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MEDA18621G: The Media and Current Events

Sheridan College | Prof: Rolla Bahsous

Grade: ____/5 = ____%

Team Members Names (First & Last):
1. Abhi Gupta
2. Jashanpreet Kaur
3. Gaganpreet Kaur Bajwa

Presentation Topic: The Covid-19 pandemic portrayal in American news vs. Canadian news
outlets. What is different? What is the same? Most importantly: WHY?
Group Thesis/Main Argument (1 mark):
The main argument our group presents is that, how critical situation of COVID-19 was used by
US media to earn profit by faking various arguments like heart diseases and forced vaccination,
education sector went down to a whole different level and how people were fired from jobs
without any prior notices, while here in Canada it was a whole lot better because things were
much more organised and media houses helped people instead of focusing on earning profit
out on fake news and sudden uproars.

Group member, Media Examples, Course Concepts and Research: (3 marks)

Each member must choose a media example (news article, show, film, scene, news clip, etc.) to
analyze using two course concepts. Be sure analysis supports the group’s overall thesis. Each
group member must use one research source to support their analysis.
Group Media Course Concepts to use in Research source (reference in APA)
analyzing Media Example
Member Examples

ABHI GUPTA Media 1. How US media stereotyped o Bolivian Minister of Foreign Trade and
Example 1: the vaccines by linking them Integration, Aljazeera News
News with cardiac diseases and other (September 28, 2021)
Articles side effects whereas in Canada
they were shown as a positive o Elizabeth Cohen, CNN Senior Medical
source which could save millions Correspondent (Updated: Thursday,
of lives. June 10, 2021)
2. How people in US and Canada
were forced to take COVID – 19
vaccines without their consent link-clearer
o Jason Hanna and Madeline Holcombe,
and employers threatening the
workers and government passing CNN (Updated: Friday, July 30, 2021)

new rules that people will lose

their licenses, jobs, and homes if ealth/us-coronavirus-thursday/index.

they do not get vaccinated. This html

was deemed as the violation of o Sarah Maslin Nir, The New York Times

the most basic human rights (Published October 24, 2021; Updated

written in every country’s October 30, 2021)

o John Letzing, Digital Editor, Strategic

Intelligence, World Economic Forum

(January 31, 2022)
o Adam Miller, CBC News (Posted:
February 12, 2022; Last Updated:
February 12, 2022)
o Transport Canada, (Date modified:

October 30, 2021)

Gaganpreet Media 1. Employment growth in o Sean Clarke and Andrew, Statistics

Kaur Bajwa Example 2: Canada was quick as compared Canada (Release date: December 22,
News to America in different sectors. 2022)
2. In Canada more employment
was created by working from 36-28-0001/2022012/article/00001-
home whereas, in America less eng.htm
jobs were done from home.
o Sean Clarke and Vincent Hardy,

Statistics Canada (August 24, 2022)

Jashanpreet Media 1. How news sources approach  Jaclyn Layton, Statistics Canada
Kaur Example 3: issues by choosing specific parts (Release Date: October 18, 2022)

News of an apparent reality and

Articles making them more striking to b/81-599-x/81-599-x2022001-
shape public discernment. It eng.htm
comprehends how the depiction  Emma Garcia and Elain Weiss,
of schooling during the Economic policy Institute (Release
pandemic is outlined diversely Date: September 10,2020)
by American and Canadian
media sources. It also consequences-of-the-covid-19-
comprehends how the pandemic-for-education-
distinctions in media frameworks performance-and-equity-in-the-
between the US and Canada add united-states-what-can-we-learn-
to the depiction of schooling from-pre-pandemic-research-to-
during the pandemic. inform-relief-recovery-and-
2. The Coronavirus pandemic is
influencing kids' requirements
and scholastic execution,
particularly for impeded
gatherings, through school
terminations and remote
learning difficulties, with long
haul ramifications for instructive

How this topic relates to our course (1 mark):

This topic related indirectly with our course because it is how someone perceives information,
as it is up to a person to believe if the news or the other things, he/she thinks are actually true
or false. Everyone will have different views; our group choose this topic because the articles
published during the actual COVID times were in a sense totally biased and many of them have
been removed from the internet, but many are still there. And biases are an important part of
our course because nowadays maximum (all) of the big media companies are biased towards a
particular wing (right or left) and we are supposed to tell if something is false or promoting
something in particular or not. For example: There was this case during post COVID times when
a person on a beach in US died after a shark attack and during autopsy the reason of death was
concluded as COVID-19 while it should have been fatal attack by shark.

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