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Class: 2nd Year Chapter No.15 HOMEOSTATIS

1. A pair of kidney consist of millions of functional units called;

a) Nephrons b) neurons c) Dendrons d) Flatrons
2. Abdominal has a peritoneal cavity, lined by a thin epithelium;
a) Pericardium b) Peritoneum c) Sectoral sac d) pleura
3. About 500 ml water is needed to extracted 1g of ammonia;
a) Hydrogen b) Oxygen c) Nitrogen d) helium
4. all invertebrate ,amphibian and reptiles are;
a) homeotherms b) poikilotherms c) heterotherms d) none
5. Among the vertebrate hagfishes are isotonic with the surrounding;
a) Pond water b) Lake water c) River water d) Sea,s water
6. Animals excreting ammonia are called;
a) Ammootelic b) Ureotelic c) Uricotelic d) None
7. Animals exceting urea are called
a) Ammonotelic b) Ureotelic c) Uricotelic d) None
8. Animal excreting uric acid are called;
a) Ammonotelic b) Ureotelic c) Urecotelic d) none
9. Antidiuretic hormones (ADH) released from posterior pituitary act to actively transport from filtrate
to kidney s
e) Pelvis f) Medulla g) Cortex h) interstitium
10. Bats and humming birds are called;
a) heterotherms b) ectotherm c) endotherms d) pokilotherms
11. For evaporating cooling bats use;
a) saliva b) urine c) sweat d) all of these
12. The end product of hemoglobin breakdown and metabolites of various hormones is;
a) Glucagon b) Bilirubin c) Keratin d) Secretion
13. Which are homeotherms;
a) Amphibian b) Reptile c) Fishes d) Birds
14. Bony fishes have adapted to drink large amount of seas water and excrete concentrated;
a) Urea b) Ammonia c) Urine d) Uric acid
15. Bowmans capsule continues as extensively convoluted proximal tubules, loop of henle and the distal
tubules ,which empties into;
a) Collecting b) Malpighian c) Renal tubules d) Neural tubules
tubules tubules
16. In Juxtamedullary nephrons additional capillaries extend down to form of loop of vessels;

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a) Vasa efferentia b) Vasa differentia c) Vasa Hecta d) Vasa recta
17. Bowman’s capsule is round a ball of capillaries called;
a) Pyramid b) Pelvis c) Glomerulus d) Medulla
18. Cartilaginous fishes retain Trimethyl-amine oxide for protection against;
a) Ammonia b) Uric acid c) Fatty acid d) Urea
19. Creatinine is produced from muscle
a) Creatine b) Glycogen c) Glucose d) Creatine carbonate
20. Dialysis clean the blood either by ;
a) Passing through b) Filtering it within c) Both A & B d) None
an artificial abdomen
21. A kidney machine that work on the same principles as in the kidney for the removal of nitrogenous
wastes and excess water from the blood is;
a) Dialyzer b) Dilaator c) Dialyso d) Diameter
22. Drinking and eating moist foods compensate the loss of;
a) Urine b) Water c) Urea d) sweat
23. Earthworm is the ideal example of tubular excretory system called ;
a) Protonephridia b) Mesonephridia c) Metanephridia d) Prenephridia
24. The animal which produced metabolic heat at low level and absorb heat from surrounding are;
a) Ectotherms b) Endotherms c) Heterotherms d) Homotherms
25. Fever or high temperature help in stimulating the protective mechanisms against the;
a) Cold b) Wind c) Pathogen d) Shivering
26. Fresh water flatworm excrete very dilute ;
a) Plasma b) Tissue fluid c) Fluid d) Urine
27. Fresh water protozoa amoeba and paramecium pump out excess water by structures;
a) Gullet b) Contractile c) Nephridai d) Kidneys
28. Ground squirrels move to burrows in middy
a) Heat b) Cold c) Wind d) Light
29. Hemodialysis means ;
a) Removing the b) Cleaning the c) Diluting the d) Storing the blood
blood blood blood
30. In hemodialysis blood is circulate through a machine which contain a dialyzer, called ;
a) Natural kidney b) Permanent c) Artificial kidney d) Temporary kidney
31. The animal which are capable of varying degrees of endothermic heat production but generally do
not regulate their body temperature within a narrow range ;
a) Ectotherms b) Endotherms c) Heterotherms d) Homotherms
32. The animal which are expose to changing air ,water temperature maintain their body temperature
are ;
a) Pikolotherms b) Homotherms c) Ectotherms d) Both A and B
33. Hormones trigger their the heat production as do thyroid hormones and are terms as ;
a) None shievering b) Shievering c) Dynamic d) Static
thermogenesis thermogenesis thermogenesis thermogenesis
34. Which plant have the adaptations to remove the floding of its cells in fresh water ;
a) Xerophytes b) Mesophytes c) Hydrophytes d) Chondrocytes
35. Hyperoxaluriai.e, higher blood level of oxalates to other contributing factor in the formation of
calcium oxalates .
a) Gall b) Calluses c) Growth d) Stones
36. In each nephrone inner end form a cap-shapd swelling called;
a) Bowmans b) Glomerulus c) Pelvis d) Urethra
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37. Kidney stones are formed in ,metabolic disease;
a) Hypertension b) Hypercalcemia c) Hypertonic d) Hypermagnsia
38. For none surgical removal of kidney stone is used ;
a) Lithotrophy b) Lithography c) Lithotripsy d) Lithogipsy
39. The primary structure of eliminating wastes product in man are;
a) Liver b) Kidney c) Stomach d) Both A & B
40. The central station of of metabolisms and consequently the body s central metabolic clearing house is
a) Liver b) Kidney c) Stomach d) Both A & B
41. Lizard bask in sun to gain ;
a) Heat b) Cold c) Air d) Moisture
42. Mammalian kidney including human is adapted to conserve water by over ‘
a) 20.5% b) 50% c) 99% d) 70%
43. Mammalian including human maintain their body temperature within a narrow range of about
a) 30-32% b) 36-38% c) 32-36% d) 35-37%
44. Mammals birds some fishes and flying insects are ;
a) Ectotherms b) Heterotherms c) Endotherms d) Homotherms
45. Many fresh water animals including fishes remove excess water by producing large volumes of
very dilute;
a) Spite b) Plasma c) Sweat d) Urine
46. Many xerophytes possess small thick leaves to limit of loss
a) Water b) Heat c) Oil d) Mineral
47. Marine mammals such as whales and seals inhibit much water than their body temperature have a
very thick layer of insulating fats called as;
a) Flab b) Blubber c) Obese d) podginess
48. moderate water availability is the demand of
a) hydrophytes b) xerophytes c) mesophytes d) zerophytes
49. most cartilaginous fishes maintain lower internal salts concentration than that of ;
a) pond water b) lake water c) river water d) seas water
50. most invertebrate fish amphibians and reptiles are
a) Ectotherms b) Heterotherms c) Endotherms d) Homotherms
51. Most land mammals respond to cold by raising their
a) Skin b) Furs c) Bristles d) Spines
52. Most marine invertebrates are
a) Osmo-organizers b) Osmoregulators c) Osmoconfermors d) Osmobreakers
53. Most plant have added to survive in heat stress as the plants of temperature region face the
stress of
a) 5o C b) 100 C c) 200 C d) 40o C
54. Most susceptible component of internal environment that may be effected by fluctuation in
external environment are
a) Water b) Solute c) Temperature d) All of these
55. Most excess nitrogen is excreted by animals as
a) Ammonia b) Urea c) Uric acid d) All of these
56. Only 1 ml water is required to eliminate 1g of nitrogen in the form of
a) Uric acid b) Nitric acid c) stearic acid d) aspartic acid
57. osmoregulation is the regulation of water and solute b/w
a) organism b) environment c) both A & B d) water body
58. panting the evaporating cooling in the respiratory track is the other mechanism as represented in the
a) frogs b) dogs c) skunks d) lizard
59. planaria the flatworm have simple tubular excretory system called( MB-2006)
a) metanephridium b) mesonephridium c) prenephridium d) protonephridium
60. plants cell have larg vacuole these can be used for

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a) storage of useful b) storage of waste c) both A & B d) removal of
component substances substances
61. plans respond to cold stress by increasing proportion of
a) unsaturated fatty b) saturated fatty c) amino acid d) nucleic acid
acid acid
62. plant sue evaporating cooling to manag with high
a) cold b) temperature c) wind d) moisture
63. the animals in which body temperature tend to fluctuate more less as the air or water temperature
change are
a) homeotherms b) endotherms c) poikilotherms d) heterotherms
64. pyrogens displace the set point of hypothalamus above the normal point of
a) 32oC b) 330C c) 350C d) 37oC
65. Some mammals possess brown fats which is specialized for rapid production of
a) Heat b) Sweat c) Urine d) Faeces
66. Terrestrial animals can tolerate dehydration and its differs innvarious animals this characteristics is
known as
a) Hydroboisis b) Anhydroboisis c) Pyrosis d) Chlorosis
67. The active uptake of sodium in the ascending limb or thick loop henle is promoted by the action
a) Androgen b) Progesterone c) Aldosterone d) Testosterone
68. The animals that generate their own body heat through heat production as by product during
metabolism are called
a) Heterotherms b) Homotherms c) Ectotherms d) Endotherms
69. The arginine is splite the arginase to form urea and the precursor
a) Ornithine b) Citrulline c) Alanine d) Glycine
70. The blood vessel in the kidney subdivide again into other network of capillaries the
e) Tubular f) peritubular g) recticular h) efferent
capillaries capillaries capillaries capillaries
71. the elimination of wasteful metabolism mainly of nitrogenous nature is called as
a) digestion b) assimilation c) excretion d) respiration
72. The evaporation the loss of water leading is the major problem for
a) Aquatic life b) Terrestrial life c) Aerial life d) Both A & B
73. Falling of yellow leave in autumn is the seasonal time for the plants to get rid of accumulated
waste so leave are said to be
a) Anabolic waste b) Catabolic waste c) Nitrogenous d) Metabolic waste
74. The generation of waste is primarily done at metabolic level and these are called ;
a) Anabolic waste b) Catabolic waste c) Nitrogenous d) Metabolic waste
75. The high degree renal failure is called as;
e) Uremia f) End-stage renal g) Both A&B a) Ureotelic
76. The incidence of which type is 70% of all kind of kidney stones
a) Calcium oxalate b) Calcium c) Nitrate d) Uric acid
77. The incidence of stones of calcium phosphate is ;
a) 5% b) 10% c) 15 % d) 20%
78. The incidence of stone of uric acid is
a) 5% b) 10% c) 15% d) 20%
79. The maintain of internal temperature within a tolerable range is designated as;
a) Osmoregulation b) Photoregulation d) None
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80. The malpighian tubules remove nitrogenous waste from the
a) Lymph b) Haemolymph c) Coelomic fluid d) Hind gut
81. The mechanism of regulation generally b/w organism and its environment of solute and the gain and
loss of water is
a) Osmoregulation b) Photoregulation c) d) None
82. The metabolic pathways involved in the production of urea are termed as;
a) Ammonia cycle b) Nitrogen cycle c) Hydrogen cycle d) Urea cycle
83. The nephron arranged along the border of cortex and medulla with their tubular system looping deep
in the inner medulla are ;
a) Cortical b) Juxtamedullary c) Medullary d) Pelvic nephrons
nephrons nephrons nephrons
84. The nephrons arranged along the border of cortex are called
a) Cortical b) Juxtamedullary c) Medullary d) Pelvic nephrons
nephrons nephron nephrons
85. The pathogen and the blood cells produce chemical called as
a) Neogens b) Pyrogens c) Chemogens d) Haemogens
86. The protection of internal environment from the harm of fluctuation of external environment
is termed as
a) Homeoterms b) Homeopathy c) Homeostasis d) None
87. The rate of heat production is increased by increased by muscle contraction by movement or
shivering so called as ;
a) Shocking b) Trembling c) Non-shivering d) Shivering
thermogenesis thermogenesis thermogenesis thermogenesis
88. The raise in urea causes complication of increase in
a) Blood pressure b) Anemia c) Jaundice d) Both A & B
89. The tubular system of planaria is drained into excretory duct which open to the exterior through
a) Nephridiopores b) Excretory pores c) Exteriopores d) Rena pores
90. The uretor of both the drain into
a) Swim bladder b) Urinary bladder c) Renal bladder d) Hepatic bladder
91. There are two type of dialysis ;
a) Hemodialysis b) Homo and c) Haemo and d) Haemo and
and thoracic peritoneal peritoneal abdominal
dialysis dialysis dialysis dialysis
92. The reotiles and birds inhibit arid environment so excrete
a) Ammonia b) Urea c) Uric acid d) Nitrates
93. Tubular system is spread in planaria throughout the body and branches are capped by a cellular setup
termed as
a) Fire cell b) Glow cell c) Renal cell d) Flam cell
94. Urea is produced from the metabolism of
a) Amino acid b) Fatty acid c) Nucleic acid d) Nitric acid
95. Urea is principle excretory product and liver from it from the waste
a) Hydrogen b) Nitrogen c) Oxygen d) Nitrogen
96. Uric acid is produced from
a) Amino acid b) Fatty acid c) Nucleic acid d) Nitric acid
97. Urine is collected in a central cavity of kidney ;
a) Cortex b) Medulla c) Ureter d) Pelvis
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98. Urine leave the body during urination from the bladder through a tube called the
a) Urethra b) Ureter c) Urinal d) Both A & D
99. Urine leave the kidney through a duct
a) Collecting duct b) Ureter c) Urinal d) Genitor
100. When external environment have more water or dilute solution compared to the cell
concentration it is designated as
a) Hypertonic b) Isotonic c) Hypotonic
d) None
environment environment environment
101. When external solution resemble to the internal solution it is known as
a) Hypertonic environment b) Isotonic environment c) Hypotonic environment
d) None
102. When there is more concentrated external environment than call concentration it
termed as
a) Hypertonic environment b) Isotonic environment c) Hypotonic environment
d) None
103. Xerophyte have a adaption for reduce rate of
a) Transduction b) Transformation c) Transmutation d) Transpiration
104. Flam cells are part of excretory system of
a) Hydra b) Planaria c) Earthworm d) Cockroach
105. Collecting tubules open into
b) Bowman s capsule
a) Glomerulus c) Urethra d) Pelvis
106. Malpighian tubules are excretory organ of
a) Vertebrate b) Flatworm c) Insect d) Annelid
107. The structure and functional relationship b/w nutritive and excretory system exist in
a) Fishes b) Echinoderms c) Cnidarian d) Insect
108. The excretory product that require maximum water for its elimination as compared to other
a) Ammonia b) Urea c) Uric acid d) Creatinine
1. a 23. c 45. d 67. c 89. a
2. b 24. a 46. a 68. d 90. b
3. c 25. c 47. b 69. a 91. c
4. b 26. d 48. c 70. b 92. c
5. d 27. b 49. d 71. c 93. d
6. a 28. a 50. a 72. b 94. a
7. b 29. b 51. b 73. c 95. b
8. c 30. c 52. c 74. d 96. c
9. d 31. c 53. d 75. c 97. d
10. a 32. b 54. d 76. a 98. a
11. d 33. a 55. d 77. c 99. b
12. b 34. c 56. a 78. b 100. c
13. d 35. d 57. c 79. c 101. b
14. c 36. a 58. b 80. b 102. a
15. a 37. b 59. d 81. a 103. d
16. b 38. c 60. c 82. d 104. b
17. c 39. d 61. a 83. b 105. d
18. d 40. a 62. b 84. a 106. b
19. a 41. a 63. c 85. b 107. d
20. d 42. c 64. d 86. c 108. a
21. a 43. b 65. a 87. d
22. b 44. c 66. b 88. d

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