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Full Mark- 19

Time- 45 Mins

Section- A (2*1=2)

1. Whom would you call ‘Malnourished’?

2. What are the problems in enforcement?

Section- B (4*2=8)

3. What was the final judgment of the judge in Shanti’s case?

4. What will be the result if the Adivasis lose their rights over forest lands?

5. List two Fundamental Rights in the Constitution that Dalits can draw upon to insist that they be
treated with dignity and as equals.

6. Why does a lack of proper sanitation affect women and girls more acutely?

Section- C (3*3=9)

7. What is the role of judge in Criminal Justice System?

8. What do we mean when we speak of law enforcement? Who is responsible for enforcement? Why is
enforcement so important?

9. What is the scenario, of public water supply in Porto Alegre? ’

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