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Agreeing on the Basics

(Acts 15:1-2, 4-5, 12-15a, 23-29)

The fundamental truth about salvation

What do you consider to be the non-negotiable truth(s)? (i.e. “hills worth dying on)

God justifies a person by grace through faith in Christ alone.

“no flesh will be justified in His sight by the works of the law (Rom. 3:20)

“Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him for righteousness (Gen. 15:6;
Rom. 4:3)

We take hold of the truth by sharing it (Matt. 5:13-16; Rom. 10:14-15)

Sometimes we must take a stand for the truth regardless of the potential opposition and
adverse consequences.

“Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me.” – Martin Luther

We are called to contend for the truth (1 Tim. 1:18; 2 Tim. 4:1-5; Jer. 6:16; Phil. 1:27;
4:1; Acts 5:20; 1 Cor. 15:1; 16:13; Gal. 5:1; Eph. 6:13-14; Col. 4:12; 2 Thess. 2:15)

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do
nothing”. – Edmund Burke

“To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.” - Abraham Lincoln

Paul and Barnabas engaged those who polluted the gospel in argument and debate

We should “engage the culture”

"I feel responsibility on behalf of my generation to challenge the elite liberal

extremists," said Swindell, who also likes snowboarding, hiking, and camping in
her free time. "It's important we represent the voiceless, the pre-born - that we
represent our generation." It also doesn't hurt strategically. The more that young
people see activists like Swindell - hoop earrings, sandy hair pulled back in a
ponytail, faded jeans slightly ripped at the knee - the more welcome they might
feel in the antiabortion movement." - - The Boston Globe, Monday, July 26, 2004

We are the light of the world (Matt. 5:14)

Light exposed darkness

We must boldly stand up for the truth

Light helps us to clearly see the path before us and thus to avoid traps and
stumbling blocks

Courageously shining the light of truth draws those seeking after

“something more” and “something real” to the Christ (Isa. 60:1-3)

Doctrinal Dispute Resolution

A well-known Christian psychologist, Larry Crabb wrote, “The difference between

spiritual and unspiritual community is not whether conflict exists, but is rather in our
attitude toward it and our approach to handling it. When conflict is seen as an opportunity
to draw more fully on spiritual resources, we have the makings of spiritual community.”

At various times in its history, the church’s leaders have met together to settle doctrinal
issues. For example, historians recognize seven ecumenical councils in the first several
centuries of the church’s existence.

Conflicts should be resolved quickly and not left to fester (Matt. 5:25; Prov. 17:14)

False teachers have plagued the church throughout its history. They are emissaries of
Satan, sent to destroy the church’s power and corrupt its proclamation.

The most destructive of the “destructive heresies,” since it damns men, is the teaching
that salvation is by human works, which Peter warned against.

To add anything to Christ as being necessary to salvation, say circumcision or any human
work of any kind, is to deny that Christ is the complete Savior, is to put something human
on a par with him, yea to make it the crowning point. That is fatal. A bridge to heaven
that is built of 99/100 of Christ and even only 1/100 of anything human breaks down at
the joint and ceases to be a bridge. Even if Christ be thought of as carrying us 999 miles
of the way, and something merely human be required for the last mile, this would leave
us hanging in the air with heaven being still far away. (R. C. H. Lenski, The
Interpretation of the Acts of the Apostles [Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1961], 593)

New Covenant believers are freed from the unbearable burden (Acts 10:13-15; 15:10) of
keeping all the Old Covenant ritual.

Peter wrote, “But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be
false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying
the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves” (2 Pet. 2:1). “I
know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the
flock,” Paul warned the leaders of the church at Ephesus, “and from among your own
selves men will arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them”
(Acts 20:29-30).

John Stott in his commentary outlines three causes of this false teaching. The causes of
this error are three-fold.
First, we are told that it is diabolical in it source. Those who introduce a contrived
holiness are acting under the instigation of the Devil. Behind the false teachers is
the activity of demonic forces. The Bible reveals that the Satan is not only as a
tempter, enticing people into sin, but as a deceiver seducing people into error. This
is why otherwise intelligent and educated people can swallow fantastic
speculations of cults and the New Age movement. Secondly, there is a human
cause. This demon inspired doctrines require human involvement to gain entry
into the church. These false teachers do not even believe themselves what they are
teaching! (1 Tim. 4:2). Third, the cause is a moral failure. The second portion of 1
Tim. 4:2 two says, “having their own conscience seared with a hot iron.” The
phrase in verse two translated “seared with a hot iron”, the Gk. Word
(kausteriazo) from which we get the medical term cauterize. When skin, nerve or
superficial tumor is cauterized, it is destroyed by burning and so rendered

Assemble together with the elders (Acts 15:2)

Elders are men of experience in the word and in the faith.

Both Peter and Paul recounted relevant experience in bringing Gentiles to


Note that the leaders, not the congregation as a whole, decided the issue.

One of the functions of elders is to watch for false teaching.

Skopos, Strong's No. 4649, is defined as "scope," to peer about. It derives

from the Greek word skeptomai from which we get our word skeptic. It is
further defined as a watch (sentry or scout), and by implication, it means a
goal. The American Heritage Dictionary defines skeptic as (1) one who
instinctively and habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions
or generally accepted assertions, (2) one inclined to skepticism in religious
matters. It says that it derives from the Greek word skeptikoi, meaning to
examine or to consider. The dictionary states that it derives from a base
word spek, meaning to observe, to watch. We can, therefore, see that a
bishop or elder should be slow to accept doctrines, teachings and
assertions. He should first look into the matter thoroughly. This reminds us
of the Bereans who first heard Yah's word from Paul and Silas. Luke, the
author of Acts, states that these Bereans were more noble minded than
those in Thessalonica. Why? True, they received the word with great
eagerness; but, they examined the scriptures daily to determine whether
these things were so - the things being taught them by Paul and Silas, the
great apostles of Yahweh, Acts 17:10-11. It is O.K. - it is even noble
minded - to examine and compare assertions, doctrines, statements and
words against the scriptures to determine if they match up. If the Bereans
could do this and be applauded for such, then certainly the same principles
should apply to elders and bishops of today.
Another word used to define skopos is a watch, in other words, someone
who watches over or oversees others. This reminds us of the statement in
Hebrews 13:17, "obey your leaders, and submit to them; for they keep
watch over your souls, as those who will give an account..." Acts 20:17-36
records how Paul, while on his last trip to Jerusalem, realizing that the
Holy Spirit was solemnly testifying to him in every city, saying that bonds
and afflictions awaited him, and that it would probably be the last time
those of Ephesus would see his face, gave the elders his final words of
admonition and guidance. In verse 28, he tells the elders to be on guard
for themselves and for all the flock over whom the Holy Spirit made them
overseers (bishops) to shepherd the assembly. He says that even from their
own midst (right out of the Elder Board!), men would arise, speaking
perverse things to draw away the disciples after them. Therefore, in verse
31, they are cautioned to be watchful, to be on the alert, remembering
how night and day for a period of three years, Paul himself did not cease
to admonish each one to righteousness with tears.

guarding themselves and the flock from savage wolves (Acts 20:28-30)

refuting those who contradict (Titus 1:9)

silencing rebellious men, empty talkers, and deceivers (Titus 1:12,13)

avoiding unbiblical traditions (Titus 1:14)

Once the Devil was walking along with one of his cohorts. They saw a man ahead of
them pick up something shiny. "What did he find?" asked the cohort. "A piece of the
truth," the Devil replied. "Doesn’t it bother you that he found a piece of the truth?" asked
the cohort. "No," said the Devil, "I will see to it that he makes a religion out of it."

When confused, go to the Word (Acts 15:15)

Campbell Morgan had already enjoyed some success as a preacher by the time he
was 19 years old. But then he was attacked by doubts about the Bible. The
writings of various scientists and agnostics disturbed him (e.g., Charles Darwin,
John Tyndall, Thomas Huxley, and Herbert Spencer). As he read their books and
listened to debates, Morgan became more and more perplexed. What did he do?
He canceled all preaching engagements, put all the books in a cupboard and
locked the door, and went to the bookstore and bought a new Bible. He said to
himself, "I am no longer sure that this is what my father claims it to be--the Word
of God. But of this I am sure. If it be the Word of God, and if I come to it with an
unprejudiced and open mind, it will bring assurance to my soul of itself." The
result? "That Bible found me!" said Morgan. The new assurance in 1883 gave him
the motivation for his preaching and teaching ministry. He devoted himself to the
study and preaching of God’s Word.


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