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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Municipality of Daram, Samar


I. Objectives
A. Content Standards: The learners demonstrate an understanding of projectile motion, impulse and
momentum, and conservation of linear momentum.
B. Performance Standards: Learners should be able to propose ways to enhance sports related to projectile
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives:
Competency: The Learners should be able to describe the horizontal and vertical motions of a projectile.
A. Describe the Uniformly Accelerated Motion in Vertical dimension
B. Analyze and solve sample problems
C. Participate actively in the class discussion
II. Content
Topic: Motion in Two Dimensions: Uniformly Accelerated Motion: Vertical Dimension

Learning Resources
Teacher’s Guide pp:
Learner’s Material pp:
Other Learning Resources: PowerPoint, Picture and Laptop

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Prayer Prayer
-Let’s start our day with a prayer. May I *Ms. Anna will lead the prayer and everyone
request everyone to please stand up, Ms. prays*
Anna will you please lead the prayer?
Greetings Greetings
- Good morning class, How’s your day? - Good morning, sir, we’re doing great sir

Since its early in the morning and I’ve

observed that your so quite in this time. So, (Student actively participating)
we will be going to dance as our exercise to
loosen up and as will as serve our
So, are you ready class?

(Song played)

Okay! Thank you everyone I hope that you

feel energized by that dance so that we will
have an active discussion later on.

Checking of Attendance
- Classmate monitor, who are absents Checking of Attendance
today? *Everyone is present sir *

- okay that's good! I’m so glad that no one

is absent for today. I see that everyone
wants to learn.

Checking of Assignment
-Since we’re now done with the checking of
Checking of Assignment
attendance before I forget, did i give you an
assignment last meeting class?
- No sir.
Okay, did you read and review your notes?
Glad to hear that.
-yes sir

A. ELICIT (3mins)

-Let’s have first a short review to check if

you have learned something from
yesterday. We discussed about Uniformly
Accelerated Motion in Horizontal
dimension. Again, what are the units
involved in UAM in horizontal dimension?

Yes Consorcia? -m/s, m/s2, m and s sir.

Okay, Very Good! No questions about the

past topic? - none sir

Now before we proceed to our topic allow

me to present to you our learning objective
for today’s lesson.

1. Describe the Uniformly Accelerated (Class familiarize the objectives)

Motion in Vertical dimension
2. Analyze and solve sample problems
3. Participate actively in the class
At the end of lesson, you will learn about
vertical dimension and you will to solve
some real-life problems that demonstrate
uniformly accelerated motion vertical
dimension and lastly, everyone will
participate in the discussion.

Okay, did you understand?

- yes sir

B. ENGAGE (5mins)

Before we proceed to our next lesson, I will

show you some pictures and you will define - yes sir.
each. Are we clear?

First picture (Picture of floating astronaut) - there’s a gravity sir.

Based on your knowledge, Can anyone give - Gravity is a force which tries to pull two
us the meaning of gravity? objects toward each other.
Okay, very good!

Next picture. (-9.8 m/s2) -

What is again the value of acceleration due - its (-9.8 m/s2)

to gravity?

Okay and what does it imply? - It is the force of gravity produces in all free
falling objects.

Okay, you’re correct!

Based on the pictures shown and with the

definition you gave, What do you think is - Uniformly accelerated motion in vertical
our lesson all about? dimension sir.

Yes very good!

For today’s topic, we will discuss Uniformly

accelerated motion in vertical dimension.
Do you have any idea about it?
- In vertical we said that gravity acts on our
Yes Jimbert? objects and give it negative acceleration “-
9,8m/s²”. This means that, our velocity
decreases -9,8m/s² in each second.

Okay,that’s correct! The negative indicates

that it moves downward.

I have a question class. Is the rate of gravity

the same for all objects on earth?
- No sir, because objects has different
weight and mass

C. EXPLORE (20 minutes)

To understand it more clearly, we will

gonna have an activity called: NA-FALL

Each group should have crumpled paper

and uncrumpled paper and a stopwatch.

Now lets move to the drop zone.

Remember, safety first! Make sure the area
is clear before dropping any objects.
- sir how high should we drop the object
Lets use the upper floor as a drop zone,
near at the staircase. Remember, to start
the timer as soon as you release the object
and stop it when it hits the ground.
Record your observations in the notebook
because after the experiment we gonna
have an presentation of your observation

Are we clear?
- yes sir.

(Presentation of observation)

- sir based in our observation, dropping the

crumpled paper at the same time with the
uncrumpled paper we have noticed the the
crumpled paper hit the ground first
compared to the uncrumpled paper and also
its velocity is so fast.

Interesting observation, how does this align

with the concept of uniformly accelerated
motion in vertical dimension?
- sir I think because of the height of our drop
zone, the object or the crumpled paper
gains more velocity as it falls because it has
more time to accelerate.
Exactly! When an object falls from a greater
height, it has more time to accelerate due
to gravity, resulting in a longer falling time.
This demonstrates the principle of
uniformly accelerated motion in vertical
dimension. Great job, everyone!

Actually, all objects free fall at the same

rate regardless of their mass. Because the
9.8N/kg gravitational field at Earth's surface
causes a 9.8 m/s/s acceleration of any
object placed there, we often call this ratio
the acceleration of gravity.

Do you understand class?

Yes sir

Okay, very good!

D. Explain (15 Minutes)

Now we will gonna use the same equation

the 4 UAM

4 UAM equation
V f =V i +at
d=V i t +1/2 a t
2 2
V f =V i + 2 ad
Vf −Vi
d= t

The vertical motion happens in the y-axis

component. In the horizontal we added X in
every variable except for the time because
is independent. Now here in vertical
motion you will add Y instead of X.
It will look like this.

V f y =V i y +a y t
d y=V i y t+1/2 a y t
2 2
V f y=V i +2 a y d y
Vf y −Vi y
d y= t

The term vertical motion can be called free-


So, what is free-fall?

When we say free-fall it pertains to an object

acted upon by the sole influence of gravity. To
simple terms, any object that comes up, must
come down so the only influence should be the

The gravity of the earth or Ay is equal to -9.81

m/s2 and I have mentioned earlier that
solely influence of gravity meaning there
should be no air resistance.

So what is air resistance? In our experiment

we have crumpled paper and uncrumpled
paper. if I drop them at the same time, who - the crumpled paper sir.
do you think will hit the ground first?

Okay correct. The crumpled paper will hit

the ground first. Its because the
uncrumpled paper has wider surface area
which means greater air resistance.

So, free-fall should have no air resistance.

If theirs no air resistance, Even we drop

object with different mass or size it will hit
the ground at the same time.

And there are two type of free-fall: an

object is dropped and an object is thrown
vertically straight and goes back.
Lets focus first it the object is dropped, you
should consider that if we dropped an

Vi y - 0 m/s
a y - -9.81 m/s2
d y -?
t -?
V f y -?
We should have 3 variable to solve the

For example:
A rock was dropped on the top of the
building and hits the ground after 5

A. What is the height of the building?

Only use the 4 AUM.

We are looking of the displacement.

First step in solving problem

t - 5s
Vi y - 0 m/s
a y - -9.8 m/s2
d y -?

In choosing the formula it should have all

given variables that we have.

Second step.
Formula and solution:

d y=V i y t+1/2 a y t

d y=(0 m/ s)(5 s)+1/ 2 a y t
d y=(.5)(−9.8 m/ms)(5 s )
d y=(− 4.9 m/m 2)( 25 s)

d y=¿ -122.5m

So, now you have learned to solve the


Vi y - 0 m/s
a y - -9.81 m/s2
d y -R
t -?
V f y -?

Next is the time.

A rock was dropped on the top of the

building that is 122.5m high.

A. How long will the rock hit the ground?

Now the answer in the problem number

should match on this problem. I just gonna
show you the relationship of this equations.

First step
d y - -122.5m
Vi y - 0 m/s
a y - -9.81 m/s2
t -?

Second step.
Formula and solution:
d y=V i y t+1/2 a y t
122.5 m=1/2 a y t
−122.5 m=(.5)(− 9.8 m/ s 2)t
−122.5 m=¿ - 4.9m/s2 t 2
−122.5 m=¿ t 2
- 4.9m/s2 =t 2

25s2 = t

25s2 = t
squareroot25s2 = t

Final answer 5s=t

We have arrived the same answer from the first

problem. Its shows the other relation of the

Now, lets move to the final velocity.

The problem
Nana was standing on top of a building and
drops a rock & hits the ground after 5 seconds

A. What is the final velocity just before it hits

the ground?

Step 1
What are the given? Only time which is 5
sec.your need 3 variable, there are hidden
given there.

Vi y - 0 m/s
a y - -9.81 m/s2
t - 5s
V fy - ?

Step 2

V f y =V i y +a y t

Now, we have already the given and the (student raise their hands)
formula. Who will try to solve?

Okay, that’s correct! Very good! - yes sir

Did you have the same answer?

E. ELABORATE (3 minutes)

Now lets try on this problem.

Baxia was standing on the top of a building

that is 122.5 m high and decided to drop a
What is the final velocity of the rock just
before it hits the ground?

It’s a little diffirent because the given is the


Step 1

Vi y - 0 m/s
a y - -9.81 m/s2
d y -122.5m
V f y -?
Step 2

2 2
V f y=V i +2 a y d y

who would like to try?

(Harly tries to answer)
Yes Harly?

Didi you archived the same answer? - yes sir

As you can observed, it has the same answer

from our problem 3.

why do you think that it has a same set of


Because I want you to try to experiment and

put the value of the given on the 4 equations
and eventually you will realizes that are
equations are correct.

Knowing how to calculate and solve

problems and being familiar with the terms
we discussed today, you must know how to
apply your knowledge about Uniformly
accelerated motion in vertical dimension in
a situation you encounter in life

- no sir
Okay, Do you have question class regarding for
our topic?

F. EVALUATION (10 minutes)

Upton Chuck is riding the Giant Drop at

Great America. If Upton free falls for 2.60
seconds, what will be his final velocity and
how far will he fall?

G. EXTEND (2 minutes)

A stone is dropped into a deep well and is

heard to hit the water 3.41 s after being
dropped. Determine the depth of the well.



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