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Ex.1. The following are a number of different names associated with Halloween. Watch the video and write
the exact day of each celebration:

1. All Saints Day – 31st October

2. Samhain
3. All Hallows
4. All Hallows’ Eve
5. All Souls
6. Halloween

Ex. 2. watch the video again and answer questions:

A) Which of the customs below are celebrated during Halloween? Write Yes or No.

a) parades

b) bobbing for apples

c) giving presents

d) trick or treating

B) What two things did people use to do at the night of 31st October? Why did they do it?

C) What are the names of the following customs:

a) A custom during which needy people offer their prays for dead relatives in return for pastry,
such as soul cakes, is called …….

b) A custom during which young people dress up and accept food, wine or money in exchange for
singing , reciting poetry or telling jokes is called ……...

D) Read the text and write a missing word.

Halloween has become a family-friendly, kid-centred custom in ……. Since then it’s been growing
in popularity all over the world. It’s estimated that on average US consumers spend round … ……
on costumes annually, and the remaining on … ………….. . Making it the second most commercial
holiday after … ……….. .

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