A Review On Dimensionality Reduction

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Applied Soft Computing 9 (2009) 1–12

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Applied Soft Computing

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Dimensionality reduction based on rough set theory: A review

K. Thangavel a, A. Pethalakshmi b,*
Department of Computer Science, Periyar University, Salem 636011, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Computer Science, Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal 624102, Tamil Nadu, India


Article history: A rough set theory is a new mathematical tool to deal with uncertainty and vagueness of decision system
Received 6 August 2006 and it has been applied successfully in all the fields. It is used to identify the reduct set of the set of all
Received in revised form 22 May 2008 attributes of the decision system. The reduct set is used as preprocessing technique for classification of
Accepted 26 May 2008
the decision system in order to bring out the potential patterns or association rules or knowledge through
Available online 14 July 2008
data mining techniques. Several researchers have contributed variety of algorithms for computing the
reduct sets by considering different cases like inconsistency, missing attribute values and multiple
decision attributes of the decision system. This paper focuses on the review of the techniques for
Rough set
dimensionality reduction under rough set theory environment. Further, the rough sets hybridization
Neural network with fuzzy sets, neural network and metaheuristic algorithms have also been reviewed. The performance
Metaheuristic analysis of the algorithms has been discussed in connection with the classification.
Knowledge and classification ß 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. Feature selection and classification using rough set theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3. Hybrid approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.1. Feature selection and classification using rough and fuzzy sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.2. Rough sets and neural network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.3. Metaheuristic algorithms with rough set theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4. Decision system with missing data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5. Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
6. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1. Introduction label is called as decision attribute, the rest of the attributes are the
condition attributes. Here, C is used to denote the condition
Rough set theory was initially developed [76,77] for a finite attributes, D for decision attributes, where C \ D = K, and tj
universe of discourse in which the knowledge base is a partition, denotes the jth tuple of the data table. Rough set theory defines
which is obtained by any equivalence relation defined on the three regions based on the equivalent classes induced by the
universe of discourse. In rough set theory, the data is organized in a attribute values: lower approximation, upper approximation and
table called decision table. Rows of the decision table correspond to boundary. Lower approximation contains all the objects, which are
objects, and columns correspond to attributes. In the data set, a classified surely based on the data collected and upper approx-
class label indicates the class to which each row belongs. The class imation contains all the objects, which can be classified probably,
while the boundary is the difference between the upper
approximation and the lower approximation.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 451 2460285.
Let U be any finite universe of discourse. Let R be any
E-mail addresses: drktvelu@yahoo.com (K. Thangavel), equivalence relation defined on U. Clearly, the equivalence relation
pethalakshmi@yahoo.com (A. Pethalakshmi). partitions U. Here, (U, R) is the collection of all equivalence classes,

1568-4946/$ – see front matter ß 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 K. Thangavel, A. Pethalakshmi / Applied Soft Computing 9 (2009) 1–12

is called the approximation space. Let W1, W2, W3, . . ., Wn be the reduct. The selection depends on the optimality criterion
elements of the approximation space (U, R). This collection is associated with the attributes. If it is possible to assign a cost
known as knowledge base. Then for any subset A of U, the lower function to attributes, then the selection can be naturally based
and upper approximations are defined as follows: on the combined minimum cost criteria. In the absence of an
  attribute cost function, the only source of information to select
RA ¼ [ (1) the reduct is the contents of the data table [73]. For simplicity,
Wi  A we adopt the criteria that the best reduct is the one with the
  minimal number of attributes and that if there are two or more
R̄A ¼ [ (2) reducts with the same number of attributes, then the reduct
W i \ A 6¼ f
with the least number of combinations of values of its attributes
An ordered pair (RA; R̄A) is called a rough set. After defining is selected.
these approximations of A, the reference universe U is divided into Nowadays numerous successful implementations of feature
three different regions: the positive region POSR(A), the negative selection and classification of various applications using rough set
region NEGR(A) and the boundary region BNDR(A), defined as theory are available [46,97,98]. The applications are summarized
follows: in Table 1 and they are discussed in this section.
In many real applications, it was not easy to incorporate low-
POSR ðAÞ ¼ RA (3) level libraries. Due to this, Griffin and Chen introduced an approach
which added a rough set extension to an existing scripting
NEGR ðAÞ ¼ U  R̄A (4)
language Tcl [23]. This was named as RSL Tcl provided an easy-to-
use interface and had a great deal of flexibility. They developed two
BNDR ðAÞ ¼ R̄A  RA (5)
new Tcl commands which were used to induce rules from decision
Hence, it is trivial that if BND(A) = F, then A is exact. This approach tables. The Tcl commands were easily accepted through web pages
provides a mathematical tool that can be used to find out all and this approach was useful for incremental and automated
possible reducts. Some of the rough set-based techniques are construction of knowledge bases.
available in [84,105]. Khoo et al. proposed a novel approach for the classification and
The main advantage of rough set theory is that it does not need rule induction of inconsistent information systems [51]. It was
any preliminary or additional information about data: like achieved by integrating rough set theory with a statistics-based
probability in statistics or basic probability assignment in inductive learning algorithm. The framework of a prototype rough
Dempster–Shafer theory and grade of membership or the value set-based classification system (R-class) was also presented. This
of possibility in fuzzy set theory. R-class technique was compared with the other rule techniques
Several software systems based on rough set theory have been like ID3 and LERS. For each possible rule generated, R-class was
implemented in the areas of medicine, pharmacology, engineering, able to provide an estimation of the expected classification
banking, market analysis, conflict analysis, pattern recognition, reliability. This assisted users in deciding the appropriateness of
environment, linguistics and gene expression. Many real-life and the rules generated.
non-trivial applications of this methodology have also been reported Bakar et al. presented an algorithm for finding minimum size
in the literature [5,10,31,45]. In this paper reduct, dimensionality reducts which was based on rough set approach and a dedicated
reduction and feature selection are used interchangeably. decision-related binary integer programming (BIP) algorithm [8].
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses This algorithm transformed an equivalent class obtained from a
the similarity, dissimilarity, merits and demerits of several decision system into a BIP model. This work was linked to rough set
methods for feature selection and classification using rough set theory, data mining and non-monotonic reasoning.
theory. Section 3 describes the hybrid approach for feature Hu presented a new approach to construct a good ensemble of
selection and classification. Rough set with missing data is classifiers using rough set theory and database operations [37].
described in Section 4. Section 5 presents the various real-life Ensemble of classifiers was formulated precisely within the
applications. The relationship and performance analysis of the framework of rough set theory and constructed very efficiently
various algorithms are studied and tabulated in each section. by using set-oriented database operations. This method was used
Section 6 concludes the paper. to compute a set of reducts which included the entire indis-
pensable attribute required for the decision categories. For each
2. Feature selection and classification using rough set theory reduct, a reduct table was generated by removing those attributes
which were not in the reduct. Next a novel rule induction
Recently, researchers have focused their attention on reduct algorithm was used to compute the maximal generalized rules for
and classification algorithms based on rough sets [61,87,119]. each reduct table and a set of reduct classifiers were formed based
Feature selection process refers to choosing subset of attributes on the corresponding reducts.
from the set of original attributes. The purpose of the feature Questier et al. described the use of rough set theory to construct
selection is to identify the significant features, eliminate the reducts in a supervised way for reducing the number of features in
irrelevant of dispensable features and build a good learning model. an unsupervised clustering [83]. This feature selection method was
The benefits of feature selection are twofold: it considerably also applied in combination with clustering methods other than
decreases the computation time of the induction algorithm and the described hierarchical method.
increases the accuracy of the resulting mode. Feature selection has Swiniarski and Skowron presented an application of rough set
been studied intensively in the past one decade [4,49,52,68]. method for feature selection in pattern recognition [93]. They
A decision table may have more than one reducts. Anyone of proposed a new feature selection method to the result of principle
them can be used to replace the original table. Finding all the component analysis (PCA) used for feature projection and
reducts from a decision table is NP-Hard [67]. Fortunately, in reduction. Finally rough set methods had shown ability to reduce
many real applications it is usually not necessary to find all of significantly the pattern dimensionality and had proven to be
them. It is sufficient to compute only one reduct [39]. A natural viable data mining techniques as a front end of neural network
question is which reduct is the best if there is more than one classifiers.
K. Thangavel, A. Pethalakshmi / Applied Soft Computing 9 (2009) 1–12 3

Table 1
Feature selection for decision system based on the rough set theory approach

Authors Purpose Description

Golan and Ziarko [22] Feature selection Proposed rough set reduct methodology which used Datalogic/R
Ruhe [85] Feature selection Applied the rough set approach for analysis of software engineering data which
resulted from goal-oriented measurement
Duntsch and Gediga [18] Feature selection and classification Developed a software system ‘GROBIAN’ which performed rough set data analysis
Lin [66] Feature selection Formulated and generalized rough set methodology relevant to granular computing
Chan [11] Classification Described a method for updating approximations incrementally which could
be used as an effective tool to deal with dynamic attribute generalizations
Starzik et al. [91] Feature selection Presented an expansion algorithm which allowed the generation of all reducts
in a much less time than the elimination method
Fujimori et al. [20] Feature selection and classification Applied rough set theory to the discharge currents accompanied by tree
development and removed the data both horizontally and vertically
Guan and Bell [29] Feature selection and classification Presented an investigation of computational methods for rough analysis. The
significance measure allowed to reduce the computational cost of discovery
by the rough analysis method
Griffin and Chen [23] Classification Introduced an approach which added a rough set extension to an existing
scripting language Tcl
Khoo et al. [51] Classification Proposed a novel approach for the classification and rule induction of
inconsistent information systems
Hu et al. [36] Feature selection Proposed two reduct algorithms, one was based on attribute frequency in
discernibility matrix and another used similar idea and sampling techniques
for large data sets
Vinterbo and Ohrn [111] Feature selection and classification Presented a problem of simplification method that ensured a lower bound of the
degree of approximation together with a genetic algorithm minimal cost
approximate hitting sets discovery
Bakar et al. [7] Classification Discussed the rough set theory on managing the uncertainty of decision in
the information systems. Solved the uncertain decision through measured the
lower and upper approximation, accuracy and quality of approximation
Bakar et al. [8] Feature selection Presented an algorithm based on rough set approach and a dedicated decision-
related binary integer programming (BIP) to find minimum size reducts
Vesa et al. [109] Feature selection and classification Described preprocessing, rule generation and classification validation
Yin et al. [118] Feature selection Described a new approach for data filtering which effectively reduced granularity
of attribute measurement and improved the statistical significance of rules
Phuong et al. [81] Feature selection and classification Proposed an algorithm to infer rules from reducing and combining attributes
Beynon [9] Feature selection Presented an investigation of the criteria for a b-reduct within variable precision
rough set (VPRS) model
Galvez et al. [21] Feature selection and classification Presented Conjuntos Aproximados con Incertidumbre (CAI) model, a new revision
of the variable precision rough set (VPRS) model with stronger rules which used
less number of attributes in their antecedents
Diaz and Corchado [17] Feature selection Proposed a feature subset selection algorithm based on a greedy strategy that tried
to maximize an information measure of entropy. It decreased the computation
effort for inducing a classifier
Hu [37] Feature selection and classification Presented a new approach which used rough set theory and database operations
to construct a good ensemble of classifiers
Li and Liu [62] Feature selection Proposed the feature reduction algorithm and the conditional entropy to
compute the relevance of attributes
Haiying et al. [30] Feature selection and classification Presented the model and approach for hierarchical fault diagnosis for substation
based on rough set theory
Maji and Roy [69] Classification Applied the theory of soft sets to solve a decision-making problem which
used rough mathematics
Questier et al. [83] Feature selection Described the use of rough set theory to construct reducts in a supervised
way for reducing the number of features in an unsupervised clustering
Zhang et al. [121] Feature selection Proposed a novel heuristic algorithm based on rough set theory to find out
the feature subset
Swiniarski and Skowron [93] Feature selection Presented an application of rough set method for feature selection in
pattern recognition
Wei [115] Feature selection Presented a new approach for the selection of attributes for the construction of
decision tree based on rough set theory. The results showed that the rough
set-based approach was a feasible way for the selection of nodes of decision tree
Zhu and Wang [125] Feature selection Investigated some basic properties covering generalized rough sets. Constructed
a set of axioms to characterize the covering lower approximation operation
Grzymala-Busse [25] Classification Introduced a new algorithm called Modified Learning Examples Module
Version 2 (MLEM2). This algorithm produced minimum number of rules as
well as accuracy than LEM2, MODLEM Laplace and entropy-based algorithm
Muir et al. [74] Feature selection Used binary decision diagram (BDD) for more efficient determination of
the discernibility function
Chan [12] Classification Presented a mechanism called LERS-M for learning production rules from
very large databases
De and Radhakrishna [16] Classification Presented a novel algorithm for clustering. This approach was useful to find
interesting user access patterns in weblog
Zhang and Yao [122] Feature selection Proposed two new rough set theory-based feature selection techniques like average
support heuristics (ASH) and parameterized average support heuristic (PASH)
Yidong et al. [117] Classification Proposed two methods for rule inconsistency based on irregular decision tables
Curry [15] Feature selection and classification Developed sampling theory using both the original rough set model and its
probabilistic extension variable precision rough set (VPRS) model
4 K. Thangavel, A. Pethalakshmi / Applied Soft Computing 9 (2009) 1–12

Table 1 (Continued )
Authors Purpose Description

Kryszkiewicz and Cichon [55] Feature selection Proposed a number of algorithms to discover all generalized reducts (preserving
generalized decisions), all possible reducts (preserving upper approximations)
and certain reducts (preserving lower approximations)
Hu et al. [39] Feature selection Proposed a new rough sets model and redefined the core attributes and reducts
based on relational algebra to take advantages of the very efficient set-oriented
database operations
Chen et al. [13] Feature selection Proposed a reasonable definition of parameterization reduction of soft sets and
compared it with the attribute reduction in rough set theory
Gu et al. [28] Feature selection and classification Presented the modified chimerge algorithm which eliminated the additional
information and the rules were extracted from rough set theory after continuous
values were discretized. This algorithm presented as a stopping criterion
compared to old chimerge algorithm
Zeng and Zhan [120] Feature selection and classification Proposed a new rough set-based feature selection. It reduced the number of features
and improved the classification accuracy
Tan [94] Classification Presented an alternative streamlined approach wherein heuristic rules were derived
from a set of training data in the form of example alternatives ranked in order of
preference by the expert
Tseng et al. [107] Classification Proposed rule-composing algorithm and rule-validation procedure based on
rough set theory
Wang [112] Classification Proposed a tolerant rule induction algorithm for mining rules in noisy environments.
The result showed that the proposed algorithm was potentially more noise
insensible, more accurate and more cost effective than tree classification algorithm
Thangavel et al. [96] Feature selection and classification Proposed an information system without any decision attribute. The unsupervised
technique was applied for clustering in this work
Pethalakshmi et al. [80] Feature selection Proposed the attribute reduction for decision system contains multiple
decision attributes
Thangavel et al. [100] Feature selection and classification Proposed Modified Quickreduct Algorithm for feature selection compared with
original Quickreduct and variable precision rough set (VPRS). The proposed
algorithm generated minimal reducts as well as less number of rules
Thangavel et al. [104] Feature selection and classification Proposed an Accelerated Quickreduct algorithm to select the features from the decision
system followed by C4.5 algorithm for rule induction

Grzymala-Busse introduced a new algorithm called Modified As in the normalization process in the data base system, the size
Learning Examples Module Version 2 (MLEM2) [25]. It was of the information system could also be reduced horizontally by
extended by LEM2 capabilities by inducing rules from data with eliminating the objects which are involved in the construction of
both symbolic and numerical attributes with missing attribute the lower approximation. Thangavel et al. [100] proposed
values. It was compared with LEM2, MODLEM Laplace and Modified Quickreduct algorithm for horizontal and vertical
entropy-based algorithm. MLEM2 produces minimum number reduction and discussed the performance study of various
of rules as well as accuracy than other algorithms. reduct algorithms such as Quickreduct and Variable Precision
Hu et al. proposed a new rough sets model and redefined the Rough Set (VPRS) for constructing the efficient rules. The
core attributes and reducts based on relational algebra to take experiments were carried out on data sets of UCI machine
advantages of the very efficient set-oriented database operations learning repository and the human immune deficiency virus
[39]. Using this model and definitions, they presented two (HIV) data set to analyze the performance study. Generally, in
algorithms for computing core and reduct. These algorithms were rule generation for taking decision from the information system,
also being applied in a real-life application with very large data the reduct plays a vital role. The reduct algorithm that generated
sets. These models were efficient and scalable compared with the least number of rules was considered an efficient one. It was
traditional rough set models. observed that the Modified Quickreduct generated minimal
Chen et al. proposed a reasonable definition of parameteriza- reducts. The rule induction was performed by using minimal
tion reduction of soft sets and compared it with the attribute reduct set generated by Modified Quickreduct and it was
reduction in rough set theory [13]. By using this new definition of identified that less number of rules were produced when
parameterization reduction, they improved the application of a compared with the rules generated by the reducts that used
soft set in a decision-making problem. Quickreduct and Variable Precision Rough Set.
Thangavel et al. proposed an information system without any Thangavel and Pethalakshmi proposed an Accelerated Quick-
decision attribute [96]. The proposed algorithm was useful when reduct algorithm to select the features from the decision system
the database contains only input information (condition attri- [104] followed by the C4.5 for rule induction. A comparative study
butes) without decision (class attribute). K-Means algorithm was was also performed with the proposed and original Quickreduct
applied to cluster the given information system for different values algorithms. The experiments were carried out on public domain
of K. Decision table was formulated using this clustered data as the datasets available in UCI machine learning repository to analyze
decision variable. Then Quickreduct and VPRS algorithms were the performance study. It was evident from the performance
applied for selecting features. Ultimately, Rule Algorithm was used analysis that the Accelerated Quickreduct produced the minimal
for obtaining optimum rules. The experiments were carried out on reduct and the rules induced through C4.5 algorithm revealed that
data sets of UCI machine learning repository and the HIV data set to the Acclerated Quickreduct was performing well.
analyze the performance study. It was observed that less number
of rules were produced when the VPRS reduct applied for K = 3 3. Hybrid approach
compared to Quickreduct.
In quickreduct algorithm [43], the vertical reduct was This section describes the hybrid approaches of various
possible, when only the unwanted attributes were eliminated. techniques for feature selection and classification.
K. Thangavel, A. Pethalakshmi / Applied Soft Computing 9 (2009) 1–12 5

3.1. Feature selection and classification using rough and fuzzy sets procedure for computing degree of dependency of each attribute
had been modified suitably. It was evident from the performance
The use of fuzzy set theory is one way of capturing the analysis that the Improved Quickreduct produced the minimal
vagueness present in the real world, which would otherwise be reduct from the data set containing large number of attributes with
difficult using conventional set theory. There are many useful large data.
introductory resources regarding fuzzy set theory [14,78]. In
classical set theory, the elements could belong fully (i.e. have a 3.2. Rough sets and neural network
membership of 1) or not al all (a membership of 0). Fuzzy set
theory relaxes this restriction by allowing memberships to take A neural network is a technique that seeks to build an
values anywhere in the range [0, 1]. A fuzzy set can be defined as a intelligent system using models that simulate the working
set of ordered pairs A = {x, mA(x) j x 2 U}. The function mA(x) is network of the neurons in the human brain [35]. A neuron is
called the membership function for A, mapping each element of the made up of several protrusions called dendrites and long-branch
universe U to a membership degree in the range [0, 1]. The universe called the axon. A neuron is joined to other neurons through the
may be discrete or continuous. Any fuzzy set containing at least dendrites. The dendrites of different neurons meet to form
one element with a membership degree of 1 is called normal. synapses, the areas where message pass. The neurons receive
The various applications for feature selection and classification the impulses via the synapses. If the total of the impulses received
using rough and fuzzy sets are summarized in Table 2. exceeds a certain threshold value, then the neuron sends an
Rough set theory allows for obtaining a linguistic description of impulse down the axon where the axon is connected to other
the function whereas the fuzzy logic theory allows to generate neurons through more synapses. The synapses may be excitatory
numerical values of the function starting from its linguistic or inhibitory in nature. An excitatory synapse adds to the total of
description. the impulses reaching the neuron, whereas an inhibitory neuron
Alonge et al. studied the problem of identification of a non- reduces the total of the impulses reaching the neuron. In a global
linear vectorial function based on rough set theory and fuzzy logic sense, a neuron receives a set of input pulses and sends out another
[3]. The covering index gave good results for determining pulse that is a function of the input pulses.
approximate rules from rough ones. The methods for feature selection and classification using rough
Rough set theory is reliant upon a crisp dataset that is important set and neural network are summarized in Table 3.
information may be lost as a result of quantization. To avoid this Li and Wang presented a hybrid approach of integrating rough
information loss, Jensen and Shen reviewed semantics-preserving sets and neural networks to mine classification rules from large
dimensionality reduction technique that preserved the underlying data sets [63]. They also proposed a new algorithm for finding a
semantics of the data using crisp and fuzzy-rough set-based reduct and a new algorithm for rule generation from a decision
methodologies [46]. The result showed that the conventional table based on a binary discernibility matrix. The reduct was
rough set methods were unable to deal with real-valued attributes obtained using rough set theory and the neural network was
effectively. This prompted research into the use of fuzzy-rough sets applied to delete noisy data. Again applied the rough set theory to
for feature selection. obtain rules or patterns. This hybrid approach generated a more
Tsai et al. proposed a new fuzzification technique called concise and accurate rules than traditional neural network based
modified minimization entropy principle algorithm (MMEPA) to approach and rough set-based approach.
construct membership functions of fuzzy sets of linguistic Wang et al. described the relevance feedback. It was the most
variables [106]. This technique was combined with variable important image retrieval system. They proposed a new relevance
precision rough set (VPRS) model to form an entropy-based feedback algorithm ARFRS [113]. This algorithm was composed of
fuzzy-rough classification approach. two parts (i) preprocessing part and (ii) classification part. In
Hong et al. proposed a method which combined the variable preprocessing part rough set theory was used to induce the
precision rough set (VPRS) model and fuzzy set theory for solving classification rules and reduct set of the image features. Neural
the problem of producing a set of fuzzy certain and fuzzy possible network technique was applied for classification to train the
rules from quantitative data with a predefined tolerance degree of retrieval return images based on the classification rules and reduct
uncertainty and misclassification [34]. Rough set theory trans- set. This algorithm made full aspects of the advantage of rough set
formed each quantitative value into a fuzzy set of linguistic terms theory and neural network ensembles to represent the human
that used membership functions and then calculated fuzzy b- perception objectively and improve the retrieval performance.
lower and fuzzy b-upper approximations. Then certain and
possible rules were generated based on these fuzzy approxima- 3.3. Metaheuristic algorithms with rough set theory
tions. These rules were used to classify unknown objects.
Thangavel and Pethalakshmi proposed an Improved Quickre- A metaheuristic is a set of algorithmic concepts that can be used
duct algorithm based on rough and fuzzy sets to select the features to define heuristic methods applicable to a wide set of different
from the information system [97]. The given information system problems. In other words, a metaheuristic can be seen as a general-
was normalized in the proposed algorithm and the computational purpose heuristic method designed to guide an underlying

Table 2
An overview of rough and fuzzy sets

Authors Description

Alonge et al. [3] Studied the problem of identification of a non-linear vectorial function based on rough set theory and fuzzy logic
Jensen and Shen [46] Proposed a reduct algorithm based on rough and fuzzy sets
Tsai et al. [106] Proposed a new fuzzification technique to construct membership functions of fuzzy sets of linguistic variables
Hong et al. [34] Proposed a new method which combines the variable precision rough set (VPRS) model and fuzzy set theory
from quantitative data with a predefined tolerance degree of uncertainty and misclassification
Thangavel and Pethalakshmi [97] Proposed Improved Quickreduct Algorithm based on rough and fuzzy sets to select the features from
the information system
6 K. Thangavel, A. Pethalakshmi / Applied Soft Computing 9 (2009) 1–12

Table 3
An overview of rough sets and neural network

Authors Description

Mak and Munakata [70] Reviewed and compared the rule extraction capabilities of rough sets with neural networks and ID3
Li and Wang [63] Presented a hybrid approach of integrating rough sets and neural networks to mine classification rules from large data sets
Wang et al. [113] Described the relevance feedback for image retrieval system and proposed a new relevance feedback algorithm ARFRS

problem specific heuristic toward promising regions of the search Jaganathan et al. presented a system that combined both
space containing high quality solutions. A metaheuristic therefore Improved Quickreduct algorithm for feature selection and Ant
a general algorithmic framework, which can be applied to different miner for classification [41]. The proposed system used the Ant
optimization problems with relatively few modifications to make miner software and was tested on standard problems. It was
them, adapted to a specific problem. The use of metaheuristics has demonstrated that Ant miner with improved Quickreduct pro-
significantly increased the ability of finding very high-quality duced a higher accuracy rate and fewer rules than the original Ant
solutions to hard, practically relevant combinatorial optimization miner algorithm. The performance of the ant miner was increased
problems in a reasonable time. This is particularly true for large when it was used with Improved Quickreduct.
and poorly understood problems. The metaheuristic algorithms for Thangavel et al. presented a survey of ant colony algorithms in
feature selection and classification are summarized in Table 4. diverse combinational optimization problems [103]. It was
Jagielska et al. compared the rules between neural network and intended to summarize the methods of ant colony system used
genetic algorithm, fuzzy rule induction systems and rough set in various types of applications. In particular, routing, assignment,
theory with C4.5 inductive algorithm [42]. Among these genetic scheduling, subset, machine learning and network routing
algorithm/fuzzy system provided the rule sets with higher problems.
accuracy and comprehensibility.
Mitra et al. presented a methodology for integrating four soft 4. Decision system with missing data
computing tools such as artificial neural network (ANN), fuzzy sets
(FS), genetic algorithms (GA) and rough sets (RS) for designing a In real-life data, some of the attribute values are frequently
knowledge based network for pattern classification and rule missing, imperfect, and incomplete. There are two main reasons for
generation [72]. The proposed method involves several fuzzy MLP missing attribute values: either they are ‘lost ‘or they ‘do not care’
modules, each encoding the rough set rules for a particular class. conditions. That is, the original values were not recorded at all
These knowledge-based modules were refined using a genetic since they were irrelevant, and the decision to which concept a
algorithm. The role of fuzzy sets were to handle uncertainty with case belongs was taken without that information. Missing data is a
input–output membership functions, while rough sets exploited common problem in statistical analysis. In particular, missing
the granularity in information to obtain dependency rules used for values in a data set can affect the performance of a classifier
knowledge encoding in ANN. The final rules represented refined constructed using such a data set as a training sample. Rates of less
knowledge extracted from the trained network and are more than 1% missing data are generally considered trivial, 1–5%
meaningful and compact. manageable. However, 5–15% must be handled by complicated
Jensen and Shen proposed a feature selection mechanism based methods, and more than 15% may severely impact any kind of
on ant colony optimization (ACO) [44]. They also presented an interpretation [82].
entropy-based modification of the original rough set-based The techniques for feature selection and classification using
approach. This algorithm was applied to the problem of finding rough set for decision system with missing attribute values are
minimal rough set reducts. summarized in Table 5.
Grzymala-Busse and Hu presented and compared nine different
Table 4 approaches to missing attribute values [24]. Ten input data files
An overview of metaheuristic algorithms were used to investigate the performance of the nine methods to
Authors Description deal with missing attribute values. For testing both naı̈ve and new
classification techniques of learning from examples based on
Jagielska et al. [42] Compared various data mining techniques for rule
rough sets (LERS) were used. The quality criterion of the average
Mitra et al. [72] Presented a methodology for integrating four soft error rate was achieved by 10-fold cross-validation.
computing tools such as artificial neural network Hong et al. dealt with the problem of producing a certain and
(ANN), fuzzy sets (FS), genetic possible rules from incomplete datasets based on rough sets [33].
algorithms (GA) and rough sets (RS) for designing
He proposed a new learning algorithm which was simultaneously
a knowledge based network for pattern
classification and rule generation derived rules from incomplete datasets and estimated the missing
Jensen and Shen [44] Proposed a new feature selection mechanism based values in the learning process. Unknown values were first assumed
on ant colony optimization (ACO) by any possible values and were gradually refined according to the
Jaganathan et al. [40] Presented a system that combined both Quickreduct
incomplete lower and upper approximations derived from the
algorithm for data preprocessing, Ant Miner and
C4.5 for classification. Ant Miner
given training examples. The examples and the approximations
produced a higher accuracy rate and fewer rules interacted with each other to derive certain and possible rules and
than decision tree induction (C4.5) estimated appropriate unknown values.
Jaganathan et al. [41] Presented a system that combined both Improved Latkowski and Mikolajczyk presented a new approach to handle
Quickreduct algorithm for feature selection and
incomplete information and classifier complexity reduction [59].
Ant Miner for classification. It was demonstrated
that Ant Miner with improved Quickreduct They described a method called D3RJ that performed data
produced a higher accuracy rate and fewer rules decomposition and decision rule joining. The original incomplete
than the original Ant miner algorithm decision table was decomposed into sub-tables without missing
Thangavel et al. [103] Presented a survey of ant colony algorithms in
values. Next the methods for induction of decision rules were
diverse combinational optimization problems
applied to these sets. Finally an algorithm for decision rule joining
K. Thangavel, A. Pethalakshmi / Applied Soft Computing 9 (2009) 1–12 7

Table 5
An overview of the techniques for decision system with missing attribute values

Authors Description

Slowinski and Stefanowski [90] Investigated the case of incomplete information systems and presented a generalization of the rough sets approach which
dealt with missing and imprecise descriptors
Jiye and Zongben [48] Described an uncertainty measures of roughness of knowledge and rough sets by introducing rough entropy in incomplete
information systems
Grzymala-Busse and Hu [24] Presented and compared nine different approaches to missing attribute values
Hong et al. [33] Proposed a new learning algorithm which was simultaneously derived rules from incomplete datasets and estimated
the missing values in the learning process
Grzymala-Busse [26] Presented a data set in the form of incompletely specified decision table and also introduced three definitions of lower
and upper approximations
Grzymala-Buss and Siddhaye [27] Presented the decision tables as incomplete and also proposed Modified Learning Examples from Module Version 2
(MLEM2) rule induction algorithm
Latkowski and Mikolajczyk [59] Presented a new approach called D3RJ to handle incomplete information and classifier complexity reduction
Leung et al. [60] Proposed the similarity classes in incomplete information systems and two kinds of approximations are formed for the
mining of certain and association rules in incomplete decision tables
Thangavel et al. [101] Described four different methods for dealing with missing attribute values and proposed a Revised Quickreduct algorithm
for dimensionality reduction

was used to obtain the final rule set from partial rule sets. It fuzzy-rough sets [43]. This approach incorporated the information
produced small set of rules and better classification accuracy than usually lost in crisp discretization by utilizing the generated fuzzy-
the classic decision rule induction methods. rough sets to provide a more informed technique. This approach
Thangavel et al. discussed four different methods such as performed better than traditional rough set attribute reduction on
indiscernibility, mean, median and mode for dealing with missing the whole, in terms of both data reduction and reduction quality.
attribute values and proposed a revised Quickreduct algorithm for They evaluated using the new fuzzy rough set attribute reduction
dimensionality reduction [101]. A comparative study was also (RSAR) approach for the water treatment plant database. The
performed with revised and original Quickreduct algorithms based dataset contains 38 condition attributes and a decision attribute.
on the four different methods. The public domain datasets available The database results were compared with crisp RSAR approach.
in UCI machine learning repository with missing attribute values are The experimental analysis showed that fuzzy RSAR approach
used. It was found that the revised Quickreduct algorithm out- selected fewer attributes as well as lower classification error over
performed the original Quickreduct algorithm when there were the entire tolerance range than crisp RSAR.
large numbers of patterns with more number of attributes. Midelfart et al. presented a general rough set approach for
classification of tumor samples analyzed with micro-arrays [71].
5. Applications This approach was tested on a data set of gastric tumors and they
developed classifiers for six clinical parameters. One major obstacle
Rough set theory has been applied successfully almost in all the in training classifiers from micro-array data is that the number of
areas. One of the major limitations of the traditional rough set objects is much smaller than that the number of attributes. So they
model in the real applications is the inefficiency in the computa- introduced a feature selection method based on boot strapping for
tion of core attributes and the generation of reducts. In order to selecting genes that discriminate significantly between the classes.
improve the efficiency of computing core attributes and reducts, This method was examined with the Rosetta system [105]. Their
many novel approaches have been developed [39,53]. This section performance was compared to that of linear and quadratic
shows the various applications for feature selection and classifica- discrimination analysis. The classifiers were also biologically
tion. These applications are summarized in Table 6. validated. One of the best qualifiers was selected for each clinical
Kusiak developed an autonomous decision-making based on parameter. And the connection between the genes used in these
rough set theory. This approach was tested on a medical dataset for classifiers and the parameters were compared to establish knowl-
patients with lung abnormalities referred to as solitary pulmonary edge in the biomedical literature. The result showed that it was
nodules (SPNs) [57]. Two independent algorithms were developed possible to develop classifiers with the small number of tumor
either generate an accurate diagnosis or make no decision. The samples and this method was well suited for this task.
feature extraction algorithm generated reducts. These reducts Shen and Chouchoulas proposed a highly modular framework for
were used for predicting objects outcome with the primary and data-driven fuzzy rule set induction incorporating a dimensionality
confirmation algorithms. The dataset contained 18 features. Final reduction step based on rough set theory [87]. This removed
results showed that the classification quality by the combined redundant and information-poor attributes from the data, thereby
primary and confirmation algorithms was 91.3% (i.e.) 91.3% of all significantly increasing the speed of the induction algorithm which
patients tested had been correctly diagnosed and the diagnostic was employed to generalize historic data into fuzzy association
accuracy was 100%. Finally it showed that the reduced number of rules. They demonstrated this approach using Water Treatment
attributes should lower testing costs. Plant database. The dataset contains 38 attributes. Rough set
For feature selection, rough set theory has been used as such a attribute reduction (RSAR) was used to reduce the dataset. Then rule
dataset preprocessor with much success, but current methods are induction algorithm (RIA) was used to classify the data. Then RIA was
inadequate for finding minimal reductions, the smallest sets of compared with C4.5 algorithm. RIA produced classification accuracy
features possible. To alleviate this difficulty, a feature selection of 96.5% (two-class) and C4.5 produced 96.8% (two-class). Hence
technique that employs a hybrid variant of rough sets, fuzzy-rough C4.5 produced better accuracy than RIA.
sets, has been developed recently and has been shown to be Shen and Chouchoulas presented an approach that integrated a
effective. Jensen and Shen described the shortcomings of tradi- potentially powerful fuzzy rule induction algorithm with a rough
tional rough set attribute reduction when applied to datasets with set-assisted feature reduction method [88]. They proposed Quick-
real-valued attribute and they proposed a new method based on reduct II algorithm for feature selection. They demonstrated this
8 K. Thangavel, A. Pethalakshmi / Applied Soft Computing 9 (2009) 1–12

Table 6
An overview of applications

Authors Applications Methods Results

An et al. [5] Water demand KDD-R Best error rate was 6.67% and average
error rate prediction was 10.27%
Komorowski and Ohrn [53] Cardiac patients ROSETTA Described decreasing the degrees of
precision p, increases the accuracy.
If p = 1.0, accuracy = 88.3% and if p
= 0.5, accuracy = 95.9%
Nakayama et al. [75] Diabetic database Rough analysis Fitting rate 81.7% or 84.9% (fuzzy inference)
was high for supporting diagnosis of
Kusiak [56] Industrial data Datamining approach Extracted the knowledge for prediction and
prevention manufacturing faults in wafers
Kusiak et al. [57] Solitary pulmonary nodules (SPNs) Primary and confirmation Classification quality was 91.3% with
based on rough analysis diagnostic accuracy 100%
Kusiak et al. [58] SPN and engineering datasets Rough analysis Classification quality of SPN was 91.3%
with diagnostic accuracy 100%. For
Engineering dataset the classification
quality was 96.8%
Breault [10] Pima Indian Diabetic Database ROSETTA The mean accuracy was 73.8% with 95% CI
where the previous researches produced
71.5% mean accuracy with 63.3% CI
Swiniarski [92] Face recognition PCA, LVQ Produced the classification accuracy
of 97.3% for the test set
Abidi et al. [1] New thyroid gland (NTG), Hybrid rule extraction (data clustering, Overall predictive accuracy of NTG
Wisconsin breast cancer (WBC) data discretization, attribute selection, was 86% and WBC was 87%
symbolic rule discovery)
Li and Jiang [65] Multisensor datum Mixed VCR, mixed fuzzy inference and In an average, mixed fuzzy inference
pure fuzzy inference method produced the highest classification
accuracy of 88% than other two methods
Enrique [19] Ergonomic diagnosis Rough analysis technique Described a rough analysis as a
technique to direct the knowledge
discovery process from data applied
to ergonomic diagnosis
Zhong and Skowron [123] Slope-collapse database Rough sets heuristics (RSH) and rough Among 24 attributes, 9 were selected
sets with boolean reasoning (RSBR)
Zhong et al. [124] Slope-collapse and gastric cancer Rough analysis and greedy heuristics Among 24 attributes, 8 were selected
for slope-colapsed and among 50
attributes 19 were selected (class =
cause of death) and 17 were selected
(class = post-operative complication)
Hu and Cercone [38] Market database DB Deci, C4.5 Average prediction accuracy of DB Deci
was 73.8% whereas C4.5 was 67.3%
Vesa et al. [110] Test network Fuzzy C-means clustering (FCM), In an average 95% of data are classified
rough sets successfully. Rough sets generated 193
rules whereas FCM produced 25 rules
Abidi and Hoe [2] New thyroid gland (NTG), Hybrid rule extraction (data Produced less than 30 rules for NTG
Wisconsin breast cancer (WBC) clustering, data discretization, and WBC
symbolic rule discovery)
Midelfart et al. [71] Gastric tumors Dynamic reduct, IR classifier and This method was examined with ROSETTA
genetic algorithm system. Most of the classifiers had a very
good accuracy and high AUC value
Jensen and Shen [43] Water Treatment Plant database Fuzzy-rough feature selection (FRFS) Fuzzy rough method selected fewer
attributes and lower classification error
than crisp rough set
Shen and Chouchoulas [87] Water Treatment Plant database Fuzzy rule induction algorithm RIA produced classification accuracy of
(RIA), C4.5 96.5% and C4.5 produced 96.8%. C4.5
was better than RIA
Shen and Chouchoulas [88] Water Treatment Plant database Quickreduct II, RIA, C4.5 RIA produced classification accuracy of
97.3% while C4.5 produced 96.8%. RIA
was better than C4.5
Tay and Shen [95] Multi-cylinder diesel engine Rough analysis Distinguished the fault types or inspect
the dynamic characteristic of the machinery
Shen and Jensen [89] Water Treatment Plant database Fuzzy-rough feature selection FRFS produced better accuracy (training
(FRFS), conventional entropy, PCA, accuracy 83.3% and testing accuracy
random-based 83.9%) than other methods
Li et al. [64] Text categorization Case-based reasoning (CBR) Proved that the performance of document
reduction depends on the threshold ‘thr’.
In an average if thr = 0.96, 43.6% of
documents were reduced
Krishnaswamy et al. [54] Datamining and high performance Rough analysis technique Measured the error rate of San Diego
computing Super Computing (SDSC) ‘95 and ‘96.
SDSC 95 was better than SDSC 96 on
the average mean error
Warren et al. [114] Solid waste management (SWM) Modified RS1 Enabled to handle larger datasets as
previous RS1
K. Thangavel, A. Pethalakshmi / Applied Soft Computing 9 (2009) 1–12 9

Table 6 (Continued )
Authors Applications Methods Results

Zaluski et al. [119] Breast cancer LEM2, C4.5, CN2, Assistant86 Accuracy of original dataset was 70.63%
and standard deviation was 8.4%. For
reduced dataset, the accuracy was 71.5%
and standard deviation was 6.06%
An et al. [6] Web page classification ELEM2 Rough set feature selection could improve
the predictive performance when the
original feature set for representing web
pages is large
Tsumoto [108] Head-ache Rough analysis, PRIMEROSE4, Proposed algorithm produced the average
C4.5, AQ15 accuracy of 95%, PRIMEROSE4 88.3%, C4.5
75.8% and AQ15 79.3%
Salem et al. [86] Thrombosis database Rough analysis Out of 60, 16 attributes were selected
Jensen and Shen [45] Bookmark classification and Crisp rough set attribute reduction, In bookmark classification, the classification
website classification fuzzy-rough feature selection, accuracy of BIM was 94.3% and VSM was
vector space model (VSM), boolean 98.1%. In website classification using crisp
inexact model (BIM) method, BIM classifier produced average
precision and average error rates were
23.3%, 88.3%, respectively. In VSM
classifier 45.2%, 49.7%, respectively. In
fuzzy method, BIM produced the average
precision and average error rates were
16.7%, 80%, respectively and VSM produced
74.9%, 35.9%, respectively. In fuzzy RSAR
approach, VSM classifier produced better
average precision and
minimum average error than BIM method
Hassanien [31] Breast cancer Rough analysis Rough set was a useful tool for inductive
learning and valuable aid for building
expert systems
Hassanien and Ali [32] Mammogram dataset Rough analysis, decision trees, Classification accuracy of rough set was
neural networks 93.1%, decision Trees 83% and neural
networks 90.34%
Jensen and Shen [47] Complex Systems monitoring antFRFS, FRFS, PCA, entropy-based antFRFS outperformed than other methods
Li and Cercone [61] Geriatric dataset ROSETTA Generated rules with support = 30% and
confidence = 80%
Wilk et al. [116] Abdominal pain LEM2, explore Explore produced 83.99% classification
accuracy whereas LEM2 produced 74.07%
Pethalakshmi and Thangavel [79] HIV LEM2, MLEM2 Less number of rules were generated in
MLEM2 rather than LEM2. MLEM2
generated rules from raw data with
numerical attributes, without any
prior discretization
Thangavel et al. [98] MIAS Decision relative discernibility-based Among the five, the decision relative
reduction, heuristic approach, Hu’s discernibility-based reduction and heuristic
algorithm, Quickreduct, VPRS algorithms produced minimal features
Thangavel et al. [99] UCI medical dataset Improved Quickreduct, Improved Quickreduct produced minimal
Quickreduct, C4.5 reduct as well as minimal rule from the
dataset containing large number of attributes
Karnan et al. [50] MIAS Backpropagation neural network, BPN-ACO classifier performed better than
backpropagation classifier hybrid other classifiers with higher percentage
with ant colony. Optimization of classification rate
Thangavel et al. [102] MIAS Genetic algorithm, ant colony A higher Az indicated better classification
optimization, rough set-based performance because a larger value of
reduction algorithms, BPN, true positive (TP) was achieved at each
Jack-Knife Method, Round value of false positive (FP)
Robin Method

approach using real world problems like water treatment plant data The Water Treatment Plant database contains 38 condition
and algae population estimation data. Water treatment data consists attributes and a decision attribute. The proposed method was
of 38 attributes and in algae population, seven alga species was compared with entropy-based feature selection (number of
processed separately. The reduct set was computed using the classes = 2), PCA and random-based methods. The training
Quickreduct II algorithm. Then apply the rule induction algorithm accuracy was 83.3% and testing accuracy was 83.9% in the
such as fuzzy rule induction algorithm (RIA) and C4.5. In water proposed method. Entropy-based algorithm produced the training
treatment plant data, RIA produced the classification accuracy of and testing accuracy as 80.7% and 83.9%, respectively. In random-
97.3% while C4.5 produced 96.8%. In algae data, RIA produced based method training accuracy was 66.4% and testing accuracy
minimal error rate than C4.5. Hence RIA is better than C4.5. was 68.1%. In PCA the training accuracy was 76.7% and testing
Shen and Jensen proposed a feature selection technique that accuracy was 70.3%. So rule complexity was greatly reduced in the
employed a hybrid variant of rough sets, fuzzy-rough sets to avoid proposed method. Similarly in three-class dataset, the training
the information loss [89]. This proposed method was applied to accuracy was 70% and testing accuracy was 71.8% in the proposed
Water Treatment Plant database. The final results showed that the method. Entropy-based algorithm produced the training and
proposed method was more powerful than conventional entropy, testing accuracy as 70% and 72.5%, respectively. In random-based
principle component analysis (PCA) and random-based method. method training accuracy was 55.7% and testing accuracy was
10 K. Thangavel, A. Pethalakshmi / Applied Soft Computing 9 (2009) 1–12

54.3%. In PCA the training accuracy was 67.7% and testing accuracy 6. Conclusion
was 70.2%. On the whole proposed method produced highest
classification than PCA and random-based methods over the In this survey we have reviewed research on the application of
tolerance range. techniques from rough set, fuzzy set, neural network and
Hassanien and Ali presented an enhanced rough set approach metaheuristic to select more dominating features in order to
for attribute reduction and generating classification rules from perform the classification tasks optimally in the data mining
digital mammogram datasets [32]. They compared rough set process. Several researchers have contributed variety of algorithms
results with decision trees and neural networks. The classification for computing the reduct sets by considering different cases like
accuracy of rough sets was 93.1%, decision trees provided 83% and inconsistency, missing attribute values, multiple decision attri-
neural networks provided 90.34%. The final result showed that butes of the decision system and information system with no
rough sets outperformed compared with decision trees and neural decision attributes. The relationship and performance analysis of
network models. the reduct algorithms have been discussed in connection with the
Fuzzy rough feature selection (FRFS) was not able to find the classification for various applications. The incremental algorithms
optimal subsets regularly. So, Jensen and Shen proposed a new are needed for feature selection in the real-life applications. This is
feature selection mechanism based on ant colony optimization the direction for further research.
(ACO) [47]. The method was applied to the problem of finding
optimal feature subsets in the fuzzy-rough data reduction
process. To demonstrate this method using complex systems
monitoring and experimentally compared with the original
The authors would like to thank all the anonymous reviewers
fuzzy-rough method (FRFS), an entropy-based feature selector,
for their comments to improve the quality of the paper.
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and three-class datasets, FRFS and antFRFS select at least three
fewer features than the entropy-based method. However, the References
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