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Event Marketplace Platform

The idea came with these problem:
1) E-commerce platform doesn’t ask what events customers going to have, thus customers had
to go various platforms from e-commerce to social media to search for everything. This app
combine both of them, feed and commerce, centralized.
2) Still use whatsapp to invite others for gathering like this?
Example: Going to iftar 1) Ali 2) Abu 3) Bakar
Everyone needs to take turn to fill. Plus, need a copy paste. Intersection of
message would be annoying. Need to delete and send new listing.
That’s why there are some functions in the app would help a lot, since this is an event
marketplace. Invitations is vital for everyone.
The idea is to develop an event marketplace booking app that behaves like a social media
where users can interact with other user, follow local vendors for getting their event
management services.


User should be able to login in to the app using email and password.

Both business and individual user should be able to sign up on to the app using email, phone,
password, confirm password. To be detail;
Sign up as:
 Business (Vendor)
1. Company name
2. Choose Organization or Individual (Tickbox)
3. SSM Number (String) (Optional)
4. Choose Category:
- Venue
- Food & Beverages
- Photography/Videography
- Makeup
- Transport
- Decoration
- Apparel
- Entertainment
- Homestay
- Event Planner
5. Choose an Event
- Weddings x Engagement
- Religious events
- Gigs x Concerts
- Dinner x Product Launch
- Party & Celebrations
- Sports x Activities
- Date x Gathering

6. Location (Better if can detect current location. Possible?)

If not, select Location:
- Selangor
- Kuala Lumpur
- Johor
- Pulau Pinang
- Perak
- Kedah
- Negeri Sembilan
- Melaka
- Pahang
- Kelantan
- Sabah
- Sarawak
- Terengganu
- Perlis
- Putrajaya
- Labuan
5. Any information that relevant to ask for (refer other platform)

 User
7. First and Last name
8. Username
9. Age
10. Location (Better if can detect current location. Possible?)
If not, select Location:
- Selangor
- Kuala Lumpur
- Johor
- Pulau Pinang
- Perak
- Kedah
- Negeri Sembilan
- Melaka
- Pahang
- Kelantan
- Sabah
- Sarawak
- Terengganu
- Perlis
- Putrajaya
- Labuan
5. Any information that relevant to ask for (refer other platform)

Normal user should be able to:
 View and edit their profile.
 Like a business page
 Able to upgrade account to business (Individual)
- Pop up a modal to fill in information of the service
- If successful, they can add listing like individual vendor
 Check and Book available slot of service at vendor profile. Wait for vendor’s approval. After
vendor approved the date, they can deal with each other.
 Chat other person (only after being added and approved by other person)
 Normal post and upload (like social media also has like, comment) but COMPULSORY to
choose an event they would like/relate to.
Scenario 1; Asyraff wants to play Futsal on next week.
Action: 1)Click an event associated to the post, example “Sports & Activities”
2) Chose any Type of Vendor (Can choose more than 1)
3) Status: “Hey, I would like to play Futsal on next week. Anyone?”
4) Set hours, Set limitation number to join, Prefer date and time, Location,
5) Post
Result: Any user that chooses Sport for news feed will see the post.
Any vendor(example; Futsal court) also can see the post.

Scenario 2; Asyraff wants to have a wedding on 1st July next year.

Action: 1)Click an event associated to the post, example Wedding.
2) Chose any Type of Vendor (Can choose more than 1)
3) Status: “Will you marry me, @Sarah” (Status can be random)
4) Set hours, Limitation numbers to join, Prefer date and time, Location
5) Post
Result: Any user that chooses Wedding for news feed will see the post.
Any vendor(example; Make up artist) also can see the post.
 Other user can also click “Join” until the number of invite limitation reaches limit. (owner of
post should accept)
 User can leave feedback on Business(Vendor page)
Business(Vendor) should be able to:
 View and edit their profile
 Add listing (Pictures, videos, audios for Gallery)
 Update slot (Date and Time) so user can only click available slot
 Offer slot by clicking “Request offer” button to the post that user posted (refer scenario)
 They can also post their package/offer:
- Choose/Upload post same like normal user but cannot choose event type (as
they already chose it when sign up)
Result: Normal user that chooses that event type will see the post.
News Feed:
News feed of the app would be like a normal social media feed. Normal users can see post of
others, related to the Event. My idea is Scroll left/right to choose Event, scroll down to see post
related to the Event (for design)
User :
 Able to view all the posts/listings from vendors and related post from other users via the
selection of event or vendor type they click . There will be a search bar present on top of
the screen where user can search their desired services in case if they couldn’t find them in
listings by vendors.
 Able to search for a particular business name. Also, if no search been done, user needs to
choose an Event, followed by the filtering such as budget and location.
 Able to like, comment and stalk vendor profile (including booking)
 Able to chat with other user (request to chat first) and see request application (chat, team
invite, vendor approach to advertise)
Business :
 Able to view all the post by the Event related users via the selection of event and category
they registered for.
 They can only view. The only button they can click in the user’s post is “Request offer)
which means vendor is confident the user might use their service.
 After the offer has been accepted, now business can chat with user.

1. View “Event”, choose 1;
-Weddings x Engagement
-Religious events
-Gigs x Concerts
-Dinner x Product Launch
-Party & Celebrations
-Sports x Activities
-Date x Meeting
2. Select a Category;
- Venue
- Food & Beverages
- Photography/Videography
- Makeup
- Transport
- Decoration
- Apparel
- Entertainment
- Homestay
- Event Planner

3. View all businesses (Filter by budget and location)

4. Click to any business profile if interested.
5. Book available date.

Create a Post (Steps):

2. Click “Event”, choose 1;
-Weddings x Engagement
-Religious events
-Gigs x Concerts
-Dinner x Product Launch
-Party & Celebrations
-Sports x Activities
-Date x Meeting

2. Choose any Categories; (can be >1)

- Venue
- Food & Beverages
- Photography/Videography
- Makeup
- Transport
- Decoration
- Apparel
- Entertainment
- Homestay
- Event Planner

3. Write a random status (Optional)

4. Set hours, Set limitation number to join, date and time, Location, Budget
5. Post
From here, any normal users can join your event via click “Join”. The owner of the post will get
notification to accept or reject. While a vendor can click “Request offer” to approach the post
owner. Same, owner of post need to accept/reject.

Vendors listings:
1. Create new listing (Every listing would have their own ID? Like SKU?)
2. Upload photo/video/audio
3. Set price for the listing
Price of vendor = Budget for users
User can filter by budget of;
- RM 0 - RM 1000
- RM 1001 - RM 5,000
- RM 5001 - RM 10,000
- RM 10001 - RM 20,000
- >RM20,000
Whatever price business place, would place under these budgets.

Settings screen:
Settings screen should include: About, Contact Info, Suitable For (Event), Package Portfolio,
Terms and Condition, and Reviews.
For me, Setting would be cliche like
1. Edit Profile (Listing, information, etc)
2. Subscription (To be implement)
3. Account (Change password, change Username, etc)
4. Any other thing that relevant.

As the team discussed, chat isn’t the convenient way for app users to book services. Thus,
booking date would be a perfect fit. The social media environment is the cliche features like
post, like and share. It helps a lot when both parties could visible to each other, with the same
category and event. The most important thing for the app is the filtering and booking.

Budget: The deal is of $500 for complete design, development, security, testing and launch.

Budget breakdown:
 Design + Design implementation with dummy data: $250 (Already paid the invoice)
 Backend development: $250

Technology Stack:
 Flutter
 Firebase

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