Dream Classroom

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Dream Classroom

Cavan Wrobleski

Beginning with the safety key, I wanted to maintain a well-organized classroom that

emphasizes the well-being of the students. I did this by implementing several elements that

would keep students safe during everyday as well as emergency situations. First, I posted the

rules and expectations of the classroom on a large portion of the wall so that they are visible to

all students. The first rule posted will always be the golden rule: treat others as you would like to

be treated. This is to emphasize that all students are treated with respect and free of emotional

distress. I also ensured that evacuation procedures are posted next to the door as well as a therapy

station that is stocked with essential first aid supplies for emergencies. There is also a fire

extinguisher in case of a fire. The door to the front of the class as well as the large window to the

rear offer two forms of egress if needed. I tried to ensure that on either side of the tables there is

ample room for movement.

The success key is expressed in the classroom in a few ways. To ensure order is

maintained during instruction, color coded tables and a rug are used. During whole class

instruction on the rug, each student will be assigned a shape on the rug where they will sit so that

they can be kept track of. Also, Standards and objectives will be posted on the whiteboard at the

front of the class so students can keep track of what they are learning. Coursework will be

submitted in the basket at the teacher’s desk and will be quickly graded and returned to the

students in their mailboxes. This will allow students to receive consistent and valuable evidence

of their mastery of each standard. There is also a designated supply station where students can

find all supplies necessary to carry out classroom activities. Bins are placed at each table to store

these supplies in small quantities and can be replenished from the supply station when they are
low to avoid crowding at the station. A focal point of the classroom is the smartboard placed at

the front of the room. From my previous student teaching experience, I found that much of the

instruction is done through this board as it is visible from anywhere in the room and is largely

versatile to support any lesson. There is also a small group learning table where the teacher can

have more focused instruction.

The love and belonging key begins back at the rules and expectations posted on the wall.

The classroom is designed to prioritize connections in the class and that cannot happen when we

are not encouraging respectful communication among peers. We will strive to build trust and

consistency by adhering to these rules and when rules are broken, appropriate actions will be

taken. I will try my best to model forgiveness to my students as this will help to foster these

relationships. A large community play area is placed at the back of the classroom which will give

students the space they need to be involved with each other. This space is also given ample

natural light from the large window nearby.

In the freedom and independence key, I implemented a few choices in the classroom.

First, there is a choice for flexible seating, extra seating will be stored at the back of the

classroom and can be changed out easily. Also, at the beginning of the year, students will be

involved in the development of the posted rules to provide some input into how their classroom

functions. When students are given projects, they will occasionally have a choice of their topic

and how they complete it. Giving choice to the student whenever possible allows them to work

based on their interests and use their strengths on something they are motivated to do.

For the fun and enjoyment key, there are a few stations meant for the classroom to be

more interesting. Games and books are provided as well as a station for art. Art supplies will be
provided so that students can express their creativity. Also, a nutrition station will be maintained

to provide healthy snacks and water to make the classroom more enjoyable.

Finally, the valued purpose key will be expressed in the books provided in the classroom.

A variety of literature will be provided for the students that fosters their curiosity. I could place

biographies of various successful people that would inspire students to succeed in the classroom

or different topics that would help them discover their interests and motivators.

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