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Further Education and Training Certificate

ID: 66249
Credits: 149

© Services Seta

Version 3 –Last Review March 2016 Next Review March 2017

FET Certificate NQF Level 4: New Venture Creation – ID 66249

Name: Fhunulani Brian Netshitungulu
ID NO. : 9904175406085

SP4 – Formative Assessment 1

In a group define unfair labour practices and give examples
Unfair labor practices are described as measures conducted by management or employers
that infringe on the rights of employees and challenge just labor laws. These actions, which
can take many various shapes, are often taken to exploit employees or prevent them from
exercising their legal rights.

 Discrimination is the unjust treatment of employees based on attributes like color,

gender, etc.
 Excessive working hours — requiring workers to put in excessively long shifts without
enough breaks or overtime.
 Unlawful dismissal.
 Not offering secure working conditions.

Name: Fhunulani Brian Netshitungulu
ID NO. : 9904175406085

SP4 – Formative Assessment 2

Review the following Case Study. Analyse the evidence and argument. What do you think
should be the outcome in this case?
This was an instance of wrongful termination. Zuma ought to be eligible for reinstatement,
rehiring, or financial compensation. She was charged with stealing a coffee maker, a
petticoat, and two glasses, although there was no proof that she had committed the thefts.
According to Section 98 of the Employment Rights Act of 1996, Mrs. Zuma was fired without
cause and without following a fair process.

Name: Fhunulani Brian Netshitungulu
ID NO. : 9904175406085

SP4 – Formative Assessment 4

Discuss the role and function of the Council for Conciliation. (CCMA)
Define the terms mediation and arbitration
Describe the process of Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA
The Council for Conciliation's function and role.

 (CCMA) CMMA uses the Labor Relations Act to decide labor disputes.
 Assist in the formation of statutory councils and workplace forums.
 Establish picketing guidelines and arbitrate specific categories of conflicts that cannot
be settled through conciliation.
 Compile and disseminate data and statistics about CCMA activities.
 Accept and take into account private organizations' and bargaining councils' requests
for financial assistance.
 Support the committee overseeing crucial services.
Mediation it is the process by which a mediator helps the parties in a legal dispute by
facilitating discussion between the parties, assisting them in identifying issues.
Arbitration is a procedure in which a dispute is submitted, by agreement of the parties, to
one or arbitrators who make a binding decision on the dispute
The process of Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA
Mediation: A process whereby a mediator helps the parties in a current or potential lawsuit
to address their differences by promoting dialogue between the parties.
Arbitration: A process where the parties to a dispute agree that one or more people will
decide the case after evaluating the arguments and the available evidence.

Name: Fhunulani Brian Netshitungulu
ID NO. : 9904175406085

SP4 – Formative Assessment 5

Discuss the following: different types of dismissals and required procedures for each

Different types of dismissals and required procedures for each

Fair dismissal.
Unfair dismissal.

Fair dismissal
A legitimate and reasonable regulation must have been broken in the workplace for
the employee to be in violation.
The worker needs to be aware of the law
The regulation must be consistently applied, and dismissal must be viewed as a
suitable punishment.

Unfair dismissal
If a dismissal is deemed unfair, the employee may be eligible for reinstatement,
rehire, or financial compensation. Reinstatement entails giving the employee their
old position back, as if they had never been fired.

Name: Fhunulani Brian Netshitungulu
ID NO. : 9904175406085

SP4 – Formative Assessment 6

Review and analyse the following examples of misconduct. Would you have grounds for
disciplinary action or dismissal?
1. Dismissal for misconduct - He should be fired because he harassed the boys sexually and
doesn't even believe his actions were inappropriate.
2. Disciplinary action - He abused business resources to suit his wants. He intended to
exploit the young girl. So that we may talk about the accusations with him and give him a
chance to reply to his actions. Instead of pressuring him, you could take him through a
disciplinary hearing to help him recognize his mistakes and change his improper behavior.
3. Disciplinary action - She is not a direct participant in the ongoing prostitution in the bar.
4. Dismissal for misconduct - He was absolved of wrongdoing because he had forced himself
sexually on Amanda. He exploited her predicament. If she doesn't visit him in his bedroom
every night, he even threatened to evict her.

Name: Fhunulani Brian Netshitungulu
ID NO. : 9904175406085

SP4 – Formative Assessment 7

Discuss how the Labour relations act provide guidelines for termination of employees
The Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (LRA) guarantees the right of an employee to a just
dismissal. Both a substantive dismissal and a procedural dismissal must be fair. To
implement provision 27 of the constitution and to alter the law governing labor relations.
To impose restrictions on trade unions' organizational rights. They support and enable
sectorial and workplace collective bargaining.

Name: Fhunulani Brian Netshitungulu
ID NO. : 9904175406085

SP4 – Formative Assessment 8

Review this case study. Is this a case of discrimination at work? What is your view and
justify your point of view.
How would you deal with a situation like this in your business?
Yes, there has been discrimination here. The sole reason this female employee faced
discrimination was that she worked in a sector that was heavily dominated by men.
First of all, the antagonistic behavior from the other group of men began as soon as she
began working there since, allegedly, she assumed one of the employees' roles. Second, she
felt uncomfortable because her coworkers were making sexual jokes about her.
People shouldn't be treated differently or worse off because of their gender.

How would you deal with a situation like this in your business?

 Keep a record of all incidents; taking notes of dates and times, potential witnesses and
details of what took place.
 Verbally confront the harasser. In the first instance react informally and speak to the
harasser directly. If possible take a witness with me.
 If this does not rectify the situation, I could secondly make a formal complaint following the
normal complaint/ grievance procedure set up in the workplace. Report the matter to the
appropriate person at work.
 Educate all my workers about discrimination.
 Create a detailed policy against employment discrimination.

Name: Fhunulani Brian Netshitungulu
ID NO. : 9904175406085

SP4 – Formative Assessment 9

Discuss the requirements for manpower structure. Identify different ways of determining
your manpower structure
Managers, front-line workers, and personnel with specialized skill sets might all be included
in your description of the manpower needed for this project.
The objectives of the business, workforce planning, skill requirements, communication
avenues, performance management, and adherence to applicable regulations are all taken
into consideration while designing a manpower structure. It must be adaptable enough to
change with circumstances and promote a varied and welcoming workplace.

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Name: Fhunulani Brian Netshitungulu
ID NO. : 9904175406085

SP4 – Formative Assessment 10

Discuss the purpose of training employees in the workplace and what do you think any
employee should know and be trained on

 To improve performance and productivity, employers train their staff members.

Employees that receive training gain better job-related skills and knowledge as well as
increased self-assurance.
 They will perform better and operate more productively and efficiently as a result.
Additionally, it helps businesses attract and keep top people, boost morale and job
satisfaction, raise productivity, and increase profits.
 It gives the management the ability to guarantee a secure and healthy working
environment. Additionally, it supports workers in identifying safety issues and
addressing them, which minimizes risks and lowers incident rates. Once more, it
helps them comprehend standards and best practices for safety.

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Name: Fhunulani Brian Netshitungulu
ID NO. : 9904175406085

SP4 – Formative Assessment 11

Describe basic process in policy development. Use the template below to develop a policy
and employee development. Describe the process of policy review
What should be included in Descriptions

Name of Policy Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI)

Commencement Date: 26 November 2013


Category: (required). Legal

1. PURPOSE (required) The purpose of this Act is to

a) Give effect to the constitutional right to privacy, by safeguarding

personal information when processed by a responsible party,
subject to justifiable limitations that are aimed at.
i. balancing the right to privacy against other rights,
particularly the right of access to information; and
ii. protecting important interest, including the free flow of
information within the Republic and across international
b) Regulate the manner in which personal information may be
processed, by establishing conditions, in harmony with
international standards, that prescribe the minimum threshold
requirements for the lawful processing of personal information.
c) Provide persons with rights remedies to protect their personal
information from processing that is not in accordance with this Act;
d) Establish voluntary and compulsory measures, including the
establishment of an Information Regulator, to ensure respect for
and to promote, enforce and fulfil the rights protected by this Act.

2. APPLICATION This Act applies to the processing of personal information

a) Entered in a record by or for a responsible party by making use of
automated or non-automated means. Provided that when the
recorded personal information is processed by non-automated
means, it forms part of a filing system or is intended to form part
therefore; and
b) Where the responsible party is

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What should be included in Descriptions

i. Domiciled in the Republic is

ii. Not domiciled in the Republic, but makes use of
automated or non-automated means in the Republic,
unless those, means are used only to forward personal
information through the Republic.

3. EXCEPTIONS (optional 1. This Act does not apply to the processing of personal information
however if not filled in a. In the course of a purely personal or household activity;
will display as NIL) b. That has been de-identified to the extent that it cannot be
re-identified again;
c. By or on behalf of a public body
i. Which involves national security, including
activities that are aimed at assisting in the
identification of the financing of terrorist and
related activities, defence or public safety; or
ii. The purpose of which is the prevention,
assistance in the identification of the proceeds of
unlawful activities and the combating money
laundering activities, investigation or proof of
offences, the prosecution of offenders or the
execution of sentences or measures.

4. DEFINITIONS (optional Biometrics means a technique of personal identification that is based on

however if not filled in physical, physiological and behavioural characterisation including blood
will display as NIL) typing, fingerprinting, DNA analysis, retinal scanning and voice recognition.

Child means a natural person under the age of 18 years, who is not legally
competent, without the assistance of a competent person, to take any
action or decision in respect of any matter concerning him or herself.

Code of conduct means a code of conduct issued in terms of chapter 7.

Competent person means any person who is legally competent to consent

to any action or decision being taken in respect of any matter concerning a

Constitution means the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996

Data subject means the person to whom personal information relates.

Minister means the Cabinet member responsible for the administration of


Operator means a person who processes personal information for a

responsible party in terms of a contract or mandate, without coming under
the direct authority of that party.

Person means a natural person or a juristic person;

5. POLICY STATEMENT To promote the protection of personal information processed by public and
(required) private bodies; to introduce certain conditions so as to establish minimum
requirements for the processing of personal information; to provide for the
establishment of a Information Regulator to exercise certain powers and to

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What should be included in Descriptions

perform certain duties and functions in terms of this Act and the Promotion
of Access to Information Act, 2000; to provide for the issuing of codes of
conduct; to provide for the rights of persons regarding unsolicited electronic
communications and automated decision making; to regulate the flow of
personal information across the borders of the Republic; and to provide for
matters connected therewith.



6. OBJECTIVES or The POPI Act sets out minimum standards regarding accessing and
PRINCIPLES (optional processing of any personal information belonging to another. The a t defines
however if not filled in processing as collecting, receiving, recording, organizing, retrieving or the
will display as NIL, omit use, distribution or sharing of any such information.
which one is not
relevant) According to POPIA, the organisation must first inform the Information
Regulator and then also inform every person that might be affected when
there was an information/data loss.

7. PROCEDURES (required In terms of section 19 of POPIA, a responsible party must endure the
if there are procedures integrity and confidentiality of personal information in it’s possession or
related to the policy, if under it’s control by taking appropriate, reasonable technical and
not filled in will display organisational measures to prevent: loss of, damage to or unauthorised
as Not included in this destruction of personal information.


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Name: Fhunulani Brian Netshitungulu
ID NO. : 9904175406085

SP4 – Formative Assessment 12

Analyse any job following the steps Make sure you address all the questions:
Fix and Repair Tech Solution Group: Empowering Reliable and Efficient Technology Maintenance

Executive Summary:
The Fix and Repair Tech Solution Group is a comprehensive technology maintenance
company that aims to provide reliable and efficient repair services for a wide range of
electronic devices. We understand the growing dependence on technology in both personal
and professional lives, and our business proposal aims to address the increasing demand for
quick, effective, and affordable repair solutions. Our team of skilled technicians, combined
with cutting-edge diagnostic tools and an emphasis on customer satisfaction, sets us apart
from traditional repair service providers.
Provide high-quality repair services for smartphones, laptops, tablets, gaming consoles, and
other electronic devices. Establish strategic partnerships with device manufacturers,
retailers, and businesses to enhance our reach and visibility. Develop a robust online
platform for customers to request repair services, track progress, and access helpful
resources. Offer competitive pricing models that cater to both individual consumers and
corporate clients. Build a strong reputation for reliable, efficient, and trustworthy repair

1. Device Repair:
 Expert repair services for smartphones, laptops, tablets, gaming consoles, and other
electronic devices.
 Diagnosis and troubleshooting to identify and resolve hardware and software issues.
 Screen replacement, battery replacement, data recovery, and other repair solutions.
2. Maintenance Contracts:
 Tailored maintenance contracts for businesses and institutions, ensuring
uninterrupted operation of their technology infrastructure.
 Regular device check-ups, software updates, and preventive maintenance to reduce
3. On-Demand Repair:
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 Convenient on-site repair services for corporate clients, minimizing device
transportation and downtime.
 Dedicated technicians dispatched to business premises for efficient repair and
4. Online Support:
 An intuitive online platform enabling customers to request repair services, track
progress, and access self-help resources.
 Live chat support and remote diagnostics to assist customers in troubleshooting minor

Competitive Advantage:
1. Skilled Technicians:
 Our technicians possess in-depth knowledge and experience in repairing a wide
range of electronic devices.
 Regular training and up skilling to stay updated with the latest technology trends.
2. Cutting-Edge Diagnostic Tools:
 Utilization of advanced diagnostic tools and software to accurately identify and
resolve device issues.
 Streamlined repair process resulting in faster turnaround times. F & R TECH
3. Customer-Centric Approach:
 Prioritizing customer satisfaction through transparent communication, fair pricing,
and quality service.
 Feedback-driven improvements to enhance the overall repair experience.
4. Strategic Partnerships:
 Collaborations with device manufacturers, retailers, and businesses to establish a
strong network and expand our reach.
 Preferred service provider status to access exclusive benefits and attract a wider
customer base.
5. Marketing and Growth Strategy:
 Implement an aggressive marketing campaign to create awareness about our
services through digital advertising, social media, and targeted promotions.
 Establish partnerships with local businesses and institutions to offer exclusive
discounts and benefits to their employees and members.
 Encourage positive customer reviews and testimonials to build trust and credibility
in the market.
 Continuous monitoring of customer feedback and market trends to identify
opportunities for service expansion and improvement. Conclusion: The Fix and
Repair Tech Solution Group is committed to providing reliable, efficient, and
affordable repair services for a wide range of electronic devices. Our emphasis on

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skilled technicians, cutting-edge diagnostic tools, and customer satisfaction positions
us as a leading player in the technology maintenance industry. With a strong
marketing strategy and a focus on continuous improvement, we are confident in our
ability to capture a significant market share and become a trusted name in
technology repair and maintenance

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Name: Fhunulani Brian Netshitungulu
ID NO. : 9904175406085

SP4 – Formative Assessment 13

Use the diagram of the recruitment process develop an implementation plan
What How will it be done Who is going to do it

Job specification Posts, Advertisement, word of Recruitment team/HR


Company social media page, Recruitment team/HR


Collection of applications of Recruitment team/HR

candidates who applied for the

Interview Face to face or Virtual HR

Assessing the interview HR


Follow up on past employment HR/ Recruitment team

and work experience

Is the process of verifying HR/Recruitment team

qualifications and references
listed on the Curriculum Vitae

The process of inviting HR/Recruitment team

candidates that meet the
requirements criteria

Is the final selection of HR/Recruitment team

applicants for the job post

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Client interview

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Name: Fhunulani Brian Netshitungulu
ID NO. : 9904175406085

SP4 – Formative Assessment 14

Prepare for an interview and practice conducting the interview. Develop your interview script form
and evaluation.

Complete an Interview Evaluation form for selection and indicate whether the learner is suitable or

Ask fellow student to evaluate your skills. Using the Interview Skills Evaluation Tool.


Interview Script:
 Welcome the candidate and introduce yourself and your role in the company.
 Provide a brief overview of the Fix and Repair Tech Solution Group and its mission.

Candidate Introduction:
 Ask the candidate to introduce themselves, highlighting their background and relevant

Technical Skills Assessment:

 Inquire about the candidate's technical skills and experience related to tech repair and
 Ask specific questions about their experience with various types of tech repair
(computers, mobile devices, gadgets, etc.).
 Explore their familiarity with different tools, software, and diagnostic processes used
in tech repair.

Problem-Solving Scenarios:
 Present hypothetical tech-related problems or scenarios and ask the candidate how
they would approach solving them.
 Evaluate their critical thinking, troubleshooting, and decision-making abilities.

Customer Interaction and Communication:

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 Discuss the importance of effective communication and customer interaction in a tech
repair role.
 Ask the candidate to share examples of how they have effectively communicated
complex tech issues to non-technical customers in the past.

Teamwork and Collaboration:

 Inquire about the candidate's experience working in a team or collaborative
 Ask about their ability to work with colleagues, share knowledge, and contribute to a
positive team culture.

Adaptability and Learning:

 Discuss the fast-paced nature of the tech industry and the need for continuous learning
and adaptation.
 Ask how the candidate stays updated with the latest tech trends and how they handle
learning new repair techniques.

Questions for the Candidate:

 Allow the candidate to ask questions about the Fix and Repair Tech Solution Group,
the role, and the company culture.

Closing Remarks:

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