Unit 36 April 9th

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Unit 36

Marco was offered a promotion. His boss wants to open a new branch in Ohio with his
business partner and Marco would be head of marketing. However, Marco doesn’t want
to move to Ohio because it’s boring. Marco came up with a plan/scheme to send Todd to
Ohio in his place. He recommends Todd as a better candidate for the promotion and he
hopes to get rid of him. Marco’s plan backfires and Todd gets a promotion and stays in
NYC because the business partner in Ohio was arrested for embezzlement.

Come up with = to invent/imagine something

Get rid of = throw away, give away, go away, move away (se débarrasser de quelqu'un)
Backfire = a plan or strategy has the opposite effect (se retourne contre lui)
Embezzlement = stealing money from one’s company (détournement)
Stealing / theft = a person who steals is a thief


Crime: robbery = a person who robs is a robber

- theft with violence or threat of violence
- stealing large amounts of money with force or violence from a bank, store, etc.
Crime: burglary = a person who commits burglary is a burglar
- breaking into a house in order to steal something
- home burglary
Crime: breaking and entering = entering private property illegally
Expression: “Freeze! Put your hands in the air!”

Describe the story:

A man is breaking into a shop. He steals money from the cash register. Two police officers
stop him as he leaves the shop. The thief resists arrest and tries to escape on foot.
The officers run after him/chase him/pursue him. The police catch him and put him in
handcuffs. The thief sits in jail waiting to see a judge. The next day, he goes to court for his
plea hearing. In the courtroom, we can see the judge, a stenographer, the accused, and his

Will he go quietly or will he resist arrest?

If you were the judge, what sentence (punishment) would you give him?
- to pay a fine
- (go to prison for / have a jail sentence of) 7 months
- court-ordered community service and wearing an ankle tracker

When someone is caught in the middle of a crime, they’ve been caught red-handed.
-To catch them red-handed

- I disagree (with you)
- I don’t think so
- It’s not my opinion
- I’m not sure about that
- I don’t agree
- That’s wrong / That’s not true
- I’m not okay with that (in a situation where you are uncomfortable)
- I don’t really agree => (NOT I not very agree)

In partial disagreement:
- Let’s agree to disagree
- We just don’t see eye to eye
- We seem to have different points of view/opinions on this question.


I think/believe = giving opinion, not completely certain, the same
I know = you’re sure/certain
I hope/wish = what you want/desire

To have a sense of humour v’s he’s funnier than =>. To be laughing at someone

Giving 2 sides of an argument

- People who steal should be punished, but I don’t think they should go to prison.
- People who steal should be punished. However, jail is not the only solution.
- People who steal should be punished, but, actually/in fact, …

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