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1. Zadanie: Planowanie Wakacyjnych Aktywności 4. Zadanie typu Matching: 5.

Zadanie typu Fill in the Blanks:

Zbliżają się wakacje, a Ty masz wiele pomysłów na ciekawe i aktywne Połącz każdą aktywność z jej odpowiednim Uzupełnij zdania brakującymi słowami.
spędzenie czasu. Napisz listę dziesięciu różnych aktywności, które chciałbyś/z
opisem. 1. One of my hobbies is ____________, where I explore
chciałabyś wypróbować w czasie wakacji. Pamiętaj, aby użyć każdego z
poniższych słówek w zdaniu:make videos, collect rocks, make music mixes, Aktywność: different places and document them on camera.
act in a play, watch the stars, do martial arts, learn English, take photographs, a. Make videos 2. During our nature walks, we often ____________
make bracelets, tenpin bowling b. Collect rocks
interesting rocks and add them to our collection at
c. Act in a play
d. Watch the stars
2. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi słówkami: make videos, collect rocks, 3. I enjoy being part of the school drama club because
make music mixes, act in a play, watch the stars, do martial arts, learn I get to ____________ different roles in plays.
A. Recording and editing short films or clips.
English, take photographs, make bracelets, tenpin bowling
B. Gathering different types of stones as a 4. On clear nights, I love to go outside and ____________
hobby. with my telescope.
1. "During the summer break, I want to ……………. …………… of my
adventures at the beach." C. Performing on stage as a character in a
2. "I plan to ………….. …………. from different beaches and make a story.
special display at home." D. Observing celestial bodies in the night
3. "One of my goals is to ……………. ……………. ………….. with my favorite sky.
songs and share them with my friends."
4. "I'm excited to join a local theater group and ………. …. …. ………… 6. Tytuł zadania: Dziesięć pasji
Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, a następnie odpowiedz na pytania poniżej:
this summer."
Dla wielu osób pasje są źródłem radości i spełnienia. Oto dziesięć różnych pasji, które ludzie mogą mieć:
5. "On clear nights, I love to ……………. ……. …………… with my 1. Make Videos: Some people enjoy making videos to share their experiences or talents with others. They may create vlogs,
telescope and learn about constellations." tutorials, or short films on various topics.
6. "I'm going to enroll in a ………………. ……… class to improve my 2. Collect Rocks: Rock collecting is a hobby enjoyed by people of all ages. Some collectors focus on finding rare or unique
strength and flexibility." specimens, while others simply enjoy the beauty of different rocks and minerals.
7. "My family and I will ………….. ……………… together by practicing 3. Make Music Mixes: Mixing music allows individuals to express their creativity and share their favorite songs in unique ways. DJs
often create mixes for parties or events, blending different tracks to create seamless transitions and exciting playlists.
conversations and playing language games."
4. Act in a Play: Acting in plays allows individuals to step into different roles and explore different emotions. Whether performing in
8. "I want to explore nature and ………….. ……………. of beautiful a school production or a community theater play, acting can be a fun and rewarding experience.
landscapes and wildlife." 5. Watch the Stars: Astronomy enthusiasts enjoy observing the night sky and learning about celestial objects. Whether using
9. "I enjoy being creative, so I'll spend time …………… …………….. for telescopes or simply gazing up at the stars, watching the night sky can be a peaceful and awe-inspiring activity.
myself and my friends." 6. Do Martial Arts: Martial arts training provides physical fitness, self-defense skills, and mental discipline. Practitioners learn
10. "A fun activity for a rainy day will be going ……….. ……………. with techniques for striking, grappling, and defending against attackers while also cultivating qualities like focus, respect, and
my family and trying to beat each other's scores."
7. Learn English: Learning English opens up opportunities for communication, travel, and education. Whether studying for school,
work, or personal enrichment, mastering English can enhance one's ability to connect with people from around the world.
8. Take Photographs: Photography allows individuals to capture and preserve moments in time. From family gatherings to scenic
3. Zadanie typu True/False: landscapes, photographers use cameras to document the world around them and express their unique perspectives.
Przeczytaj poniższe zdania i zdecyduj, czy są 9. Make Bracelets: Crafting bracelets can be a creative and relaxing hobby. Whether using beads, thread, or other materials, people
one prawdziwe (True) czy fałszywe (False). Jeśli enjoy making bracelets as gifts for friends, accessories for themselves, or items to sell.
zdanie jest fałszywe, popraw błąd. 10. Tenpin Bowling: Bowling is a popular recreational activity enjoyed by people of all ages. Whether bowling for fun with friends or
1. Making videos involves only recording and competing in leagues and tournaments, the sport offers opportunities for socializing and friendly competition.
not editing.
1. Jakie korzyści może przynieść praktykowanie sztuk walki?
2. Collecting rocks is an indoor activity. 2. Co to znaczy "collect rocks"?
3. Making music mixes means creating new 3. Jakie są przykłady działań związanych z "make music mixes"?
songs from scratch. 4. Dlaczego ludzie mogą cieszyć się "watching the stars"?
4. Acting in a play requires memorizing lines 5. Co można osiągnąć dzięki "learning English"?
and performing on stage. 6. Jakie są różne sposoby wykorzystania "take photographs"?
5. Watching the stars is a daytime activity. 7. W jaki sposób "make bracelets" może być relaksującym hobby?
8. Dlaczego "tenpin bowling" jest popularnym zajęciem rekreacyjnym?
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