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COMP 1630 Lesson 4

Review Questions
1. What is a functional dependency?
A relationship between two attributes, where every valid instance of attribute A (the
determinant) determines the value of B (the dependent).

2. What is the difference between a partial and full functional dependency?

Partial dependence is where B is dependent on a subset of A. Meaning if only one of
two or more attributes of A is removed, B will still remain.
Full dependency is where the existence of B is dependent on all attributes of A.
Meaning if an attribute was removed from A then B will no longer exist.

3. What is normalization?
Normalization is a data analysis technique that can improve a data model for
implementation as a database. The data should be organized and grouped in a way
where the entities are non-redundant. This will prevent anomalies that cause instability
as well as a loss of integrity. The previously mentioned entities should also be simple,
stable, flexible, and adaptable.

4. When is a table in 1NF?

When a table’s key attributes have only one value for each instance of that entity. It
cannot have multivalued attributes but can have partial dependencies.

5. When is a table in 2NF?

When a table is in 1NF with no partial dependencies. (The non primary key attributes
are fully dependent on the primary key.)
Can have transitive dependencies.
6. When is a table in 3NF?
When a table is in 2NF and contains no transitive dependencies. (Cannot have
dependence between non primary key attributes.)

7. What is de-normalization?
When a table of a higher level normal form is changed to a lower level normal form. This
can increase processing speeds and retain historical accuracy. However, it is important
to be wary of data anomalies when denormalizing tables.

8. Why is the Requirements Statement such an important document?

The requirement statements documents the needs of the users. It shows the
specifications needed to fulfill business requirements. It identifies the entities, attributes,
and relationships that go into the database design.

9. Explain what is meant by Generalization/Specialization.

Generalization: Assigns a class to an attribute that is common to several types of
identity (supertype)
Specialization: When subtypes inherit the attributes from the supertype

10. Explain the difference between Aggregation and Composition.

Composition is a strong form of an aggregation relationship. In aggregation, the “”whole”
can continue to exist if a “part” is replaced or removed. In composition, there is a strong
association so if the “whole” class is removed the “parts” will not be able to exist.

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