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© A: Hey, Susan! An advertising agency is tooking for a web, ‘graphic designer. They want someone who Is 1 ______ and 1 know youre always ‘coming up with new ideas. Would Ibe working on my own? No It says you will have to be a2. hats cool. ike working with other people. eee ‘And it says you have to have 3 _ That's no problem for you - ou can talk on the phone for hours! BB Thanks What else are they looking for? ‘A: They want someone who Is 4 GrOMMOT Present Simple vs Present Progressive + p. 163 11 Read these extracts trom texts A-E and answer the questions. 7. 1am making good money these days 2. |usually collect around 4.000 balls a day. lives. fiero 1a. the Present Simple because it's a repeated/habitual action? bs. the Present Progressive because It's a temporary situation? c. the Present Simple because it expresses a state, not an action?” Read the examples and notice the words in blue. Then match them with the uses of the Present Simple a-e. 7. Miranda usually organises work meetings in the morning. 2, My brother works at the post office. 3, The conference starts tomorrow at 8 am. 4 Water freezes at O°C. 5. | just lost a very Important client, There goes my job! noes 2. for permanent situations. b. for repeated/nabitual actions. c. for general truths. Je. inexclamatory sentences with Oft_/Here./There./etc. ‘L Read the examp! them with the uses of the Present Progressive a-d. 1. Pm working as a waitress until leave university. 2. Unemployment Is Increasing day by day. ‘Thursday. foes a. for actions happening now. '. for temporary situations. c. for future arrangements. Present time. 3. Hove what Ido because I feel ike I make a ditference in people's A, for future actions related to timetables and programmes. [_] snd notice the words In blue. Then match 3. Are you doing anything right now? Can you type up this report? 4. Tony is going on a business trip on Monday, but hell be back on 4. for situations which are changing or developing around the want someone who's 5 too. ‘8; Well know that Im good at what I do, so that’s no problem. = ‘st does say, though that you have to be 6 In your working hours Bs Weil, used to-do yooa! ‘A: Umm, dont think thy mean that kind of esti 8B: 1 know..Just kidding. Sounds great. How do (Tee them? ti text you the details. Just make sure your e Complete the email with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets. Hi Jenny, How are you? | 4 (write) to you from a nice litle café near my house while 12. (rink) my morning coffee! Life here is good. | 3 (work) at a small French restaurant for the summer. The chet 4 (teach) me how to make souffiés this, week! I really 5 (ike) my new job. The boss 6 (seem) very nice, too! He is very friendly and we 7 {often / speak) French together. He 8. (often / make) new dishes and every day we 140 (want) the customers to love the food from the way it 44 (look) and 12 (smell) before they even 43 (laste) the first bite!” Hope you visit me soon! Take care, Nula O Oo} o o Is up-to-date. ) j | i listening 4) Discuss. + What do you think te folowing people do? B Listen to an interview with Nelly Fishbinder, an ‘employee at Techola, 3 design company. What is she talking about? B.Listen again t word or phrase. MERGER GLOBAL EN 1 : CNowlistenagaintothe | 2. - = first part of the interview. Write T for True, F for False or NM for Not Mentloned. 1. Nelly is the CTO at Techola, 2. CHOs are becoming ‘more and more popular. oO 3. Techola isthe first ‘company to have a Chiet Happiness otticer. [_] 4. Nelly’ job involves some travelling. 5, Character of the boss 6 towhat you heard? Vocabulary 9) tnnaitanwhodee eco mcr ete need vi hiiand wets orale: Thee vansnine sh all Dohlighted words or phrasesto complete te sentences FS. 4 {really envy you, you know. 1B: Envy me? Why? ‘A: Well, you're self-employed. You're your own boss. 1: True. lam my own boss, but l don't get the bonuses and fringe benefits that you do. Anyway, you could do It too. You know, go out on your own and set up a business, [As Idontt think Ihave wiat it takes to fun a Business. don't have a head for business like you. B: Of course you do. You know you 1 ett you started your own cor ie ‘As Yeah, right. With what? I don’t have a cent to my name. B: Easy. Apply for a governm You know how they'e trying to encourage ard entrepreneurs, A: A grant? Maybe. dont know. 3: And Helen could be your business partner. She has a) ‘A: My wie and my business partner? You hz ? You have to be kidding. Weld go bankrupt ina weekt ee eee Saag ‘go bankrupt = when a Compap to the second part and com You should not write mo 2 The type af work that you Go 4, Relationships with colleagues E Now listen againto the third part. Which three statement ‘ded you wit near Goes not have enough money pay its debts and closes doy plete the blanks with an appropriate ‘than three words In each Blank, GAGEMENT SCALE 7. Providing good service to otherg 1B. Long-term career prospocts 19. Flexible working hours, 10. q 41. Learning end promotion opportuni, 42. petennienecnal Staff who spend time socialising at work do their jobs better than those who dont, 2. Some people spend too long on their coffee break. '3 Research shows that taking a break makes employees more productive. 4. Job satisfaction means that time passes more quickly. 5. All the employees at Techola are happy. ete ICIEICI ‘They make a great team. He has great ideas and she { which means the ‘company can actually make some money. 2. Hels starting his own business so that he can be his 3. What are you in? 4 4, Some ill be giving ata to show young people how they ean tum thelr deans | Into reality. ee | 5. lusedtobe | work for a smal, local company. as 6. Now that they are open in the evenings, the business Isrealystartingto 7. Could you give me some advice about howto __.a health food shop? Where do you think would bea good locaton? ‘8 There are more and more. Starting up in this area, Grammar stative verbs» p.163 A. Read the examples (rom the texts AE ‘on pages 9 and 9, Notice the verbs In blue. Which tonse is used and why? T think that's something you never get used to. || don't mind that, becouse I find it exciting. {ove what | do because I feel that | i make a difference in people's ives. B. Read the examples and the note below, ‘and answer the questions. ila thinks her flat is too expensive. She is thinking of finding a new one. ‘tative verbs (9. see like, remember, believe) are not normally used In progressive tenses because they express states. However certain stative verbs canbe used In progressive tenses to express actions rather than states, but with adiference in meaning 1. Does the verb think have the same ‘meaning in both sentences? Inwhich sentence does the verb think express a state and in which does it express an action? { Read the sentences and circle the correct, option. | 1. Jane appears /Is appearing to be tired. ‘She needs / Is needing a break. 2. A: Where's Chet Henri? Inside. He tastes /Is tasting the soup to make sure that it tastes /Is tasting Just right. 3, Tom and | see / are seeing Bob on Saturday ‘afternoon. Do you think / Are you thinking we should buy hima gift? | 4. Kevin loves /Is loving his new job as an ‘environmental photographer. He prefers / {is preferring working outdoors to an office fob, 5. | think /m thinking of finding a new job because I want /’m wanting more money. 6. What do you mean /are you meaning you lost the car keys? 7. We have /‘re having spaghett for dinner tonight. 8, Are you minding / Do you mind turning off the computer before you leave the office? Speaking “alk In pairs. Look at the following pictures and discuss the ‘questions You can use some of the words and expressions in the + In what ways are each of these jobs rewarding? + Why do you think each of these people chase thelr jobs? Would you enjoy doing any of them? + Would you be willing to do a job even i it didn't pay well? Expressing degrees of probability | || petjeve/think/suppose.. certainly (most) probable/probably uy opalon. possible/possibly ‘The person in the picture Ghighly) improbable seems to.. (otally) impossible cannot possibly motivated satistyi (not) (very) likely / (very) unlikely sie {tis certainfprobableltikely aie ih telnet! Tm sure that. talented professional 66 ts tkely/untikely that the man in picture B.. The person in the picture seems to. The woman in the bakery certainly looks/seems..9 rele about apprentices rathelrbonlta, What isRichrd Mort mala poi about dang an aprentceshige f.tguantes yung people ob © isa pativay that can eto succes, € iis beter than gong to university “4 ts esr than mst people hk ratte many Brogrammes tay designed to hep young people enter the job markt. We talked with eta ‘Marti, tho owner of a succosstut ‘carpentry company, who shared his views on the value of doing an appr {Interviewer Let's stat by explaining what we mean by an apprenticeship 2 rennet Yes. ofcourse cto Ws: you've fished shoo! and for one reason or another you dont wg nits‘ university What do you do? Wel becoming an apprentice means you work for @ company, such ‘mine, and learn the skills needed for a job on the spot. Sian Interviewer So, you enter the workforce right away? wrong, 8 aprenceship dosnt mean you wr allie, hough, Yur ine wile be spl between he re Sd oes St calee of uber eda orang cent. Usual a apprentice ae is en way the case. Ofcourse, his depends onthe jb you're taining for Ini bee Yowcan eam aout carpenty rom a textbook, 30 we have the apprentes In four dave © ee ee Sntereiewer What wuld yi sy i ono o te mah benelis a ong a dppvntceship? fichard One ofthe big benets ofan apprenticeship i that you get firsthand ex fob er cy amo epee et ste what ot mighleok ke neat and eta ere {or ut then they get to come here and make that ont, and see how looks sad fone in real ite. I they get it wrong, which they do sometimes, we have experienced staff at hand wo advise ren and erience and you get to lear the tervie sy he eporenice Benet qual? cette: hs company, west he appetite can show us wat thy have at nd ve paca can 2 Now wal te ae develo he ils by no mean ete he ae a a cs means wee not cary. teal. Bu ale sane t,o goon ce Skit ve on ard wok somewhere a, hey havea pot of wats show ner ee Suni ant louse the precepts = wap. by womeane aus Sumo moran eg 0b ater doing an apprenticeship? = an a Fry eae enon TY own experience, th apprentices thet have sated wih us and slaved wih us have wo tng {irly,excallont knowiedge of what they do professionally and, secondly a realy clear ee ot hon a ‘company works ‘Thats as important os skil sometimes. f people know what you want and you know what they noe led ea leads to a better working environment for all. | would have to ‘heck, but | thnk that around 12 of my staf of 30 started £8 apprentices. So, the success rate of stating an apprenticeship and gotting a ful-ime jb atthe ond is prot HN. ’ st tts ike carpentry, but my own Richard Yes, and lots of places are offering apprenticeships now. It used to be trades, ‘daughter has started an internship with a PR company. Many employers want young, enthusiastic oostevo cou bbe with them for long time. Not that university isnt just as valuable; apprenticeships are just a diferent way '0 working.

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