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wolwclecesa4 4balag2 < za ies Fa GH COURT a ‘Guavop%yorn before [sata 20SDLY. the Instrument marked “A” referred to in the Oath of the’ ime this) Pday of Sag... This Indenture LEASE is made the O{ day of + in the Year Of Our LORD Two Thousand and Ningteen (2019) BETWEEN NAI ODUPONG *AVUSHIE TETTEH II CHIEF of ODUPONG OFAAKOR AND BENKUMHENE of AWUTUS ITIONAL AREA in the Central Region of the REPUBLIC\qf GHANA with the oénsent ab anee of the principal elders of the ODUPONG OFAAKOI ANONA Royal fiimily whgse con: afl concurrence are necessary and requisite by customary Jaw for the valid grant cen and dispositién of ODUPONG OFAAKOR STOOL LAND and whdse Congurrence andseonsent are evident gnatures or marks of some of said principal eld ercinaftgr’éalled’* JESSOR”) and of other part AND:- JANET TUTUWAA & OXIGd; Kerseipeet/_ 4, (Hereafter called the “LESSEE” of the other pitt). 5. The 8 ail a sto is iat ee oa OR ean ade ssor has agreed toilet part oF parcel o ‘thBBMid large track of land andthe | in which forms a part or portign of ¢ of the said piece or parcel of Jind. 1 NOW THIS INDENTUR IN CONSIDERATION 6 various covenants, conditi ‘observed the Lessors het aijce and observance of the| to be paid, performed and OR PARCEL of se ASSEMBLY in t Central Region aforesaid bout 1¢ plan annexed hefeto and thereon shewn edged pink ‘ji hi (0.06 Heetare) more or less WITH ALL rights, iberti Ay advantage @id, appurtenancet thereto belonging or reputed or epi amg ig snd jo sf flay REFORI aust of} ataPofStool LandsNCape Coast — \) ithout the| (a) To pay the rent hereby reserved in the manner aforesai (b) Not to sublet or part with possession of the said demisi prior consent of the Lessor. \ (©) To observe and perform all the implied covenants specific Conveyancing Decree 1973, (NRCD.175) \ COR (©) To build a house(s) for residential purposes as agreed between the Les Eighteen Months (18 months) from the day of execution of this inst un AL purposes obly. essee within 3. THE LESSOR HEREBY COVENANT WITH THE LESSEE AS ae, 4. (@) That the Lessee paying the rent hereby reserved and observing and performing th covenants and stipulations on his part contained shall peaceably hold and enjoy t land during the said term and any renewal without any interruption by the Lessor, his and assigns or person or persons rightfully claiming by under or in trust for him. (b) To observe and perfor ed covenants in section 22 (1) of (NRCD .175) Ae PRESEN TEO aT oa LAND gi LI } fl [2 ef ie ve B GEFIGER “1 i jaRGE Less there} (b) T} OA wie 2 (@ tie rent hereby reserved or any part thereof shall be unpaid for one year (1 year) after becoming payable and the Lessor shall have demanded the same in writing from the Lessee it shall be lawful for thd ps Hectare) more or less in wl YOUT in the Awutu Senya Di ‘at any time to re-enter upon the demised land or any part thereof in the name of the whole and mn this Lease shall determing.absolutely. dispute or differénces between the Lessor and the Lessee regarding the piece or {cel of land, whi olved, shall be referred to arbitration in accordance th the Arbitratioy statutory modifications or re-enactment thereof for time being in f »shall be sufficiently served if it complies with the 973, (NRCD.175) lc parties hereto Sh fF ise for a further term of 45 years at least (6) months prio cbse ated upon terms to be agreed. Je Lessor shall have Lessot'o re-enter the demixed land ifthe Lesséq mnable or the Lessee Fefuses i ith 2c) above. le Lessor’s right to resente fi \be exercised until the Lessor has Ven notice at least six (6) oft more or less from SGC G411/19/3 to SGC G411/19/4" ance of 66.60" feet more or less from SGC G411/19/4 to 11” for a distance of 94.20" feet more or léss. Thence cl x 1191° 59° 427” measuring 7251.10" feet more or less in which .¢ hiticularly delineated on the site plan attached hereto and thereon shay PLAN OF LAND R_ JANET TUTUWAA & CHILDREN sea Shown Edged Pink" Area =0.16 Aere OR_0.06 Hect. DISTRICT REGION OFAAKOR AWUTU SENYA CENTRAL, 1108000 E 1109000 E 321000 N 321000 N N mow] x +] canine [ost 10 | Garo | aise | Tras Ahir _sic cunt 93 OR ALES SC 6411192, 7 ay ERAS! oeran RENT secon nN TIS TVALH cA HEAT GIR .GIONAL 4EA' a FOR DIRECTOR | SURVEY & MAPPING DNISION 320000 N Pi LAND PONIMIBSION 320000 N $ = 1108000 E 4 1109000 E Approved seal Approved By ook Ke BOR: ime by my client Date... ie lan fig cal erry eine id shows the land within the limits ofthe description given to For:_Direcfor of Surveys jurvey, CR Ng, oan el JPNE T, PLAN OF LAND NET TUTUWAA & CHILDRE Seale 1: 23 Sewn Edged Pink~ prea =0.16 Acre OR 0.06 Hect LOC DISTRICT REGION OFAAKOR AWUTU S RAL 1108000 E 1109000 E 321000.N 321000.N N s SECT [a |e aT | Tar | ROOT " ae anita sec 6011193, A “ennsed Oh Renner PLAN RE i 200 ante val! one HES RETFOR DIRECTOR MAPPl a ‘SURVEY & MAI \SSION 320000 N 3 ann con |__ 320000. N 1108000 E ] 1109000 E TK BORSAIL, ‘Approved seal Approved By ‘bis lam is faithfully and convey of Surveys R shows the land within the limits ofthe rvey, A Sy ne by my client “INTHE WITNESS whereof the parties here In the presence of: TETTRH QUAOFIO and SIGNI JANE in the| After|the content had being SIGNED AND DELIVERED By thd within-named LESSOR, NAIQDUPONG AWUSHIE TI \C TETTEH day wth to. ie the Ins PROOF OF EXECUTION sus aa ASE. ‘Gok. 20Mar LO... see a e i wed before me by the oath of the within-named . ~ to have been duly executed by the NAI|ODUPONG AWUSHIE TETTEH II. GIVEN UNDER MY HANI OFFICIAL SEAL. RE R COURT. TRAR PEPCOAST.~“~ 2017515061 a ns ee ‘TO PAYEE. dt C oerenty eeNTERRSIC ; Station. RECEIPT. 4 . OSS. aed Ghana Cedis and... * Delaie where inapalicable

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