional analysis was used as an assimilation method
general hypothesis function (H) is given by equa-
in the ERA-40 dataset. ERA-40 dataset uses the
tion (1).
spectral grid with triangular truncation of waves
(corresponds to about 125 km) and a hybrid ver- H ðxÞ ¼ a1 þ a2 x1 þ a3 x2 þ a4 x3 þ ::: þ an xn1 ; ð1Þ
tical coordinate scheme of 60 levels. The ERA-40
data used in this analysis were collected from the where a1 ; a2 ; a3 ; :::; an , are constants of the best-Bt
ECMWF server on a 2.5° 9 2.5° resolution of the curve. An example of a hypothesis function for a
Bxed grid (corresponding to around 250 km). The single input feature is shown in Bgure 2.
2D output spectra include 25 wave frequencies and The LR technique may not be able to capture
12-direction bins. the nonlinear behaviour of the wave parameter.
ERA-Interim is a 3rd generation reanalysis data However, the ANN model is Cexible enough to
of ECMWF, which follows the ERA-15 and ERA- approximate non-linear relationships between
40 datasets. ERA-Interim uses a 12-h, 4-dimen- variables without requiring a priori assumptions
sional variance analysis (4D Var) with an accurate about their form of relationships. The LR model is
calculation of the satellite radiance eAect varia- discussed more in detail in the appendix section of
tions (Var BC). It improves the quality of satellite the present study.
observations (Dee et al. 2011). The spatial resolu-
tion of the dataset is 0.75° 9 0.75°. The 2D output 2.3 ArtiBcial neural networks (ANN)
spectra include 30 wave frequencies and 24 direc-
tion bins. ERA-40 and ERA-Interim are reanalysis The artiBcial neural network (ANN) model uses
datasets, which do not require any cleansing or the same approach as our brain does (Asma et al.
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2023)132:51 Page 5 of 17 51

Figure 2. Hypothesis function for a single input feature.

2012). It is the advanced version of the LR tech- classes by the maximum gap (Smola and Sch€ olkopf
nique that interprets the complex and non-linear 2004). The unique feature of SVM is that it uses
relationships of input as well as output. The ANN kernel function to observe the non-linear behaviour
learning methods are quite robust to noise in the of the parameter. However, LR and ANN model
training data. The training examples may contain tries to Bt a line to data by minimizing a cost
errors, which do not aAect the Bnal output. ANNs function. The SVM does not perform very well
can bear long training times depending on factors when the data set has more noise, i.e., target
such as the number of weights in the network, the classes are overlapping. In general, The SVM
number of training examples considered, and the model is believed to be computationally inexpen-
settings of various learning algorithm parameters. sive and eDcient (Maier and Dandy 2004). The
It is used where the fast evaluation of the learned SVM model is discussed more in detail in the
target function is required. Despite their versatil- appendix section of the present study.
ity, neural networks are prone to overBtting sus-
ceptible to local minima, which means they may
2.5 Generalized extreme value theory (GEV)
fail to accomplish loss function minimization. To
address this difBculty, researchers turned to the The generalized extreme value theory (GEV) dis-
SVM technique. The ANN model is discussed more tribution is a type of probabilistic approach used
in detail in the appendix section of the present for modelling the smallest or largest set of inde-
study. pendent random values or observations that are
identically distributed (El Adlouni et al. 2007;
2.4 Support vector machines (SVM) Juma et al. 2021). In simpler terms to study and
model the extreme ends of the graph of a frequency
Support vector machine (SVM) algorithm is a non- distribution curve, where though the frequency of
linear generalization of the Generalized Portrait the event to happen is significantly low but still
algorithm developed in Russia in the sixties poses a great deal of challenge to study and analyze
(Vapnik 1963; Vapnik and Chervonenkis 1965). the eAect.
SVMs are structured learning models that analyze The GEV combines three simpler distributions
data used for regression and classiBcation analysis, in one form and allows a continuous range of dif-
with associated learning algorithms. SVM is based ferent possible forms, including all three simple
on non-linear statistical theory to transform input distributions. The author can use any of these
space into a higher dimensional feature space to distributions for modelling a particular data set of
separate the data patterns (Baylar et al. 2009). The ‘block maxima’, which refers to the largest of
goal of the SVM is to Bnd an optimal hyperplane, entities in each batch or minima among the smaller
which could differentiate the data in different ones. The GEV distribution also allows ‘to let the
51 Page 6 of 17 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2023)132:51

data decide’ its appropriate distribution. Three ML-predicted significant wave height datasets
simpler distributions of GEV distributions are from 1957–2017. First of all, the input dataset of
referred to as Type I or Gumbel, Type II or Frechet wind, wind sea and swell parameters are obtained
and Type III or Weibull. Distributions whose ‘tails’ from ECMWF for Mehamn harbour, Norway. The
are Bnite, such as beta lead to Type III or Weibull wind speed (U) and wind directions (h) are the
distribution. The cumulative distribution function wind parameters used in the present study. The
for GEV is given in equation (2). wave height, peak wave period, and direction of
 h x  li1e  peak wave of wind-generated wave are denoted by
Fðx; l; r; eÞ ¼ exp  1 þ e if e 6¼ 0; Hw, Tp, and hp, respectively. The swell height (Hsw)
r and swell direction (hs) are used as swell parame-
n x  lo
Fðx; l; r; eÞ ¼ exp  exp  if e ¼ 0: ters in the present study.
r Further, the dataset mentioned above is divided
ð2Þ into training and testing sub-datasets in a 1:1 ratio.
This means that 50 percent of the data set (i.e.,
The parameters, e, l, and r, represent the shape, 1957–1987) is used to train and develop the ML
location, and scale of the distribution function, model, and the remaining 50 percent data set (i.e.,
respectively. 1988–2017) will be used for validation and testing
The shape parameter e, is a very important
of the model. In addition, the developed or trained
parameter in the analysis of extreme values as it ML model is used to predict the total significant
controls the heaviness of the tail of the distribu- wave height and their predictions are validated
tion, which in turn directly aAects the extreme with the testing dataset (1988–2017). Thereafter,
values. The shape parameter covers three different the predicted data set (using the ML model) from
types of tail behaviour: 1957 to 2017 is used as input to the GEV model.
(1) For e [ 0: Frechet distribution, Finally, the GEV analysis gives the extreme wave
(2) For e = 0: Gumbell distribution, height results with the corresponding return
(3) For e \ 0: Weibull distribution. period.

3. Methodology 3.1 Prediction of significant wave height

The data consists of wind, wind sea and swell

Figure 3 shows a schematic Cowchart depicting parameters. This dataset is split into training and
the relation between different components of the testing datasets in a 1:1 ratio. The training
ML model developed in the study. The wind, dataset is used to develop an SVM model using
wind direction, and swell parameters reanalysis the kernel as a ‘radial basis function’. The trained
data is obtained from European Centre for SVM model is then tested to predict the signifi-
Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). cant wave height of the testing dataset. The sig-
The pre-processed reanalysis data are used due to nificant wave height is predicted using wind, wind
the lack of observational data at the location. sea and swell parameters as independent variables
However, if such data is available, the observa- and significant wave height being the dependent
tional data can also be used instead of the one.
ECMWF for the development of this type of ML-
based prediction model.
The implementation methodology of extreme 3.2 K-fold cross-validation
wave analysis comprises three steps. The Brst step
consists of ML model development to predict sig- Cross-validation is a resampling process that is
nificant wave height using the training dataset used for the assessment of ML algorithms on a
(data from 1957–1987 in the present case). The limited data sample. The K-fold cross-validation
second step is the prediction of significant wave technique is used here in order to deal with over-
height from 1988–2017 using the developed ML Btting. The procedure has one parameter named
model and comparing it with the original data set k referring to the number of groups in which a
obtained from ECMWF for the years 1987–2017. speciBed data sample is divided. In K-fold cross-
The third step involves the analysis of extreme validation, data is analyzed K times, where for
wave conditions using the GEV model with each K analysis, K–1 folds are used for training
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2023)132:51 Page 7 of 17 51

Figure 3. A Cowchart illustrating relation between observation data, WAM data and machine learning model.

and the remaining fold is used as a testing dataset. wave height and thus the probability of its occur-
The major advantage of performing K-fold cross- rence. Figure 5 depicts that most of the values of
validation is that each observation is eventually significant wave height lie between 0–2 m.
used for both training and testing. In applied ML, The prime objective of this study is to analyze
cross-validation is primarily used to estimate an the extreme wave conditions, which cannot be
ML model’s ability to learn from unseen data analyzed from the aforementioned plot. As a result,
(Brownlee 2018). The dataset was divided into Bve we need to model the tail of the density distribu-
folds. The model was tested on one of the folds tion (as shown in Bgure 6) in order to analyze the
using the remaining folds as training data, as occurrence of extreme wave height probability
shown in Bgure 4. using the generalized extreme value theory.
In extreme value theory (EVT), the block
3.3 Extreme wave analysis maxima (BM) technique divides the observation
time into non-overlapping blocks of equal size
The frequency distribution (as shown in Bgure 5) and focuses on the largest observation in each
shows the frequency of a particular significant period. The BM approach models the maximum
51 Page 8 of 17 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2023)132:51

Figure 4. Splitting of data in train and test folds.

Figure 5. Frequency distribution of significant wave height data.

Figure 6. Density distribution of significant wave height data.

J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2023)132:51 Page 9 of 17 51
 h x  li1e 
values of significant wave height from each time
block. Since the dataset contains significant wave y ¼ exp  1 þ e if e 6¼ 0;
height information over a period of 60 yrs,  h x  li1e 
Bgure 7 shows that the entire dataset was divided 1  p ¼ exp  1 þ e
into 60 blocks and maxima from each of the r ð4Þ
x  l
blocks were segregated and used for model Bt-  1 þ ½ logð1  pÞe ¼ e ;
ting. The block size was taken to be one year in r
order to incorporate any kind of variation due to x ¼ l  f1  ½ logð1  pÞe g:
seasonality. e
The model Btting as depicted in Bgure 8 is n x  lo
processed and these 60 maxima points yielded y ¼ exp  exp  if e ¼ 0;
n r
the values of the shape, scale and location x  lo
1  p ¼ exp  exp 
parameters, which are: e = 0.054, l = 7.432, r ð5Þ
r = 1.124. xl
logðjlogð1  pÞjÞ ¼  ;
These values of parameters were estimated r
based on maximum likelihood estimation since the x ¼ l  r logf logð1  pÞg:
observations for significant wave height were
known. The value of the shape parameter corre- 4. Results
sponds to the Weibull distribution. Based on these
values of GEV parameters, equation (3) is used to The input data of Mehamn harbour contains wind,
calculate the return level (i.e., extreme wave height wind sea and swell parameters. These parameters
(ZT)) with a return period of ‘T’ years. have been used to predict the significant wave
   e height using ML. Since ML includes a number of
r 1 techniques and approaches, choosing an appropri-
ZT ¼ l  1   log 1  if e 6¼ 0;
e T ate ML technique is an important task. Hence, a
   comparative study was done on Mehamn harbour
ZT ¼ l  r log log 1  if e ¼ 0: ð3Þ data wherein the data was analyzed using different
ML methods such as LR, ANN and SVM. The
The return period of a particular event is the study also included the comparison of the perfor-
inverse of the probability that the event will be mance of SVM by varying kernels.
exceeded in any given year, (i.e., p = 1/T). Table 1 shows the comparison of RMSE and R2
Substituting x with ‘ZT’ and y with ‘1–p’ in values for different ML models used in the present
equation (2) provides the equation (3) as shown study. The LR and ANN models predict wave
in equations (4 and 5). height with an accuracy of 98.90% and 99.40%,

Figure 7. Data split into blocks of one year each.

51 Page 10 of 17 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2023)132:51

Figure 8. Fitting of distribution function.

respectively. However, the SVM model predicts the Gaussian kernel function used in the SVM model
wave height with higher accuracy of 99.80%. The outperforms the various existing kernel functions.
result suggests that the ML model performs better From tables 1 and 2, it can be observed that
in the Mehamn harbour region. However, the SVM SVM (with Gaussian RBF) provides relatively
model gives the best result with higher accuracy. better results among various ML models. There-
Based on the comparison results, it can be con- fore, the SVM model was used for the prediction of
cluded that the SVM model outperforms the LR significant wave height for the Mehamn harbour
and ANN models in the present study. data. The SVM approach to this data resulted in
Table 2 shows the comparison of the perfor- the prediction of significant wave height with an
mance of the SVM model with varying kernels. The RMSE value of 3.95 cm. Since the value of the
multiquadric and rational quadratic kernel func- significant wave height of the dataset lies between
tion of the SVM model does not give satisfactory 0 and 12.6 m, considering a significant wave height
prediction results. However, inverse multiquadric, of 6 m, RMSE of 3.95 cm corresponds to 0.7%. The
Laplacian, and Gaussian kernel functions give dataset contains a large number of observations
better prediction results. Out of various kernel therefore overBtting of the ML model has to be
functions, the Gaussian kernel function performs taken care of. In order to have a more accurate
prediction exceptionally well with 99.80% accu- model and avoid overBtting, K-fold cross-valida-
racy. The comparison results showed that the tion was performed. The current data was split into
Bve folds and analysis yielded an average R2 value
Table 1. Comparison of different machine learning models. of 0.998 (individual R2 values: 0.998, 0.997, 0.996,
0.998 and 0.997).
Model RMSE (cm) R2 A range of values of SVM model parameters
Linear regression (LR) 10.8 0.989 (gamma and epsilon) was tested and the model was
ArtiBcial neural network (ANN) 7.8 0.994 Bne-tuned to yield the best results. Table 3 shows
Support vector machine (SVM) 3.95 0.998 the range of values of SVM model parameters
(gamma and epsilon) that were tested and tuned

Table 2. Comparison of different kernels for SVM model. Table 3. SVM parameters that yielded
RMSE value of 3.95 cm.
Kernel RMSE (cm) R
Gaussian 3.95 0.9980
parameters Value
Laplacian 10.95 0.9886
Inverse multiquadric 39.91 0.8526 Gamma 0.011
Rational quadratic 69.98 0.5483 Epsilon 0.01
Multiquadric 104.41 –0.0081 Kernel Gaussian radial basis function
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2023)132:51 Page 11 of 17 51

Bne to yield the best results. The optimum value of parameters, equation (3) is used to calculate the
the gamma and epsilon parameters used in the return level (i.e., extreme wave height (ZT)) with a
SVM model is 0.011 and 0.01, respectively. The return period of ‘T’ years. For example, Shajitha
optimum value of the gamma and epsilon param- and Perera (2014) predicted 100 yr return period of
eters in the SVM model is used to give a higher R2 extreme sea wave heights from a 30-yr dataset
value of 0.998. The R2 value can be justiBed by using GEV distribution in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Bgure 9 which shows a plot between predicted In this study, Brst, the training dataset (50% of
values of significant wave height and actual the data, i.e., 1957–1986 data) and testing dataset
significant wave height. (50% of the data, i.e., 1987–2017 data) had been
Once the prediction of significant wave height is used to estimate the return period of 100 yrs sep-
completed, the later part of the work includes the arately. The training and testing period of extreme
analysis of extreme wave heights. The analysis of wave height with respect to the return period event
extreme wave height combines ideas from both ML from the time series dataset are shown in Bgures 10
as well as statistics, since statistics deBne the and 11.
model and ML helps to calibrate such models. In A comparison of extreme wave height with a
statistics, the GEV theory deals with the behaviour return period of 5, 20 and 100 yrs during the
of the extreme values of the dataset. Initially, the training and testing period is shown in table 4. The
extreme maximum wave height of each year (i.e., extreme wave height with a return period of 5, 20
60) is extracted from the dataset using the block and 100 yrs during the training and testing period
maxima (BM) technique, and the GEV distribu- of the model development are 2.389, 3.568 and
tion is Btted to the extracted yearly maximum 4.875 m, respectively. However, the extreme wave
wave height dataset. The best-Btting distribution height in the testing phase with a return period of
of these sixty (60) maxima points yields the value 5, 20 and 100 yrs are 2.464, 3.652 and 4.969,
of the shape (e), scale (l), and location parameters respectively.
(r). These values of parameters were estimated It can be observed that the prediction pattern of
based on maximum likelihood estimation since the extreme wave height using the training and testing
observations for significant wave height were data is almost similar. That shows the training
known (Myung 2003). In the process, a likelihood dataset is in good agreement with the testing
function is deBned and the iterations are performed dataset.
in order to maximize the likelihood function and Further, the predicted dataset from the machine
the values of parameters at maxima are the maxi- learning model is used to analyze the extreme wave
mum likelihood estimators. These value of the height of the return period of 100 yrs. The GEV
shape parameter corresponds to the Weibull distribution is Btted to the 60-yr dataset of pre-
distribution. Based on these values of GEV dicted values of the machine learning model. From

Figure 9. Comparison of actual vs. predicted significant wave height.

51 Page 12 of 17 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2023)132:51


Wave height (m)


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Return Period (Years)

Figure 10. Extreme wave height with return period in training phase.


Wave height (m)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Return period (Years)

Figure 11. Extreme wave height with return period in testing phase.

Table 4. Comparison of extreme wave height with Table 5. Values resulted from maximum likelihood
return period of 5, 20 and 100 yrs during the training estimation.
and testing period.
Parameters Values
Extreme wave height
Return period Shape parameter –0.054
(yr) Training Testing Location parameter 7.432
5 2.389 2.464 Scale parameter 1.124
10 2.991 3.070
20 3.568 3.652
50 4.315 4.405 and the location parameters give a positive value of
75 4.643 4.735 1.124 and 7.432, respectively. However, the shape
100 4.875 4.969 parameter indicates a negative value of 0.054.
The negative value of the shape parameter suggests
maximum likelihood estimation, the value of the that the extreme values follow a Weibull distribu-
shape, location and scale parameters is calculated, tion. From the obtained values of GEV parame-
shown in table 5. ters, return levels of the extreme waves are
Table 5 shows the values resulting from maxi- predicted along with their return period. These
mum likelihood estimation. The scale parameter values of return levels are plotted against the
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2023)132:51 Page 13 of 17 51

Wave Height (m)

1 Predicted

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Return Period (Year)

Figure 12. Comparison of extreme wave height along with its return period.

Table 6. Comparison of predicted wave height with observed that a well-made physics-based model (WAM)
wave height. enables us to understand complex processes and
Return period Observed wave Predicted wave predict future events. Although the WAM models
(yr) height (m) height (m) performed reasonably well in some of the cases, in
rapidly varying circumstances, these models sim-
5 2.417 2.348
ply failed to give a proper description of the sea
10 3.026 2.921
20 3.610 3.470
state. In addition, the WAM model did not provide
50 4.367 4.180 better prediction results in the prediction of sig-
75 4.698 4.492 nificant wave height (Janssen 2003). To overcome
100 4.933 4.713 these limitations, the ML models were incorpo-
rated with WAM-generated data in the present
return period and are shown in Bgure 12. The study. This is an acceptable and veriBed approach
predicted wave height are compared with the as described by Khlongkhoi (2019) and Lou et al.
observed wave height for the different return per- (2021).
iod. The predicted wave height shows good agree- There is a growing consensus that solutions to
ment with the observed value that shows the complex science and engineering problems require
correctness of the used methodology. novel methodologies that are able to integrate
Table 6 represents the extreme wave height with traditional physics-based modelling approaches
a return period of 5, 20 and 100 yrs are 2.348, 3.470 with state-of-the-art ML techniques. Generally,
and 4.713 m, respectively. A coastal structure is ML models learn from experience in principle
designed such that it is capable of dealing with the resembles the way humans learn. A class of ML
most extreme waves during its design life, without models called artiBcial neural networks are com-
being aAected by waves. Quantitatively speaking, puting systems inspired by how the brain processes
in our study for a structure with a design life of 100 information and learns from experience. The same
yrs, it must be capable of dealing with waves of concept of inherent learning of physics involved in
height 4.713 m. wave prediction is done by training ML models in
the current study. The input parameters that have
4.1 Significance of prediction using machine been used for training the ML models are the real
learning data comprising the most important wave param-
eters generated using the physics-based model
The machine learning (ML) model (which is mainly WAM.
data-driven) in the present work has been used for The physics-based model’s simulated data have
significant wave height prediction. It is indeed true been consistently used to pre-train the ML model
51 Page 14 of 17 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2023)132:51

(Tur et al. 2017; Jia et al. 2019). In one of the estimation that signiBes a Weibull distribution of
studies, Read et al. (2019) demonstrated that such the extreme values (e = –0.054, l = 7.432, r =
models are able to generalize better to unseen 1.124). It is observed that the values of extreme
scenarios than pure physics-based models. In the wave height with a return period of 5, 20, and 100
present study, the physics-based dataset of wind, years are 2.348, 3.470 and 4.713 m, respectively.
wind sea and swell parameters are generated from The results obtained from the current study will
the WAM model. Authors have simply used the be highly useful for the optimal design of the ocean
generated data in ML models for future predictions structures in Mehamn. Similar studies can be
and to show that ML can be successfully used for conducted at different other locations worldwide
future predictions. This is a veriBed approach and and the results hence obtained can be used for the
is the same as Browne et al. (2007), where they optimal design of ocean structures in those areas. It
used a similar input parameters model set (com- is noteworthy to mention that the prediction time
prising of significant wave height, wind, wind sea for obtaining these values from a physics-based
and swell parameters) to their ANN model at a model is very high.
different location. Therefore, the present study
attempts deBnitive testing of ML for modelling the
significant wave height; bringing global ocean wave Acknowledgements
model output to nearshore locations, and demon-
strating a potentially useful tool for emulating This work was carried out as part of the Institute
expensive wave forecasting observations. Scheme for Innovative Research and Development
(ISIRD) program from IIT Kharagpur. We also
thank ECMWF for the 60 years wind, wind sea and
5. Conclusion swell parameter dataset for Mehamn.
The primary objective of the current study is to
predict significant wave heights including extreme Author statement
wave analysis using ML tools. The data used in the
study belongs to Mehamn harbour, Norway that is MSA: Conceptualisation of work, methodology,
obtained from ECMWF. The data is analyzed manuscript preparation, supervision and revision
using various ML tools such as ANN, LR and SVM of the draft manuscript, LK: Data collection,
that predict significant wave height based on wind, numerical modelling, data analysis and interpre-
wind sea and swell parameters. The presented tation of results and drafting the original and
model has been trained with the current data and revised manuscript. VC and YK: Model analysis,
Bne-tuned (speciBc values of gamma, epsilon and numerical modelling and data analysis. MZ: Data
chosen Kernel for SVM) for the location at hand, analysis and interpretation, and drafting the
i.e., Mehamn. However, the SVM model can be revised manuscript.
Bne-tuned for any other location worldwide as long
as the data is available for that area. The LR and
Appendix A
ANN models predict wave height with an accuracy
of 98.90% and 99.40%, respectively. However, the
A.1 Machine learning models
SVM model predicts the significant wave height
with higher accuracy of 99.80%. Based on the A.1.1 Linear regression (LR)
comparison results, it can be concluded that the
SVM model outperforms the LR and ANN models The linear regression method generally formulates
in the present study. the output as a linear function of the input vari-
Further, in order to estimate the extreme waves ables in such a way that the values obtained using
along with their return period, the probability the formulated function are close to the actual
distribution function (PDF) was identiBed using output. This formulated linear function (hypothe-
the GEV theory. The block maxima approach was sis) can be further used to predict the output values
used in order to tackle the variations due to sea- for any given input. The method of LR involves
sonality. The shape parameter (e), location creating a cost function which is a function of these
parameter (l) and scale parameter (r) of GEV parameters (constants). The lesser the value of the
distribution are predicted by maximum likelihood cost function the lower the difference between the
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2023)132:51 Page 15 of 17 51

predicted values and the actual values. Hence, the it is used as the activation function for training
values of these parameters are determined by the model.
minimizing the value of the cost function. This is
achieved using optimization techniques such as
A.1.3 Support vector machine (SVM)
gradient descent.
Support vector machine (SVM) algorithms employ
A.1.2 ArtiBcial neural network (ANN) a number of mathematical formulations, which are
deBned as the kernel. The kernel’s function uses
An artiBcial neural network (ANN) consists of an input data and converts them into the required
input layer, a series of hidden layers and an form. Basically, it returns the internal product
output layer, each having a various number of between two points in an appropriate feature
nodes. The input layer contains an equal number space. The linear, non-linear, polynomial, and
of nodes as input features. Similarly, the output radial basis function is used as kernel function in
layer is the same as the number of outputs the SVM algorithm (Gunn et al. 1998). The kernel
desired by the model, which is generally one for function gained considerable attention in the last
regression models. The hidden layers contain a few years, especially as the SVM algorithm gained
number of nodes that act as a parameter for the popularity. In many applications, kernel functions
model. provide a simple relationship between linearity and
In this neural network technique, the input non-linearity for the algorithms, which can be
layer uses feature value as input. The input layer expressed as dot products (Fadel et al. 2016). In
contains an activation function (such as relu, this paper, the Gaussian radial basis function ker-
tanh, or sigmoidal), which allow input to pass nel (popular kernel function used in various ker-
through it and provides the output from the nelized learning algorithms) has been used for the
input layer. The input layer is connected with prediction of significant wave height using the
the hidden layer with some weight factor. The SVM model as it outperformed other RBF kernels
weight factor determines the relative contribution by significant difference (comparison is shown in
of different nodes in the hidden layer. The output the results section).
obtained from the input layer act as an input to Gamma (c) is an important parameter of the
the hidden layer. Further, the activation function Gaussian RBF kernel. The gamma parameter
determines the output of the hidden layer. Now, depicts the extent to which an individual training
the hidden layer output is multiplied with the example inCuences, with low values that mean ‘far’
subsequent weight factor to obtain input to the and high values that mean ‘close’. The gamma
output layer. Therefore, the Bnal output is parameters can be viewed as the inverse of the
obtained by adding all the input of the output sample’s inCuence radius selected as support vec-
layer. After the Brst iteration, the weight is tors by the model. Analytically, the narrower the
updated, and the processes are repeated until the Gaussian RBF kernels get (larger gammas) the
minimum difference is obtained from the actual ‘spikier’ the hypersurface is going to get. On the
and predicted output, this process is also called other hand, if the Gaussian RBF kernels are too
back propagation algorithm. wide (small gammas), it would end up with a
The multilayer perceptron neural network is hypersurface that is almost Cat. Hence, choosing an
used for this study, which comprises three hid- optimum value of gamma is very important.
den layers with 10, 20 and 30 nodes, respec- The advantages of the RBF are ease of con-
tively. The number of nodes in each layer is struction, good generalization, high input noise
decided by performing iterations for a different tolerance, and the capacity to learn. The radial
number of nodes in each layer. The relu (recti- basis function can be used to develop the SVM
Bed linear unit) activation function was used for model as well as ANN Model. When dealing with a
training the model. The other two widely used large number of high-dimensional datasets, the
activation functions, namely tanh and logistic ANN with RBF techniques is ineffective due to
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hence are more suitable for classiBcation prob- applied for high dimensional datasets in recent
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