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NE Type: Multi-mode Controller

Template Type: Plan

Template Version: V2.1
Data Type: uni_office

Template design
1.Every sheet of template can be executed independently with the illumination
sheet. Network management system can import any function sheet
combination with the sheet.
4.Thecan't be modified
separator from the first row to the fifth row.
separates rack/shelf/slot
add(A), delete(D),or modify(M),
swap(S), pass(P).
; separates elements of one-dimensional arrays or paralleling case,
@ separates each dimension elements of two-dimensional array,
- used in MAC address and E1 time slot,
: separates MCC and MNC,RD,RT,
. separates IP address,ATM address,HardWare address,Client Identity.
Sheet Name Index MEMO
IP Bearer(ABIS) IP Bearer(ABIS) GSM

Modificati Adjacent Net

Result on User Managed Element Element SITE ID PLMN Group
Indication label Object ID Identifier
Object ID

S:Succe long:1..204 long:

ss A,D,M,S,P string long:[1..4095] 7] [1..65534 g,8>
F:Fail ]

A:Add, It
D:Delete, contains
no more
M:Modify, than 80 [0..42949672
S:Swap, 95],eg:1;2
P:Pass .

R-W-I Primary Key Primary Key
Key R-W-I
NIA100 15 100 100 2
NIA010 15 10 10 2
TESTNA05 on15 1535 1535 2
NIA023 15 23 23 2
NIA101B 15 401 401 2
NIA039 15 39 39 2
NIA040 15 40 40 2
NIA021 15 21 21 2
NIA022 15 22 22 2
NIA065 15 65 65 2
NIA099B 15 399 399 2
NIA087 15 87 87 2
NIA075 15 75 75 2
NIA088 15 88 88 2
NIA095 15 95 95 2
NIA098 15 98 98 2
M NIA165 15 165 165 2
NIA103 15 103 103 2
NIA169 15 169 169 2
NIA107 15 107 107 2
NIA201 15 201 201 2
NIA106 15 106 106 2
NIA113 15 113 113 2
NIA075B 15 375 375 2
NIA099 15 99 99 2
NIA105 15 105 105 2
NIA139 15 139 139 2
NIA101 15 101 101 2
NIA020 15 20 20 2
NIA200 15 200 200 2
NIA089 15 89 89 2
NIA210 15 210 210 2
NIA103B 15 403 403 2
NIA208 15 208 208 2
NIA016B 15 316 316 2
NIA107B 15 407 407 2
NIA104 15 104 104 2
NIA168 15 168 168 2
NIA129 15 129 129 2
NIA160 15 160 160 2
NIA102 15 102 102 2
NIA017 15 17 17 2
NIA102B 15 402 402 2
NIA110 15 110 110 2
NIA017B 15 317 317 2
NIA204 15 204 204 2
NIA095B 15 395 395 2
NIA016 15 16 16 2
NIA009 15 9 9 2
NIA097 15 97 97 2
NIA091 15 91 91 2
NIA096 15 96 96 2
NIA092 15 92 92 2
NIA033 15 33 33 2
NIA037 15 37 37 2
NIA058 15 58 58 2
NIA100B 15 400 400 2
NIA058B 15 358 358 2
NIA024 15 24 24 2
Path Rx net
Band mask 0:Invali If Abis
Config for Bear Path Tx Band Destina IP
width tion IP length d,Domain
Module Type of Service width of 20:IP Group
is IP
in ABIS Trpath (kbps) of address for Domain
No. ID
Trpath Destina No.0 Bearer,
(kbps) tion IP 21:IP The
Domain paramet
No.1 er must
long: long: long:
22:IP belong:
long: long:
long:[1,4,7] [0..4294 ipv4 [0,20..2
Domain [0..2047
[3..12] [0..4294967295]
967295] The [0..32]
The 3]
The paramet paramet
No.2 and ]it
23:IP is at
paramet er must er must Domain "IP
The parameter er must be be No.3 Path
1:IPv4 must be filled be filled filled The Group"
when Abis filled when when paramete
4:IPv6 sheet.
office is IP when Abis Abis r need
7:IPv4 & IPv6 If Abis
Abis office office be
Bearer. filled office
office is IPOE is IPOE
is IP Bearer Bearer when is IPOE
Bearer. orR-W-I
IP orR-W-I
IP Abis Bearer,
R-W-I R-I R-W R-W office R-W The R
Bearer. Bearer. is IPOE paramet
5 1 6144 6144 172.21.161. 32 0Bearer 100
er must
5 1 3000 3000 172.21.160. 32 0or IP 10
not be
8 1 3000 3000 32 Bearer.
0 filled
It is and
7 1 3000 3000 172.21.160. 32 0not 23 it
3 1 6000 6000 172.21.164. 32 filled,
0 is
default created
4 1 6144 6144 172.21.160. 32 0 39
value is
4 1 3000 3000 172.21.160. 32 00. 40
6 1 6000 6000 172.21.160. 32 0 21
7 1 6000 6000 172.21.160. 32 0 22
6 1 6000 6000 172.21.161. 32 0 65
7 1 6000 6000 172.21.164. 32 0 399
3 1 3000 3000 172.21.161. 32 0 87
8 1 6000 6000 172.21.161. 32 0 75
3 1 6000 6000 172.21.161. 32 0 88
4 1 6000 6000 172.21.161. 32 0 95
5 1 6000 6000 172.21.161. 32 0 98
3 1 6000 6000 172.21.163. 32 0 165
6 1 6000 6000 172.21.161. 32 0 103
4 1 6000 6000 172.21.163. 32 0 169
7 1 6000 6000 172.21.162. 32 0 107
8 1 6144 6144 172.21.165. 32 0 201
7 1 6000 6000 172.21.162. 32 0 106
8 1 6000 6000 172.21.162. 32 0 113
8 1 6144 6144 172.21.163. 32 0 375
5 1 6000 6000 172.21.161. 32 0 99
7 1 6000 6000 172.21.162. 32 0 105
5 1 6000 6000 172.21.162. 32 0 139
6 1 6000 6000 172.21.161. 32 0 101
6 1 3000 3000 172.21.160. 32 0 20
8 1 6000 6000 172.21.165. 32 0 200
3 1 3000 3000 172.21.161. 32 0 89
4 1 6000 6000 172.21.162. 32 0 210
7 1 6144 6144 172.21.161. 32 0 403
7 1 3000 3000 172.21.165. 32 0 208
8 1 6000 6000 172.21.165. 32 0 316
8 1 3000 3000 172.21.162. 32 0 407
6 1 6000 6000 172.21.162. 32 0 104
4 1 6000 6000 172.21.163. 32 0 168
3 1 6144 6144 172.21.162. 32 0 129
3 1 6000 6000 172.21.163. 32 0 160
6 1 6000 6000 172.21.161. 32 0 102
6 1 9000 9000 172.21.160. 32 0 17
4 1 6000 6000 172.21.164. 32 0 402
7 1 6000 6000 172.21.162. 32 0 110
4 1 6144 6144 172.21.163. 32 0 317
7 1 6000 6000 172.21.165. 32 0 204
6 1 6000 6000 172.21.163. 32 0 395
7 1 6000 6000 172.21.160. 32 0 16
8 1 6000 6000 172.21.160. 32 0 9
5 1 6000 6000 172.21.161. 32 0 97
3 1 6000 6000 172.21.161. 32 0 91
4 1 6000 6000 172.21.161. 32 0 96
4 1 3000 3000 172.21.161. 32 0 92
8 1 6000 6000 172.21.160. 32 0 33
4 1 3000 3000 172.21.160. 32 0 37
5 1 6000 6000 172.21.161. 32 0 58
8 1 6000 6000 172.21.164. 32 0 400
5 1 6000 6000 172.21.163. 32 0 358
7 1 3000 3000 172.21.160. 32 0 24
er need
filled MPIPADD
FO unitindex;e1ind RESS The N
ex@unitindex;e1 office paramet
index Ip
er need
Ip Address IP
unitindex: 0:ppp Bearer. be
Board [1..17] Address filledMask Header
E1 List
Info of e1index:DTB/
E1 TS [171..2
MP Port Ifof MP Length Compres
IPOE List 54]:Mp No. MPLINK> when 0:Disab
DTEC/ or PPP Abis of MP sion
The 0,Port
then or PPP le(defa
DTB3[1..32],SDT paramet filling office ult
B/ESDT er need the isPort
IPOE value)
[1..63],SDTB2/E long:
be IpAddre Bearer. 1:Enabl
EUIP SDT2/SDTB3[1..6 Sperate [0, If
long: long:
string 3,85..147]
board, string string filled
d by when MP or The
rack/sh Each E1 ";" and 4] Abis port,el 0, then paramet
elf/slo consists of two "-" office se filling er need
t parts,one is The is IPOE filling the Ip be
The the unitindex, paramet Bearer. the address filled
paramet another e1index er need When it IpAddre mask when
er must The unitindex be is ss of length Abis
be is a unit that filled Multi- PPP or of MP office
filled E1 belongs when PPP port. or is IPOE
when e1index is the Abis link,M If port,el Bearer.
Abis number of E1 office PLINK MPIPADD se If R-W
office within R-Wthe unit R-W R R-W R-W
is IPOE is RESS is filling MPLINK=
is IPOE Unit number and Bearer. usually not the Ip 0,then
Bearer. 3;13@5;6@5;7@5;1
E1 numbers 1-31;1-31;1-191 172.21.161. 29
address 1
2/1/7 1;23@1;2
separated by ; 1-31;1-31 not
192 filled,
172.21.160. 29 this
filled default mask paramet
2/1/11 (semicolons)
5;3 1-31 193
,can length 29
value 1
er must
2/1/7 When to
1;27@1;5 1-31;1-31 195
be auto 172.21.160.
is of
29 PPP 1be 0 or
2/1/11 configure
5;37@5;36 More generat
1-31;1-31 197 172.21.164. or 29 empty.
than one E1, ed by , and port.
2/1/7 1;9@1;8
separated by @ 1-31;1-31 198 172.21.160. 29
It can 1
2/1/11 5;53@5;2
The parameter 1-31;1-31 system.
198 Unnumbe
172.21.160. 29 1
red IP be
2/1/11 must be filled
3;1@3;22 1-31;1-31 199
Interfa empty.D
172.21.160. 29 1
2/1/7 when
3;4@3;7Abis 1-31;1-31 199 ce and efault
172.21.160. 29 1
2/1/7 office
1;10@1;22is IPOE 1-31;1-31 200 Static is
172.21.161. 29 24. 1
Bearer. Route
2/1/11 5;48@5;49 1-31;1-31 200 172.21.164. 29 1
2/1/7 3;10 1-31 201 is
172.21.161. 29 1
2/1/7 1;12@1;29@1;30 1-31;1-31;1-202 created
172.21.161. 29 1
2/1/7 1;13@1;11 1-31;1-31 203 172.21.161.
system. 29 1
2/1/11 5;41@5;59@5;40 1-31;1-31;1-204 172.21.161. 29 1
2/1/11 5;4@5;5 1-31;1-31 205 172.21.161. 29 1
2/1/7 3;18@3;12 1-31;1-31 228 172.21.163. 29 1
2/1/11 5;27@5;29@5;28 1-31;1-31;1-206 172.21.161. 29 1
2/1/7 3;23@3;16 1-31;1-31 206 172.21.163. 29 1
2/1/11 5;10@5;11 1-31;1-31 207 172.21.162. 29 1
2/1/7 3;3@3;17 1-31;1-31 207 172.21.165. 29 1
2/1/11 5;24@5;23 1-31;1-31 208 172.21.162. 29 1
2/1/7 1;62@1;18 1-31;1-31 208 172.21.162. 29 1
2/1/7 1;44@1;19 1-31;1-31 209 172.21.163. 29 1
2/1/11 5;21@5;22 1-31;1-31 210 172.21.161. 29 1
2/1/11 5;44@5;45 1-31;1-31 211 172.21.162. 29 1
2/1/7 1;21 1-31 211 172.21.162. 29 1
2/1/11 5;34@5;35 1-31;1-31 213 172.21.161. 29 1
2/1/11 3;25 1-31 215 172.21.160. 29 1
2/1/7 3;5@3;26 1-31;1-31 216 172.21.165. 29 1
2/1/7 3;28 1-31 218 172.21.161. 29 1
2/1/7 3;14@3;29@3;35 1-31;1-31;1-219 172.21.162. 29 1
2/1/11 5;30@5;31 1-31;1-31 219 172.21.161. 29 1
2/1/7 3;30 1-31 220 172.21.165. 29 1
2/1/11 1;40@1;31 1-31;1-31 221 172.21.165. 29 1
2/1/7 5;12 1-31 221 172.21.162. 29 1
2/1/11 5;14@5;13 1-31;1-31 222 172.21.162. 29 1
2/1/7 1;41@1;32 1-31;1-31 222 172.21.163. 29 1
2/1/11 5;16@5;15 1-31;1-31 223 172.21.162. 29 1
2/1/7 1;33@1;42 1-31;1-31 223 172.21.163. 29 1
2/1/11 5;17@5;18 1-31;1-31 224 172.21.161. 29 1
2/1/7 3;33@3;36@3;15 1-31;1-31;1-225 172.21.160. 29 1
2/1/11 5;19@5;20 1-31;1-31 225 172.21.164. 29 1
2/1/11 5;25@5;26 1-31;1-31 226 172.21.162. 29 1
2/1/7 3;63@3;21 1-31;1-31 226 172.21.163. 29 1
2/1/7 3;27@3;9 1-31;1-31 227 172.21.165. 29 1
2/1/11 5;43@5;42 1-31;1-31 227 172.21.163. 29 1
2/1/7 1;35@1;37 1-31;1-31 229 172.21.160. 29 1
2/1/7 1;16@1;51@1;38 1-31;1-31;1-230 172.21.160. 29 1
2/1/11 5;38@5;39 1-31;1-31 233 172.21.161. 29 1
2/1/11 5;33@5;32 1-31;1-31 234 172.21.161. 29 1
2/1/11 5;46@5;47 1-31;1-31 235 172.21.161. 29 1
2/1/11 1;47 1-31 237 172.21.161. 29 1
2/1/11 1;48@1;36 1-31;1-31 238 172.21.160. 29 1
2/1/7 1;50 1-31 240 172.21.160. 29 1
2/1/11 5;54@5;50@5;55 1-31;1-31;1-240 172.21.161. 29 1
2/1/7 5;51@5;52 1-31;1-31 241 172.21.164. 29 1
2/1/11 5;56@5;57 1-31;1-31 246 172.21.163. 29 1
2/1/11 5;61 1-31 251 172.21.160. 29 1

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