RMCCU-2022 B.Sc. (Honours) Mathematics Semester-5 Paper-CC-12 QP

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2022 MATHEMATICS — HON URS Paper : CC-12 Full Marks : 65 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. 1. Choose the correct answer with proper justification (I mack for right answer and 1 mark for justification) 2x10 (a) Which of the following may be order of an element of the group S; * 53? o4 ws Gi 9 ) 18 (b) Which of the following is the possible number ‘of Abelian groups of order 12? @1 @2 il) 3 Gy) 4 (6) If (Z, +) is the additive group of all integers, then which of the following is the possible order of AutZ? @ Infinite @2 Gi) 1 (iv) Greater than 2 (@) Which of the following is the order of-any non-identity clement of Z, x Z,? 3 6 (ii) 9 «2 ©) Hgyead Z; be two groups under addition modulo 2 and 3 respectively, then which of the following is true? OB*QzaLy (i) Z, * Z = Ze (ii) Both (i) and (ii) are true (iv) None of the above is true (© If V@®) is an inner product space and ¥~ is the orthogonal complement of V, then @ri=e Gi) V* = 0} i. v= 7 Wy vnvt=e (g) If @ linear transformation T : R3 —> R° is defined by T(x, y, 2) = (+ y-2,x- Vix, ys z) € R°, then 7°(x, y, 2) = yom @ @+y,x+2,-x-y-2) @) @+y,xtzy42) @tyxtz-x-y tz) @) @+ yy tZ-X-y-z (b) Which of the following is the signature of the quadratic form xy + yz + 2x? 1 @-1 (i) 2 Gv) -2 Please Turn Over “X{Sth Sm, }-Mathematies-HICC-12/CBCS, (2) Which of the following is the dimension of the orthogonal complement of the row space of the 112 matrix A given by A=|2 3 5]? 347 @i Gi) 2 Gi) 3 dy 4 ()) The minimal polynomial of the zero linear operator on an n-dimensional vector space is @x @ x! Gi) x (iv) none of these Unit —1 (Group Theory) 2. Answer any four questions : (@) (Let G, and G, be two groups. Prove that G, x G, is commutative if and only if both G, and G> are commutative. (ii) Prove or disprove : Every group of order 2022 is commutative. 32 (&) — @ For a group G, prove that Jnn(G) is a normal subgroup of Aut(G). @ Prove or disprove : If G is a cyclic group, then Aut(G) is also a cyclic group. 342 (c) Let f: G > G be a homomorphism. If f commutes with every inner automorphism of G, then prove that @ K= {re G: f(x)= 29} is @ normal subgroup of G. () GIK is abelian, 32 (@) Prove that fnn(S;)= Aui(Ss). 5 ©) @ Let @ be a group. Show that the mapping /: G > G defined by f(a) = a” for all aeG is an automorphism if and only if Gis an abelian group. (i) Show that there exist groups G and such that Aut(G) = Aut(H)thoughG#H, 342 (9) @ Prove that there is no finite group G such that Aut(G) = Z, where p is an odd prime. (i) Let G be a group such that Z(G) = {e}. Prove that Z(dut G) = {id}, 32 (e) (Show that any abelian group of order 105 contains a cyclic subgroup of order 15, (8) Prove that every non-cyclic group of order p?, p is a prime number, is isomorphic to external direct product of two cyclic groups each of order p. 342 — (3) “(Sth Sm. -Mathematics-H/CC-12}CBCS Unit - U1 (Linear Algebra) 3. Answer any five question: (@ — @ If isan inner product space and 4, B are two subsets of ¥ such that A < B, then prove that Bc A! where A* and B° are orthogonal complements of A and B respectively. Gi) IF {B), Ba, prove that for any veetor a in V, Jol? 2c? +e + of a along By f= 1y 2) sa sms an »B,} be an orthogonal set of vectors in an inner product space ¥(R), then +cP where ¢; is the scalar component (b) Let P3 be the inner product space of all real polynomials of degree < 3 with the inner product 1 (F.8)= [ Poetodes fg, and also let Hb the subspace of Ps with basis 2}, Find a basis ° for W*. 5 (©) Using Gram Schimdt orthonormalisation process, find an orthonormal basis corresponding to the basis {(1, 0, 1), (1, 0, - 1), (0, 3, 4)} in R3(R) using standard inner product. 5 (® — @ Find the Hessian matrix of the function f(x, y) = x3 — 2xy — y® at (1, 2). Gi) Let be an n-dimensional veetor space over the field F. Find the minimal polynomial of the identity operator Jy: ¥ > ¥. 243 (e) Let W be a subspace of R* spanned by (1, 2, -3, 4), (1, 3,2, 6) and (1, 4, ~ 1, 8), Find a basis of the annihilator of W. 5 441 (8) Find the Jordan normal form of |4 0 2| over the field of reals. 5 2 -1 3, 0 (g) Diagonalise the matrix | 0 2 one 2 9 3 3 _— (h) Reduce the equation 9x” - 24xy + 16)? + 2x ~ 11y + 16 = 0 to its canonical form and determine the nature of the conic. 3

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