Lesson 1

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Mengucapkan salam dan memperkenalkan diri adalah salah satu topik dasar yang perlu kita
kuasai untuk bersosialisasi dengan sekitar. Selain komunikasi informal, dua hal ini sangat
diperlukan dalam ranah professional seperti wawancara beasiswa, wawancara kerja, sampai
presentasi. Berikut beberapa contoh greetings dan introductions dalam bahasa Inggris. Selamat
belajar! ☺
A. Greetings
Formal Responses
Hello…/Hi… Hello…/Hi…
Good morning/afternoon/evening. Good morning/afternoon/evening.
Hi, how are you? Hello, how are you?
How do you do? Very well, thank you. How are you?
Informal Responses
Morning/afternoon/evening. Morning/afternoon/evening.
Hi, how are you? Hi, I’m good. How’re you?
What’s up? / what’s new? Hi, I’m great! And you?
How are things? Not bad, thanks.
How have you been? Hi. Not much. How about you?
Hey, how’s it going? Hi, I’m doing all right. And you?

Perlu diingat bahwa “how are you” adalah bagian dari salam sehingga tidak perlu
menjawabnya dengan panjang lebar. Cukup respons dengan singkat seperti contoh di atas.

B. Introductions
Formal Responses
Introducing oneself:
Let me introduce myself. My name is… Pleased to meet you.
I’d like to introduce myself. I am …. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Can/May I introduce myself? My name is… How do you do?
Introducing someone else: How are you?
I’d like to introduce you to my manager, Mr.
May I introduce a good friend of mine? This
Informal Responses
Introducing oneself:
Hi, I’m… Hi, I’m… Nice/Glad to meet you
I don’t think we’ve met. I’m… Hi, I’m… How are you?
Introducing someone else: Hi, great to finally meet you. I’ve heard
Have you met…? I’d like you to meet… so much about you.
I want you to meet…
John, this is Sarah

Author by Wahyu Auliasari

C. Good-byes
Formal Responses
Good bye Good bye
Good night Good night
See you later/See you soon See you
I’m afraid I’ve got to go That’s fine. See you
Enjoy the rest of your stay Same to you
It was nice meeting you I really enjoyed meeting you, too
I look forward to seeing you again I look forward to seeing you too
Informal Responses
Bye Bye
Night Night
See you later/See you soon See you
I must go now Okay, see you.

Dari ketiga tabel di atas, dapat dilihat bahwa kalimat formal cenderung lebih panjang dan
kaku sedangkan kalimat informal singkat dan santai. Contoh-contoh di atas hanya sebagian
kecil dari variasi yang ada.

Vocabulary of the day:

Glad (adj) : Senang; gembira Introduction (n) : Perkenalan
Greeting (n) : Salam; sapaan; sambutan Look forward to (v) : Menunggu-nunggu
Greet (v) : Menyapa; menyambut Pleased (adj) : Senang
Introduce (v) : Memperkenalkan Pleasure (n) : Kesenangan;

Author by Wahyu Auliasari

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