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EE207 Control Engineering

Practice Problem Set 1

1. Obtain a set of simultaneous first order system equations to describe

P1 R
i (t ) the dynamics for the circuit shown in Fig. P1, given that the output
of interest is the current i(t) for the applied voltage v(t) as the input.
L dv c (t) di(t) dv(t)
C = 1 i(t); = − 1 v c (t) − 1 i(t) + 1 v(t) + 1
v(t ) dt C dt L RC L R dt

2. In the mechanical system shown in Fig. P2, the

force fext(t) (input) affects two mass velocities v1(t) P2 v (t)
D 1 v (t)
and v2(t) of interest. Evolve the system dynamic 2
equations (not necessarily of first order) for this K
system. What is peculiar about the steady state fext M1 M2
condition for this system ?

d 2 v 1 (t) df ext dv 1 (t) d 2 v 2 (t)

= 1 − D − K [v 1 (t) − v 2 (t) ] ; = K [v 1 (t) − v 2 (t) ]
dt 2 M 1 dt M 1 dt M1 dt 2 M2

3. A mechanical damped inertial coupling is used to

springy shaft connect a load to a motor across a shaft, as shown in
J1 J2 Fig. P3. The input to this system is therefore the motor
K speed ωext(t), while the output is the load speed Ω(t).
ωext ( t ) Ω (t) The shaft has a torsional spring constant K, while the
P3 inertial coupling is in two halves of inertia J1 and J2
with a damping constant D that applies in between.
Obtain a single differential equation relating the input and output for the system.
J 1 J 2 d 3 (t) ( d 2 (t) KJ 2 d (t)
+ J1 + J2 ) + + K $ (t) = K $ * ext (t)
D dt 3 dt 2 D dt

4. An accelerometer is a device used to monitor speed variations y (t)

P4 x (t)
in a vehicle. One configuration for such a meter is shown in 0
Fig. P4 (read the formulation around Fig. 2.6 of the text for
better understanding, probably on pp. 28-29). The frame is P
mounted in a vehicle moving on horizontal plain, and its K/2 K/2
position at any instant is given by x(t) from some known
reference. A moving mass M, supported by springs of D/2
constant K/2, and damped on the two lateral surfaces by D/2
has a pointer P that coincides with a graduation 0 when the vehicle runs at constant speed. As it accelerates, the
mass moves by a distance y(t) between P and 0. If
K − D 2<0
M 2M
find y(t) for t m 0 if the vehicle suddenly accelerates at a fixed rate starting with zero acceleration initially. (The
double derivative of x(t) can be used as an input, and y(t) as the output for the system.)
d 2 x(t) 2 K 2 d 2 x(t)
y(t) = K 1 e  1 t + K 2 e  2 t + K ; 1, 2 = − D ! D − K ; K1 å − $ ; etc.
M dt 2 2M 2M M M( 2 −  1 ) dt 2
5. The accelerometer of Problem 4 is now installed in an aircraft. When the aircraft takes off at an angle φ to the
horizontal, the meter as in Fig. P4 can be expected to do the same, so that an additional force attributable to the
weight of M acts as an input to the system. Obtain the system equation for this modified situation. If y(t) is
known to modify marginally with φ according to a fixed derivative

Øy(t)/Ø& = (t)
determine the linearised equation in α(t) for φ = 0.
d 2 y(t) D dy(t) K d 2 x(t) d 2 (t) D d(t) K 2
Ø d x(t) − g
+ + y(t) = − g $ sin & ; + + (t) =
dt 2 M dt M dt 2 dt 2 M dt M Ø& dt 2

6. The circuit in Fig. P6 includes a mutually coupled pair

of coils with resistance R1 and R2, self inductance L1 and P6
R1 R2
L2, and mutual inductance M. R3 is an external load
resistance. If the variables of interest are the currents
i1(t) and i2(t), with the voltage v(t) as an input variable, i (t ) i (t )
v(t ) 1 L L 2 R
set up the dynamic equations for the system in the form 1 2 3
di 1 (t)
= a 11 $ i 1 (t) + a 12 $ i 2 (t) + b 1 $ v(t)
di 2 (t)
= a 21 $ i 1 (t) + a 22 $ i 2 (t) + b 2 $ v(t)

R1L2 (R + R 3 )M R1M (R + R 3 )L 1 L2 M
a 11 = ;a = 2 ;a = ; a = 22 ; b1 = ;b =
M 2 − L 1 L 2 12 M 2 − L 1 L 2 21 M 2 − L 1 L 2 22 M − L1L2 L1L2 − M2 1 L1L2 − M2

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