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Take to the skies for Warhammer World’s newest Aeronautica Imperialis Wrath
of Angels event! Play fun, action packed games and show off your squadrons
as you fly to victory over your foes! If playing games against like-minded,
enthusiastic players with fully painted armies is something you aspire towards, or
have always dreamed of, then come and experience an event like no other.

Jump to:
1.0 Event Essentials
2.0 Squadron Construction and Painting
3.0 Player Conduct Policies
4.0 Tournament Format
5.0 Health and Safety

System: Aeronautica Imperialis.

Registration: Saturday at 9:00 AM.

Location: Warhammer World, Willow Rd, Lenton,

Nottingham, NG7 2WS

Squadron Size: 150pts. (see Squadron construction)

Board size: 18 by 19 Hexes

Missions: Five missions from the Taros Air War book.

No. of Games: Five

Squadron Selection: Follow the Squadron List rules.

Tools of War: The event will provide the area of engagement.

The players are expected to bring everything
else they need to play a game of Aeronautica
Imperialis including their squadron, dice, the
appropriate Aeronautica Imperialis Ground Assets,
tokens, all relevant rules publications and at least
two copies of each of their squadron rosters.

Lunch is provided on Saturday.
You will require a force of no more than Playing exciting, atmospheric games with
150 points to play at this event. painted miniatures is a big part of our events
at Warhammer World. With this in mind,
You must create a squadron roster of 150 all miniatures in your collection must be
points for each scenario (both an attacker 100% Citadel or Forge World miniatures,
and defender) in use at this event (see Event and be fully assembled and painted to at
Schedule for missions in play) that follows least a battle ready standard (examples can
the Squadron List rules. Your squadron list be found at www.citadelcolour.com/citadel-
should include any upgrades and equipment. colour-system). Each model must completely
and accurately represent its entry on your
IMPORTANT! army roster, ignoring additional weaponry
For these games you can use a different and upgrades.
Race in different Scenarios. So for those of
you that are excited to use the new sleek You need to contact us at whworldevents@
Asuryani aircraft you can absolutely bring gwplc.com to let us know about any
them and use them in a Scenario such as conversions you are planning on using, and
Dogfight, whilst using a different squadron, provide us with photos of the models in
such as Orcs, for The Chase Scenario. question where possible.

Squadron rosters should be presented in an Don’t worry – we fully appreciate spectacular

easy to read format. Please have at least one modelling skills, but we just want to make
copy of each squadron roster to give to each sure everything is clear for your opponent
of your opponents before each game begins. so that no confusion can arise during games.
To protect everyone’s experience, we will
politely ask you to remove any models that
don’t meet these standards
TO TIME. At Warhammer World, judges are
Finally, be ready to lose a few games of empowered to actively stop instances
Aeronautica Imperialis! It seems an odd thing of illegal play, with or without a player’s
to say, but it is in the nature of any event that specific request for intervention. If a player
only a few players (at most!) will finish the day has concerns at any point, they are always
without a loss. Barring ties, half of you will welcome and encouraged to call a judge.
lose your very first game of the day, in fact! While we will not have judges at every table,
and we cannot stop every instance of a
Winning with skill and grace is a rewarding minor misplay, our goal here is to make
and perfectly acceptable goal. Losing with sure all the games at Warhammer World are
skill and grace, however, is both more enjoyable for everyone.
challenging and more laudable. These
events present you the opportunity to build 3.3 QUIT POLICY
friendships with fellow hobbyists who share We expect all players to see the game
your interests - friendships you can renew through to the very end and not concede,
and celebrate every time you travel to as doing so can impact tiebreakers and,
Warhammer World or local events. A single ultimately, the final rankings. In the unlikely
great friendship built out of your experiences event that a player does concede before the
at these will outweigh any number of game has reached its natural conclusion,
individual victories across your battles then the conceding player earns a loss and
this weekend. In fact, if you do your best, zero points and records zero enemy planes
have a great time, and build some lasting destroyed and Maximum friendly planes
friendships… you haven’t really lost at all! destroyed. The winning player records
a win and maximum number of enemy
3.2 JUDGES player planes destroyed, zero friendly
Event staff will be prominently visible in planes destroyed.
the tournament hall throughout the event
and hold the final say on all game rules Of course, if you have some kind of
and tournament issues. Individual rulings, emergency that means you can’t proceed,
however, are never binding precedent - it’s a just let the event staff know right away.
game, not a court of law. Rulings will always
be based on correct rules interpretations
rather than adhering to previous precedent.
When calling for assistance, please be
prepared to provide any relevant rules to the
particular question.
At the end of each game, use the provided
score sheet to record your results and Saturday
provide them to the judges table. There may
also be an option for reporting your results 09:00 - 10:00 Registration in
digitally on the day. The player with the Bugman’s Bar
most Victories will be the winner. A player
will be awarded 3 Tournament points for a 10:00 - 10:15 Briefing
Victory and 1 Tournament point for a draw.
In the case of a tie the players will be split 10:15 - 11:45 Game 1: The
using the following tiebreakers: Dog Fight

• Total Tournament Points 11:45 - 12:00 Break

• Total Enemy Planes Destroyed
• Lowest Total of Friendly Planes 12:00 - 13:30 Game 2: The Chase
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch & Best
Squadron competition

14:30 - 16:00 Game 3: The

Dog Fight

16:00 - 16:15 Break

16:15 - 17:45 Game 4:

Subterranean Assault

17:45 - 18:00 Break

18:00 - 19:30 Game 5: Sky-

Fortress Attack

19:45 Award Ceremony and

Gaming Hall Closes

20:00 Bugmans closes


4.3 EVENT AWARDS have constructed and painted the squadron

The Aeronautica Imperialis hobby is multi- yourself. The Events Team may specify
faceted; including social, gaming, and artistic additional requirements during the event
components. With that in mind we will for any unusual or particularly large entries.
award the following prizes: If you have any queries regarding these
• Wrath of Angels 1st, 2nd, 3rd - these competitions, feel free to contact us before
will be the players with the best record. the event at whworldevents@gwplc.com.
• Favourite Player (player voted)
• Best Squadron (player voted) 4.5 PAIRINGS
Your opponent for your first game will be
BEST SQUADRON COMPETITION randomly determined. Subsequent rounds
During the event we will hold the Best will be organised using a swiss system. If you
Squadron competition. This competition is ever find yourself facing off against a player
separate from the main event, so will have you have faced previously please contact a
no bearing on the overall rankings. It is there member of the events team.
to celebrate hobbyists who have gone the
extra mile in their modelling and painting A Note on Results Reporting. Many players
to create something truly remarkable while around the world happily participate in
maintaining consistency across their whole independently-run, often local ranking
force. Entry is open to anyone taking part in systems. Where relevant (such as the ITC),
the event, and the winners are determined by we will submit results sorted by Generalship
a player vote. You are eligible to enter if you for these standings.
At Games Workshop, the health and If you wish to ask any questions, discuss
wellbeing of our staff, their families and any conversions or to find out more about
loved ones, and the wider community in our events, please feel free to get in touch
which we operate is our top priority. When with us:
you attend one of our events, you can rest Email: whworldevents@gwplc.com
assured that we will be doing everything we Write: Warhammer World Events Team,
can to make it as safe and enjoyable a time Games Workshop, Willow Road,
as possible. Nottingham, NG7 2WS

At a minimum, Games Workshop will always Catch up on all the latest Warhammer
follow government guidance in every area World news by finding us on Facebook at
in which we operate. Where we feel we Games Workshop: Warhammer World
should include additional measures to further For more information on our event privacy
improve the safety of our community, we will. note please follow the link provided here:
Privacy Policy
Whilst we can’t be certain what the exact
rules will be for each of our events yet, at
every event, you can certainly expect to see:

• Reduced capacities to help people can

keep distanced where possible
• Organization to reduce crowding and
bottlenecks in any particular area
• Measures to reduce sharing
of equipment
• Sanitisation stations

Specific details will be communicated with all

players closer to the event

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